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03x10 - Once Upon A Time In The Nest

Posted: 09/05/21 08:37
by bunniefuu
JAMIE: Ten years ago, the
animal population mutated,

endangering human life on the planet.

Our team managed to cure the animals,

but at a terrible cost.

In an attempt to return
the planet to the animals,

a secretive group called
the Shepherds released a gas

that sterilized all of humanity.

And then, lab-made
creatures called "hybrids"

devastated the West Coast.


So a massive barrier was constructed

to protect the rest of North America.

But new breeds have started to appear.


So we reassembled our team.

We battle on many fronts,

searching for a cure to sterility

while racing to stop the hybrids...

and the rogue Shepherd who created them

to end the human race.


The fight for mankind's
survival has just begun.


Previously on Zoo...

You have the bio-drive switch.
Why don't you just use it?

Because I don't need Mitch right now.

I need Mr. Duncan.

You're gonna do something
that Mitch would never do.

ABRAHAM: Somehow, the
spinal fluid survived.

We can still make the
cure. You're leaving?

DARIELA: Today, I thought I
was gonna watch my son die.

Let's go home.

I can't.

ABIGAIL: I activate the beacons,

and the hybrids rise.

You're a hybrid?

My hybrids are gonna
take over the world.

- What happened?

Beacons. Abigail's gonna activate them.

Oh, my God.

LOGAN: Our scientists think that
the eggs are closer to hatching.

No telling what will
happen when they do.

We know from the deaths
in Germany that the eggs

release toxic spores
when they're disturbed.

In an enclosed area like this,
they'll be particularly lethal.

But these chem-packs will suppress them.

That should neutralize the spores.

But keep a close eye on your
toxin meters just to be safe.


Green is good, yellow is bad.

Red, you're probably dead. Okay.

Lay the charges at the exact
locations marked on your GPS.

We have 30 minutes.

JACKSON: We got to get her into the lab.


MAX: Remind me again how many people

this Abigail woman has k*lled?

Not now, Max.


SAM: Hurry, her heart rate's dropping.

It's not hers, it's the baby's.

- Is my son dying?
- I'm working on it, Sam.

- Hang on!
- You said the transfusion of my blood

- would save the baby.
- It should have.

"Should have"? Do you even know

what you're doing?

What is that?

I synthesized the hybrid growth factors.

Like I said, the only
way to save your son

is to accelerate the
pregnancy and induce labor.

I'm sorry, but it's the only way.

[g*n COCKS]

Get back.


Get her out of that t*nk, now.

We got to turn this
place into a triage unit

- if we want to save her life.
- Okay.

Listen, I'm gonna go get Abe, okay?

All right, all right. Go.



Sam, I have to inject

this serum into that t*nk now!

- What if it kills her, huh?
- It won't, you have to trust me.

I don't trust you!

The girl I love is floating in a t*nk

like a freak experiment,
you put her in there.

Your son is going to die!


What's happening here?


Everything is fine now.

What the hell's he doing here?

He was working with Abigail.

We found him tied up
at Abigail's facility,

pretending to be a prisoner.

I'll get him to the cage.

We can question him
later when Clem's stable.

I need your help upstairs.

[g*n CLICKS]

JAMIE: Like I said before,

you're going to do something

that Mitch would never do.

You're going to k*ll Abigail.

Let's entertain that for a moment.

How do you see it playing out?

You're a doctor.

They're gonna want you to save her,

but you're going to k*ll her.

I extracted her spinal
fluid and she collapsed.

What? And you did that because...?

Because Abigail is the final
hybrid we've been looking for.

That changes things.

So we're saving her life now.


MITCH: My programming...

My biological imperative...

Is that I serve one person.

You're asking me to k*ll that person.

Why would I do that?

If you don't, I'll put
you back in your box.




Are we alive?

'Cause the-the plane
was going down and...

You're okay. It's okay.

Mitch, you're gonna have to trust me.

Whoa, whoa.

Jamie, what are you...?


I don't understand
how all of this works,

but if Mitch is here, you aren't.

I can erase you.

What I'm offering you

is the chance to be free from Abigail,

from me, from anyone.

When Abigail held me
c*ptive, she said something

about "the hybrids will rise."

Now, she failed to set off her beacons,

but there's more to her
plan, Abe, I know it.

And now, you want to
revive her in the hopes

- that she's going to tell you.
- Yes.

She's a t*rror1st.

She's k*lled hundreds
of innocent people.

Barely got a pulse here, guys.

I need you.

I need your help.

I was a soldier before I was a doctor.

I've seen close-up what
people like Abigail can do.

