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04x17 - Stars Make You Smile

Posted: 09/05/21 06:55
by bunniefuu
- Previously on Dynasty...
- So, I want to build a rocket

and send it into space.

Eva. Since Fallon can't make it,

there's an empty seat
next to me at our table.

FALLON: Colin McNaughton?
We went to Wharton together.

You may think you won this battle,
but this is w*r.

She's barely got a pulse. Call .

And I am running to be
the next U.S. senator

from the great state of Georgia.

Amanda is not your cousin,
she is your sister.

We have a secret sister?

- Fallon.
- Mm-hmm.

Is everything okay?

Yeah. Oh, yeah. Everything's great.

Just keep up the good work.

- Right there?
- Mm-hmm.

All right, you seem distracted.

And typically,
you're a bit more vocal in this arena.

Well, I just told you
that you were doing

a great job, didn't I?

This about your sister showing up?

Half sister. And from the Morell side.

So you know that gene pool
is tainted, but no.

No, I decided that she's
not gonna be a problem.

Why are you...


Look, I'm a very skilled
multitasker, okay?

I'm a task now?

No, no, of course not.

It's just I've been tracking
irregular stock activity

from Fallon Unlimited since
the opening bell, okay?

Something is off.

Well, that's one thing we agree on.

- (GASPS) It's Eva.

Oh, the board is calling an
emergency meeting. I have to go.

Or you stay for breakfast in bed,

and we rekindle our spark.

The candles aren't
even dripping wax yet.

I know I haven't been the
most amazing wife recently,

and I'm sorry, but they don't
call emergency board meetings

just for the bagels.

Right. Work. Again.

How about we do something

amazing and romantic tomorrow night?

Just the two of us.

Would be cool to do something outdoorsy.

Terrible cell service.

- I could plan it.
- There you go.

I mean, I'm a little bummed
that that was your first choice,

but sure, we'll make it work.



I swear your bag wasn't this heavy

before you left for rehab.

Was retail therapy
part of your recovery?

My life was spiraling,
not my fashion sense.

Um, where is everyone?

I mean, I wasn't expecting
the staff to be lined up

Downton Abbey style, but still...

Well, that's because I didn't want you

to feel uncomfortable,
so I told everyone

to just act like it was a normal day.

Well, they're doing a great job.


You should probably get going, too.

You must be slammed at work.

As the former La Mirage event manager...

Coordinator. But why split hairs?

I know weekends are insanely busy.

Don't worry about me.

I've already planned for this.
Javier's handling everything.

It's just a small wedding for ,

and a convention full of
comic book nerds; no biggie.

Kirby. You're back.



I'm-I'm doing really good.

I'm glad. Um...

best of luck.

I-I gotta run.

Okay, well, I'll see you.

Well, you guys seem good.

I guess I should have expected that.

He didn't reply to a
single one of my emails

I sent him from rehab.

These things take time.

I know.

I have a long list of people
I need to make amends to.

I don't know how I'm gonna do it.

With me by your side, that's how. Okay?

I told you I'm here for you.
It'll be easy.

You'll see.

- Fallon!
- Kirby. Welcome home.

Thanks. Look, I just want to say

I'm sorry for everything that happened.

Yeah. Got it. You're forgiven.

Check me off the list.
See you at dinner. Bye.

Easy. See?

Well, it seems that, uh,
momentum is back on my side.

Campaign contributions are on the rise.

And it'll stay that way,

as long as there's not another
insane press conference

like the last one.

Sorry to interrupt.

Amanda. Right on cue.

Your staff told me that
I might find Adam here.

I'm afraid you just missed him.

Oh. Bad timing.

I seem to have a habit of that lately.

Well, I wanted to apologize.

The press conference ended up being

a little bit of a circus.

It wasn't your fault,
but that's very kind of you.

Actually, I'm-I'm glad that you're here.


Well, when you're running for office,

and your ex-wife declares

that she's had a secret love child

while you were married,

it tends to be fodder for the press.

Well, I'm from England. We love scandal.

I mean, haven't you seen The Crown?

But this secret's already out, so...

No, you misunderstand me.

I'm talking about moving forward.

So if you have any
skeletons in your closet,

we need to start unpacking them now.

I don't need to do anything.

See, our lives, they barely intersect.

I was raised in an upstanding
family in Kensington,

I graduated from Oxford,

and now I work for one
of the most prestigious

law firms in London.

