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03x07 - b*llet Train

Posted: 09/06/21 07:35
by bunniefuu
Do you ever struggle with how to
explain this job to your parents?

- Who's the hooker?
- BOTH: Me.

- You know that I can do this.
- This is not Quantico.

Can you get me up there?

Yeah, I could do that.



Sanitation workers found her.

Beaten. Stabbed.

FRANK: We do what we do and
sometimes the heavens fall.




You did what with my
targeting mechanism?

What do you think we're
doing here, Jurgen?

Jigsaw puzzles and s'mores?

This is PELEUS, not summer camp.

The mandate has always
been for defensive weaponry!

You think the Defense
Department is for defense?

What we've built here...

what happens when it
gets into the wrong hands?

We make what the Pentagon
tells us to make, period.

And it's called PELEUS, Jurgen...

Projectile Engineering Lab.

Nerd fight.

LESLIE: We need a slogan.

"If it flies, they dies."

You think this is a joke, Leslie?

I think these chips are a joke.

No salt? What the hell's the point?

Loo... relax. Jurgen.

We did what we said we were gonna do.

Now all we got to do is
show it to the generals

and we all get a vacay.

Jurgen ain't gonna make it.

What do you mean?

I like Jurgen.

I do.

They been recruiting goobs like
him at this place for years,

but things are different
now. The world is different.

It's like plotting the trajectory

of a Lorenz attractor in phase space.

I get it. Great at sports,
not so good at math?

Hey, I aced pre-calc.

Okay, genius.

Um, let me "pre-calc" it for you.

Unintended consequences.

The things we do here,

they don't just blow up over there.

They can blow up right here...

in a mall, at a concert, in a school.

Jurgen's not exactly
wrong. He's just a little...

Little what?



What's up?

Harry and Ryan found
whiskey in the radio cabin.

Of course they did.

They better save me some.

You better stay focused.

A little après-ski never k*lled anybody.

Some snow, fireplace, whiskey.


That's for amateurs.

Owen sent us up here for a reason.

Whatever this Project
Werewolf is they created,

we're supposed to protect it.

Eyes ahead, Romeo.

[QUIETLY] You should be
on my side in this, Leslie.

What I should be doing
is getting paid more.

You pretend you don't care,

but I know you do.




FEDOWITZ: There's an old expression...

The only way out of PELEUS
is when they choke you out.


- Hm.
- Should I go after him?

There's nowhere for him to go.

The interstate's washed out.

The nearest airport is miles away.

I'll go talk to him.

We'll go after her.

And I'll be here.

No whiskey.



What are they fighting about?

He's having a crisis of conscience.

Told him go back to his
cabin and take a breath.

What triggered this?

We work in groups, and Jurgen's group

wasn't exactly told
everything about the project.

What exactly is this Project Werewolf?

You mean Project None of Your Business?

PELEUS doesn't even officially exist.

Why do you think they got
us all the way out here?

'Cause even years ago,

this place was barely a stop
on a third-tier rail line.

And have you seen the train
that stops through here?

It's like one of those old-timey things.

It's got white people all,
"I'm the king of the world."

Isn't that the Titanic?

- That's every damn thing.

Look, Jurgen's gonna cool off.

Everyone does eventually.



It's me.

MAN: Changed your mind?

You can't ever use my name.

Absolutely not.

You'll be an anonymous source.



Storm system still giving
us satellite trouble?


You can see for yourself.

See? We have thermal imagery again.

It's thrilling.

I'm gonna get some coffee.



No, he doesn't. He's
He's... just grieving.

It will be okay.


Will you?



Oh, Jocelyn.



- _
- What is it?



People should know.

This is a defense sciences program.

We're supposed to make defensive things.

Ryan, someone's standing
on the edge of the compound.

Check it out. A half-klick north of you.

We've got a second heat signature.

We're not supposed to be sowing
the seeds of our own deaths.

