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06x10 - Still I Rise

Posted: 09/08/21 09:15
by bunniefuu
[KARA] Previously on Supergirl...

You think your brother's using
his powers in prison?

They're being forced
to steal against their will.

If you come with me,

I will do everything in my power to
make sure your voices are heard.

Don't let us down.

[KELLY] The Kelly Olsen
that I know never gives up.

I wanna be the new Guardian.

[NYXLY] An evil man took my powers
and banished me to the Phantom Zone.

I couldn't cross the barrier into
your real world and got trapped.

If you get me out of this dream realm,

I will have enough power to
bring your mother back to life.

I'm in.

I'm free.


I'm free.

- All right.

I brought you out of the dream
world just like I promised.

- So where...
- Oh, relax, Naltorian.

I haven't forgotten our deal.

You will have your mother back
for one day as promised,

but this will sap
the last of my power.


Let's get it over with
so I can be about my business.

What business?

I thought you said
you were going straight home.


Nearly forgot.
There is one more stipulation.

As long as Mummy is here,

you'll be trapped
inside a magical realm

and no messages can come in or go out.

No, my friends will worry.

Doubtful. But if anyone does,

my magic will redirect their
thoughts to more worthwhile concerns.




Where's my mother?

You know, a simple "thank you"
would suffice.




My darling...

what have you done?

I know it was a dangerous deal
to make.

And I know that she wasn't
to be trusted

and that bringing back the dead
probably wasn't the best idea,

but I sensed that she would keep
her end of the bargain, and she did.

She brought you back to me.

I need you, Mom.

You left so suddenly,
and I don't have any training.

I never left you, Nia.

I was with you, always. You
just haven't heeded my signs.

Why did you send my owl away?

That was you.

I thought it might be, but I wasn't...


See, this is my problem!

I have been trying so hard to
be a hero and to make you proud,

but I just can't interpret my powers.

Everything's muddy,
and I'm just guessing blindly!

I knew it was wrong to let Nyxly out,

but I just figured that
once we were together,

if she caused a problem,
we could fix it.

And we will, right?


you've unleashed
a force of hell on Earth.

Then we have to stop her.



There has to be some way out of here.

Not today.

You made the bargain, Nia.

You called me back.

Let's get to work.

- Hi.
- Hello.

[BOTH] We're your friendly
neighborhood Super Friends.

Wanna know how us superheroes
stay strong and sharp?

We eat our greens.

You see, kids,
I used to eat a lot of donuts.

Mmm! Good, correct?


I could barely keep up
my strength to fight crime.

But now, I have % more energy
than I used to

because I eat my greens.

And you would know all about
being green,

- wouldn't you, Brainiac- ?



Oh! That's even worse than I thought.

I cannot believe I let you
talk me into doing that.

Nonsense. That PSA is pitch-perfect.

I mean, sure,
your hair looks a little weird,

- but no one's gonna notice that.
- Okay.

Look, you said you wanted
to use our role in the media

to bring attention
to important issues.

I meant weightier issues,

like mental health,
or the welfare system.

Healthy eating? That's important.

I mean, you must have heard
how I struggled with it.

It was gross.

Brainy, I'm sorry,
but I cannot let this go live.

CatCo posted it minutes ago.

What? You... You sent it to
Andrea without asking me?

- I asked you, didn't I?
- No! No, you didn't...

Whatever. It's fine. It's fine.

We can have Andrea pull it
before too many people see it.

- It's already garnered , views.
- ...

You were right.
When we spotlight an issue,

the populace really listens.

My heart is beating so fast.

- [PANTING] Listen...


Come on.

Your turn. Get me on the ground.


Come on. Get me on the ground.

- Come on. You got this.

How did you do that?

Doesn't matter, it's not
the move you showed me.

- Yeah, but it works better, anyway.
- Let's just go again, okay?


I remember my training days.

Alex made me train blindfolded
under Kryptonite emitters.

And if that wasn't bad enough,
then she made me study the tapes.

- Yes.
- It was not pretty.


