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03x08 - Stakes on A Plane

Posted: 09/05/21 08:34
by bunniefuu
Ten years ago, the
animal population mutated,

endangering human life on the planet.

Our team managed to cure the animals,

but at a terrible cost.

In an attempt to return
the planet to the animals,

a secretive group called
the Shepherds released a gas

that sterilized all of humanity.

And then, labmade
creatures called "hybrids"

devastated the West Coast,

so a massive barrier was constructed

to protect the rest of North America.

But new breeds have started to appear,

so we reassembled our team.

We battle on many fronts,

searching for a cure to sterility

while racing to stop the hybrids

and the rogue Shepherd who created them

to end the human race.

The fight for mankind's
survival has just begun.

Previously on Zoo...

I had a family once.

A wife and a son.

They died in an expl*si*n.

Abe's the only one alive who knows.



Sorry about that, son.

Four hikers were found dead
in the Black Forest in Germany.

It's a mystery, one we'd
like you to help us solve.

Your baby has HDF.

It won't survive if it
doesn't get a blood transfusion

- in the next three days.
- What about the t*nk?

If it'll save my baby, I'll do it.

Hello, brother.

You have something I need.

Jackson has a lead on someone
who might be Abigail's partner.

It's a surveillance photo of Mr. Duncan.

Let me know when the
program's done with the image.

You're Mr. Duncan.

I'm gonna tell the rest of the team.


Rise and shine, brother.


What is this place?

Where are we?




You'll find out soon enough.

I dreamed of meeting you so many times.

My infamous big brother.

But I got to admit, you're
a bit of a disappointment.

Well, so is finding out
your sister's a psychopath.

Why are you spreading the hybrids?

You wouldn't understand.

Help me understand.

You want to end the world. Why?

You know what's funny?

My father never told me about you.

Why is that?

Robert Oz kept many secrets.

Especially from his children.

You don't have to do this, Abigail.

Whatever your plan
is, it's not too late.

Tell me how to stop the
hybrids, and I will help you.

Jackson, do you really
think I brought you here

so that we could
have a hearttoheart?

Brother to sister?

So you could convince me of

the error of my ways?

Save my soul?


You're here for one reason:

Your ability to communicate
with the animal kingdom.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Why in the world did you do this?

Will you just keep your voice down

and trust me for once.

You just stabbed your
girlfriend in the neck

with my tranquilizer dart.

I think I deserve some answers.

Well, I deserved a childhood
free from chupacabra stakeouts,

- but we don't always get what we want.
- Hey...

Hey, hey, hey.

We saw the chupacabra in Texarkana.

You saw a chupacabra.

I'm pretty sure that
was peyoteinduced.


Aunt Jamie can't really hold her liquor.

I think it's time to tell
me what's going on, son.


If the team finds out what I've
done, I will lose everything.

I'll lose Clem, Jamie.


So you're gonna promise me

you're not gonna tell anybody.



For the last ten years,

I was not in that t*nk the whole time.

Somebody used me.

They were controlling my brain to do...

evil, bad guy stuff.

Then why wipe her memory?

And whywhy are you
dealing with all this alone?

Because I'm not ready yet.

Until I fully understand what's
going on, I can't risk it.

This is Jamie. You telling
me you don't trust her?

There's more to it than that, Max, okay?

There's something in my head.

A biodrive.


Then we take care of it immediately.

We already tried.

- We try again.
- Max, it...

No. You're telling me
there's a thing in your head,

this can change you and force
you to do terrible things?

Then we take care of it.

And I know just how to do it.

You may be able to
hide from your friends

or from the rest of the world,

but I know who you really are.

What you're really capable of.

With these?

They let me know you're lying.

I'm telling you,

I have no idea what
you are talking about.


Then you won't mind indulging
me in this little exercise.

After three days without food,
a Bengal tiger is hungry enough

to eat a man on sight.

And their favorite
scent is antelope blood.

Now that you've proven my point,

shall we begin?

You know, I've seen the pictures, but...

being here, inside the
barrier, it's something else.

They said it couldn't be done.

