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03x18 - Blindside

Posted: 09/05/21 06:58
by bunniefuu
CLAIRE: How do you know Zelda Grant?

One of her clients is this
skin-care line, Contend.

This is Rowena, brand manager
for Contend Beauty Products.

- Mariana, aren't you joining us?
- I'm not a partner.

ZELDA: Life's too short to sit around

while your talents are being wasted.

I heard about another female-led startup

doing something really similar to BB.

If you're interested,
I could put in a word.

Curious about you.

- MALIKA: And why is that?
- ANGELICA: I guess I find you intriguing.

- What's going on?
- Malika!

KIARA: The police came
and arrested my mom.

- I didn't know where to go.
- Can I hear it for Margaret Cho?

- MAN: Oh, my God!

Do you know what, if you want
the lunatics to run the asylum,

then go ahead, I'm out.

Your fearless leader, Alice,
is only in this program

because she was banging
the casting director.

- And still is.
- Did you tell Scott about me and Ruby?

Well, our talk with Scott
derailed the program.

And I'm pretty sure whatever is
going on between you and Sumi,

just derailed our relationship too.

What does hashtag LDRZAS even mean?

I have no idea.

KATHLEEN: If the jury
gets to see this video,

we're totally screwed.

We agree to withdraw the video
and just get on with the trial.

I'm gonna be a father.

We didn't even know
you had a girlfriend!

GAEL: She's not my girlfriend.

I didn't tell them about Callie.

Her parents cut her off

and I can see that she
needs some parental support.

JAZMIN: Be careful.
You know our parents.

You give them an inch
and they'll take a mile.

- ADRIANA: Gael?
- Mom.


Hey, how about PB&J for lunch?

We can't bring anything
that has nuts to school.

You wanna k*ll someone?

Uh, a lot of kids are allergic to nuts.

Okay, great. How about jelly sandwiches?

Who wants whipped cream?

- NISA: I do!
- SHINE: I do!

So multiple choice, what is
another word for fearless?

- C: Intrepid.
- All right, all done. Turn around.

(GASPS) Adorable!

KELLY: I guess it really
does take a village.

Though this one's way
over its idiot quota.

Hey, so, um, I'm going
to the DA's office later

to try and get Yvonne's community
service hours straightened out.

Thank you. I can't
believe they arrested her

off of some bullshit clerical error.

What's bullshit is I can't
get them to let her out.

ISABELLA: Okay, first
we do the bunny ears.

Then tie it around.

- SHINE: Hop! Hop!
- Not so fast, little rabbit!

I am Mr. Foot! I need my shoes tied.

Uh, Mom, this is Callie, my girlfriend.

It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Martinez.


- Mrs. Martinez!
- Oh, please, call me Adriana.

- I can come back.
- No, no. I came to see you.

I have a gift for the baby.

- GAEL: What have you got there?

- You okay?
- Yeah, fine. Um, I should get to work.

By the way, who's
cleaning up after this?


GAEL: Isabella, we have
the doctor's appointment.

- We gotta go.
- ISABELLA: Oh, yeah. Okay.

Um, we're gonna help you later, okay?

- Bye!
- Hold the door!

I'm not helping, and I have no excuse.

But isn't my honesty refreshing?

♪ Pa-pa-pa ♪
♪ Pa-pa-pa pa-pa ♪

♪ Pa-pa-pa ♪
♪ Pa-pa-pa-pa-pa ♪

♪ Then we'll find our peace of mind ♪

♪ You and me, Bel Ami ♪

♪ Pa-pa-pa, pa-paaa ♪

What happened in here?

Big breakfast.

- And you're the maid?
- Well, everyone had to go rush off to something,

so it is what it is.

So, um, what's happening
with the showcase?

I don't know.

They asked us to come
in tomorrow, but Ruby

is pretty sure they're going
to cancel the entire thing.

Oh, how's, um, Ruby?

Oh! Good morning.

Hey. Good morning.

- Well, have a nice day.
- You too.

Uh, fine.

But she had to resign,
so that's a bummer.

That is.

- So I guess we should talk about the kiss.
- Oh, no need to.

It was just one of those things.