Oh! It's work. I gotta go, I'm sorry.

Is everything okay?

It's Joey's group home.

Apparently he just got some
news from Orlando.

The apartment fell through.

What? I thought they were supposed

to move in next month. What happened?

I don't know. But I need
to be there for Joey.

I promised him I'd have his back.

Yeah, I made the same promise
to Orlando. I better find him.

Supergirl. What are you doing here?

I heard from Joey's caseworker
that you lost your housing.

I'm sorry.

Same old story.

As soon as things start to get better,

the world just knocks you
right back down.

You think I'd be used to it by now.

Can you tell me what happened?

Joey and I were supposed to
move into this building, the Ormfell.

It was a part of a program

that offered affordable housing
for people like me.

People who were recently incarcerated.

But now, some tech company
is buying it instead, so...

back to crashing on a friend's couch.

The same friend that landed
me here in prison in the first place.

I'm sorry. That's so horrible.

Can I help you find an apartment or...

Wish it was that simple.

I can't afford a place here
until I get a decent job.

And I can't get a decent job
until I have a place to live,

and I can't get Joey out of that
group home until I have both.

I was really counting
on that housing program.

A lot of people were,

and City Council just took it
away without a thought.

Look, I appreciate everything
you've done, Supergirl,

but this is how it always goes.

Things get better
until they get worse.


I told you I'd have your back,
and I meant it.


[MAN] Bingo!

There she is.

My main attraction.

Let me out of here. Now.

Sorry, no can do.

It's not every day you run into
a Fifth Dimensional imp,

let alone expertly trap one.

No, I got big plans for you and me.

See, with you as my leading lady,

there's no way Naxim can resist
starting up the menagerie again.


- Uh...

I'm sorry to have to tell you this...

but I have no powers.

I was stripped of them
and banished here,

to walk the Earth a mere
mortal. It's pathetic, really.

I mean, who wants to see
a powerless imp?

I'm afraid I'm useless to you.

Well, Naxim isn't gonna
wanna team up with me now.

You're free to go.

I'm sure you'll find the exit.

You know, I might not be a
worthy headliner in my current state,

but perhaps I can help you
get someone better.

Someone like... Supergirl.

Do you think she'd help
bring your Naxim back?

- You wanna go after Supergirl?
- Mmm-hmm.

And how are you gonna do that?
You've got no powers.

Powers aren't everything.

An effective trap requires
know-how and ingenuity,

and I have those in spades.

We'd just need a little help
constructing said trap.

An expert engineer or...

Well, I could capture an engineer.


Wait, why are you doing this for me?

You were just very kind to me
when you didn't need to be.

This is my way of saying "Thank you."

So do we have a deal?



Let's go find our third wheel,
then, shall we?

- And she's HUD


Okay, great, thanks
for the contact, Franklin.

Thank you.

Kara. I've been experimenting
with almond flour alternatives,

and I need a honest palate.

You know I'm always down
for a taste test,

but I'm kind of snowed
under right now.

Okay. "Affordable housing
suffers funding cuts,"

"Housing statistics for the
Heights." What is all this?

Our next cover story with Supergirl.


You've heard what's
going in the Heights

with the Ormfell building, yeah?

Councilwoman Jean Rankin was
able to negotiate a bid from Orquoia,

the largest cloud computing
company in the world.

They wanna use the Ormfell
as their new HQ.

- Why?
- Thank you.

Well, did you know that before
the bid was negotiated,

the Ormfell was actually set
aside for low-income housing

with a percentage of the space
dedicated to recently unincarcerated.

I'd heard rumors the bid was
pushing out the earmark,

but people in the Heights
seem ecstatic

at the prospect of this company.

So much so I guess the Council
is holding the vote at the Ormfell.

Yeah, the community's only ecstatic

because they don't know
the other side of the story.

Especially when it comes to

how housing stability
and recidivism are related.

Plus a lack of permanent address

could make it difficult
for people to get jobs,

and make them more at risk
for parole violations.

I mean, the ramifications are endless.

- [CHEWING] God, that's good!
- Thank you.

