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15x10 - Bass to Mouth

Posted: 09/07/21 18:21
by bunniefuu
You guys!

Oh my God, you guys!

You're never gonna guess what!

Seriously you guys, guess what?!


You guys, you know Pete Melman?

Fourth grade. Mr. Bard's class.

The blonde kid?

Yeah, yeah, Pete Melman.

What about him?

He crapped his pants today
during social studies!

He had to go to the nurse's office

and have his mom bring
him a fresh pair of jeans!

How do you know?

Yeah dude.
It's all over Eavesdropper!


What's that?

You guys don't follow Eavesdropper?!

It's a website about all
the students in the school!

Hey! Did you guys see eavesdropper?!

Pete Melman shit his pants!

Yeah, yeah I'm showing the guys!

Check it out!

Eavesdropper got a hold of the phone call
from the nurse to Pete Melman's mom!

Just listen! Listen! Listen!

Hello, Mrs.
Melman, this is the school nurse,

I'm afraid your son
has had a little accident.

Oh, no, what is it?

Is he okay?

No, no, it's not serious but he
went number two during class.

I'm afraid he's going to need a
new pair of pants and underwear.

And a clean pair of socks.

Hey did you guys see Eavesdropper?!

Yeah yeah we're listening to it!

Dude, that's so wrong.

Pete Melman pooped his pants and had
to have his mom bring him new undies!

Okay, okay, what do we call
Pete Melman when we see him?

I was thinking Poopy Pants Pete, but then
I also thought of Mush Pants Melman!

Attention South Park students.

Will the following students report
to the principal's office immediately.

Eric Cartman.

Thank you.

Oh, Jesus, what now?

Eric, as you might have heard,
a student here at South Park Elementary,

had an accident in the classroom.

I know dude,
Pete Melman crapped his pants!

So freakin' funny!!

Okay, but you probably understand
that for Pete it isn't that funny.

For him it's embarrassing
and terrifying.

Right that's why
it's super funny to me.

Eric, it has been almost one year
since Corey Duran defecated

in his pants here at school.

Now, you remember
what happened to him.

Yeah, he k*lled himself.

Yes, and the reason
he k*lled himself, Eric,

was that the ridicule
and the torment from

other students spearheaded
by you caused him

spearheaded by you, mkay?

Made him feel there was
no other way out.

We've been through this.

You cannot put
Corey Duran's death on me.

I'm not the one who crapped
his pants in front of everyone!

Eric, we are asking you
to please just remember

what happened to Corey and
not let it happen to Pete.

Please, just let it go.

You are asking me to
simply ignore a kid who...

excuse my language but I
have to be harsh here...

a kid who shit in his pants
in front of everyone,

to just ignore that so he
can have a normal life?

We are hoping that if
you don't fan the flames,

Eric, the other students
might forget about it.

You really think information
like this will just die down?

There's Internet,
there's Eavesdropper.

You might be worried Pete Melman
is gonna k*ll himself.

But the truth is he was dead
the second he crapped his pants.

Alright, Eric. Here's the deal.

This school cannot have
another su1c1de on its hands.

We want you
to see Pete Melman through this,

and turn public opinion around.

You're crazy. It can't be done.

If Pete Melman does not k*ll himself

we will make it very
worth your while.

You aren't listening,
There... Make it worth my while? How?

Dude, no way!

What's up?

They've got a video of Pete Melman's mom
showing up with

fresh underwear on Eavesdropper!

Dude, that's f*cked up.

Come on dude, it's pretty funny.

It's funny that something
which should be completely

private is put up on a
website for everyone to see?

Yeah dude, that's pretty funny.

It's megaduper-hilarious!

Oh, hey, Jenny. 'Sup?

What do you want?

You hear about Pete Melman?

Pretty messed up, huh?

Yeah, it's gross.

So what'ch you doing for lunch?

My mom packed me the best stuff!

- She even baked cupcakes!
- So what?

I was just thinking that...
Maybe we could eat lunch together.

I've always kind of...

liked you.

I don't like you.

I know.

I know you don't like me back.

I just...
yeah, you know, this was stupid.

I'm sorry.
Will you just take the cupcake?

Or don't take the cupcake.
I'm sorry I wasted your time.

Hey wait!

Look, I'm sorry. That was mean.

I'd love to try one of
your mom's cupcakes.

