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02x02 - Forever

Posted: 09/06/21 07:26
by bunniefuu


[MAN] Do you feel much pain?

[JERLAMAREL] Just some aching.

It's time.




[EXHALES] Nothing.

- Nothing!
- Father. Father.

- I can't see.
- It's o... It's okay. Stay calm.

- Oloman, it didn't work. [PANTING]
- Father, please.

We'll try it again.

The procedure, do it
again. Try it again.

I'm sorry. There's nothing
more to be done.

You're wrong! There must be.

- Oloman.
- Father.

You have to keep reading.
All of the medical books, everything.

The answers will be there.

Father, I have read all the books.

And what they tell me
is that your corneas

have been damaged beyond repair.

You're not looking hard enough!

I will not be blind.

Do you hear me?

I will not be blind!









Don't get any ideas.


Lieutenant Commander Wren.

[GATEKEEPER] Yes, Lieutenant.

- Open the gate!

[GATEKEEPER ] Yes, sir!



the great Trivantian, Toliver,
wounded but not dead...

pulled himself to his tired feet
and mounted his horse.


- Although thunder and rain...

... dampened his senses,

he guided his tired men

through the tall grass
of the Bloody Plains...


... to the Ganite stronghold.

Under his command,
Trivantian soldiers...

- ... held the Ganite hordes at bay...

- ... all through the night

and into the next morning

until the battalions
arrived to turn the tide.

Where are you taking me?

You'll see.





I've never been so high up before.

[WREN] Yeah?

When I was younger,
I used to climb all these towers.

They were the only places
I felt safe being sighted.

Guess I loved going where I
knew no one else could come.

And that's how I found this place.

I've taken care of it ever since.


People used to celebrate their sight.

We make art to be heard
or felt or smelled.

Everything in their world
was meant to be seen.

- People too.
- What?

We were meant to be seen too.


This one was my favorite.

I used to make up stories
about the girl in the pictures.

[CHUCKLES] I named her Gwendolyn.

Her name is Alice.

You can read.

The book is called Alice in Wonderland.

"Alice was beginning to get very tired

of sitting by her sister on the bank

and of having nothing to do".

"Once or twice she had peeped
into the book her sister was reading,

but it had no pictures
or conversations in it".

No! [SOBS]

[HANIWA] "'And what is the
use of a book', thought Alice,

- 'without pictures or conversations?'"





Big brother, you are holding up well.



Your marks are nothing compared
to the scars you left on my back.

- What have you done with Haniwa?


You fear for your daughter. [CHUCKLES]


Fear is worse than the pain, isn't it?

It was like that for me as a boy.

The pain you inflicted on me was...

wasn't nearly as great as the fear
of knowing it was coming,

- that you were coming.

And I promise you,

Haniwa will know that same fear
every night, as I did.

Edo, please just let her go.

You were my brother.

I'm still your brother.
I'm s... I'm sorry.

I should've protected you.
But I was forced...

You don't know what sorry is. Not yet.

But you will.

'Cause I will keep you here...

and whip you every night
for every night you whipped me.

And years from now,

when I finally decide to k*ll you,

you will weep with gratitude.

Keep him conscious.

- Edo.
- I want him to feel every lash.

No. Edo, just... just let her go.

Edo. Edo!


Edo, no! Let her go!





We'll stop just long enough to piss
and fill our canteens.

[DAX] Yes, sir.


I wanna wash up.

[EXHALES] I don't want you near my men.

They're hungry and tired,

and they're not fond of witches
under the best of circumstances.

Come on.


[KOFUN] How many witches
have you talked to before?

[TOAD] None before you.

If I'm the first, how do you know
we're something to be feared?

People like you destroyed the old world

with your machines and your poisons.

Your kind were responsible
for the deaths of millions.

And you for the death of thousands.

You wiped the Alkenny...

my tribe, off the face of the earth.

They knew the price
for harboring witches.

It was the law of the kingdom.

You k*lled children. Babies.

I wasn't there.

And what would you have
done if you were?

I'm the witch.

Who's m*rder*d more people? You or me?

[GOSSET] My queen,

I present to you the greatest minds
of Pennsa, your council of state.

My council of what?

Your council of state, my queen.

Uh, to advise you,
to execute your commands.

