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02x04 - Del XIV

Posted: 09/06/21 07:56
by bunniefuu
- Could it have been a bear?
- In the middle of winter?

- I'm not signing it.
- I need your signature.

So that we can focus
on catching the real perpetrator.

No sign of Robin Lundberg.

- Hello?
- He needs a place to lie low.

- They're hiding something.
- I found this inside Desirée's head.

- Has anyone else seen this?
- No.

Tell me where Esmeralda is,
or my little brother will get very angry.

- But he's dead.
- Is he?

- Eddie?
- Leave me alone!

I'm so bloody fed up.
I just want to get away from Silverhöjd.

The lease isn't in Zara's name,
but in Jorun Norrbacka's.

- Mum's typewriter.
- I have a theory.

I don't have an appointment,
but the matter is urgent.

I wouldn't be here
unless it was absolutely necessary.

I'm afraid I don't have an appointment.

Come closer.


Come here.

- What do you want?
- I'm looking for a book.

- Maleficus by Valantis.
- That'll take a while to locate.

- I see.
- You may wait in the reading room.


So you're our mystery guest.

- You could've told me.
- It was urgent.

I didn't have time to follow procedure.

- Are you sure?
- Everything points to it.

The suicides, the larvae...

The burial site.

There's been no sign of them
in Stockholm for centuries.

Why show up now? What's the motive?

That's the question.

It makes no sense.

Right. Since you're here...

Tastes worse than usual.

You'd better get used to it.

I'll leave you to it. Good luck, Wass.

Blockula? Are you joking?

We're looking for a fallen witch.

And she's in here?

That remains to be seen.
And it's clear we're not welcome here.

- What's wrong?
- I'm not that fond of heights.

Give me a hand, will you?

Look for a sun symbol.


Wait, Eva.

- These stairs go on forever.
- Nearly there.

- Surely we're underground by now?
- I smell smoke.

You alright?

Yeah, I'm fine.

- Sure you're alright?
- Yes.

- It's from an infant.
- What the...?

- Who'd do something like this?
- What the hell...

Oh god...

It's soaked in a sedative.

An M... Or maybe a W.

Look at this. "Zara Norrbacka".

- We have to get to the hospital.
- Okay.

Good morning.


This is lovely.

I couldn't find much else. Only this.

It feels sort of "dangerous"
interrailing with you, Maja.

It's 7 a.m. and time for the news.

There are still no traces of the young girl
who went missing in Silverhöjd.

Volunteers searched
nearby wooded areas during the night.

How about a cappuccino?

There you go.



Who's there?

Come out.

- Who are you?
- Micke. Hiya.

Where's Esmeralda?

I don't want to hurt you.

I know how to make her talk.

You go and search through her cottage.


Are you okay?

Pull over.

Wait here.


- Where's the toilet?
- Sorry, I'm afraid it's out of order.

Right, okay.


Ida forgot her bag, so I was heading back
and decided to stop by.

So did you sleep on it?

Yes, as a matter of fact I did.
Tell your superiors...

Oh, good.

How's the investigation going?

- Have you identified the hunter?
- No.

We ran his dental records
and fingerprints in all the databases,

but there were no matches.
Most likely he's not a Swedish citizen.

Tom thinks he may have been
a berry picker or tourist hunting illegally.

Isn't that just typical! Right.

- Keep me posted.
- Of course.

He wasn't a blooming berry picker.

What about the real fingerprints?

Leave that to me, Tom.

Now then...

How about that autograph, Aronsson?


You're right. We'll do it later.

Are you f*cking insane?! Huh?

This... This is m*rder, for f*ck's sake!

- She's just like the others.
- What?

She has to die. They all do.

No, no, no...

I leave you alone for 30 minutes,
and you go and k*ll her!

You've k*lled a person, Eddie!


Where are you going?

We're visiting a mate.

- Where does this mate of yours live?
- In Stockholm.

You don't talk much, do you?

Are you not having that?

Then I will.



Isn't this cosy?


We need to look at some CCTV footage.

- From the delivery ward.
- And who are you?


Do you recognise this logo?

No. Okay, so...

- What do you want to know?
- Zara Norrbacka.

We need to know where and when
she last used her key card.

- She's here now.
- Sorry?

- Where?
- She just entered the neonatal unit.

