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03x13 - Warning sh*t

Posted: 09/03/21 17:29
by bunniefuu
Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday
to you

Happy birthday...

Betty, come on.
You'll miss the cake.

Eh, it has nuts.
I can't eat nuts.

If I'm being honest,
you are way too serious.

Come on.
Have some fun.

Or don't.


Clear the way!

Please, clear
the hallway.

Meg, Reade tells me

that you are up for
a big story at the paper.

Uh, well...

He wasn't supposed to.

In Tuscany, right?
For how long?

A month, but I can't go.


It is an all-expenses-paid trip
to one of the most beautiful

places on Earth,
of course you can go.

Reade, you should take
a couple of days off
and go with her.

She's got a lot on her plate,
and I can't--

She's got a lot
on her plate?

It is a huge opportunity.
What could she possibly--

Zapata, drop it.


I can't go because
if I leave the country--


I can't come back.

I'm in the U.S. illegally.

I'm undocumented.

You're up early.

I couldn't sleep.


For so long I didn't know
Avery existed.

And then when
I found out she did,

I didn't know
where she was...

or if she was even alive.

And now that she's here
in New York,

she still feels
a million miles away.

It's not gonna
be that way forever.

I know she doesn't
owe me anything, but...

I wanna know her.

She'll come around.


Nas. Come in.



Long time, huh?

What are you
doing here?

I need your help.

It's about
one of the tattoos.

My family came from India
when I was six.

My uncle arranged our papers,

and we thought
everything was okay.

Then, when I was 16,

I took my documents
to the DMV

to get my driver's license...

the lady at the counter
took one look at them

and said that if I
didn't want to get arrested

I should burn the whole pile.

Your uncle got you fakes.

I've gone to college.

I've paid taxes.

I've worked at two
high-profile newspapers

without being discovered.

But everything that I do,
it's a roll of the dice.

That's a horrible way to live.

But not as bad
as the idea

of being shipped off
to a place

that I barely remember.

This is my home.

I love this country.

And I'm proud of what
I have contributed.

As you should be.

Who else knows?

Just a few people
over the years.

You can't do it alone.

You need allies,

people that you can trust.

And you can trust me.

Of course.

Okay, I'm just gonna say it.

You're undocumented,
and you decide to date

the Assistant Director
of the FBI?

He didn't exactly
lead with that.

And by the time I knew,
it was too late.

I was in love.

We're needed
at the office.

Bonjour, monsieur.
Oh, not today, Rich.

Chamomile. Paper.

I just wanted to check on
the status of my request.

You're not going
to that party, Rich.

It's not that party.
It's the party.

Le Soirée Foncé--
the Dark Party.

Where the best and brightest

of the worst and the darkest
of the web come to meet.

My answer's
the same as it's been

the last three times:
Hell no.

I'm not about to send
a recovering cyber felon

to dark web Mardi Gras.

Uh, if you want me to be
your cr*ck consultant

on all things deep web,
I need to stay on brand.

I could definitely come back
with some actionable intel.

For the last time,
request denied.

Assistant Director Reade.

Nas, good to see you.
I hope.


Look who's back
from her Brexit!

Pleasure to see you
again, mum.

Uh, sorry,
what's he doing here?

He works with us now,
and it's a long story.



I have two items of interest.

First, I've learned
that Sandstorm

was initially funded by...

Hank Crawford?

Can you prove it?
Not yet.

How'd you get the intel?

Well, since my time at the NSA

came to a rather
unceremonious end,

I've been freelancing
for Keaton at the CIA.


Why didn't you tell us
that Nas was CIA?

'Cause I didn't know.
I'm a well-kept secret,

even at the agency.

My work there
mainly consists of

helping with the ongoing
interrogation of Ellen Briggs,

a.k.a. Shepherd.

Oh, right, Jane's mom,
the t*rror1st.

My second item of interest

is that I've learned
through back channels

that the NSA's regional office
was breached,

and someone stole this.

"Nergal," an extremely dangerous

NSA-created computer virus.

Wait, the Nergal virus
is real?

That's, like,
a scary story

that you tell young hackers
around a campfire.

Named for the Mesopotamian
god of pestilence,

which just happens to be
on Jane's body.

An image enhancement

shows a hidden numerical
structure within her tattoo

that matches the key
coding elements of the virus.