We are here to assemble
not a council of state,

but a council of w*r.

Majesty, protocol requires that
a council of w*r be assembled

following an official
declaration of w*r.

He is going to school me in protocol.

w*r was declared on us.

Captain Gosset, I worry that
you don't grasp the stakes here.

Rest assured, I do, Majesty.

And everything I say here
is with all due respect

and in accordance with your wishes.

If we are to withstand
the might of the Trivantian army,

we must shore up our defenses
across the kingdom.

- Captain Gosset...
- [QUEEN KANE] Defenses?

We have been charged by God
to defeat the Trivantians.

We must prepare to att*ck, not defend.

- [MAGHRA] Sibeth...
- Who?

Forgive me, Your Majesty.

Princess Maghra, if you have
something to say, then say it.

Paya has been weakened
by the loss of Kanzua

and the chaos in the wake
of your presumed death.

We just consecrated a new capital.

Perhaps we should spend some time
tending to our kingdom,

organizing and fortifying our armies

while, of course, remaining vigilant
to the thr*at from Trivantes.

Everyone... out.






[INHALES] Did you hear
what just happened?


A room full of people quietly
questioning my authority,

wondering if, in fact, they're
even bound by it anymore.

A captain who argues with me.

Politicians entertaining
treasonous thoughts,

all of which end with our heads
removed from our bodies

and our royal bloodline
wiped out for all time.

And in that room full of betrayal,

my own sister contradicts me.

w*r is su1c1de.

How many people are you willing
to sacrifice for your lie?

Those who die will die gloriously...

for Paya...

for the new world that
will be built by our children.

[MAGHRA] Who will also die
along with the rest of us

when the Trivantians
burn Paya to the ground.

You cannot believe
we can actually defeat them.

What was I spared for if not for this?

God put a sighted child in my belly,

a child who'll be named for our father,

in order to make this kingdom the vessel

through which sight
returns to the world.

It is my destiny.

God help us. You actually
believe what you're saying.

We will conquer Trivantes,

absorb their armies

and become the one true
kingdom on this land.



There must be another way.

You yourself stood by...

when Tamacti Jun drew his blade,

with your blessing, to k*ll me.

And God did not let it happen.

You'd do well to remember
that moment, Sister.

And remember as well that
it was I who saved you that day

and not the other way around.









If it was my bed, I wouldn't be able

to think of a reason to get out of it.

- Hmm.

Well, I'll show you one.

Precious stones.

This one's like a piece of the sky.


What does that say?


That's beautiful.

Except it wasn't.



Well, maybe the feeling was.



I'm... I'm sorry.


- No.

[EDO VOSS] The Payan queen has announced

that she is pregnant
with a sighted child.

[THE m*llitary] Queen Kane
also claims it was our army

that att*cked the capital
city of Kanzua.

So the queen lied to her people.

Why then should we believe
that she is being any more truthful

about this supposed sighted baby?

How could she know such a thing?

She could know,
if the father was sighted.

Let me stop you right there,
Commander General.

Because I can already tell
where this is going.

There have been multiple reports
of at least one sighted Payan man.

You are speaking of Jerlamarel.

[THE m*llitary] Jerlamarel is not a man.
He is a myth and nothing more.

We do not know that for sure.

[THE m*llitary] General Voss,

our western border is
being att*cked ceaselessly

by the Ganites,

and you would have us open up
another front to the east

based on rumor and hearsay.

Sight will return.

And the first nation
to harness its powers

will be the nation
that dominates the world.

[THE m*llitary] Council has grown tired
of these theoretical arguments.

Any nation that gives a foothold
in their society to the sighted

is sowing the seeds
of their own destruction.

And in the unlikely event
that any sighted people emerge,

they will be ex*cuted
as threats to our republic.

Other nations may not feel the same.

[THE m*llitary] We have
not lost a w*r in years.

And there is no reason
to think we will begin now.

Your fascination with sight was
interesting as a strategic exercise,

but now it risks becoming a distraction.

We must turn our attention to the west,

where the Ganites are amassing
in greater and greater numbers.

The People agree with the m*llitary.

The Bank agrees with the People.


Council has ruled.

Thank you for your service,
Commander General.




[WREN] Good morning.

I fell asleep.

I didn't have the heart to wake you.

[HANIWA] What are you thinking about?