Now number seventeen,
many of you got wrong, as well.

The correct answer was D.

You all right, Jenny?

Yeah, I'm fine I just...

Mr. Garrison,
can I please be excused?

Oh, but we are in the middle of class.

What's the matter?

I just need to go to the restroom.

Well, okay.

Ahp, Mr. Garrison I don't think
that's quite fair, I mean,

you rarely let us get up
and leave during a class.

Please, I gotta go now.

Well, just give it a couple minutes
Jenny, it could just be a cramp.

No, Mr. Garrison I gotta...

Oh my God!

Jenny Simon crapped her pants!

Did you guys hear that?!

Oh my God it's way worse than
Pete Melman was! Way worse!


The doctors say that Jenny Simon
barely survived the fall.

Jumping off the school
roof fractured her pelvis.

Alright. Cool.

No, not cool!

Okay, she is on su1c1de watch, Eric!

She's given up on life.

You said Pete Melman
couldn't k*ll himself.

By making Jenny Simon crap
her pants worse than Pete

I've made her the number
one story on Eavesdropper!

That wasn't the point, Eric!

Nobody was supposed
to k*ll themselves!

Unless you fix this our deal is off!

Nobody can be made fun of for crapping
their pants and nobody can die?!


Jesus Christ.

Okay, okay, umm, Jesus, uh...

Okay, look.

Ok, those tests we all took last
week the state efficiency tests

how did we all do on those?

Uh... our students did average,
maybe just below average.

Okay, no, they all did awesome.

In fact, our students did so
good on the tests that you've...

you've decided to reward them all.

At lunch you're serving the students
pizza from Pizza Hut.

But we're going to put laxatives
and Arby's Horsey sauce in the

pizza so that every kid in school
craps their pants after recess.

Everyone craps their pants,
nobody's singled out, problem solved.

That's insane!

Okay, well if you have a
better idea then why am I here?

Hi, jan, it's Counselor Mackey.

How long would it take to organize
a Pizza Friday for the students?

Yeah... yeah, no they, uh, the actually
did really well on those state tests.

Dude, check it out!

Eavesdropper found an email from
Jenny Simon's boyfriend calling

her soft Serve Simons!

That's not funny.

Hey, here's a post about Token!

Token Black's private gym photos!

I'm not looking at that.

Come on dude, it's pretty funny.

It wouldn't be funny if that
website posted something about you.

I wouldn't care.


Stan Marsh thinks Elise Thompson
has a hot butt crack.


In an email sent yesterday
to Kenny McKormick,

Stan Marsh wrote: "Dude you
should have been in PE today,

Elise Thompson's butt crack
was totally showing."

He went on to call her
butt crack quote "nice"

and that the whole experience
was quote "pretty awesome".


- Kenny, what the f*ck?
- What?

How did Eavesdropper get a
hold of my email to you?!

I don't know.

Do you just leave your emails
open for everyone to read?!


That was a private
email from me to you!

Hey, Wendy.

You like looking at
girl's butt cracks, Stan?

No, I was telling
Kenny he would like it.

Do you have any idea
how embarrassed I am?

Wendy, it was just a
quick email to Kenny,

new stories pop up
on Eavesdropper every hour!

People are gonna
forget all about this!

So you didn't email anybody else about
Elise Thompson's butt crack, right?

This is an issue of
trust and privacy!

We have to all work together to put an
end to Eavesdropper once and for all.

Yes! Kyle!

So just to be completely clear.

Now it isn't funny, right?

What's funny about having our
private lives hacked into?

Especially when they're writing about
your boyfriends' addiction to crack.

Shut up, butters!

What we have to do is find out who in
the school is running Eavesdropper.

I've done an extensive profile.

And I have narrowed it down
to somebody in this very room!

Now whoever you are,
you're a gossiping little bitch,

- we're not gonna...
- And it's not somebody in this room?


How do you know?

Because whoever it is just now
posted a new story on Eavesdropper.

"Allison Taft reveals embarrassing
secret about Craig Tucker."

- Hey wait, that's me...
- Where is it coming from?!

If it's on the school network
we can track the IP address!

This way... in here!

Whoever it is is using the
computer in the music room!

We only have music
class on Thursdays.

Of course.

A kid could use the computer
in there and nobody would know.

Get ready guys.

