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03x16 - Artful Dodge

Posted: 09/03/21 17:32
by bunniefuu
Why were you tailing us?


Another 50,000 volts

and you'll fry
his frontal cortex,

then he's useless
to us.

Give him
a 30

Have you ever heard
of the pain scale?

Doctors use it, you know:

"How much does it hurt
from 1 to 10?"

It's a nice,
neat concept.

Take it from someone

who knows what a "10"
feels like.

Death is preferable.

Go again.

I hate it.

I can't with this anymore.What is the matter with you?

It's too sweet.

You've said that
about all of them!

I didn't say that
about the banana cake

which you guys
threw in the trash.

Where it clearly belonged.

Hey, what's with
the breakfast cake?

Meg gave me some decisions
to make for the wedding.

All right, do you want a hand?
'Cause I'm kind of

an expert at this stuff now.

Oh, look at this,
this is nice.

Kind of reminds me
of the time

my prison family
baked a cake

for Vinny's wedding
to his stalker.

Patterson, got something
for you.

How's the carrot?

What are you telling me,

There has to be
something else we can do.

Nothing is irreversible.

Look, I'll have
to call you back.

Everything all right?

Yeah, yeah, I was just
talking to my doctor.

I've been getting these
headaches, but, uh...

nothing to worry about.

I hope not.

I've got a new
task for you.

We're flying out tomorrow.

Blake's charity gala...
She'll be thrilled.

She'll be thrilled because
of the reason I'm attending.

Bruyere... he's finally
playing ball.

He's ready to make
the land deal.


That's great news.

I can't overstate what
a critical step this is.

Ms. Baker.

Give me a moment
and I will find them.

Be right back.

Right, you remember
this one,

the dragonfly tattoo?
We solved it a few weeks ago?

Led to a thread on a message
board, but it was empty.

Until an hour ago.

Two users started
a conversation,

and Atlantic17.

Cool names, guys.

After Atlantic replied,
the messages disappeared so...

I'm thinking maybe they did
a little scruba

Which means there could
be older messages as well.

Let's see if we
can dig 'em up.

That's why I brought you
in here.

Hey, sorry,
uh, to interrupt

but I need to talk to you,

Oh, sure,
yeah, totally.

I wouldn't wanna manterrupt
two women--

Wait, no, manterrupting
is when--

Sorry, now I'm mansplaining

I'll google it.

Okay, this just came in.
It's gotta be Roman.

Another clue to
a tattoo?

I don't know,
I can't open it.

Whoa, the encryption is
a lot heavier this time.

Why is he upping
his encryption?

The only reason to encrypt
a text this way would be

to ensure that
it couldn't be read

if it fell into
the wrong hands.

Why would he think
my phone

could fall
into the wrong hands?

Maybe it's his phone
he's worried about.

♪ Hello

Hey, I was just coming
to find you.

Did they finally approve
my request for a therapy llama?

Your position at the FBI
is under review.

Hirst orchestrated your deal
and now that the Bureau

knows she's dirty,
they're rethinkin' it.

That doesn't sound good.

An agent from

the Office of Professional

is in the conference room
waiting on you right now.

I'm in pajamas.

They spring it on you
like a drug test

so you can't prepare
for it.

Except the bag of clean urine
that I definitely

don't have taped
to my leg at all times

wouldn't really help
in this situation.

Hang on a second.
This is not a big deal, is it?

Unfortunately, it is
a big deal, Rich.

OPR holds a lot of
power in this building.

Last time a member of our team
was under review,

Jane got arrested.

Ohh...If you fail this review,

they'll rip up your contract
and send you back to prison.

But, hey, you love prison.

Well, I, I mean,
I don't love prison.

It really, I mean,
it depends on the place.

You know, I mean, Rikers
has half-ply toilet paper.

Good luck, Rich.

Half a ply.

Did you find more messages
on the forum?

Uh, "more" is
an understatement.

What forum?

I cracked
the dragonfly tattoo.

You see this yet?

This gonna be a problem?

Not if they don't find out.

Well, when it comes out
and... it will,

be prepared to be very
unpopular with your friends.

The messages
were originally deleted

after they were being read.

