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04x01 - Recoil

Posted: 09/05/21 09:06
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Night Shift...

Mac, there's something
going on with you, isn't there?

I got a GBM, Stage Four.

I'm not dying alone at the VA.

If I can't be a soldier,
I'm going to fall on my shield.

[reporter] So far, the fire has destroyed
nine homes with no containment in sight.

We had to leave Mac up on that hill.

Tell Search and Rescue to send
a chopper up there for him now.

This place needs strong medicine now.

If I didn't know any better, Julian,
I'd think you were letting me go.

You think hard on this, Paul.

You walk out of here, I'll cut you off.

You made a decision without
consulting anyone who works here.

Topher took everyone in.

He's the glue, Dad.
He goes, we go.

I can't quit like everybody else.

If I do, then I have to go back home
and I can't do that again.

Shouldn't there be someone
that you let know where you're off to?

I don't mean to be a downer,

but where you're going,
you might not come back.


[wind blowing]

-[exhales deeply]


[suspenseful music playing]

[g*n cocks]

[helicopter blades whirring]


[pilot] Running out on fuel, guys,
gonna have to turn back.

[Drew] Just a little longer.

They saw the signals right around here.

[Jordan] We gotta keep looking.

I see the fires!

That's got to be Mac's signal.

There's Mac, there's Mac, put us down!

Too many trees.

Nearest landing zone
is a mile back down the hill.

That's an hour hike back up here.

He might not have an hour.
Get your ropes ready.

Wind is at 15 knots.

This goes sideways,
you'll both be lying next to your friend.

That man saved my life.
We leave him here, he dies. Do it!

Your funeral, Doc.

This isn't our smartest decision.

That never stopped us before.


All right.

News chopper.
Must've followed us out here.

At least we're not working
in complete darkness.

On three, ready?
One, two, three.

Mac, can you hear me?
It's Jordan.

He's breathing.

Respirations are slow and shallow.

Pulse is weak and irregular.

There's no telling
how long he's been like this.

He's not gonna get any better out here.


Listen to me. You're gonna make it
through this, you hear me?

You're gonna make it through this.

[telephone ringing
in distance]

Hey, Scott, I want you to know
that I appreciate you staying on.

Loyalty is an uncommon trait around here.

I made a commitment.

So did the others,
but most of them just cut and run.

Even those who should have known better.

As far as I'm concerned,
Jordan's dead to me.

Topher meant a lot to this place.

Sometimes emotions get involved
and judgment gets blurred.

That it does.
Look, Scott.

I'm going to have to close the ER.

More people uninsured than ever,
higher costs.

The numbers just don't add up.


This community here, all of these people,
they're not just numbers.

Look, save me the bleeding heart speech.

I grew up in circumstances where access
to medicine was a swig of Robitussin.

I understand what's at stake, but this ER
could take down the entire hospital.

Okay, so what's the plan?

All right.

SAM gets transformed
into a specialty surgical center,

with you at the helm.

My name, your face.

You could write your own ticket.

That's certainly tempting.

Yeah. All cards on the table.

I reviewed your record.

Bounced from Dallas to San Antonio.

Are you really considering another move?

I'm keeping all my options open right now.

Yeah. Piece of advice,

a tree with no roots can't grow.

Might be time to put some down again.

Think on it.

[P.A. alert] Pathologist needed
in Tech Room 4.

[cellphone ringing]


We found Mac.

He's alive?


We're in a chopper over the burn area.

A search plane spotted three fires

and Drew knew
that it's symbol for distress.

We're bringing him in now
and I'm not taking "no" for an answer.

I gotta go.

-Something's wrong.

I can't get a temperature.

There it is. Osborn wave.

Yeah, he's too cold.
We gotta warm him up.

-Liter of warm saline.
-Heating packs. Hey.

Hey, Mac.

No, no, no.

Paradoxical undressing,
he's got severe hypothermia.

Turn him. He's gonna--


Step on the gas,
we need to get to SAM ASAP.

That's going to be a problem, Doc.

I don't have the fuel to get us there
and the wind isn't helping.

Then you better find another ER
or he's not going to make it.


[theme music playing]

[defibrillator whines]

[speaking native language]

Easy. Easy, easy, easy.
We're here to help.

You're bleeding. Let me treat you.

[man shouting in distance]


What's your name?


You're lucky, TC.
Most don't survive what you did.

[exhales deeply]

I'm Amira.

