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04x06 - Family Matters

Posted: 09/05/21 09:13
by bunniefuu


-What time is it?
-I don't know.

What day is it?


No, it's Wednesday.

-I have a shift tonight.
-Yeah. Me, too.



You know that this was just a...
This just happened, right?

Yeah. Don't worry.
No, I can separate work and this.

Well, that's good. I think we broke
at least a hundred HR rules.

We? No, no, no, I'm a resident,
you're my boss. You broke the rules.


You wanna break some more rules
in the shower?

-Okay. Yeah.

[phone buzzing]


-I got it. Yeah.
-[Jordan] Thank you.


You go ahead. I gotta take this.

-[Cain] Okay.

Hey. Where are you?

Hey. I'm on a layover in JFK.

What about you?


You know, I had a couple days off,
spent them in bed.

[T.C.] You coming down with something?

I hope not.

So, JFK? Are you coming home?

Yeah, I had to. Toph made me
executor of his estate, the bastard.

They're closing doors on my flight,
so I'll see you soon.

Have a safe flight. Bye.

Good. Good.


Hey, hey, looking good, Kenny.

I'm ready for my smoker, baby.

Yeah, yeah. Easy, McGregor. All right?

A little different
when they start hitting back.

Come on.


-Shoes on the mat.
-Private Locke.

Private Locke. Private Locke.

Captain Alister.

Just Drew. All right?

No rank here. Just vets, brothers in arms.

Except me. I'm just a brother.
Kenny Fournette.


Y'all are having a fight night, yeah?
Maybe just a little ground and pound?

Beat each other up a little bit?

It's a support group.

Yeah, okay.

So we will train a little, talk a little.

Winning is about
just letting go of the stuff

we're carrying around with us.

All right.

You ever done MMA?

Yeah. I got belts.

In jujitsu, Krav Maga.
Ranked in Muay Thai.

Nice. What's your belt in jujitsu?

Should've been brown,
but my instructor was a d*ck.

So that's what happened.

All right, enough. Go get changed.

Come on, man. I'll show you your locker.

-Support group, man?
-Come on. Get out of here.

Should've been brown.

-Yeah, but the instructor was a d*ck.
-What's his story?

He was a Humvee gunner in Fallujah.
IED flipped his rig.

He got sent stateside with a TBI.
So I thought this would help him.

I mean, I hope so. You know,
we'll do what we can for sure.

What about you?

When are you gonna get your ass out there?

Yeah. Chemo kicked me in the nuts.

But my numbers are coming back up.
So is my gut.

-Thanks to you and Jordan.
-Yeah, that's our fault.

We were never gonna leave you out
on the mountain, Mac. All right?

You're family now. So just take a seat

and we'll see what we can do for the kid.

I appreciate it.

Hey, Dr. Diaz and Rivera
from Memorial. Where's triage?

Parking lot.
My guys are clearing the building.

[Cain] Get me the known casualties.

Get down!

[Ted] Help me! Help me! Help me!

It's Ted Rogers. I know him.
He's a firefighter.

-He's in our ER all the time.
-[Chief Estrada] He's off duty.

Called it in on his way home.

-I didn't know he ran in.
-We need a gurney!

Yeah, help him! Please! He saved us!

Oh, my God! It's Ted?

One, two, three.

-No. Please help me!
-You going with him, sir?

Somebody, please help me!
Please. Please. Please.

Please. My sister. My sister's in there.

-My little sister. Naya.
-Hold on.

She's on the second floor
by the ice machine.

-Please, please.
-[Shannon] Hey, hey, hey! Cain!

Cain, where are you going?


[Drew] Let's just start with
a simple drill, the guillotine counter.

Ford, I want you to come in here.

Okay, we're squaring off,
Ford sh**t.

I saw that coming a mile away.

Hey, can we let the instructor teach?

All right. You're gonna sh**t. Good.

I'm gonna lock in the guillotine,
right here.

He wants to take that lead leg,
step it around,

and it turns into an easy double.

Enough MMA For Dummies. Can we roll?


[Drew] So if we don't have
any more questions,

let's break on three.
One, two, three. Fight.

Kenny and Locke,
why don't you guys pair up?

-He's got a mouth on him.
-He's a YouTube warrior.

This'll humble him.

-Just a drill.



-[Drew] Let go! Locke, let go!
-Let go.

-Locke! Locke!


Drew, what the hell?