We got caught up in the
of the moment.

Oh! Yeah.

The baijiu of the moment.
That's... That's cute. It's clever.

SUMI: Thank you. So...

there must be something you
can do to save the showcase.

We don't have a director.

What if you asked Margaret Cho?

- I can't just ask Margaret Cho.
- Why not?

Well, for one, she's a big star.

Why would you want to direct a showcase?

And, second, I'm pretty sure

she didn't appreciate me calling
her out about not speaking up

about these diversity
programs sooner, so...

How do you know that?

I DM'd her to apologize,
and she blocked me.

- Oh!
- Yeah.

Well, that's not good.

But I'm sure if you just had
the opportunity to explain...

I won't and I don't and I'm not.

Well, okay, if you want
to just give up on yourself

- and everyone else.
- I'm not giving up!

I just don't see any way.

Where there's a will,
there's always a way.

I don't like you when
you look like that.

I can see the wheels spinning
in your diabolical brain.

You're like a minion.

- Hey. Mind if I grab a few things?
- Hi.

Not at all.

Whatcha doing?

Uh, I'm just pasting the
first ultrasound photo

in this pregnancy
journal your mom gave me.

I know it's cheesy, okay?

- But maybe the baby will want it one day.
- It's not cheesy.

Hey, I'm... I'm really
sorry she just showed up,

but I asked her to call next time.

Thanks. And it's not your fault.

Hey, so, listen, um,

I have this friend in Santa Barbara.

I used to work for
him at his restaurant.

And he said that I can
come back and wait tables,

and live in his guesthouse until
I save a little bit of money.

And that way, I can be out of your loft

and I wouldn't be so in the way.

Isabella, you're not in the way.

I mean, I know I am,
at least a little bit.

But I would move back to LA
when my due date gets closer

and there's no reason we
have to live in the same city

while I'm pregnant.


♪ You know it's been
such a long, long time ♪

♪ Without you ♪

I can't believe we landed another
brand partnership with Like Nature.

Thanks to Mariana.

Look, your presentation is solid,

but I'm not sure why we should
sell our products through your app.

We have our own online store
and our own distribution.

Well, yes, but we are
here to augment your sales,

and to help you diversify
your revenue streams.

And our algorithm reminds your
customer when they need refills.


And we're not just here to
sell your amazing products.

We're personally promoting them
because we actually use them.

Your face wash,

it's like a cool mountain
breeze flowing through my pores.

Your peppermint protein
serum is exhilarating.

The reason you want to sell
your products on our app

isn't just about
algorithms or promotion.

It's because of our passion.

And you can't put a price on that.

I was just icing on the cake.

Exactly. And our pitch
deck is the actual cake.

Without it, it's just
frosting. No substance.

And the algorithm is important.

And we need the variables
by the end of the day.

Of course. And you'll get them.


Well, I just got word

that Rothman's going to call
Katie to the stand tomorrow.

Why would the prosecution
call Tommy's girlfriend?

She's been the definition
of "stand by your man."

Except when she flirted
with Zack at the party.

Look, even though we kept the
jurors from seeing the video,

they still heard about it,

so they know that it's bad.

And maybe Rothman found out

that's why Tommy and Zack really fought.

So they can add jealous
boyfriend to the motive.

- And we're screwed.
- If that's why they're calling Katie.

But the question is, who talked?

Not Tommy.

- Or Katie.
- Izzie?

Let's see if we can bring her in, okay?

We are about to lose this case.

We cannot be blindsided again.

We need to know everything
the prosecution knows.

- Hey.
- Hey!

I didn't know you were on today.

Yeah, I still have the
kids, so I can't do tonight.

How's it going?


(WHISPERS) Good night.

Why do I like them so much
better when they're asleep?

Well, because...

they're just so much
work when they're awake.

I'm so tired I could
just pass out right here.


Good thing they usually
come one at a time.

- That's... That's good.

Hey, so do you want kids someday?

- I do.
- Hmm.

What about you?

- I think so.
- Yeah?

Well, how do people do poly and kids?

Just like anybody else does.

I think in a stable polyamorous home,

more loving adults to care for
the kids is a positive thing.


do you and Tanya talk about having kids?