But if you take a very deep dive
into the metadata,

you find these.

Messages between two users,
Dragonfly164 and Atlantic17.

So what do they say?

Uh, it looks like Dragonfly

is involved
in a t*rror1st organization.

He refers to some kind of attack
they're planning.

What about Atlantic?

Most of it is Dragonfly
reporting information to him.

A few months ago,
they went silent...

Until this morning.

Dragonfly is
in New York now.

It says they're meeting
under the bridge

at Astoria park today.

And if they're here,
it could be for an attack.

Any idea who
these people are?

...this is a maybe--You can stop looking.


I know who
Dragonfly164 is.

It's Borden.
He's alive.

How could you
possibly know that?

Because Atlantic17 is me.

Borden's alive?

Why didn't you tell us?

I couldn't.

He is a CIA asset,

and that is why I have been
communicating with him.

I was his handler.

Start from the beginning.

That, uh,
night at the barn...

He fully expected
the expl*si*n to k*ll him,

but it didn't.

Between the burns
and the g*nsh*t wound,

he was in bad shape.

He performed field medicine
on himself

and fled the country.
The CIA didn't know

he was alive
until a year later.

How did you find him here?

The ID he had on him
was a known alias.

The hospital alerted
the Mumbai station chief.

How long until
he's strong enough

to be transported back
to the FBI?

We're not
bringing him back.

Nor are we informing
the Bureau that he's alive.

We're gonna cut him
a deal.

You can't be serious.Mm-hmm.

He's gotten dozens
of FBI agents k*lled, he--

He plotted a nuclear attack
on D.C.

And Sandstorm
is now extinct,

which means Borden
is no longer

of any intelligence value
to the FBI.

It would be a waste
to hand him over to them

when we could use him

to take down someone
even worse.

Goran Gorovich.

He k*lled 100,000
of his own people

through ethnic cleansing.

One of the worst genocides
in modern history.

And we have intel
that he's planning

to attack the U.S. soon.

What do you want?

We want you to go undercover
with one of his cells

and figure out
where Gorovich is hiding.

Now, if you can locate him,

we're prepared to offer you

complete immunity
for your crimes.

No, thank you.

Look, the alternative
is gonna be a life in solitary.

You get a tough jury,
lethal injection.

I peeled burnt flesh

off nearly
a third of my body.

It took 46 hours

because I kept passing out
from the pain.

The last year of my life

has been
an unfathomable hell.

I know you wish that
I had died in that expl*si*n.

I wish I had, too.

She was too good for you.

Your wife, Chris.

She's the one that got you
to join Doctors Without Borders,

She'd been working with them
since medical school.

You know, one of her earlier
trips was pretty traumatic.

A ghost town.

You know, by the time
they got there,

there was no one
left to be saved.

Entire village

including a school
full of children.

That was Gorovich.
Listen, you say

all the horrible things
you did were for your wife.

If she could see
what you've become,

she would be ashamed.

This is the last thing
you can do

that she would
actually be proud of.

How would I get in?

Borden went undercover
shortly after that.

He hasn't gotten eyes
on Gorovich, but...

he has given a lot
of good intel to the CIA.

The Dragonfly message
from this morning

said he's here
in New York.

Why is he here?

I don't know.

He was given
a new handler

when I came to work
on this task force.

Keaton's trying to figure
out what's going on.

If Borden is on U.S. soil,
then we need to arrest him.

You can't do that.
If he is still undercover,

you will blow
a year-long op.

I have to meet with him alone.

There's nothing left
to talk about then.


I am so sorry!

You have no idea

how hard it was for me
to keep that from you.

How hard it was for you?!

I can still feel
his hands on me

when I try to fall asleep
at night.

Because before
he beat me, shot me,

and put a tracking device
in me,

he used to sleep in my bed.

I know...All this time, you knew

he was still out there
and you said nothing.

I was trying
to protect you.

I thought
it would be better

if you never knew
he was alive.

It tormented me that
he died on his own terms!

All I wanted was
to put him in prison,

to take back
a fraction of the control

that he took away
from me!

You got a second chance

and you should have
given me that.

But instead,
you chose to work with him.

