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02x03 - Del XIII

Posted: 09/06/21 07:55
by bunniefuu
- You mother has disappeared.
- When was this?

- Give it me!
- Come on now!

Don't touch me!

The woman who brought me here -
I don't want her to come back.

They were taking her to a place
for special children.

- Somewhere she'd find a meaning.
- You sold her?


The child? The child will di...?

Where is the girl?
Have you seen this man?

- Where's Dr Parker?
- Who?

I'm following a man who was posing as
a doctor at the hospital.


Move it!

I don't want to live in the forest, and I
don't want to have to hide from people.

Our chief suspect
just committed su1c1de in custody.

Desirée! Let go of him!

The b*llet! It's in too deep.

We need to keep everyone else out of it,
for their own sake.

What's the matter, pet?

Good morning.

School starts in an hour, right?

Ida, can you get to school by yourself?


- What's so urgent?
- I found this in Desirée's head.

What does this mean?

Is it us?

- Has anyone else seen it?
- No.

- Eva?
- Certainly not.


Find out who's behind this.


Shoe covers.

- So, how's it going?
- We did the fingerprints last night.

Shell on the floor, b*llet in the wall.

I'm packing up now.

Almost certainly a su1c1de.

Come and look at this.

Basement's full of them.


- What are you doing here?
- Ida forgot her schoolbag, so I...

I'm on my way to give it to her
and stopped by on the way.


I felt really unnerved by everything
that happened yesterday.

I wanted to come back
and try to understand.

- Two suicides in one day.
- Yes.

- It doesn't make sense.
- Listen, I have to get going.

Let's talk more at the station.

Aren't you forgetting something?

The shoe covers.

Police! Stop!

That's what makes life a bed of roses
And our love never dwindles down

And it keeps both our moods so rosy
Only briefly meeting at the door


Wass, Parker's Saab is outside my
house. I'm in pursuit towards the park.

- Okay.
- Hurry up!


Do you realise
you'd be sh**ting a police officer?

What the hell do you want?
What have you done with Robin?

Are you okay?

I nearly had him.

- Did he say anything?
- No.

We'll put an officer outside your house
in case he returns.

For now.

This is what I found
in Parker's car.

Café Kärven. Hey...

I was there yesterday.

I've found it quite difficult
to write this speech.

Well, how do you say goodbye?

But then this morning I got a call
that solved my problem.

It was our dear commander who called.

He said they weren't done with me.

So, I'm going to stay on for a while,
but on reduced hours.

I'm staying for another two years.

You're not getting rid of me!

- Do you mind butting heads a bit longer?
- It'll be fun.

It'll be good.

- Your time will come, Tom.
- Of course.

- Have some cake now.
- Hello? I need to talk to Tom Aronsson.

That's me.

- When did she disappear?
- She wasn't in her room this morning.

I thought she'd already left for school,
but they say she didn't show up at all.

I know somethings happened.

- Does she have a mobile?
- Yes, and I've called and called.

Have you talked to her friends?

She's always been quite lonely.
It's me and her.

Tom, take Bengt to your room
and write up a report.

You're an expert
on missing children.

Maja is all I've got. It's me and her.

Without her...

- Anything else you can tell me?
- She has a favourite place...

It's in the forest, where we go fishing.
I went there.

Her little hut had been vandalised.

- Where is this?
- By Damm Lake.

So your mother left the care home
and came here?

Parker must have been there.

Hardly a coincidence.

Or else their muffins
are just really good.

What bloody weather, eh?
It was better in the old days.

- Oh, yes.
- Thanks!

- Thanks, mate!
- Have you seen a man in an old Saab?

No. What do you want with
the poor bugger? Are you bailiffs?

- Oh no, we're police officers.
- I see.

We just want to talk to him.

Do you recognise this man?

You couldn't get a blurrier one?

No, not a clue.

- Okay. Thanks anyway. Bye now.
- Bye.

Listen, that model 90, the Saab.

Is it blue?

- Have you seen it?
- Yes, it's often around here.

It belongs you a beautiful young lady
who lives in my building. Zara...

...Nordin, or something like that.

