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22x05 - The Scoots

Posted: 09/08/21 11:13
by bunniefuu
♪ I'm goin' down to South Park

♪ Gonna have myself a time

♪ Friendly faces everywhere

♪ Humble folks
without temptation ♪

♪ I'm goin' down to South Park,
gonna leave my woes behind ♪

♪ Ample parking day or night

♪ People spouting,
"Howdy, neighbor" ♪

♪ Headin' on up to South Park,
gonna see if I can't unwind ♪

♪ Murpph mmmph mmph
mmmph mrrr mff mrmmph! ♪

♪ Murpph mmmph mmph mmmph
mrrr mff mrmmph! ♪

♪ Come on down to South Park,
and meet some friends of mine ♪

October was always
my favorite month.

It was that misty season

when everyone embraced
the weird and scary.

Our little town
was no different.

I was just a kid back then.

Me and all the other children
were preparing

for the greatest night
of the year.

But this Halloween
was different,

and it would change us all


What the...

Hey, who left
their scooter here, m'kay?

Whose damn scooter is this?

It isn't anybody's!

They're e-scooters.
Anyone can use 'em.


Yeah. See?

There's a bunch here
and a bunch more down there.


Everyone can use them

to get around town, you know?

Leave 'em where they want
for the next person.

Well, where the hell
did they all come from?!

Nobody knows.

So, anyone can use them?

Yeah. I think they just work
with your cellphone.


Oh, yeah, it has one of those
little scan thingies.

Let me see.

Yeah, dude, it's downloading
an app!


Uh, It wants
a credit card number.

You want to use your mom's
or my mom's?

Let's do your mom's.


Is that an Amex?

You want a Visa?




Security co--

Dude, it worked!

How is it, dude?

Pretty stupid, but sweet!

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God!

We should use these things
to trick or treat on Halloween!

Hey, yeah! We could cover
so much more ground!

We'd get, like,
more candy than anybody.

Everybody get the app!

This is gonna be
the best Halloween ever!

Oh, wait, guys.
I don't have a phone.

Oh, yeah, Kenny doesn't have
a phone 'cause he's poor.


Well, that's okay.
We'll figure it out.

We always do!

All right!

What --

What the f*ck
is going on in...?

How can I help you?

I'm just gettin'
my Halloween candy.

Want to make sure
to get enough.

Last year, I ran out, and
the kids egged my house. M'kay?

Yeah, you don't want to run
out of candy on Halloween.

I'll take three large bags each
of Snickers Fun Size,

Payday Bite Size,
Almond Joy Snack Size,

and Reese's Teenie Weenie Size.

Sounds like you want
to be prepared.

Hey, c-can
I ask you something?

W-What's up with all these
damn scooters?

Oh, I think you get
an app on your phone

and you can use them
all over town.

No, but, like,
where did they come from?

You know, it's like one day,
everything was fine,

and the next, there were these
f*ckin' scooters everywhere.

You don't like scooters?

I just think people
should drive, m'kay?

I don't think
people should scoot.

I just -- I just hope
the future isn't scootin'.

Well, they seem
pretty convenient.

What can be so wrong
about that?

Happy Halloween.


Hey, dude!
Check it out! I got my pail.

Great. Cool.
You got your pail.


Come on in, Kenny.
Let's talk.

Go ahead.
Take a seat, Ken.

Okay, Kenny,
here's the deal.

Uh, you know that we have
this awesome plan

to trick or treat
on e-scooters this year.

don't have a phone.

we've been talking,

and the truth is,
without a scooter,

you're just gonna
slow us down.

It's probably best

you trick or treat
with someone else this year.

But we always
trick or treat together.

Yeah, but that's just it, Kenny.

To use a scooter, you have
to have a phone, and...

I mean,
if we're waiting for you,

we're gonna be as slow
as all the other kids.

It's know.

Guys, please.

Look, Kenny, I always
told you that one day,

being poor was gonna
catch up with you.

But you didn't want to listen.

You just kept on
being poor,

and now it's Halloween,
and you don't have a cellphone.

Okay, okay.
Cartman, that's not the point.

He needs to hear this,

You know,
people are just poor,

and they think
it's not gonna come back

to bite them in the ass.That's enough, dude!

We're sorry, Kenny.
It's just...

This awesome plan to get
shitloads of candy

doesn' with you.

Shouldn't have been poor,

♪ There was a wee cooper
what lived in Fife ♪

♪ Knickety, knackety,
noo noo noo ♪

♪ Hey, willy-wallacky,
hey, John Dougal ♪

♪ A lane quo rooshety
roo roo roo ♪

Whoa, shit! M'kay!

Hey, you had
a g*dd*mn red light!


