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02x05 - Del XV

Posted: 09/06/21 07:57
by bunniefuu
Zara Norrbacka.

They're k*lling children!

- I need more.
- No, Eva.

This is Klara.
I can't answer.

I'm in Stockholm with my mate Maja.

We're staying with Linus.

This Rami Hemalainen
figures in Eva Thörnblad's investigation.

Leave me alone!

Christ... What are you doing, Eva?

Wass isn't the agent he once was.

Tom, you're a natural.

Call me. Any time.

Heden's Removals

- Who is she?
- What is it that you think you know?

- You know this woman somehow.
- And?

Don't get any closer to the truth.

Hello? Hello?

- You're awake.
- Why am I tied up?

Are you hungry?

Untie me!

You were having nightmares.
Nearly fell out of bed.

I'm awake now.

I can't eat with my hands tied, Mum.

Oh dear...

Let me help you.

Everything will be alright.

There. Easy, easy.

Let me.

Go on, have a sip. You need fluids.

- Do as Mummy says.
- No!


- You've caught a bad case of the flu.
- No!

Let go!

Okay, okay, okay.

Don't blame me if you fall out of bed.

- Try to get some sleep.
- I can't sleep.

School can wait.

- Are you coming? We need to tell him.
- Wait. Please.

- Come on. I need your help.
- Why not leave him be for a while?

We'll do some work on the sauna later.



Mr Aronsson, come in. Welcome.

Thanks. You need to see this.


One moment. Yes?


Who's this poor devil then?

His name was Rami Hemalainen.

He figured in Eva's case.

A people smuggler.

Finnish citizen,
no known address in Sweden.

- And how did Rami lose his head?
- Well, that's the thing.

He was found like that, in a tree.

- In Silverhöjd.
- I see.

anything else?

My guess is that
he was looking for this girl.

Maja Nyman. Rami was found
100 metres from her cottage.

No obvious connection.

All I know for sure is
that your organisation is covering it up.


- Inge Skylqvist. Does that ring a bell?
- Yup.

- He's on me like a leech.
- Stay away from him.

Do you know where Maja is now?

She ran away to Stockholm.

With a mutual friend of ours: Esmeralda.

I see.

Any idea where they might be?

Remember Linus?
Esmeralda's friend in Silverhöjd?

I called his school, and they said
he's moved to Stockholm. I'll start there.

Have you told anyone?

No, I wanted to show it to you and Eva.

- I thought the three of us could...
- Well done, Tom.

- I'll... I'll follow the matter up.
- Right.

Listen... Speaking of Eva.

- She needs our help.
- Yes, well...

I tried talking to her, but she flipped out.

She's under a lot of pressure.
We must help her before it gets worse.

Just tell me what to do.





What sort of a homecoming
do you call this?


What happened?

Agneta called me.
She found you unconscious.

Said you had the flu.

- She seems a little...
- ...nuts.

Yes, I've noticed.

She greeted me at the door
as if we'd seen each other yesterday.

Those blotches on your skin...

Do you mind if I have a look?


Seems you've inherited
your father's parasitic disease.

- So it's hereditary?
- It's too long a story.

One I'm not allowed tell you.

All you can do
is ease the pain when it kicks in.

Until I find a cure.

- And how do you plan on doing that?
- It's here in Silverhöjd.

You sure know
how to keep me in suspense.

My mother...

She knows things about a case
I'm working on in Stockholm.

Is there any way

you can help her think more clearly?


I can send for her medical record.

Book an MRI scan
to get a better idea of her condition.

I really need to jolt her memory.

What do you think, Pekka?

Is it the flu, or worse?


The convulsions were so bad yesterday,
I was forced to restrain her.

And that rash on her tummy...

- What is it?
- You were right to call me, Agneta.

But I'm sure it's as it should be.

Oh, and by the way,
when I looked through my records,

I noticed that you missed your check-up.

Yes, but I'm fit as a fiddle.

Great. But as your family doctor

I recommend a routine examination.

