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01x14 - Really Small Problems

Posted: 09/07/21 05:53
by bunniefuu
So they said I couldn't remove
my thumb but look at that.


You sliced it off!
You sliced off your own thumb!

[chuckles] You make doing
homework actually fun.

And they say humans
can't do magic.

Luz... [grunts]
you've been talking to them all morning.

Don't forget about the Luz
and King comedy hour.

Please, no.
Not the comedy hour.

This week I've been
working with props.

Oh, dear. I've gotten
a tube stuck on my nose.

Will I ever eat again?

Looks like I'm toast.

[both laugh]

It just goes on like this
for an hour.

Hey you, dough boy.
Quit loafing around.

Why don't you bake me?

[both laugh]

[rhythmic beeping]

School time.
See you guys in class.

- Bye.
- But what about the thumb?

- [sighs]
- Hey, don't worry.

We'll finish our comedy hour
when I get home.

- [kisses]
- [chuckles] Oh, you.

Try not to miss me
while I'm gone.

[grunts, pants]

You... You really think
she's coming back this time?

Yes, she'll be back.
She always comes back.

It's cute
you miss her though.

The King of Demons...

The King of Demons
misses nobody.

I wouldn't care if she came
through this door right now.


- Hey, you're...
- You're back!

I didn't miss you at all.

Apparently there's an infestation
of pixies at Hexside,

so school's been canceled.

That sounds like
a crumby situation.

[both laugh]

Hey, guess what's been in my mouth
that I'm about to throw up?


The mail!

Junk, junk. Death-hex.

Oh! A carnival's in town today.

A carnival? You know,

I've been so busy
with school lately

what do you say we take
this comedy hour on tour?

It'll be a Luz and King day.

That's my kind of day.

Let's all three of us go.

An adventure
with friends.

I'll go pack my stuff.

Carnival's bring crowds
and crowds bring suckers.

This could be the perfect chance

to try out my new
get-witch quick scheme.

I'm in. To the carnival!

[both] To the carnival.

Good news. I'm bringing
my knapsack full of games.


- [buzzing]
- Oh, a fly!

Talk to me! Talk to me!

[theme music playing]

Well, here we are, kids.

Look at all that fresh meat.

- [buzzing]
- [munches]

And smell all the fresh meat.

[sniffs, coughs] Fun.


No games for you, Owlbert.
We've got scams to run.


Friends, welcome!

[all yelp]

I see you got my postcard.

Tibbles, you sent this?


Aren't you mad at us for
destroying your stand?

Ooh! And destroying his life.
That was the best part.

No, no, no.
I should thank you.

After my stand
was destroyed,

I re-evaluated my life
and found my true calling.

I'm now ringmaster of...


Tibbles Tent of Tiny Terrors.

Aw. It's like a regular circus
but adorably small.


You're my friends now.

I don't buy it.

What kind of con
are you running?

No cons here, Owl Lady.
Only pros.

In fact, why don't we toast
our newfound friendship

with this totally innocent
bottle of water?

Oh, yeah, sure.
Why don't I just... [grunts]

[groans] I'm okay.

I know poison when I see it.
You can't scam a scammer.

Now speaking of scams...

Beat it, loser!


Step right up to...

Eda's Human Horror House.

Humans shed their skin
and I've got proof.

You should really put
a lock on your closet.

You know what, Eda can pick
through my socks all she wants.

Because today is all about having a
great time with my partner in crime.

That's me. I love crime.

Have a good time, friends...

While it lasts.

Dunk the skeleton. Win a prize.

I'm covered in pores.

Now this is my kinda weird.
So, what do you wanna do first?

We could brave
the molar coaster

or eat a mysterious blob...

Ooh! What's that?


Ah! Some kind of
deadly string w*apon.

No, silly.
That's a friendship bracelet.

Is that a type
of deadly w*apon?

A w*apon of love.

It's basically a declaration
to the whole world

that you're the best of friends.

Oh! That's way safer than
becoming blood brothers.

Luz, we must have
those bracelets!

And yoink. Sorry, ma'am.

If your bone son
wants these bracelets

you have to play the games
and win the tickets.

You know, carnival rules.

Beat up the man
and steal his things for me.

Or let's just play the games.

Oh, okay.

[both laugh]

[both] Games! Games!
Games! Games!

- [gasps] Friends!
- Hey, Luz.

Oh, my gosh. I didn't think
I'd see carniv-y'all here.

- Boo.
- I got an invitation from Tibbles.

We figured it's a trap since we squashed
his stand with a walking house.

But who cares?

This place
has a Scarris wheel.

It's like
a human Ferris wheel

but it gives you
long-lasting nightmares.

Yes! This mama
is ready for trauma.

- Ahem!
- Oh, yeah.

We're on a very important quest

to win a special prize
for King.

Oh! We could help with that.

Aw. Does the little guy
wanna win a prize?

