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02x04 - Squirrels.

Posted: 09/03/21 15:29
by bunniefuu
(theme music playing)

♪ Animals ♪

♪ Animals ♪


(air-raid sirens blaring)

(people shouting)

(death metal playing)


♪ ♪

(indistinct radio chatter)

Ca-caw! Ca-caw!

(death metal music fades)

(pastoral organ music playing)

Yeah, I don't know, Nirvana was good,

but I think Third Eye Blind
really defined modern rock.

Yeah, just focus on the work

and then we can talk after it.

I'm focused on the work.

You know how we live and die
by the Yelp reviews, right?

That's why I think we're
really good business partners...

because you're doing a
great job with the nitty-gritty.

You're an underling.
You're an employee at best.

Look, it doesn't matter.
My expertise really lies

in the... (lisping)
piece de la Christmas...

Pièce de résistance.

Of all catered events:

the three-tier, stainless-steel
La Voni Fountain XL.

If I turn this puppy to ,

I could blow your head clean off.

And I'll do it, too.

- Chill.
- All right?

You're threatening me.

I stepped over the line.

Phil? Hey, Phil?

Have you guys by any chance
seen, like, a little kid?

Probably got, like, snot
coming out of his nose.

- You know what I mean?
- What the f*ck, Mike?

- Oh, there you are.
- You calling me a snot-nosed kid?

You do have a little bit of a...

I don't have anything, dude...

Okay, so what? Mike, let's go.

Oh, like nobody never
had no boogies coming

out of their nose, like they do that.

♪ ♪

You know, I think the boys are
just having trouble accepting it.

- Oh, yeah.
- I mean, I get it. It must be so weird

- to watch your mom get remarried.
- That's true.

But, you know, I love Pat.

- He's a great guy.
- I love him so much.

What do you think about
something like this?

Oh. Do you really think this works?

Haha, I guess everyone's an expert
when it comes to their wedding day.

(hacking cough) I'll be right
back. I need a cigarette.

Get off of me, dude.

- Okay?
- Just hurry up. God.

- I'm walking, Michael!
- (gasps) Are those my boys?

- Yes, Mommy.
- Oh, oh, oh, oh!

Hey, Mom. I wanna see! I wanna see!

Oh, you look adorable!

Yeah. Adorable in our monkey suits.

Mom, I look like a s
paperboy. This is ridiculous.

That's the theme of the wedding.

- I feel stifled.
- I feel like a doll.

- Can we cheer up, huh?
- It's impossible.

- Can we try?
- Impossible.

For one day? It's a celebration, okay?

I don't think it's a celebration at all.

It feels like my whole life's
getting flipped upside down,

and I'm not gonna be the
baby of the family anymore.

Boys, can I promise you something?

I'm seconds away from a tantrum.
Go ahead, Mommy, I'm sorry.

You guys will always be my little boys.

- Okay?
- Well, Mom,

we would be remiss if we didn't say

you look beautiful on
your bright, shining day.

- Thank you, Mike.
- You look very pretty.

Your eyes are really...

Wow, what shade of eye shadow is that?

You're not using my makeup, Mike.

- What, I'm just asking?
- And I have something else to say, too.


All right. I love you.
This means a ton to me.

Now go have fun. Don't get messy.

Mom, Mike's trying
to get a cigarette

- from the hairdresser!
- Michael!

- (hacking cough)
- Mike: Cool.

♪ ♪

Mike, give me your eyeliner.

I'm gonna tag this f*cking photo of Pat.

See, when you're drawing a penis, you
don't want to make the shaft too big,

or else it just looks unrealistic.

I personally think he'd
look better with a gap tooth.

Maybe double horns. A d*ck?
That's a little bit on the nose.

Pat. Our new stepdad.

I thought I smelled you.

Okay, Pat, we get it.

You're cool and you're
relating to us, whatever.

Just give me the freaking
ring or whatever I need

for this gay little ring boy walk.

Yeah, actually, ahem, Phil, that's
what I wanted to talk to you about.

Since you're in charge of the music...

(screaming) Check! Check!

- (screeching)
- Oh, God, no!

Phil, Mike, 'sup, dudes?
Thanks for the gig, man.

Yeah, we thought it'd only be fair

if Mason was the ring boy.

Thank you, Daddy.

Oh, my God.


is the R-I-N-G B-O-Y,

ring boy!

Can you believe it's
already the big day?

Ugh, Mason, get off me. You stink.

- I'm excited.
- Mason, get off of me.