I had to.
It is my job.

You're my best friend.

Whatever it would've cost you
to say no,

you should have
cared about me more.

We'll be by tomorrow to start
prepping you on your targets.

How, how's,
how's Patterson?


Don't ever say
her name again.

Mr. Dotcom...

Millicent Van Der Waal.Okay.

I've been looking forward
to this review.

Great.Oh, please.

I've heard tales.

Oh, people love
to exaggerate,

you know...
believe everything you hear.

As you know,

you're being investigated
because you were hired

by the traitor,
Eleanor Hirst.

Horrible woman.Mm...

'Course I didn't know anything
about what she was really doing.

She offered me a way
out of prison, I said yes.

That's all I know.

Well, let that be
a lesson:

Never trust a woman
with a short haircut.


Yeah, that's wise.

Why don't you tell me
a little bit

about the day
Hirst was arrested?

From my understanding,
she asked you

to help her frame
her fellow agents.

She did,
but I didn't.

I told the team what
she was doing

and I even got Patterson
out of the building

after Hirst
locked it down, so...


And how exactly
did you manage that?

Just, uh, you know,
any Joe Sixpack

could have done it,
I think.

I got lucky is what it is.
I mean, I don't wanna

bore you with
the details of my...


See, the thing is,
the boring details are

the only way I could confirm
that your story is true.

I have to warn you that lying
to me is not advisable.

I'm not lying.
Okay, I mean,

do you wanna know
how I did it?

I can tell you
how I did it, sure.

First I used Patterson's
computer login to hack into

the FBI security system
and download a virus.

Hey, how do you know my login?Please.

Then I let her into
my tunnels and, uh...

Your tunnels?

Well, our--
our tunnels, you know.

Just the vents
in the building.

Then there was
the delivery man

that I stuffed
into a locker,

and, of course,
the b*mb threat.

Get out! Now!
It's a fake!

You know what?
Come to think of it,

if I hadn't gotten Patterson
out of the building,

then Hirst would've
never been arrested.

So, as I see it, I'm due
some sort of commendation.

Are you with the department
that approves therapy animals?

Whatcha writing there?

Just tallying
how many years

you've tacked onto
your prison sentence

based on
that story alone.

Now, tell me more
about the virus.

I... I don't,
I don't want to.

Although I'm not thrilled
that Agent Zapata

leaked classified intel,

this case has become
too pressing

to worry about
interagency clearances.

Pressing how?

Borden's handler was
a field agent named Conover.

I reached out to him
this morning

to find out why
the asset is stateside,

but I couldn't get in contact
with him.

He's missing?

Was missing.
A body was found

in a dumpster
just outside Belgrade.

It's Conover.

We were able to find
security footage

from a camera near
the spot he was left.

It's Borden.
He k*lled his handler.

It seems that way.
He's most likely turned.

Of course he's turned.
He's a t*rror1st.

You should never have
trusted him in the first place.

I came here today to give you
a friendly tip

that the known t*rror1st
Nigel Thornton,

AKA Robert Borden, will be
in Astoria Park at noon.

Whatever you choose to do
with this information

is none
of my business.

Wait... look.

He is looking
right into the camera.

He wanted us to find him!

Zapata's right.

That's the only
security camera for ten miles.

It's pretty odd that
they just happened

to dump a body there,
unless Borden...

chose that
spot intentionally.

All right,
we give him one chance

to prove he hasn't turned.

Zapata will go to the meet,
with backup.

But if anyone gets
so much as a bad feeling,

we abort, all right?

It's 12:01.

Any minute now.

All right, here he comes
down the hill headed west.

It's really him.

Two guys coming your way.

They've drawn their weapons.It's a trap!

Oh, Zapata,
get down now.

Everybody get down!

Borden's heading your way!

Stay down.

What are you doing here?

Something I should've done
the day you walked in the FBI.

Nigel Thornton,
you're under arrest.

Come on, Nigel.

We know that
you k*lled your handler

and joined Gorovich.

Why did you lure me
to the park?

I didn't lure you there.

I didn't know those guys
were gonna show up.

You're not as good a liar
as you used to be.