Locke, hey.

Kenny, you okay?

Yeah, I just...

Don't move.

-I can't feel my feet.

Ford! Call an ambulance!

-Drew, I can't feel my...
-Go! Call an ambulance! Now!

Hey, hey, hey, it's gonna be okay.

[Izzy] I don't know what to do!
Naya, she's...

Just calm down. Just calm down, okay?

[fire roaring]

[alarm sounding]


Can you hear me? Naya!



Where are you?

I got you. I got you.

[Cain coughs]

Okay. It's okay. I got you.

We're gonna get you
out of here.

[theme music playing]

-Oh, my God. It's Naya.
-No, no, no. Stop. Stop.

She's in altered! I'll find a vein!
Get the Narcan.

An OD? Are you sure?

Yeah. Check her pupils.

They're pinpoint. How old is she?

She's 13 in November.
She's got a lot of problems, okay?

It's a long story.
Would you just help her?


Get off of me! No! No, get off!

-Naya, Naya, Naya. It's okay.
-No! No!

-Naya, Naya, it's okay.
-No! No!

-It's Izzy.

Listen. You're fine. You're okay.

I know, I know, I know.
You're fine. You're okay. We're good.

Let's go. Get her in the ambulance.

You too, Izzy.

-It's just withdrawal agitation.
-I know. I'm good.

All right. Let's go.

Paul says you're a urologist at Penn?

Yeah. I know it's an unusual field
for a woman.

I picked it to keep my dad
out of my business.

Dads don't like to talk about penises
with their little girl.

-Nor does your brother.
-Well, we're glad you're here.

And I know Julian wanted you to take
a look at the VA expansion plans.

First, I wanna meet
this purple-haired woman

who has her claws
so deep into my baby bro.

Okay. You just mentioned that
in front of my two bosses.

Anyways, Jordan, do you know
where Shannon is?

Yeah. She's doing a hotel fire
with Cain.

They're doing mass-cas triage
on site.

-[Paul] Sometime later then, I guess.

[Sara] Jordan, it's Ted Rogers.

-He's having a STEMI.
-How bad?

He's awake and talking now.
O2 sat is 95%.

Hey, Ted? It's Jordan.
When did the chest pain start?

In the ambulance. Feels tight.

Yeah, you're having a heart attack,
but we got you.

Send off a stat GAS and a CO-ox
for a carbon monoxide level.

Okay, everybody on three.
One, two, three.

[Ted groans]

Ted, do you have any cardiac history?

No. The job keeps me in shape.

Julie and I ran the half-marathon
last year after the baby came.

I was on a diaper run.

I saw the flames, went to help.

I got some maids out,
wish I did more.

You did plenty.
That took a lot of balls.

Anything else bothering you?

My abdomen. But my chest...

[Jocelyn] CO level is 13.

All right,
we got you now, Ted.

We're gonna take care of
your heart attack right here, okay?

Jordan. Kenny's coming in.
As a patient.

-[Jordan] What?
-Jordan, go. Be with Kenny.

I got Ted.

[Drew] Jordan.

Kenny, it's gonna be okay.
You hear me?

He's got a C-spine
hyperextension injury.

-It's T10 level.
-All right.

-Let's get him to Trauma Two.
-Yo! It was an accident.

This is Locke. Blunt-head trauma.
Brief LOC. Vitals are stable.

Hot doc. Me likey.

Hey. Watch your mouth, Locke.

-How'd this happen?
-Ask Drew.

He's fine. All right?

Medics did by the book
with the C-collar.

-I'm going to see Kenny.
-Okay, let's get him to Exam One.

What the hell happened?

Locke's the vet
I told you needed help.

All right, he made a mistake
with Kenny.

He held on too long.

You know, stuff happens.
It's not chess.

Then Drew goes all Jon Jones on him.

I'm assuming that's a bad thing?

Yeah. Real bad. Total over-reaction.

-Hey, you all right?
-[Mac] Yeah.

Okay, I'm gonna take care of Kenny.

Scott, is it my C2?
You can tell me, man.

Okay, when we know, you know.

Start with some X-rays
and get some steroids on board.

All right, Kenny,

I want you to tell me
when you can feel any of this, okay?


Is he doing it yet?

Just tell him when you feel it.

God. He's doing it.

[Drew] Take it easy.

-How about this?

I feel that. I feel that.

-So it's up to my T4 now.

God. I can't believe
this is happening.