A wall to contain the hybrids

that extends the
length of North America.

Welcome to Barrier Command.


It's our tax dollars at work.

We're the world's final defense
against the hybrid threat,

keeping track of any
and all hybrid activity

across the globe.


Corporal Lee.

You're not what I pictured
from how you're described

in Ms. Campbell's novel.

It's good to meet you, too.

You both will be working
on our top priority.

The Black Forest, Germany.

Where four hikers died
from massive hemorrhaging.

Trace hybrid DNA found in their lungs.

No idea how, no idea why.

And that, Detective, is precisely

the mystery you will be solving.

You'll find everything you need inside.

Welcome aboard.

This was good.

This was never the problem.

But we have each other again.

So you think everything's
back to normal?

Isaac is back.

Reiden is behind us.

And we can begin to be a family again.

What does that look like to you?

Raising Isaac on the plane?
Homeschooling him in the bar?

Once Jackson gets back with Sam Parker,

we'll be one step closer
to solving sterility.

And once we do...

we'll go home.

I promise.

A new challenger enters the ring!


Kenyatta vs. Kenyatta.

Say "mercy," say "mercy."

You have to relent.

You have to. Yeah!

Body slam! Yeah!


I got to tell you, I do not
think this is a great idea.

What method did you last attempt?

- Neuro bypass.
- Via?


Wow. You're not a halfbad scientist.

Well, thanks, Dad.

Only took me dying
and coming back to life

for you to give me a
little acknowledgement.

Well... you say what you
will, but I know my gadgets.

- And this is the summoning rod.
- Please, no.

Stick this in a body of water,
it emits electrical pulses.

It's designed to summon
underwater beasts.

- So, you're thinking EMP.
- Yeah.

Which could actually work.


- You got a crystal oscillator in that thing?
- Yeah, of course.

Fill this thing with enough juice,

you'll be able to fry that
biodrive, no problemo.

I can just hardwire it

straight into the
plane's electrical system.

Yeah, now we're talking.

- I got a question.
- Yeah?

You've done this before, right?

On a living human... no.



It's okay.

I'll find Jamie.

I'm gonna hit you with
a pulse three times.

Is this gonna be safe to
do with all this turbulence?

Barely safe without turbulence.

First pulse is gonna
hurt something fierce.

Second one could have some
unintended side effects.

What kind of side effects?

- Very minor.
- Care to be more specific?

Doesn't matter because the third
pulse is gonna clear it all up

and fry the biodrive.

- Ready?
- As one could be.

That's one.


- Um, hey.
- Yeah?

Um, Max, I can't,
I... I can't see anything.

Well, like I said,
some minor side effects.

You could've mentioned blindness.

Minor blindness.

This all goes away with pulse three.

That's not good.

What? Hey, g...

Pulse three. Where's pulse three?

Minor speed bump.


Something doesn't feel right.


What's going on?

Something's wrong with
the main battery unit.

Random malfunctions, navigational errors

and... and the power is going out.

The plane's trying to
conserve its battery.

It's going into safe mode.

Safe mode?

It basically just files in a circle

until we fix the problem.

And there's the problem.

Okay. It's probably
just some faulty wiring,

but give me a hand, will you?


That's an unexpected development.

This is gonna sound weird,

but do you know what
I was doing last night?

You can't remember?

I think I was with Mitch, but it's hazy.

That's weird.

Honestly, I didn't see you last night.

I was having a family reunion.

What the hell?

Okay, let's keep moving.

How do you control the animals, Jackson?

Tell me how or I'll k*ll your friends.

Look familiar?

When I was on board,

I thought it needed a
little je ne sais quoi.

What did you do?

Tell me how you control the animals

or I will bring your plane and
everyone on it crashing down.

Access to the main
battery unit's down here.

We have a problem.

What did you do?

Right now my hybrid is
causing irreparable damage

to the plane's electrical system.

But that could all stop.

Just tell me how you
control the animals.

I don't know.

You're lying to me.

I do not know.

Friends are gonna drop from the sky.

I don't know!