Let me see your hand.


Leave it in or take it out?

Take it--


Thanks for the warning.


Free Syrian Army or Kurdish PYD?

We are both... and neither.

[man continues shouting
in distance]

Doctors. Bakers. Mechanics.

Concerned citizens lending helping hands
to those in need.

This is Syria.

You might want to help yourself
and find a w*apon for protection.

These are the only weapons I need.
Now let me treat you.

It's fine. I'm a doctor.

Apparently not a very good one.

You have multiple lacerations
and ruptured TM.

I'll live.

I need to find my friend. Um...

Her name's Syd Jennings.
She's a doctor, like me.

Five-ten, level-headed.

You know, smart mouth.

So doctor isn't the only thing
you have in common?

I need to find her.

We've done three rescues today
and found no women.

I don't know where she is.
And I doubt anyone else does.


[g*n cocks]

[thud, man screaming]

He does.

-Aah! [screams]
-[speaking native language]

Shall we continue our tour?

Yeah, Sorry. Thought you'd be gone longer.

No, the line at the ladies' was epic.
I decided to hold it.

Arts and crafts kinda guy, are you?

Palo Fierro. Reminds me of home.

Where's that?

Little town down south.

South of San Antonio?
Must be pretty small.


-Thanks for showing me around.
-Thanks for pitching in.

The few of us on the regular staff

who stayed on here
are working double shifts.

We appreciate any help we can get.

Glad to be of service.

We don't get a lot of travelers
around here.

Not until recently anyway.

Different hospitals, procedures,
people every shift. Must be tough.

-[siren blaring]
-It suits me.

Get off me!

They're eating my toes!

Give him the ten of Valium IV.

-Who have we got, Sara?

I'm not sure, no I.D.

Someone called in a complaint that this
guy Melvin was busting up a laundromat.

-This guy does laundry?
-No ways.

I said he was there,
not what he was doing.

Punched out a few windows
before we subdued him.

Caught a piece of you too, huh?

If I need stitches, I'm gonna be pissed.

Seems like a standard OD.
Bath salts, maybe PCP.


Back off.


Back off, you devils!

Cain, let's go.

Get out of my head.


Get off of me.


Welcome to the night shift.
Think you're gonna fit right in.

Look, I'm not trying to salt your game,
are you sure this is cool with Shannon?

[stammers] It will be.

You're actually helping me out
by splitting the utilities and the rent.

Now that I'm as broke as you.

Broke is better than in debt.

One last chance to talk you
out of going into work here.

That ship's sailed, man.

If you walk through those doors tonight,
it'll be like you're betraying Topher

and I am not the only one
who will see it that way.

Do you think I wanna just
walk back in there?

Look, I love Topher like a brother, man,
but he's a doc.

He'll land on his feet wherever he goes.

I go on a job search now, it could take me
a month to find one, maybe more.

I don't have a month, Paul.

Besides, I gotta pay my
new landlord somehow, right?

[tires screech]

Damn squealer.

Man, your dad will do anything
to get you back to work.


[siren wailing]

Multiple GSWs to the abdomen.

Get us a gurney over here.


Is this a friend of yours?

No, we were in the parking lot
when somebody dumped him.

You guys back?

-I am.

That IV isn't gonna start itself.


Okay. We got it from here.

Straight to the OR.

I think the b*llet
pierced his small intestine--

Paul, I said we got it.

[exhales deeply]

Hey, Shannon. Got a minute?

I haven't had a second to pee.

Right. Just real quick, I--

Later, Paul.

[phone ringing]

Right, later.

Let me go! Let me go!
They're chewing my toes! Let me go!

We're here to help you, sir.

I need to battle!

Y'all let me battle
or there'll be hell to pay!

Calm down, sir.

I gotta bring the noise, bitch!
I'm a musician!

Yeah, and I'm Ray Charles.


-Sir, sir!
-Let me go.

Okay. Okay.


Let me go!

Didn't realize you were back.

Yeah, it feels like I never left.

But you did and when the others find out
you crossed early,

you might get a matching shiner.

Brave talk, Doc.

Where was all this courage
when Topher got fired, huh?


Thank you for the help. I'm Cain.

Kenny. What's up with music lover here?

PCP. Angel dust. Clicker. Dragon Rock.
Take your pick.

-Did he get any sedation?
-Ten of Valium.

All right, he's a big boy.
Maybe it's time for another dose.