Okay, his bladder is distended.

He needs a Foley. Mollie?

What? A catheter? No.
Not from Mollie, no.

You know you can't pee
with this kind of injury.

[Kenny] Look, I don't care.

Look, I don't want anyone I know
draining my junk.

Okay? I gotta work here.

Actually, you know what?
There's probably someone here

who can help us out.
I'll be right back.

Mollie, come with me.

Okay, honey, I know you're scared,

but we are gonna give you everything
that we have. You know that.


Jordan. There's a problem with Ted.
Paul needs you.

-Go. I got him.

-What happened?
-Acute abdomen out of nowhere.

Cain and Shannon have a Code White
from the fire.

EKG came back normal.

Started complaining
of pain and dizziness.

All right, he needs an airway,
a stat chest X-ray,

and a bedside ultrasound.
I'll be right back.

Opiate OD. She's apnoeic again.

Gave her two doses of Narcan
in the rig.

Trauma Three for intubation.

-Narcan? She's a kid.
-Thirteen in November.

Classic case of upper-middle-class
absentee parenting, if you ask me.

I didn't.

[Jocelyn] Couldn't get a BP.
Pulse is in the 200s.

-[Cain] She's in torsades.
-Move now.

One, two, three, go.

Shannon, I want you
to start compressions.

Cain, defibrillation.
And, Jocelyn, push magnesium.

Oh, my God! Is she gonna die?

Naya's very sick. We need
your mom's consent to treat her.

You need to reach her now. Go!

So, prior to our arrival
on the scene,

there was one of our own, Ted Rogers.

He entered the building and proceeded
to evacuate hotel personnel.

Hey, Doc, how much longer?
I'm growing roots over here.

CT's backed up and you still need
to get your lac repaired.

Hey, how's Kenny?

We've given him steroids
to reduce the swelling in his spine.

So, at the moment,
it's just hurry up and wait.

Yeah, Locke, you haven't signed
your "consent to treatment" form.

I don't need a machine to tell me
I got my bell rung.

[Mac] That's exactly what you need,

She says do it, you're doing it.

Cain. Hey.

-How's your OD doing?
-Not good.

Still no mom.
The sister says she's on the way,

which is apparently not fast enough
for Shannon.

All right, look, these cases,

these sort of hit close to home
to Shannon.

So she might be a little bit mouthier
than usual.

Just do me a favor.
Keep an eye on her, okay?

I gotta go. That's Ted's wife.

Julie? Hi, I'm Dr. Alexander.

I was here the night
that you delivered.

I remember.

How's he doing?

Well, he suffered a heart attack
and there's possible

carbon monoxide poisoning.
But he's stable, okay?

Is he gonna make it?

You and I both know
how strong Ted is.

-Yeah. He's such a good dad.

I didn't even know
we ran out of diapers.

She's still burning up.
Hanging antibiotics now.

I found the source of infection.
She has a septic knee.

Yeah, it's a possibility.
Come listen to her chest.

She has a heart murmur.
So you're thinking endocarditis?

I'll page Dr. Clemmens for you.

What's wrong, Shannon?

Her heart may have an infection.
She may need an operation to fix it.

We need your mom's consent.
Where is she?

On her way. She was working.

Her boss wouldn't approve
her transfer

until she finished her project.

She can give consent over the phone.
I'll give her a call.

I'll call her.
Her boss can be a real d*ck.

But I'll bring in the phone
as soon as she answers.

Doesn't that seem weird to you?
Mom hasn't called in yet or anything?

She just said her mom was at work.

You wouldn't drop everything

as soon as you find out
your kid's in the ER?

Okay, listen.
Less conspiracy, more work.

Get Scott in here,
have him do an echo.

I've gotta see another patient.

-[Jocelyn] Yes, Doctor.

Run this down to the lab for me.
I need a Gram stain stat.

Yes, Doctor.

Bud, I'm so sorry, I didn't...

Look, it's not your fault.

He was talking trash,
I should've known.

I should have rolled with him myself.

Hello. Someone needs a catheter?

Yeah. Kenny here.

Hi, Kenny. I'm Dr. Bella Cummings.

Bella as in Paul's sister, Bella?

That's me.

I'm sorry we couldn't meet
under better circumstances.

Could you step out, please?
Give the man some privacy?

All right.

All right, Kenny.
Just take a few deep breaths.

I'll have this done in no time.