Everyone regroup in the galley.

We have a hybrid on the plane.

Sure. Why not?

Hey, listen,

don't say anything to
anybody about my condition.

It's gonna open up a can of worms.

Well, like I always said,
honesty is the best policy.

You have never once said that.

Maybe not out loud.

Just don't say anything
to anybody, okay? Please.

Gonna need verbal
confirmation here, Max.


Well, we found what's
causing the power drain:

A new hybrid wrapped around
the main battery unit.

That's the, that's the spot

when you go down the,
spiral staircase

and you take a left past
the breakfast nook...

It secretes some sort of
fluid from its tentacles.

Some sea creatures have
been known to generate

a weak electrical field
through the mucus membranes.

Must be creating
interference with the battery.

What about power to Clem's t*nk?

We should be good for now.

I diverted power from another battery.

If there are no more
major malfunctions...

And that's a big if...

We'll have power for another two hours.

Max, you're gonna have
to wait a little longer

to get home to Helsinki.

In order to regain control of the plane,

I need to reboot the entire system,

and I can't do that with this creature

wrapped around the battery.

There may be another option.

We create a weak beacon signal,

pinpoint the creature and
draw it out into the open.

It's too dangerous.

We can't risk it being
loose on the plane.

Dariela and I can access

the service duct in the vehicle bay

and come at it from the rear.

We'll k*ll the hybrid.

You guys reboot the plane.

A spinal fluid draw from
a live subject would be

- the best option.
- Abe.

Look, I know this is dangerous,

but we only have two hybrids left.

And since the two previous samples

came from deceased hybrids,

I'm worried about the serum's efficacy.

Solving sterility may depend
on getting the spinal fluid

- while it is still alive.
- He's right.

Well, none of this matters if we
can't keep the plane in the air.

So, we'll clear the hybrid

using nonlethal means if possible.

Someone's gonna need to stay here

and prep the system for reboot.

Max and I will do that.


Abe, final step.

You need to throw this master switch.

It's in the bar,

- behind the control panel.
- Okay.

And the comms are down,

so everyone needs an earpiece.

Are you sure you want to
be using live amm*nit*on?

Don't worry, I had the
fuselage reinforced.

Hey, I can't remember anything
that happened last night.

It's a blank.


Mitch, look me in the eye.

I am looking you in the eye.

You know, you know, thisthis
reminds me of the time

that I was in American
Samoa over spring break,

and that's real... Yeah, thanks.

Okay, let's move.

If I could tell you what you want,

how do I know you wouldn't
just k*ll them anyway?

You k*lled a lot of
my friends in Portland.

That was my vanity taking hold.

I wanted to watch you bleed.

Then watch me bleed.

I'm right here.

Do what you want with me.

Just leave them out of it.

No, it's bigger than that now.

It's bigger than just you.

I've spent the last ten years

creating new species of hybrids

and spreading them across the globe.

They're all just waiting to be awakened.

We stopped the apocalypse before.

We can do it again.

We'll see.

How much longer are we
gonna keep up this ruse?

You call this a ruse?

You were terrible.

Well, considering that I just found out

my son has an evil alter ego,

I think I did pretty good.

Can we just skip to the part

where you get my eyeballs working again?

So, are the blood vessels constricted?

Yeah, looks that way.

Great. Could take hours for
the proper blood flow to return.

Well... just be thankful

that your father is at risk of angina.

So, yeah... do carry blood thinners.

Dad, what's going on?

Everything's going to be okay.

We're just helping Auntie
Jamie fix the plane.

But I need you to stay here.

Once the plane is good as new,

Mommy and Daddy will
be right back, okay?

Okay. Dad.

I miss home.

I know.

I do, too.

So, we get to go back soon?

We'll talk about it when I get back.



- This is all we do.
- What?

Danger. Whenever we're on this plane,

all we do is go from
danger to more danger.

Finally saved Isaac, and I
put him right back into it.

Come on. You're just
doing the best you can.

Am I? Is this where
I want him to grow up?

We're all just trying to make sure

that there's a world
for him to grow up in.

