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03x15 - Deductions

Posted: 09/03/21 17:31
by bunniefuu
"Organico," right?

And cloth is "paño," yeah.

I don't see 'em.

They have organic
nighttime diapers,

they have
cloth nighttime diapers.

I do not see organic cloth
nighttime diapers.

No, I'm not saying
I want to move back to America,

I'm just saying that in America,
diapers come to you.

Hold on,
there's a guy right here.

I'm gonna ask him.
Call you back.

Hi, hol Um...

I'm looking for organico...

Durante la noche pañales?

Does that... Am I saying...

There's a shredder
at the office.

You know that, right?

I prefer closing the case
with a burn bag.

No leftover pieces,

nothing to glue back together.

So paranoid.

Well, paranoia kept me alive

in my undercover days.

What'd you say your cover was?

Senior bibliographical

for digital resources
and electronic catalogs

for archival assets...

My God, stop, that is so boring.

Yeah, well, that was the idea.

Do you ever miss it?

Being undercover?

Traveling the world?

Yeah, I do.

But my family's my life now.

The field works for people
who don't have anyone.

Keaton. When?

Okay, we'll take it from here.

What's going on?
A CIA transport plane

just crashed in the East River.

Come on, let's go find out more.

No. Definitely not.

Seriously? I grew up in Europe.

Right. So do you see
the Eiffel Tower out there?

He's a stickler for the rules.

Thanks for dinner.

I've been eating a lot
of takeout recently

and it was nice to have
something homemade.

Well, we're glad you could come.


We didn't just
invite you here for dinner.

There's something
that you need to see.

A friend of mine
sent me some information.

Someone that I trust.

I'm calling
because I've uncovered

some very interesting

about Avery's death.

This is starting
to feel less nice.

We wanted to show you in person

and go over
the information together

so that if you have
any questions or doubts,

we could all talk
about them together.

We have evidence that
your dad might not have been

exactly who you thought he was.

What do you mean?
Well, we know that you

grew up around the Crawfords

and that your families
were really close.

I don't think we
realized how close.

Can you just tell me
what you're gonna tell me?

We think your dad k*lled someone

and Hank Crawford covered it up.

In this folder... No.

No, just because my dad was
Crawford's VP of operations

doesn't make him a k*ller.
I know this is difficult

and I know that you probably
don't want to hear it from me,

but Avery, you really
should open the folder.

Screw the folder.

Whatever you guys
think you know,

you're wrong.


Avery. Avery, wait!

I'll be honest, I don't
know what I'm looking at.

It's everything
on Hank Crawford.

No, I know what it is.

I'm saying it's garbage,

it's a garbage file.

It's enough to investigate him.

Yeah, if only we had
some sort of

federal bureau to do just that.

You're the U.S. attorney.

And I'd like to stay
a U.S. attorney.

I can't go after
someone like Crawford

with circumstantial
tattoo theories.

As far as my office goes,
Hank Crawford is... is what?

A slightly crooked businessman?

That's a big "who cares"
right now.

You're not seeing
the connections, okay?

This guy is an international
criminal operator.

He funded Sandstorm.

He's actively planning
something right now.

The fact that we don't know what
it is should terrify us all.

That doesn't matter.
Crawford can outleverage

and outspend the entire
United States of America.

He can shift the news cycle
in any direction he wants.

And we... when I say we,
I mean specifically I...

Don't have the privilege of
beyond a reasonable doubt.

I need zero doubt.
I need a cooperator

from inside his organization

or a confession or video proof.

Until we have that,
we've got nothing.

Have a nice night.

All right, all right, all right.

Go over it again.

We're wasting time, okay?

Another 24 hours, and Blake...

JeanPaul Bruyers is
gonna be here any second,

and I want crystal
clarity on the details

of how you lost our children
before he arrives.

Go over it again.

I told you.

There was nothing I could do.

And now I'm here
wasting time with you

when I could be out there
looking for her.