Maybe the world is
better off without her.

JAMIE: This safe has an eight-digit code.

I'll enter the first
four numbers, easy as pie.


And you can enter the next.

Do exactly as I say,

and the device is yours.

Why don't you and your friends

just k*ll Abigail yourselves?

Because that's not how this story goes.

It's happened before.

We fight, we put our lives on the line.


And then, we show mercy.

And it bites us in the
ass every single time.

JACKSON: I know what she is,

I know what she's done, I don't care.

We are saving her life, end of story.

JAMIE: Now, Jackson's a great guy.

He has a huge heart, but it
is putting us all at risk.

I have to break the cycle.



MacDonald? How's it looking?

MacDONALD [OVER RADIO]: Charges are set.

Okay. Fallon?

What's your 20?

FALLON: It's almost done.


LOGAN: Fallon, is that you?

- Who has eyes on Fallon?


The spores are releasing.

Everybody evac to the tunnel, now.

LOGAN: Go, move, move!

Fallon, come on!


Come on, let's go.

- Hey! Fallon.




Can I help you?

Can I interest you in a bear claw?

DARIELA: No more than two.

Thanks for the offer, and the donuts,

but I can't join the IADG.

If you're concerned for your
son, we can ensure his safety.

Why do you need me?

Your missions with
Jackson Oz and his team.

You've been on the frontlines
of the hybrid problem.

And you are one of the best minds

when it comes to ground force tactical.

That's why we need you.

There are hundreds of thousands
of children just like Isaac

who won't have a world to call home,

unless we take a stand, together.


are you going to accept?

DARIELA: I don't know.

The only person who could
take care of him is...


ABRAHAM: Isabelle is like family.

He'll be fine.

But I feel like a hypocrite.

After I deserted you and the team.

Dariela, listen to me.

The world is ending.

The stakes are too high for
someone of your skill set

to sit on the sidelines.

You've been the wife,
you've been the mother.

It's time for you to
become a soldier again.




What are you going to do?

What you asked me to do.


I know how to prep for surgery.

It's okay, I got it.

I know a thing or two about anatomy.

Remember the last time
we did surgery together?


Good times.

What are you talking about?

That elephant almost died.

We were in surgery for 17 hours.

Right. I know.

I was making a joke.

Do me a favor, Jamie.

Get some alcohol over there, please.


MAX: Whoa. Whoa.

MITCH: What's happening?

I'm not sure.

Could be a tympanic rupture.

Maybe pressure to her brain.

The simplest explanation
is usually the right one.

Her spine is leaking.

She needs a lumbar puncture.

Shouldn't we open her up?

MITCH: No time.

- Hold her down.




Okay. Nice job, son.

[SIGHS] I'll get the MRI scan

so we can find that CSF leak.

What the hell was that?

I only alleviated the pressure.

It'll probably still k*ll her.

Yeah, but it might not.

Why didn't you just let her die?

There are two other
doctors on this plane.

Wasn't part of your plan to make this

not look like blatant m*rder?

Don't worry, I'm fairly certain

she'll be dead within the hour.


I know you're working with Abigail.

I need you to tell me
what she was planning.

She was planning to stop you.

Stop me from what?

Activating beacons.

Waking hybrid nests you've planted.


She's really done a number on you.


you have this entire thing backwards.

I was there when you let the
razorbacks loose on Pangaea.

My father was dead
before I could get to him.

My mother died in my arms.

I was

Abigail helped raise me after that.

I've known her my entire life.

I trust her.

I don't know you.

There's only one person on
this plane I'll listen to.

And she's floating in a t*nk.



GARRISON: Is your son okay?

DARIELA: He's good.

I explained everything to him.

He's actually excited
his mom got recruited

to help save the world.

- I tucked him into bed, got to say goodbye.
- Good.

We've posted guards at the house, 24/7.

Thank you.

GARRISON: As you know,
there's been isolated packs

of razorbacks east of the
wall these last few years.

We've managed to exterminate them.

Now the only hybrids
left in North America

are west of the barrier.

- And?
- We found nests

here and in other parts of the world.

Presumably planted by Abigail Westbrook

over the last decade.

Squashed one in Columbus,

targeting one in Atlanta,

and your old friend Logan

is dealing with one in Seoul, Korea.

Our science division
thinks that these nests

are gonna hatch on their own,

even if the beacons never go off.

If the beacons go off, that'll
make it ten times worse.

The hybrids are just wild
animals, but those beacons

allow Abigail to weaponize them,

to draw them on a death
march in any direction

she wants them to go.

That kind of insight

can help you run
ground force operations.