- Where's that?
- Two floors up.



Stop! Wait!

I think I know where she is. Come on.

Huddinge Hospital was built
on top of an old children's hospital.

This should be it.


There's no one here.

Eva, there's nothing
we can do for the girl.


- Easy.
- I have to save Josefine!

- This has nothing to do with her.
- They're k*lling children!

Eva, wait!


I'll sit with you instead. Is that alright?

Some music!

- Want to dance?
- No.

Fine. Can I have this, then?

Shall we dance?

Cut it out!

- Stop it! She's not interested.
- Okay. Christ!

Micke, or whatever your name is.
Listen to me.

Micke, for your own sake, cut it out.

Please, no...

Eva, wait up.

- We have to be smarter than this.
- Forget it. I'm done keeping secrets.

- What are you doing?
- That's too much.

Give me back the bottle!

- It's dangerous...
- Don't you touch me.

- I can't go in there with this.
- Shut up!

- Are you missing a baby?
- Eh... No.

Police. We suspect
you've had an intruder on the ward.

Can we search the rooms
and make sure that everything's alright?


Wait. Excuse me...

No strangers are allowed in here.

I assure you
that all four babies on the ward are safe.

Easy, Eva!

You can't go in there!

- You can't just barge in!
- One, two...

- ...three.
- Stop! This is a hospital.

- I told you...
- Four.

- See? That's everyone.
- Eva!

Do you know a Zara Norrbacka?

Zara? Yes, I know her. Why?

Okay, got it. Thanks.

Zara Norrbacka has been working here
under a fake identity.

For god's sake...

Call me the moment she turns up.
We really need to speak to her.

Great. Thanks.

- Stefan?
- Wait.

Sorry. Could you have a look at this?

The Spånga su1c1de, Desirée Lundberg.

- We've examined this already.
- No, it's a second b*llet.

A second b*llet?
How did we miss that?

Someone patched the b*llet hole
and hung a picture over it.

- What?
- Can you do a quick analysis?

I wish I could, but the waiting time
is two weeks at the moment.

Fill out the paperwork,
and I'll have a look at it tomorrow.

- Ten minutes?
- Tomorrow. Only as a favour to you.

Okay, thanks. Tomorrow.

Eva? You go back to the station.

- We'll deal with...
- We?

Who might "we" be?

How will you deal with the baby?

There are parents out there somewhere,
who have just lost their child.

Do you have any idea what that's like?

Do you?

Losing your child...

Not knowing what happened.

Being left with questions
that are never answered. Do you?

Okay. So what's the plan?

Tell your organisation
that I'm not letting them erase a life.

I'm going to report it.

And how the hell will you explain it?!

I can't protect you for much longer
if you go ahead with this.

I don't want your protection!
This child is my responsibility now.

Stay out of it!

Eva, please...
You don't know what you're doing!

I'm going to find your parents.
You're going home.

I promise.

Into the darkness.

Mummy, look at me!

Come here, Mummy!



I can't play right now, pet.
I'm busy writing.

Stay in there and rot.

Do you hear me? Little princess.

Eva, wake up.

Are you with me? Eva?


She took the baby.

No. Let me. Open wide.

- It tastes awful, I know.
- I need more. Give me more!

No, rather the reverse.
You need to drink less of it.

- What do you mean?
- You must find your way back.

The parasite's growing stronger.

If you're dark, it will be too.

Find the person you were
before Josefine disappeared.

- Before life became unbearable.
- Then you'll have to go back further.

You have no choice.
The parasite's taking hold of you.

And then the real Eva

will be lost forever.

- Mum.
- She's the last person you should see.

In her present condition
she'll only make you worse. Okay?

- Eva?
- Hi. You know the black potion I take?

I've nearly run out.

There's a lady in Silverhöjd,
called Ylva, who... Tom?


You've reached Eva Thörnblad.
I can't...


Forensics had a closer look
at those fingerprints

you wanted analysed.
Where did you find them?

They're part of a case, I think.

They belong to a Rami Hemalainen.
Does the name ring a bell?

No. Why do you ask?

This Rami Hemalainen
figures in Eva Thörnblad's investigation.

He was shot in the shoulder

during an operation led by Eva
a couple of days ago.

He's wanted by police.
There are no records of him anywhere.

