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02x01 - Del XI

Posted: 09/06/21 07:53
by bunniefuu
I'll find the person that took you.


- How did you cope with losing Josefine?
- Badly.

The CID are sending more people,

- I'm taking over the investigation.
- Reisner.

- I'll do anything to find my daughter.
- That's what worries me.

- So Esmeralda doesn't know?
- No, that's why I need your help.

- You know what we have to do.
- Is this the way it is now?

You must learn to control it,
or things could end very badly.

Wass is in a pretty bad way.
I'll keep an eye on Thörnblad.

- Daddy...
- Ida?

I'll always be with you.

I miss you, Mummy.

Here comes a dog, children.

Keep walking.

I'll just do a quick headcount-
two, four, six...

- Are we missing anyone?
- Oliver?

Oliver! Oliver!

Oliver, don't run off like that!



Arms apart! Feet apart!

Let me go! Let me go!

- What have you got there?
- That's Irma's.

Sit down.

- Here.
- Thanks, she won't sleep without it.

We haven't come for you or Irma,
but we have to bring Marcello in.

- He's not here.
- Where is he? We'll ransack the place.

He hasn't done anything wrong!

Please, can I have her back?

I told you, he hasn't done anything!

Marcello! Don't do anything stupid!



I'm in pursuit, heading north!

Stop! Stop!





He got away.

You didn't hear? We caught him.

You okay?

What happened to the baby?

Social services are on their way.
They'll keep her for now.

See you tomorrow.

Dear Eva, take it in moderation,
or it will run out.

Take care. Yours, Ylva.

In the UK, it looks as if January will be
very warm for the third year in a row.

In London, concerns are mounting
that algae in the Thames

will affect the drinking water.

There is growing controversy
over the projected Baltic Sea pipeline,

and the relevant ministers
are due before a committee.

Construction is set to begin,

but the issue has caused a major rift
in the Swedish government.

The still-unidentified man
who was seen...

Man feared to have drowned
in central Stockholm

Police are searching for body



Happy birthday to you...

Three cheers for Eva. Hip, hip, hooray!

Come in before the neighbours
have me evicted, you lunatics. Hi.

Come in.

How's the renovation going?

This place looks no different
to when I was here last.

- I've had a lot on my plate.
- I'll give you a hand.

I'm on a roll at the moment.

Thanks, but I haven't even
picked out the wallpaper yet.


No, not there. That room's full of dust.

As soon as I have some time off,
I'll clear everything out.

You're so strong, Eva.

You really are.

Having the same disease as...

What happened still seems unreal.

Not to me.

Sometimes the memories
are so vivid that...

I think you need to talk to someone, Eva.

Let it all out.

Why not, after all that's happened?

I'm here for you. Any time.

- You don't have to feel like this.
- Thanks, Tom.

But all of that's behind me now.

Watch this.

Where did it go? There!

Ida has something for you, too.

- Really? For me?
- Yes.


It's lovely.

How about I take my two favourite girls
out for a birthday dinner tonight?

I'm free.

Let's say about...

Christ almighty, I'm running late.
I'd better dash!

Go on, leave us to it.

- Are you sure?
- Bye!


- So you trust her?
- One hundred per cent.

She's a good person and a good cop.
Give her some time.

I'm not sure about Eva.

She's too impulsive.

And that will affect the entire unit,
which I won't stand for.


There were 5 kg of heroin
in the flat. Or more precisely, 4.7.

Marcello denies involvement.

But the evidence is incontrovertible.
Excellent work.

Anything you'd like to add?



What happened to Irma? The baby?

The mother tested positive for heroin.
Social services took her into care.

That's all.

- Eva? Where are you going?
- I'm off today, I came for the debriefing.

Hold on...

Happy birthday to you...

Happy birthday.

- Who told you?
- I have my sources.

The kids baked them. A bit
on the burned side, but made with love.

Right then, pet.
All set to go and feed the moose?


...shall we go home
and watch a film instead?


What's the matter?


Hi. Are you alright?
Do you know who he is?

I've never seen him before.

He was trying to talk,
but he was completely out of it.

We need to take him
to Radiology and the ICU right away.

- Overdose?
- No, but someone tortured him.

He said that?

That's the thing -
his tongue has been cut out.

Silverhöjd. The abducted children.
Tell us what happened.

We had a string of murders there
about two years ago.

No connection, other than the victims
being elderly men without family.

- Do you recognise Josefine?
- What?


Sure you don't recognise him?


We don't know what it is,
so we're not ruling anything out.

Poisoning, a rare disease...
Possibly hypothermia from the water.

He's severely dehydrated,
and his body is rejecting the new blood.

And there's something else.

Those broad ligature marks
on his wrists and ankles.

Looks as if he was tied up.

My guess is with some type of straps.

Judging by the depth and scar tissue,

he's been tied up for some time.

Have a look at his X-rays.
See these things?