All of this is terrible, but what
does that have to do with Supergirl?

Well, City Council is voting on
the Orquoia deal tomorrow morning,

and Supergirl wants to change
their minds.

That might be a tall order.

My source at city hall said

Rankin spent years
putting this deal together.

I doubt she'd fold.

Well, she might,

if her constituents can pressure
her to see things differently.

Supergirl thinks
that an interview from her

and a few educational articles from us

could get people in the Heights

to see the benefits
of affordable housing

and convince City Council
to restore the Ormfell building

to its original status.

Ten out of ten for enthusiasm,
dear Kara.

But as for entertainment value,
this strategy is DOA.

Look, I hear the import
on Supergirl's cause,

but the vote's tomorrow.

If she wants to sway
the council's opinion,

she needs the public engrossed
and engaged like yesterday.

And a few statistics
and a colorful pie chart

might not get the blood pumping.

I've got three words for you.

"Social media takeover."

Supergirl can use CatCo's
account to do a Q & A.

We'll stream it live on the website,

let our readers chime in with
questions and comments in real time.

I don't know
if that's her style, though.

Oh, dare I remind Supergirl that
we are living in a technological age

where hashtags are battle cries,

and the fuse of a revolution
can be lit by just one tweet.

This takeover can circulate her

cause around the
world in a millisecond.

I mean, just look how fast
the PSA went viral.

- I mean, about that PSA...
- My point exactly.

Have Supergirl do the takeover.
She can thank me later.

I did it!

There you go.


The cage, what does it mean?

You tell me.




I have to get out of here.

You have to fight the
impulse to run, Nia.

You must never exit
a dream out of fear.

I'm not afraid. I just...

I just saw enough of the dream
to decode Nyxly's plan.

The ravens are just a distraction.

There are no distractions
in the dream realm.

Everything has meaning.
What do the ravens mean?

I don't know!

You do.

Quiet the voices in your mind.

Quiet the fear.

- Ravens mean misfortune...


Connect to the interplay between
your deepest self and the universe.

What do the ravens mean to you?



It's my old dollhouse.

This dream...

I've been here before.




Hey. Sorry I'm late.

Well, thank you for helping with this.
I've never done one of these before.

You got this. Ready?

I guess.

Can we have our first question?

Uh... A lot of comments
about broccoli?


[MAN] Supergirl, your perspective
about the Ormfell surprises me.

I live in the Heights,

and Orquoia will bring
improvements my neighborhood needs.

How is that a bad thing?

That is a very good question,
sir, and you're right.

The deal would bring new
improvements to the Heights,

but it would come at a human cost.

Next question?

[WOMAN] Supergirl.

You're always going on TV,
telling people like me

to have hope that things
will get better.

And now that they finally are,
you want us to give all that up?

You're a hypocrite.



- [MAN ] Help me!
- Someone's in trouble.

I'm sorry, I... I have to go.

Let him go.

Wait, don't I know you?

Interesting story.

I've searched every corner of the city

and I still can't find them.

Do we have an ID on the victim?

His name is Dr. Desmond Raab.

Originally from the planet Edifar,

a race of aliens known
for their building capabilities

and technological advances.

Moved to Earth two years ago
with his family.

What about the kidnapper?

Naxim Tork and his sidekick, Mitch.

Though thanks to image inducers,

Mitch is looking less blue these days.

- They used to run a cosmic menagerie.
- That's right.

He tried to kidnap me in high school,
make me a part of his sideshow.

But I only saw Mitch. No Naxim.

According to the files, Naxim
fled Earth sometime last year.

How? I thought the DEO
put those two away years ago.

We did. Naxim and Mitch
were released by Lex

sometime before the DEO was destroyed.

Well, what's Mitch been up to
since he was released?

Well, there's no
known address on file.

It looks like he's been
in and out of county jail,

just a few petty thefts, one B and E.

Sounds like small-time crime
wasn't paying him enough money,

so he sparked up the menagerie again.

Hence the kidnapping.

- I tried tracing their ship.