Cain, give him another ten.

I gave him ten milligrams IM
when he pulled out his IV.

Perhaps we should let it work, no?

This guy punched Sara
and almost ripped my head off.

How much longer do you want to wait?

Ten of Valium going in.
Watch out.


Check it out, Cain.

You're a temp nurse. She's a doctor.

Do as you're told.
This isn't a debate club.

[monitor beeping steadily]

He's still cold.

The arrhythmia was from rewarming.

GI blood from
hypothermia induced Coagulopathy.

We need to rewarm him faster.

Excuse me, Doctor, we just airlifted a vet
and he's in really bad shape.

We could use a need a nurse
and a resus room.

Uh, take a number.

This is the hero from the fire
who's been missing for two days.

He's in stage III hypothermia.
We need to rewarm him right now.

There's some space
right over here in the hallway. Okay?

Are you freaking kidding me?

Unfortunately, I'm not.

Honestly, this is the last place
you should've brought your friend.

Nice speech the other night, Paul.

I didn't come to talk to you.

But you will.

Step foot in my hospital
and you will show respect.

Look at me when I speak to you.

I'm glad you came in tonight.

You get to see
what your little rebellion reaped.

I've had to hire temps to run this place.

I haven't left myself in two days.

I didn't make you fire Topher.

No, incompetence and lack of leadership
took care of that.


You know what?

If you want to talk, let's talk.

But I won't stand here while you yell
at me like some whipping boy, all right?

What are you going to do, Paul?

Walk off?


Leave the people of this community

you said you care so much about
in the lurch, again.

Well, in the real world,
your actions have consequences.

So do yours.

And that's the only point
I was trying to make.

There are things about this place
and these people

that are more valuable than money.

And if you had just asked,
I would've gladly explained that to you.

You know what? I blame myself.

I didn't teach you how to fail.

Well here's your first lesson.
Son, it's never too late to learn.

Now you gotta leave.

Yeah, I'm gonna check on my patient--

You mean Scott's patient.

You don't work here anymore, remember?

Now get washed up and go.

These facilities are for employees only.

[door closes]

-What's your name?

This man held you c*ptive
and now you treat him?

He's jihadist scum who deserves to die.

Maybe. But right now
he's my only chance at finding Syd.



Your kneecap is dislocated.

I got to pop it in
or you won't be able to walk.

You're an infidel.
I want nothing from you.

If I don't treat you, then she will.

I'm not helping him.

He's not gonna like it
anymore than you will.

Look, just gradually extend the leg
while I applying medial--


...pressure to the patella.

[crying and yelling]


Must be from the bombing.

We gotta stop the bleeding
or he's gonna die.

Let him.

He and his people k*lled our families
and friends, maybe yours too.

Maybe. But he's the only one
who knows where Syd might be.

How do you know
you're not chasing a ghost?

Because I haven't seen a body,
and I don't give leave my friends behind.

I'm going to rescue
those who are deserving.

If you'd like to show some gratitude,

you can join me instead of
wasting time on him.

[monitor beeping steadily]


Dr. Rivera! He's bucking the vent.

-Dr. Rivera!

I need a doctor now.

[woman over P.A.] Dr. Rivera
to trauma ward. Dr. Rivera to...

I'm going to help you,
but before I remove the tube,

I must deflate the balloon that's holding
it in your throat. Okay? You understand?

Here you go. All right.

[exhales deeply]

[coughs, breathing heavily]

Thank you.

Water. Water please.

He was in distress,
he was gagging and bucking the vent.

So you pulled out his ET tube?
Why didn't you call me?

I did.

Then you should've called
for another doctor.

Why am I in the hospital?

You OD'd on narcotics.

I don't do dr*gs.

Well, your violent behavior disagrees.

Last thing I remember,
I was eating pizza and doing laundry.

Laundry at midnight?

I keep odd hours because of my work.

I'm a cellist.

My cello is my life.

My neighbor hates when I practice.

So I play wherever I can.

A cellist? Well, that's a new one.

Relax, Melvin.

Practicing cello in flip flops and sweats
at a laundromat?

He seems well groomed for an addict, no?

Dr. Rivera. Perhaps we should listen
to what he's trying to say.

I don't know what ER's you've worked at,
but I see this all the time around here.

Way too much in the last 20 hours.

Every addict has a habit and a story.

And one more thing,
you never extubated that patient.

-Got it?