"For Peleus raised his shield
and swore vengeance on Discord,

- who had cursed his wedding."

- What are you doing here?
- Miss the scoop, miss the story.

If they find you here,
you'll be arrested.

They have a team in place?

Come on!

I would just like to get
a sense of the resources

the government is throwing into this.

How many people on the team?

What paper did you say you write for?

You guys stay with
them! We'll check it out!


Jurgen, calm down.

I simply thought that this
would be better face to face.

- Thought what would be better?
- This.

[SILENCED g*nshots]





No, no. The storm is
eating the damn sat feed.


He's dead.


Owen, where's that heat signature now?

We've got no image. It's gone.

Damn it!


One of you want to tell us
what the hell's going on?

The camp's been compromised.

What do you mean, "compromised"?

I thought you had
people on the satellite.

We do, but for now, we need
to evacuate you immediately,

along with your prototype.

Where's Jurgen?

- He's dead.
- Dead?


He was shot twice in the chest.

You get it now?

There's an assassin in our midst?

How the hell did they get in here?

Guys, if we're gonna do
this, we need to move now.

Everyone, listen to me, okay?

You're the best at what you do

and we're the best at what we do.

Yeah, and if you want
us to get your prototype

safely to Fort Meade, one
of us needs to hold it.

- From my cold, dead hands.
- Leslie, the rules have changed.

We hold the prototype now, and
there's no room for discussion.

Trust me.



What's the plan? We
got choppers coming in?

No. With the storms hitting the coast,

they're either down
or otherwise occupied.

- It'll take too long to get out here.
- No choppers?

What kind of evac team are we getting?

- You're looking at it.
- We're just gonna drive out?

Wait for the hostiles to ambush us?

We can't drive. The
roads are washed out.

So you got no exit strategy?

Well, there is one option.

You're kidding me, right?



All aboard!

The Catamount Classic

- departs in five minutes!
You know, this is brilliant.

I can live out my steampunk cosplay

and Agatha Christie
fetishes all in one go.

You sure about this?

She's lasted years.
She'll get us to Maryland.

With all these innocent
civilians along for the ride?

Jurgen's hit was discreet and targeted.

Whoever did this was not
looking for collateral damage.

If you believe that, I'll pretend to.

Ryan, Shelby, why don't you take
Fedowitz in the passenger car?

Harry, McQuigg,

you take Vickers with the
prototype into the club car.

Leslie, that leaves you with me.

Anything goes wrong, we
regroup in the dining car

and pivot from there, okay?

Let's go.


You sure you got that?

Yeah, yeah. Don't worry, Dr. Vickers.

Us Brits are very good
at hiding things...

joy, sadness, impure thoughts.

I mean, I hid myself in
a closet for years.

Just better hope whatever's in
that case isn't contagious, Harry.

It's not. We don't do bio.

Just remember this...

there are people who would slaughter

every single person on this train

to possess what's in that case.

That's comforting.


Assassins on our tail.

Charge of danger in the air.

Something intoxicating about it, no?

I'm feeling pretty sober.

[CHUCKLES] Where are
you from, Ms. Wyatt?

Originally? Georgia.

Ah, quite the peach.


You know, a large part
of science is observation.

Some people call us "observationalists."

- Observe something else.
- Ryan.

Ah, the game is on.

Let the best man win.

You may have brawn, good
sir, but I have brain.

[CHUCKLES] I'm flattered, professor,

but your powers of observation

overlooked the ring on my finger.


- Hurdles, not walls, as they say.
- Oh.

I'm the husband.


Jocks win again.

Want me to throw that in your bag?

Yeah, thanks.



He's such an idiot.



I mean, that's just dumb, what he did.

Reaching out to some phony-ass reporter

and getting k*lled for it.

Did you find anything
else in his e-mail?

Well, he obviously felt
strongly about whatever you made.

We all feel strongly,
but he took the job.

We all took the job. I
mean, nobody was forced.

They talked to us
about that in training.