Either it left with Naxim, or
Mitch is using a cloaking device.

God, another dead end?

Feels like we just put this guy
away and now we have to do it again.

What are the odds of that?

Based on Mitch's history
of non-violent offenses,

his destitution, lack of support
system and welfare available to him,

and his overall lack of aptitude,

two in five.

Recidivism is nothing
if not statistically reliable.

[SUPERGIRL] That's why the
Ormfell vote tomorrow is so important.

I need to figure out
how to sway that vote stat.

Maybe if I speak directly
to Councilwoman Rankin,

I can convince her not to hand
the building over to Orquoia.

You guys keep looking
for Mitch and Dr. Raab.

Let me know if you find anything.

[MAEVE] Nia, wanna play?

What's that in your hand?

I don't know.

It's beautiful. Can I have it?

Pretty please?

If you give me the light,
I'll love you forever.


- It hurts.
- I'm sorry.

Turn it off!

I'm trying. I... I don't know how!



The ravens are Maeve.

You were right.

I was afraid.

I didn't wanna face them
because I can't face Maeve.

I never meant to hurt her.

I know, my love.

All she ever wanted were the powers.

Deep down, I knew they were mine.

So I ran.

I ran to become a reporter.

I ran so my light wouldn't burn her.

And I just kept running.

Even now, I'm running.

Because if I own these powers,

it just means I'm gonna hurt her more.

My darling girl,

your authentic self is the
greatest gift you give to the world.

Hiding my light hurt me.

And never helped anyone.

I still lost her.


CatCo, the Daily Planet

and the big five networks
are all confirmed, right?

I want this vote
to get wall-to-wall coverage.


Supergirl. What a pleasant surprise?

By the way,
my daughter loves your PSAs.

She gets a kick out of that
funny little green man.

Just trying to make a positive
impact on my community,

which actually brings me
to the purpose of my visit.

Please consider voting no
on the Orquoia deal.

Why in high heavens would I do that?

Reverting the Ormfell
back to its original purpose

could give the recently
unincarcerated people living there

the support they need to get
their lives back on track.

Housing projects like this

also benefit the community
by reducing eviction...

That's exactly what I'm trying
to do with Orquoia.

Improve the community and the
lives of everyone that lives there.

A deal like this could
inject the Heights

with new money, growth, opportunity.

That's exactly what affordable
housing could do.

Instead of investing in a corporation,

you'd be investing in the
people to create that change.

Do you know how many people
are Orquoia employs?

They add billions to the GDP
each year.

A business of this magnitude

would increase property values
in the Heights,

bring better schools to the
area, improve infrastructure...

You're talking about gentrification,

which prices out everyone
who currently lives in the Heights.

I am talking about progress.

I've spent years
putting this deal together,

and when it closes, it will be
the largest community investment

in the history of National City.

You want me to sacrifice all that

so a bunch of criminals can
have a roof over their heads?

Stick to leafy greens, Supergirl.

Leave the politicking to me.

Looks like I'm not the only one
working out my aggression.

Mind if I join?

Be my guest.

Any sign of Dr. Raab or Mitch?

No, but everyone's out
searching the city,

so we should hear something soon.


Rankin doesn't care about
anything but her own ambition.

I even talked to two other
City Council members

to try to get them to see
my way, but it was useless.

Looks like the Ormfell
is going to Orquoia anyway.


Nothing is going right today.


Hey, I know you're frustrated
about your training,

but don't you think you're
being a little hard on yourself?

You, Nia, Brainy, J'onn,

you have powers.

Alex has her gauntlet
and her combat skills.

How am I going to fight
beside all of you

when I can't even master one move?

What are you talking about?

I saw you take down Alex.
That was awesome.

Yeah, but I couldn't get the
move she was showing me.

Who cares?

The way you used her momentum
against her

was efficient and brilliant.

You just have to shift
your perspective

so that you see how capable
we already know you are.

Maybe you're right.


Is it Joey?

No, I, um...

I set an alert
for your healthy eating PSA.

Oh, wow, you are already
at five million views.