Symptoms can come on suddenly.
You know, at your age.

Now that you mention it,

I have felt a little funny lately.

A little forgetful and...


I'm sure it's nothing to worry about.

But just to be on the safe side,

we should go to the hospital
and do some tests.

In any case, Eva needs to rest.


Fine. But I don't have all day.


Laila? Did you get my message?

Yes. The Spånga su1c1de, right?

I thought the case was closed?

Suppose it wasn't su1c1de.

That she was m*rder*d,
and someone staged it as a su1c1de.

My job isn't to make suppositions.

I look for hard evidence.

- Sure, okay. So what did you find?
- Let's see...

The entrance wound angle,
exit wound size...

...g*nsh*t residue and absence of DNA,

in addition to the forensic evidence,

fingerprints on the w*apon,
case on the floor...

...position of the body
and bloodstain pattern analysis...

All evidence points to a su1c1de.

What if new evidence emerged,
proving you wrong?

- The thing is that I'm never wrong.
- Right.

Call me if anything new turns up.


Wass, I heard you were back.
How are you keeping?

Bloody great.

I got Danish pastry to celebrate.
Staff meeting in the kitchen. Well?

Eh... Well, I do love Danishes.

But I promised Bahar
I'd finish this ballistics analysis.

Let me offer you some valuable advice,
young man. One:

You only live once. Two:

There are only 12 Danishes left.
Three: They're fresh from the oven.

- Just a quick break then.
- That's more like it!


Wass: Eva, call me ASAP.

- You're back already?
- Already?

- We left over three hours ago.
- Well?

I had a look at Agneta's record.

The scan images are old,

but show a massive stroke
that resulted in extensive brain damage.

We're just waiting
on the results of today's MRI scan.

But don't get your hopes up.

Why did you call me yesterday,
and then hang up?

I wanted to show you something.

- Any idea where this was taken from?
- The local paper, by the looks of it.


Recognise anyone?

1988? That's a long time ago.

Let's see. No... Hang on.

That girl.

The midwife...
What was her name again?

Zara Norrbacka?

No. She had an unusual name.

You know... An Old Norse one.

- Jorun?
- Yes, that's it.

She worked here for a long time.

Not bad-looking, either.

Then she left all of a sudden.

It must be at least ten years ago.

Are there any records
of the children she cared for?

From 1988?

Yes, probably,
but finding them won't be a picnic.

It's important.

Very well. I'll do my best.

This is the b*llet
that penetrated Rami's shoulder.

Fired from Eva Thörnblad's w*apon.
And this... the second b*llet you claim
to have found behind Desirée's picture.

Two different g*ns.

What? That can't be right.

Is this a mistake?
Someone's been in here.

- Someone swapped the b*ll*ts. Wass!
- Okay.

I may not be Wass' biggest fan,
but these accusations are absurd.

- Eva's g*n k*lled Desirée!
- How the hell do you know that?

I compared the b*ll*ts myself!

Hang on.

You were in my lab,
trying to match b*ll*ts?

What if you'd ruined the evidence?

You've jeopardised the entire case.

Hello. Danish pastry?

I know Eva's g*n k*lled Desirée.

She was there, and you covered it up.

Why... What are you talking about?

I'll prove that Eva was the sh**t,
and that you helped her.

Wass: Eva, call me!

Must you be at that thing?
You're completely obsessed with it.

- People need to be able to reach me.
- No, you're ill.

You need peace and quiet,
fresh air and rest!

...look back, you look ahead
Smiling eyes meet

You and I together become one

There is no you, there is no I

Being alone, it's hard to get by

You and I together become one

The pizza.

So what's going on?

You've saved Eva. Isn't that enough?

I broke into the crime lab
to steal evidence. So no, it isn't enough.

I've risked my career,
and you won't even tell me why?

Sorry, Tom.

What about the information I gave you?
Rami's m*rder?

- The link between the cases?
- I haven't had a chance to look at it yet.

Bloody hell, Wass!