So, I understand you work in the ER.

My home away from home.

End up spending so much time
taking care of people,

you never think
you'll end up lying here.

Well, you have a lot of people
who care about you.

Like my brother, Paul.

Yeah, well, he cares about you, too.

It's all we've been hearing.
Bella. Bella. Bella.

You know what?

Could you just give me a minute
just to...

You know, just to mentally prepare
for this intrusion?


-You gotta be kidding me.
-I'm already done.

What? That's it?

I told you I was good.

Look, I know
this is really, really tough,

but everything
Paul tells me about you tells me

that you will handle this
with strength and dignity.

Dr. Cummings.
They're asking for you in Trauma One.

All right, Kenny, just relax.
I'll get your doc back in here.

[Paul] BP is 70 over 38.

Hang two units of O-neg
and then send a stat hemoglobin.

Yeah. He's not getting enough oxygen.

-You have to take him to surgery.
-How can I help?

Positive FAST. We missed it
because of a heart attack.

-May I?
-Yeah, but I need to get him up

to the OR for an ex-lap
to stop the bleeding.

No, you don't. That's not
blood in his abdomen. It's urine.

No way
that's just a perforated bladder.

Think about it, Paul.
Hemoglobin is 12.

He became unstable
after all of the IV fluids.

Well, there's only one way
to find out.


You need to relieve the pressure in
his abdomen so that he can breathe.

Then you and Bella
can repair his bladder in the OR.

-That's if you're willing to do it.
-Of course. I just need surgical--

Privileges. Yes.
Scott's already granted them.

-[Paul] Okay.

Placing the DPL.


Nice work, bro.
Now let's get him to the OR.

[Kenny] She's a damn pecker checker.

Yeah. Now we know why Paul
always calls her a "surgeon."


He's cool.

How's my brawler?

Sausage fest in here.

You're the reason he's in here.

He knows.
He's here to pay his respects. Locke.

Sorry, man.

I am.

Hey, look at this.
I got my bell rung too.

Five stitches 'cause Doc here
cheap-shotted me.

-I cheap-shotted you?
-Hey. Let it go. All right?

He's here to apologize to Kenny.

Then tell him to apologize
and get out.

It's cool.

This could just as easily
have been you.

I doubt that,
but I hope you get better.

Hey. Guys, can I get a minute?

Sure. I gotta get Locke to his CT.

-Hang in there, Kenny.
-Thanks, Mac.

Good news. No fractures
or dislocations on the X-rays.

They're gonna dock your pay for that.

It didn't slip. I couldn't hold it.
My arms are getting weak.

Raise your arms up for me.

Squeeze my fingers.

Squeeze them.

[Kenny] Scott, it's getting worse.

Scott, it's getting worse.
What's happening?

Hey, the steroids
are gonna kick in in a bit.

The next step is we're gonna go
get you an MRI.

For spinal-cord damage?

Look, I hurt my back playing ball.
I can't be paralyzed.

I can't be paralyzed.

-I can't take that. I can't.
-[Drew] It's okay, Kenny.

Just give the steroids some time
to kick in.

Let's go, folks.

Get those crowbars out
and open up your wallets.

This is for Ted and his family.

And I wanna see Jacksons,
not Lincolns.


-Chest X-ray shows pulmonary edema.
-[Shannon] What are those?

Staghorn kidney stones
on a 12-year-old.

-That's a little weird.
-Yeah, so is this.

Endocarditis with severe
aortic regurgitation.

One of the worst cases
I've ever seen.

Shannon, here are the labs
you asked for.

I ran a Gram stain on the pus
in her knee.

It's positive
for Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

That would explain the size
of the vegetation in her heart.

We gotta get her up to the OR.
Where's the mom?

She's not here yet.

[machines beeping]

Well, she's in shock and she's got
a ring abscess in her heart.

If I don't operate now,
she's gonna die.

-Ready? Let's go.

You tapped her knee
without telling me?

And I might've saved her life, too.

No, no. I'm glad, but you need
to tell me what you're doing.

You're not my boss, Cain.

Last time I checked, you're
technically a first-year resident.

Who's forgotten more
than you'll ever know.

-Show some respect.
-Says the man who told me...

"Less conspiracy, more work."

I tried telling you
I had a feeling about this.

-You totally dismissed me.
-Because of your background, I--

What do you know about my background?

-Jordan told you to watch me?

Save it. You're a lousy liar.

