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03x09 - The Black Forest

Posted: 09/05/21 08:35
by bunniefuu
Ten years ago, the animal
population mutated,

endangering human life on the planet.

Our team managed to cure the animals,

but at a terrible cost.

In an attempt to return
the planet to the animals,

a secretive group called the Shepherds

released a gas that
sterilized all of humanity.

And then labmade
creatures called hybrids

devastated the West Coast.

So a massive barrier was constructed

to protect the rest of North America.

But new breeds have started to appear,

so we reassembled our team.

We battle on many fronts,

searching for a cure to sterility,

while racing to stop the hybrids

and the rogue Shepherd who created them

to end the human race.

The fight for mankind's
survival has just begun.

Previously on Zoo...

Four hikers died from
massive hemorrhaging,

trace hybrid DNA found in their lungs.

After we determined
that the hybrid spores

were the cause of death...

We traced the spores to
their point of origin,

The Black Forest, Germany.

We believe that this is a hybrid nest.

When you commanded that tiger to attack,

you handed me your secret:

The way you control the animals,

the last piece I need
to activate the beacons

and the hybrids' rise.

- Mitch!
- Stop calling me that.

Mitch, we need to reboot the plane now.

My name is Duncan.

Prepare for emergency landing.

If I don't throw that
switch, we are all gonna die.

That's the idea.

Damn it, Mitch, let me go!

Mitch isn't here anymore.

Minimum recovery altitude in 50 seconds.

Minimum recovery altitude in 40 seconds.

Minimum recovery altitude in 30 seconds.

20, 19, 18,

17, 16,

15, 14, 13,

12, 11,

ten, nine, eight...



Jamie. Jamie.

Jamie, there you are.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
slow down, slow down.

Slow down. You got knocked out.

You were out a half an hour.

Mitch, he...

he was...

iit was like he was somebody else.


I hurt him. I hurt him.

I... I was trying to get to the switch.

You got there in time.

You saved us.

You saved all of us.

Mitch, too?

Mitch or Duncan...

or whoever that was,

is not on the plane.

I'm sorry.

Mitch is gone.

The t*nk kept Clem safe.


the spinal fluid survived.

We can still make the cure.

You're leaving?

We are.

You, me, Isaac.

I packed your bag.

Where is this coming from?

Do you even have to ask?

Look around you.

Look at what we put our son through.

When those men came and took our son,

we had to watch them drive
away with Isaac in a cage,

like some animal.

That was the worst moment of my life...

- until today.
- Dariela.

Today, I thought I was
gonna watch my son die

because of my decision,
because of something I did.

It isn't safe here.

Isaac, we cannot make him part of this.

Let's go home.

What about the cure?

We're so close,

- and it...
- Let them figure it out.

Please, Abe.

I can't.


Come here.

You and Mommy are
going to go home first,

then I'm going to join you when I can.

- But...
- I want you to make me

a promise, that you'll be a good boy

and look after your mother.

I promise, Daddy.

Good boy.

Be careful, Abe.

We need you back

once you're done saving the world.

Come on.

Let's go.



It's me.

Duncan, how did you survive the crash?

There was... there was
no crash... No crash.

I parachuted outout.


There's something
wrong... Something wrong

with my... my headhead. Something's...

It's the biodrive.

Can you reset it?

Reset it remotelyremotely?

No, you need to come home now.

I don't know where he's going,

but I got a hit on his cell
phone right before it went dead.

Okay, then I need Sat4 covering west

of the Spandauer Forest

and Sat9 watching everything
south till Brandenburg.

Both running facial recognition.

Well, half that and I'll double the pay.

That's impressive.

Well, when you spend a decade

chasing after people who
don't want to be found,

you pick up a few things.

Have you heard anything
from Jackson yet?

I'm sure he'll show up soon enough.

I highly doubt he's
just going to show up.

Then we'll find him.

Mitch, too.

Will we?

All of them.

Clem is floating in a t*nk.

Jackson's vanished.

Mitch is gone.

Dariela wised up and got out of here.

We'll get them back.

When Dariela left...

I could've left with her.

In fact, I probably should have.

But you know why I didn't?


Faith in our mission.

Faith in our team.

Faith that we are doing the right thing.

And we are the only ones who can.

But, Abe, I wish I felt that way.

I wish I had your conviction.

But what if faith isn't enough?

I'll let you know if
I hear from Jackson.

Reports just come back
from our team in Germany.

They're doing a final sweep now,

but it looks like they got them all.

Any trace of the spores?

Negative. The nest is clear.

Listen up, everyone.