We all had the same training.

He was so different.

I tried to tell him, "Just sleep on it."

I mean, he's a reasonable
guy, but he didn't listen.

I couldn't stop him.

Sometimes, we all have
moments where we...

question what we're doing, you know.

- You just have to take stock of...
- Who are we talking about?

Jurgen or you?

I'm talking about you, Leslie.

When I told my mother I was
gonna work for the Pentagon,

she practically disowned me.

"All the things you could
be doing to fix the world."

She said it was immoral.

Blood on my hands.


She a scientist, too?

No. PhD...

in janitorial arts.

- Cleaning people's houses.

She and Jurgen would have
been thick as thieves.

FEDOWITZ: Complimentary
beverage for my Southern belle?

- It's on me.
- I'm good, thanks.

Maybe a ginger ale if
you're feeling nauseous.

Who said I'm feeling nauseous?

I saw the pregnancy test in your bag.

What are you talking about?

Shelby, come on. How
could you not tell me?

I'm telling you. I don't
have a pregnancy test.

You must have opened
up someone else's bag.

The team duffels all look the same.

Well, it was full of women's clothes

and, unless Harry's into
sports bras, then whose was it?



She got hungry.

Everything all right in here?

No... surprises.

Almost none.

Yeah. You doing okay?

I'm fine.



Deep, you got a second?


I know Celine

- was your closest friend here, but...
- No.

- She was my only friend here.
- That's just not true.

Hey. Hey.

I need you to tell me if you're
capable of doing this job.

- I can do the job.
- Well, let me clarify.

I need to know if I should
be putting you in a position

where you're responsible for the lives

- of your fellow agents.
- Understood.

That's what I'm trying
to do right now. May I go?



I tried to check in with Owen,
but now there's no cell service.

We're on our own. Four more hours.


Guys, we're slowing down.

MAN ON PA: Ladies and gentlemen,
we have a fire onboard.

You two stand fast.

Proceed to the nearest
exit. Do not disembark...

Sudden fire forces full evac.

This feel off to anybody else?

It's what I'd do if I
was planning an ambush.

Yep. We were followed.

SHELBY: Or tracked.

Guys, we can't leave the train.
We don't know what's outside.

We don't know what's in here, either.

So we stay. For better or
worse, the train's a bunker.

We stay, we blow cover,
putting targets on our backs.

So we split up.

Harry, I'll take the case
and keep it over here.

Everyone else leaves, okay?

No, DoD requires one of us to
be with the case at all times.

- I'll stay.
- I'll stay.

Okay. I'll keep Leslie.

We boarded together.
It'll be less suspicious.

Let's go.



McQuigg, if this is an ambush...

Yep. We are leading the cattle

- straight to the k*lling floor.
- Yeah.

Ladies and gentlemen, we apologize

for any inconvenience.

We appreciate your patience
while we locate the problem.

For your safety, please
step away from the train

and wait for further instructions.


No, I just... I think it's
reckless for her to be here.


If she's pregnant.

It's reckless for a
pregnant woman to work?

No, this isn't normal work, Shelby.

You're being ridiculous.

Okay, so if we had a kid
let's say years old...

- you'd bring her with us on an op?
- No, of course not. But that's different.



You said "her" when you
referred to our baby.

Our imaginary baby.

You want a daughter?

I haven't really thought about it.

Sounds like you have.

Wait, so is Alex seeing someone?

I don't know. Why?

Are you not curious who the dad is?

Not my business.

HARRY: Anything?

All clear.

Ladies and gentlemen,

- thank you for your patience...
- WOMAN: Nathan!




Can you help me?

I turned my head for a
second and my son ran off.

Sure. Yeah. What's, uh...

What's your boy look like?

Do you think he ran back on board?


- Kids do love trains...
- Dr. Fedowitz, where is it?

- - - - - - - - - .

- - - - - - - - - .

- - - - - - - - - .

- - - - - - - - - .

- - - - - - - - - .