And, like, does everyone
involved have a say?

We have,

and when we're ready
to cross that bridge,

I think it's something we have to
talk about with all our partners.

- Speaking of other partners...
- Oh.

... what are the rules when it
comes to seeing other people?

Like, if I met someone
I'm interested in,

is that something I should tell
you, even if nothing's happened yet?

I think it's up to you when
you think I should know.

Why? You met someone?

- I don't know.
- You don't know?




We're managing.

Dyonte and everyone at
the Coterie is helping.

It's just a lot of red tape.

Like, no one cares that
each day she's being held,

she's missing a day of work,

she risks losing her job,
she can't pay her bills,

and her kids are without their mother.

Listen, that, um,
friend I told you about,

- in the city council...
- MALIKA: Mm-hmm.

I can ask her if she can help.

Yeah, I mean, I'll take
all the help I can get.

Well, in that case,

why don't I help you set up the bar too?

Thank you.


Dance team tryouts are tomorrow.

You have to help me pick an outfit.

I see you k*lling it in
your tie-dyed sweat suit.

You're so brave to try out.

What does that mean?

Like, you're totally
gonna disrupt the norm.

No one on that team looks like you.

I wasn't sure which was your favorite,

so I brought a variety.

You stole coffee creamers
for me? Thank you.

ANDRE: Hey, everyone.

Welcome to our first
Students Deserve meeting.

Uh, our main priority

is getting cops off of
campuses all over LA.

In the meantime,

we need to protect the
students in our school.

First off, do not sign anything

that would put you into
the diversion program.

And for the kids like
me, who are already in,

I want to start an early warning system

for when probation
officers are on campus.

And I want to start a
petition for an opt-out.

The administration must
remember that we are students.

Thank you so much for doing this
interview on such short notice.

Tight deadlines, you know?

Of course! Ruby reached
out and I was happy to.

Love that Ruby.

So what outlet is this for?

Heysian Gaysian.
We're an online quarterly

that talks about q*eer Asian
representation in Hollywood.

- Subscribe!

So I thought we could start with
something a tad controversial,

just jump right in, if that's okay?

In your interview with the Hollywood
about the CBTV...

... program, you were pretty blunt.

Uh... Not blunt. Uh, honest.

Um, honest. I mean...

- ALICE: Truthful.
- I mean truthful.

SUMI: As in, you spoke
with honesty and truth.

- I need to slow down.
- It's okay, take your time.

Take my time with what? I
haven't said anything yet.

Oh, with answering the question.

Uh... What's the question?

Oh! Right. Um, what is the question?

Okay, do you have any regrets...

... regrets about your
Hollywood Reporter

Seeing as how this year's showcase

is in danger of being canceled?

Oh! I actually didn't know that.

The last thing I heard was that
Scott was returning as director.

He did, but then he quit.

And with no director, no showcase.

Oh, that's a bummer.

There were some really
talented comedians this year.

But sometimes you have to
burn the whole thing down

to rebuild the right way.

- ALICE: But don't you think that...
- But don't you think that

lighting the match and...

... burning down something that
helps so many young comedians...

- Uh, burning down comics
- yourself included...

And burning yourself too.

... get their first break...

... that keeping them from,
uh, first break is a shame.

Slow down!

I didn't realize I was talking fast.

Actually, I didn't realize
I was talking at all.


Sorry. I just write slowly.

Sorry, go on.

I mean, the question is,

why burn something down
if you can repair it?

Well, there is merit

to repairing something from the inside.

You're not wrong.

Okay, we need to steer her back

into wanting to keep the program alive.

- ALICE: Next ask her...
- Sumi (SOFTLY): I can't hear.

(LOUDLY) If the
foundation isn't solid...

Sorry. It's so noisy in here.


All right, who're you talking to?

ALICE: Hummingbird?
Starfish to Hummingbird.

Where'd you go?

ALICE: Hummingbird?

Starfish to Hummingbird, do you read me?

What's going on?

Starfish, this is Margaret Cho.

Why don't you tell me what's going on?

Oh. There you are.

Here I am. Coffee, coding, repeat.