That is one down and three more to go.

These hybrid nests release toxic spores

any time someone gets near them,

and we have no answer for that.

22 soldiers died eliminating this nest.

No one is calling this
a victory, Detective.

It's just a start.

We have Seoul and Atlanta next.

We still have no idea how
to neutralize the spores.

And no clue how many
more nests are out there.

We need people who can
deal with the unknown

because that's all
that we have right now,

are unknowns.

So have you taken a look at that
personnel jacket that I flagged?

Well, I've been a bit busy here.

Human resources hasn't
exactly been my top priority.

Damn it.

They destroyed a hybrid nest.

Doesn't matter.

Come with me.

I managed to identify Jackson Oz's

animalcontrolling frequency.

We're nearly ready to
activate the beacons.


Sit down.

Whatever they did, a neural blocker

has been partially compromised.

We'll have to try and reset it.

Hold still.

Easy, easy.



So, tell me what you've learned.

They've been collecting spinal
fluid samples from the hybrids.

They're going after the stem cells.

To cure sterility.

So, that's surprising.

And pointless.

Without the last hybrid that
genetically links the rest,

it's a dead end. Also,

Mitch's daughter, Clementine...

is pregnant.


She's only three months in,

but there have been complications.

She's been in stasis while
they search for the father.

The baby needs a transfusion.


I can work with that.


What are you doing here?

Jamie called in a favor.

Who is this?

This is the Shepherd who's
going to help us find Mitch.

Do you know who I am?

Jamie Campbell.

Got rich selling other people's stories.

Now you spend your nights chasing after

those that you exploited.

Sit down.

Jared Macavey, former Shepherd.

You ran security for the
Applied Science Division.

And you've been living in New
England since Pangaea fell.

Alissa Graham.

Peter Runge.

David Hall.

All my friends,

all in federal prison because of you.

Well, then it'll be a nice reunion

when you join them there.

Or you can talk to us.

Abigail used to be one of you

and then she went rogue.

What she's planning with the hybrids...

it'll undo everything

that you Shepherds
have been working for.

Now, we know that you've
been looking for her.

We know how to find her.


One of the biodrives that you created,

Abigail has made a few modifications.

She's using one to control
my friend, Mitch Morgan.

You've been hunting us
like dogs for a decade.

Your boyfriend goes AWOL,

you come crawling to me,

a Shepherd, praying for help.

I hope he ends up like the
rest of the biodrive subjects,

choking to death on his own vomit.

- Start talking!
- Jamie!

- Jamie, stop!
- No, no.

- Stay out of this!
- That's enough!

- Jamie!
- Hey, what are you doing?

Do you really think the other Shepherds

are going after Abigail?

Who's left?! Who's gonna stop her?

You know, she's right.

If we're both going to get what we want,

we're going to have to
start working together.

Okay, okay.


I'll get you the tech stuff you need

toto find Mitch

and you'll let me
walk free with Abigail.

No strings.

The priority is Mitch.

If Abigail is there, we
get her for a conversation.

And then she's all yours.



Let's go, let's go.




I didn't expect to hear from you.

I thought it wasn't safe
for us to meet like this.

It's not, but this is important.

We found Clementine.


And Clementine's pregnant.

It's impossible.

Jackson and his people,
they've taken her.

They've been experimenting on her,

trying to figure out how the
impossible became possible.

Those people,

everything they've done.

It's okay.

We have Jackson.

We can use him to get her back.

Take me to him.



Who is this person?

Charles Duncan, meet Sam Parker...

the father of Clementine's baby.

Come on.

You're Jackson Oz.

And I assume you're another
one of Abigail's g*ons.


I'm Sam Parker.

Sam Parker?

Sam. Sam, we've been looking for you.

That's what I've heard.

Look, I don't, I don't know what

Abigail has told you, Sam,
but she's lying to you.

Yeah, she said you'd say that.

Listen to me.

Listen to me very carefully.

Clem is in trouble. She needs your help.

She said you'd say that, too.

Abigail is not who you think she is.


Just stop it.

This isn't about Abigail.

It's about Clem.

All I care about is Clem.

Well, if you want to help
Clem, then let me out of here.

I know where she is.

All right? I'll take you to her.

She's safe. She's with my friends.


So you can bleed me, too?

Run your experiments on me?

Try to find out what makes me special,

then dump me in a t*nk when you're done,

just like you did to her?

No, you got this all wrong.

You destroyed my life once!

I won't let you take Clem's, too.

- Let me out of here,
- Sam. Sam, that's enough.

Plenty of time to
continue this conversation.

