01x31 - The Guitar Player Returns

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Andy Griffith Show". Aired: October 1960 to April 1968.*
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Andy Taylor who is a widowed sheriff raises his son in Mayberry, N.C.
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01x31 - The Guitar Player Returns

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, barney,
I got news you won't believe.

Guess who's coming
to mayberry.

Jim lindsey.

I don't believe it.

you better.

I got a call from him.
He's a-driving down tomorrow.

Wants me to reserve a room
for him at the hotel.

Ain't that great?

Yeah, boy.

Who's jim lindsey?

Who's j...?

Oh, now I've
heard everything.

Don't you listen
to records?

Of course.

Maybe you've heard
of bobby fleet

And his band with a beat?

Jim lindsey's only

The main attraction
with the band.

He plays guitar.
Gee whiz, he's a star.

And besides that,
he's a friend of ours.

I used to have
to arrest him

For playing guitar
on the street.

Remember, barney?

Then we'd go inside of the jail
and pick and sing together.

He's rich and famous now.

You better know it.

Let's go tell everybody
the good news.

They'll be glad
to hear it. Come on.

I just can't believe

You never heard
of jim lindsey.

You'd think you'd
have heard his hit record

"Rock and roll rosie
from raleigh."

That's great,
that's just great.

Don't you think
that's great, floyd?

Our jim,
coming back to mayberry.

Oh, oh, great. Oh...

Big as that boy is,

He is not forgetting
his home town.

He's a fine boy.

I can't wait
to see him again.

Andy, what kind
of a welcome do you think

We ought
to give jim?

We ought to
make it a doozy.

We ought to get somebody
to make a "welcome home" banner

And put it
on the street.

And also, I think
we ought to have

The mayberry
drum and bugle corps

Meet him as he comes
to the hotel.

That's a great idea.

Maybe my daughter
could sing a song.

How about "flow gently,
sweet afton"?

Let's give jim
a police escort
into town.

That's an
outstanding idea.

You meet him
down at the junction.

Bring him in with sirens
a-blasting, horns a-tooting.

I'm taking care of...

Where you
been, barn?

Where do you think?
Washing the patrol car.

When you're an official
police escort

You got to look smart.

Everything's set.
I'll call the hotel.

Oh, sarah?

Get me jason
over at the hotel.

Barney, you better
simmer down.

You're gonna bust
your little corpuscles.

Well, if I didn't worry
about these things,

I don't just wonder
who --

Hello, jase? Barn.

Is everybody
at the hotel?


Who you got
holding the banner?


Oh, gee, I don't know.

Well, ralph's all right,

But that charlie,
he always lets his end droop.


Well, what about the drum
and bugle corps?

Are they there?


Only two bugles?

Well, just have to
try and make out.

Yeah, well, I'm leaving
for the junction right away,

So it won't be long.

What's the matter
with the drum and bugle corps?

Oh, kester got mad
and quit.


They wouldn't practice
at his house.


What are you
looking for now?

My whistle.

Your whistle?

What do you need
a whistle for?

You can't be
an official police escort

Without a whistle,
for heaven's sakes.

Look in the back room.
Maybe it's back there,

And if it's not

You may have to pucker
and make it on your own.


I tell you what else
you might do, barney,

If you don't find
that whistle.

You might try blowing
across an empty pop bottle.

Sound like a boat
coming in.

[ Guitar chords playing ]

Jim lindsey!

Hey, barney, it's jim.

Jim lindsey.

[ Guitar plays melody ]

Let me have
that hand there, jim.

Oh, you're looking good,
playing better than ever.

Don't he sound good,

Yes, good for you.

Don't he look good?

I just drove up --

Oh, no.

Oh, no!


What's the matter,

Well, you messed up
the plans, jim.

Plans? What plans?

Barney was supposed
to meet you at the junction

And give you a big
police escort into town.

I found my whistle.

Well, I'm sorry,

Oh, that's okay.

You plan and you plan,
and what happens?

Well, come on,
let's get started.

Escort parade.

Escort parade?

It's just
to the hotel.

I know, but we agreed
to an escort parade

And that's what
we're going to have.

Well, barney...
Oh, well, uh...

Lead the way,
grand marshal.

Okay. Come on, jim,
let's go.

wait till you see

What we got
lined up for you.

Yeah, it
really is good...

Ooh-wee, would you
look at that car!