They weren't coming after you.
They were coming after me.

They figured out
I was working for you.

We have you on camera disposing
of your handler's body.

I know.

The cell was working
on a new attack,

something really big.

But they were suspicious
that they had a mole.

One day I got back
to the compound

and Conover was there.

He'd been caught tailing
one of them.

You k*lled him so he wouldn't
blow your cover?


I put him out
of his misery.

One of my roles
for the cell...

...was keeping prisoners alive
while they tortured them.

Go again.

It turns out
I have a real knack

for finding that sweet spot

right on the cusp
between life and death.

So, you were supposed to
keep Conover alive,

but instead you
let them k*ll him quickly.

I told them it was
a mistake.

He must've had
a heart condition.

But I knew.
They were onto me.

When you brought me in,
you found a USB in my jacket.

It contains
a copy of every file

from the compound's
only computer.

I downloaded it
that night,

then I got the hell
out of there.

Why didn't you send out
the Dragonfly SOS immediately?

Using the message board
with the cell after me
was too dangerous.


How are you?

I'm not sure.

I've moved apartments seven
times in the last two years

trying to find one
where I felt safe.

I kept telling myself,

"There's no reason
to be afraid.

Borden is dead."

You know you can sit
this one out if you want.

We can handle it.I know.

But if there's a chance
to bring down Gorovich,

then I have to stay.

We'll analyze the contents
of the USB.

If the intel checks out,

we'll talk again.

Wait, there's something else.

I want to see
Agent Patterson.

There's... there's not
a lot that keeps me up

at night anymore.

But what I did
to Patterson, it...

There are things
I need to say to her.

It is not her responsibility
to help you sleep at night.

Kurt's right, you don't
owe him anything.

Crime scene technicians
recovered a phone

from one of the t*rrorists'
dead bodies.

He received a k*ll order
for Borden, not Zapata.

He's telling the truth.

Looks like it.
The order also said

get him out of the way
before tomorrow's attack.

So we only have one day

to figure out their plan
and stop it.

This way, there will only be
one access point.

That's excellent.

Sir, if you don't mind
my asking...

Mm-hmm.We both know you've gone

to some pretty extreme lengths
to get this land.

Why is it
so important to you?

When you see the world
as it looks from space,

what's missing?

All of these arbitrary
little lines...

borders, drawn across
the world

with no concern
for the good of its people.

This land is part of my plan
for a new global society,

one rooted in reason
and not in folly.

I've served other leaders
who wanted to change the world.

But in the end,
they were no different

than the men and women
they were replacing.


Our mistake is thinking that
the "right" leaders

will bring peace
to the world

when in all of human history
we've never come close.

I'm not sure I understand.

All right, well,
then two kids,

they get into a fistfight
in the schoolyard.

And if there's
other kids around,

maybe they choose sides,
but they don't stop the fight.

The only one who stops
the fight is the teacher.

Now, in the modern world,
there is no teacher.

We need one.

Who the hell is
the teacher?

50 million soldiers with
a budget of $5 trillion.

Highly paid
military contractors

who don't serve country
or cause.

Their sole directive would be
to prevent v*olence.

A peacekeeping force
greater than

all the world's militaries

It would be
the end of w*r.

That's the idea.But where do you get

that many people with
no loyalty to any country?

For now, that's where
the land comes in.

Are you okay?

Diane? Diane, quick!
Call an ambulance!

Let's move on to
the next topic:

Your patriotism.Great.

God bless America, huh?Have you ever used

the American flag in
an act of fornication

known as
"Betsy Ross' Revenge"?

You obviously know
that I have,

because you obviously
know that I applied

to have that name trademarked
the very next day.

It was denied.I know it was denied.

This isn't about Hirst.

This isn't even about
my job performance.

This is about
how I don't conform

to your old-fashioned ideas
about who should

and shouldn't be working
for the government.

You're right.Ahh...

You have no respect
for this office.

You have
no decorum and,

as far as I can tell,
no morals.

That's why
I'll be recommending

that your contract
be terminated.

Wait, hang on,

you're just gonna
send me back to prison?

Okay, look,
what you just said

might have been true
and entirely flattering

when I got here,
but this place has changed me.