I wanted to apologize

for the way Claire's been acting.

Look, I don't expect to
be forgiven overnight,

or be made partner again,

although that would be great.

What I really want is to make amends.

I miss you guys. You're my friends.

I think it's harder for Claire

because of the whole Raj thing.

But Raj set this whole thing up.

- I mean, he... he wanted me to work here.
- I know.

But I'm pretty sure Claire thinks

you cheated on Raj with Evan,

and that forgiving you might maybe
somehow be like betraying Raj.

I'll see you in there.

I just thought if you agreed
to direct the showcase,

then, you know, there's
no way they'll cancel it.

You know, you could've just called me.

You didn't have to go
to all this trouble.

I mean, I tried to DM you.

Ah, my assistant probably
thought you were a stalker.

Anyway, I am just so busy right now,

and I have a one-woman show.

And the showcase is, like, in a week.

I don't think I can swing it.

It's okay. I understand. It's a big ask.

Maybe it's better if we
just blow the whole thing up

and our dreams along with it.

Nice try.

Asian guilt doesn't
work in this country.

But I just have too much
on my plate right now.

I'm sorry.


Hey. What're you doing here?

- Come begging for a plea deal?
- Funny.

I have other clients.

I did hear that you're calling

- Tommy's girlfriend to the stand tomorrow.
- Yep.

Wanna give me a preview
of what to expect?

Well, I wouldn't want to
give away any spoilers.

Hmm. I hope you're not
pulling any more dirty tricks.

Tommy deserves a fair trial.

I agree.

Not sure your boss does.

I agree with that as well.


I haven't loved everything
that's gone down in this trial.

Not sure if criminal law
is the best fit for me.

Mmm. Missing the corporate crusades?

- No.

Truthfully, I...

I'm not sure where I fit in.

I know the feeling.

I don't even remember
why I wanted to do this.

I do.

You wanted to challenge the
systems that oppress people.

Change the laws and
fight for justice reform.

You wanted to work for the ACLU.

Yeah. Yup, there was that.

I guess I've lost sight
of some of those dreams.

Yeah, I guess maybe we both have.

I should get back to the office.

I need to prepare for whatever
else your team has up its sleeve.

So, um, how's your new job going?


I mean, boring. Boring as hell.

It's just me working by
myself all day doing gaming IT,

but at least I don't have to
work with the broholes anymore.

Cheers to that.

Hey, so I... wanted to apologize for...

how everything went down between us.


Well, we were both confused.

Yeah, but you didn't cheat on me.

But you...

did cheat.

With Evan?

When I... thought that
you slept with Isabella,

I went back to the office and...


Why didn't you just ask me
if I slept with Isabella?

Why did you go straight to him?

Because I... I wanted the excuse

to justify what I already wanted to do.

And I'm really ashamed of how
selfish I was in that moment.

Why're you telling me all this now?

Because Claire is pretty
sure that she knows.

I think it would be better
for the both of you if...

she didn't have to keep that secret.

And honestly, I'm hoping that...

by coming clean, she...

might be able to start forgiving me.

Hopefully, you can too.

So I know the news about
me and Ruby was messed up,

but she's not the reason
I got into the program.

She was the reason you
got your unicorn skit in.

Yes but, you know, it's
not all because of her...

No, you don't have to explain yourself.

Look, we all know you're
talented and deserve to be here.

STACEY: Plus, you're the only
one that stood up for us all

when Scott was being
Mr. White Fragility.

Yeah, and look where that got us.

We have no director and no
idea what's happening next.

Oh, come on.

You really wanted your
career to start with

"The Great Al-Qaeda Bake-Off"?

DEREK: I wanted my
career to start, period.

I'm not sure Alice is the
hero you all think she is.

Did you tell Scott about me and Ruby?


Oh, my God, you totally did.

- All right, fine.
- SHAUN: Wow.

- I overheard it at the party. So what?
- MAGDA: Wow!

It's the last time I'll
invite you anywhere.

So you're the one we should
be blaming for all this.

You blew this whole thing up.

This whole program blew
up way before all this.

- With good reason.
- Way to have our backs, Derek.

So that's why your sketch got back in?