So if me getting to know my birth mother

derails your campaign,

well, it sounds like your
campaign might need some help.

But as you said,

maybe I misunderstood.

Tell Adam I stopped by.

Or don't.

Hold on, hold on.

I'm sorry.

You seem like a very bright
and confident young woman.

A benefit of not being raised by Alexis.

Amanda, would you join me for breakfast?

I could use some tips on
putting Blake in his place.


If you don't mind

- how bright it is in here.
- Ladies.


- Bless you.
- Excuse me.

Whoever's buying up large
quantities of our stock

has been doing it
through shell companies,

hoping to go undetected.

We need to consider this a
hostile takeover possibility.

Okay, thank you, Quinton.

But what can we do about it?

Americano, a sh*t of espresso.

- I thought it was that kind of morning.
- You're an angel.

Oh, clear my schedule

for a date night with Liam tomorrow.

Copy that.

And hold all my calls
until we find the bastard

who's buying all my stock.

No need to hold any calls.

- He's here.
- Colin?

Mystery solved.

Though "bastard" seems

a little old-fashioned for you.

Talk to me, Anders.

COLIN: Well, my dear,

I did warn you I'd be back

after you stole my land.

Oh, and back you are, like a bad rash.

I assume you're here to unveil

whatever ill-conceived plan
you have for my company.

More to get a few
measurements for my decorator.

My sense of style doesn't
lean quite so drab.

No, you're never taking
this office from me.

It's not really up to you.

See, while you were busy launching

your frivolous shopping network,

I was gobbling up your stock.

And once I accrue another five percent,

I'll have the controlling interest.

Once you accrue another five percent?

You should know better than to gloat

before a deal is done.

Don't you worry, I've already secured

a deal with a hedge fund for it.

This is merely a courtesy visit

before announcing it at

the board of directors meeting tomorrow.

- Oh.

The look on your face is
even better than I'd hoped.

Okay, we're done here.

Does that mean you're going
to throw in the towel?

The only towel I will be throwing

is the one onto the sand on vacation

as I celebrate victory.

Game on, Oliver Twisted.

♪ ♪

- Hey, thanks for coming.
- Yeah. So

what's this big PR plan you have

- for launching the new club?
- Well...

I was thinking we'd have
this place host a podcast...

A podcast? How will that help?
Four listeners drop in

for a glass of sparkling water?

You didn't let me finish.

Guess who's willing to do
his podcast from the club?

You know, I always wonder
why people do this.

You obviously want to tell me,

and the odds of me guessing are...

Okay, you are taking
all the fun out of this.

I got Andre to do his podcast here.

On With Andre Andre?

- Boom.
- That's exactly who I was picturing.

I knew I should have guessed.

I convinced him to do
one interview here,

and if it goes well, he might be willing

to do a whole series
when the new club opens.

This is great.
He has a huge built-in audience.

Cool people with a lot of money.

That's exactly the buzz we
need for a successful launch.

Yeah. That's why I thought of it.

We just need to find him
a great first interview.

Right. Someone bold and interesting.

Is Lizzo available? Or should I call...

No. Andre's been wanting to do a series

on successful Black
businessmen in Atlanta.

Okay, well, there's no denying
you're successful, but you...

I wasn't talking about me.

But I know just the person to ask.

Do you want me to guess again?

'Cause this time I'll totally get it.

Thank you so much. Bye-bye.

Liam. Hi. What a nice surprise.

Aren't you sweet bringing
your wife coffee at work.

One double sh*t macchiato,
extra foam, right?

Wait, is this for me?

Well, I remember you
mentioning craving one

at the awards ceremony,

So consider it a small
thank-you for your support.

Well, it's perfect.
Exactly what I needed.

Oh, and don't worry,
Fallon's schedule is cleared

for your date tomorrow night.

Thank you. I actually came by

to bounce an idea off of her.

I was thinking a catered dinner

under the stars in my family's
vineyard might be nice, right?

As long as your mother's not there,

count me in, I love it.

Great. I will set the details.
That is for you.

- I'll see you at home.
- FALLON: Bye.

Your husband is so great.

Dinner under the stars? Romantic.

Sure is. Write yourself a Post-it

to buy me some bug spray.

So, I figured out how
to counter Colin's move.

If I sell off my radio division,

I will have enough capital
for a Pac-Man defense.