The kidnappers haven't
contacted us yet.

I can't have you
raging all over Rio,

making a bigger mess while
I try to get Blake back.

So, that's it? I'm just
supposed to sit around

while you and JeanPaul
make phone calls?

What am I doing here
if I can't help?

Do you think
I'm a dangerous man, Tom?

Well, JeanPaul
is a very dangerous man.

You are here for my protection,

so beyond that,
you keep your mouth shut.

You stay out of my way.

Jake. Hey.

Thanks for coming. Anytime.

This is Zapata. Zapata,

New York station
chief Rob Donnelly.

I heard great things. Likewise.

What happened here?

Air traffic control guy
lost a mayday call

just as a pilot was attempting

to make an emergency
water landing.

The plane's in the drink.
Any survivors?

I wouldn't hold
your breath, or theirs.

Flight manifest?

They're working on it.

Black box?
Divers just brought it up.

I'll get it for you. Okay.

Are you seeing that?

Valkyrie International Cargo.

The musical notes
on Jane's lower back

are from Wagner's
"Flight of the Valkyries."

This could be what
Patterson's been looking for.

We need to get that black box.

Whoa, whoa. Pump your
brakes, Chief. Why?

Because that's a CIA plane
and Jane's tattoos

don't tend to uncover good news.

Did you know about this?

No, but this is clearly

an op we haven't
been read in on,

so let's just keep this internal

until we have more
answers than questions.

You see this yet?
This gonna be a problem?

No. Not if they don't find out.

We're already keeping
Project Dragonfly from them.

And? And I'm at capacity

for keeping CIA secrets
from this task force.

Besides, a plane crashed.

It's gonna be hard
to keep that quiet.

All right, do what you gotta do.


I think I just heard something.

Don't move.


I'm not gonna k*ll you.

I need your help.

Call your boyfriend in.

He's my husband now.

How nice for you. Call him!

Kurt. Cade's here, he has a g*n.

I can see that.

Easy. I told your wife
I'm not gonna sh**t anyone.

So put it down. I will.

Soon as I'm sure
you're not gonna sh**t me.

What do you want?

I want what I was promised.

I want a guarantee that I can
walk away free after this.

I didn't think you were gonna
come through on your promise.

Where will you go?
Anywhere but here.

I want my family back.

Your family?

My husband. My son.

I'm not supposed to
be in a blacksite.

I'm supposed to be with them!

We had a deal!

You got your money,
we let you walk away.

The CIA burned that deal
to the ground.

I put my son to bed.

I went out for diapers
and they took me.

That was the last time
I saw them.

My family thinks
I abandoned them.

We can help you
get your family back.

Just put the g*n down.

I want a new deal. In writing.

You just broke out
of a blacksite.

It's gonna be
very hard to help you.

I didn't break out.

I was on a CIA plane
that crashed

and I'm not the only one
who survived.

What do you mean?

It was a black flight.

There were three other prisoners

on the plane with me.

Now they're all loose
in New York.

That is not enough
for a new deal,

unless you help us find them.

I can do more than that.

The plane was crashed on purpose

and I'm the only one who
knows what's really going on.

There's no way
anyone walked away

from that crash unscathed,
let alone multiple people.

Then how do you explain Cade
showing up at our apartment?

I don't know.
Maybe he took the subway.

Hey, maybe he burned through

the halfmillion
you already gave him

and stopped by for a topup.

Think he's playing us?

Yeah, of course he is.
He's Sandstorm.

Look, he wants full immunity,
Former Sandstorm.

Millions in reparations,

witness protection
for his family,

and he's not gonna
say another word

until he gets it? Come on.

He's got a big bunch of nothing.
I trust him.

Yeah, that surprises me zero.

He took a huge risk
coming to us.

Jane's right.
Until we can prove otherwise,

we have to operate as if
he's telling the truth.