Nergal's like the successor
to the Stuxnet virus, right?

The one that let us sabotage
Iran's nuclear program?

Yeah, sped up their centrifuges

to the point of total
system overload.

Yes, but this one
works remotely.

You just need the box.

anything with

a mechanized system
pushed to the point of collapse.

If they stole it,
we have to assume

they're gonna use it soon.

We need to find
this device now.

A few days ago,
Nergal started trending

on some of the web's
more nefarious

and out-of-the way forums.

And from that,
we found a link to this...

Oh, whoa...
that timer is new.

They're showing
what the device can do.

Can you ID the ship?

There's no
identifying markers.

It could be one
of thousands.

Oh, my God.

If that was just
the proof of concept,

whoever's doing this...

Is just getting started.

Okay, reports are coming in.
Four dead, 22 wounded.

Massive environmental fallout.
Someone took control,

turned the function speed
up to 11,

and then... kaboom.

We need to secure that device
before there's another att*ck.

Any leads on who did this?

I have a theory.
W-Wait, shut up, shut up.


Yeah. Excuse me.

Right... there.
What is that?

A bad pixel?

It's a calling card.

Now, let's see who we are
dealing with...



Oh, that's bad.

How bad?

Well, on a scale
of one to terrible,

this is full-on terrible.

PopUpKid pops up
once every few years

with a new virus
or piece of tech,

pulls off
some crazy stunt,

and then disappears.

Nobody knows who they are

or what they look like.

Actually, I think I do.

So I've been looking for
anything weird on the books

at the NSA since the device
was last confirmed secure.

No forced entry into the room
where it was being held,

which means it was
either an inside job

or a forged access key.

Or both.

What's clear is that no matter

how the device got out
of the room...

They still had to get it
out of the building.

Yes. Move.

Enter Betty Dupree,

NSA employee who was
wheeled out of the office

after suffering a seizure
at her desk.

She was taken to county,

where she was treated
and then released.

Only... the hospital doesn't
have a record of her name.

Because they realized
it was super fake.

Betty Dupree doesn't exist.

Shouldn't the NSA
have caught that?

Yeah, except the person
overseeing personnel and ID...

Was Betty, who we now know
is also PopUpKid.

Any idea what her
real identity is?

Well, she's done some
serious scrubbing

to bury that--
I mean, she's... good.

But she's no you.
She's no me.

Okay, here we go.

A profile pic from back
in her pre-hacking days.

It's a facial match.

Her profile says her name
is Delilah Dunny.

Let's find her.


Thanks for covering for me
back there.

If they knew I knew
about you being in the CIA,

your work
with the tattoos, uh...

Yeah, of course.

These things are
best kept secret.

Has Patterson found out
about Project Dragonfly?


Not yet.
Well, when it comes out,

and it will...

be prepared to be very unpopular
with your friends.

They won't understand.

These are
the sacrifices we make.

Tom, are you okay?

Just been getting
these headaches.

I'm okay.

Well, what are you
working on?

Oh, just a little project
for your dad.

It's your next assignment.

This is the FBI team
that's after me.

Make sure they
don't interfere again.

I want them dead.

Well, I hate
to drag you away,

but I have plans
for you today.

Well, for you, absolutely.

My father was disappointed,

to say the least, when
the land deal fell through,

and he's been
looking at alternatives.

Let me guess.

You found one.

A man named Jean-Paul Bruyere

has exactly what we're
looking for, and today,

we're gonna go get it.

Well, you seem
pretty sure of yourself.

Belgian, right?
Obscenely rich?

The only problem is that
the Bruyeres and the Crawfords

have a bit of a rocky history.

So, it's gonna take
some smoothing over

if we're gonna
get into bed with them.

Wait, so today we're gonna
get into bed with them?


His son, Christophe.
They call him Junior.

He's in town playing
a very exclusive card game,

which we're about to crash.

You'll have to pose as
my bodyguard, not my boyfriend.

And if all goes well...

hopefully we can
strike a deal.

I love it when
you talk strategy.

We're not
talking about Meg.

Didn't say anything.
You're about to.

You're using your
"we need to talk" voice.

Saw that Jonathan West
from the State Department

was coming in
for a briefing today.

When I asked you

why you were meeting
with him in secret,

you said it was
to help someone.

It's Meg, isn't it?

You're using
your position at the FBI

to secure your girlfriend's
legal status?

