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02x02 - Del XII

Posted: 09/06/21 07:54
by bunniefuu
You were outside my door earlier today.

You were looking for
Agneta Thörnblad.

I have a photo of someone
you might know.

- Mum?
- Get out!

- Chi...?
- Child.

The child?
The child will die?

What child?

Bahar? I'm following a man who
was posing as a doctor at the hospital.

Send back-up!

Police have released this image
in an attempt to identify the man.

The body is falling apart
as if it were porous.

As if completely desiccated.
It could be infectious.

We'll examine the body as soon
as the provisional autopsy room is ready.

We won't move him to the Forensic
Centre. We'll keep him here.


Part II

Tony Lind.

Human trafficking.

Not popular in court.

The girl in the b*mb shelter...

Did you sexually as*ault her there?

Recognise him?

Are you protecting him?

Or the guy in the orange cap?
Your mate who got shot in the shoulder.


Where's the girl?


We didn't get a word out of him.

Who is he so afraid of...


When was this?

Staff found her tugging at this.
Very agitated.

- Has she done it before?
- Not since I started working here.

What happened yesterday?

You visited.

This is Eva Thörnblad.
I want to report someone missing.

Agneta Thörnblad, 59 years old.

I'll get back to you.

Have you seen a woman of about 60?
She might seem confused.

A lady got into the taxi in front of me.

- Did you see which taxi company?
- Yes, Kurir.

Kurir. Thanks!

Oh, thank you so much.

- Do you have any foreign papers?
- No, that's it.

Okay, thanks.


- What are you doing?
- I'm working.

- What on?
- Jesus...

That's the man I asked you about.

- So you know him?
- What?

- The man in that picture.
- You're bothering me!

You're bothering me.

I'm trying to help you.

There is something you can do.

You can go to hell.

- Right, come on.
- Let go!

- We're going home.
- Let go of me!

I'm taking your bag, and then we go.

- Get off!
- Come on now!

Don't you touch me!


- Mum, the car is...
- Let go of me!

- Calm down!
- Let me go, I said!


Let me go, please.

You don't get it.

You don't.

Look at me.

You can't just leave like that.

You live here.

This is your home now. Okay?



There you are, Agneta.

I never thought I would,
but I've missed you.

Promise me you'll never run away again.

Come along, let's go inside
and eat breakfast.

The woman who brought me here -
I don't want her to come back.

Good morning.

Welcome back, Wass.



What do we know?

There's wild speculation at the hospital.

All we know is that they're wrong.

- What are my orders?
- Stay with the case until the end.

- Make sure we're in control.
- How?

Are you sure you're ready for this?

A bit more time off would've been nice.

But I'm here now.

There's a minor complication.

- What?
- It's a who.


- How's your head?
- I'm okay.

I've reported you.
Losing your firearm is a serious matter.

- A lot of cameras.
- But they took the hard drive.

- That's a shame. What else?
- Not much so far.

We've got a bloody hand print
that we've sent for analysis.

And the boy who took my g*n
said he had to save "her".

And you think the men who tortured
the man at Skanstull have that girl?


- What are you doing with that?
- There's something on it. Look.

They've been playing hangman.

I'll take it to the lab.

Bahar, how many of the undocumented
at Silo went to Spånga College?

- The girl?
- Yes. I'll pick you up.

- Hi, Tom.
- Hi. I've got a few hours free.

- I'm in the middle of something.
- No worries.

I was just wondering
if you need help in the flat.

Maybe hang some wallpaper, you know.

- That's kind, but you don't need to.
- No trouble at all.

- I'd love to help.
- No. Thank you.

Right, I get it.

Come by the station before you go.

We could eat something there.

I'm in the middle of something,
I can't talk. But bring something.

Right, okay, let's do that.

Okay. Great, let's do that.

Great. Bye, then.

- What's happened?
- We can't really tell you that.

Does this come from here?

Yes. That's the Animal
Management programme t-shirt.

Ulf! Could you come here, please.

Oh, big meeting.

Ulf is a teacher
on the Animal Management programme.

Have been for ages.

Do you know if any student
has worn this?

Sleeves cut off...
Yes, it could be Robin.

She was a bit "alternative".

Yes, Robin Lundberg. Right...

She was a problematic student.

How so?

Didn't like school. Often clashed
with both students and teachers.

Her mother emailed me
to say she was leaving.

About a month ago.

Do students often leave
in the middle of a term?

No. But when it happens,
it's always Robin's type.

She's the type that is always
surrounded by chaos.

Here she is.

- Okay, who of them is her?
- The one with the animal mask.


This is Desirée, as I'm sure you see.

I miss you so much.

I think about you every day.

I'm sending you this,
hoping that you want to see me again.

- Yes?
- Desirée Lundberg?

- Yes. Who wants to know?
- We're police. We'd like to have a chat.

I don't have time right now. I'm
in the middle of something important.

- It's about your daughter, Robin.
- May we come in?

So what has she done now?

- Do you know where she is right now?
- She's with her friends.