You report directly to me.

Whatever you need, sir.

Welcome to the IADG.

This is all the data we got from
the t*nk that healed Abigail.

Now, I can't make any sense of it,

but I know that you can, Abe.


I need your help.

I am asking you, please.

Whatever information

you hope to get from Abigail
had better be worth it.

Let's sift through this.

Search for anything
concerning internal organs.

Considering she's a hybrid,

there may be differences
we need to know about.

I got her MRI results.

We found the leak.

- Right there on the left.


Abe, the IADG just found hybrid nests

hidden all over the world,
and they're incubating.

JACKSON: How much time until they hatch?

The scientists here think soon.

Logan's in Seoul now

dealing with one.

Every species of hybrid
are in these nests.

If they hatch, we're
talking thousands of new ones

we have to fight.

Get these results to Mitch.
Excuse me a second.

[QUIETLY]: Oh...

I was reluctant to save Abigail before.

But now I know what it
will take to save her.

The cost is too high.

What cost?

What we took, we must replace.

What? You mean put the
spinal fluid sample back?

No, no, no, not quite.

She had internal injuries.

And she lost more spinal
fluid than you extracted.

And because she shares DNA

with all the hybrids,

we need to synthesize a replacement

with all the samples we obtained.

The samples we need to make the cure?


Either we use them to save your sister,

or save mankind.

Dariela said the nests contain
every type of hybrid, correct?

What are you thinking?


Use the spinal fluid to save Abigail.

I'll get more.

We're going to Seoul.

What's that?


An untraceable heart stimulant.

By the time surgery starts,
she'll be in cardiac arrest.

ABRAHAM: Mitch, I'm scrubbing in.

- I don't need help.
- Plans change.

We're using the spinal
fluid synthesis to save her.

Jackson will get more.

Are you kidding me?

Is that why the plane is accelerating?

Instead of curing sterility,
Jackson wants to save Abigail?

There are hybrid nests
and they are incubating.

And the only person that
knows how to stop them

is dying here on this table.

We need to do this.



Detective Hale. Or should I say,

Special Agent Hale?

I'm glad to see Garrison took my advice

and brought you onboard.

We've been told to hold
off laying expl*sives

until after we hear from HQ.

What about an air strike?

Can't. With an air
strike, there's no way

- to contain the spores.
- Right.

And we know that the chem-pack's
effectiveness is limited.

The window seems to be 20 minutes.

Garrison doesn't want
anyone in that nest

until they can write up a full report.

So in the meantime,

we just wait.


you are to stand by and
await further orders.

And unofficially?

That's where I come in.

I'll let Jackson explain.

Retractors are in.

Mitch, wait. Stop.

Severing that artery will k*ll her.

What are you doing, Mitch?

What did you think you were cutting?

I wasn't cutting.

I was moving the disc

in order to prevent trapping a nerve.


be more careful.


Making the last injection.


I think it's working.

Her vitals are up.

She's going to make it.

LOGAN: So you're doing all of this

to save Abigail? You realize
that she's a t*rror1st...

t*rror1st responsible
for hundreds of deaths

and for releasing hybrids
all over the world?

Believe me, this case has been made.

But her plan isn't finished.

There's more she can tell us.

Oh, so you're sure the
fact that she's your sister

has nothing to do with it?

I need the schematics of where
you need the expl*sives laid.

Jackson, you're gonna have
a 20-minute window in there.

There's no way that you're
gonna be able to sift through

thousands of eggs to find the
six that you actually need.

It's impossible.

I know.

But I got to try.

Then I'm coming with you.

What can I say?

I've always been a sucker
for an impossible challenge.


Famous last words.



You boys have exactly 20 minutes.

That chem-pack won't
suppress the spores

for any longer than that.


Abigail is stable. Abe
is going to save her.

Did you hear me?

Have you ever worked against
your friends like this?

I am making a tough call
for the greater good.

I am almost completely task-oriented.

Morality is not an issue.

Your good side battles
your bad, which forces you

into making bad decisions
that you have to live with.

I don't need a psych eval from a robot.

You've won.

Abigail's already dead.

What do you mean?

He just injected her

with what he thought was meperidine.

But it was actually a
lethal dose of epinephrine.

Abe's gonna think he k*lled her.

Is that a problem?



I need you down here.

If that's what it takes.

ABRAHAM: Mitch, she's crashing!

LOGAN: That chem-pack should
make it safe for you to handle

the hybrid eggs and
extract the spinal fluid

without setting off the spores.

Emphasis on "should."

Only one way to find out.



DARIELA: One down,

16 minutes left.