I'm wondering...

what would happen if I let you go.

- You could come with me.

I have a life here, a family, a career.

Why would you stay someplace

where you'd be ex*cuted
just for being who you are?

You say that as if being sighted
is the only thing that I am.

I'm a soldier of Trivantes.

I'm the daughter and granddaughter
and great-granddaughter

of people who built Trivantes,

who fought and d*ed for it.

None of that would save you
if your secret got out.

We could travel east.

You could meet my brother.

Maybe we could find
other people like us.

We could help change the world.


You think we're special.

But we're not.

We're just... different.

I think we're special
because we're different.

If sight's meant to come back,
it'll come back.

It's not our job to change the world.

It's our job to...

use our sight to make things better
right where we are.

And how do we do that?


you could start by reading to me.

- I would love to.

"'I could tell you my adventures

beginning from this morning',
said Alice, a little timidly.

'But it's no use going
back to yesterday,

because I was a different person then.'"



So this is the great
warrior... Baba Voss.

You're no f*cking warrior now, are you?


[PRISON GUARD] Get back!

- Get down!

- Stay down!
- [PRISON GUARD] You broke my f*cking nose!




[TAMACTI JUN] Baba Voss.

Four days on the rack.

[SIGHS] I should thank you.

Sorry. I can't offer you
anything stronger than water.

But... here.



I know your voice, Witchfinder.

I hear it in my nightmares.

Tamacti Jun.

You k*lled my wife. [GRUNTING]

I don't blame you for wanting me dead.

I've committed many offenses
to you and your people,

but k*lling your wife
is not one of them.

I'm gonna make it through
these bars at some point.

And when I do, I'm gonna hurt you.

Listen to me. I was the one
left for dead, not Maghra.

Don't you say her name!
Don't you say her name.

I could never harm her.
She is my princess.

Princess? What are you talking about?

You make no sense, Witchfinder.

Your wife was born to His Highness,
the king Wolf Kane.

And I was sworn to protect her

as the rightful heir
of the Payan throne.

You lie. You're a liar.

Ask yourself what reason might I have
to lie to you at this point.

So, my wife, whose children you hunted
since the day they were born,

you're saying she's a princess?

That's what I'm saying.

And I'm also telling you

that when she and the queen left me,
she was very much alive.



- Come on.
- [SHEVA] Side to side, Father.

With a tap at the end of each swing.

Uh, constant contact, if you can.

Hold the stick out farther.

You're doing well. Good.
It'll get easier, Father.

Don't talk to me like I'm a child.


Let go!

I will find my way without any help
from anybody! Do you understand?



What are we gonna do?

He'll get used to it.
Just give him some time.

[QUEEN KANE] God Flame.


You have shielded me from
enemies known and unknown.


Counsel your loyal servant.

Strengthen my resolve,
that I will not be shaken.


I will serve your will... [INHALES]

... as you will preserve
me at your pleasure.

[HARMONY] Your Majesty?

[SIGHS] f*ck.

[HARMONY] Apologies, my queen.

Lord Harlan begs a moment of your time.

Grant it to him, then leave.

[HARMONY] Yes, my queen.


Oh, yeah.

I love the smell of a
lavender milk bath.

Lord Harlan,

you have a dangerous tendency
toward the informal.

Some might mistake it for disrespect.

On the contrary.

I relish our history together,

my childhood in your father's court.

I think it binds us with a loyalty

far deeper than simply
queen and subject.

Don't you think?

Which brings me
to the purpose of my visit.

I am bursting with anticipation.

Bold move, launching a w*r so soon
after consecrating a new capital.

If you don't have the stomach for it...

I don't have the stomach for losing.

Hmm. Well, fortunately for you,
you're on the winning side.

Marry me.


Uh-huh. Not exactly
the response I hoped for.

When your hubris surprises even me,

it might be time
to rethink your worldview.

You need me. My army, my people.

You mean my army and my people.

You're declaring w*r on the
greatest m*llitary force in the world.

To even hope to succeed,

you need the undying fealty
of every man and woman here.

You have Pennsa, and
you will have all of Paya.

And here I thought I already did.


Your subjects might die to protect
their rightful sovereign, but...

I'll bet they're a little less generous
with their skins

when it comes to protecting
a child they think is a witch.