[Drew] Hey. Clear, clear.

-How we doing?
-Foley's in. Vitals stable.

But paralysis is ascending.

We need to intubate him.

I may be paralyzed
but my ears still work, Jordan.

Kenny, if your quadriplegia
gets any worse,

your diaphragm
will become immobilized.

If you get into that MRI
and you can't breathe,

you are not gonna be able to tell us.

-I refuse intubation.

Look, I don't have a DNR,
or a living will,

or even an organ donor card. Okay?

Who's gonna make decisions for me
if I don't wake up?

[Drew] I'll call your mom in Shreveport.

No. She's been a mess
since my gram passed.

Kenny, we will be right there.

Look, Jordan,
I have to be able to talk! Okay?

I'm all I got.
So no damn tube, are we clear?

Yeah, we're clear.

All right. One, two, three.

First time in the OR together,
baby bro.

-You excited?

Remember when we used to operate
on my dolls when we were little?

I recall you decapitating
my G.I. Joes.


Hey. Hi. Shannon.

You must be Bella.
I need a quick curbside.

-Well, actually...

Ted has a ruptured bladder,
so we're heading to the OR right now.

You're a urologist, right?
My patient has these...

Staghorn calculi.

She also has disseminated gonorrhea.

Is your patient a prost*tute?

-[Cain] How's Naya?
-[Scott] Not great.

A piece of vegetation
embolized to her left leg.

So we'll have call Paul come in
and do an angio and thrombectomy.

Paul's next door in surgery
on the fireman.

I gotta fix her heart
before I can fix her leg.

I'm worried she could lose it.

You gonna walk me through it?

You ever done one?

I ran an ER in Nogales
for eight years.

I did whatever needed to be done.

Scrub in. You're hired.

-So, I hear you're from Dallas.

-I was a nurse at Memorial.
-I trained there.

-It's a great hospital.

So, how are you liking things here?

Actually, I'm loving it.

Yeah. That's what I hear.

Meaning what, exactly?

Nothing, exactly.

Listen, I don't know
what you're implying,

but if you have something to say,
say it.

I know you ran an ER in Mexico,
but you're a resident here.

If HR finds out about you and Jordan,
your boss, they could can her.

I don't wanna see that happen.

Don't know what you're talking about.

Good. Then she's safe.

All right, partner.
Get ready to place that line.

[Jordan] Just give it time for
the steroids to kick in, okay?

I'll be right in there.

I need your help, Gram.

It's messed up.

The wrong guy's in that tube.

Don't go there, Drew.
It doesn't do any good.

Hey, is that Locke's VA file?

-Yeah, he's our patient.
-No, he's my patient.

Yeah, well, take a look
at your patient's history.

-No, Drew, you cannot look at that.

Multiple psychiatric
hospitalizations. Take a look.

He came to my class off his meds,

and now Kenny might be
in a wheelchair

for the rest of his life.

-Where are you going?
-I'm going to tell Mac.

He needs to know about this.

Hey. Locke was hospitalized.

-Refused his meds.
-I'm not gonna read that. All right?

You had no right
digging up his VA records.

He's unstable, Mac.
What don't you understand about that?

-He's a little off.
-No. He's more than a little off.

-Keep reading.
-I'm not gonna.

Then I'll fill you in.

Locke was never blown up
in a Humvee in Iraq.

The Army kicked him out first.

They wouldn't even
send him over there.

Do you know how crazy you have to be

to get kicked out of the Army
during a w*r?

So what now, Drew?
You just gonna kick him to the curb?

No. He needs a psych evaluation.

Great. More doctors.

Hey, my best friend might be
paralyzed because of this guy.

So I'm sorry if I'm not
sympathetic enough for you.

It's not about me, Drew.
It's about Locke.

And it's not his fault
that some sleazy recruiter

pushed him through to make his quota.
But he served in the Army.

-He's one of us.
-He's not... No, no, he's not.

Don't even come at me
with that right now.

He's one of the brotherhood.
All right?

And right now I'm waiting on CT scans
from you knocking him out

to make sure nothing else
is wrong with him.

I got someone who's like a brother
lying in a tube right now,

hoping he's gonna be
able to walk again

because of this son of a bitch.

That's great, Drew. Wipe your ass
with your Hippocratic oath.

-What did you just say to me?
-Big-time doctor.

Forgot where you came from.

-You can go to hell.
-I already been there, pal.