Or Ms. Pac-Man in this case.

I totally remember that from Wharton.

You use that cash to turn
around and buy a large stake

in Colin's company.

Exactly. Colin won't have enough capital

to save his company and
buy the five percent

he needs to control this one.

I'll set a quick board meeting
to get approval for the sale.

No time. It's called a
hostile takeover for a reason.

Something they don't
teach you at Wharton:

never ask for permission

when you can ask for forgiveness later.

Blake, I would offer you a glass,

but that would imply I want you to stay.

We need to discuss Amanda.

Yes, I cheated on you.

Again, I'm sorry. Again.

Does that sound sincere? I hope not.

I don't care that you cheated
on me, Alexis.

You think I wasn't dipping my pen

in different ink wells
while we were married?


Did it ever occur to you that Amanda

might actually be my daughter?

No. We weren't even sleeping
in the same room at the time.

I had yoga to provide me comfort.

And by yoga, I mean Gabe,

the instructor, and by comfort,

I mean sex, and a lot of it.

Anders' Carrington calendar from .

"September: Alexis returns from London."

Yes. I returned right
after Amanda was born.

Thank you for the update
from the last millennium.

Hey, well, just for fun,
let's flip back,

I don't know, say weeks.

"Blake and Alexis in Miami

for Warren Buffett's
New Year's Eve party."

Sounds familiar. Yes.

The dinner was awful,

so I went for a liquid diet.

I barely remember anything after that.

Do you remember waking
up in a hotel room

with me the next morning?


It certainly doesn't mean we had sex.

It doesn't mean that we didn't.

And Amanda sneezed in the
sunlight this morning.

Is that code for something?

I also sneeze at sunlight.

Clearly she's allergic to it,

- just like me; it's a real thing.
- Okay...

We all miss Anders,

but you need to hire someone
to start dusting again.

You cannot deny that she
could be my daughter.

I can. She's not yours. Denied.

MICHAEL: Man, I thought I was crazy

asking for a telescope as a kid.

You have your own space company,
with government backing.

I guess it is a pretty big deal, huh?

Uh, it's huge. (LAUGHS)

Which is why I have a favor to ask.

No, you can't have a
seat on the first flight.

Oh, don't worry, I'm more of

- a feet-on-the-ground kind of dude.

You know the It's On With Andre podcast?

I convinced Andre to do an episode

at the club to help promote our opening,

but I need a local A-lister
to sell him on doing more.

And since I'm looking
at a local A-lister...

Look, you know I got you, right?

But ColbyCo Space is taking
up all my time right now.

What about Fallon?

Andre wants to focus on
Black success stories,

and there's no bigger one than you.

It's our chance to get
our stories out there.

Positive role models.
Change the narrative.

With your fame, success, influence...

Okay, okay, I get it.

This is quite the speech.

I just want to start the club off right.


But I'm only doing this for you.

I can live with that.

You messed with the wrong CEO, frat boy.

Well, for the record,
I've never stepped foot

into a fraternity.

Unlike you, I imagine.


You do look piqued. Rough day?

Far from it. In fact,

I went on a shopping spree.

You want to know what I bought?

Would it matter if I said no?

A huge chunk of stock

in McNaughton Global Media.

And now that I own a sizeable
stake in your company,

you'll have to hit pause on your plans

to take over mine.

That's not the right face.

The Pac-Man defense?

Well, I'm calling it
the Ms. Pac-Man defense...

I'm curious.
What will your board of directors say

when you tell them you
sold a major division

of your company to thwart an old rival?

Or-or crush.

Don't flatter yourself.

I can tell you exactly what they'll say,

because I had drinks with
them a couple of hours ago,

and they did not seem very happy.

You baited me?

You didn't even want a hostile takeover.

You wanted my seat

as chairman of the board.

If only you were this
smart hours ago,

you wouldn't be in this position.

Going rogue with a public corporation?

Not great optics.

Which, as a majority shareholder,
I'll point out

at the board meeting tomorrow.

- Oh, I'll fight this.
- Of course you will.

But I'm certain I can
get the necessary support

to install myself as the new chairman.

I think the board will agree

that perhaps it's time Fallon is

a little less unlimited.

Great. I'll tell her the good news.

- Ah.
- Father, what are you doing here?

Is everything okay?

Well, can't a father
visit his son at work?

You can, but you don't.