You got a flight manifest?
I'm working on it.

Cade was being held with some

of the world's worst criminals.

If any of them escaped,
the whole country

would go to threat level red

right until they're caught or k*lled.
All right,

so let's give him a deal,
find out what he knows.

I'm not handing out a deal

to a Sandstorm t*rror1st.

Cade helped us fight Sandstorm.

You've given deals
to worse people.

Listen to you. Look,
we don't even know

for sure if he
was on that plane.

What is it?

It's a flight manifest.

Cade was for sure on that plane,

and according to the manifest,

so were these three
terrifying individuals.

They're all forever prisoners.

Is that what it sounds like?

Continued detention

pursuant to the authorization

for use of military force
as informed by

the principles
of the laws of w*r.

You can see why they
gave it the nickname.

Their wrap sheets
are a gong show.

Terrorism, w*r crimes,

crimes against humanity,

inciting and financing
a genocide.

This guy, though?
Never mind, it's bad.

It's all very bad.

And it gets worse from there.

The CIA plane was a tattoo.

And not just any tattoo,

my nemesis tattoo,
"Ride of the Valkyries."

I've been sifting through deadend
Valkyrie hits since day one.

Now we know why.

Valkyrie International Cargo
is a CIA front.

No paper trails, no record
of these planes being active,

so until this one
fell from the sky,

there was no way to find
the Crawford connection.

There's a Crawford connection?

This plane is part of
a fleet of DASH19 jets

manufactured exclusively
by a subsidiary of HCI Global.

So Crawford built the planes
and sold them to the CIA.

To what end?

Commerce, probably.

We gotta buy our planes
from someone.

You knew about this?

I'm getting real tired

of being asked that.

I'm getting tired of asking.

So why keep it off the books?

Well, that's how
we operate, Kurt.

That's our whole thing...
We hide stuff.

Well, lucky for us,
I find stuff.

I ran a flight simulator

to analyze the data
from the black box.

Most of the readings add up,

but there are
some inconsistencies

if you know what
to look for, which I do.

What'd you find?

The black box was hacked.

The telemetry was programmed

to follow a script,
but the script couldn't account

for every realworld variable.

For example, the thrust...

You know what? Just skip ahead.

Very good.

Cade's telling the truth.

That plane was crashed
on purpose.

So we need to know
who in the CIA

has access to those prisoners.

This is an inside job.

Or someone making it
look like one.

She just said
the box was hacked,

the plane could have been, too.

Look, either way, whoever it was

is powerful enough to have
access to CIA planes

and jailbreak those t*rrorists.

We need to find them.

Let's move.

Ten million.

They have really
done their homework.

What makes you say that?

I've got a 200 million kidnap
and ransom policy for Blake,

with a 20 million deductible,

and they're
calling this a discount.

10 million is not a discount.

if money is a concern...

No, money is not a concern.

I am willing to pay your share.

No, don't be foolish.
I won't allow you to pay.

And I won't allow you
to let your pride

get in the way of
getting our children back.

Look, if we pay these animals,

they will just take my son
again or someone else will.

It will be open season
on our families.

And have you got a better idea?

Yes. Yes.

I'll have this man skinned
and hanged from a bridge

as a warning to others
that it never happens again.

Very good.

Prepare the team. For what?

Well, I have a lot of
contacts here in Rio

and the children are likely
being held in a nightclub

in Favela de Rocinha.

Take the armored car.

That's a mistake. Tom...

Rocinha is controlled
by Amigos dos Amigos.

Your men walk in

the wrong door, they're
not walking out again.

Who is this?

No one.
He's my daughter's bodyguard.

So this is all your fault.

We still don't know who
has Blake and Christophe,

we don't know how many there are

or what they're willing
to do to get their money.

You don't wanna pay,
that's fine,

there are other ways
to get them back,

but if you're
gonna storm the gates,

do it right, 'cause
if you do it wrong,

you start a g*ng w*r
and the kidnappers

will cut their losses
and k*ll your kids.