Hey, sweetheart.

We're taking up a collection
for Ted and his family.

Do you have a little something
you'd like to give?

Yeah, sure.

[Paul] Ted survived a heart attack,
burns, and a ruptured bladder.

He is a tough SOB.
Clearly, he wanted to live for his family.

Thank you, Dr. Cummings.
Both Dr. Cummings, I guess.

Hey, we're just doing our job, okay?
Ted did the hard part.

Hey, baby girl.

Daddy's okay.

He's okay now.

[Izzy] How's Naya?

She's still in surgery.

It's been four hours, Izzy.

Your mom's not coming.

She's not your real mom, is she?

Is she your foster mom?

Reece is better than my mom.

You need to tell me what's going on.

Where are you really from?


My dad OD'd when I was 14.

And my mom was a tweaker.

So I just got on a bus to Miami.

And when I ran out of money,
I started sleeping on beaches.

And that's where Reece found me.

And she bought me clothes and food.

And we travel all over.

We go to Super Bowls and stuff.

I know that that feels
like she cares about you.

But she's pimping you and Naya out,
isn't she?

She's using you.

I'm not gonna snitch.

She doesn't care about you, Izzy.
That's why she's not here.

She knows
that if she showed her face,

she would go to jail.

What about the men that come around?

Why don't they pay?

Who are you talking about, Izzy?

Kenny, tell me how you're feeling.

Jordan, Jordan, I can feel my feet.

Yeah? That's good.

That's really good. Here, honey.
Can you squeeze my hands?


Really good.

-All right.
-Help me up.

-Help me up.


Steroids are kicking in.

I was in there
thinking about my gram.

She always used to say,
"Live every day like it's your last."

Seems like a bumper sticker,
until this happens.

So what are you gonna do today?

Well, first thing on the agenda
is getting this catheter removed.

You want me to page Dr. Bella?

God, no.

-No, find me a temp.
-All right.

I'm also gonna have to
find you a room, all right?

We need to monitor you
for another night.

-Thank you.
-All right, I'll be right back.

All right.

Thanks, Gram.

[Jordan] So, the good news is he's stable.

And with your support,
Ted will be off helping people

before you know it. Okay?

[beeper beeping]

Thank you.

[reporters clamoring]

[announcement on PA]
Dr. Alexander, Code White.

Dr. Alexander, Code White.

-Is she crashing?
-[Shannon] No.

What? You called a Code White.

I needed to show you something.

Naya and Izzy were trafficked
by a woman named Reece Oskin.

She abandoned them after the fire.

Okay, Shannon,
did you call the police?


That's how we got this tape.

It's hotel security,
about an hour before the fire.

[Izzy] Reece took advantage of me
when I ran away from home.

And then she got me
to buddy up to Naya

and convince her to join our family.

She said I was too old
for some of our regular clients,

like Ted.

He wasn't on a diaper run, Jordan.


You saved me. I really owe you.

It's not me you owe.

What are you saying?

You're being arrested for having sex
with a trafficked minor.


Jordan, you know me.

No. I thought I did,
but I really had no idea

who you are until now.

You can't be serious.

-Don't do it, Ted.
-You're gonna believe them?

Don't you dare.

Do not play the hero
versus a couple of junkie runaways.

We have video of you
going into her hotel room.

We're doing a r*pe exam on Naya
that will confirm your DNA.

-[Jordan] She's 12 years old, Ted.


And you left her there to burn
so you could cover up what you did.

You have a daughter.

Jordan, I am begging you!

Ted, you're okay.

You're okay, honey.

Hey, sweetie.

-No. No, no.

-Julie. Give me your daughter.
-Here's Daddy.

-What is going on?
-Give her to me.


You explain it to her
because I can't.

Sorry, Julie.


You remembered her family.

[Izzy] We met in Seattle.

At this big video game conference.

Her family's been looking for her
for two years.

Unlike yours.

I've been with Reece for four years.

I don't know where to go.

You're 18, Izzy.

You can do whatever you wanna do.


My first foster was a smoker.

He always said I was his ashtray.

This was from a belt buckle.

She said it was for my own good.

I got past my scars.

So can you.

I thought that was for the fireman.

I decided you and Naya
could use it more.

It'll fly her home,

and help me get you an apartment
and a job.

We'll also get you some counseling,
if that's what you want.

I don't know what to say.

I mean, you didn't have to do
any of this.