I came to you in confidence.

Some bastard wants to hurt that girl.
I promised her dad I'd find her.

I'll be straight with you.
Go back to Silverhöjd and forget all this.

- I can't be responsible for you as well.
- Rubbish. I can look after myself!

Don't you trust me?
I thought you and Eva were my friends.

I am your friend, Tom.
That's exactly why I can't...

You don't want my help. Fine.
You're on your own!

If Eva says thanks, tell her
she's f*cking welcome! Whatever I did.


Linus' dad?

Bondegatan Street?

Great. Okay, thanks.

It's as if this parasite

absorbs all foreign substances.

So I can't risk giving you more.

I gave you enough morphine earlier

to put an ox to sleep.

What did you want show me?

I have Agneta's scan results.

This is the old MRI image

from your mother's medical record
in Stockholm.

It shows a massive stroke.

This is the image that was taken today.


They look completely different.

Her record is full of discrepancies.
It doesn't even say who diagnosed her.

- So she's been misdiagnosed for years?
- Yes.

It's not the same person.

This brain scan

doesn't belong to your mother.

Someone swapped it?



Linus, it's so good of you
to let us stay here.

Drink up, the taxi's on its way.

- Are you expecting anyone?
- No.


- Who was it?
- Tom Aronsson.

Silverhöjd Police.

"Linus, I'm looking for Esmeralda.
If you see her, call me.

"It's important. Tom."

I'm guessing you won't turn me in?

- No.
- Thanks.

Did you find them?

- Where are we going?
- A guy in there is looking for me.

- How do you know?
- I know him. He's from Silverhöjd.

Maja, what are you doing?

Let's hide in here. Come on!

My heart!

You know you're special, right?


When did you first realise?

My first memory

is lying on an anthill in the forest.

Lying there, resting.

I felt so calm.

I let them crawl all over me. Tickle me.

They said it was alright.

The ants?

Yes. They said I could stay
as long as I didn't wreck anything.

My dad found me.

He was really worried at first.

But then he saw
that I didn't have a single bite.

He's known ever since.

Eva! Sister!


I figured you'd be out here.

- Are you keeping well? And Ylva?
- Yes.

She's teaching me all about the forest,

animals, plants and all that.

- She can be pretty strict.
- Yeah. But she says I'm coming on.

I really need to talk to her. It's important.

Nicklas... It's a matter of life and death.


- Eva's been missing for 24 hours.
- Close the door.


Eva's taking a few days off to rest,
she just called. Secondly:

- This is getting out of hand.
- Don't you get it?


You break into a cottage,
attempt a ballistics analysis

that you're not qualified to do,

and track down my girlfriend
only to accuse her of not doing her job.

Laila's one of the most
experienced pathologists on the force.

You've got a nerve
questioning her professionalism.

The b*llet in the wall...

A b*llet no one's seen except for you.

All I saw was another hole in the wall.

- Are you saying I made it up?
- I don't know what to believe.

Have a look at this.

The bag's there, and now it's gone.

Guess who had it? Eva!

- She stole it from the crime scene.
- And you're sure?

- That it's the same bag?
- I saw it.

- For a second.
- Want my advice?

Take that job in Trafficking.


- Hi...
- Are you alright?

- Everything's under control.
- You can't just take off like that.

You told me to take some time off.

I couldn't reach you.

- I was worried.
- How's the investigation going?

- Robin?
- Nothing new I'm afraid.

I have Reisner breathing down my neck
and Bahar's poking around.

- She's smart, and stubborn as heck.
- I'll be back soon. Keep Bahar out of it.

- Okay. Where are you?
- I'm following up on something.

- Alright?
- Please keep your phone switched... case I need to... Hello?

This wasn't an easy decision for me.

I demand to know everything.

Okay. Yeah.

Eva? Hello. Ruben.

Here's the paper you asked for.

4 April 1988, page 16.


- Mum wrote this?
- When you called I thought...

..."If Agneta's daughter needs a favour,

"of course I'll help out."