Come on, guys, pick up the pace.

We need to split up.

All right.

- Abe, what did you do?

I injected her with
meperidine. Her heart stopped.

We have to perform CPR.


Get the respirator bag.


I'm going to start compressions.

Okay. [GRUNTS]


Go, go, go.

Come on, come on. [GRUNTS]

Come on, don't die on me!




- Abe...
- No, no, no, no.

- We just need to, we just need...
- Abe.

No, wait, wait.



It's over.

We did everything we could.




Sir, a blackout just happened in Tokyo.

There's major electrical activity

coming from a single
building south of the city.

It's the only one that has power.

Give me sat imagery.

What is that?

I have no idea.



JACKSON: How's it going over there?

LOGAN: Just got fluid from a razorback.

Already got the snake thing.


I extracted fluid from the woolly rhino

and the tentacle thing.

So we still need the ape hybrid.

Like Abendegos.

Look, we got about five minutes left.

And we still haven't checked
the southeast quadrant.

- Why don't you meet me there?
- DARIELA: Jackson,

I have Abe on the line for you.

- He says it's important.
- Dariela,

now is really not a great time.

ABRAHAM: Rafiki...

I'm afraid I have bad news.

It's Abigail.

We lost her.


Yeah. Uh...

I'm sure you did
everything you could, huh?




GARRISON: Get it up on the big monitor.

This just appeared in Tokyo.

Do you know what it is?

I think it's a beacon.

GARRISON: I thought they were designed

to draw hybrids to them.

DARIELA: They are.

But look at the eggs.

They've been on the verge of hatching...

until now.

I think this might
be their wake-up call.


Logan, I need you to drop everything

and get out now.

Say what? We're almost done.

No, you are done.

The eggs are hatching.

Get out now!

The combination we set
wasn't real, was it?


I lied to you.

It was easy as pie.


Don't move.

Voice activation.

The simplest explanation
is usually the right one.

Back away from the safe
or I will slice his throat.

MAN: Hurry up!

GARRISON: How many civilians

are in the area? I need
a threat assessment.

I'm on it.

Abe, we think a beacon in Tokyo

went off and a nest
in Korea is hatching.

Jackson is in that nest with Logan.

I know, I'm working
on evacuating them now.

How did this happen?

I'm not sure.

Abigail didn't activate her beacons.

- Well, something did.
- She's dead, Dariela.

My God.

What is that?

- What? Abe, talk to me.
- There's something underneath

the surface of her skin.

- Abe.
- Something mechanical.

What are you looking at at?

Take a look.

MAX: What do you think that does?

A beacon was just activated in Japan.

I think this might be the cause.


- MAX: This...

wasn't on when we opened her up.

It must have activated
when her heart stopped.

Like a "deadman's switch."

We need to get it out.


Do whatever you can
to shut that thing off,

fast as you can.


I need to evacuate
that building right now.

LOGAN: We need to go.

Logan, we have to get that sample.

No, trust me, it's not worth it.

We need it to cure sterility.

My toxin meter's on yellow.


Got it.

Let's go. Let's go! Move.

JACKSON: Come on!

Back away from the safe.

Or Mitch Morgan dies.

[QUIETLY]: Okay.

You know, Abigail is dead.

I told you.

I'm programmed to serve one person

and one person only.

You think you thought this through?

But you have no idea what you've done.

What are you talking about?

By k*lling Abigail,

you just ended the world.

No witty comeback?

Rosemary white.


Another nest just went live in Jakarta.

That's 3,000 miles from Seoul.

Whatever turned that beacon
on, we need to shut it off.

Abe, give me some good news.

ABRAHAM: It won't come out.

MAX: It's attached to
the mastoid. Pull harder.

DARIELA: The Tokyo beacon

is waking up more nests in Asia.

It's broadcasting
further than we thought.


We can't wait any longer.
We need to blow the nest now.

The eggs are gonna hatch any second.

Jackson and Logan are inside.

After being ordered to stay out?

Yes. And if we blow it now,
the spores will be released

- into the city.
- I would rather

deal with spores than
a thousand new hybrids.

We need to hunt.

We are blowing the nest, now.

Not with my people inside.


Not yet. I need ten seconds.

Jackson, Logan, can you hear me?

Change of plans.

Go to the southwest stairwell.

What? Why?

Just listen to me. Go
to the stairwell now.





Logan, talk to me.


We're fine. We're okay.

It's good to hear your voice.

Guess we can knock that
one off our bucket list.

You guys need to be Oscar
Mike before those spores

filter through the dust.

I'm gonna send an exfil team to get you.

Copy that. We'll be ready.