- Hugs.
- I'm not gonna hug you.

f*cking Mason's really replacing
me as the ring boy, Pat?

Can I help it that I'm younger,

and my eyes are bigger,

and my voice is higher?

Your voice is not
higher than mine, Mason!

Look at this. (squeaks)

It's so high, you can't even
hear. It's like a dog whistle.

That dog just did a backflip.

Mason, you listen to me, okay?

You're not gonna be my brother,
and you'll never be my brother.

Mikey's my only brother. Right, Mikey?

Wow. Marilyn Manson
took out one of his ribs

to suck his own d*ck.

f*cking genius.

Mason, stay out of my way!

Don't see me as a threat, boys.

Whatever. Mike, let's go.

He shoved a f*cking fork in his eye

'cause he thought a
fake eye would look cool.

And it does. It does look cool.

♪ And it's an early event horizon ♪





(music on headphones)

Um, excuse me, is this the
Macciano-Gelburg wedding?


Tha... That's my mommy getting
married... at the wedding.

Um, my mommy is the one...

- Are you okay?
- Yeah. Ahem.

Yes, it is.

What's your name?

'Kay, well, I'm Sandy.

I'm gonna call you the male witch.

- Mm-hmm.
- Because you're wearing makeup,

- you have your nails painted...
- Right.

You haven't identified yourself,

which is what, like, a
su1c1de bomber might do,

so this is freaking me out a bit.

Okay, I think we have, like,
a fundamental misunderstanding

of my dark aesthetic.

- See, I'm goth, okay?
- Huh?

Wow. How do I describe goth
to someone who doesn't know it?

(gasps) Are you a musician?

Mm-hmm. Yeah, I am a musi... mus...

- I make music.
- Oh, my God.

Did you write a song for
your mom's wedding?

That would be so sweet.

Of course I did. 'Cause I'm a musician,

so why wouldn't I write a
song for my mom's wedding?

Oh, you're performing
a song for your mom?

It's all written and everything, too.

Why am I saying that?

I'll be totally honest,
when I first saw you,

I thought you were this,
like, weird dickhead

- wearing black makeup,
- Mmm. No.

now I think you're king of a
sweet songwriter. That's cool.

(whispering) Stay strong,
Mikey, this is going so well.

And the fact that you care
about your mom so much,

I... I don't know, it kind
of makes me want to cry.

Seeing her cry is making me tear up.

Don't cry, Mikey, don't cry.

Wow. Okay, well, I
can't wait to hear it.

(sniffs) Cool.

- Okay, see you soon.
- Hey, Sandy.

Marilyn Manson, um...

- I'm sorry?
- Sucked my d*ck. Heh.


(camera beeps)

Hey, everybody, I'm here.

I'm just getting ready for
my big walk down the aisle.

- (woman laughing)
- Oh, is that Aunt Judy?

I look cute? Stop it.

Uncle Chris!

Have you lost weight?

Maybe he gained it?

Comment below if you think
Uncle Chris has gained weight.

It's a regular who's who of the
squirrel community here today.

We got Mike, Uncle Ben,

Cho-Cho, Ribbles, Fimp, Mark.

And who's this little fuckhead?

Oh, it's Phil.

Phil (muttering): f*cking
stupid-ass wedding.

And the thing, and
then that'll come down

and it'll f*cking chop
his f*cking head off.

- What are you drawing?
- What?!

I'm not drawing anything, Mason.

- What are you doing under here?
- Looks like something.

- It's none of your business, okay?
- Can I look at it?

Mason, personal space,
man. Six inches at least.

Well, there's not gonna
be much personal space

when we're brothers. Brothers
hang out, they share bunk beds,

- they share cereal.
- Mason, we're

never gonna share bunk beds, okay?

I'm on the top bunk,
Mike's on the bottom bunk.

(sniffs) Oh, my God. You stink of milk.

Is that all you drink?

I can't wait until it's
mother's breast milk.

Mason, my mommy is
not lactating anymore.

You know there's some reports

when a woman is around a younger force

that the body just begins
to naturally lactate.

And if she starts drippin',
I'm gonna be lickin'.

Mason, you're not gonna drink any of
my mommy's breast milk! You got that?

You're no longer the baby.
You realize that, right?

I'm the baby, gotta love me.

I get the most presents,

the most attention, the most love.

Love isn't a tangible
thing and you know that.

Come on, Mason, just
'cause you're ring boy

doesn't mean you're replacing me.

I'm thinking maybe I'll do just
some classic ring bearer moves.