My men are exMossad.

They are the best of
the best. I trust them.

Do you?

JeanPaul is right.

We need to send a message.

And right now, we got
the element of surprise.

All right.

It's settled, then.

Draw up a plan.

I want to be on the road
within the hour.

Why didn't you tell me
the CIA's using planes

built by Hank Crawford?

Because I didn't know.

You expect me to believe that?

I'm your boss.
I expect you to drop it.

Did you know about Cade?

Look, CIA intel

is highly compartmentalized.

You don't like being
kept in the dark,

you're working for
the wrong company.

There's always gonna be
stuff we don't know.

They need us not to know

and you need to get
okay with that.

Why wouldn't you
give Cade his deal?

Because I can't
deliver on it yet.

Look, I made
a few calls, all right?

Cade's family is placed

His husband's not
especially eager to see him

now that he knows the truth.

And the truth is?
Cade got married

and adopted a baby
under a false name.

I wouldn't be thrilled to find
out my spouse was a t*rror1st.

I'm heading to the office,
see if I can

expedite the red tape
and get them onto a plane.

Cool. I know a secret
airline you can use.

Where's my deal?

We're working on it.

You're sure taking
your sweet time.

It's almost like
you don't want to know

what's gonna happen.
It's not us.

What does that mean?

you're a prisoner of the CIA

and the CIA
is reluctant to deal.

But if you do give us
something in good faith,

that could go a long way.
Nice try.

Isn't that why you came to us?

Because we made good
the first time around,

we let you walk away.

Yeah, right into
a CIA blacksite.

Why should I
trust you this time?

Because we have a history,

even if I can't remember it.

Look, I got the chance
to change my life.

I want the same for you, too.

'Til someone comes along
and rips it away again.

No, not this time.

Look, I promise you,
I will push for you

as hard as I can, but I need
something to push with.

Prisoner got out of his cuffs,

k*lled the escort officers
and freed everyone else,

grabbed the parachutes
under our seats and jumped.

So who crashed the plane?
Beats me.

Soon as my cuffs were off,
I was out the door.

Landed in the woods,
ditched my chute

and made my way to what I
hoped was still your apartment.

You just confessed
to multiple felonies.

So add it to my immunity deal.
I'm telling you the truth

so no one can throw me in
the hole on some technicality.

If the CIA was reluctant
to give you a deal before,

there's no way
they're gonna do it now.

Yes, they will.

'Cause this wasn't
just a prison break.

Those prisoners
aren't just on the run.

What are you talking about?

Someone masterminded this
because they had a plan.

An attack in New York.

What's the attack?

It's a building raid.

Plenty of firepower
and plenty of spectacle

and it's happening tonight.

Now, where's my son?

Where are we
on the missing prisoners?

I'm combing through social media

looking for anyone
who witnessed the jump,

looking for anything
that'll give us a lead.

And? Still combing.

Okay, what about whoever
masterminded the crash?

How many CIA operatives have
access to the blacksites?

Hard to say.
The whole list is redacted.

You gotta be kidding me.
Zapata, you can't get

a clean copy of this thing?
I'm trying, believe me.

It's a bureaucratic nightmare.

Well, it's gonna be
a very real nightmare

if we don't stop this attack.

Cade is sitting in

He could know where
the prisoners are.

He could know
where the attack is.

All he wants to see is his kid.

Can someone tell me again

why we're not
bringing his kid in?

Hang on.
We're bringing in his kid.

Since when?
Since Keaton just texted.

Okay, do whatever it takes.
I want Cade's deal

ready to sign
as soon as they land.

They want you, sir.

JeanPaul's men
are coldblooded K*llers

whose primary objective
is to get his son back.

If something goes wrong
and they have to choose

between Blake and Junior,

they won't choose her.

All right. You said your piece.

I'm not debating this with you.