- Unbelievable.
- My sketch got in because it's a good sketch.

- MAGDA: Was it really?
- DEREK: Yes, it was.

Excuse me.


So... as you all know,

without a director
this late in the game,

there's no way to have a showcase.


Sorry I'm late.

ELISE: However, Margaret Cho

has agreed to step in and save the day.

Don't get too excited.

We have a ton of work to do if
we're gonna pull this off in a week.

So, everybody, let's get
ready to rehearse in five.

♪ ♪

I... I can't believe this.

What changed your mind?

Oh! I left my phone on the table.

I'll be right back.

♪ ♪

Look, I know you're busy,

but let's face it,

one article in the Hollywood Reporter

blowing the whistle on a program

you participated in and profited from

doesn't make you a hero.

And I know you're a hero

because you showed me and Alice

and every other Asian girl

that we can be strong
and funny and in charge.

You inspired us,

and now is not the time
to let us down. Please.

Well, a stunt like you
and your friend pulled,

no matter how poorly ex*cuted,

deserves to be rewarded.

Oh, and that Sumi, she's a keeper.


Yeah, I know.


Miss Parker, were you at
the party in Griffith Park

on the night Zack Smith was m*rder*d?

- Objection. Assuming facts not in evidence.
- Sustained.

On the night Zack was found dead

at the bottom of the drop-off.


And you're aware that earlier that night

there was a fight
between Tommy and Zack?

They weren't fighting. They
were just horsing around.

Let me cut to the chase.

Did you flirt with Zack
at the party that night?

Let me remind you you're under oath,

and if you lie, you will be charged
with perjury, which is a crime.


- Yes.
- NICOLETTE: And you flirted with Zack

to make Tommy jealous.
Isn't that correct?

- We were in a fight.
- Yes or no?


And you succeeded, didn't you?

In fact, Tommy was so angry,

he flew into a rage and att*cked Zack.

And that was what the fight was about.

Objection. Testifying.

Was the fight over the fact
that you were flirting with Zack?


No further questions, Your Honor.

(MOUTHS) I'm sorry.

So Raj told me about
your talk yesterday.

But this isn't about Raj

or about me not giving
you a second chance,

like I did many, many chances ago

when you chose Raj
over me as team leader.

Then you used Raj as
a mole to undercut me

when I was team leader.

Or when you lied about
your relationship with Evan

and how we got our VC
meeting at the Hallis Group.

Or when you lied about your birthday

'cause you're so not a Pisces, Mariana.

The list goes on.

This is about trust.

And I don't trust you,

and I'm not sure I ever will again.

Hey! Good luck with the
dance team tryouts today.

I'm not going.

- Wait. Why not?
- I just want to dance.

I don't want it to
be some huge statement

or some brave thing.

I hate that people judge
my body and what I can do.

I just want to be normal.

Wa... Wa... Wait. Hold... Hold on.

Who wants to be normal?

You are exceptional,

and no one gets to judge
what your body can do.

Look, I want to show you someone.

Oh, I've seen your Instagram before.

It's kind of boring.

This is my body positivity Instagram.

♪ ... hot ♪
♪ Hot like ten fireside ♪

♪ Hot, gal a you mi want by my side ♪

♪ Hot ♪
♪ Hot like Las Vegas ♪

What do you see when
you watch her dance?

Her size?

Or her skill and strength and beauty?

She's lit.

I know.

So don't let your friends

or anyone else define who you are.

If you want to dance, it doesn't
have to be a statement of anything

but wanting to have fun.

- Okay. Thanks.
- SOLOMON: Ms. Moss.

Can I have a word with you, please?

Have fun.

Look, I need you to
stop Students Deserve

from targeting the diversion program.

Well, I think the diversion program
needs to stop targeting students.

Something tells me that you're the one

that encouraged Andre to
bring this organization here.

And there's a lot of teachers and
parents that are not happy about it.

The only thing I encouraged Andre to do

is advocate for himself

and be the natural leader that he is.

Isn't that what teachers
are supposed to do?

Had I known the trouble
you were gonna cause,

I wouldn't have recommended you

for a third year at Teach for America.