Jesus Christ.


Sorry.What the hell?

Look at my car!
Who's gonna pay for --

Sorry, dude!
God damn it!

Get off the God damn streets
with those things!

Sorry, bro!

Oh, f*ck me!

As soon
as the school bell rings,

we find the nearest scooters
and begin trick or treating

In butters' neighborhood here.

Then at 3:00 p.m., we --

Sh-- Sh-- Sh-- Shit!

Cover it!
Cover it!

Hey, Kenny.

Hey, dude.
Uh, look.

I was wondering,

do you think I could trick or
treat with you guys this year?

You wanna trick or treat
with us?

What about Stan and Kyle
and those guys?

Oh, you know, I just thought I'd
switch it up this year, ha ha.

Yeah, look.
Don't tell anybody, but, um...

we're gonna trick or treat
on e-scooters this year.

We're seriously
gonna rake in the candy.

Problem is,
e-scooters work with a phone,

and pretty sure
you don't h-have...

I won't slow you guys down.
I swear!

Dude, it's trick or treat.

It's not something we're willing
to just mess around with, okay?

Good luck.

What the hell?



Sorry, dude.

God damn it,
where'd you get that?

Oh, they're all over, dude.

Super convenient.
Try it out.

Hey, guys!

So, listen!

I was thinking

maybe I'd trick or treat
with guys this year!

You wanna trick or treat
with us? Why?

Oh, you know!

Just trying
to be gender neutral! Ha ha ha.

So, uh,you guys think
you're gonna get

a lot of candy
trick or treating this year?

We're gonna get
a butt load of candy!

Shh! Butters, don't tell
them our secret.

Oh, we have
a little secret, too!

But we're not gonna tell people
'cause they're gonna copy us,

so let's just leave it at that.

Fine by us.

So what are you gonna be
for Halloween?


I'm gonna be on an e-scooter
taking all your candy!

That's what I'm gonna be!


Hey, wait.
That's what we're doing!

- What?
- Hold on!

You guys are using e-scooters
on Halloween, too?

Oh, you jerks found out

the girls are all
trick or treating on e-scooters,

and you stole our idea!

Hold on!

This is bullcrap!

It was the day
before Halloween.

All of our parents
were gathered together

to try and stop a nightmare
from coming true.

All right, everyone.
Quiet, please.

We have a community crisis
on our hands,

and it's my job
to keep you informed.

As you know, there's been a rise

in the use of e-scooters
in our town.

Officer Brown is head
of crisis control. Officer?

We have inside information
that kids everywhere

are going to be using e-scooters
for tricks or treats.

Now, with these things,
kids and teens can cover

a lot of ground
in very little time.

They can hit more houses
than ever before.

Because of the scooters,
we also expect

that people from all
the neighboring counties

Will commute for tricks
or treats in our town.

Because of all of this,
we believe

each household needs
to be prepared

with at least $6,000 worth
of candy.

Well, that's ridiculous!

We -- We can't all buy
that much candy!

Let's just get rid
of those scooters!

- Yeah!
- That's right!
- Let's do it!

You can't get rid of 'em!

I tried!

You all just sat there

while those things
piled up on our sidewalks.

You all rode 'em around, m'kay?
I saw you.

You could have used your cars,
but you just had to scoot!

And now
tricks or treats is here!

Well, I'll tell you one thing --

I'm not gonna let my house
get egged this year

For not having enough candy!

So what are we gonna do?!

We gotta get
more candy!


Get! Go on!
Get out of my way!

Look, I got
nothin' left, all right?

What did you -- G-Give me
some of those Hi-Chews!

Those are already accounted for
by folks who called in!

Then let me -- let me have
the Whatchamacallits!

Those are for me!
I got to protect my own house!

Look, you've got to give me
some more f*ckin' candy!

There's nothin' left here.

You gotta go
somewhere else.

Where --
Where's the candy, m'kay?


What aisle
is the candy in?

Aisle 7.

Aisle 7!

20 Reese's Pieces,
1 Twix, 16 Raisinets...

Just -- Just a minute!

12 Hot Tamales,
half a Nestle Crun--

Okay, come in!

What do you want?

I-I just...

It's Halloween,
and I should be happy.

But I'm not happy at all.

Wait. Are you here
for counseling?

What should I do?

I'm gonna miss
trick-or-treating. It sucks.

Do you realize it's about to be
World w*r Three out there?!

We have bigger problems!

Consider yourself
lucky, m'kay?

Everyone's gonna be scootin',
and there's no way to stop it.

Why are you the one kid
who doesn't want to use them?

I can't use one.
I don't have a phone.

What do you mean?

Y-You can't use those things
without a phone?