Let's go. Let's go.

Hey, I'm just calling to make sure

you and Isaac arrived safely.

I miss you both.

I love you.


What is it, Max?

Leaving messages isn't
really gonna change anything.

It's kind of out of your control.

What do you suggest?

Well, I've found that when
I make a fool of myself,

which I have by trying to help
Mitch turn off his biodrive,

nearly getting all of us k*lled,

it's, best if I retreat to
something I know I'm good at.

And that works?

Well, it got me through three divorces

and half a dozen
Republican White Houses.

Come here. Check this out.


Check it out.

Is this the enzyme from
the tentacled hybrid?

Yeah. Remarkable, isn't it?

Its antipathogenic property
is like nothing I've ever seen.

Sorry, did you just say antipathogen?


If Max's research

is to be believed, this enzyme

seems to be able to weaken,
if not destroy, all pathogens:

Bacterial, viral, toxigenic...

What about spores?


Yeah, I see no reason why it
wouldn't have a similar effect.

Okay, I need everything that
you have on this enzyme ASAP.



If you're alive,

that means the plane
didn't crash, right?

Mitch, I don't care

what Abigail put in your head,

I know you're still in there.

I know it's you, brother.


The biodrive.

Disconnects Mitch's consciousness

and replaces it with this one.


Mitch is gone.

I see you two are getting reacquainted.

I have everything I need.


No raging against the truth?

No trying to free Mitch from his prison?

I'm disappointed.

My friends are still alive.

This isn't over.

What I'm more concerned about

is what you told Sam...

to make him think that I'm a villain.

You are the villain in his story.

We were both on Pangaea ten years ago

when you and your friends
released the razorbacks

into the Shepherd compound.

Sam was on Pangaea?

Sam lost both his parents that day.

Thanks to you.

The Shepherds left us
in Section K to die.

With the hybrids, their mistakes.

They weren't mistakes.
Our father created the hybrids.

And he knew that he was wrong!

Why else would he have locked them away

in a forgotten corner of Pangaea?

He separated them because
he wanted them to thrive.

That was his legacy.

And I carried it on.

I perfected them.

This is not Robert Oz's legacy, Abigail.

He wouldn't have wanted any of this.

A world where animals areare-
are threatened by monsters.

They're not monsters.

He didn't want the hybrids.

He abandoned them.

Because he couldn't control them.

But you can.


You have a connection to
them that he never did.

You can speak to them.

Like I can speak to the animals.

The common DNA they all share...

You share it, too.

And now you know our
father's greatest secret.

The one he shared with no one.

Not even me.

You're the last piece that we need

to cure sterility.

You're a hybrid.

I said that I need this block cleared.

All nonessential
personnel out of here now.

Please tell me some good news.

It's like Christmas over here.

The enzyme worked?

99% effectiveness
against the nest spores.

We'll be sending a
chemical package your way.

Should be more than enough,
given the size and density

of the nests that we have seen so far.

Hey, guys.

Just go ahead and put that here.

Grinch is sending us a present.

Grinch? Since when did my
team start calling me Grinch?

Merry Christmas.

Hey, did you get a chance

to review that personnel
jacket that I pulled?

You take care of Seoul.

I'll handle this.

Copy that.


That ought to do it.

Is it going to work?

It'll work.

This thing was specifically designed

for tracking and maintenance

of the original biodrive test subjects.

Shall I do the honors?


We'll be wheels up in five.

What is all this?

This is what Jackson and
his team have been planning.

They've set up hybrid
nests around the world

that they're going to activate
with a series of beacons.

They're trying to spread
the hybrids across the globe.

The hybrids from Section K?

That would mean the end of civilization.

The solution is ready.

Sit down, Sam.

Duncan infiltrated Jackson and his team.

He came back with intel that
can help us save both Clem

and your baby.

What's wrong with them?

They believe she and the baby

have a blood incompatibility...

that is threatening
the life of your son.

He has a rare blood disorder.

And they don't know how to fix it.

But we do.

They've been looking
for the baby's father

to perform a blood transfusion.

Our plan is to introduce
this into your bloodstream.

So when they do the transfusion,

it will correct the
blood incompatibility.

And save the first
baby born in a decade.

I don't need to hear any more.

If that stuff is gonna
save Clem and my son,

just do it.

It's the tracker I left on their plane.

They're headed our way.

How did they find us?

It doesn't matter.

We'll be ready for them.

Let's do this.

Who are you?

- Who are you?!
- Who are you?

My name is Sam Parker.

Please, you have to
help get me out of here.

Sam Parker?

Clem Lewis' Sam Parker?