What was that?

It's locked.

More malfunctions.

Hey! Hey, grab onto something!

- What?
- Grab onto something!

You can reach it!

This doesn't make any sense.

That was the last
sample from the hikers,

and it doesn't match any known hybrids.

Which could mean...

we are looking for a brandnew species.

Yeah, maybe.

But... what if the reason
that they don't match

is because they aren't
actually from a hybrid?

At least, not exactly.

I don't follow.

I had this case a few years ago.

The k*ller used botulinum
toxin from bacterial spores.

Comparing them to the structure
of these hybrid traces,

I think that our hikers
died from inhaling spores.

Airborne toxic spores.

The big question is still:

Where did these spores come from?

What are you doing, Jackson?

You really think it would be so easy?

No. Did you?

Glad to see you still have
some fight left in you.

Brain frequency?

You want me to wake the tiger.

You're trying to measure the frequency.

My ability to control the
hybrids is similar to yours.

It flows from the emotion
centers of the brain.

The stronger the emotion,
the stronger the signal.

But your fear alone wasn't enough.

I need more.

I need your rage.

I'll give you nothing.

You can try to resist all you want.

But by the time we're through here,

you'll have woken that tiger.

You'll have given me everything I need.

That can't be good.

An open door?

At that altitude?

It's not working!

Mitch! Mitch!

Right down the hatch.

Here's some water.

That's it.

Abe, get down here!



Starting to see some
color blobs coming back.

Max Morgan...
Explorer, genius, lover.

Take it easy. You just gave
me some geriatric medicine.

Hey, look, son, I know
you're feeling guilty

about what you did to Jamie.

Am I?

Yeah. I get it. It's okay.

I mean, how many webs
do you think I weaved

over my numerous
romantic dalliances?

I'd rather not know the answer to that.

Look, thethe point is...

it always catches up to you.

No matter how hard it might be,

just tell Jamie the truth.

You have to bypass the control panel!


I'm in.

Cut the blue wire!

And then the green wire!

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I
know, it'll be terrible.

But after a while,
it'll still be terrible.

But a little less.

That's beautiful. Can I
crossstitch that on a pillow?

I'm serious. Come on,
you can't be worried about

what you've done, only
what you're gonna do.

But no matter what you choose...

And I'm gonna drop the "L" word here...

That's really not necessary.

I know I haven't said it in
along time, and I need to.

Because no matter what you choose, son,

I will always...

Wow! Look at that.

Full vision, just came back.

Aplus, bangup job, Max.



Put them together!

This isn't working.

Was it the dark green
or the light green?

Why are there two greens?

Aircraft Emergency A.I. activated.

Greetings, Mitchell Morgan.

Is that Logan?

Please don't tell me Logan
is the voice of the A.I.

- That's terrific.
- Alert.

There's a critical
malfunction in the vehicle bay.

Hey, Jamie?

Logan, your narrator, is here,

and he's telling us something's
going on in the vehicle bay?



That's broken.

Well, summoning rod's EMP
has a threefoot radius.

Must have fried out
our earpieces earlier.

You know, summoning rods
will tend to do that.


Are you all right?


What's with the disembodied Logan voice?

It's weirding me out.

You said there was a problem here?

Where were you? We needed you.

I couldn't hear you because
my earpiece was broken,

and we were having
some... father, son issues.

- Breakthrough.
- Anyway.

Logan. Explain.

It's the emergency A.I. system.

Back when we were together,
we thought it would be funny

to have him be the voice of
it. I disabled it ages ago,

but it must've come back on
with all the malfunctions.

Hello. I have an
unfortunate announcement.

Aircraft systems down
to only essentials.

Engines and avionics only.

Engines and avionics?

Clem's t*nk. We have to get
down there. She could lose power.

Mitch, wait.

I'm going down there
right now, I'm taking Clem

- out of that t*nk.
- No, you must not.

She still needs a blood
transfusion from the baby's father.

If you take her out of the
t*nk now, the baby may die.

If we do nothing, they both die.

Look, we all love Clem,

but that baby is the
key to humanity's future.