You could get us both fired.

Let me holler at you for a sec.

How's my squealer?

Well, the b*llet penetrated the IVC
so we had to do a--

Pringle maneuver. I knew it.

Anyway, he'll make it.

So my...

My dad back up the truck for you?

He backed up two.

You know, Paul, when you left,
you didn't just walk out on your father,

you walked out on me.

Scott, it was, uh, heat of the moment,
you know.


But I guess I kinda did.


Hmm. That's all in the past now.

So what are your plans for the future?

I guess to try and find residency
at another hospital.

No guarantees of that.

And even if you get one,
you're gonna lose a year at best.

At worst, you're starting completely over.

I hadn't really thought of that.

Seems like you haven't been doing
much thinking at all lately.

Look, Paul, come back here.

You work for me, not your father.

We can still do
some great medicine together.

I can't.

I have to make a stand somewhere.

I just hope you know
where you're standing.


What the hell you thinking,
extubating a patient?

We don't do that procedure
without an order from a doctor.

I called for Dr. Rivera, any other doctor,
no one came.

Well, then you
and physically go and get one.

I didn't have time.

And what if he had lost his airway, huh?
What then?

I'll tell you what.

It would've been Dr. Rivera
who would've been held accountable.

I was trying to protect her.

You're a nurse and a temp one at that.

Do your job.

I don't know who you are
or where you came from...

but I'm watching you.


Second liter of warm saline is in.

Temperature is up to 86.


He's waking up.

Hi, Mac! How you doing?



You must have quite a story.

I used the ridge as a handrail,

made my way for the Pakistani border.

I went as far as I could and
then I lit the fires and just waited.

He's hallucinating.

Mac, you're in San Antonio.

This isn't San Antonio Memorial.

Where the hell am I?

It's okay. We got you.

This is the friggin' V.A.

This is the exact place I told you
I didn't want to end up.

Mac, you gotta relax.

How can I relax when...

-He's seizing. Uh, nurse, some Ativan.

Hey, Doc. Hey.

Our guy probably has a bleed,
he needs a scan. Now.

-CT is down and there's no MRI.
-Come on, come on.

The V.A. stands for Veterans Affairs
or did you forget that?

Your job is to help veterans,
not leave them hanging out to dry.

Look, I'm here with
my floor nurse doing triage,

who, by the way, is trying to help you.

-Here you go.
-It's just the two of us here, okay?

So before you tell me what my job is,

maybe you wanna grab some scrubs
and jump in.

Jordan, he's tubed.

The seizures have stopped but we're
on borrowed time. What's the plan?

Julian is the only doctor
who has a shot at saving him.

He hates your guts right now.
You can't make him operate.

Yeah? Watch me.

What's wrong with him?

The rebar has punctured
his abdominal cavity.

So he's slowly bleeding out.

Slowly if the tear doesn't get bigger,
then it's more like a couple hours.

Which is why I need to stabilize the rebar
to buy some more time.

You know, I really could use a hand.

I brought more help.

They don't look like doctors.

I can vouch for their efficacy.

Did you stabilize him just so
you guys could t*rture him?

He's a jihadist.

And he knows
where other jihadists are hiding.

If you k*ll him,

you don't get no intel on the Caliphate
and I don't get any info on Syd.

So nobody gets what they want.

A chance we'll have to take.

No. No, listen.



[siren wailing]

Here he is, everyone, the man of the hour,
Dr. Julian Cummings.

He's agreed to perform lifesaving surgery
on Team Rubicon hero and vet, Mac Riley.

Dr. Cummings! Is it true?

Does he have a chance? Can you save him?

You don't know
who you're messing with, Doctor.

I don't appreciate being manipulated.

Yes, um, I will perform the surgery.

There's a new regime here
at San Antonio Memorial.

And we'd like nothing more
than to serve those who have served us.

Now if you'll excuse me,
I have a surgery to prepare for.

-When will he be out of surgery?
-Where did you find him?

-That's enough. Let's go.
-Can we have an update?

When we have an update,
you 'll be the first to know.

-Until then, out of the OR, let's go.
-Do you think he'll survive?

Can we get a statement from you?

Chilly in here tonight.

I got orderlies giving me stink eye,
docs giving me lip,

traveling nurses trying to flex.

I know what you mean, man.

Two days ago I'm a hero,
now everybody's upset.

My dad, Scott, maybe even Shannon.