She worked here?

She sure did!

Agneta was my best reporter.
And great bloody fun, too.

We were all so proud
when she got a job in Stockholm.

Not that we didn't mind losing her.

But what an honour for our small paper!

Then she had that stroke. A sad thing
to happen to such a sharp mind.

- Who's this?
- Leif, a freelance photographer.

He left shortly after your mother.
Then we lost contact.

- Any idea where I might find him?
- Not a clue.

Oh, I almost forgot!
I found some of your mum's things.

Your mum
was up to all sorts of mischief.

What's this?

- A code?
- I know she had some side project.

I think she wrote in code
to avoid prying eyes.

- Can I hold on to these?
- Sure, no problem.

You have no idea
how often I've dreamt of the day

when Agneta would strut back in here

with a typewriter under her arm
and that contagious smile.

Agneta was...

Well, one of the most
brilliant people I've ever known.

And I can tell
you're a chip off the old block.

You've reached Eva Thörnblad.
I can't take your call.

Please leave a message after the beep.

Hi, Eva. Tom here.
I don't know why you're doing this to me.

Not trusting me, treating me like a kid.

But that ends now.

No more lies and sneaking around.

I can't say any more over the phone,
so call me when you get this.


"Hugs"? Oh God...

I'm glad you called.

This girl is in danger.

I need your help. Full transparency.

Let's go for a drive.


Mum, look at me!


Ah, welcome to the stage.

I brought you these.

Do you remember them?

I've... I've been wondering

what happened to all this.

- What is it?
- It's something that...

...I need.


Go on, let me work in peace.

Go over there and sit with Daddy.

Good morning.

This is the price you pay for
locking yourself in a room full of booze.

Can I ask you something?

The hunter.

What happened in the forest?

I don't remember anything.

Only the blood on my hands.

I ran to the cave, then you found me.

There's a way.

I can find your memories.
If we join up with one another.

- And become one?
- Sort of.


...there'll be no more secrets.

- No... I don't know.
- Maja...

It's really important
that you find out what happened.

So that it doesn't happen again.

And the effect...

...only lasts for a short while.



What are those notes?

A song you'd forgotten?

You could say that.

The music book was in the attic.
That's why I wanted to come back here.

Why is it so important?
Is it work-related?

I don't know!

It just is. I need a break.

Do you remember this?

Why, I wrote it.

- Who is she?
- The midwife?

I don't know.

- What about him?
- That's Leif.

Sweetest, dearest Leif.

And now he's dead.

- Dead?
- I heard it on the news.

Is this man Leif?

- They got to him in the end.
- Who are "they"?

When do I get one? A ring.

All in good time.
You need to be initiated first.

Do you own a dress coat?

I'll give you the number of a good tailor.

Right then.

Welcome to EN, agent Aronsson.

I... I k*lled him.

- Maja, he was trying to k*ll you.
- Why?

Because you're special.

But you didn't let him.

I think you and I are more alike
than you realise.

Sparks dancing by

Animals fly

And the raging fire

Rises to the sky

Why are you singing that?

We used to sing it to you at bedtime.

Your dad and I. Don't you remember?


And I sang it to Josefine.

Beautiful little Josefine.

I only got to see her a couple of times.

Wait here.


Oh, Eva! It's so good to see you!

- This is my mum, Agneta.
- Hello.

- I'm a friend of your daughter's.
- I see.

Excuse me. I have work to do.

Nicklas seems anxious.

He's been upset for days.
Says there are living dead in the forest.

The boy has a vivid imagination,

but he's right about one thing:

Something's going on here.

A hunter was found decapitated.

Two girls are missing,

and an old friend, Klara, is too.

Tom came to my flat two days ago.

Said a hunter who was found here

was somehow linked

to a case in Stockholm.
But I wasn't paying attention to him.

I was horrible.

Maybe you ought to listen to Tom.

There's something brewing.

And until I know what,
I'm staying out of it.

This woman calls herself Zara

or Jorun.

