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02x06 - Del XVI

Posted: 09/06/21 07:58
by bunniefuu
I've risked my career,
and you won't even tell me why?

- Two different g*ns.
- I know that Eva's g*n k*lled Desirée!

It's not your mother's brain scan image
that's in her patient record.

Welcome to EN, agent Aronsson.
Everyone here is carrying a parasite.

- It makes us better agents.
- So I'll be offered one?

Trust me, it's an amazing gift.

The next time she haunts you...

...don't shy away.
Confront the darkness.

Maja Nyman?

I'm needed in Stockholm, Eva.

- So you went back to Silverhöjd?
- Sorry for taking off like that.

- Did you find anything out?
- Yes, a few things.

Zara Norrbacka was a midwife there.

- Recognise anyone?
- She worked here for a long time.

Then she left all of a sudden.
It must be at least ten years ago.

And the man from Skanstull Bridge
was an old friend of my mother's.

That's Leif, a freelance photographer.
He left shortly after your mother.

The child...

I'm fairly certain
Leif was k*lled for his blood.

- What's that?
- A blood bag.

But why?

Ylva drew this blood from Muns.

Their blood is the active ingredient
in the potion we drink.

It's true, I'm afraid.

- But who...?
- I know where I get mine from. Do you?

EN? No way. Never.
It goes against everything we stand for.

- Who else would it be?
- Seems pretty obvious to me.

Parker and Zara Norrbacka.

- Is that...?
- My mum? Yes.

She came with you to Silverhöjd?
I thought she was ill.

She seems to be getting better.
Fancy some breakfast?

Hm? No.
I have my hands full at the station.

Talk later then.

- We have what we need.
- Good.

- What do I do with her?
- Nothing.

For now.


- Take milk?
- What?

- In your coffee.
- No thanks. Black.

Black it is.

- Cheers.
- Oh, by the way...

Reisner wants this analysed ASAP.

- Have you got the form?
- Sure.

There you go.

- What am I looking for?
- We need to rule out a DNA match.

Between the two samples. Easy-peasy.

But it's high priority.
Email me the results right away.

- Okay.
- Great.

- You live like this?
- Yes.

- In this way?
- What do you mean?

Let's see now...

You need light. A messy home
is enough to drive anyone insane.

You reckon?

There's something here...

Something important...

I need to work.
I'll set up an office.


What the hell? What...

What the hell do you want?

Bless you.

His name's Rami.

But be careful. He's dangerous.

Could I have
everyone's attention, please?

I know most of you
have already met Tom Aronsson.

I've just been informed that Tom's
joining our unit as an investigator.

Thank you.

Thanks. I'm really
looking forward to working here.

I've long aimed to work in Stockholm.

After 14 years with the Silverhöjd Police,
I felt it was time to move on.

I won't give a long speech,
but I look forward to...

Sorry, but we have a witness

who saw a man lifting a girl into a
blue van on Bondegatan Road last night.

- Thanks. I'll talk to her.
- No, let me.

If you don't mind.


Maja, you woke me!

- Hello. Tom Aronsson.
- Hello. Olivia Eriksson.

The girl you saw
being lifted into the van,

could this be her?

She looks like her. Yes, it probably was.

And the man,

could this be him?

It was dark outside, and it happened
so quickly... But I think so.

He was wearing a black hat like that.

Okay. Great.

I should've called the police right away,
shouldn't I?

You don't think he's hurt her?


I know how badly it stings.

Who are you?

My name's Robin.

They're here.

I know you're here.

Do you have the other girl?


- I didn't think you'd be back.
- Why wouldn't I?

May I come in?

- What's the matter?
- Eva... I thought we were friends.

- Of course we are.
- Don't.

I analysed the b*llet that k*lled Desirée.

The real b*llet, the one
that was hidden behind a picture.

Desirée was shot with your g*n.

- Why did you k*ll her?
- Bahar, I didn't k*ll anyone!

I have nothing on you.
Not since someone stole the b*llet.

- But I won't rest until you're charged.
- I wasn't involved in her death.

Then explain all this.

I can't. You have to trust me.

No wonder you're on your own.

All you do is spread chaos and pain.

She's right, Mum.

You've let us all down.

Your friends.



You never came.

I was so scared. But you never came.

Yes, I did.

And I'm here now.

I'm here now.

But you're not.

You're only here because I'm not well.