Whoever's in here is the kid that's
hacking our emails and phone calls.

- You guys ready?
- Oh, I'm ready.

One... two... three!

It's a rat!

Get it!

Don't let him get away!

He's gone!

What the hell?

A stupid rat is in
charge of Eavesdropper?


It says here it's name is Wikileaks.


I come with news of great gravity.

Another rodent is out there, spreading
terrible rumors and hacking emails.

Yes, and I'm afraid
the news gets worse.

The creature doing this, Lemmiwinks,
is you brother, Wikileaks!

Wikileaks, the phone hacker!

With a heart of doom!

Everyone knows the Gerbil King.

But no one ever speaks of Lemmiwinks'
brother the evil Wikileaks.

Once again wikileaks is trying
to wreak havoc on our world.

Only you can stop him, Lemmiwinks.

Lemmiwinks, King of Gerbils!

Stop your brother off doom!

It's just so embarrassing!

What if the other girls find
out my mother is in rehab?

It's okay, Emily.

Can I tell you a secret?

My mom has a drinking problem, too.

Really, you, too?

That's just between us, okay?

Of course, Tammy.
I'm really glad I shared this with you.

Stop that rat!

Knock it off!

I just want you to know that I
have a huge crush on you and...


No, Wikileaks!


Yup, a few more
laxatives on that one.

A little more Arby's Horsey sauce
on there?

Is this one good?

Yup, I think they're all ready.

You sure this will work, Eric?

What if some of the students
don't eat the pizza?

It doesn't matter.

Enough students will crap their pants

to make everyone forget about
Pete Melman and Jenny Simon forever.

Alright Eric, well get back to class.

We don't want anyone
seeing you in here with us.

Ahp, hold on just a second.

I believe we discussed the
little matter of my payment.

I'm not letting you guys
screw me over again.

Give me what I wanted now.

Alright fine.

Bring her in, Adler.

Oh, my God!

Selena Gomez!

You actually got her to come!

Hi, Eric!

I understand you really
wanted to meet me!

You wanna get a picture together?

No, thanks.

Okay, proceed.

I'm sorry about this, Miss Gomez.

Alright, get her the f*ck outta here.

Okay, Eric you got what you wanted.

Are we straight?

That was amazing.

Alright, now get back to class.

Alder, get rid of
those laxative bottles.

Trash all the Arby's Horsey sauce
packages too!

There cannot be one piece of
evidence of what we did here!

What the...

Oh, shit!

Stop that rat!

Alright, Lemmiwinks, we should
probably get going now.

The time is nigh, Lemmiwinks!

Let us chase your destiny!

Ah, Sparrow Prince!

What news do you bring?

Wikileaks grows stronger
with each passing moment.

The birds are tweeting that he is about
to release his biggest story yet.

Then the moment is truly here.

Come Lemmiwinks!

Let us make haste!


His heart is so heavy.

I weep for him.

Indeed, could you do it, Frog Prince?

Could you k*ll your own brother?

I thank God I don't have
to make that decision.

We might need to bring
in some outside help.

You see?

There look!

It says Eavesdroppers biggest story
ever is coming out this afternoon!

Biggest story about who?!

There's no telling!

It could be about any of us!

Well met, children of Adam.

I am Catatafish.

Catatafish of the stomach's cove.


I come asking for your help.

There is only one thing
that can stop Wikileaks.

But right now Lemmiwinks
is being held prisoner.


Our old class gerbil?

What is that thing?

I'm am Catatafish.

I am a great wizard.

And, I am a friend.

And I'm a ghost...
Besides, of course, being a fish...

Catatafish tale will soon be told.

Do you know why a
gerbil is running around

hacking our phone calls and putting
our secrets up on the Internet?

He does it purely
for reasons of evil.

And his treachery is
not limited to humans.

Wikileaks posted exaggerated
things about me too.

He posted on his website that
I had sex with an underage fish.

And that I made her
perform bass to mouth.

If you accept this quest

you will help the Gerbil King
defeat Wikileaks once and for all.

But the choice is yours.

I'm not here to make you do anything!

Like that underage salmon,
I didn't make her do anything.

If she wants to do bass to
mouth how is that my fault?

Catatafish made a salmon suck ass hole.

No, see, that's wrong.

It's being exaggerated again.