Man, stay strong.
Stick together, we'll be all right.


Are you guys back?

Kenny is.

So much for staying strong, Paul.

Uh, dude, what's with the eye?

Just errant elbow in a pick-up game.

What are you guys doing here?

Hey, didn't know we were having a reunion.

It's almost like everyone's back.

-Yeah, almost.
-[Kenny] Yeah, almost.

There's been a major accident
at the Lone Star Amusement Park.

They're asking for any and all
first responders across the city.

Lone star?

Rick and Bri are there
with Armed Services tonight. I gotta go.

Yeah, count me in.

-I gotta stay here with Mac.

Can you make sure
he gets fast-tracked to the OR?

-I'm on it.
-Better get ready to receive.

It's gonna be a bad one.

I hear the cello is the closest sounding
instrument to the human voice.

Is that true, Melvin?

Yeah, that's true.

See, if you heard it, you'd understand,

I'd never risk losing that gift.

So you're not a substance abuser?

Said I didn't take any dr*gs,
never said I was without sin.

I've been known to hit the bottle
when my life hit a wolf tone or two.

A "wolf tone"?

It's when the frequencies of the strings
and body of the cello

produce these artificial overtones.

Sounds like an animal crying for help.

Throws a sound, harmony
and everything else out of whack.

What is the remedy for this wolf tone?

A stabilizer.
Puts pressure on the strings.

Keeps everything where it should be,
straight and on point.

That's what my cello does for me.

Look, I'm sorry for any trouble
I've caused, but that wasn't me.

I have a video audition in the morning,
the European Opera Orchestra.

It has twelve chairs
and one just opened a week ago.

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity
for me and I can't miss it.

Can you please just let me go?

No, you're still groggy.
We need to watch you a little longer.

[lowered voice] Dr. Rivera...

do you think a junkie knows
what a wolf tone is?

I guess not.

While treating his cuts,

what's the one thing
you didn't notice on his arms?

Track marks.

In fact, there's no evidence
of drug use whatsoever.

Sometimes, we must look beyond
what we've already seen.

[gloves snap]

[machine whirring]

Enjoy your little media stunt?

It wasn't about me.

It was about getting Mac
the care that he needs.

Looks like you were right,
his tumor is hemorrhaging.

He needs surgery or he will die.

His cancer is terminal.

The issue isn't really in doubt.

If he survived an operation,
and that's a big if,

we bought him nine months,
twelve months tops.

That man has given
more of his life serving us.

That may be, but there comes a point

where surgery is no longer feasible
for either party.

So, you're just gonna let this man die
because what?

His bank account's a couple bucks short?

You think you know me?

Read it.

"Dear Dr. Cummings, my name is Jesse,
I am six years old and my mommy is dying.

She has the cancer inside
and I'm writing to ask you if you can--"

"Please save my mommy. Love, Jesse."

Just got this today.
And I have a hundred more just like it.

My books is filled with patients
waiting for surgery,

with stories
just as heartbreaking as that one.

I'm sorry.

I didn't realize that--

That's because you've never
walked in my shoes.

I make hard decisions every day...

deciding who lives and who dies.

So please, tell me,

why should I bump your friend here
ahead of little Jesse's mom?

What do you want?

What I want?

Everyone who left back to work...

with you in charge.

I read your plans from a few years back.

You're not that far off from
what I'd like to do with this place.

Does "everyone" include Topher?

No. It's not a part of the deal.

He's the heart and soul of this hospital.

This hospital doesn't need
a heart and soul, it needs a leader.

So everyone back to work, no Topher,
or I won't operate on your friend.

The ball is in your court.

So do something with it
before my offer expires.

[indistinct shouting,
radio chatter]

[siren wailing]

-Any word from Bri?

Hey. We've been waiting for you guys.

We have ten dead, at least
a dozen with crush fractures and wounds.

What happened?

Still happening.

One of coasters flew off the track,
a second got stuck inverted.

We're sending our responders
up there for them now.

Where do you need us?

Taking care of triage
would be a huge help.

Yeah, we're on it. Uh...

Hey, everybody listen up.

If you can hear me, raise your hand.

If you can walk, head to the entrance,
and wait for treatment.

-[cellphone buzzing]
-Paul, here...

Mollie? Please tell me you have Bri.

You do?

Oh, thank God. Okay.

Thank you. Thank you.

And R-Rick's at work?

Okay, all right, um, I got to get going.
Make sure you tell her that I love her.