- - - - - .

What are you doing?

It's a number scramble.

It's something I do when I'm scared.

Started when I was a kid.

It's how Mom knew I had a gift.

Let me try it.

- - - - - - - - - .

Now give it back to me scrambled.

- - - - - - - - - .


- Not bad.

I have never seen anyone
outside PELEUS do that.

hear the announcement?

Leave all personal belongings
behind and evacuate now.

- Yeah, okay, listen...
- Now, ladies, I'm not going to ask again.

And leave all personal belongings.


WOMAN: Where is it?

Take me to it.

Right now.

Put your hands up.

I don't want to hurt you.



Hey! Stop!

- Get her.
- ALEX: Leslie, run!




She's not alone.


Leslie, I told you to run!

"Leslie, thank you. You
saved my pretty ass."



The whole thing.

- Go on.

Leslie, thank you for
saving my pretty ass.

My pleasure.

Oh, hell no.

Bye, Felicia.

- Hey.
- What the hell?

"What the hell" is you would
have been a lot more useful

two minutes ago.

MCQUIGG: We should
probably get rid of the body

before the passengers come back.

Gee, well, we don't want
to drag him out there

- where we left the other one.
- What other one?

Yeah, we've been a little busy, too.

- Are you okay? You're hurt.

Um, yeah, I'm fine.

Sit down.


- Sit down.
- I don't need to sit.

I'm not asking. Sit down.



Chivalry. I remember that.

It's not chivalry.

More like tough love.

It's an expression.

Okay, well, hopefully, Deep and Justin

can get an I.D. on this guy. [SIGHS]

Grab his feet.


This guy is a lump.

k*lled with his own g*n.

A simple mechanism.

Ladies and gentlemen, thank
you for your patience.

At this time, all passengers
may board the train.

What did you mean by that?

"Simple mechanism"?

In , Joseph-Ignace Guillotin

told the French National Assembly

that he had a better way
to put people to death

by means of a simple mechanism...

the guillotine.

He'd later be put to death
using his own machine.

Irony or justice?

This about Jurgen?

It's about me.

The last thing my mom said to me was,

"Just 'cause you're the one
brought something into this world

don't mean you get to control it."

I wasn't ready to hear that.

Anyway, I said a bunch of dumb
things and walked out the door.

That was two years ago.

What kind of daughter doesn't
talk to her mom for two years?

You're looking at one.

What do you think Guillotin's
mom thought of him?


Everybody's getting back on board.





This is weird, but do you have
a pregnancy test in your bag?


Yeah, I do.

Ryan found it.

- Oh, God.
- He thought it was mine. I'm sorry.

Do you want to talk about it?

It's probably nothing,
false alarm, but I...

But if you were sure, you
wouldn't have bought the test.

And now you're scared to take it.

Look, I'm not scared for me, Shelby.


If it's positive, I'll have to tell him,

and he'll want to be with me.

And that just puts him and Isabella

- in danger all over again. I...
- Maybe not.

Alex, the Widow is gone.

And maybe now...


look at where we are right now.

There's always another Widow.

Guys, I just did a head
count of passengers.

When I first checked, there was .

Now there's .

I'm guessing those extra
four aren't the good guys.


I'm running the pic Harry sent
through the FBI database now.




Just trying to focus.



I'm just trying to give
our team some answers.

OWEN: Then get to it.


Assassin's name is Caspar Voigt,

former German KSK Special Forces.

Don't, don't.

All right, so...

This guy's employed as private
security at Schaubb & Stieg.


Whatever that w*apon is,

now we know who wants it.


Corporate spooks?

And this is just business?

Look, I don't care what's driving them.

I care about stopping them.

We're talking four
assassins and five of us.

- We should be taking the fight to them.
- You want a hail of b*ll*ts

with civilians on this train?

Things go wrong, innocent
people get k*lled.

Or we could just give
them what they want.