Watch it.
No, you watch it.

It's not just your career
you're putting on the line.

It is Meg's whole life.

I'm handling it.

Please tell me
you have some good news.

We have some good news.

"Some" being
the operative word.

We couldn't locate Delilah,

but we did find this.

It's an auction.

She's selling the device,
which means the att*ck

on the freighter was
just a demonstration.

Every major criminal
and t*rror1st group in the world

is gonna be after this.

We have to buy it
before someone else does.

Well, that's the very
not good news.

This is a screen grab
that we found,

but this is the live link.

The auction ended
five minutes ago.

So we're too late.

Somebody already bought it.

I turned over a few rocks,
worked a little of my

patented Dicky Dots magic--

Just tell us you found
the buyer of the device.

Jeez, can I build up
to it a little?

Patterson, if you wouldn't mind.

I give you Tropic Song, LLC.

And should that mean
something to us?
I don't know.

Is it meaningful that
they were just the victims

of a cyber-theft to the tune
of 52,378,000 big ones?

The exact amount Delilah
sold the device for.

How did you find this
so quickly?

Because I happen to have
my finger on the pulse

of the dark web,
that's how.

I mean, for now,
which is why I think

Assistant Director Eeyore
over there

should really reconsider
the whole party thing.

Ain't gonna happen, Rich.

Uh, once Rich ID'd
the hack-ee,

I was able
to track the hacker.

Cameron Miller,
16 years old, sky-high IQ,

but he's been kicked out
of three schools.

The last one for hacking into

a laptop camera
in a female classmate's bedroom.

Let's bring him in.

Don't pull any punches.

Sometimes my grandson needs
to learn things the hard way.

Who did you buy
the device from?

How are you gonna use it?

I bought the device,
uh, from Screw You.

And I'm gonna use it
for shut the hell up

and get out of my face.

Do you wanna spend
the night in jail, boy?

We're not talking
about a night.

Your grandson
stole $50 million,

and he used half of that
as a down payment

on a w*apon
of mass destruction.

Making you an accessory
to this morning's

freighter expl*si*n.

Cammy, I don't know
what the hell

you've gotten
yourself into here,

but you need to talk
to these people.

How about you just
mind your own business?

Uhh! I tried
so hard with you.

What are you
so damn angry about?

I've gotten more empathy
out of serial K*llers.

He just seems broken.

How does someone
even get that way?

I don't know.

He's already handed over
half the money

to take this box
off the market,

which means Delilah has to
wait for the other half.

Yeah, and when Cameron
doesn't pay up,

it's only a matter of time

until she finds
another buyer.

We should get Nas and Patterson
to have a cr*ck at it.

Hopefully they found
something on his hard drive

to soften him up a bit.


It's from Avery.

She says
she's got something.

You should come with me.

Oh... she texted you,
not me.

It's fine.
Don't read too much into it.

If she's got something
that can help us...

You have to follow the lead.


It's okay. Go.
All right.

Hello, Cameron.

Or should we say

That is a classy handle,
by the way.

We know that
you owe PopUpKid

the other half of the money
for the device.

Just tell us where and when.

Yeah, no thanks.

We've been combing
through your computer--

well, the parts that
you didn't erase, anyway--

and we learned a lot about
the businesses you robbed.

Yeah, mainly
that they didn't do...

any business,
like, none at all,

before you ripped them off.

In fact, the company
didn't even exist

until a few weeks ago.

Almost as if
someone created it

for the sole purpose
of robbing it.

Strange, that.

See, with a little knowhow,

Tropic Song can be traced
through a network

of shell companies
all the way back to Iran.

Iran? What the hell
did you do?

Those guys
weren't Iranian.
Oh, really?

Is that what they told you?

They wanted the device,

they needed a middle man
to buy it,

and you were stupid enough
to fall for it.

They even set up
a shell for you to steal from.

Easy, right?
I bet they even told you
that they were gonna

take care of it when
you got caught too, right?

they won't.

These guys
contacted me online,

and they said they'd give me
a million dollars.

All that I had to do
was steal some money

that was already theirs
from a company they created

so that they could get
the box from PopUpKid.

How was PopUpKid
supposed to contact you?

They gave me
a burner phone and--

and told me
he'd call me on it.

It's in my locker
at school.

Yes, sir.

Is that...