Heaps of blue plastic fibres
lodged between his teeth.

- I'm no expert, but...
- He chewed through the straps.


Who are you?

Why were you outside my flat?

Who did this to you?

So I tried... get inside his head.
To think like him.

If I had kidnapped those children,
where would I hide them?

And then it hit me:
In the abandoned mine, of course.

So I found them, safe and sound.


What happened to Storm's body?

Göran Wass from CID found him.

There was g*nf*re and Storm was k*lled.
He fell into the rapids here.

We tried dragging the river,
but it's deep and fast-flowing.

Case closed.

But there were some loose ends, right?

Such as?

The report says
a young girl was found

by a police officer, Eva Thörnblad.
But the girl went missing.

That's right, yes.
We never managed to find her.

- I'm sad to say.
- So you're still looking for the girl?

No one reported her missing.

Which is tragic, of course.

But no, we're not
actively searching for her.

- That'll be all. Thank you, Mr Aronsson.
- Thanks.

What happens now? How did I do?

Well, there's a promotion procedure.

- We'll be in touch.
- I see. Thanks.

We were out on a day trip.

- Oliver found him.
- Oliver?

His parents won't let you talk to him.
He couldn't sleep all night.

Could you contact them for us?

- Maybe give them a call?
- Sure, no problem.

- Great.
- I'll just get their number.

- Hi, Oliver.
- Hello.

My name's Eva, and I'm a police officer.

Do you mind
if I sit on the swing beside you?


Is the monster dead,
or will it come looking for me?

Well, it wasn't actually a monster
that you saw.

It was just a man, but he was very ill.

He's in the hospital now,
and the doctors are helping him.

Do you remember anything else
about that man?

- A ball.
- Ball?

A blood ball.

It went in under the ice.

You see, trees have been around
for millions of years.

Their roots soak up the water.

And trees work together

with other living things in nature.

Wild mushrooms, for instance,

give the trees a larger surface area
to absorb water.

And that's good for the tree
when there's a drought.

Then there are the birds,
the wonderful birds.

Nicklas! Let's go.

Josefine! We're here!

Don't make a fuss. She lives on.
Now help me look.

Dig a bit deeper, Nicklas.


Careful now.

Good work, Nicklas.
We'll take this home and hide it.

What else?

Root of lady's mantle.
It's best to pick them in winter.

- And what do we need it for?
- Eva's medicine.

Exactly, Nicklas.

Come on!

You're great with kids.

I actually prefer kids to grown-ups.

They seem sincere
even when they're lying.

I know. My lot at home could do with
talking to someone like you.

- Your lot? How many do you have?
- Four.

Two stepkids and two of my own.

Hugo and Vilma are fourteen and ten,
Darius and Lilith six and four.

It's pretty manic. Mornings
are the worst, you don't get any sleep.

They sleep in my bed,
refuse to have breakfast...

I'm always forgetting something -
lunch boxes, gym bags...

It's chaotic, and someone's always sick.

But... I love it.
You get so much in return.

How did he survive
in this freezing water?

I wonder if anyone misses him.

- He must have some family.
- Yes.

Try using the long stick instead.
I bet you'll hit it.

Don't fall in,
the current could be strong.

Look, Eva...

There's so much talk at the station
about you and your daughter.

- Josefine.
- Yes.

I understand if that makes you...

Don't you ever think of starting over
and having another family?


But family's everything.
It's what most people dream of.

I'm not like most people.

- She passed away a long time ago.
- I can't have any more kids.


Sorry, Ida.

We were just chatting. Let's go.

Wow! That one made it pretty far.

You're not cold, are you? Sure?

So we have a tortured man wandering
round Stockholm. What do we know?

We're running his fingerprints.

No matches with missing persons
or known informants so far.

Hi, sweetheart.

What are you up to? Very nice.

The media's got wind of it,
so we need to stay one step ahead.

Keep me posted.


Did I interrupt your meeting?

Aronsson. Long time no see.


- Nice office.
- Sure. It does the job.

- Hello.
- Hi.

- Bahar Holmqvist. Eva's colleague.
- Right. I'm Tom.

Silverhöjd Police.
Eva might have mentioned me?

You're working on your birthday?
I thought you were going to the zoo.

Well, that was the plan.

But we still had fun. Right, Ida?

Time to say goodbye.

- Bye. Nice to meet you.
- Bye-bye.

See you tonight, Eva.

Good-looking and nice.
And his daughter's sweet.

Here, I brought you food. Eat up.

Fifth floor.

Excuse me. Do you live in that flat?

- Yes?
- I'm Greta. I live in the flat above yours.

I just wanted to make sure
you're alright?

I heard commotion earlier, so I
came down to see what was going on.

- You saw what happened?
- Yes. It was that man.

He was banging at the door
and pulling the handle like a madman.

So I went back to my place
and phoned the police.

He was pulling on my door handle?