So... let's focus on the
night of the party, shall we?

Thanks for coming in.

We just have a few more questions.

KATHLEEN: We need to
know everything you know

about how Katie felt about Zack.

And now is not the time
to protect your bestie

because an innocent young man

is going to go to prison for life

if you don't come clean.

And I don't think you want
that on your conscience, do you?

Even though you said
you flirted with Zack,

you actually hated him, didn't you?

I didn't hate Zack.

Oh, really?

Is this a post from
your Instagram account?


Can you tell me what the hashtag...

BOTH: LDRZAS stands for?

Too long, didn't read.

- Zack...
- Zack actually sucks.

Is that true?

- Yes, but it was a joke.
- Oh!

Was this a joke too?




Didn't you send that to your
friend Izzie from the party

shortly after you sent
Tommy on a beer run

- and Zack wandered over to the drop-off?
- Objection.

We need to authenticate this.

The witness just identified
that this is her Insta account.

I'll allow it.

Did you send this to your
friend Izzie the night Zack died?

- Yes, but I was kidding.
- Oh, really?

- "I wish Zack was dead" is a joke?
- I was upset.

Because you resented

the time that Tommy spent
with his best friend, Zack.

- Isn't that true?
- MARC: Objection. Testifying.

And if there was anyone who
had opportunity and motive

to m*rder Zack, that would
be you. Isn't that right?

- MARC: Your Honor?
- Sustained.

Zack and Tommy weren't just
friends. They were hooking up.

And Zack broke up with him at the party.

And that's what the
fight was really about.

That's a lie!

- Tommy Sung k*lled my son...
- Order, please! Order in the court.

... because he replaced
him on the football team.

My son was not gay!

JUDGE: Order, please. Please.

Order! Order in the court room.

Order, please. Order!

DAVIA: Solomon is gunning for me,

which is fine.

You know, it's worth it,

and, you know, better I
take the heat than the kids.

Have you talked to Matt about this?

I can't go running to Matt with
every little problem that I have.

Why not?

Because I feel like the
closer that I get to Matt,

the further away I get from Dennis.

Would it make things clear for you

if you knew for sure Dennis
was ready to be with you?


Maybe not. I don't... I don't
know. I just want to suddenly know.

Sometimes clarity comes
when you make a choice.

And if you wait too long, you
might not have any choices left.

I know.

Where you going, by
the way? You look nice.

Callie and I are finally having a date.

- Ooh.
- Mm-hmm.


Oh, shit.


I just got a bunch of likes
on my Fat Bitch video.

Why is that "Oh, shit" worthy?

Because they're from my students.

How did your students get
your private Insta handle?

I think I may have
shown it to one of them.

So is this bad?

It could be.

Okay, so, "I got a cookie... "

Now which word completes the sentence?

- "From."
- TANYA: Mm-hmm.

"The store."

This is too easy.

Okay, we got pasta with cheese,

pasta without cheese,

and pasta with saltine crackers on top.

- Don't knock it 'til you've tried it.
- Fair enough.

Mm-hmm. This is delicious. Mmm.


Are these the manners you're
gonna teach to your kids?

MALIKA: Yeah, right?

- Eat your apples.
- And your broccoli.

- Mommy!
- Hey.


What happened?

They just let me out.

I would have called, but my phone

wasn't charged when
they gave it back to me.

I guess my friend's contact at
the city council came through.

You should, uh, thank that friend.

I will.

Do you want to eat?

- Yes?
- Yes.

MALIKA: We have plenty of
pasta and saltine crackers.





- ♪ I hear what isn't said ♪
- _


♪ Between the vines... ♪

To you.

SUMI: And our accomplice, Ruby.

She got Margaret to
sit for the interview.

Right. Yes. Oh, also,
Margaret convinced Elise

to let Ruby come back.

Yeah, to assist with directing.

Oh, that's really nice of her.

So it's not an issue anymore?

That you and Ruby are seeing each other?

♪ There are wounds
too deep for mending ♪


I can't believe you
haven't tried to convince me

to stay for breakfast yet.

Not that you need to this time.

I'm in.

Everything okay?

I messed up.