Maybe half-way down the aisle, I'll
get nervous and I'll turn around.

Probably get a few
ahhs and oohs from that.

And then... I just hope I don't trip.

I won't, but...

I guess it'd be kinda cute if I tripped.

Screw you, Mason. I'm
getting out of here.

I'm onto you, Phil.

You're not gonna ruin
my big day, you little...

poopy boy!

Yeah, Phil! Get out
of here, ya poop-ass!

Haha. Who is that, man?

Oh, he's my new stepbrother.

And he's up to no good.

I'm gonna keep an eye on him.

Yes. Yes, yes, yes.

Heh. You're a funny little guy.

♪ ♪

Gotta write a song. Gotta write a song.

Okay, here we go.

(to the tune of "Happy Birthday")
♪ My blood is so red ♪

♪ My blood is so red ♪

Mike, Mike, Mike, shut up,
dude. Why are you

singing "Happy Birthday?"
It's a wedding.

Is that "Happy Birthday"? f*ck.

Whatever, dude, here's the plan.

I'm gonna pop off a cork
from a champagne bottle

and it'll hit Pat in the head,
knocking him unconscious.

While I'm doing that, I need you
to half nelson Mason. You got that?

- Okay, Phil?
- That's an arm bar

that goes like this, Mike,
that'll knock him right out.

After that we we flank the side,

flip over the appetizer
table, bada-bing, bada-boom,

we got ourselves a little home base.

From there we pick off
Pat's family one-by-one.

- Phil...
- And then we rescue mom,

and we go home, and
forget this ever happened.

What do you say? Put it
there. Put it there, big bro.

Phil, you need to grow up, man.

You're acting like a little kid.

What are you talking about?

What, are you Team Pat
and Mason all of a sudden?

You're a freaking
traitor, all right, dude?

You're a Judas. You're a harlot.

You're a Benedict Arnold.

You're Harry in Dumb and Dumber.

- I'm not Harry.
- Yes, you are, dude.

And I'm f*cking Lloyd Christmas
and you're leaving me in Nebraska.

Wake up, man! Okay?

This is happening whether
you like it or not.

No, it didn't happen yet!
We can still stop it, Mike.

Mom is in love with
Pat, all right? Whatever.

Plus... maybe love
isn't so gay after all.

That's something I'm exploring.

Hey, Phil, give me a word
that rhymes with abyss.

Other than piss, 'cause
I've already went through...

- Ugh!
- Oww!

- Are you f*cking serious, dude?
- Come on, let's go!

We need to have it out.
Let's just get it out.

God, screw you!

Get the f*ck off me, Mike!

Think you can come at me like that?

'Cause I'm wearing black contacts?

- Are you kidding me?
- Oww, dude, f*cking...

f*ck you, Mike! f*ck you, dude.

If I have a bloody lip, I'm
seriously gonna kick your ass, Phil.

I'm serious.

Oh, hi, Grandma. No,
we were just playing.

Grandma, I'm fine! Leave me alone!

I love you, Grandma.

♪ ♪

That should be the right velocity
to take someone's freaking head off.

Ooh, I love being a scamp.

Modern day Dennis the Menace,
modern day Bart Simpson.

That's a bad boy, Philly.

What... Mason!

I'm gonna put one of these
tacks down on everybody's chair,

and then poof, I guess the
wedding's gonna be ruined.

Haha, 'cause no one's able to sit.

Not on my watch.

f*ck you, Mason.

I'm just gonna put
these whoopee cushions

secretly down on each
one of these chairs.

I don't think so.

Aargh, Mason!

- Nu-uh-uh.
- Mason!

- Nope.
- Mason!

- Not today.
- Mason!

- I don't think so.
- Mason.

f*ck off!

- (people gasp)
- (groans)

Oh, Phil, you have given
me the greatest gift.

- No, Mason. Just be quiet.
- (whimpers)

- No, no, don't cry.
- (whimpers)

- Don't cry, Mason.
- Bottom lip

- trembling.
- It's okay, you're fine.

- Tears forming.
- You're fine.

- You're fine, Mason.
- Point of no return.

Waah! Daddy!

What's going on over here?

Mason, are you okay?

(crying) Phil just pushed me!

Philip, is that true?

He's fine. He's faking it.

These are % real tears.

- Mason!
- It's 'cause he's older

and he's getting more
strength by the day.

He doesn't even know his own strength!

All right. Let's go inside.

Philip, follow me, buster.

How could you do this to me, Phil?