It's about time
somebody was on your side.

You've had
a crappy first 18 years, Izzy.

I know it's gonna be hard
to ever trust anyone again,

but this is a first step.

And maybe someday
you'll find another family,

just like I did.

[Cain] Twice as many camera crews
for the pedophile fireman

than there was for the hotel hero?

What's with that?

You know, people not being
who we think they are.

-We fall for it every time.
-[Cain] Yeah.

-I gotta take this.

Hey, Kenny. Sorry I wasn't able
to make it down to see you, man.

It's okay, man.
You had your hands full with Ted.

Scott said the MRI showed
mild cord edema,

but the swelling should go down.
I'll be back to normal soon.

And, hey, you met Bella, right?

That's an introduction
I'll never forget.

Me neither.

Okay. So, we should get going,
all right?

I hired a car to take us
around San Antonio, see the spots.

Right. Rain check.

I have plans. Maybe tomorrow?

Plans? With whom?

Wouldn't you like to know?

Yes, that's why I asked.

[Bella] So, Shannon,
Paul said you were afraid to meet me?

I'm not that bad, am I?

No, you're great. I was just nervous.

I'm a judger
that doesn't like to be judged.

And Paul asked me not to pull
my usual crap in front of his sister.

He said you could be kind of uptight,
like your dad.

He was worried
you weren't gonna like me

because I'm a smart-ass.

I'm not as uptight as he thinks,
you know.

Especially after a few Bloody Marys.


What about Paul?
Won't that piss him off?

And teach him
to stop trying to control

the most important women in his life.

Okay. You're on.

[reporters clamoring]

Thanks for coming.

I didn't drag you away from anything,
did I?

Nothing more important than this.

Topher's Barracuda.

He drove it to the airport,
so it's been here since.

Janet wanted me to have it.

[Jordan] There's a zillion cars out here.

Does he have, like,
an emergency button or something?

-No, it's old school.

So, how are you?


Syd told Drew
that you were captured by rebels,

and you got shot?

Yeah, it was interesting.

I'm gonna go back in a month to help.

What's her name?


[T.C.] Hard to miss, huh?

You know, I've been avoiding
coming back here.

'Cause once I did, it'll...

-Make it all real.

I've lost two brothers now.

No, Tee.

As long as you and I are here,
Topher's not gone.

-Three amigos.
-[Jordan] Yes.

You wanna get out of here?

Yeah, I do.

["Safety Dance" playing]

♪ We can dance if we want to ♪

[Jordan laughing]

♪ Cause your friends don't dance
And if they don't dance... ♪

You gotta be kidding me.

Yeah, well,
Topher used to love this song.

♪ We can go where we want to ♪

He's still here, T.C.



-Mac, Mac.

I was out of line earlier.

I was out of line, I'm sorry.

All right. Forget it.

I don't blame you.

So, where is Locke?
Is he still in CT?

Never made it. Took off before.

We got into it a bit.

About what?

Well, I told him he'd have to cool it
on the MMA.

All right, look,
if you think it will help him,

just bring him by again, all right?
I'll give him a private lesson.

I'll roll with him.

I just didn't think, you know...

I mean, Kenny was still too new,
so I shouldn't have done it.

Yeah, I figured you might say that.

I called him,
I told him to come back.

You're a good man, Mac.

Not much to look at, but a good man.

[Mac] Just paying it forward.

Look, I was a lot like Locke.

Had that tumor in my head
the size of a lemon,

made me squirrelly.

You guys didn't give up on me.
Gave me my life back.

I figured I brought Locke around,
you could do the same.

Take another crack at it.

In the meantime,
how about something to eat?

Oz's? I'm buying.

[Mac] Hope you brought
your credit card, man.

I can chow
when someone else is buying.

-All right, well, see you there.

All right.

[Mac] Hey, buddy.

Where you been?


You lied to me.

Now, Locke, hold on. Listen.

[Locke] You betrayed me, man.

You're my best friend,

and you lied to me.

Locke, come here, look at me.
All right? Listen, all right?

Hey. Look at me.

God, no!

Damn it.


-[Mac] Drew, help...
-Mac? Mac! No, no, no.

No, no, no.

-Mac, Mac, no.
-[Mac] Drew.

I got you, I got you.
Mollie! Jocelyn!

Get a gurney!

-Stay, stay with me. Right here.
-Let me go.

Let me go.

[theme music playing]