- Age?
- Maybe 20, 25.

- He must have meant Norrbacka.
- Right, Zara Norrbacka.


Wass here. Can you check
an address for me?


The rental contract is not in the name
of Zara, but of a Jorun Norrbacka.

She's lived here for 60 years.

Rent is paid via... debit.

Same surname.

We'll have to check
her personal ID number.






Yes, if you want certain death.

What is this?

We'll take care of it.

And the police?

We'll leave them out of it.

What do Zara and Parker
have in common?

- Wass...
- What?


I stuck them there
so she'd think of me and smile.

"Of me"... What do you mean?

It's Mum's typewriter.

Nice to see you here!

How wonderful!



So, tell us, how are you?

You must be wondering
how we pass the time.

- You wouldn't believe how busy we are.
- But we are!

A house doesn't look after itself.

There's something I'd like to show you.

- Look at that!
- Do you recognise it?

Yes, it's Agneta's.

Do you know if she knows
a Jorun Norrbacka, or Zara Norrbacka?

No, I don't recognise those names.

I found this at her place
and I can't really ask Mum.


You know, she met so many people
through her work.

Isn't it lovely, Roffe?
The engineering back then...

Yes, this is proper craftsmanship.

When did you last see Mum?

I need to get moving.

Come and say goodbye before you go.

Roffe's got a project going downstairs.
He's building a sauna.

- Hope he finishes it before winter's over.
- You can talk to her now.

But it's hard, as she gets so mean.

It's going to get colder again.
Nice to have a sauna then.

Why is it so hard for you
to talk about your own sister?

- About what happened.
- But I have.

No. Never.

- You're not remembering right.
- I was ten.

I was in shock.
You tried to fix it with cocoa.

Eva, please. Isn't it better to look ahead
instead of stirring up the past?

- There was nothing that could be done.
- You left me inside a nightmare!

What on earth are you talking about?

- You know exactly. Stop lying to me!
- You're not our child, are you?

Come with me.
I want to show you something.

- What are these?
- Agneta sent them to you.

- Every birthday, every Christmas.
- They're all just jumbles of letters...

And you're showing me this now?

- That Mum tried to contact me.
- She wasn't good for you.

We loved you. We always have done.

That's why we hid them.
We wanted to protect you.

Close the door, woman!

What are you doing?

Your old typewriter.

I found it in a flat
not far from Café Kärven.

Where you were looking for someone.

How is this all connected?

Jorun Norrbacka.

Does it ring a bell?

And these...

These postcards.

What do they mean?

Stop snooping around.

Please don't talk to me like that.

It's me, Eva.

Your daughter.

Little princess...

All those butterflies.

You remember them?


I'll leave the typewriter here.
Maybe you'll remember something.

She grew sunflowers.


Won't you ever leave?




Ida, will you lay the table?


- Hi there.
- One sec...

Sorry. We've not met.
I'm Inge Skyllqvist.

- You must be Tom Aronsson.
- Exactly. Hello.

You look good in that one-piece.

I moved away from the big city
to have a break from body parts...

- Any ideas about the body?
- Yes, it's not here.

No, I can see that.

Wonder if that's the work of an otter?

Yes, one man's loss is another man's...


Is that how it goes?

Leave me alone!

It's okay. Don't be afraid.
Maybe you don't recognise me.

I'm Esmeralda, we were in the same
school. You're Maja, aren't you?

I've seen what those bastards do to you.

But do you know what?
You are so much braver than them.

I get harassed too.
And I'm so fed up with it!

I just want to get away from it all.
Leave Silverhöjd!

We can't stay here.
We have to go. Come on.

Wait. Wait!

I found this in the doorway of the hut.

Look at that...

Were you wearing gloves or will I
find your cute little prints all over it?

The world's full of morons.


There's a lot of...blood on your sweater.

We can stay here and rest for a while.

Nothing in Parker's Saab
that might help us?

It had false plates
and the chassis number was filed off.

There were fingerprints
but no matches in the database.

This Parker - he was at the hospital,
at SILO and now outside your flat, Eva.

- What's the connection?
- Not only Parker has been at your place.