Okay, I need your help.

I think Amanda may be my daughter.

I'm sorry, what?

Well, Alexis denies it, of course,

but I've got a feeling about this,

and my feelings are usually right.

Even if this is true,

which I'm sure it's probably not,

are you sure you want to
claim Amanda as yours?

She's bad news, like her mother.

Well, that may be so,
but if she's a Carrington,

it's my duty to get her away from Alexis

before she's corrupted beyond repair.

So why do you need me?

Just ask her to take a DNA test.

Well, you remember
how traumatizing it was

when you found out that we
were your biological parents.

- I'm still trying to forget.
- So you understand.

I can't upend her life
until I'm certain.

What can I do?

Javier, you need to contact
every vendor in Atlanta

until we find enough
of that vintage

for a -person toast.

Everything okay?

Hey. Yeah, great.

Javier's got it all under
control at the hotel.

So, where are we with the apology tour?

I'm checking people off the list.

You know, Mrs. Gunnerson,
Tony, the gardener.

Even Jerry, the pool guy,
who I don't remember offending.

Probably because he started
working here two weeks ago.

But if you're apologizing to
people you don't even know,

- it sounds like you're almost done.
- Are you kidding?

My biggest apology is still looming.


Although I think Adam's
been doing double shifts

at the hospital,
so maybe I should wait on that one.


I'm just really not
looking forward to it.

I know. But you can't avoid Adam's

or anyone else's apology forever.

I'll drive you, and you can

rip off that apology
Band-Aid right there.

- Okay?

FALLON: You know what the worst part is?

That you may lose the company?

Okay, the second worst part.

I am actually impressed
by Colin's business savvy,

which also makes me feel gross inside.

So I'm impressed and repulsed.

I get it. Plus he's handsome.

Okay, that's not helpful.
Anyway, if this thing is

gonna come down to a board vote today,

then I need to make sure I have
enough board members on my side.

Which is what you were
supposed to be working on.

So what did you find out?

You have Daniel, Aubrey, Leslie,

all loyal and locked in.

But Gary,
Brian and Ellen are Team Colin.

Which leaves Quinn as a swing vote.

Okay, get me Quinn's calendar

and tabs on his location.

Colin is going to be
gunning for him as well,

so I need to move fast.


- Like faster than this.
- Hmm?

Oh, right. Sorry.

And that's when you
started to branch out

with ColbyCo?

Moving to a different kind of tech?

Oh, no, no, no, no.
That was still years away.

This is going to be great
publicity for the club.

- It's going well.
- Yeah, we've been trying to get Colby

on the podcast for a while now.

This dude's on the verge
of becoming an icon.

If Andre agrees to make
this a regular thing,

maybe we can bring in a live audience,

record it for streaming.

Yeah, we'd be into that.

I think we covered the early
years of ColbyCo extensively.

I want to talk about
what's happening now.

What made you transition
to the space race?

Well, for me,
it's all about a solid foundation.

ColbyCo has allowed me to
do a whole host of things.

Space is just one of them.

Right. The one I'd love to talk about.

So I know you were just in D.C.

Who told you that?

It's not important.
My listeners want to hear,

how'd that go, and what's next?

Uh, I don't think so.


I don't really like talking about things

that aren't set yet.

Call me superstitious.

- Seriously?

Do I look like a dentist to you?

'Cause it's starting to feel
like I'm pulling teeth here.

Are you coming with an attitude now?

Look, bro, people don't care
about what's going on

behind the cubicles of ColbyCo.

I mean, no one's asking Richard Branson

how Virgin's DVD sales are doing.

Don't "bro" me, bro.

Okay, do you have any idea what it took

- to get ColbyCo where it is today?
- Yeah, I do.

Because you've been
talking about it endlessly.

- I think we're done here.
- Are we?

- 'Cause I'm thinking we never started.
- You know what, Andre?

- I've had just about enough...
- Hold on, now.

- Where the hell is he going?
- I'm out.


What the hell was that?

The last podcast I'll
be doing for this dive.

Nobody walks out on me.

I actually didn't think
I'd hear from you.

Cristal said you came by yesterday.

I really appreciate you
trying to make things right.

Well, I'm really sorry
that I lied to you.

I was trying to win over Alexis,

and I thought I was doing the
right thing, and I was wrong.

Apology accepted. Alexis has a way

of manipulating people,
which she weirdly thinks is

- one of her better qualities.