Hello, Junior.

The Blake Crawford I know
has braces, pigtails,

and a cast on her arm.

You certainly have changed.

Arm got better,
braces came off.

So I see.

I was in town
and wanted to play cards.

I heard my old friend Junior
had a game going.

So... here I am.

Sorry, but this club
maintains a strict

gentlemen only policy.

They let you in,
didn't they?


My bodyguard
forgets himself.

No girls allowed, huh?

That's too bad.

Guess I'm gonna have
to drink this all myself.

Ever wonder what a $600,000
bottle of scotch tastes like?

I mean,
how much better can it be

than a $300,000 bottle?

All right.

You're in.

Now, let's open that bottle
and find you a seat.


What information
did Avery have?

Uh... none,
as it turns out.

She just wanted to apologize
for colluding with Roman.

She could have done that
over the phone

instead of tricking you
into coming over.

Yeah, I think she's lonely.

Well, then why doesn't
she reach out to me?

For the same reason
that you don't.

I don't think
she knows how.


So this is the phone

Delilah is supposed to call
Cameron on to finish the deal.

What do we got?
Two missed calls.

Blocked number.
We need to track those calls

before she moves on
to someone else.

Here we go.

Rich Dotcom.

Very funny,

but you're just some

4chan bro who found
$50 million somewhere.

Uh... fake news.

This is Rich Dotcom.

I just like to know
who I'm dealing with

before I expose myself.


Very few people have been able
to figure out my real name,

and most of them are dead.

Enough foreplay.

You, me,

and your little friend Nergal.

What's say we pick a spot

and consummate
this little devil's three

Oh, my God,
you are Rich Dotcom.

Okay, okay,
we can meet in the park--

Uh, park's a little...
public, don't you think?

All right, there's
an abandoned warehouse...

That's a bit on the nose,
isn't it?

We can do better
than that.

Oh, I have an idea...

Perhaps you've heard
of Le Soirée Foncé.

The dark Party?
It's tonight.


Get me on the list,

and I'll see you there...

Ciao for now.

What the hell
did you just do?

I mean, it looks like
we're going to a party.

You choose a hacker party
I explicitly told you

you couldn't go to?
People's lives are at stake.

Do you want to be
off this team?

First: Somebody had
to answer the phone, right?

Two: Never meet
on the other guy's turf.

And "C": I mean,
it worked, didn't it?

I can't believe
I'm saying this,

but... I think
he made the right call.

You've always been
my favorite.

Okay, if we do the meet
at the party,

there's almost
no chance of backup.

Yeah, it's on an isolated island
off the coast.

If things go sideways,
it'll take support
a while to get there.

What do you think, Kurt?

I agree with Nas...
I don't like it,

but this is Rich's world.

I do think that
he's our best bet.

Fine. But you're crazy if you
think you're going alone.

Pfft! You think I'm rolling in
without an entourage? Come on.

Keep me updated.

Do I have time
to get my nails done?


Didn't expect
to see you so soon.

I'm here on other business.

I only have a minute,
but we need to talk.

Of course. Appreciate you
taking the time.

As I'm sure you're aware,
some things at the upper levels

of the State Department
have changed... a lot.

Okay. And...

And everything I do is under
more intense scrutiny now,

including sensitive
immigration issues.

What are you saying?
I'm sorry, Edgar.

My hands are tied.

I can't break the rules
right now.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

No one asked you
to break any rules.

I can't even bend them
right now.

Not without
compromising myself.
It's too risky.

I'm late for this briefing.

Be careful, okay?

I'm going to have to fold.
Nicely played.

Well, I win again!

This is so much fun.

I am off to nurse my wounds
and satisfy my thirst.

Shall I refresh your drink?

Oh, sure.

Might be a while
before I can get up again.

Your boss is
quite the woman.

How long is
she staying in Rio?

She's not--
and her boyfriend--

Oh, please.
A boyfriend I can handle.

How long have you
been in love with her?

You have been
staring at her all night.

It's a classic story
but a tragic one.

The servant boy...

and the princess.

Never ends well.

Ohh, it feels good
to be home.

Don't get too comfortable.

We're here
to do a job, remember?

Marriage has changed you.

You used to love
a good party.

Now look, I know you're
all here as my chaperones,

but I need you to do me
a favor and just try

to blend in, all right?

These are my people.
Don't embarrass me.