I've given some thought
to that man under the ice.

He surfaces here,
then nearly 24 hours later...

...he's outside your door.

We've had several sightings
during the night.

He spent quite a long time here,
in Tantolunden Park.

Three witnesses saw him
by the allotments.

Here, here and here.

Then he was seen near a queue
to a bar, and nothing after that

until he's outside your door.

Why the allotments?
What's there?

Good work, Bahar.

We need details about his route.
I think it's time to canvas the area.

Bahar, the allotments. You do Hornstull
and Eva the Hammarby Lock.

I've a doctor's appointment.

Oh, it's right now.

I'll be in touch later. Hello there.

Right, Thörnblad, your new service
w*apon. Try not to lose this one.

- Thanks.
- Thanks.

Garage. Now!

When Bahar was pointing out his route,
I noticed this...

The Sunflower.
He went to Tantolunden for a reason.

- He was looking for something.
- Or someone.

That box has all the things
I took from Zara's flat.

Take out the keys.

Mum said something about
Norrbacka growing sunflowers.



What do we do now?

Remember what Zara had in her kitchen?

Sunflower, marigold, hemlock...

...and mandrake.

Do you feel it?

Close your eyes.




- What are we looking for?
- Try again.

It's powerful.

I can't.

The floor, Eva.
Under the floor.

Can you feel them now - the dead?

Is it from an animal?


There are eight pouches.

There are eight cremated bodies
down there.

- Who are you calling?
- Bahar. Reisner. The news!

- It's a mass grave!
- Be clever now, Eva.

Clever? Robin's probably
in one of those pouches!

Or she's alive. Look at the dates -
it's been going on for a long time.

If the dates are correct,
the last cremation was six months ago.

Robin's alive, Eva.
If we find Zara, we'll find her.

My organisation is Robin's
best bet, not the police.

You take a few breaths
and I'll take another look inside.

Maja, wake up!
We have to go.

Come on.

Hi. You've reached Eva Thörnblad.

I can't answer the phone,
but please leave...

Hello? Maja Nyman?

He's gone.

We're off.

Dad: Where are you?

Let's make a pact. A telephone pact.

Let's switch them off

and forget everything
about Silverhöjd.




It's just you and me now.

- What the hell are you up to?
- What?

Why didn't you answer?

I went down to the park -
what were you two doing there?

Let's calm down a bit.
What's this about?

Is that right?

It must have looked odd,
but there's no reason to flare up.

Okay, so what were you doing there?

It's very simple.
I've just bought an allotment,

and wanted Eva's advice.

We shouldn't have done it during
working hours, but we had a window.

- As we were already in the park...
- I helped Wass with the door-to-door.

And after that we went to my allotment.

As I'll be retiring soon...

You've bought an allotment?

A time comes when you have to stop
chasing murderers and start to grow...

That's bullshit!
Reisner, if you believe in this...

Enough! Did any of you find anything?

- No? In that case let's finish here.
- Okay. Thanks.

Bahar - before you say anything else,

I just received a nice phone call.

That was too close. I hate this.
I hate having to lie to Bahar.

You go home and look
after the young ones.

What are you going to do?

I have a hunch I want to check out.
I'll be in touch later.

Your promotion has been approved.
You'll be in charge of Trafficking.

They want you there right away.
Can you start tomorrow?

I don't understand... It's bad news
for me, but I thought you'd be pleased.


I've fought to get that job
for a long time.

- But now, all of a sudden...?
- What do you mean?

It doesn't feel like a promotion, more like
someone wants me out of the way.

- Aren't you over-interpreting a bit?
- I won't accept.

- Not this way.
- Bahar...

Just accept you're good at your job.

Come with me to the allotment.
They're hiding something, Jakob.

Okay. After work.

- Oh, here you are.
- Hello.

- Have I missed anything?
- No, we're just starting.

Have you found out who he is?

No, I was hoping you could help me.

Well, there's considerable trauma
to the head.

So a dental ID might be problematic.

But I've found some interesting things.

You can see here
that he was recently shot in the shoulder,

with what looks like a 9mm b*llet.

- How recently?
- I'd say about 72 hours.