The kidnappers have done
their homework.

They know who they took,
so they know

who'll be coming for them
and they will be ready.

JeanPaul's plan
is a su1c1de mission.

This is the only way to prevent
them from being taken again.

How, by having them
k*lled the first time?

I made a deal.

I gave the man my word,
I can't go back on it.

Of course you can.

JeanPaul, he's not
gonna pay the ransom.

I have no other choice.

Yes, you do.

Send someone from
our side with them.

Someone who will choose Blake.

You just said this was
a su1c1de mission.

So I'll get her back
or I'll die trying.

Okay, that's the last signature.

Deal's done. I'll bring him in.


Can you...?

I'm sorry, I can't.


Thank you.



Hi, little man.

You got so big. Hi.

Where's Joe?

He didn't want to come in.

What? We made him come here,

we can't force him
into the room.

It's okay, baby.

It's okay,
it's Daddy, it's okay.


I never left you, okay?

I love you, I love you with my
whole heart, I never left you.

Let him go, let him go.

Hey. They said you were in here.

I just came to apologize
for storming out like I did.

The stuff you guys were saying
about my dad was hard to hear.

I understand.

Do you?

My father wasn't who
I thought he was either.

Or maybe he was exactly
who I thought he was.

Either way, I had to
know the truth.

That's why I'm here.

What's in that folder?

It's a police report.

Your father was arrested
for m*rder in Prague.

His name was
taken off the record,

it was officially filed.

But we have the original.

I want to see it.

I'll have it brought down.

We could use your help
in figuring out

how all these pieces
fit together.

Your father, Crawford, Roman,
they're all connected.

I'll do my best.

All we have is the truth.

Even when it hurts.

I'm sorry, I know that's
not what you wanted.


We still need to know where
the attack is happening.

Who's planning it?

Forget it, I don't know
what I was expecting.

Cade, please.

There's still time
to change this.

We can try again. We held up
our end of the deal.

Now, you need to tell us
everything you know

or it all goes away.

It's already gone away.

My husband doesn't
want to see me,

my son doesn't even know me.

Think of everyone
who will lose a child

or a parent
if this attack happens.

You came to us for help.

Let us help.

A woman visited me
in the blacksite.

Who was she?

Was she on the plane with you?


Just me and the other prisoners
and the escort officers.

All I had to do
was jump with the others,

meet everyone at the flophouse.

That's a pretty big ask
with very few details.

Why would you agree to it?

I was being held
without charge or trial.

She was offering me freedom.

More money
than I could ever use.

I was never gonna go along
with the bigger attack.

I didn't even know which
building was being raided.

You were bluffing?

You don't know anything? No.

I know what the woman looks like

and I know where she told us
to meet her before the attack.

Bravo team
just got to the flophouse.

They're taking pictures,
but no sign of the prisoners.

We just didn't
get there in time.

See, MREs, prisoner jumpsuits.

They've already
been there and left.

This attack's in motion.
We're running out of time.

There are four parachutes.

Cade said he ditched his
in the woods.

And he also said there
were only four prisoners

on that plane,
including himself.

Which the manifest confirms.

So who's the fifth parachute?
Who else jumped?

Cade said that the woman
from the blacksite

wasn't on the plane.
Yeah, but what if she was?

What if he just
couldn't see her?

There's only one place
on that plane

that you can be
without being seen.


How many highlevel CIA officers

have pilot credentials?

It can't be that many.

She could have
hacked the black box,

sent the plane on
a collision course

with the water and jumped out
at the last minute.

Yeah, but why take the risk?
Why be on that plane

if you don't have to be?
Because it's the only way

to make the mayday call.
Yeah, to ensure

everything goes
exactly as planned.

Maintain anonymity in case

one of the prisoners
has a change of heart.

That's a great plan.
'Cause one of them already did.

This is the pilot.

Is this the same woman
from the blacksite?

Yeah, that's her.