And if I marry you?

I've been the rule of law here
for a generation.

As stepfather to the sighted child,

I can change the minds
that need changing.

I can't think of a better way
to solidify your position.

And yours.

Of course, and mine.

Why else would I do it?

You can have my sister.

Be stepfather to her
sighted royal children.

She's got two of 'em.

Isn't Maghra married already?

[GRUNTS] Baba Voss is dead.

And in any case, Alkenny
rutting in their tents

doesn't qualify as marriage
under Payan law.


I don't think Maghra
would feel the same.

Lord Harlan, are you
underestimating your own charm?

You'll talk to her?


Now come here and kneel
before your queen.

[GATEKEEPER] Open the gate!


- [BOY] Two quarters up!


- [BOY] Right one.

- Come on. We can't stay here.

- Wait. Wait.


- [BOY] Straight.

- Left, two step.

That boy can see.

I said, left!

You said you were the only one.

It's Edo's secret program.
The boy's a son of Jerlamarel's.

He trained him as part of an
arrangement he has with the general.


So, what, he just...

just gave that boy away?

Wren, he's a child!


He gave me away too. Do you understand?

He sent me to die.

- You're not going to die.
- We both know Edo will never let me go.

- [WREN] Haniwa.


I will do everything I can
to keep you safe. I promise.

I need you to trust me.

I do.



[WREN] General, sir.

Lieutenant. Get the prisoner
and bring her down to the street.

Why? What's happening?

Bring the girl downstairs. Now.




- Papa!

I'm so sorry. This is all my fault.

I wanted to give you the opportunity

to hear your daughter's
cries one last time...

before I sent her off
to be useful to the republic.


People of Trivantes,

I give you the great coward, Baba Voss.

- m*rder*r!

Twenty-five winters have passed
since he m*rder*d Teo Voss,

my father,

and fled the city.

But Trivantian justice never
forgets and never relents,

not in a thousand winters.

- On with him!

Once around the city.

[CRYING] No, no, no. Papa.

- [CRYING] No! No, no, no.
- m*rder*r!



- Haniwa!
- No! No, no, no.

No, please. No, please. Please. [CRIES]

General, why not leave her
with me a while longer?

She's a valuable source of intelligence.

No. I've imposed upon you enough, Wren.

Besides, she has something greater
to offer than intelligence.

Take the prisoner to my house. Now.


Take her!

- Move! Come on. Now!

Please... [HANIWA CRIES]

Her Highness, Queen Kane.

Her Majesty, Princess Maghra.

A walk among the people?
This doesn't feel like you.

The citizens of Pennsa have experienced

too much distance from the crown.

We must do what we can
to capture hearts and minds.

Oh. So that's what we're doing.
We're capturing hearts and minds.

Yes. But if you wanted
to be truly useful,

there are larger, more
strategic moves to be made.

- Strategic moves?
- I told Harlan you would marry him.


- What? You're kidding.
- I'm not.

[HERALD] Her Highness, Queen Kane...

Well, then you're more
insane than I thought.

You're overreacting.
It's a business arrangement.

You know what this is?

Some kind of poorly formed God bone.

This is a marriage cuff, made
for me by my husband, Baba Voss.

Alkenny unions aren't
recognized by Payan law.

So you won't be betraying Baba Voss,
if he's even alive.

You coldhearted bitch.

You can call me what you want,

but I promised I would make Paya
safe for your children, and I did.

But I think you fail to realize
just how close to the edge we are.

Harlan's clearly suspicious
about Kanzua.

We've taken his city from him.
If we don't make it worth his while,

we'll find ourselves
on the wrong end of an uprising.


Like you said, we need Harlan
and the army he controls,

until we don't.

- Then you marry him.
- And make him king?

We'll discuss this again
once you've calmed down.

No, we won't.

- Heretic! The queen is a heretic.

Witch lover! It's an abomination.

[MAN] Burn the witch!

Burn her! And her whole family!

- Find them.
- Right away.

- [WOMAN] Burn the queen! Burn her!
- Burn her!

- [MAN] Witch!

Like I said, we are closer to
the edge than you realize.

[WOMAN] Burn her!


[GUARD] Raising three.

- [GUARD ] You're bluffing.
- Ready to put down and find out?