And then when scraping his fingernails,

we found...


And that is...?

A hair from a bear.

- A bear awake in the middle of winter?
- I'm not a heterothermy expert...


But bears do wake up during the winter,

and we have had a pretty mild winter.

- Your theory?
- He did try to defend himself...

...but what are your chances
against a starving bear?

Could it be like this -
and this is just me thinking out loud...

This tranquilliser dart...

Could it be the case that he tried

to tranquillise and catch
a hibernating bear...

...and everything just went wrong?

If the bear att*cked the hunter
and hurled him away,

it could explain how he landed
three meters up in a tree.

What about the b*llet wound?

Poaching is a dangerous activity.

Remind me - is it lawful
to enter private property?

Wass will forgive me.

Exactly what are we looking for?

Hello, darling.
I'll be a bit late for dinner.

Tell the others I'll soon be on my way.

The address? Wasn't it
somewhere in Kristinehov Street?

I can check...

Laila, I'll call you back.


...are cellars allowed on allotments,
planning wise?

Go home to your kids now, Bahar.

Something's not right.

We shouldn't even be here.
Let's go. I have a dinner date.

Tom Aronsson,
the Guardian of Silverhöjd.

- You turn up everywhere...
- Shame about that promotion.

Everything looked so good.
I understand it must feel shitty.

You'll go on getting bikes out of trees
and hunting bears instead of being boss.

I wanted to talk to you about that.

I checked. The preliminary autopsy
showed no bear hairs.

There isn't a single bear track
in the entire forest.

I'm not signing it.

It was a bear.

And I need your signature,

so that we can quietly go on
looking for the real perpetrator.

Who's "we"?

You're a big boy. You know.

Lots of opportunities for a guy like you.

Other management posts to fill.
Maybe in Stockholm?


Why don't you answer the door?

Take this. You need to eat.

What the hell's going on?
You haven't come home for weeks.

I'm tinkering with stuff.

- Can you go now?
- Sure. But eat this.

Shit, this place stinks!

- Have you stopped washing yourself?
- Thanks for the food. Bye.


I don't need protection any more.

I'm coming in with Kalem.

Yes, I'm sure. Yes.

Thanks, Wass.


He needs a place to stay.

Who is he? What has he done?

Just for a few days,
until things calm down.

Well, I don't know...

Come on, Kenny.

No, Djurgården.

Look, Eva, this doesn't feel right...

I understand. But he knows who you are,
that I grew up here, and...

He just needs taking care of questions asked.

Maybe a cup of cocoa.

Oh, okay.

- Will you stay for a chat?
- I really can't. Here's his bag.

Call me if there's anything.
I'll be in touch. Thank you!

But what... Eva?

Are you okay there with Eva?

Are you doing your homework?

Or are you watching horror movies
all night long?

Mum will soon be back
and then you can go home again.

Sorry, pet, but I have to go.
Daddy loves you.

Sleep tight. Big hug. Bye.

- Tom Aronsson?
- Yes.

Sorry to bother you.
I work in the kiosk at the railway station.

You were looking for a girl.

I've found something
that might be of interest to you.

It was in a rubbish bin.
Could it be the missing girl's sweater?

- It's the right colour, isn't it?
- Yes.

- Did you see her?
- I think so.

But there were two of them,
there was another young girl.

- What did she look like?
- I actually took a picture.

- Okay. What time was this?
- Around lunchtime.

- Was there a train they could've got on?
- Only the freight train to Stockholm.

We're going to freeze to death.

Maybe there's something in these boxes.

It's the property of a dead person.

Hello, Nicklas.

- Been a while.
- Why are you here?

I'm looking for someone,
and I think you know where she is.

I don't know anything!
Can I go home now?

Of course you can go home,
if you tell me...

...where Esmeralda is.

- Then you can go.
- I don't know her.

Maybe I'll have to talk
to these old hags instead.

No, no!

- Please leave them alone.
- Stop crying.

Look at me.
Tell me where Esmeralda is...

...or my little brother will get pissed off.

- But he's dead.
- Is he?

- Eddie!
- No!

Leave me alone!