Wait, wait, wait. That glass is filthy.

Excuse me,
could I get a clean glass for my sister?

Oh. You know, I've always wanted

an overprotective big brother.

Well, here you go.
You can't get rid of me now.

And you'll never drink from
a dirty glass ever again.

♪ ♪

I can't believe you
would stoop this low.

Alexis, I don't know
what you're referring to.

Of course you don't.

It's probably not even
the most underhanded thing

you've done today.

Could you just email me
the rest of the insults?

I'm in a bit of a rush.


- Oops.

How clumsy of me.

Stay away from my daughter.

AMANDA: I mean,
have you spent much time in London?

Well, isn't this a lovely sight.

I see you have a place in
your heart to forgive Amanda.

I don't suppose there's any
good will left over for me?


- Thanks.
- Yes, sir.

What the hell was that?

That dude needs to
learn when to move on.

I said I didn't want to talk about it.

I've been working on
this thing for weeks,

- and you blew it up in two minutes.
- Relax, all right?

It was one interview.
You'll find someone else for him.

That one interview was my only sh*t

to convince Andre to sign on for more.

I needed this for the club,

but I guess why would
you care about that?

I'm sorry, all right?

But I got my own stuff
to deal with right now.

Right. Rockets to launch.

I see now that you've
gone intergalactic,

so has your ego.

You just don't understand

what I'm up against right now.

I understand perfectly.

I guess I was just hoping
that our friendship

would allow you to care about
someone other than yourself

for a moment.

Clearly I was wrong.

I promise I was not trying
to ruin your time with Adam.

I saw an opportunity to mend fences.

Yes, my opportunity.

My relationship with
you is not the only one

that's important to me.

I needed to get Adam alone,
away from Blake.

He has poisoned my son against me.

Sounds a little bit dramatic,

- don't you think?
- It's the truth.

After our divorce, he left me penniless;

cut off all communication
with my children.

I was living in a trailer,
for God's sake.

Well, I don't know him very well,
but Blake doesn't

strike me as cruel or heartless.

I'm sure there's more to the story.

And as Adam pointed out,

you are very good at manipulation.

So anyway...

There is more to the story.

Blake has a very dark side.

I hate to tell you this,
but one of Blake's

former employees, Nathan Macintosh,

found that out the hard way.

He crossed Blake, and Blake k*lled Mac.

Tossed him in Carrington Lake.

He turned my children against me,

and he will try to do the same to you.

He's dangerous.

That is not an update, Javier.

That's exactly where we left things.

Keep trying.


So, you already spoke to him?

Adam was with a patient,

and I didn't want to
stand there and wait

while he's giving some
lady terrible news.

He seems too busy.

If he found time to have sex
with you in a supply closet,

he'll find the time to talk to you now.

I'm scared, okay?

Maybe we should leave.

I don't want to have this conversation

in a hospital hallway.

Girl, I've seen Gray's.

This is exactly where they
work out their problems.

Isn't that blanket meant for newborns?

Maybe, but it's freezing in here.

Look, apologizing isn't easy,

but it's the only way
to make things right.

Isn't that what you want?


Go sit in the waiting
room until I'm done.


Can I talk to you for a minute?

Um, Kirby, I don't think
this is the time or place...

Please. You don't have to say anything.
Just listen.


I'm listening.

I am beyond sorry

for the hurt that I caused you.

But I'm trying to own my mistakes.

I know you're angry...

and I hope one day you'll forgive me.

I'm not angry.

- You're not?
- No.

No, I'm sad.

Yeah, I'm-I'm sad that this
is where we've ended up.

It's not where I thought we'd be.

You were my future.

I was picking out rings for us.

You were the only
person who understood me

and accepted me as I am.

And that hasn't changed.

And maybe we can still be friends.

Well, I accept your apology,

but I don't think we
can be friends again.

I'm-I'm sorry, Kirby.

I'm... sorry.

Quinn?! You work out in the company gym?

I guess being a board
member has its perks.

I was wondering when you'd find me.

Guess I should be happy
you didn't corner me

- in the executive washroom.

That was my next stop.

I'll consider myself lucky.

You, on the other hand, messed up

when you sold off the radio division.

You can't just go rogue.

I like to think of it
as being aggressive.

It's what leaders do.

This company has done very well

- with me running things.
- It has?