It's fine, he's fine. How
could you do this to me?

♪ ♪

I wanna stop crying, but
I can't. It hurts so much.

Philip, I know you think
Mason is a little bit, um...


coddled. But that's because

when he was born, well,
he was really sick.


His mom, before she passed,

she had some troubles.

She was taking pills while
she had Mason in her belly,

so when the dude came out,

I mean, his head was like, it was soft,

and he kinda smelled like liquor.

And I guess, ever since then, well,

I maybe pampered him a bit.

I'm over-protective of him, I guess.

I know he's a lot to
handle sometimes, but...

- Daddy?
- At the end of the day,

I just think he's happy to be here.

He's happy to be alive.
Isn't that right, Mason?

Yeah, yeah, I'm just happy to be here.

I just wanna be a good
ring boy, that's all.

So... ahem... Let me get this straight.

Just because your dead wife
was a pill-popping bimbo,

that means you get to f*ck my
mom with your stupid cock-ass?!

(gasps) Dad, what's a cock-ass?

No, dude, okay, that's it.

We're gonna go see your mother now.

Get your f*cking paws off me!


So stupid! f*cking Mike left me!

Mom's getting married to Pat,
and Mason's a piece of shit!

And I f*cking hate it!

(toilet flushes)

Oh, that stuff makes me
shit. What are you doing here?

What are you doing here? What's all
that white stuff around your nose?

What did you do to this room?

It's destroyed. Are
you rabid or something?

No... Old Ben, it's just like,

my mom's freaking
marrying this new dude.

She didn't even ask
me, she's just doing it.

Phil, do you still have
that pen I gave you?

Which pen?

In episode .

Oh, right, of course.
Never leave home without it.

You know, people think of love...

as something permanent,
something that lasts forever.

- Well, it doesn't.
- What do you mean?

If love is built on something weak...

- (hawking)
- Oh, here we go.

- (spits)
- Oh, God.

It breaks apart.

But, my dear boy,

if love is built on something strong...



Phil: It slid right off of it.

- Still there.
- Still there.

Now I've seen a lot of love in my life,

and I think what your mother
and this Pat fellow have

is a strong foundation
to build on. I really do.

So you better get the f*ck over it.

- Okay.
- Here's your pen.

- Thank you.
- Keep the bottle.

Wait, this is alcohol.
I can't drink this,

- I'm a little kid...
- It's schnapps, you little fairy!

- Relax.
- Okay.

And if you tell anyone

I didn't wash my hands, I'll
beat the shit out of you.

Okay, Old Ben. Jeez Louise.

- Aaa-hahaha!
- There's the laugh.

- Classic.
- Oh!

I did too much coke!

(sniffs) Ooh, peach.


I gotta admit, it's pretty good.

(burps) Oh.

Feeling a light drowsiness come over me.

Feels like I'm wearing a
jacket inside of my skin.

I feel relaxed, I feel at
peace. I feel a little depressed.

If I just go ahead and lay
my head back for a few seconds

and just catch a few...


♪ Wish your life was a beautiful life ♪

♪ Well dream on ♪

♪ Wish your life was a beautiful life ♪

♪ Well dream on ♪

♪ Now you're stuck in a
daze it's all a race ♪


♪ Survive in a letter
around your head ♪

♪ But you got nothing on them ♪



♪ I wish I could buy you everything ♪

Hey y'all. Mason's here.

Talking to you straight
from my daddy's wedding.

Been a crazy day.

Been trying to fit
in with Phil and Mike,

my two new older brothers.

Phil's being a poopy-pants.

Guess he's threatened by me.

No surprises.

If you think Phil's being a jerk,

comment down below. Let me know.

Hey, there, ma'am,
can I get you a drink?

Can I have a Shirley Temple?

- Absolutely. Coming right up.
- Thank you.

(whispers) She's perfect.

(gasps) Aah! Oh, my God!

- What's up?
- Oh, it's you. Sorry.

You were just staring at me.

Oh, I was just, like, next in

- line. Sorry about...
- Oh, God.

- I didn't...
- I cannot wait to see you play live.

I've built it up in my head so much.

Mm-hmm. Yeah, the
pressure's pretty high, huh?

Yes, of course. You know what,
let me get out of your hair.

- I can't wait.
- Cool.

Oh, shit.

Okay, everybody, three minutes
until we walk, three minutes!

- Hey, Ty.
- Hey, Mike.

Yeah, Phil's brother, right?

Um, well, actually, it's...
Phil would be my brother

because I'm the older one, so...