I care about the work,
and I care about the people.

It's not about what
your country can do for you,

it's about what you can do
for your country.

And you haven't done enough
to warrant a position here.

What are you,
quoting JFK at me?

He was sluttier than I am!

Only one Gorovich assassin
survived the firefight

in the park.Mihael.

He was a foot soldier
in the same cell

Borden was embedded in.

he's still in surgery.

Right now the only thing we have
to go on is the USB.

Which is basically useless.

Looks like the USB
was damaged in transit.

The files from the computer
are completely corrupted,

just pages and pages
of nonsense.

So these guys are planning
an attack for tomorrow

and we have no idea where?

And no way to stop it.

For too long,
the United States

has deemed itself
the world's police

and interfered with matters
that does not concern them.

And it's time
to turn the tables.

By the time you are
seeing this, that island...

...will be nothing more
than a mass grave.

Mihael the assassin
is out of surgery.

He's in bad shape.
They gave him heavy meds.

He has no idea
where he is.

That's not ideal
for interrogation.

Or maybe it's perfect.

The CIA does intentional
drugged interrogation

all the time.

If Mihael is already

he is highly suggestible.

So instead of telling him
we are Feds,

we can pretend
to be co-conspirators.

Talk to him about
our attack plan.

You should bring Borden.

He's a familiar face
to Mihael.

They worked together.
It'll help sell the lie.

Mr. Jakeman,
please sit back down.

It's all right, Tom.

You're at a hospital.
You passed out.

I'm fine.

I'm sure you are,
but just to be safe,

I've asked
these fine doctors

to run a complete battery
of tests.

Look, that's really
not necessary.

If this is a...

a liability issue
for your company,

I'll sign a waiver...

No, this is not--

This is not about
liability, son.

Why don't you sit down?

Come on, sit down.

I'm worried about you.

I wanna make sure
you're all right.

Where do we begin,


Mihael, it's, it's me,
it's Nigel.

It's okay, I just finished
stitching you up.

What happened?

There was a miscommunication.

The guy wasn't where
he was supposed to be.

I was never
any good at reading.

Listen, I'm supposed to
take you back to the compound.

Do you know how
to get there?

I liked the story about

the scorpion
and the frog, but...

I never knew
how it ended.

Mihael, this is important.

Gorovich needs us
for the attack tomorrow.


You were the traitor.

No, no, you're disoriented,

I'll k*ll you!

This isn't working.

If you want answers,

you should take him
off the opiates.

The pain from
his lacerated liver

will open him right up.

Think of the asset
she could be,

the intel she can provide.


We can lower the dosage--

We are not torturing him.

It's over, we failed.

Get out!

Now, everyone, go!

Hey, hey,
hey, hey, hey!

What did that microscope
ever do to you?

Oh, not now, Rich!

I really,
I really just thought

that if we could stop
this attack,

there would be some
purpose to all this.

To what Borden did to me,
and now Zapata...

I really don't think
we're gonna stop this one.

We're failing,
and I can't--

I can't think
of anything else to do.

Would you come with me?

I wanna show you

Doors definitely don't work
with the sensors.


I didn't even know
this was here.

Oh, barely anybody does.

That's what makes it
so magical.

That's, uh, where Jim steals
his 3:00 p.m. naps.

That's Briana's
crying corner.

It's like the Room
of Requirement.

Why are we here, Rich?

Because the thing that
you require is a game

in which two adults engage
in combat with giant Q-tips.

Supposed to catch it.

Come on, it'll be fun.I'm not in the mood.

I know, that's the point.


Come on.


All right.

Not in the mood.

Oh, no!Oh!

You fell in the river.

That's what I call that side

because I spilled
blue Gatorade on there once.

Best two out of three?

The river...

That's how the Scorpion
and the Frog ends.

Are you talking
to somebody on your coms?

Borden told Mihael
that there was

a miscommunication
in the cell.

And Mihael's said
that he couldn't read.

We should have taken that
at face value.

What if the corrupted files
aren't corrupted at all?

They're just made
to look that way

to someone who doesn't know
the code!

Which you definitely do.In the fable,

what does the scorpion
say to the frog

at the end
after he stung him?