No. It sucks.

Halloween was used to be
a night without phones.

But, Kenny,
if that's true, then...

could there be a way
to cut the connection?

I don't know.
I guess.

Wait a minute.

Take down
the cellphone tower.

Then nobody has a phone
on Halloween!

Jesus! You really think
that could work?!

Yeah I just have to ride
30 minutes outside of town!

Oh, wait.
I can't.

I don't have a scooter.

No. You don't need
a scooter.

'Cause I got
a f*ckin' car.


Hey, Randy.

Linda and I, we --

we were talking about how
we never see you guys anymore,

and we were thinking
we'd hang out with you

for Halloween.

Oh, I see.

You want a place to hide
on Halloween night,

and you thought out here
on the farm, you'd be safe.

Well, that and we really want
to hang with you guys.


You think them fancy e-scooters
don't make it out here?

We're gonna be bombarded
just like you city folk.

Then please, Randy, could
we just borrow a little candy?

I got to keep what I have.

Please, Randy,
the stores are all out!

Just a few Milky Ways

to get us through
the first couple hours, please!

We can cut 'em up!
We can --

We can hand them out
little pieces at a time!

I got to protect
my own, Stotch.

I'm sorry.

What are
we going to do?!

It's okay, Linda!
It's okay!

On Halloween night,
I'll --

I'll just get one
of those e-scooters myself.

I'll go around,
and I'll trick-or-treat.

I'll -- I'll get
a bunch of --

No, you can't
leave me alone!

I'll get a bunch
of candy, Linda,

and I'll bring it back
to our house for us to hand out!

It's going to be okay.


"Trick or treat"

Here! Here, take it!
Just take it!



Jesus Christ! Where'd all
these other people come from?!

We have to get more candy than
anyone else, even if we die!

The tower should be
just up over that ridge.

Let's just hope to hell
this works.

What gives them
the right, huh?

I mean some big company came
and dumped a bunch of scooters

everywhere without asking anyone
if it was okay.

Yeah, people don't even care if
shit's dumped everywhere.

just loves technology.

Yeah, you're right.

You're a good kid, Kenny.
I always thought so.

I know we kind of all forget
about you sometimes,

but you're smart
and compassionate.

You might even make
a good counselor someday.


Sorry, dude!

"Trick or treat"

Keep going Ned!
Don't you give up on me!

Move it! Get out of my way!
Trick or treat!

The hell
you doing, Stotch?

Happy Halloween!
Trick or treat!

You're just trying to get
our candy for your house!

That's not true.

You don't even have
a costume!

Yes I do! I'm Meagan Kelly!
Now trick or treat!

That's it!
I can't go anymore!

Keep moving, Kyle!

Dude, we can't carry
any more candy!

All right, over here.
Come on!

What are we doing?

We got to make room
for more candy. Come on.

Eat as much
as you can.

I don't -- I don't know
if I can keep doing this.

Yes, you can,

I have any more --

Find a way inside!
I'll climb the tower!

Okay, sounds good!

Oh, f*ck!

Jesus Christ!

Chh, chh, chh,
haa, haa, haa.

I'm all out of candy,
all right?!

Go look somewhere else!

We're not here
for tricks or treats!

Yeah, sure! That's what
the last people said.

Then they dumped my entire bowl
in a pillow case!

Dude, relax.
It's okay.

I'm just a security guard,
all right?

We never even used to have
trick-or-treaters out this far!

That's why we have to take down
this cellphone tower --

to stop the scooters.

Jason, I'm a counselor.
You need to trust me.

"Trick or treat"

There's a bowl of Rice Krispie
treats at the side door!

The side door,
you animals!

Detective, look!

We are two hours
ahead here.

New York has completely
run out of candy!

We've lost butters!

Oh, God.

We're never going to have
enough candy!

Okay, that's got it!

All right, Kenny!

Let's see you do this
with a g*dd*mn scooter!


And just like that,
it was over.

Nobody knew what happened.

They only knew their
phones didn't work.

Does anyone have
a signal?

No scooters, no texting,
not even GPS.

It was like the old Halloween.

And I can't get an Uber home!

Mr. Mackey was able
to get back to the town

and offer counseling
to everyone who needed it.

And as for me,

I was able to spend the rest
of the night with my friends

because we were all equal again.

Trick or treat.

Trick or treat!

It was the last Halloween

that still felt like Halloween.

It was the last time
it was good.

Where did they come from?

You know, it's like one day,
everything was fine,

and the next, there were these
f*ckin' scooters everywhere.

You don't like scooters?

I just think people
should drive, m'kay?

I don't think
people should scoot.

I just -- I just hope
the future isn't scootin'.