Do you really want to go into business

with an uptight Brit?

I mean, did our Founding
Fathers fight for nothing?

Actually, my company's even
more profitable than hers.


I didn't peg you for a gym rat.

I didn't peg you to be an exhibitionist.

News flash: women can work out

wearing whatever they want.
And you can go.

Quinn has already decided
that I am the better person

to lead this company into the future.

I'm not sure that's
where you're leading it.


you two clearly have
some issues to work out.

For the record,

I'm still not sure who I'm supporting.

I'm starting to wish
there was a third option.

Nice job. Are you happy now?

Not as happy as you.

Clearly you drove Quinn away
just to be alone with me.


Your obsession with me
goes back to Wharton.

You're delusional.

Not only have I never
been attracted to you,

but I am currently repulsed by you.

My apologies.

- Guess I misread the situation.
- Mm-hmm.

It's rather warm in here, isn't it?


Okay, you know what? I'm gonna go.

And look who's the exhibitionist now.

I'll see you at the board meeting.

You really think she's your daughter?

Yes. It all adds up.

I understand, but if you're wrong,

- I'm worried you'll get hurt.
- Yeah, you might be right.

But I have to go through with this,
I can't let it go.

Not when there could be another
Carrington heir out there.

Still searching for a new one.

You know,
I can't help but get this feeling

that you're disappointed in
the children you already have.

I'll give you two some time alone.

Adam, you know that's not true.

Whether Amanda is a Carrington or not,

it won't change our relationship at all.

You're my son. She'll never replace you.

Thank you, Father.

And if that is true,
then I may have found a way

to get you the answer
you've been looking for.


Took it from her purse at La Mirage,

dropped a few hair samples off
at the hospital on the way home.

We should have an answer in a few hours.

Well done, son.

What kind of bribe would a sad yet rich

middle-aged man like?

I assume you mean Quinn?

Not really my social circle.

- Maybe a Rolex.
- No. Too predictable.

I'd suggest a membership
to St. Andrews golf club

in Scotland,
but Quinn's assistant just told me

he now has one; gift from Colin.

I can't believe he's just
blatantly bribing him.

I mean,
at least I'm trying to be subtle.

You know what, Colin is good,

but there's no way he's gonna b*at me.


Fallon, I have tonight's menu
for you to look at.

And by "look at,"
I mean approve so we don't have another

cauliflower steak incident.

I'm sure it's great. I trust you.

Save your enthusiasm for tonight.

We have drinks at : , apps at : .

- Main course is set for : p.m. sharp.
- Perfect.

Oh, just one slight issue with that.

The only time Quinn could
do the board meeting

was at : tonight. I figured

you'd want to keep him happy,
so I agreed.

Oh, yeah, we can't move that.

Um, Liam,

I'm so sorry, but I'm gonna be

a little late, so, uh,

you know, start drinking without me.

Or, I mean, why not move our
romantic dinner to the manor?

Because the whole point was
to be outside under the stars.

You know, to do something
different and exciting.

FALLON: Exciting? (SCOFFS)

I have two hours to save my company

from the redcoats.

Now, that is exciting.

Look, I know you're up
against it with Colin,

but sometimes it would be
nice to see you as excited

about our marriage as
you are about work.

Liam, that's not fair.

No, look, it's fine.

I know I'm fighting a losing battle.

It's just dinner, right?
I'll see you at home.

Don't feel bad.

He just doesn't get it.
Obviously you have to

stay focused on work right now.

Right. Focus.

There must be some other
gift you can send Quinn

to win him over.

Actually, forget Quinn's gift.

There's no point in fighting
a losing battle, right?

You're just giving up?

No, no.

I have not yet begun to fight.

Mr. Culhane,
you had a message from a Donny.

He wants to know what day is best

for Andre's next podcast
here at the club.

Next podcast?

I think you got that message wrong.

No. She got it right.

I'm the one who was wrong.

You should call him back.

You had something to do with this?

I made a few calls.

Sent Andre some of our new high-tech

ColbyCo equipment to film the series,

and he was open to a redo.

I wanted to make things right between us

after I screwed it all up.

I appreciate it.

But what happened with you?

Why the meltdown?

I lied to you about
getting the approvals

I needed in Washington.

The entire trip was a bust.

I sunk a fortune into ColbyCo Space,

and I still don't even
have a launchpad yet.

Why didn't you just say that?