Oh, my God.

- Congrats.


You know what?

Good for Brainy.

He found something
that resonated with people.

Meanwhile, I can't get anyone to see

how important the Ormfell would
be to someone like Orlando.

Maybe I should publish
the recidivism statistics.

I don't think it was
the healthy eating statistics

that resonated with people.

It was Brainy's personal story.

Okay. Um... When you
talk down a bad guy,

you don't rattle off
facts and figures.

You share your personal experiences.

And that's what inspires people
to do the right thing.

Yeah, you're right.

My voice is not the one
that's important right now.

Maybe I step aside

and use my platform
to amplify others' voices.

Now that will resonate with people.

Hi. Um, I thought our little friend

was building a trap for Supergirl.

That cube looks too small
to snatch a mouse.

That device might not look like much,

but trust me, it's our Trojan horse.


I knew that if I could just see you,

I would gain the knowledge
that's been eluding me.

Yes, you've gained
the knowledge you seek.

But at what price?

Whatever it is, I'll fix it.

There's an ancient story...

About a woman
who slandered her friend.

The woman went to her rabbi,
full of remorse.

The rabbi told her
to cut up a feather pillow

and to scatter the feathers
into the wind.

He then instructed her

to go out and collect
every single feather.

She cried, "That was impossible!"

And the rabbi replied,

"No more impossible

than to completely undo
the wrongs of your actions."

You made a dark bargain, Nia.

You unleashed Nyxly on this world.

And the actions she will inflict

will be like those feathers.

So what should I do?

This is not about doing, Nia.

Just like your dreams,
the ravens, your sister,

you cannot run away from this.

You must have the courage
to sit with the pain

to take in the gravity
of what you've done.

I'm so sorry.

I know.

Our time is almost up.

No, I still need you.

What about Nyxly?
How am I supposed to stop her?

The times ahead
will be the most trying yet.

But you can face them.

Trust your dreams,
even if they frighten you.

Sit with your discomfort,

just as you have sat
with your grief today.

If you are willing to face them,

your dreams will give you
everything you need.

I love you.

I love you and I believe in you.


All right, Nyxly.

I'm coming for you.

Good afternoon, everyone.
Let's get straight to the vote.


National City wants this deal.

And if you couldn't tell from
your little social media stunt,

they don't want to hear from you.

You're right. They don't need
to hear from me anymore.

But you should hear from the
people you're planning to displace.

People like me.

Councilwoman, you don't know me.

But I'm one of your constituents.

My name is Orlando Davis.

I spent the last two years
at Van Kull Prison,

and was one of the people
counting on housing in the Ormfell.

I've lived in National City
my entire life

with my little brother Joey.

We lost our parents when I was .

I quit school to take care
of my brother.

But there isn't a big market
out there for dropouts,

so the bills piled up.

I made a stupid mistake

and I've been paying
the price ever since.

But I'm not the only one
who's paid it.

See, I remember what it
felt like to go to bed at night

with my family nearby.

To feel safe.

To feel loved.

But Joey doesn't.

He's been in and out
of the system his entire life,

and I am so scared that he's gonna
make the same mistakes that I have

and I can't even be there to help him.

Because what he needs is a home.

He is not the only one.

So, I'm here today to ask you
one thing.

See us.

All the people hoping
to live in this building,

when you're deciding
whether to vote for this deal...

you're voting on our lives,

on our families.

On my chance to give
my brother some hope.

So, please...

see us.


Naxim Tork's ship
just appeared on our radar.

It's go time.

[MITCH] So, I put the device
where you said.


We need to hurry.

[NYXLY] Help. Hello? Help me.

Don't worry. You're safe now.

None of us are safe.

That man was creating
some kind of w*apon.

It's a cryo-nuclear b*mb.

Strong enough to encapsulate
a Kryptonian in ice forever.



We need to get everyone
out of here now.

- Stairwell's over there.
- Let's go.


The cryo-nuke is in the
basement of the building.

It's a freeze b*mb?

