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03x10 - Deadzone

Posted: 09/08/21 14:26
by bunniefuu
You said it was gonna be fun.

You said there'd be hot girls, great bands.

It was an honest Mistake.

They called it the world's Largest british rock festival.

Yeah, because it was a Convention for english Geologists! Okay, yes, maybe we did just drive two days for some boring science conference because I didn't actually read past the first paragraph of the website.

But we did get some cool free Schwag.

Look! I've seen it.

It's a pile of rocks! No, look! Hey! What are you doing? Leave me alone! - Pull over.

- You know that guy? Nope.

But I know an opportunity to tweak the Black Knight when I see one.

No way.

I haven't showered in two days.

You really haven't showered in two days.

This car is not stopping until we get home.

Real mature.

Just give me five minutes.

I'll grab him before they even notice.

Think of it this way.

At least something fun will come out of this trip.

I don't understand what you're saying, guy.

Just take a step back, Rex.

You don't know what you're messing with here.

Yeah, well, you do know what you're messing with! This! Huh? Hey! Who's messing with this? Anything you want to add to that smack talk? So make way to start the revolution make way we're gonna have fun tonight make way to start the revolution so make way so make way to start the revolution make way to start the revolution so make way.

I don't know what you did to my powers, but I'd keep the hands off the jacket, if I were you.

Uh, on second thought, take the jacket.

Thinking about a new one anyway.

We're gonna bring him with us? He's harmless as long as we've got Feakins.

What's a Feakin? Come on, Rex.

You gonna stand there all night getting hugs from your old Providence buddies? No, don't! Or, uh, you're gonna make Agent Six over there even more mad than he already is.

Move! What are you doing, guy?! - So what's -- - Drive! Drive! Who is he?! What's going on? Who are you? What's going on? Do either of you have a milkshake? Pull over! You want to get them to stop that? What happened? Let me guess.

You're Feakins.

Yeah, and I am very queasy back here! If we don't get me a milkshake, It's not gonna be my fault if my lunch ends up all over this very nice leather seat! Somehow he's fritzing out my powers.

It's like there's a deadzone around him.

You talking about nanites or his personality? No more warnings.

Pull over! We're not gonna make it! Yes, we are! This is a '77! They don't make 'em like this anymore! That was a '77! They don't make 'em anymore! My granddad's gonna k*ll me! Looks like he'll have to wait in line.

How great is this?! You guys were at the convention, too? Come on! If we get out of here now, they'll spend the next couple hours looking for the car before they figure out where it went.

So, what's your favorite geological era? I'm a Proterozoic man.

Of course, the Hadean has its merits, too.

You couldn't take five minutes to read the whole website? Thank you! I can't tell you how glad we are you're open.

I just want to get cleaned up and get some sleep.

Hold on! Pardon me, but what kind of room service does this establishment offer? What if I want a milkshake? And that kind of brings you up to date, Doc.

Well, that explains why you suddenly dropped of my tracking grid.

The good news is, the deadzone Feakins creates means the Black Knight can't use your nanites to track you either.

Now that Feakins isn't right next to me, it's not as bad.

I can still feel them.

It's just that they feel all fuzzy.

I bet if I put some distance between us, my powers would bounce right back.

You cannot let him out of your sight, Rex.

Don't you see why Black Knight wants him? He's the ultimate insurance against any Evo.

Not just any.


You've got to hang on to him.

I'm on my way to you now.

Hey, don't worry about me.

I-I may not have my powers, but I've got Noah.

We can handle things until you get here.

Just stay put and don't draw attention to yourself.

I know this is your motel! But judging by your office, you and me got a different idea of what "clean" means! Can you believe that guy! Yeah, that last part might be a problem, Doc.


Okay if you guys take this bed? Providence we can deal with.

It's him I'm worried about.


We lost them.

I want every asset we have in the state mobilized.

Do you understand? Find them! No way! You picked out this disguise.

You wear it.

I didn't know it was made of acrylic! You want me to have a relapse of my eczema? 'cause it won't be pretty! I get all flaky! Guys, the whole point of the disguises is to not attract attention.

Fine! Why do I always have to be the mature one? Come on.