Pride. Embarrassment.

I like to think I'm
something of a mentor to you.

Someone to look up to.

Didn't want to admit that I failed.

It's not a fail until you give up.

And Jeff Colby never gives up.

Yeah, well...

I guess there's a first
time for everything.

COLIN: So, as the majority shareholder,

I now call for a no-confidence vote

and urge the board to
replace Ms. Carrington

with yours truly.

QUINN: Your track record
certainly speaks for itself,

having turned McNaughton Global Media

into the empire that it is today.

I see no reason why we can't
vote on this matter immediately.

Well, you seem to be in a hurry,

Let me guess,
early tee time in Scotland tomorrow?

It's nothing personal, Fallon.
This is business.

No, business is always personal.

But you're right. Why wait? Let's vote.

We don't even have to leave the room.

- Okay. This should be quick.
- QUINN: Indeed.

By a show of hands,
all those in favor of

Colin McNaughton becoming
the new chairman of

Fallon Unlimited.

Ellen, what's going on?

All those in favor of Fallon Carrington

to remain as chairman.

What just happened?

I believe you lost.

In America, we call it a landslide.

- Oh, but don't look so down.

You still got your buddy Quinn's vote.

Finally unpacked?

Yep. I'm ready to start a new chapter.

I feel good knowing all
of my amends are done.

Really? All of them?

Oh, no. Did I black out
and do something awful

to a bellhop?

No, there was no bellhop.

But I'm the one who's been
driving you around for two days

so you could do this.

And I said thank you, didn't I?

And every time you did,

I thought an apology would follow.

And then I thought, well,
maybe she's just saving

the most important one until the end,

and yet, here we are, at the end.

You think I owe you an apology?

(SCOFFS) Yeah.

I mean, do you know
how often I was freaking out

thinking I might lose my best friend?

I have completely neglected my own life,

including the hotel, to help you.

And I didn't ask you to do any of that.

Well, you shouldn't have to, Kirby.

That's what best friends are for.

I found you OD'd in a ratty apartment,

and I thought you were dead.

If you don't think I deserve an apology,

then you didn't learn
anything in rehab at all.

I come in peace.


I must say,
that was pretty smooth back there.

- How'd you pull it off?
- It was simple, really.

Once I realized I was fighting
a losing battle with Quinn,

I focused my energy on winning back

all the other board members.

And they turned, just like that?

Well, after I promised I wouldn't make

any major decisions in the future

without board approval.

Fallon Carrington gave up control?

- Yep.
- Didn't know you had it in you.

You impress me more and more.

Yeah, well, the feeling's mutual.

You are the first
adversary I've ever had

that's as focused and ruthless as I am.

I'm flattered.

And since you won fair and square,

I'll sell my stock and
get out of your company.

Or you could stick around.

You know, strictly as a consultant.

If that's something
you'd be interested in.

I suppose I could retain
a small amount of stock

and keep my options open.

I mean, obviously you're
desperate for me to stay.


A drink to close the deal?


I do have a dinner thing,

but, um, yeah, yeah.

I can spare an hour.

We might make a good team after all.

I said consultant.


What do you want now?

I'm getting tired of these house calls.

That explains the bags under your eyes.
Where's Amanda?

I thought I made it
clear I don't want you

anywhere near my daughter.

Correction. She's our daughter.

Blake, you don't know
what you're talking about.

No, I know exactly
what I'm talking about.

Amanda is my daughter.

Excuse me?

Are you saying that you're
my biological father?

Amanda, ignore him. I warned you,

this man is nothing but lies.

I know you don't have
any reason to trust me,

but I do have something
you can trust, DNA.

I had a sample of your hair tested,

and I'll take a blood test as well,

but yeah, it's true.

It's all lies.
Get out of my house, do you hear me?

I want you out!

I am not gonna let you
keep me from my daughter.

You understand me? She deserves to know

the truth about you.

Oh, what would you know about the truth?

Enough! Enough!

You are both behaving like awful people.

Alexis, I'm sure your portrayal of Blake

was embellished, to say the least.

And, Blake, what kind of person
steals someone's hair

instead of just speaking
to them like a human being?

Here's how this works going forward.

No more lies, and no more manipulation.

If I am gonna have a relationship

with either one of you,
it's going to be on my terms.

Are we clear?

You tried to keep her
from me and you lost.