Uh, does he? Uh, does he?

- [cooing]
- [grunts]

What do you think, King?
The more the merrier, huh?

Um, sure.
Whatever you want, Luz.

All right. Approval!

[all cheering]

[cheerful music playing]

So the pixie infestation
was actually caused

- when Boscha's pet pixie escaped it's cage...
- Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

[King grunting]

[screams, grunts]

Curse these stubby legs.

[all laughing]


[Tibbles] Oh, my, my, my.

You seem troubled.

Huh? Who said that?

It is I.
Obvioso, the all-seeing psychic.

Haven't I seen you somewhere?

It's almost so...


That's what I was gonna say.

Wow! You really are psychic.

You're right. And Obvioso
can see that something

is bothering you, little friend.

You got my number, Obvioso.

Today was supposed to be
about me and Luz, see?

But now she's distracted by
her cool new school friends.

What if I were to tell you

that there was a way to make all
those problems disappear?

I'd say that sounds illegal.

I would also say go on.



Holy bones! You poofed it.

Call the cops! This guy's crazy!

[chuckles] Hey.
The spray is only temporary.

I just give my cheeks a tap
and then...

it returns safe and sound.

- [squawks]
- [chirps]

Take this.

Enjoy the carnival
without the problems.

Luz, Willow and Gus
will be none the wiser.

Whoa! You even know their names.

Guess there's no use arguing
with a fortune-teller.

Thanks, Obvioso.


Hey, sidenote, in the future
do I ever find love?

Uh... yes.



Hmm, maybe I should
think about this first.

King! Sorry we lost you
back there, little dude.

Hey, it's okay.

Let's go back to the games
and win those bracelets.

But we haven't gone
on any rides

and there's no line
for the bumper carcasses.

- Games!
- Carcasses!

- Games!
- Carcasses!

[stomach growling]

Food! I'm gonna grab
some rotten candy

while you guys
figure this out. Bye!

When Luz comes back let's go on
the three-man cauldron spinner.

Or the triple swing.

[Willow] Oh, and that's close
to those photo booths

that can fit exactly
three people.

[King] But today
was me and Luz's day.

- Aw. Does the little baby boo miss his buddy Luz?
- [chuckles]

Uh, does he? Uh, does he?

- [grunts] The King of Demons misses nobody.
- [laughs]

I demand you put me down!

[both] What?

Oh, no! What have I done?

Wow. I guess they really wanted
to ride those bumper carcasses.

Actually, Luz. There's something
I gotta tell you.

No. There's something
I gotta tell you, King.

I said I'd help you win
those friendship bracelets.

So win them we shall, okay?

Uh... Willow and Gus will be
okay for a little while, right?

- What was that?
- Nothing.

Now let's go.

[Luz] Ready or not, here we crumb.

[King] Yes! Ha ha!

First, I'm growing
out of my clothes.

Now I'm shrinking?

Then puberty? You're the
craziest coaster of 'em all.


[Gus screams]

What happened to us?

Did I black out on
the molar coaster again?

Sketchy carnival rides
are not to blame this time.

King had something in his
pouch that made us small.

And I just got tall enough
for the rides! [sobs]


- [growls]
- [both yelp]

I think we're safe now.

[both scream]


Enough of this.


Quick! We have to find Luz
and get her attention

before any more carnival
animals hunt us down.



Eat up, my steed.

Lead us to safety.

It's so hairy.
Why is it so hairy?

Because up close,
everything is hairy.


Round as the moon,
her ears are,

with mood swings as
terrifying as night itself.

Now, who wants to touch
an outdated human reference?

- I do.
- Me.

- [demon] Okay, show's over.
- [gasps]

This witch doesn't have
a license.

- [yelps] I can't do time again!
- Run!

Ah, what are you?
The fun police?

[demon] Yes!


And you're coming with me.

Uh, excuse me, sir. I'd like to
have a word with your staff.

Owlbert! Owlbert!
Where are you?



Owlbert, you're lucky I can't be
mad at your adorable antics.


Hey, I caught her.

I hate carnivals.

[adventurous music playing]



We can't keep doing this.


We won't have to
for much longer.

Just when I thought I couldn't
respect the law any less...

[squeaks] surprises me.

So I hear you're running scams
at my carnival?

That's my job.

And I take my job
very seriously.

Spare me the yuks.
What do you want?

Since I'm a forgiving demon,
I'll give you two options.

I can pass you along to the Emperor's
Coven or throw you in the Conformatorium

or you can scam for me.

, ... , ...


Now, King, before
you spend your tickets

are you sure you want those friendship
bracelets and not this bad boy?


I am the King of Night.

And every breath you take
brings you closer to darkness.

This guy's a riot.

Yes, Luz.
I want the bracelets.

It's kind of important to me,

I can be important to you.

I, who have seen the birth
and death of countless nations...