Barney, did you ever see
anything like that?

That's crazy,
ain't it?

You better know it.

Red... And look --

Look at all
the knobs and things

And leather upholstery.

This must have set you back
a pretty penny, jim.

Well, you make it,
you spend it.

We ain't got time
to talk now.

Jim, you follow us.
We're the lead car.

All right.

All set, jim?

[ Whistle blows ]

Get that vehicle
off the street.

There's a parade
starting here.

Go on!

[ Engine turns over, revs ]

[ Siren wailing ]

[ Wailing continues ]

[ Band playing ]

All right, quiet!

Quiet, folks, quiet!

My boy, this is
a proud day for mayberry

And although you've been gone
oh... These many months

You've remained steadfast
in our hearts

And we're mighty proud
to see you back here again

Prosperous and famous.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Well, thank you.

Thank you, mayor and
folks of mayberry.

I just want to thank you

For this wonderful welcome
you've shown me, and...

Well, I don't have much to say
except that, uh...

Well, you were awful kind to me
when I wasn't doing too well

And now that I'm a bit
prosperous and famous

Like the mayor said...

I want you to know

We're going to go on
being friends

The same as usual.

all right!

Thanks very
much, mayor.

There you are.

We're looking for you
for supper tonight, jim.

We're having your favorite --
fried chicken and cornbread.

Oh, I'm gonna be there,
aunt bee.

We'll see ya.

Success doesn't seem
to have gone to his head.

No, boy.
Jim's a good boy.

Pa, what am I gonna do
with all this confetti?

You were supposed to throw
it at jim.

I know, but I forgot.

Well, I reckon you can
throw it at me if you want to.


Welcome home!

[ Laughs ]
how'd that do for you?

It ain't the same, pa.

You ain't been anyplace.

All right.

Ellie ain't, either.

* ...midnight special

* Shine your
ever-lovin' light on me *

* Yonder come miss rosie

* How in the world
do I know? *

* Well, I know her
by her apron *

* And the dress she wore

* Umbrella on her shoulder

* A piece of paper
in her hand *

* Well, she gonna see
the governor *

* Just release her man

* Let the midnight special

* Shine your light on me

* Well,
let the midnight special *

* Shine your ever-lovin'
light on me *

* Well, if you ever
come to mayberry *

* You better walk right

* Well, you better
not squabble *

* And you better not fight

* Deputy fife will arrest you

* And he's sure
to take you down *

* Well, you can bet
your bottom dollar *

* That you're jailhouse bound

* Let the midnight special

* Shine your light on me

* Let the midnight special

* Shine your
ever-lovin' light on *

* Ever-lovin' light on

* Ever-lovin' light on me

You're playin'
better than ever.

Ellie, he's
playin' better

Than he did 'fore
he left here.

Let me see that
good-lookin' guitar

One more time.


How many of these
things you got?

Oh, I got three.

Oh, you are
doin' well.

Them's slick-lookin' duds
you got on there, too, jim.

Ain't they?

These are custom-made.


Oh, yeah.
Every bit of 'em.

You know what the guys
in the band call this?

A set of threads.

[ Laughing ]
did you hear that?

Fellas in the band
call that a set of threads.

It's a suit.

Jimmy, you never
did tell us

What brought you
back here.

Oh, uh... To relax.

Rest, huh?

You know, uh,
being a big star

Isn't all sunglasses
and autographs.

That's right.

When you got to report
back to the band, jim?

Uh, you mean
to bobby fleet?

I'm not with him

You ain't?

How come?
Don't get the wrong idea.

It's just
that I'm moving up.

I was the main attraction.

I was the one
that brought in all the crowds,

So I thought, "why should I make
all that money for bobby fleet?

"I should be making it
for jim lindsey!"

So, I just took out
on my own.

A-a-and you're doing good,

Oh, I'd have to be four fellas
to take all those offers.

Oh, naw!

[ Knock on door ]

well, jim, you sure have
come a long way

From just playin' guitar
in the street.

He used to play
on the street
all the time.

How do you do?

Is there
a jim lindsey here?

Yes. Jimmy?

Someone for you.

For me?

It's another offer.
Look out, now.

Excuse me.

[ Chuckles ]

Mr. Lindsey?


They told me at the hotel
I'd find you here.

Well, yes?

I'm from the
finance company.

Could we speak out here?

Mr. Lindsey, I'm sure
you know why I'm here.