Who is she?

Quinn Bonita, CIA company
woman for 15 years,

first as an undercover
field officer,

then as one of the youngest

foreign station chiefs
in history.

Multiple honors,
multiple promotions.

If she was so smart,
why didn't she use

an alias on the manifest?

Because whatever attack
she's planning,

she wants the world
to think she's dead.

Or that she's
the one that did it.

Great. So where the hell is she?

Hi, welcome back. I'll need
to see your credentials...

Signal's jammed. This is it.

Anyone who makes it out alive
will be paid well

and given new lives
with America's thanks.

Let's go.

I don't get it.

Quinn reads like
a CIA recruitment poster.

Why go rogue 15 years in?

Because of this. Her husband was

an undercover CIA officer, too.

Jason Bonita... he was working

in the Middle East
when he was captured.

The CIA disavowed him,
claimed he was a grad student.

I remember that. The story went
public just after he was k*lled.

Because his captors posted a
public video of his beheading.

And Quinn kept working
for the CIA after that?

How was she not
completely destroyed?

She was, but she
turned it into fuel.

I saw her give
a talk at Langley.

She dedicated her entire career

to taking down
those responsible.

Quinn just pulled
a group of criminals

out of a CIA blacksite.

Because she wants to take
down those responsible.

What if she doesn't
mean the people

who captured her husband?

What if she means the people
who didn't get him back?

She's about to attack the CIA.


Please, no, don't sh**t!

Is there any connection
between Quinn and the prisoners?

Anything that could
point us to her target?

There's not gonna be a connection.
Why not?

Because Quinn's smart and
there doesn't need to be.

Raise your hand
if you've ever been held

and tortured in a CIA blacksite.

There's two thoughts
that get you through.

Freedom and revenge.

Quinn offered them both.

Fair point. I just put the CIA's.

New York headquarters
on high alert.

Has anyone heard from Keaton?

No. Why?
You still can't reach him?

No. And no one from
headquarters has seen him.

You try his house?
He's not there.

He said he was going to
the office and there's onl...

He meant his other office.

What other office?

He sometimes works
out of an outpost

for undercover operatives.

Where is it? It's classified.

Seriously? That's the line

you want to take
with us right now?

I mean it is classified from me.

I am not an undercover officer.

I don't know where the
undercover outpost is.

But Quinn does.

Both her and her husband
were undercover

and there were both based
here in New York.

That's got to be
what she's attacking.

It says here her
nonofficial cover identity

was a special collections

And her husband's
was a grad student.

Keaton said he was a
bibliographic specialist

or something.
I... I don't remember.

I wasn't listening. It
sounded so lame and boring.

All those jobs have
something in common.

They can all be found
at research universities.

Yeah, but look at the map.

How do we know which library
is the secret CIA outpost?

Leftover pieces,
nothing to glue back together...

It's Bellmore.

How do you know? Just trust me.

There are four libraries at
Bellmore, so which one is it?

This one. It's right around
the corner from the gas station

that Keaton and I use
as a dead drop.

He chose it because
it's close to the outpost.

So you weren't gonna tell me
about the Crawford connection?

What connection?

Those planes were
purchased years ago

with discretionary funds.

Okay. You do know
I'm running a task force

investigating him, right?

Right, and you know that
there are hundreds of tattoos

on Jane Doe's body,
so you expect us

to memorize them all, right?

Don't give me that, all right?

Dragonfly is just a logo
and we sure as hell

made sure to protect
that project.

So what would you
have had us do?

Change planes.

Change flight paths.

Increase security.

Literally anything
to protect our officers,

instead of sitting back
and doing nothing.

Where's your g*n?
We don't have g*ns

on the operation floor.

Where's your damn g*n, Robert?

It's in the safe in the corner.



Quinn, what are you doing?

Jake, I didn't know
you'd be here.

I'm sorry you're getting caught
up in this, I always liked you.