And that's not fair on you.

You were so beautiful, sweetheart.

The prettiest thing I'd ever seen.

Doing this isn't fair on you.

On who you were.

Who you are.

You're still alive, Josefine.

You're alive in me.

You're the best thing
that ever happened to me.

This must be the door.

Someone's inside.

No, don't!

That's Rami and his dog, Stalin.

Eating the sofa wasn't enough?

Who said I don't like dogs?

Stop playing with the dog
and help me look for clues.

Desirée, Robin's mum.

Is that blood?

They were looking for someone.

- Tom, wait!
- Sorry, but I'm busy.

Don't do it.

- What?
- You may have Reisner fooled.

But I know what you have to do
to get that job. You can still back out.

I'm sick of being told what to do.

And I'm sick of you and Eva
never listening to me.

- You'll regret it.
- Know what I regret?

That I've let you manipulate me.

- You and your f*cking lies!
- This won't bring you closer to Eva.

- Far from it.
- Shut up!

Tom, don't do it!

Look at this.

This is the price we pay.
They'll own you for the rest of your life.

Tom! Think of Ida.

She needs you!

How long was I asleep for?

There you are.
You've been out for a couple of hours.

- Where did you get the wallpaper?
- I had a few rolls leftover.

You're young. You need a modern home.

Laila? The front desk called.
You have a visitor.

- Who?
- They didn't say.

- Bahar?
- Hi. I was just looking for you.

What calibre was Desirée shot with?

A nine millimetre.
It's right at the top of my report.

I wasn't sure. Sorry.

What are you doing?

I wanted to double-check
the size of the entrance wound.


Nine millimetre.

- Was that all?
- Yes.

You do realise I'll have to report this?

- I need to buy a few more rolls.
- That might be difficult.

Sure, we'll get more.

"I've seen the misery we cause.
Desperate parents without hope or..."

- What's this?
- My article, of course.

- Your article?
- Yes.

I think I've cracked the code.

You changed the keys around?

The clue was in the music book.
Pretty clever, if I may say so myself.

- So all these letters meant something?
- Of course they did.

What's the article about?
What did you see?

I can't.

- Mum, you have to tell me.
- I don't remember. That's the problem.

All I know is that it was very important.

Something important that...

We filmed it. He had a video camera.

- Leif?
- I remember.

- Are you talking about Leif?
- He brought me something important.

Agneta, hold this, will you?


- All set?
- We're ready to go.

- Coming?
- Yes.

- How much further?
- We're going deep into the mountain.

Chemicals. From the construction site.

Did you hear that?

Get ready, Agneta.
This is where my people are hiding.

Careful. Don't frighten them.

What is this?

They need our help.

Oh, little one,
you don't have to be afraid.

There, there.

Leif, help me.

Agneta, watch out!


That's Zara Norrbacka.

What did she do to you?

Did she take Leif?

Was she the one who made you ill?
Tell me where this was shot.

How's it looking?

- You wanted to see me?
- I need your help identifying someone.

Maja, the girl I'm trying to find -
I think he has her.

He figures in Eva's case,
but that's all I know.

Well, well...

Tom Aronsson,
I wish I could've eased you into the job.

But you've managed to dive in head first.

As you know, our organisation
was set up to protect

those who can't protect themselves.

There are lesser threats
and larger, more pressing ones.

A handful are so serious
that extreme measures are required.

This is one of them. Dante Milles.

I can't give you full access to his file yet,

but this much I can tell you:

You're probably right.
I wouldn't be surprised if he has the girl.

He may look harmless,
but he's a cold-blooded k*ller.

We believed he was dead.

This is very worrying news.
When you find him...

...bring him here, to me.

Not to the police...

Not anywhere else, but straight here
to me for questioning.




All set for tonight?

Good. Don't be late.

And Tom...

Good work.

The entrance is just over that hill.

But it can't be... This can't be right.

It was here.

- I'm sure the entrance was here.
- The Northern Link?

This is their home.
How can there be a motorway here?

It's their mountain.

- Mum, come on. Let's go home.
- No.


Right. So what's the plan?


I souped up your bike.

We could head over to the tip
and race our bikes, like we used to.


We've got her, there's no hurry.


No? Okay. I'll drop the car back.

You'll keep an eye on her, then?

Okay, great.

I'm sorry, Eva. Love you. Miss you.

Everything okay?
She's not awake, is she?