I felt awful that you lost your job

and I didn't want to reject you,

but in the light of day,

I don't think my heart
is in this anymore.

I'm sorry.

It's okay.

I'm just...

kicking myself for...

being too afraid...

when your heart was in it.

I hope we can still be friends.

Of course.

I mean, what kind of
lesbians would we be

if we didn't stay
friends after breaking up?

Good point.

Well, Ruby doesn't work
directly at the network anymore,

so she can date whoever she wants.


I'm just glad it's all worked out.

Thanks to you and your diabolical plan.


Oh, I wish you could
have seen Yvonne's kids

when their mom came home.

They lit up like Christmas
morning, all because of you.

- Bye.
- Bye, guys.

I just made a phone call.

Who is this person you
know in city council anyway?

Lucia Morales.

Wait, Councilwoman Morales?


Wow! You know people in high places.

She's my ex, actually.




MALIKA: That hike we took,

was that a date?

ANGELICA: Did you want it to be a date?

MALIKA: Uh-uh. I asked you first.

I might have wanted
it to turn into a date,


I didn't want to make any assumptions.

Your turn.


Well, I wasn't sure if I wanted
it to be a date. At first.

I've never dated a woman before.


But that's not to say I
wouldn't be open to it.

ANGELICA: So, uh...

back to, "At first."

I would like to go on a date with you.

But I want to ask you
properly, you know?

Just so there's no question
in either of our minds

what we're doing.

♪ Hungry for your loving ♪

♪ Lips from heaven I could sing ♪

♪ I've never been touched... ♪

ANGELICA: That sounds good.

Just so there is no confusion.


♪ We could hide up in
here from the world ♪

♪ They won't suspect ♪

♪ You don't know your power, girl ♪

♪ I'm in your web ♪

♪ Hide up in here from the world ♪

♪ Oh, you don't know your power, girl ♪

♪ I'm in your web ♪

♪ We could hide up in
here from the world ♪

♪ They won't suspect ♪

♪ You don't know your power, girl ♪

♪ I'm in your web ♪

♪ Hide up in here from the world ♪

♪ Oh, the blue eyes ♪

♪ Blue eyes, blue eyes ♪

- Hey.
- Hey.

I'm so sorry.

Oh, all hell broke
loose today at the trial.

- What happened?
- Oh, no, I can't go into it

or my head is going to explode.

- Hey, we could do this another night.
- No.

No. We tried so hard
to make this happen.

Let's just focus on us.

- Okay.
- Okay.

How was your day?

Uh, well, Isabella

told me that a friend
of hers in Santa Barbara

offered her a job and a place to live.

And then she pointed
out that she doesn't need

to stay here while she's pregnant.

How do you feel about that?

I don't know. I mean, I guess it's true,

but then I'm not sure how I feel

about not being a part of the pregnancy.


I mean, it's not like you're together.

You know, I get wanting
to co-parent the baby,

but is this really a co-pregnancy?

Well, I mean, she still needs support

and there's doctors' appointments
and parenting classes.

What, you're gonna do six
months of parenting classes?

It sounds like she has a friend
who wants to offer her support.

It doesn't have to all be on you.

Unless that's the way you want it.

It doesn't sound like
that's the way you want it.

I don't have a say over how I want it.

It's nothing to do with me.

But clearly it affects you.

I mean, I sort of wondered

when your real feelings
were going to come out.

Oh, my real feelings are that
this is none of my business.

And I've had a really stressful day.

And I would just really love for
us to have five minutes together

where we're not talking
about Isabella or the baby

or your mother.

Yeah, okay.

What looks good?



- What's going on?
- Um... I'm... cramping

and I... I'm bleeding.

- And I'm sorry.
- Slow down. It's okay.

I'm not sure what's wrong.
So I'm gonna go to the ER.

- Where... Where's Gael? Where's Gael?
- Um... (GROANS)

He's, um... He's with Callie.

- But I... I didn't want to interrupt.
- He wouldn't mind, but you know what?

- I can go by myself.
- I'm taking you.

I'm taking you. I'm coming
with you. It's okay. It's okay.

Come on. It's okay.

- Are you sure?
- Yes. Absolutely. Come on.