I'm gonna rebuild my dynasty,

and Amanda is gonna be a part of it.

I will not lose another child to you.

I don't care what it takes,
even if it kills me.

If you don't back off,
you may just get your wish.

- Thank you.
- Eva?

What are you doing here?

Sorry to interrupt date night.

I just need to see Fallon for a moment.

I thought she was at
the office with you.

No. Oh, she probably went
out for celebratory drinks

with some of the board members.

She stopped the takeover attempt.

It was pretty amazing.

Somehow I never doubted it.

I'm sure she'll be home
in time for dinner.

Or at least dessert at the latest.

Yeah. Thanks.

Oh, I forgot to tell you I
found this great photo of us

- from your award ceremony.
- Yeah?

Here, I'll text it to you.
Give me your number.


Oh, and would you mind passing
this file on to Fallon?

I would stay, but I have plans tonight.

A moonlight hike up
on Kennesaw Mountain.

I didn't know you were
the outdoorsy type.

That sounds like fun.

Yeah. Unfortunately, my friend

flaked on me last minute,

so I'll be alone with
a group I don't know.

But, uh, the stars
should be beautiful tonight.


Uh, I better run. Good to see you.


I thought you were the main wholesaler

of champagne in the city.

How does two bottles
help me when there's

a bridal toast in an
hour for people?

No, I don't want them.

Hello? Hello!

Ugh! (SIGHS)

What are you doing here?

And have you seen Javier?

He's chilling all the
bottles of champagne

that just arrived for the toast.

Huh? What champagne?

How do you know about that?

And you still haven't told
me what you're doing here.

I called in a favor from
my event coordinator days.

It's the least I could do

after monopolizing all your time.

Am I the only one confused here?

When I called the hotel looking for you,

Javier told me all about
your champagne problems.

Which used to be my favorite Taylor song

until the last two days.

I'm really sorry, Sam.

You were right.

I made amends to all the
people who were mad at me,

but not the ones who
were worried about me

and took care of me.

I wouldn't be alive
if it wasn't for you.

You're at the top of all my lists.

Thank you.

That's all I wanted.

That and to never talk
about champagne again.

That works for me.

What's this?

It's great,
how you want to be my mentor and all.

We're friends first.
In failure and success.

You showed up for me.
I want to pay you back.

Open it.

Thanks, but I'm not looking
to get into the oil business.

(CHUCKLES) When I worked
for Blake as a driver,

I got to know one of the
Carrington Atlantic engineers.

Now, I remember him telling
me how C.A. used to sell

their abandoned offshore
rigs as satellite launchpads.

So if I can secure a rig
off the Georgia coast,

I have my launchpad and I don't
have to deal with Washington.

Nope. Just a Georgia senator

that has to okay launching from there.

(LAUGHS) There is hope.

Now, here's the part you'll really love.

If we throw our support
behind Blake's opponent

in the senate race and he wins,

Cavendish will owe us a big favor.

And as a bonus,
we keep Blake from getting into office.

Two birds, one rocket.


BLAKE: Thank you all for being here.

Actually, we're here for dinner.

Which you won't let us eat
until you tell us your big news.

Big news indeed.

The Carrington family is
going to be expanded by one.

No, not-not that.

Recently, Adam and Fallon found out that

they have a half sister.

Well, I'm here to tell you

that she has been upgraded

to full sibling.

Amanda is my daughter,
and a true Carrington.

Let's not forget she is
also Alexis's daughter.

Yes, well,
we take the good with the bad, right?

Now, I hope
that you will all welcome her

with open arms.

Sure. Sounds good.

Can we eat now?

I think you did a great job, honey.

♪ In the quiet of a shadow ♪

♪ In the corner of a room ♪

♪ Darkness moves upon you ♪


♪ Like a cloud across the moon ♪

LIAM: Hey, it's Liam.
Leave me a message.

Hey, um,
I was thinking we could still have

that romantic dinner
outside by the pool.

Looks like a beautiful night.

Where are you?

Call me. Bye.

♪ Don't forget to breathe... ♪

I'm so glad you offered to come along.

I don't do great with strangers.

Oh, look, I owed you one.

You showed up for me
at the award ceremony,

so I'm returning the favor.

Besides, I've been wanting
to do something like this

for a while.

MAN: Hey, look, Orion's Belt,
up over the horizon.

♪ Just breathe ♪

♪ Just breathe. ♪