You don't want us
to embarrass you?


We'll try.
Come on.

Let's find Delilah
and get the box.

Reade, you got us?

Loud and clear.

The party is using
private ferries

to get the guests
onto the island.

I hacked into the boat company's
website to track them.

If Delilah hasn't arrived yet,

I may be able
to give you guys a heads up.

Nothing here.


I gotta say, uh,
I'm a little surprised

that you're working
for Keaton.

Beggars can't be choosers.

Nas, what you did
for the team,

falling on
your own sword...

that meant a lot to us.

Yeah, well,
doing the right thing

doesn't always
come with a reward.


Jane and you
seem very happy.

We're not.
We're getting there.

And speaking of that,
when she left,

I could have
used your help.

Or at least your contacts.

I reached out to you.

You didn't
return my calls.

I wouldn't have been
any help, Kurt.

I couldn't even
save my own career.

Maybe I can
arrange something

for you to come back
to the FBI.

I still feel that my place
is back with the NSA.

Even if they can't
see that just yet.


Let me know
if I can help.

You already are.

Then the guy in the leather mask
is like...

I just about lost it.


Long story short,
if you're going to an opium den,

they do not allow photos.

Excuse me for a second.
I see a friend.

Can I borrow this?

Hi! Can I interest you
in a beverage?

Could you possibly be

drawing any more
attention to yourself?

I am just trying to stay
in character here, okay?

Unlike you, Lady Dour
of Dour-ton Abbey.

You know, you're allowed
to have fun at work.

Look at all these people--
they're dancing,

they're drinking,
they're consuming

various top-shelf
recreational pharmaceuticals.

Oh, my God,
did you just--

Oh, I'm allergic
to the carpets here, all right?

Okay, see that?
That patented death stare?

That is your problem.
You can get that finger
out of my face any time.


You know, I don't want
to get too personal,

but I'm definitely going to,

and I say this
completely out of love,

but you know how you are?

Are you really surprised
that Avery went to Weller

and not you?

Who was talking
about Avery?

How do you even
know about that?

And I know that people
think that your husband

is supposed to be the big,
strong, burly tough guy,

but you are
way more intimidating.

I'm not intimidating.

Your daughter is not
gonna come to you, okay?

Avery is a child.
You're the adult.

You gotta go to her.

Oh, my God, would I make
a cool dad or what?

Looks like another ferry
just pulled up.

This could be the one.

Stay on your toes, people.

Got eyes on her.

Enter me.

Nas, if you...

would do me the honor?

Delilah Dunny...

a.k.a. PopUpKid.

You weren't planning
an Irish exit, were you?

Rich Dotcom.
Hi, a.k.a. MasterSharkButt817.

Who's this?

This is Gwendolyn
Tuffington Havershire,

my head of security,
among other things.



Why don't we,
um, make a deal

where you sell me
what you stole for money?


Um, ahem, I, uh...

Okay, um, I have--
I have come here at great risk

to sell you something that could
change the course of history.

Do I have-- No, no,
I mean, do you have--

Sorry, um...

I'm gonna start over, um...

I'm sorry, this was
a mistake, I gotta go.

Delilah, Delilah.

Everything is gonna be
just fine.

Just... just breathe.

Uh, actually, can you show me
where the bathroom is?

I think I'm gonna vomit.

Yeah, of course.
It's just over there.

If she goes and I see it
I'm gonna--

Okay. Go ahead.
Go ahead.


Nice work
keeping her here.

Thank Nas.
She's incredibly Zen.

Let's just hope
she can keep Delilah calm

long enough
for us to do this.

Rich Dotcom!

What is Sho Akhtar
doing here?

Rich Dotcom!

What are you doing?

Take the g*n
out of his mouth.

I don't know.

He was extradited to Pakistan
after we arrested him.

He knows us.
So get ready to abort.

Take it easy,
puddin', okay?

The night that you met him,
he was flying on cocaine.

He probably doesn't
even remember you.

Okay? Just be cool.

Well, well, well.

If it isn't my old friends
from the FBI.

So he does remember you.

What a nice surprise...
I didn't know

there'd be pork
at this party.

Sho Akhtar.
Back from the dead.

You're supposed to be serving

a life sentence
in a Pakistani prison right now.

How did you get out?

I was released almost
as soon as I landed.

What can I say?