"I can't help it,
it's in my nature."

Thank you for
the Room of Requirement.

When you're looking
at these documents,

they're indistinguishable
from any corrupted file.

It's an impressively complex
way of encoding.

To crack it,

you get rid of the symbols--
they're just noise.

And the letters you're left with
are the message,

but they're encoded
in a Playfair cipher.

In this case,
the key phrase is...

"I can't help it;
it's in my nature."

So, you drop
every repeating letter,

and those go into
a five-by-five grid

with the rest
of the alphabet.

Then, whatever the message is,

you translate it
in letter pairs using the grid.

Did the USB say anything
about the attack,

or where Gorovich is?

Both, actually.

Looks like
he couldn't resist

a front-row seat
for his big attack.

So, he's on U.S. soil?

He has a cell living in
an old fort on Staten Island.

He smuggled himself
on a cargo ship

just a few weeks ago
to join them.

His cell has
crop-dusting planes

that they've outfitted
to carry these:

Bunker busters...

Those are
military-grade bombs

used to blow up
underground targets.

Just one of those things
could collapse a city block.

Gorovich has 20 of them.
And he's planning

on dropping them tomorrow
on five major cities.

We have to take him down.

There was nothing

especially conclusive
in your test results.

Your blood test was flagged
for an unusual result...

Zeta Interacting

Are you familiar?

Got the chance to start
over again...

and now you will too.

ZIP, um...

Yeah, uh...

I had pretty bad PTSD
after I was in combat.

A psychiatrist
tried treating me with ZIP.


Well, I'll be back shortly
with your discharge papers.

Sorry, you didn't need
to know about my PTSD.

Don't be ashamed
of your demons.

We all have them.

I don't know,

you seem pretty
unencumbered yourself.

I grew up in a house

where my stepfather beat
my mother every day.

I worked my ass off
to get out of there...

went to Princeton,
where I met Blake's mom.

We started
a business together.

Life was damn near


I had this deep anger...
at my stepfather,

at my mother
for marrying him,

at myself...
for not stopping it.

And it was
eating away at me.

And I can see that it's
eating away at you too, Tom.

And I'm guessing

that it goes back
a lot farther than the w*r?

I grew up in
a military family.

There was no love, really,
only loyalty.

My mother was obsessed
with loyalty.

She wanted us to compete
for her affections.

I was loyal.

In the end, I was
the only one who was.

They abandoned
me anyway.

Can I give you
some advice?

Let go of that anger.

I'm not sure I can do that.

Because you think that
that anger is what drives you.

No. Anger makes
a terrible fuel.

It can't help you
build anything.

It can only
help you destroy.

You were dealt
a bad hand

in this life,
just like I was.

So, fold that hand.

Start over with
a new one.

The fort is structured
like a bull's-eye,

so it's safe to assume Gorovich
resides near the center

so that any intruders
have to breach through

several layers of security
to get to him.

Yeah, the exterior should be
exclusively armed guards,

but beyond that
it's a bit of a minefield.

They're stationed there

so their wives and children
live with them at the compound.

We'll go in quietly.

The further
we get into that fort

without alerting Gorovich,
the better.

Use hand-to-hand combat
whenever possible.

No one fires their weapons
unless absolutely necessary.

We're not here
to hurt you.

We just want Gorovich.

Do you know where
the bombs are kept?

I can show you.

Jane, Tasha, you go with her,
secure the w*apon.

Reade, let's go
get Gorovich.

Why isn't anyone
guarding these weapons?

Because they're rigged
to explode.

If that goes off,
this entire fort becomes

a crater in the ground.

Gorovich has
a dead man's switch.

Do not engage!
I repeat, do not engage!

Step back...

Or I remove my finger
and we all die.

He's already with him.

Kurt, we're gonna try
to disarm it,

but I need you to stall.

We need to remove
the blasting caps from the C4.

Careful, fast as you can.

All right, you hold all
the cards here.

What do you want?

You let me go.

We can get the Director
of the CIA on the phone.

He might be willing to
release you to the Serbians.


You tell your army
to stand down

and let me walk out
of here, now!