We thought
you died in the crash.

I died the day my husband did.

There's no one here.

This doesn't make sense.

You're right.

Hey, hey, hey,
hey, hey, hey, hey!

It's me, it's me. It's me.

Tom. What's... How did you...

Blake, Blake, listen to me.

I need you to keep it together

just a little longer, okay?

Things went wrong.
The rescue team

can't hold off the
kidnappers much longer.

We need to get out
of here right now, okay?

What the hell is going on?

Follow me.

We have to rush the gunmen.

We won't all live, but we
can't let this play out.

Just tell me when to move.

No talking, please.

I spent my life
fighting terrorism,

but the CIA is
the biggest t*rror1st

organization in the world.

They use their own people
and k*ll them,

do it again and again
without a second thought.

Well, no more. Today,

I give the
Central Intelligence Agency

and the American people
something to think about.

Stop, Quinn. Don't.

I'm the deputy director.

You'll send a stronger
message if you k*ll me.

You're next, Jake.

But the honor of going first
belongs to Robert.

He's the reason we're all here.

He sent Jason
on an unsanctioned op,

then abandoned him
when he was captured.

Your husband knew exactly
what he was signing on for.

Both of you did.

You could have gone
looking for him.

We wanted proof of life.

You wouldn't
pay for his release.

We don't negotiate.

No, you negotiate
for t*rrorists.

You spend all this time
and energy and resources

to rendition monsters just to
lock them in your blacksites

and you won't lift a finger
to help your own people.

Well, now I've let
some monsters out

and it's time to reap
what you've sown.

Quinn, please.
He k*lled him, Jake.

He let Jason be m*rder*d
in front of the whole world.

Now it's his turn.

This won't bring Jason back.

I know. But it's all I've got.

Things went bad
as soon as we got there.

We had to sh**t our way in.
We got pinned down.

There's no one here.
This doesn't make sense.

If it wasn't for your men
holding off the kidnappers,

the three of us
wouldn't have made it out.

They're all dead?

They saved our lives.

I'm sorry you had to
go through this.

It's not your fault.

You must have been terrified.

I'm happy to be alive.

And out of that damn
sensory deprivation.

I feel crazy.

And you didn't see
or hear anything?

Nothing that could help us
find the people that did this?

No, I'm sorry, it just...

All I remember is Tom saving me.

Prince Charming over here.

All right.

What do you say
we call it a night?

Yes, it's late. We have
a long flight ahead of us.

Thank you for everything, Hank.

And Mr. Jakeman. Thank you.

I had my misgivings,
but you saved my boy.

I don't know what
I would have done.

Sorry, it's been a long night.

To a better tomorrow. Yeah.

Yes, indeed.

You and your task force cut it
pretty close back there.

We like to keep it interesting.

Yeah, well, thanks.

You should thank Cade.

Yeah. I'll drop by
his cell sometime.

Please tell me you didn't.

He's a t*rror1st.
But we gave him a deal.

Yeah, and we got
what we needed from him

and now his deal
is in a burn bag.

Cade chose to help us.
He could've run,

he could've just saved himself.

Look, Sandstorm operatives

are detained indefinitely,
full stop.

By that logic, Jane
should be locked up, too.

Jane was locked up.

Jane escaped and Jane
had friends in high places.

You weren't the one
who had to interrogate her.

I mean, keeping her locked up
is more trouble than it's worth.

This isn't right.

Look, there is no right.

There's just how it is.

Cade's going back
to the blacksite.

What am I supposed to tell him?

You look him right in the eye
and you lie to him.

And I'm sure I don't
have to tell you this,

but as far as the rest
of the team's concerned,

Cade got his deal. Yeah?


You stop the attack?

Yeah, we got her.

We want to thank you again

for coming to us.

Wasn't trying to be noble.

Just wanted my life back.

Well, it won't be long now.

Where's my deal? I want a copy.