We're talking about
my daughter here, Abe.

My son is on this plane, too.

But this is bigger than all of us!

Calm down. We just need
to figure out what to do.

May I suggest using one of
the auxiliary generators?

Are we gonna start taking
suggestions from DJ Logan now?

Hang on. What auxiliary generator?

If we create an independent power loop,

this could actually work.

The t*nk will lose
power in five minutes.

This might be our only option.

Mitch? You all right?

Your friends are
surprisingly resourceful.

They'll find a way to stop you.

So will I.

You're surprisingly confident

for a man whose only course of action

is to give me exactly what I want.

Abe, Dariela.

Cut the cable directly in front of you.

At the exact same moment, Mitch, Max,

connect your cables together.

30 seconds until the t*nk loses power.

Can we shut him off, please?

- Everybody ready?
- Yeah.

Okay, on three.


two, three.

Power successfully rerouted.

Critical power loss imminent.

Avionics failure imminent.

Engine failure imminent.

Critical altitude loss imminent.

We need to k*ll that hybrid now.

Jamie, let me modify the beacon signal,

draw the hybrid off the battery
so you can reboot the system.

I know the risks, but we're out of time.

Full engine failure in ten minutes.

Okay, you have five.

Once the hybrid is off the
battery, I'll reboot the system.

Mitch, Max, go to the bar

and be ready to throw that
switch when I tell you.

You had me at "go to the bar."

there's a malfunction
in the forward reserve t*nk.

- Detecting a fuel leak.
- Perfect.

We can't use firearms now.

Then how are we supposed to k*ll it?

We are k*lling it.

Happy birthday, Dariela.

Once the system reboot is complete,

I'll give you the signal, and
you can throw the master switch.

Is that the Duncan image?

Yeah, I'm trying a new filter
since the last one failed.

But don't worry, we're gonna find him.

Look, I...

I know that there's
something going on with you.

I don't know if you're
upset or you're worried

about Clementine or what,
but it's going to be okay.

Please don't worry.
Everything is gonna be fine.

I got to talk to you about something.

Guys, don't mean to
interrupt the love fest, but...

Full engine failure in seven minutes.

Okay, get to the master switch.

Wait, here, take the earpiece.



Okay, Jamie. We're in position.

Abe, Dariela, stand by.


Once I press this,

that hybrid will be
coming straight for us.

I'm good.

Jamie, we'll let you know as
soon as the hybrid's loose.

Fuel leak, loss of altitude.

You could give in to
your despair, your hatred.

Use them.

Wake the tiger.

Have him tear out my throat.
I have nothing to stop you.

You could finish me, be the hero.

Defeat your villain.

If anything happens to them, I swear...

You swear what?

Come on, Jackson. What are you gonna do?

Your friends are gonna die.

You don't know my friends!

No, Jackson, I know your
friends all too well.

One of them in particular.

And he's not gonna stop me.

- He's gonna help me.
- What'd you do?

Your friend Mitch Morgan
has my biodrive in his head.

I've used it to make him do all
sorts of things over the years.

He helped me build the
beacons, develop the hybrids.

You could almost say...
he's been my partner.

You're lying.

I even created a new
personality for him.

One that can be activated or deactivated

with the flick of a switch...

Mr. Duncan.


is Mr. Duncan?

You ready to meet him?

Mitch! Mitch!

- What is it?
- The biodrive.

I think it's back on.

All right, I got you.
I'm right here for you.

- You got to fight through this.
- I can't.

I can't fight through
it, Dad. You got...

Take this thing out of my head!


Hello, old friend.

It's good to finally hear your voice.


Can you help me?

Mitch, Mitch, listen to me, okay?

Do not listen to her.

Do not listen to a word
she tells you, okay?

It's no use, Jackson.
Mitch Morgan is gone.

I'm on a plane, and all the people here,

they're calling me "Mitch."

No, you are Charles Duncan.

The people there, whatever
they are telling you,

it is a lie.

All of our plans for the hybrids
are finally coming to pass.

Mitch, focus on my voice,
okay? This is Jackson.