Where is Phil? That guy rules, man.

Hey, um, Ty, can I ask you something?

Uh, yeah, sure.

- It's a little bit personal.
- sh**t, man.

I'm trying to write a song for a girl.

Do you have, like, any tips
that could maybe, help me out?

I just can't write a
song for the life of me.

Well, you just gotta
write from your heart, man.

That's what all great songwriters do.

Write from your heart.

So you're saying, if I just be myself

and trust my own instincts,
inspiration will strike.

And no amount of practice
or years of doing it

will really make a difference.

- Exactly.
- Yes.

- Believe in yourself, Mikey.
- Thanks, Ty.

Okay, the procession has started. Music!

Okay, uh, everybody, it's
go time. Ready? Here we go.

All right. Cronin, focus up!

One, two, three, four!

("Here Comes the Bride" playing)

- Wow.
- Pat, she looks beautiful.

She's a stunner.

And I'm allowed to say
that 'cause I'm a priest.

'Cause I'm kinda out of the game, so...

As hot as your wife
is, God is a lot hotter.

Heh. We'll put it that way.

Ooh, is it nervous in here?

Hey, honey. Look at all these
people just staring at us.

- It's f*cking weird, right?
- It's so crazy.

- I'm super excited.
- Um, where's Phil?

Yeah, oh, um, sorry.

There was kind of a... Well,
there was, like, an incident.

- What?
- Look, I don't know.

I mean, the guy took off,
I can't find him.

- What, what do you mean?
- I'm like, "hello, hello," he doesn't respond.

- What?
- And now, ladies and gentlemen,

if you'd please turn your
attention to the back,

it is time for Mason, the ring boy!

All right, y'all.

Ten, nine, eight, seven,
six, five, four, three, two...

One! It's the moment that's bigger
than the actual nuptials themself,

- it's Mason!
- (dance music plays)

♪ It is time for the ring ♪

♪ It's time for the ring ♪

♪ And a little cutie-pie is bringing it ♪

Holy shit, Mason from YouTube.

You rule, man!

Where are those lasers coming from?

This kid understands production value.

Natalie, you're behind.

You gotta make the snaps snap.

You're making the snap crap.

Why did we rehearse if
you're just gonna f*ck up?

Pick it up.

Check it out, a full-on backflip.

Whoa! Aah!

(crowd gasps)

Keep going. Just... No.

You're making it weird
by stopping. Just...

(laughing) This kid's hilarious.

(faint dance music)

Oh... Oh! This is not the
same feeling as it was before.

- Whoop!
- Ha, bitch.

Oh, shit.

Mommy's getting married to the guy.

Oh, boy, I gotta go.

Whoop, okay.

A little bit of "Hey, how are you?"

And now we're back.

Mommy! Mom, I'm here...

Okay, everyone, quiet down, I'm here.

I'm here, we can start going.



Look how much cuter and
younger Mason is than Phil.

I bet he's gonna get so many presents.

I legit hate Phil now.

I love Mason more than
either of my real sons.

He's the best.

I agree, honey. Let's go mush
our butts on Philip's bed.


Phil is going to hell,

to Jewish hell!

News flash: Mike's cooler than Phil.

I'm gay!

I'm albino.

If I turn this puppy up to ,

I could blow your head
clean off with this thing.

Doop, doop, doobidy-doo.

Doo-doo-doo-doop, doopidy-doo.

Doop, doop, doop, doo.

Doop-doop, doop-doop-doo.


(crowd murmuring)


Oh, there he is.

Oh, f*ck.

And when he says, "I wish you would
step back from that ledge, my friend,"

he's actually talking about su1c1de.

Yeah, that's cool, dude.

- Oh, shit.
- What?

This little man outside
is going all Major Kong

on the peanut butter fountain.

Let me see.

Whoa, wait.

No, no. On, no, no, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no!

Oh, God, the La Voni Fountain XL.

I'm sorry.

No! No!



Oh, my God!



- Ugh.
- Oh, my God.

What is this crap?

- It's chunky.
- Looks like shit, ugh!

No! Why?!

Why did you do this to me?

Because! 'Cause Mason's replacing me,

and I f*cking hate Pat, Mom.

And if you marry him, well, that means
that our real dad's never coming back.

And that's... That's not fair.

'Cause... 'Cause why did he leave us?

Why did Daddy leave us? Am I that bad?

Are we... Are we that bad?

Phil, you're not bad.

Your dad and I weren't
right for each other.

He's gone. And he's not coming back.