I'm willing to overlook this,
but I would rather Eva Thörnblad

uses her own forensics lab
instead of wasting our resources.


I know you wanted my job.

But you work here,
not for the Stockholm Police.

So drop it, Tom.
Worry about your own cases instead.


- Sure, sure. Yes.
- Good.

Hello there.

I've been looking all over for you.
Any idea why?

I'll be out of your hair.


- There you are.
- Submit your bear report.

- Can I buy you dinner?
- Some other time.

Shame...I'm dying for a steak tartare.

That'll do.

At least give me a hand up.

You know I'd do anything for you.

But don't ever
put me in a position like this again.


I need to go for a wee.
Wait here. I'll be right back.

What the hell?

Hi. This is Klara.
I can't take your call right now.

Leave a message,
and I'll get back to you.

Hi, Klara, it's me.

I'm just calling to say sorry

about how we left things.

Our stupid row and me taking off.

I totally understand
if you're disappointed in me.

I... I'm in Stockholm now.

With my mate Maja.

We're going to stay with Linus.

So you don't need to worry about me.


I'll try calling you again later.



- Was that really necessary?
- What else was I supposed to do?

I was worried.

He seems like a nice lad,
and he's probably been through the mill.

But we don't know him!

I had to go through his bag.

Right. How much was in it?

I don't know.

- Bloody hell!
- Please, Roffe. Don't say that.

I'm sorry.

I found a hard drive
and some scary-looking tools in it too.

Right. Okay.

What do you suggest we do now?

Well... Let's hide them here for now.

Until we hear from Eva.

I've called her a few times,
but she's not picking up.

- Well?
- I'm getting close.

- We're looking for a Zara Norrbacka.
- Okay. What about Eva?

- I have her under control.
- Okay.

- So you can manage her?
- Yes.

She can't get any closer to the truth.

- Or we'll be forced to intervene.
- Okay.

Forget it, Eva. I'm never letting you out.

Rot, little princess!

Stop it!

April 1988
New Delivery Ward in Silverhöjd

Hi. Are you leaving?

- Ida's not here.
- I know. I want to show you something.

- I don't have time right now.
- It's about your case.

You know that hunter in Silverhöjd
who was found with his head torn off?

I'm not interested, Tom!

- Has something happened?
- I'm fine. I have to go!

You're pale as a sheet.

- Has Ida seen you like this?
- Shut up!

You barge in here
like you own the place! Bloody flowers!

I don't give a shit about you!

Stop acting like you care,
like you know me. You don't know me!

Leave me alone!

Eva, please... Let's talk.


What the hell are you doing, Eva?

Who is she?

The missing girl,
the man outside your flat, this woman...

They're all connected!
And you know how!

Little Eva...

What do you think you know?

You know this woman somehow.
Her name's Zara, and she kills children!


I don't care whether you're ill

or just the vile person
I ended up with for a mother.

Either way, I hate you!

For everything you did and didn't do!

Are you done?

No, I'm not.

Who is she?!

Stop typing.

Stop typing!

Eva? It's been ages.



Are you okay, Maja?

I don't know. I just...

Stop thinking about him.
He's not worth it.

- Where are we?
- In Stockholm.

- Sorry?
- Stockholm.

- I can't hear you.
- Stockholm!


I'm not interested!

I don't give a shit about you!

Stop acting like you care,
like you know me. You don't know me!

- Who the hell are you? Get out!
- Tom...

We haven't met, but the fact is
that I know you quite well.

Does it bother you that Eva and Wass
always know more?

That you're always the last to know.

I belong to an organisation,

which protects "the others".

Like Wass?

Let me make you an offer:

You'll get a top position
in the Stockholm police department.

All expenses paid, of course.

But more importantly,

you'll be let into the inner circle.

You'll know everything.

Be close to everything again.

Your daughter...

...for instance.

Nothing new will be expected of you.

We're very impressed with
your handling of the Harry Storm case.

What happened in Silverhöjd, here...
And the bear attack, of course.

Wass isn't the agent he once was.

He can't be trusted.

- And the same goes for Thörnblad.
- Thanks, but no thanks.

Tom... You're a natural.

Call me. Any time.

- Get out! Now!
- Sorry.

You've reached Eva Thörnblad...