Yes, but he went at the door
that's closed up.

Good thing he got the wrong door.

It won't open anyway, right?

Hello. Can I help you?

- Eva Thörnblad, I called earlier.
- Right, okay. I'm Konny Melkersson.

So you came right away?
I thought you meant tomorrow.

I need to see Agneta urgently.

She hasn't left her room voluntarily
in over a year.

Everything we bring her,
she takes back out again.

Hates clutter, she says.

I think you'd better take those off.


Agneta? You have a visitor.

Your daughter's here. Eva.


I'm sorry I haven't visited much.

Work has been really busy.

I've transferred to another unit.

And I'm doing up the flat.

I bought the neighbour's flat,
so now your flat is twice the size.

If you ever want to come visit,
your room is exactly as you left it.

- Would you like some tea?
- What the hell do you want?

Get to the point.

I have a photo of a person who...

Someone you might know.

Showing up here, acting all nice...

Go to hell, Eva.

Can you at least do me a favour
and look at the photo?

I think he knows you.
Just tell me if you recognise him.

- He might look different. He's ill.
- Poor Josefine.

What do you mean?

Poor Josefine,
having such a two-faced mother.

A two-faced failure, that's what you are.

And sweet little Josefine
died because of you.

Poor, poor girl.

How can you say something like that?


Get out of here.

Get out!

She's like that, I'm afraid.

Agneta sure knows
how to push people's buttons.

Is there no medication you can give her?

She's slipping away.

There's nothing we can do.

I might as well tell you what's going on.

The board has reviewed Agneta's case.

And I'm afraid
Agneta might have to be transferred

to a different type of facility.

Either way, it would be great

if you could visit your mother
a bit more often.

- Thanks.
- Okay, thanks.

Sleep, go to sleep

Winter brings spring

Powerful spells

Heal the ground's broken skin

Tree crowns divine

Birch, fir and pine

Glistening resin

Crystal so fine

- Hi, Eva, are you on your way?
- Hi, Tom.

I've been held up.

Something's come up at work.

Can we do dinner
the next time you're in town?

Sure, no problem, we'll do that.

- Next time is fine.
- Thanks, Tom.


Don't worry about it. Happy birthday.

Don't stay up working all night. Bye.

Looks like it's just you and me, pet.

I wanted to share some good news
with you both, but...

Now you'll be the first to know.

I've been offered a new job
as chief of police in Silverhöjd.

I'll have more free time
and weekends off.

I'll be able to see you more often.

And I'm getting a pay rise too.

We can go out for dinner a lot more.
With Eva, perhaps.

How does that sound?

It'll be great.

Don't fall in,
the current could be strong.

Eva Thörnblad, police.

- Do you monitor the CCTV cameras?
- I do indeed.

State-of-the-art technology.

But the advantage
of the good old-fashioned tapes

was that nothing was deleted.

And no crashed computers.


Who the hell is that?

Is he dead?

What's that?

A blood bag.

Can you show me exactly
where that spot is?


Hold on. When was this recorded?

Thirty minutes ago.

Thirty-two, to be exact.
How the hell did I miss that?

Can you find me
a clearer shot of that man?

Don't give me any trouble,
and I won't have to hurt you.

If you try any of your tricks,

I promise you...

You don't want that.

Eva Thörnblad, police.

- I need to speak to that man.
- One moment.

He's not responsive.

He needs to rest.
I suggest you come back tomorrow.

I'll be here all day.
Just ask for Dr Parker.

Fine. I'll be back tomorrow. Thanks.

You came to my flat today, remember?

You were looking
for Agneta Thörnblad, right?

I'm her daughter, Eva.

How do you know my mother?

I want to help you,
but you have to help me first.

- Who are you?
- Police. Be quiet! I can't hear him.


The child?

The child's going to die?

- What child?
- Excuse me! Stand back.

- Where's Dr Parker?
- Who?

- Dr Parker! He...
- There's no Parker here.

Can you run a number plate for me...
FKX 859?

Sure. Hold on.

It's registered to an '88 Opel Kadett,
scrapped in '03.


Eva? What's up?

Bahar, I'm following a man who
was posing as a doctor at the hospital.

I'm outside a place called Silo Ltd
on the Liljeholmen industrial estate.

Send backup.





Take it easy.

Bloody copper!

Don't touch me!

The man you were tailing did this?

No, I lost him.
Two of his thugs were here.

- And you shot one of them?
- No, that boy did.

He looked about 14 or 15,
and was held prisoner with the others.

- So he was armed?
- No, but he took my service w*apon.

He said something about saving "her"
and just took off.

You were bloody stupid going in alone.
You're not invincible.

The man seen in the water by
Skanstull Bridge has been found alive.

He is being treated in hospital, but
has not yet been interviewed by police.

The police have released this image
in an effort to identify the man.

And the weather forecast.

Parts of Europe are still experiencing
an extreme heatwave.