- Do you know who she is?
- Why do you ask?

This photo was taken 30 years ago.

She hasn't aged a day.

- Could she be like you?
- It's possible. There are a few of us left.

Is there a ritual?
Where babies are sacrificed?


Some have dark minds.
The fallen ones.

That's why
I've cut all ties with the others.

There's a lot I want no part of.

I need your help.

The antidote's run out.

What on earth are you saying?

I gave you enough for six months.

I know I've taken too much.

Perhaps I wasn't clear, but overdosing
is dangerous. It affects your brain.

I've been feeling awful, Ylva.

- I need more.
- It's not like turning on a tap!

Extracting it is a gruelling process.


We have agents planted everywhere.
And now another one in Stockholm.

You'll be mainly based at police HQ
or work in the field,

but if you need privacy,
there's an office at your disposal.

Our archives are located on-site.

- A pretty amazing facility.
- May I see it?

Certainly. As soon as you get clearance.

I gather you're already familiar
with the symbiont.

The parasite.

Oh, right. Yes.

Indeed. Wass is infected, right?

Infected? Wrong word.

He swallowed it voluntarily.

Everyone in the organisation is carrying
a parasite. It makes us better agents.

Isn't it dangerous?

- Lethal, even?
- Only when mismanaged.

Think of it as flying an aeroplane:
Do the training, and you'll be just fine.

So I'll be offered one?

Trust me, it's an amazing gift.

There, there.

Come on.

Easy. There you go.

Here. Sit down.

There you go.

He's not expecting us. Stay here.

What... Is that...?



Their blood is the secret ingredient

in your potion.

The parasite feeds on the blood
instead of on you.

No one can ever know.

Their survival
depends on this staying a secret.

Why do you think you've lasted so long?

Who do you think
has sacrificed himself for you?



My Muns is keeping you alive.

This was all he could give you.

He's been very ill since the last time.

Giving any more could k*ll him.


Good, you're still here.

- I want to show you something.
- Okay...?

I should probably warn you...
This is quite something.

Nothing really shocks me anymore.

What the hell is this? What happened?

We're investigating the matter.

Is this the man from Skanstull Bridge?

Eva Thörnblad's looking into this case.

And we can't have that.
This must be handled by us.

I want you to find out what Eva knows.

- For her own good, that is.
- Of course.

You know that case
I'm working on in Stockholm...

A man had been drained of blood,
and his body was almost like...



Then he belonged to Muns' people.

But... What was the strange illness
that k*lled him?

He died of natural causes.

When their time comes,
they head into the forests.

Come to rest with their ancestors
and stop breathing. Turn into stone.

Eventually they fade back into nature.

Come. We must hurry back.

You need to rest, get your strength back.

No way. I'm going back to Stockholm
as soon as the antidote's ready.

- But that'll take days.
- I have to. Someone's k*lling children!

You're only feeding the parasite

with horrible thoughts like that.

Accept the parasite within you.

The parasite that k*lled my child?

It's high time you visited Josefine.


I can't go back there.

Trust me.

She's alive.

Can you feel it?

It's just so hard.

All the nightmares and visions.

That's because you've been overdosing.

The next time she haunts you,

don't shy away. Confront the darkness.

You and your mother need each other.
She loves you.

You know that, right?

Here. Bring Josefine back with you.

...Nyman from Silverhöjd is still missing.

Police and volunteers
are searching the area.

She was last seen
wearing a blue coat, jeans

and a green sweater.

The police are appealing
to anyone with information...

Finally, you're back. Good.
I have to go back to Stockholm.

I'm needed there.
The little ones are in danger.

- You do remember!
- Stop. Just get in.

Take this, until I've made more antidote.

But remember, this is raw blood.

It's extremely potent.

One drop per day. No more.

- You have to promise.
- I promise.

- Drink up, so we can get off. Hurry up.
- Thanks, Ylva. Take care of yourself.

We're off.

Dad: Where are you, Maja? Call me!


Maja Nyman?