Well played, Lieutenant.

Well played.

Enact an evac protocol
in a 50-mile radius

of that parking garage.

ABRAHAM: Okay, Dariela, we got it out,

- but it's still transmitting.
- MAX: Fascinating.

Must be powered by some sort of

new microbattery.

Max, be fascinated later.

This circuit is too
small for you to find

a toggle switch to shut it off.

Well, at the risk of
being too obvious...


Did it work?

I'll be damned.


15 years ago, my unit captured
an unfriendly in Mosul.

He was connected to an !sis cell,

but our interrogators
couldn't break him.

So we released and followed him.

Led us right to our target.

Since we can't stop the
signal, you want to trace it.

trace will help us find

where the rest of the beacons are.

I'll get Mitch. We can use
all the brainpower we can get.




The hell's going on here?


- Aah!


What the hell is wrong with Mitch?

- It's not Mitch, that's Duncan.
- What?

I never changed him back.

Mitch, I could use some help here.

What happened to the bio-drive?

MAX: Remember the
camouflaged snake in Peru?

I brought back an egg.
Apparently, it hatched.

You brought one of those snakes

- onto my plane?
- Yeah.


We need to find a way to see it.


Oh, here, here.

Throw these around.

This is fascinating.

The snake must have been
drawn to whatever wavelength

the bio-drive device was emitting.

- Not now, Max.
- Yeah.

- This can't be.

DARIELA: That's a new one in Australia.

Another beacon's live.

Have we located any nests in Australia?


Notify the ASIO field
office in Adelaide.

That beacon means

that there are nests in Australia

we haven't found yet.

There could be hundreds
more around the world.

If more beacons activate, we are done.

Abe, we need to know where
the rest of the beacons are.

Believe me, I'm trying.

Two have gone live. We
can't handle another one.

Just give me some time.

There... there it is, there it is.



I don't believe it.

Dariela, I have the raw
data, but it's dense.

It's in the exabytes.
I can't decode this.

Upload it, quick.




I got it.






- You okay?
- Yeah.

Yeah, yeah.

You can get rid of me now,

but the die has been cast.

What do you mean?

We left a treat for you.


Death is only the beginning.

Screw this. I want my son back!

No, Max, wait.



- Son...
- Mitch?

Mitch, ten seconds ago, you
told me that you left me a treat.

Do you remember what
you were talking about?

Does that sound like
something I would ever say?


Okay, we need the schematics of the plane.

Look for weak spots...

Anyplace they could have
left a b*mb, sarin gas,

anything. Go.


- Oh, yes.

Sir, an exabyte of raw data's coming in.

It may contain the
location of the raw beacons.

I need all available hands
to stop what they're doing.

Data's coming in on
Lieutenant Kenyatta's socket

that needs your full attention.


He must have planted something
when I wasn't looking.

The surveillance will pick it up.

- I'm pulling up security footage now.
- You need to stop.

You're working off the
guilt of what you did.

Jamie, Duncan lied,
that's all that it is.

The simplest explanation
is usually the right one.

Wait, Duncan said that to me.

Yeah, he said it to me during surgery

when we operated on Abigail.

No, he said that he left a-a treat,

that the answer was simple.

It was a deadman's switch,

- and it activated when Abigail died.
- No, no, no.

He said that death
was just the beginning.

What if he wasn't talking about
his own death, but Abigail's?

Dariela, after everything
that's happened between us

the past few weeks, I...

You don't need to say it.

I do, and you need to hear it.

We've both said and done
things that we regret.

And we could both keep rationalizing

and apologizing, but I just
want to put it behind us

and move forward.

That being said,

do you think the IADG might have room

for one more scientist?

I promise I'll make room for you.

See you soon.

I love you.




♪ When our world falls to pieces ♪

♪ And the moonlight... ♪

What happened? Why did it stop?

I don't know.

Find out.

We need that data.

♪ In the corners of our mind ♪

♪ Where endless colors ♪

♪ They are swallowed by the sun... ♪

Jamie, her heart stopped.

How can she possibly be alive?

♪ Full of echoes just before they... ♪

- ABIGAIL: Mitch?
- Yeah.

Wrong answer.

♪ And fountains full of flowers ♪

♪ On islands full of tears ♪

♪ Weeping willows and fireworks... ♪

Oh, my God.

♪ You believe what you see ♪

♪ All the things that you know ♪

♪ But, oh, you don't know... ♪


How are you here?

♪ Of my soul ♪


♪ The depth of my soul ♪

Good-bye, brother.

♪ Ooh... ♪

♪ The depth of my soul ♪