If its core gets to
minus degrees Fahrenheit,

a chain reaction will occur,

instantly freezing anything
within a one-mile radius.

If the chain reaction is
triggered, it could trap even you.

I'm coming with you.

We'll get everyone else to safety.

Guys. Guys.

Watch out. Look out, look out.

God damn it.

The ice is too thick to penetrate.

There's a fire escape on the
other side of the building.

- Let's go.
- Okay.

Let's go!

The temperature's dropping too fast.

It's encased in lead.
I can't see a way to defuse it.



It's okay. This way. Come on.

The building will collapse
if you don't calm the quaking.

I have to destroy the b*mb.

This whole place could explode.

It'll explode if I do nothing.

Here goes nothing.


This is as far as we can go.

I know I was pushing hard
to get into this building,

but, man, what I wouldn't give
for a ride out.

[BRAINY] How's this for a ride out?


Everyone, on the ship.

Come on.

Nobody touch my chair!

We did it.



Thank you all for staying.

After much deliberation,
the Council has decided...

to rezone the Ormfell
for affordable housing,

effective immediately.

You did this.

Joey's not gonna believe it.

Hey, Councilwoman.

You did the right thing.

Thank you.

That little speech may have
swayed the rest of Council, but not me.

Now the Heights will be left
to the criminals.

I hope you are happy.

The formerly incarcerated are
members of the community too,

and your council agrees,
they deserve a second chance.

Maybe you should've let her
get taken out.

While Rankin may literally be
the worst person ever,

saving her made me realize
that being a great superhero

isn't about mastering a single move.

It's about adapting.

That's why I'm gonna make
a kick-ass Guardian.

Damn right it is.



I must admit,

it was worthwhile to use our platform

for more than just
promoting healthy eating.

Orlando really made
a difference today.

Why the burdened look?

I was thinking about Mitch, actually.

How he went back to a life
of crime after all these years.

People like him slip
through the cracks every day

because the system
isn't designed to help them.

Don't get me wrong. I am so
happy Orlando won this one today.

But I can't help but think
that's all this is...

It's one.

The fight for systemic change
often feels never-ending.

All we can do is keep showing up.

Keep sharing our platform.

I can't promise you
it'll ever get easier.

But I can promise this...

I will be beside you.

Every step of the way.

Sorry to interrupt.

We picked up an energy
signature coming from the Ormfell.

That's strange.

The energy from the cryo-nuke
should have dissipated by now.

It could be residual
from my heat vision.

I'll check it out on my way home.


Miss me? Be honest.


[NYXLY] Well, look at that.
You're powerless now.


I know we didn't end things
on a chipper note

when you left me to die
in the Phantom Zone.

But I wanted to thank you.

You see, when I got to Earth,
my powers were nil, nothing.


I had to use every resource,
every ounce of my ingenuity

to build something
that would restore me.

But, you know,
it just wasn't quite enough.

- Until you came around.

Then you gave it the boost it needed.

My heat vision didn't destroy
your w*apon, it powered it.

- I gave you your powers back.
- Mmm-hmm.

Sentinel, Martian Manhunter,
I need backup now.


- You're all alone.

Utterly powerless.

I felt that, time and time again.

All those years in the Phantom Zone,

there was only one thought
that kept me going.

Do you wanna know what it was?

That, one day,
I would go back to my home,

to my father, and I would k*ll him.

I would stick him with a spit

and roast him like the pig that he is.

A violent thought. [CHUCKLES]

I know.

But he betrayed me.

And so did you.

You gave me no choice.

We were partners, friends.

And yet you destroyed my last
hope right before my very eyes.

I never thought I would recover.

But as I struggled
to keep myself alive,

a new thought kept me going.

That, one day,

you would know the pain that I felt.

You would watch

as your greatest hope
crumbled before your very eyes.

And unlike you,
I'm a woman of my word.


Let's get on with it, shall we?


- No!

Struggle all you want, Supergirl.
[CHUCKLES] It won't work.


You're bound by magic now.

And only magic can beat magic.

Mr. Mxyzptlk!