It's waiting for you
at the hotel.

We're processing your release.

Gonna take you there,
get you cleaned up,

get you something to eat,
and then you'll be free to go.

Sounds good.

One step closer, she dies!

Look, Cade,
nobody has to die here.

You lied to me!
What are you talking about?

You won't show me the deal.

I know how that works.
You're lying!

No, that's not
how we do things here.

No, you just let
the CIA do it for you.

Don't move!

Jane, you have the main door.

I'll go around the side.

Just let her go. All you
have to do is let her go

and you're still free. We can
chalk this up to fried nerves.

You're still lying!

Was that even my son?

I understand... Was it?

You've been through a lot today.

You're tired. Was that my son?

Of course it was.

Then why didn't Joe come in?

I don't know.

Joe wasn't even here, was he?

Look, I just
wanted my family back.

I know what you did.

And what's that?

You had Blake
and Junior kidnapped

so you could use it
to get close to JeanPaul.

To a better tomorrow.
Yes, indeed.

You never wanted
to pay the ransom.

You wanted a reason
to take JeanPaul's side

when I objected.

JeanPaul's right.

We need to send a message.

But something went wrong.

You got cold feet.

I must have gotten in your head.

If something goes wrong
and they have to choose

between Blake and Junior,

they won't choose her.

So you...

You called the whole thing off.

That's why they had already gone
by the time we showed up.

Or maybe they were the ones
who got cold feet.

Or maybe they
were paid to walk away.

Who k*lled Jean

I did.

They wouldn't have stopped

until they found
the people responsible,

which was you.

So you were protecting me.

Why keep a loose end
if you don't have to?

Now no one will ever know
the truth, except us.

And why would you cover for me?

You're a smart man.

I trust you had your reasons
for doing what you did

just like I had mine.

But now I know how far
you're willing to go

to get what you want,
and now you know how far

I'm willing to go for you.

What about Blake?

I love her,

so I'll never tell her
what you did.

It'd destroy her.

I've liked you
from the minute we met.

And I always knew
that you would be

a welcome addition
to this family, and...

I appreciate your silence.


now you know my secret,

which means you have to die.

Yeah, but don't worry,

I'm not gonna s*ab you
like I did Victor.

That poison
that you're drinking...

it'll do just fine.

Your face.

I'm just messing with you.

Okay, relax, relax.

Good job today.

Good job.

Another day at the office?

Yeah, you know.

Punch in, punch out.

You ever think about
coming back to the FBI?


But then I feel
like I found my calling

over on the dark side.

Yeah, but at what cost?

Earlier today, you told me,
do whatever it takes.

That is what Keaton does.

He makes the hard decisions

so everybody else
doesn't have to.

Yeah, but they're bad decisions.

No, they're just different.

I know you don't believe in
Keaton's way, but I do.

That's why I left.


Sorry you had to wait around
all night.

It's okay.

It's given me time to think.

Well, we can take you
home now if you're ready.


Where is that?

My father k*lled people.

I feel like I don't...
I don't know anything.

I mean, that has to be why
he k*lled himself, right?

It just became too much for him.

It was causing him
so much pain that he just...

It just hurts, you know?

The weight of that,
escaping that

meant more to him
than staying here with me.

Avery, we can never

truly know someone else's pain.

What your dad did to himself,
to other people,

it doesn't mean
he didn't love you.

Families can do terrible,
selfish things

and still love each other.

I'm sorry.

If you want to let it out,
then just let it out.

I'm so sorry you
had to go through this.

Hey, Anthony,
how was your Friday night?

You know, pretty good.

Thawing out some guy's
dead frozen body,

dumped him in the river,
grabbed a slice, you?

Hey, look, you heard the man.

He said he need this
Popsicle to wash up.

You ready?

On three.
Hey, give me a sec, man.

My back is k*lling me.

Hey, man, you k*lling me.

Lift with your knees.

On three.

One, two...