[WHISPERS] Baba Voss?

Baba Voss?

Who are you?

Someone who will be k*lled
if I'm caught helping you.

So, please, no more questions
until we're out of here.

- Where are we going?
- I'm taking you to Haniwa.

- You know where she is?
- Yes, but we have to hurry.

I took care of the guards,

but we have to be gone
before the next rotation.

[TAMACTI JUN] Baba Voss.

If you're planning
to fight your way out,

you could use all the hands you can get.

I'm here only for you.

You wanna get to Maghra, as do I.

It's only a matter of time
until her sister turns on her,

if she hasn't already.

You expect me to trust you, Witchfinder?

I know how the queen thinks.

You wouldn't even begin
to know how to look for her.

And even if you did, she'd be surrounded

by Witchfinders. My Witchfinders.

I am not releasing Tamacti Jun.

He comes.

I'm already committing treason
by releasing you.

I won't compound that by
freeing the Witchfinder general.

They can only hang you once.

- We go now, or we die here.

You go.


[WREN] This way.


This changes nothing!

The second you are not useful to me,

I'm going to rip out your entrails
and feed them to you.

[GROANS] As you should.

[WREN] Take the guards' weapons.

You walk too fast. Your staff
barely touches the ground.

You're sighted, aren't you?

Believe it or not, I used to
be pretty good at hiding it.

Let's go.



Don't worry. It's not going
to be your uncle Edo.


If you fight...
it will just take longer.




- [GUARD] Truss!
- [SOLDIER] Noss.

[SOLDIER ] Noss!





Yes. Keep this for Haniwa.

[WREN] Edo will have
her someplace upstairs.

We will separate to find her.

Tamacti will hold off anyone
down here that wishes to join us.

You'll need more than one man for that.

Not when it's that man.

[WREN] Stairs.

- [MAN] Oh, don't be scared.

I could be gentle.



No. No!


[SIGNALING] You continue straight.

I will check the far side and meet you.









- It's okay, it's okay.

I'm so sorry.


- I knew you would come.
- I'm so sorry.


I'm not alone.

Baba Voss told me to
give you this. Let's go.

- [THUD]

[EDO VOSS] When you left,
I was still the smaller one,

still the weaker one.

And you'll find that's
no longer the case.




To be honest, I was hoping
you'd have a bit more fight in you.







How fitting...

that I would k*ll you
with our father's sword.

Edo. I'm sorry.

But please, let my death
be the end of it.

Let Haniwa leave this place. Please.


Know this before you die, Brother.

Haniwa will spend the rest of
her life in my dungeons,

a broodmare...

mothering sighted children for my army

until her womb is no longer able.

And when she can produce no more...

I will slit her throat

and toss her body into
the same manure pit

into which I will throw yours.

[HANIWA] Leave him.

- Leave him!


- [BABA VOSS] Haniwa.
- Papa.

- [HANIWA] Are you okay?
- [SOBS]

We have to go. Come.

Take me to him.


If you ever come near my children again,

I will burn this entire f*cking
city to the ground...

and leave you alive just long enough

so you can smell your flesh
melting off of your face.

[CHUCKLES] There he is.

There's the Baba Voss I know! [CHUCKLES]

We have to go.




- Tamacti Jun.

[BABA VOSS] Haniwa! No, no, no.


Haniwa. No. He fights with us.

He k*lled Mom.

Listen to me. Your mother is not dead.


What are you talking about?

I'll explain later.

Listen, right now we need to go.

Is she safe?

We don't know. That's why
we need to trust him.


Haniwa, please. See me. We have to go.



[WREN] Left. To the eastern gate.




Come with us.

I can't.

[WHISPERS] Please.



[BABA VOSS] Haniwa!




- [BABA VOSS] Haniwa.

[BOOTS] Cora!


- Cora?



She said I lost the baby.

He was in the blood on my sheets.

You k*lled her.

She said,

"Sometimes what forms cannot
grow to completion. It's too weak".



What did you put in me?

I did what you asked.

I did not ask for this.

You didn't have to k*ll her.

Of course I did.

No one can know.

I announced my child, a sighted child.

They'll think me mad.

I will lie with you again.

I will make you a stronger baby.




You poor boy. [CHUCKLES]

- [SNIFFS] You poor, stupid boy.