You know Clementine? Is she here?

Is there anyone else in the facility?

Just the, the
crazy lady who grabbed me.

I think her name is Abigail.

Was anyone with her?

Some other guy.

I need to take him to the plane.

Clementine is with us.

She needs your help.

What's wrong?

I'll explain on the way.

Are you sure you're
going to be okay with...

Yeah, we'll be fine.

Let's go.


It's Sam.

They took the bait.

What shall I do with him?

We still need him.

And we need to activate the beacons.

I'll go.

You stall them.

Watch where you're
pointing that thing, please.

- Sorry.
- Hey, focus.




- Jamie?
- Yeah.

What happened?

The beacons.

Abigail's gonna activate them.

Have you seen Mitch?


Yeah, I've seen him, but it's not Mitch.

Yeah, we know.


Where's Macavey?

Who's Macavey?

We have to go.

My God.


I didn't know.

I'm so sorry.

This isn't your fault.

Take a seat.

Why didn't she say anything to me?

When she first found out,

I'm sure she was terrified.

If I had known,

maybe I could have helped.

Why she disappeared...

I thought it was me,
something that... that I did.

Or just me, but this...

I hate that she had to
go through this all alone.

Clem didn't leave

because of anything you did.

And she wasn't alone.

Everything okay?

Perfect. You're an exact match.

That's all you need to help
the baby? My blood?

Yes. This transfusion will allow your son

to develop and grow.

My son. How is that even possible?

I don't know.

Clearly, there is something unique

about the two of you.

Okay, once I open this port,

the stasis t*nk will regulate the flow

of your blood directly
into the umbilical system.

Are you ready?


What's happening?

The baby...

it's having an adverse reaction.

You said I was an exact match.

You are.

Hello, Abigail.

I've waited a long time for this.

What the hell is that thing?

Shepherd tech. It's
tracking Mitch's biodrive.

Don't sh**t! Don't sh**t!

Mitch? Mitch, I know you're in there.

Please don't do this.

- Okay, we need a new plan.
- Here.

Wait, Ja... Jamie!

Don't do it, Mitch.

Don't do it.

You think I won't sh**t you?

I think you're out of a*mo.

I counted 17 rounds.

Unless I'm mistaken.

That was incredible.

I never thought he'd pull the trigger.

I was trying to tell you
that Abigail used this

to activate the biodrive.

I'm pretty sure it turns it on and off.

So we can get rid of Duncan.

I hope so.

- Look, we have to find Abigail now.
- Yeah.

Max, go with him... you can
cover more ground that way.

No, no, you sure? I'll
help you with Mitch.

No, I'll be fine. Go.

Okay, okay.

Are the chempacks locked and loaded?

The basement levels were sealed off

because of flooding...
We just gained access.


Corporal... what is it?

You're gonna have to
see this for yourself.

There's got to be a
control room here somewhere.

This place is a maze.

All right, look, Max, we got to split up.

I'm gonna take upstairs, you take down.

Hands up. Up, up.

What does all this do?

You wouldn't understand.

Probably not.

Now I don't need to.

It doesn't matter.

It's just circuits and wires.

My hybrids are so much more.

Your hybrids?

We Shepherds had a plan.

Curtail the human population,
allow the animals to thrive.

It was simple, necessary.

That plan was flawed.

But you're the last person on Earth

that I would expect to understand that.

Back at Pangaea, there
was only one hybrid...


But you went and created five more.


What are you planning?

Thought that was obvious.

My hybrids are gonna
take over the world.

Don't play dumb right now.

I know there's more to it than that.

I'm not gonna ask you again.

What are you planning on
doing with the hybrids?

Even if you knew,
there's no stopping it.

Wrong answer.


Don't look at me like that.

I didn't save you because I care.

I saved you because I'm
not done with you yet.

No, no, no.

Hey, guys, I need help here.

I got Abigail here,
but she's in bad shape.

I was trying to get a
spinal sample fluid, but...

Guys, I need help. I need help now.

Copy that.

Help is on the way.


Did it work?

Yeah, it worked.

Welcome back, son.

Where's Jackson?

I found every dead end down here.

He must be upstairs.

Come on.


What are you doing?

Why did you lie to him?

You have the biodrive switch.

Why don't you just use it?

Because I don't need Mitch right now,

I need Mr. Duncan.

So keep your mouth shut
and do what I tell you.

You're gonna do something
that Mitch would never do.


Be careful.

Do you think we'll be able

to get the teams and
equipment down here?

The engineers are working on that now.

Come on.

We're almost there.

My God.