- And where are they?
- In Denmark or Germany.

- Or in Belgium.
- So your daughter is abroad?

She's travelling with some band
on a tour.

In Denmark, Germany or Belgium?

Do you have a photo of her?

Maybe it sounds odd,

but she cleaned out
all pictures of herself.

Burnt them or cut them up.

I spoke to her yesterday.
That is, we texted.

Where the hell is it...?

Here it is.

Yes - here she is. Look.

On her way somewhere.

She says she's on her way to Antwerp.
Where's that?

- Belgium.
- What's the name of the band?

Something "death".
Little Death. Big Death.

- Don't you wonder why?
- Why she's in Antwerp?

Why we're looking for your daughter.

You don't seem the least bit worried.

I live my own life.
She's better off without me.

All children need their parents.

Excuse me, but I've got things to do.

You need to leave now.

Something could have happened
to your daughter.

- What kind of a mother are you?
- Eva...

We need to leave.


- I don't know what happened...
- We could've got a lot more out of her.

There's something wrong with her!

I don't know. Maybe there's
something wrong with you.

Look, I...

Bahar Holmqvist.

Okay, thanks. That was
the hospital. The man's body is missing.

How can you lose the body?
The reason for this quarantine.

We haven't "lost" it.
The door was locked. Someone took it.

And that's not all.

Hello, thank you for coming.

- Who are you?
- Bahar Holmqvist, Stockholm Police.

- Eva Thörnblad.
- Really? I've heard about you.

- You're colleagues with my Jakob.
- Reisner?

Sorry, I'm Laila Roos, pathologist.

I'm really sorry, but we don't
have a body to do a post-mortem on.

And last night's samples
were stolen from the lab.

- Did someone break in?
- Yes, and only his samples were gone.

- Is there a camera in there?
- Unfortunately, no.

- Could I have a look at the lab?
- Of course.




I've had some time off.

And you? You look a bit worse for wear.

Well, thanks a lot.

You know, what's happened here
isn't normal.

We have to be discreet about it.
Keep it to ourselves.


Oh, I forgot.
Say hello to your new partner.

We know so little about nature.

How do insects find a particular flower
to get to suck up the nectar?

- When did you last do some sucking?
- Stop that, William. Go on, Maja.

That's why I'd like to talk
about butterflies.

Butterflies, the most beautiful creatures.


...this is a powdered Quaker,
a Swedish nocturnal moth.

They have all been one of these.

- That's sick!
- She's so gross!

Maja, how's it going?

- What a nice talk that was.
- Really nice.

Let's have a look.

Oh, whoops!

- Oh shit! Sorry...
- Sorry.


That was awesome!

Do you get how lucky you are, Linus?
Your own flat in Stockholm...

Come and see me anytime.
Where do you live now?

Well, I'm staying with...

...with one of my aunts.

I guess it's okay.

But she's such a control freak.

She gets worried...when...

Maja! How are your bugs?

Listen, I have to go.

I'll call you back. Bye.

- You have something there.
- Arseholes...


Don't go! Are you mad?

Do you know how bad this is?

The whole department
will be disgraced.

How could we have prevented
the theft of the body?

It was a professional job.
Whoever did it knew the routines.

There's more: Our chief suspect
just committed su1c1de in custody.

- What?
- Tony Lind is dead.

He rammed his head into a door.
Broke his neck.

Why the hell would Tony commit su1c1de?

His eyes rolled up
and then he went into a blind panic.

Good morning, everyone.

What the hell...?


How are you?
Long time no see.

Hi there, Eriksson. All well, I hope?

Lovely. Great.


- You retired on medical grounds, right?
- Sounds like wishful thinking.

No, I'm back to rude health.

- I start again tomorrow.
- No... I would have heard about that.

Oh, really? Well, here's my contract
of employment. Have a look.

Maybe double-check
everything is as it should be.

I'm going away.

That's great. Where are you going?

An old boyfriend. Far away.

How exciting... How did you find him?


What does he think of you coming?
He must be over the moon.

He doesn't know. It'll be a surprise.

I feel I'll be a whole person again
if I can get out of this bloody country.

Are you both going?

Am I not allowed to do something
on my own?

Of course. I just thought your daughter...

I don't have a daughter!

What do you want from me?

Are you also from the police?

I think I should leave.

Hello? I have a question for you.

How come I'm always the last one
in this bloody place

to find out who's been employed?

Yes, exactly.

Wass! Couldn't you have...
Yes, he showed me his contract.

- Jakob?
- Hi, honey.

Can I call you back?

Hi. Something's come up.

Why did you steal the body?

He needs to be examined by our experts.
I don't know any more than you do.

Someone held him c*ptive, tortured him.
Same with a girl who's disappeared.

- Will you help me with all this?
- Of course I will.

Promise you'll tell me everything.

- The whole truth.
- As soon as I know anything.

We need to keep everyone else out of it,
for their own sake.

- Wass!
- Tom! Great to see you!

- When did you get back?
- I returned this morning.

And landed right in the middle of this.

Exciting stuff.