I love Pat, and he loves me.

And although you may not
be able to tell right now,

he loves you and Mike so much.

Is that true, Pat... you big bitch?

- Sorry, Mommy.
- It's true.

I know things feel real weird right now,

but soon we're gonna
have a bigger family,

and it's gonna be
filled with so much love.

More love than you could ever imagine.

- Really?
- Yeah. I promise.

I'm sorry, Mommy.

I'm sorry.

- I kinda ruined your wedding a little bit.
- You did.

You did, but I love you still so much.

I think it will make a good story.

Come here.

- And I love you, too, Pat.
- Mm-hmm.

Like, you smell good,
like, you're strong,

it feels good when you talk to me,

and, like, I need that sort
of influence in my life.

Mason, get in here, you little scamp.

You mean it? Aww. That feels good.

Eww. You kissed my chest.

Um, uh, hey, everyone.

This seems like a good
moment for me to jump in here.

Wow, so many interruptions.

Oh, oh, okay. Mike has something to say.

The spotlight's on Mike now, I guess.

(clapping) Whoo!

I know him. He's cool.

I know he doesn't look
cool, but he's cool.

Sandy, I know we just met,

but I love you.

- Wha...
- Whoa.

And I want you to be my girlfriend.

- Oh, my God.
- And I wrote this song for you.

Oh, no.

Believe in yourself, Mikey.

(singing off-key) ♪ The
blackness in my soul ♪

- Here we go.
- Oh, my God.

♪ Is becoming whiteness ♪

He sucks so badly. I can't
handle this eye contact.

♪ Thanks to you ♪

Honey, Mike, Michael.

- Yes, Mom? Hi.
- Hi.

Sandy's your cousin.

What? f*ck.


Also, I have a boyfriend.

- You have a boyfriend?
- Yeah, look at him, man.

- Hey.
- Look at him.

Good to meet you. You
seem like a good guy.

- He's really tall.
- Yeah, he's real tall.

Now that that's done,
can I get married now?


Sorry, do you want me to
finish the song or are we...

She doesn't like you! Let it go!

I do.


Yeah, uncle Pat!

- Whoo!
- We did it!

One, two, three, four!

(rock music playing)

♪ You say I'm crazy ♪

♪ You say I'm wild ♪

♪ You say I'm lazy ♪

♪ Like a little child, yeah ♪

♪ I'm just another animal ♪

♪ I'm just another animal,
I'm just another animal ♪

♪ I'm just another animal ♪

Hey, guys, great job today.

Gotta say, five stars.

- (phone chimes)
- Five-star review!

Yes, dude!

That's perfection.

Get on my shoulders, little guy.

- Hehehe! I like it!
- Whoa!

Hey, Sandy.

Wow, Mike, looking good.

Thanks. Hey, would you wanna dance?

- With me?
- Mm-hmm. Just like as cousins.

Like, it'd be funny.

- Oh, I don't...
- You want to cut in?

- You know, Joshua, I...
- It's cool with me.

Oh, he... Okay, sure. Sure.

Yeah. Thank you.

Who am I to say two cousins
shouldn't dance together?

So, what do you think you and me...

Oh, no. It still feels
like incest. I'm so sorry.

Okay, everybody, let's
get in for a picture.

Come on, tall people in the back,

short people in the front.

- Here we go.
- All right, squeeze in.

Joshua, get closer. I need
to feel you next to me.

I love you so much.

Well, what do you say, Mikey?

Another adventure on the books, huh?

I'm just glad we got through
it together, you know?

I love you, bro.

- Hey, Phil?
- What?

(chuckles) Honestly, it
feels good every time.

And also, why are you dressed
up like Ellen DeGeneres?

All right, here we go.

Mason: Say cheese. Okay, I will.

Everybody say cheese.

All: Cheese!


All right, I want to see that
pit f*cking open up out there!

It's time to get wild!

Mason, you're my little brother now,

so I get to tell you
what's cool in music.

Ty Segall's the f*cking
truth! He's f*cking wild!

Grandma, I wanna see you
f*cking headwalk, let's go!

♪ I need nuts, I need nuts ♪

♪ I'm just a squirrel,
yeah, I need nuts ♪

♪ I need nuts, I need nuts ♪

♪ I'm just a squirrel,
yeah, I need nuts ♪

♪ I need nuts for lunch ♪

♪ ♪

Mason: Doop, doop, doobidy-doo.


Doop, doop, doop, doo.

Doop-doop, doop-doop-doo.