We've only got a couple hours to get to our new rendezvous with Holiday.

Aren't you going to demand a milkshake? Thanks, guy.

What?! All you've done is moan about milkshakes.

Because we were in a car.

I don't get airsick.

So why would I need a milkshake? But if there's a decent sushi bar nearby Wait.

What? I said I was allergic to acrylic! Hang on! Whoa.

You got to stop this thing.

You got to be kidding me! It's not my fault I got a delicate stomach! This isn't even really a car! Those two agents on the plane are gonna call in others.

We got to go! How are we gonna get anywhere without a car? We've got a chance if we can get on that train.

It's pitch dark.

We're never gonna find the tracks before that train passes! Yeah, very funny.

Come on, guy, quit joking around.

What are you talking about? Well, given the shale and quartz in this soil, the train tracks have to be down that way.

I mean, that's just obvious stuff to rock lovers like us, am I right? Oh! I don't believe it! An entire train car filled with ice cream and there's no blender! So close, and yet no milkshake.

Well, I'm starved.

Let's eat.

We're all gonna need our strength.

Cherry-berry chunky nut? I'm allergic to ice cream.

How can you love milkshakes and be allergic to ice cream? Do you really want to hear him answer that? Look, I'm sorry.

I know it's been a crazy day for you.

I woke up yesterday thinking I was just a regular accountant who loved rocks Only to discover that I'm actually this super-important guy who everyone's after because I got some kind of amazing power! Lucky you.

Move! Move! We're close.

We're going to make it to Holiday.

Rex, I can't stay here.

We'll have to meet somewhere else.

I see the perfect place.

Let's end this game, Rex.

- Black Knight? - I don't believe it! The Black Knight works at Bob's Biscuit Barn! Now that we've found you, there's nowhere to hide.

It should not have taken the most advanced satellite system in the world this long to pinpoint them.

The excuses can wait.

Right now, I want this wrapped up.

How did Black Knight know where we were? - I don't know.

- Even if we make it to Holiday, is Black Knight just gonna find us? I don't know! When are we gonna get a milkshake?! I don't know! I'm in a car.

It's moving.

I'm getting queasy back here.

Then get out of the car! Be advised -- primary target Feakins is to be recovered alive if possible.

You know how I said we'd all get through this, with or without my powers? Well, looks like I was wrong.

They're after Feakins.

That means "Noah" has a shot at making a break for it and getting to Holiday.

Do you understand what I'm saying? Let the breakaway go.

Stay on the primary target.

Guess they're not afraid of me with you standing here.

Which is awesome! Pull up! Pull up! Man, have I missed you! Guess I don't need this anymore.

I can't believe that plan actually worked.

Feakins still has to make it to Holiday.

Oh, I'm not feeling so good.

Primary target is out of the box.

Ground units, reroute to intercept.

We will cover.

They're going after Feakins! Come on! Ground units are down.

Moving to pursue the primary target.

Stay on Rex.

If we don't engage him, he'll tear us apart.

Whoa! Sit tight.

Uh, where would I go? Mind if I borrow this? Rex! Hey, watch it! I'm still a little rusty here! These guys are tough.

Hang on to me! Where's Feakins? Oh, come on! This guy is k*lling me! Maybe he's still coming.

We can't wait.

Providence followed you here.

What? We got him! Let's go! It's too late.

Where is my visual? They're just gone! What just happened? It's a prototype stealth device built into the lab.

That's why I had to get you in here.

It was the only way to get you out of Black Knight's sight.

So that's it? That's it.

The good guys won.

Oh, hey, by the way, Doc, you're a big geology buff, aren't you? So, did we hook you up with the perfect safe house or what? You'll never have to worry about driving without a milkshake again.

Oh, it's great, guy.

The only problem is the gas.

Well, I'm sure we can kick in a little gas money, too.

Yeah, that's not what I meant.

Rex, we can't stay.

- You got that right! - Wait.

I just want to say its not easy being thrown together with someone who can be a little, well difficult.

Hey you're not so bad.

Me?! I was talking about you! Since the search for Feakins is going nowhere, we have no choice but to get much more aggressive with Rex.