Yes, sir, but if you
could just give me

A little more time...

I'm sorry, but you're
behind three payments.

Unless you're prepared
to make them,

The company
wants that car.

But I don't have
any money right now.

I'm tapped out.
I don't have a dime.

But if you'd just
give me a little break...

I'm sorry. Can I have
the keys, please?

If you could just give me
a little more time.

Sorry, lindsey.

...custom-made clothes.

Aunt bee: what was it
he called it again?

He's such a good boy.

He doe look good.

Hey, what was it
he called that suit?

A set of threads.

Set of threads.
Who was that, jim?

I bet it was
another offer.

Turned him down,
too, huh?

[ Vehicle departs ]

Yeah, I turned him down.

Well, we'd better hear

One more guitar
piece, hadn't we?

Come on, jim, play
us one more piece.

You're liable to
leave any time.

We won't see you
for ain't no tellin' how long.

[ Blues music plays ]

That's $4.60.

Oh, dang.

I've gone and left
my wallet up at the hotel.

Put that on my tab,
will ya, ellie?

Oh, jim.

That's sweet of ya.

Howdy, jim.

Oh, hello, andy.

Doing a little shopping,
I see.

Hey, where's your car?
I ain't seen it around.

Uh... Well, uh...

They picked it up for servicing.

You see,
that's a foreign job

And they can't get those parts
here in mayberry.

Yeah, I guess that's right.

You better tell them
to get it fixed in a hurry.

One of them offers comes
through so good

You have to take it, you'll have
to light out of here in a hurry.

Oh, well, I don't have to
worry about that.

Those offers just keep
pouring in.

I'm just waiting
for the best one.

That's the type.

I'd better get
over to the hotel.

Check my mail.

I'll see you.


Boy, it sure is good havin'
old jim back in town.

Andy, there's something

I'd like to ask you
about jim.

He's been buying
a lot of things

And just charging them.

Well, there ain't
nothin' wrong with that.

No, I guess not,
but the point is,

If he's as prosperous
as he says he is

Why doesn't he pay
for anything he buys?

Didn't he pay you
for anything?

Not a penny.

Now, I know he's
a good friend of yours,

But, well, after all,
I did just meet him

And, you know,
I have a responsibility.

Yeah, well... That is
a little strange.

Oh, i-i suppose
I shouldn't worry,

But it's running
into quite a bill.

Well, I wouldn't worry.

Jim'll take care of it.

Well, I'd better get back
over to the courthouse.

I just thought I'd stop by
and say good morning.



Howdy, boys.

Oh, howdy, andy.

I just run into jim lindsey
at the drug store.

Sure is good having him
back in town again, ain't it?


Yeah, good to
see old jim.


As a matter of fact,
andy, uh...

Jase and I were just
talking about jim.

And, uh,
you know somethin'?


jim has, uh...

Well, he's...
He's kind of changed.

Yeah? How?

Well, he comes in
quite often, yes,

And he has never once
paid for a haircut or a shave.

He just says, uh,
"put it on my tab."

He does, huh?


Oh, hi, barn.

As long as we're
on the subject

I might as well
tell you--

He hasn't paid
his hotel bill yet.


I leave his hotel bill
in his box every day.

He just ignores it.

I'll be dogged.

You fellas talkin'
about jim lindsey?

I don't mind his
chargin' things.

It's just... It's
just his attitude.

Aw, wait a minute,

I think you're all
jumpin' to conclusions.

You know something, do you,

Well, one thing I do know
is jim lindsey's okay.

If you're worried
about your money,

Just forget it.

What makes you
so certain?

Because any day now

Jim's gonna get a nice,
great big royalty check.

When he does,
he'll have money to burn.

Who told you that?



When I loaned him the money.

You loaned jim some money,
did you?

Well, yeah.

He said he needed $10...
And all he had was big bills.

You see?
Him, too.

Uh, jase, how much
mail does jim get?


You get the mail
in every morning.

How many letters has jim got
since he's been here?

Nary a one.

Let's see if we can get ahold
of bobby fleet.


Don't ask so many
stupid questions, boys.

This is lawman's work.

Andy: appreciate your
comin' here, mr. Fleet.

It's a long ways.

Not if you get a good
guitarist out of it.

What makes you think lindsey
wants back with my band?

Just a notion.
What happened between you-all?

We heard he was
doing fine with you.