Can you hear me?

The people there, they
are trying to stop us.

You cannot let that happen.

You must make sure that plane goes down.

Mitch, no!

Okay, listen to me!

Can you hear me?

And then all of our
work will be complete.

Do you understand?

I understand.

Mitch, no, no, no. Listenlisten to me!

Focus on my voice!
Listen to what I'm tell...

What the hell did you do to him?

I made him mine.

I'm gonna k*ll you!

Main battery unit is back online.

Okay, Abe, Dariela, the
hybrid is off the battery.

I'm starting the reboot.


But there's still no sign of it.


Okay, Mitch, I'm good
here. Restart the plane.


Mitch, do you copy? Restart the plane.


The master switch is
still in the off position.

What the hell?

Manual restart required.

This is a story you're
all too familiar with,

isn't it, Jackson?

You failing to save the ones you love.

What are you talking about?

It was a summer's day.

That clean feeling in the air.

The kind you get after a rainfall.

A young family pulls
into a filling station

just outside of Nairobi.

Mother, father and son,

wrapped in that
beautiful yellow blanket.

Shut up.

So lovingly knit for him by his mother.


And in that moment,
everything was perfect.

Tragedy makes its own plans.

I said stop!

And as that father watched his truck

engulfed in flames,

his wife and child
trapped and burning inside,

he was utterly helpless.

You were utterly helpless
the day you failed Connor.

How do you know about my son?

My God.

What happened?



Stop calling me that.

Mitch, we need to reboot the plane now.

My name is Duncan.

My God.

Last night... that was you.


Duncan, whatever your name is, move.

I need to throw that switch.

Losing altitude.

Prepare for emergency procedures.

I said move.


After we determined that the hybrid
spores were the cause of death,

we scanned the area surrounding
where the hikers have died.

But we didn't find anything of note.

Till we analyzed the wind
patterns in the Black Forest

around their time of death.

From there, we traced the
spores to their point of origin.

Here. About seven miles
southwest of our victims.

The spores rode the wind,
like the seeds of a dandelion.


And that's when we found this.

What exactly am I looking at here?

Our dandelions.

We believe that this is a hybrid nest.

- A nest of hybrids?
- That's right.

And those eggs are the
source of the spores.

Most likely emitted as some kind of

a natural selfdefense mechanism.

Son of a bitch.

And that's the good news.

We crossreferenced our data

with local law enforcement worldwide,

and we found similar victims.

And two more nests.

One in Seoul and the other in Atlanta.

- Atlanta?
- If those eggs hatch,

this facility, the barrier...

None of it's gonna matter.

Who knows how many more
nests could be out there?

Send a team to the Black Forest

and burn that nest to the ground.

You have one duty as a parent

that stands above the rest:

To protect your child.

Stop it.

- And you failed.
- Shut up.

It was you.

It was your fault.

Your entire family is dead.

How are you gonna save
your friends, Jackson?

You couldn't even save your own baby...

That's enough!


If I don't throw that
switch, we are all gonna die.

That's the idea.

Mitch, let go!

- You failed as a father.
- Shut up. Shut up.

- Shut up.
- You let Connor die.

Shut up!

You think our father was a madman?

A monster?

He laid down his life for you.

His son.

Got it!

Behind you!


Aircraft will cross the
minimum recovery altitude

- n 90 seconds.
- Isaac.

Prepare for emergency landing.

Connor burned to death,
and you watched it happen!

Shut up! Shut up!

Your son is dead

because of you.

Why, thank you, Jackson.

When you commanded that tiger to attack,

you handed me your secret, the
way you control the animals.

And with it,

the last piece I need
to activate the beacons

and the hybrids rise.


What does that mean?

What do you mean, beacons?


Answer me!

Damn it, Mitch, let me go!

Mitch isn't here anymore.

Minimum recovery altitude in 60 seconds.

50 seconds.

Mitch, I don't want to do this!

Damn it, Mitch, you're
gonna get us all k*lled!

40 seconds.

Minimum recovery altitude in 30 seconds.