Okay. All right, yeah, you too. Okay.

It's amazing Mac was still alive.


He's a survivor.

So how about you?
How you doing?

We haven't really talked that much
last few days.

Yeah. Been better.

All of this chaos
and everything that's going on with Annie.

Yeah, how is she doing?

Doing what she needs to do to get by.

Just like everyone else I guess.

Well, what's does that mean?

Well, you came back to work here
without Topher?

So you agreed to Julian's terms, right?


I lied.


I told him what he needed to hear,
just so I can get the surgery for Mac.

Scott, I don't know if I can actually
work for that man, I mean...

Especially after what he did to Topher.
I just...

No offense.


Lying to Julian, confronting him
in front of the press like that,

you're starting to sound a lot less like
Jordan and a lot more like TC.


Well, maybe TC was right more often
than we gave him credit for.

TC is a total pain in the ass.

Yes, he is.

But he gets his patients
the care they need.


I feel like I have been coloring
inside of the lines for so long

and what has it gotten me?

I've been shot at, blown up,

almost k*lled more times than I can count.

I've lost a baby, sunk relationships.

I feel like maybe
I need to do things differently.

Yeah, not so much for me.

I feel like after everything
this past year,

I just need some stability.

Is that why you hitched your wagon
to Darth Vader over there?


I need to put down some roots.

And, if Julian's the person who's gonna
give me that opportunity to do that,

then, so be it.

If that's okay with you?

Let me go check on Mac.

Hey, thanks for being cool
with everything.

Yeah, who am I to judge?

Besides, you ended up
in the same place as me,

on the inside looking out.

What are you talking about?

The walkout.

What are you talking about?

Our living situation.

You know, all of us being sorta roomies.



You're moving in with Paul?

And you too, right?

From what I hear you never leave.

He said that?

Uh, no.

No, I just--

Dr. Rivera,

Melvin's results came back.

Positive for K2, a synthetic marijuana.

Not exactly a news flash, Cain.

I'm more interested in the truth
that's not being seen.

Do we need to have another talk?

Melvin arrived with no I.D.,

so whoever called in the complaint
gave us his name.

Good point.

Melvin also said
he had a problem with his neighbor,

perhaps the neighbor made the call.

Using the police for retribution
is common where I'm from.

So you're a cop and a doctor now?

It would be a shame to see a man's life
ruined because of an assumption.

Especially when a phone call
may clear it up.

Who the hell does he think he is?

Call the cops, Kenny.

Are you serious?

What can it hurt?

-[man screaming]
-Amira! Amira!

Open the damn door!

So that's what you're about?

Rescue people one minute
and just t*rture them the next?

I didn't t*rture anyone.

If you didn't stop it,
then you're just as guilty.

They allow me to do my job,

I do not interfere with theirs.

It is the way it's done here.

Maybe that's why
this place is so messed up.


Our spotters just called.

Helicopters took off
from a Syrian airbase nearby.

They're coming to double tap us.

Sounds bad.

They know we rescue
victims of their bombings,

so they send follow up sorties
to target us.

When they arrive,
I suggest you be elsewhere.


So where are you going?

We're taking everyone we can
to the base near the border.

What base?

The one that's not supposed to be there.

Come with us.

I can't leave Syd behind.

My gut tells that she's still alive

and he's the only chance I got
of finding her.

Following your gut out here
is what gets people k*lled.

He had it in his pocket.

Look familiar?

Yeah, this belongs to Syd.

She was wearing it when we were captured.

Then you're on the right track,

but you may not like
what's at the end of it.

[door opens]


Good luck.

-Hey, stay with me.

You wanna stay alive, stay with me.

[helicopter blades whirring]

Okay, you hear that chopper?

They're here to b*mb anything that moves.

Take me to my friend
or I will leave you here to die.

What's it gonna be?

What's it gonna be?

Right over here.

We got fractured pelvis.
Let's get a binder on her.

He's urgent surgical. Go.

We got a problem, Docs.

Got two girls left in the coaster
upside down.

Paramedics want one of you
to come take a look.

-What did he say about them?
-He said if he takes one girl down,

the other one is coming
with her in pieces.

-Okay, I'll do it.
-No, I'll go.

Look. Think about Bri, Drew. All right.

You're a father now,
you shouldn't go up there.

That's exactly why I gotta go
because I'm a father now

and those are somebody's kids.