Just tell us where Lemmiwinks
is being held prisoner

so we can k*ll this stupid rat!

Careful, child.

I assure you Wikileaks
is anything but stupid.

Except when he said I made that
teenage fish perform ass to trout,

that was stupid and untrue.

Did I say ass to trout?

I meant to say bass to mouth.

Though I guess it's
basically the same thing.

Not that I did it.

Alright are we sure we're alone?

We're alone...
now what the hell are we going to do?

What can we do?

We're all going to get fired.

This story hasn't gone on
Eavesdropper yet, maybe it won't.

Oh, right.

The school faculty tries to
poison all their students,

that's not gonna be on Wikileaks!

Let's just face it.

We made our beds when we enlisted
Eric Cartman's help, we have to lie in them.

All we were trying to do was

keep another one of our students
from k*lling themselves!

We are not bad.

No, no, we are not bad.

We're not bad.

I mean, maybe what we need to
think outside the box here.

I mean,
if there's anything we've learned,

it's that the only thing that makes a
juicy story go away is a juicier story.

What's a bigger story than all
the students being made sick?

A student committing su1c1de.

Hey, that's right.

Corey Duran k*lled himself last year and
we're still dealing with the fallout.

Maybe there is a way out of this.

But we're gonna have to throw
Eric Cartman under the bus.

How do we do that?

We get a bus.

And then we throw
Eric Cartman under it.


Hi. Does a Vernon Trumpski live here?

Yes, Vernon's around somewhere.

Come on guys!

Excuse me.

There he is!

It's Lemmiwinks!

Quick, we need something
to carry him in!

Here's a shoebox!

Hey what are you
doing with my gerbil?

We just need to borrow him, kid.


Some kids are stealing my gerbil!

Look dude we don't have much time!

Wikileaks is about to post
his biggest scoop ever on Eavesdropper!

Lemmiwinks can stop him!


There's no time, children!

You must take Lemmiwinks now!

Grab him!


Quickly! We must get to the school!

Wait, wait!

Run run! The battle's on!

Wikileaks and Lemmiwinks!

Can't this thing go any faster?

Hang on Lemmiwinks!

Go Lemmiwinks!

Stop Wikileaks!

Craig, are we still clear?

Nothing's broke on the website yet!

Faster driver!

The final battle is about to begin!

Go Lemmiwinks!

Stop Wikileaks!

What the hell happened?

Oh God, oh God he k*lled himself!

Eric Cartman k*lled
himself did you see that?!

Oh, why would he do it?!

Oh wait here's a su1c1de note,
"Dear guys, I just cannot go on, mkay

I'm tired of being fat, mkay.

And I have to end it all. Mkay.

Eric Cartman."

Please, can this wait?

A big story is about to
come out on Eavesdropper

and we have the only way to stop it!

Well, why the hell didn't you say so?

Come on, let's go!

To battle!


While Lemmiwinks still has it in him!

Stop right there you little rat!


You have chosen a path of
evil and now you shall pay.

Sparrow Prince, Catatafish!

Oh, dude, he is f*cking him up.

Look, I think Lemmiwinks k*lled him!

He did it!

Mkay, let's just delete
all this tabloid garbage.

Whew, I'm sure glad that's over with.

Yeah, but you know, I think we
all learned an important lesson

about laughing at other
people's misfortunes.

Boy, I'll say.

Oh, Eric!

Uh, Eric, I know we kind of
"threw you under the bus" mkay.

But I hope you understand the faculty
didn't really have a choice.

It's okay, Mr. Mackey.

I'm totally over it.

Well I think you're being
very mature about this, Eric.

It was a overly generous move for you
to give all the faculty those cupcakes.

I want to thank you, mkay.

Oh, you are most certainly welcome.

Well, students why don't we...

- Oh, Jeez...
- You feeling alright, Mr. Mackey?

Yeah, I'll just be right back...

Oh oh it's bad...
Excuse me kids, I need to run...

I put a lot of Arby's Horsey sauce
in those.

Can somebody get me some
paper towels or maybe...

Oh, it's bad!

Congratulations Lemmiwinks!

Thanks to you,
private lives will stay private.

Yes, we are all free once again to
make teenagers do bass to mouth.

Just one question, Lemmiwinks.

How does it feel to have
k*lled your own brother?


- He's devastated.
- Yep, he's devastated.