Now, get back!Whoa, easy.

We can do that, can't we?Yes.

We can do that.

We'll let you walk out
of here, sir...

but you have to
hand over that detonator.

Do you know what
the best part

about having a b*mb is?

There are no

Sir... No!


Jane and Zapata,
you guys okay?

Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, we're good.

We've secured
the bunker busters.

That's good.

Means we got Gorovich.
It's over.

I helped you
to get Gorovich

and you throw me
to the wolves?

If you're looking
for an apology,

you're not gonna get it.

I have worked
for so many people.

People I thought
I could trust.

And in the end, they all
turned their back on me.

Well, working for the CIA
won't be any different for you!

At least let me talk
to Patterson!

Zapata k*lled his deal.

He's going away
for life.

I know you're there!

Patterson, please,
I need to see you!

Are you sure
you don't have anything

you want to say
to him?

I thought I would.

In my head he's become
this great mythical monster.

But now that
he's in front of me,

all I can see is a weak,
broken shell of a man.

No meaning has to come
from this happening to me.

It's just a terrible thing
that happened in my past.

Maybe something I'll never
truly recover from.

You might, if--It's okay.

I have something
he doesn't...

A future.

If nothing else, I think we set
a hospital record today.

Six figures...
on elective scans!

You're lucky to have
a father who cares so much.

When they brought you
into the ER,

they said they could only give
medical info to family, so...

I said I was your father.

Someone has to
look out for you.

I've given
one of these to each

of my closest colleagues,
my inner circle.

It's usually
an anniversary gift,

ten years with
the company.

Consider this
an investment

in the next ten years.

I don't know what to say.

Thank you.

You still up
for a trip tomorrow?

Yes, sir.

Let's go build
something together.

What's all this about,

It's about Rich Dotcom.

Sexual harassment's not
my department.

A common mistake though--

We're here to give you
our letters of support.

I can't believe that
I'm gonna say this,

but he deserves
to keep his job.

He may be
an irreverent ass,

but the work he does here
saves lives.

Including all of ours.
Now, if we need to go

over your head
and go straight

to the Attorney General,
we will.

I suppose I can...

delay a decision
until his next annual review.

Okay, great.
Thank you.

Assistant Director,
a word please.

Okay.As honorable as it is

that you went to bat
for your felon underling,

you'd be better off saving
your goodwill

at the Bureau for yourself.

What are you talking about?

Hirst hired you,
too, remember?

You're next.

Here's a copy
of the case file

for the dragonfly tattoo.

I figured the CIA
would want one, too.

Yeah, thanks.

Hey, Reade still has
some extra cake samples

in the fridge,
if you wanted--


This is the only relationship
I can have with you right now.

I made a mistake.I don't think you did.

I think you're just someone
who can see things objectively,

without friendships or emotions
getting in the way.

The CIA is lucky
to have you.

I told you not to come.

From my own experience,
"don't come" usually means

"I'm gonna
do something stupid

and I don't want
any witnesses."

Hey, seriously,
are you okay?

Why did I agree
to be Borden's handler?

I could have passed him off
to someone else...

...but I didn't.

What the hell
is wrong with me?

Look, I think
you took the job

because you didn't want to let
Borden out of your sights.

You were protecting Patterson
the best way you knew how.

Maybe someday
she'll see that.

And you know what?
Even if she doesn't,

it's fine,
you still got me.

Everything's gonna
be okay.

No, it's not...

I'm in love with you.

Sorry, I, uh...
I shouldn't have done that.

You're damn right
you shouldn't have done that.

I'm engaged!
You can't just say--

Where was this
two years ago?!

What I kissed you,

and you told me you don't have
the same feelings for me.

You said it was just
the painkillers.

I gotta go.



That text Roman sent you
this morning, I decrypted it.

What did it say?

It's an invitation
to a gala.

Hosted by Crawford's daughter,

There was a message
with it, too.

"Bruyere plus Crawford
equals Crawford hashtag"?

It's chess notation.

That hashtag means

He's saying
"Crawford checkmate."

What's happening at the gala?I don't know.

But whatever it is,
Roman thinks it's enough

to take down Crawford.