All right. What do you want me to do?

Prepare for the worst.

Did you get anything from the cops?

Yeah. As a matter of fact, I did.


They checked the security footage
at the laundromat.

Melvin's neighbor came in
right after he did.

He got scared when police questioned him,

and confessed to spiking Melvin's pizza
when he wasn't looking.

Guess I was wrong about him.

You're not the only one.

I was tired,
on the back end of a double shift,

and just assumed the worst of him.

[sighs] Maybe we can make it up to him.


Bad neighbor and tainted pizza
weren't the only things the cops found.

Maybe he can make that audition after all.

[monitor beeping steadily,
ventilator whooshing]

He'll live...

For now.

Thank you, Dr. Cummings, I appreciate it.

Funny way of showing it.

You're not coming back, are you?

Never intended to either, did you?

Integrity matters, Jordan.

I agree.

That's why I kept mine with my patient
and he will live to fight another day.

Medicine matters to me.

Not... money.

Easy to say for those
who aren't stuck with the tab.


I know the numbers for this place.

All right? I know that they don't add up.

I think I have figured out a way
that we can not only pay our bills,

but make this place profitable again

and we can give the care to the community
that it deserves.

Why would I believe a word you say?

I don't need you to believe.

Just listen.

I made some calls
to The Veterans Administration,

they're looking for private hospitals
to take on their backlogged patients.

We can barely treat the patients we have.

Why would I want more?

The VA pays for them.

Which means you will have
a steady flow of patients and money.

And those government checks,
they don't bounce.

All right, just think about it.

You saved San Antonio Memorial Hospital

and you performed a life-saving surgery
on a w*r hero.

Becoming part of an initiative
that will help veterans in need,

I think that caps off a pretty good
first week for Cummings Medical Group.

Yes, it does.

But I live
where the rubber meets the road.

And I don't know much about the VA.

It could get messy.

And I don't like messy.

I'll steer the ship
and I'll aid in the transition.

For better or worse, I have experience
with the VA through TC,

Some good and some bad.

And what do you want in return?

I want my family back.

Everyone comes back to work here,
including Topher.


As a doctor, not an ER Chief.

I can live with that if Topher can...

And Paul.

I want him back too.

So do I.

I'll take care of it.

See? We do want the same things.

-You wanna hug it out?

I thought it was funny.

What's all this about?

An apology.

I'm sorry we didn't believe you.

Yeah. Both of us are.

We had the police bring this in.

I appreciate that.

But I'm afraid the damage is done.

I'm going to miss my audition.

No. You're going to do it from right here.

Maybe not ideal, but it's the only way
we can control the noise.

You all are too much.

I can't thank you enough.

We only have one request.

We'd like to stay for your performance.

I do play better in front of a crowd.

You may begin, sir.

[plays the cello]

[cello music intensifies]


-[siren wailing]
-[indistinct chatter]

Please help us!

What are we gonna do?


[amplified voice] The doctor's on the way,
girls, stay calm.

It'll be all right.
We'll get you down.

Hang in there, we're readying the bag.


What are we gonna do?

-[both crying]
-How are you gonna--

All right, don't move!

I need you to stay calm
while we figure this out!


-Oh, my God!
-I'm Dr. Alister. What's your name?

-And your friend's?

Abby! Just help us!
Please! I wanna get out of here.

It's gonna be okay.
Listen. Okay.

-Oh, my God, I'm gonna die up here! No.
-Sofia, look at me. Look at me.

I promise. We're gonna get down from here,
everything is gonna okay.

You just gotta trust me.


It's a go, Drew. We got you.

-Copy that.

Please hurry.

Okay, this is the plan.

I'm going release the safety bar.

-Abby, I'm gonna catch you in the basket!

Sofia, you're gonna fall safely
down into the airbag!

I'm not falling down there.
I can't do that.

Yes, you can. You look like a badass.
You can do this.

No. No.

You have to.

I can only get fit one of you in here.
Abby's intestines are exposed.

-The fall could k*ll her.
-I can't do this.

We're gonna do this
on the count of three. Okay?

No. [sobbing]

One... Two...

-I'm not doing this.


-Help me! I'm gonna fall!
-Sofia, you gotta let go.

I can't.

I can't! Save me!

Please pull me up. Help.

-Sofia, let go, or we'll fall.
-I can't hold on.

Help! Please help me!

You've gotta let go
or we're all gonna die.