It's your turn.

For f*ck's sake, Eddie...





Are you okay?

Yeah, sure. Why?

You brat!

I reported you missing to the police.

Put up posters all over the bloody place.

I've been calling you for four days.

Where the hell were you?
I've been worried sick.

- What was that?
- What?

It's nothing.


What the hell?

What the hell did you do?


No, not the blindfold!

Is this what you've been up to?

Haven't you caused
this family enough pain?

There. It's okay.



What did you do?!

- Eddie...
- Die.

I hate you! I hate you!

Die. It's all you fault.

We spoke earlier. Eva.

Your mother worked here?

- The name isn't familiar.
- She worked her briefly during the 80s.

So you're looking for her old pieces?

No, I'm afraid not.

I need everything you have on
the Northern Link construction from '88.

Oh dear.
Then I'd better make a pot of coffee.

Milk, no sugar.

- Wass.
- Why's Eva in the newspaper archives?

- She is?
- How did she find Agneta's articles?

Don't worry. Agneta's a vegetable.

She's researching the Northern Link.

I'll handle it.

That's all we have on the Northern Link.

Ancient mass grave at the Northern Link

Svante Bergvall, architect

Excuse me?

Can I print this?

I was having such a strange dream.

About your father.

He was so...

...sorry for what he did.

Your dad was never sorry for anything.


Don't you hurt me again.


What's going on?

Eva, help me!

Open the door.

- You know that man?
- Göran's a colleague and a friend.


Tell her who you really are.
It's all his fault.

It's his fault!

He drove us apart.


- You're wrong.
- No, Eva.

She's not.

Tom Aronsson.

You're about to abandon your human life

and enter into a new one... a guardian of nature and life.


You hereby pledge yourself
to live by our code.

No human or moral laws

supersede the needs of nature.

No sacrifice is too great,
no mission more important.

Naturam vita nostra tuemur.

Aeterna permanebit natura.

With our lives we protect nature.

Nature shall be eternal.


This was recorded 30 years ago.

Let's talk about what you saw
in the forest in Silverhöjd.

Dead bodies. Everywhere.

It was awful. My own husband...

Let me stop you there, Agneta.

Is the truth not in fact

that it was all just a dream?
A dream you no longer remember.

It's faded from your memory, right?

- Yes.
- So what did you see in the forest?

In the forest?

- Nothing?
- Good.

You can probably cancel that meeting
with commissioner Olof Gran.

- Right?
- Yes. We have nothing to discuss.

Let's talk about your husband.

- Do you remember his name?
- Yes. Johan Thörnblad.

Yes. And how do you feel about Johan?

I'm angry with him. He's cheating on me.

Perhaps you hate him, even?

Yes. I think so.


I'm never speaking
to that son of a bitch again.

Excellent. And what did you see
in the tunnels in Stockholm?

What tunnels?

And your daughter?

- Eva?
- Yes, Eva.

- How do you feel about her?
- I love her.

You don't love her.

My head...

Now listen carefully, Agneta.

- Time's up, Inge.
- I'm not finished yet.

Eva's to blame for all of this.

- The way you're feeling.
- No. She's only a child. She...

Listen now.

- You hate everyone.
- Everyone...but not Eva.

Deep down you hate Eva. Right?

- That's enough, she's slipping away.
- Tell me the truth: you hate Eva.







I hate her.

You see, Agneta. You can't trust anyone.

Not even your own daughter.

You went too far.

One more thing, Agneta:
We've never met.

Who the hell...

...are you? Huh?

You took my mother away from me.


...took my mother away.

- Why?
- She would've have exposed everything.

She'd discovered
those living in the shadows.

I followed orders blindly.

And I've hated myself since.

I trusted you.

When I discovered
that Agneta was your mother...

...and we met in Silverhöjd...

I was afraid of losing you.

- Why tell me now?
- To warn you of the danger, Eva.

They know you're digging up
Agneta's old work.

And if they find out
about Agneta's recovery,

they won't stop at a larva this time.

They'll k*ll her.

No one's ever come back before.

It shouldn't be possible.

But you did it.

What now?

- What now?
- Yes?

I'm going to find out
how all of this is connected.

Mum's work...

...Leif, the children.

I'm going to find out who's behind it all,
and stop them.

And you're going to help me.


...I never want to see you again.

Now go.

- Agne...
- Get out! Now.