Something of
a hometown legend.

Ah, but I'm curious.

If this room
of bloodthirsty criminals

learned there were
feds here...

how long would you last?

And Rich,
my old friend.

Sho. Buddy.
I should k*ll you right now

for selling me out
in the first place.
Selling you out?

How about when you

You know, I still can't
look at a cabbage roll.

You know I was only
getting you back

for what you did
on Carl's plane.

Oh, Carl's plane
is a hunk of junk.

Are you kidding me?
I did them a favor.
Enough! Enough!

Why are you here?

Well, somebody's gotta
breathe some life

into this damn funeral.



I don't mind
if I do.

You know what I don't get?

What's that... Riggs?

Pakistanis hate you
more than we do.

So the fact that you're not
rotting in a hole in Karachi

tells me that
you turned on somebody

that's even worse
than yourself.

Yeah, somebody who probably
has friends at this funeral.

Wouldn't take us long
to figure out who they are.

Still have to prove it.

Oh, yeah, you know what?

These guys look like
sticklers for due process.

Looks like mutually assured
destruction to me.


I'll play nice.
For now.

No way this is a coincidence.

Sho's there to steal
the device.

And he knows
we are too.

Look, we already have Delilah.

We just have to keep Sho
occupied long enough

to finish the deal
and get the hell out of there.

I'm willing to bet
Sho doesn't know

what PopUpKid
looks like yet.

As far as he knows,
she could be anybody.

Maybe we can use that.

Well, don't keep
a girl in suspense.

What's it gonna be?


I'll show you mine
if you show me yours.


You had me worried.

You are good.

Not good enough, apparently.
You're not leaving, are you?

After that hand,
I need another drink.

Of course.

Who wants to lose
some more money?

You let him win.

You had him b*at
the whole game.

Why'd you t*nk it?

Well, sometimes
you've got to lose to win.

I don't care about cards,

we're playing
a bigger game here.

I feel bad.

Let me make it up to you.

Once I'm done here,

come with me
to the after party?

Well, if you insist.

You may want to tell
her boyfriend she'll be late.


I'm approaching
PopUpKid now.


And now we're even
for Carl's plane.

Bitch Dotcom.


I notice you're all wearing
nice chains, by the way.

Is that a standard-issue
thing or--


Ohh... I did not
do that right.

I'm here for
the Nergal device.

You're not my buyer.

You're right.

Sho Akhtar...

at your service.

And why should I sell
to somebody who I don't know?

Because there's no business
like Sho business.

And I give you three reasons
to buy from me.

One: I'll double your price.

Two: Rich is working
with the feds.

And three: I had no idea

PopUpKid would be
so damn beautiful.

Well, that last one
was more of an observation

than a reason.

Assume I did
sell you my device.

How do I know
that you would use it

for something worthy
of its power

Okay, okay. You wanna know
what else bothers me?

Entitlement. Uck!

The powerful bully,
the powerless, and--

and these animals
need to learn

that they're not immune.

Which is why
I'm using this money

to build something
ten times worse

than the Nergal virus.

That is legit terrifying.

But, um-- and this is not
to rush you in any way

with your snacking there.

But my bodyguards and I
would love to make this swap,

if that's possible.
And the sooner you get paid,

the sooner you can make
every one else pay, right?

That's a really
good idea.

Sent you the authorization.

You just need to accept.

That little bar
goes green.

Transfer complete. Great.
Thank you.

Hey, uh, canapé?
Oh, sure.

Um, now,
where's the device?

Oh, okay, okay.
You think I have it on me.

What do you think
I am, stupid?

No, there is a person
here at the party

who ha--

Keep going.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Do these have nuts?

Yeah, I wanna say pistachio?


Shh, shh, slow,
calm breathes.

In here?
There's nothing in here.

Just this EpiPen.

Oh! Sorry.

There you go.

You said someone out there
has the device.

Who is that

She's-- she's reaching
for her phone.

The contact's
gotta be in there.


It's locked.

Gotta find a backdoor
into this phone.

Who cares what I do
with the device?

I'm giving you
$100 million.

Whatever happened to
"the customer's always ri

Well, that's very interesting.

60 seconds ago
I sent a photo of you

to my good friends in my ear.

They've been doing
some research.

And you're not PopUpKid.

Then who am I?

You were Nas Kamal,

formerly of the NSA.