To be clear,

we're about to violate Section ,

Articles through
of the U.S. Criminal Code.

Four people have died for
this in the last hours.

They saved my life, Wade. Trust them.


That's it?

No UFO parts, no destroyer of worlds?

A target p*stol?

Not just any target p*stol.

A silver b*llet.

The only thing that can k*ll a werewolf.

Project Werewolf.


What does it do?

Well, makes calls, apparently.

In a manner of speaking.

You dial in a cellphone number,

and the b*llet finds the
person holding the phone.

Is that even possible?

We just took the targeting technology

already found in our
drones and miniaturized it.

That was Jurgen's expertise.

Leslie added her own piece of wizardry.

An infrared sensor
that locates the heart.

Target dead every time.


This is an assassin's w*apon.

This could also be a perfect
choice for a mass sh**t.

With a slight modification,

this could be programmed to hit
anyone with a cellphone, right?

That was Jurgen's problem with it.

And Jurgen had a damn good point.

What are you doing?

Keeping it safe while you
put your big brains to work.

- Doing what?
- You make weapons, right?

You're making us a w*apon right now.


During the Civil w*r, they
called it Soldier's Heart.

In World w*r I, they
called it shell shocked,

- and today, they call it PTSD.
- Okay, I get that you're just trying to help,

but I don't have PTSD.


Trying to avoid thinking and
talking about the traumatic event.

Avoiding people who
remind you of said event.

I'm not avoiding it.

I'm in it.

I talk to it in the shower.

It crawls up my neck
when I'm not looking.

And I'm sure it was worse for her,

but I didn't have a
choice in this. She did.


is irrational.

- Then why do we have a court system?
- Courts?

Courts aren't about
blame. They're about rules.

- What's the difference?
- If you break the law,

you're prosecuted. If
there's a conviction,

you're punished. It has
an end. Blame has no end.

- That's what makes it irrational.
- So, what's rational?


Once you forgive someone,

truly forgive them,

it's over.

You release that burden forever,

theirs and yours.

And what if you can't forgive?

Oh, I don't have to tell
you it wasn't her fault.

You already know that.

Maybe I do need to tell you

that no amount of blame you put on her

can match the blame she puts on herself.


Come on in.

[GRUNTS] I'm sorry, Leslie,

but I have to keep you safe,
and this is the best we've got.

Yeah, I feel real safe.

He's dead. He can't hurt you.

You haven't seen "The
Walking Dead," have you?

Here, take this,

and keep it safe, okay?

How many more people got
to die for this thing?

This is not your fault.

- No?
- No.

The math is pretty clear to me.

I'll be back, okay?

Well, maybe if we get
to the back of the train,

we'll get better service there.

Yeah, well, I don't
want to leave them alone

- for too long, you know?
- Yeah.

Two men incoming.


Dangle a shiny object.

It's practically Pavlovian.

[g*n COCKS]




Blode schlampe!




- Boom.


- It worked.
- Yeah.

Better than expected.

- So how come we're stopping?
- Well, you get your wish, Dr. Vickers.

Storm opened up to the south.
Army Airborne's en route.

We're putting the three
of you on a helicopter

- with Agent Doyle as soon as it touches down.
- Yo.

They'll take you the rest of the way.

We still got two mercs unaccounted for.

Well, the rest of us will hold
down the fort until help arrives.

Where's Leslie?

Still in the sleeper
cabin with the body.

I'll get her.

Hey, Les.


She's gone.




We searched the train
and swept the area.

No sign of Leslie.

A captain just informed
me JSOC's taking over.

A team's been deployed from
Fort Gillis to find Leslie.

To hunt her, you mean.

She stole a highly-classified
piece of government property.

- That's treason.
- They're authorized to sh**t on sight.

She could've been playing
us this whole time,

waiting for her chance to
get away with the w*apon.

To do what with it, sell it to an enemy?

No. God, she's not a
traitor. She's just...

She's just lost.