Isn't that the guy they found
by Skanstull Bridge?

We're in the middle of something.
Give us five minutes?

Couldn't you do with an extra brain?
You invited me here.

We really need to talk in private.

- All right, I just thought...
- Let's have lunch all three of us after.

Sure. I bought an extra meal.

Chicken curry. Medium hot,
or my stomach complains.

Why don't you set it up
and we'll join you.

- Yes, sure.
- Thank you so much, Tom.

What are you up to?


Esmeralda? Stop!

I don't want to live in the forest, and I
don't want to have to hide from people.

It's dangerous out there,
and you're not ready.

Why do I have to be the one to adjust?

Why can't you just leave me alone?

It's not that simple.
I don't want anything to happen to you.

What would happen to me?
I'm stronger than they are.

That's exactly why, Esmeralda.

You need to learn to control
the power, find your inner calm.

I am calm. Bloody calm!

That bag - are you going somewhere?

I am.

You're not going anywhere.
Give me the bag.

- No... Let go of me!
- No.

For God's sake...

Food's getting cold.
I've got to leave for Silverhöjd.

Good to see you again, Tom.

- Let's go for a pint next time.
- Absolutely.

- Call if you need help with the wallpaper.
- Thanks, Tom.

Oh yes...

Petra is travelling with work.

Ida can of course look after herself.

- But if you feel like...
- She's always welcome. Of course.

- Give her my keys. I'll be home by eight.
- That's great. Thanks.

- Tom, safe journey home.
- Thanks.

I've got to go. Silverhöjd needs me.

- Say hello.
- Will do. Bye.



I just wanted to say...

I have to go away, Robin.


I'm sorry.

If they could get a rat to run
back and forth through a duct,

it would either have to have been
very well trained...


Or these youngsters were able
to communicate with animals.

We need to go to that college.


No. Please don't do that.

They don't like you tapping the glass.

The sound is a lot louder to them
than to us.

So, this is my paradise.

- Thanks for seeing us so quickly.
- I'm glad you called.

I didn't really like what the head said.
About Robin, I mean.

Why not?

Of course she had some issues,
socially speaking,

but she was one of the most
committed students I've ever had.

Your head teacher said
she was always surrounded by chaos.

Chaos, or...


She was often here,
particularly with the rodents.

She'd sit in amongst them with the door
wide open, not one rat escaped.

No, they flocked round her.

Tom speaking.

Right now?

I'm nearly home.

Yes, all right, I'll take care of it.


It's brand new.
It's got a carbon-fibre frame.

- How did they get up there?
- Not a flippin' clue.

When we came back from bandy practice
it was gone.


Hold this.

- Bye.
- Bye-bye.


- Hello?
- Hi, Eva...

I'm just calling to apologise
for what I said.


It wasn't right,
but I get why you flared up.

Maybe we could go back tomorrow.
See if we missed anything.

We're on our way there now.

- So...
- Who?

- You and Wass?
- Yes.

Wait - you'll be lucky
if she doesn't make a complaint.

- It could get messy if you go there now.
- I've got to go.


Focus, Desirée.

- Keep your hands off our bikes!
- Now run!

This is Eva. I'm not...

Why's the boy here?

I don't know.

I was about to leave
when he appeared in the driveway.


Who took her?

She hates me.

She hates everything.

I've done everything I could.

I just wanted to be loved.

I never asked to have her.

Who...has her?

I don't have their names.
But they paid me.

You sold her?

They were taking her
to a place for special children.

Somewhere she'd find a purpose.

I did the wrong thing.

Can you help me?

Can you bring Robin back to me?

The basement is full of them.
They're everywhere.



Desirée, listen to me.

Get off him!

- Listen to me. Is that your g*n, Eva?
- Yes.

Take the boy and go home.
I'll fix this.

Sleep, go to sleep

Winter brings spring

Powerful spells

Heal the ground's broken skin

Tree crowns divine

Why do you let everyone die, Mum?

Birch, fir and pine
Glistening resin

Why can't you save anyone?

Crystal so fine

Everything still now

Written in blood

All will have meaning

Deep below the ground

All units. Suspected g*nf*re
on Östervägen 28 in Spånga.

3752 turning onto Östervägen.

Wass! Bahar is coming!

Damn it...

It's too deep in.


- Police!
- Damn it...

In here!

What the hell's going on?

It's tragic.

- So you were in your car?
- Yes, when we heard the shot.

Eva took the front door,
I went round the back.

When we entered the kitchen
she lay there dead. Probably su1c1de.

- Did you see anyone else?
- No.

- Bad luck you didn't go in sooner.
- What the hell do you mean by that?

Are you saying
we could have prevented it?

She didn't seem suicidal earlier today.

Not before you had her against the wall
calling her a bad mother.

It's been a long day. Let's all go home
and start afresh tomorrow.

Sure. Good night.

You'll get exactly
what I promised. Okay?

But you have to calm down.

Yes. Trust me.

What is it? What's wrong?

Say something, Wille!


The number is not in use.