And now... you're dead.

k*ll her!

I'll find the box.

I accessed Delilah's phone.

Try it now.

There's only one contact.

This has to be her man
with the box.

Let's hope
we can ID him

before he realizes
I'm not Delilah.


FBI raid!

Everybody run!

Get down!
Get out of the way!


He hasn't got it.

Sho has the device.

Did you see
which way he went?
No, I didn't.

I'll take the front exit,
you cover the back.

Get out of here!
The door!





You okay?

Come on, guys.
Give me some good news.

Sho just got away
with the device.

Well, you're half right.

Nice work, everybody.

Yep, the device is secured,

and Delilah
is in custody.

Sho Akhtar's
still in the wind.

Eh, guys like him have
a way of popping up

when you least
expect it.

Or maybe not,
I mean, he does have

a pretty serious
drug problem.

He could die any time.

Nas, thank you
for your help.

Yeah, it's great
to have you back.

You know,
I've, uh, I've missed this.

Working with all of you.

Yeah, even you, Rich.

But it's time I go back
to where I belong.

What, to the CIA?

Why do I feel like
you're about to fly away

on an umbrella right now?

Goodbye, everyone.

That was a Mary Poppins

in case
that wasn't clear.

That part always
makes me cry.

Hey, uh, Nas?

Uh, before you go,

I was wondering
if the next time

you talk to Shepherd,

if you could
ask her about Avery

and, uh, why she
made me give her up.

I'm not gonna
do that, Jane.

I already know
the answer.

Your mother is a sociopath
and a narcissist.

The things
she took from you,

they were all to keep you
from loving anyone but her.

There's no mystery.
She just wanted to control you.

I keep wondering
if there's something

I could have done
to change her mind.

To what end?

You can't live
in the past, Jane.

We're better served
putting all our efforts

into what we can do now.

Good luck, Jane.

What? Okay.

Go ahead then.
You have to tell him,
by the way.

He's not
getting it from me.
I will, just calm--

Hey-- okay,
we have a problem.

Something is wrong
with the device.

It doesn't actually
do anything.

It appears that
Delilah brought us a decoy.

No... not Delilah.


Nas said that she was going
back to where she belongs,

so she's using that box

to buy her way
back into the NSA.

So, I guess the tat squad

doesn't really score
any points for this one?

Well, she did keep us

from getting fired.
I was in jail.

And now the device
is off the market.

A win's a win.

You know,
doing the right thing

doesn't always come
with a reward.


Hey, baby.


Tough day?

I sort of did something.

There's a guy I know
at the state department.

And it didn't work out,

but he was helping me
fix your immigration status

by changing
a few things around.

Changing things around?

You mean
falsifying documents?

I have
falsified documents.

I am trying to...

How could you put us
both at risk like that?

You need help,
I'm trying to help.

Well, don't!
This is my thing.

No, it's our thing, babe.
We're together, right?

I-I just didn't
want to lose you.

I was planning something
way more elaborate.

Top of the Empire
State Building,

Hamilton tickets.

Your papers.

Planning for what?

I don't want
to wait anymore.

Oh, Edgar, no, no.

What are you-- is--


I love you...
with everything that I am.

Will you marry me?

You know that marrying me

won't change the fact
that I am undocumented.

They can throw me out,
and they can keep me out.

That's not
why I'm doing this.

I just want you.

I want your goodness,
I want your problems.

We can figure the rest out
later... together.

Now, say yes, damn it.

Yes, yes.
I say yes! I...




Thanks for coming.

Did something happen
with Crawford?

What? Uh... no.

No, I just thought
that you might...

want to get
out of the safe house.


Do you drink coffee?

They make a great
hemp milk latte.




I'll take a normal
black coffee, though.

Fair enough.


I assume that
you're calling to apologize

for stealing property
from the FBI.

I have no idea
what you mean.

My mistake, then.

I'm calling because
I've uncovered

some very interesting
information about Avery's dad.

Turns out that
he was very involved

in some of Crawford's
shady business practices.

Okay, send me
what you got.

I already have.


I think we've made enough
of an impression.

Let's get out of here.

Is somebody jealous?

Look, we'll just go
to the after party

for a little bit.

Think you can
survive that?

Well, as long as
I'm the one leaving with you,

I think I'll live.

Right this way,

Prepare for an evening
you won't forget.