- Hey, stop it.
- [whinnies]

- No, no. Stop it.
- [whinnies]

Yes, where was I, uh...

Well, lost count.
Okay, one, two,

- [buzzing]
- three, four, five, six...

Ugh, gross.
I'm gonna need a mirror.

I'll be right back, King.

... , , ...

Count faster.

Oh. There we go.

You made it.

Aw. What a supportive sign.
Wait a sec.

Supportive signs!


Oh, my gosh.

One million.

Yep, I just counted
to one million.

The bracelets are yours.

Yes. Yes!

Now Luz and I will share a bond
as mighty as these trinkets.


Heya, Luz. Good news.
I got the bracelets.


Huh? [yelps]

You splashed us with something
to make us small.

And now I can't go
on the big boy rides!

You monster.

You weren't supposed to shrink.

You, you were
supposed to disappear.

- Ooh, no. Wait.
- What?

No, no, no.
Luz, I can explain.

I wanted to win the bracelets
and there was this psychic, see.

That must've been what did it.
Give me the spray bottle, King.

No, wait.
I-I-I gotta explain.

There's nothing to explain.

I was just trying to...

Shrink my friends?

I was trying to solve
my problems.


[both] Uh-oh.

[both] Hi.

Wait, I can fix it.

Obvioso showed me how. Behold.

Why isn't this working?

I'd say it's working quite well.

Um, Luz,
I think King is broken.

Tapping my cheeks is
supposed to turn us normal.

The psychic told me.

Oh, did he?
But what if he...

lied to you from the start?

Hold on.

Lied to you from the start?

It's different.

You fiend. When Obvioso finds
out you stole his mustache...


The potion was designed by me.

Guess whose cheeks control it?

Why are you doing this?

When you destroyed my stand,

you destroyed generations
of Grimm Hammer history.

Now it's time to pay.

- [all screams]
- Oof!

Welcome to the greatest show
on the Boiling Isles.

[all cheering]

[all gasp]

Will these witches and demons

survive feeding time?

Let's find out.



Aw. At least
he's still my friend.


That's how friends react.

[all growling]

You ruined my livelihood.

So now you'll feed
my livelihood.

Place your bets
and enjoy the show.

Well, if I have to go,

at least I'm with
my best friends.

And King.



Caramel Crab Apples.
Get 'em hot and pinchy.

[man] Hey, over here!

Yeah, yeah. [grunts]

- [Luz yelping]
- Hold your spider-horses.

[all shrieking]



We've gotta...

find a way out of here.


Ah, King, you idiot.
This is all your fault.

But I think I know
how to fix it.

[blusters, nickers]


Willow, Gus,
I'm sorry for poofing you.

And Luz, I'm sorry for taking
you away from your friends.


I know you'll eventually go home

and now you're spending
more time at school.

I just wanna be around you!

- [grunting]
- [growling]

- No!
- Boo! Boo!

- [crowd booing]
- No refunds.


All right. I only have one shot.

Darn flies.

- [clinks]
- Oh, no.

Hey, hey.
No discounts, buddy.

- You guys owe me.
- [crowd booing]

There's nothing happening
in this show.

Not a single one of those
dumb kids have gotten hurt yet.

Dumb kids?


Those are my dumb kids.

[all sigh]

You shrunk the animals too?

It's the Tent of Tiny Terrors.

- Something needed to be tiny.
- [crowd booing]

Finish the job!
Get them kids.


[munches, nickers]



[all screaming]

They foiled my plans.

You will pay for this!

This time I'm gonna
personally squash you.

Oh, no, Tibbles. That's not how
entertainment works.

The bad guy always gets
his just desserts.

Oh, no! Not desserts!

Hey, girls.
This one's on the house.

- [screaming]
- [blusters]

Looks like we ruined his
life for a second time.

We're on a roll.

Gus, Willow, you're okay!

[Luz] All thanks to you, King.


It was all that was left.

It's... it's okay.

Because now there's
a piece for everybody.

If you'll accept it, that is?

Thank you, King.

Yeah. I've always wanted to own
a jagged piece of cheap metal.

That's very sweet.

I'm sorry, Luz.

Demons do crazy things when
they've been missing somebody.

And can I tell you a secret?

I've been missing you too.

- [kisses]
- [giggles]

Hey, we still have a few
hours of carnival left.

Wanna hit those
bumper carcasses?

You bread my mind.

[laughs] Yes! Bread puns.
Bread puns forever.

You coming, Eda?

Nah. I think I got
everything I wanted.

Yep. Another great year
at the carnival.

[buzzing] Boy, fly, we sure get
into some wacky hijinks, don't we?

Sure feel sorry for anyone that
missed seeing us two rabble-rousers

getting into scrapes.

Good thing I brought a camera.

Yep. Hooty and fly.
Together forever. You and me.

Every single day...

Now I know what friendship
taste like.


Taste like a bug.