He was. He was
doing just great

Till his head blew up.

You want to hear
the payoff?

He wanted me to take
him in as a partner,

Change the name of the band
to fleet and lindsey.

What'd you do?

What could I do?

Got ourselves
into a slight little hassle

And I called him
a no-talent bum.


I know I shouldn't
have said that,

But honestly,
he just kept bugging me.

And that's
why he went out on his own?

You know what
kind of a cocky
kid he is.

He said he was going to go out
and make it as a single.

Naturally, he bombed out.

Alone, he's from

That's probably
why he came back here--

This is the only town left
that'd give him a free meal.

He don't have
to stay broke.

He could start
making it again.

You'd take him back?

Sure, I'd take him back
if the crazy character

Would forget his pride
long enough to say yes

And stop
tryin' to crowd me.

You just stay right here

And I'll see if I can't
fetch you one guitar player.

[ Knock on door ]
come in.

Howdy, jim.

Oh, hello, andy.

Leavin' us?

Well, uh...

I'm used to those
one-night stands, you know.

I stay in one place too long,
I get itchy feet.

where you headed?

Well, I got offers
from all over--

Chicago, new orleans...
Could be anyplace.

Jim, I just saw
bobby fleet.

You saw bobby?

Here in mayberry?

what he's doing here?

Oh, I know. He...

He knows I'm on my own now
and doin' great.

He... Probably wants me
to come back with his band.

That'll be the day when I join
that two-bit outfit.

I not only saw bobby fleet.

I had a talk
with him.

You talked with him?


Then you know the truth, then,
don't you?

Well, what'd you...

What'd you put on
such a big act for?

What'd you
expect me to do?

Come back to my own
hometown and say

"Come on, folks.

Come look at your
hometown failure."

I think you're

Kind of underestimating
your friends a little.

What do you mean?

Wasn't you treated pretty good
before you left?

And you wasn't a big star
or nothin'.

Why should folks think
any less of you now?

What's it matter
what they think?

I'm leavin' anyway.

Jim, bobby fleet wants
you back with the band.

You mean he wants me to come
back and eat crow, don't ya?

Well, not me,
not jim lindsey. No, sir.

Won't you even
talk to him?

No. In fact, I'm cuttin'
out of here right now.

You sure are
bullheaded, ain't ya?

Well, I'll have to take matters
into my own hands.

Jim, you're
under arrest.

Arrest? For what?

Leavin' town without
payin' your bills.

I left this watch, andy.

It'll... It'll cover all my
bills, more than cover them.

Well, then you're
under arrest

For not leavin'
town fast enough.

Let's go.

Now, wait a minute.

I-i would've been gone

If you hadn't kept me
here yappin'.

No flimsy excuses.
Let's go.

this is ridiculous.

Yeah, these babies come in
mighty handy.

[ Door opens ]

Andy, what are you doin'?

What's it look like?

He's a vagrant,
got a lot of unpaid bills--

I'm lockin' him up.

I'll square it.
How much does he owe?

Don't bother.

I'm not takin' any handouts
from you.

Who says
this is a handout?

It's comin' out of
your first week's check.

Who says
I'm workin' for you?

Aw, come on.
How much does he owe you?

You called me
a no-talent bum.

I apologize, okay?

Now, how much
does he owe you?

Well, I'd say $75
would cover it nice.

There you are.

Now, you see?
You gotta work for me.

You're into me
for too much loot.

In fact, I figure

You missed
about 30 hours of rehearsal

So I may have to fine you
another 50 bucks.

50 Bucks?!

But I may have to give you
a raise

So you can afford to pay me back
all the loot you owe me.

A raise?

Are you kiddin', bobby?

Well, don't just stand
there like a ninny.

Come on out and shake on it
before he changes his mind.

Thank you.

I've been a real...

Jim, you better
get to work.

You got a set of threads,
and a little red car

And three guitars to feed.


Act like you got
some smart, now.

[ Up-tempo music plays ]

Oh, that was
some kind of extra good.

How about it?

Ain't it good to see
bobby and jimmy together again?

It sure is.

Say, why don't I join you
in the next number, huh?

What'll it be,
"I'm just a vagabond lover"?

"Roll out the barrel"?
"Mairzy doats"?

through the tulips"?

[ Notes play ]

Now let's play
one more fast one.

One more!

[ Up-tempo music plays ]

[ Whistling sprightly tune ]
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