Questioning what her mind
brought into the world.


where's that gonna lead her?

Where's the one place you'd
want to be if you were lost?



Hey, Mama.


Cherise Thomas, mother of Leslie Thomas,

Winchester Boulevard.

Let Alex and the team
know I'm headed there now.

- _
- And he won't have backup.


Hey, hey. What's going on?

Coming with you.

You two can work together?



Leslie, what have you
brought into my house?

Same thing I bring into
everybody's house...



I'm so sorry, Mom.

Lord! You scared the
living hell out of me!

My team's outside. We got to go.

Leslie, who is this woman?

- She's... a friend.
- Leslie,

if we're really friends...

the prototype, please.


Okay. Stay here s...

Nobody move.

- Mama.
- Don't you be no hero.

I count two, : ,
behind the wood pile.

They've got Alex in their sights.

RYAN: All right, on my count.

Three, two, one.

ALEX: Get down! Down!

Get out. I'll draw their fire.


- Cavalry's here.
- MAN: Fire!


Leslie, stay down! Take cover!

[g*nf*re CEASES]

MCQUIGG: I don't understand.

Why'd they stop?


We have a problem.

Alex, I require the w*apon
known as Project Werewolf.

Mama, I'm so sorry.

ALEX: Even if I give it to you,

how will you get out of here with it?

BRUNO: Your team will stand down

or I will sh**t one of these women.

Your colleagues will
drop their weapons now.

- Please!

No, please! Stop!

Alex, he has my mother!

If you think I won't do
it, you can ask Jurgen.

Alex, I'm scared.

I know, Leslie. I know.

Drop your weapons now!

You really are an idiot.

What did you just say?

They don't care about her.

They only care about me.

I'm worth millions to them.

But the only way you get paid

is if you put the g*n to my head,

tell them I'm the one you're gonna k*ll.

You want the prototype?

That's how you get it.

Sit down, don't move.

Now you're thinking smart.


he has a g*n to my head.

Do you understand?

- No, let her go.
- Mama, it's okay.

It's okay.

You need to tell your people
to put their g*ns down now.

I'm really scared, Alex.

It's a number scramble.

It's something I do when I'm scared.

What are we doing, kids?

Well, I hope she has a plan.

ALEX: Let me try it.

- - ...

ALEX: - - ...

- - - ...
- - - ...

- ... - .

BRUNO: Put down the prototype and
walk outside to join your friends.

Now, Alex!

Give me the w*apon now.

Here it comes.

Damn thing worked.

ALEX: Leslie?!

He's down, you got him!

I got him.


FBI! On the ground!

Drop the weapons now!
Get down, get down!

- Don't move!
- FBI! Weapons down, now!

- Get down.
- Your hands. Give me your hands.

- Behind your back.
- FBI. Put your hands behind your back.

Put your hands where I can see 'em.


You really are good with numbers.


You ever wonder if you're
in the right line of work?

All the time.

You ever wondered if you're
in the right line of work?

[SIGHS] I have a few
things to figure out.

- Yeah.
- For now,

I'm gonna stay here and help
my mom fix this place up.

Come here.

Good luck, Les.

You need it more than me.

- You heading out, dude?
- Yeah,

something like that.

What's this?


Owen, you told me to forgive Jocelyn

for what happened to Celine.

But Jocelyn doesn't need my forgiveness.

She's fine.

I just watched her sh**t a man

and save my life without even flinching.

You're all fine

and onto the next mission.

- No time to mourn her, right?
- Deep.


Hey, you're making a mistake.

Come on, mate.

Look, this might be the first
time you've had a friend die...

She didn't die, she was k*lled.


I don't want to lose my humanity.

I don't want to have to
put a knife in one of you

to survive someday.

I don't want to live in the shadows

or with secrets or beyond the law.

Don't any of you ever stop
to wonder who you are anymore?

Well, I don't want to wonder who I am.

I want to stay me.

Resignation accepted.

Come here.

You be good, okay?