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05x04 - Time Flies

Posted: 09/03/21 07:04
by bunniefuu
( Theme music playing )

( Birds twittering )

( Man speaking on TV )

Once again no rain, but mostly high clouds.

Since you got so much information, can you tell us why it smells like skunk outside the studio in Hollywood here? It does?

Woman: Sam, do you know why that is?

( Clanks )

( Kettle hissing )

( Thumps )

( Kettle whistling )

( Water running )

( Faucet squeaks ) ( Water stops )

Brenda: Okay. Okay, now!

Happy birthday!

Well, thank you.

Thank you very much.

Happy birthday. Thank you.

Are you excited to see all your friends at daycare? Yeah.

Did you notice anything in the bathroom?

Aside from a few new wrinkles, no.

It was right by the toilet.

Are you pregnant?


That's great! Congratulations!

Congratulations? To whom?

Come on, what am I supposed to say? Nothing.

To you, to all of us! No no, whatever comes up in your head.

Brenda, what's the matter? No, nothing.

Thank you for your hearty congratulations.

Come on, honey. Are you sure it's positive?

There you go, honey bun. Maya's gonna be late.

Brenda, I'm happy, I...

Come on, grab hold. Come on, baby.

Brenda... see you tonight, I gotta get ready for work.

I'm happy, just tell me again.

Billy: f*ck!

Have you seen my ski Iraq shirt anywhere?

You had that on last night. Yeah, I didn't ask whether I had it on last night, I asked whether you've seen it.

I haven't.

( Yells ) Shit!

What is your problem?!

( Exhales ) Nothing, I just don't think I can wear clothes today.

Don't you have class?

Yeah, well, nothing feels right.

Look, maybe you should like see a doctor or something.

For what?

I don't know, dry skin?

Are you f*cking serious? Well, yeah, look, I don't know, every day with you it's like a bigger problem.

Not everything is something that you can medicate, Claire!

I know that.

It's just my clothes are...

All heavy today...

Or something. I want my ski Iraq shirt.

Okay, I'll help you find it.

Okay, thanks.

( Exhales ) That's all I wanted was some help.



Shit, I feel like I still have something on. ( Chuckles )

Mary, Keith and David have something they want to ask you.

I'm on pins and needles.

We've decided that we want you to be our egg donor and our surrogate.

Both? Is that okay?

Yeah, it's just I've never been proposed to like this.

Most people are so businesslike.

You guys are so sweet.

Whose seed will it be? His.

So this is something that you would want to do for Keith and David? Yeah, I'd love it.

I didn't say yes? Uh, no.

Oh, then yes yes, of course, yes!

Well, good.

Can I ask a question?

Please, David.

We're in this together. Ask ask ask.

Is there caffeine in that?

Oh, we're into that already.

Okay. It was so nice for a minute there.

No, I was just thinking... I've read some books that say caffeine makes it harder to conceive...

Sometimes, that's all. Just curious.

Maybe you've read something different.

I get pregnant super-easily, David, trust me.

It's kind of unsettling. ( Giggles )

Okay. But I assure you, once we've signed the papers I will look forward to working very close with you to make sure our baby is healthy and gets conceived.

Thank you.

Gosh, I'm extra excited. Aren't you?

Well, I think we're all very excited.

Are you finished with your eggs? I'm done, thank you.

When I saw the built-ins, I fell totally in love, and I put my name on the list. The owner calls me yesterday morning, he said I could have the place.

But then he called back an hour later and said he wasn't renting it, he was gonna sell it.

Oh, that's so annoying. ( Sighs )

Whatever, I'll find a place, I guess.

It's all good. Time's up.

Oh, I was just finding my rhythm.

Next week we start our Capelets, so pick out some colorful stuff and get ready.

And remember your class fees include unlimited knitting circle time, so feel free to drop in whenever.

Woman: See you next time. Ciao-ciao, Victoria.


Suddenly one "ciao" was not enough.

She says everything twice.

( Giggles )


Give us the George report.

Well, this week has not been a cakewalk you don't know what a relief it was to walk in here and sit down.

What happened?

Oh, he started another round of electroshock, because George and Maggie think it helps.

But the days after the treatments are such a challenge for me.

He comes home so scattered. It's like dealing with a sleepwalker.

I don't know where you find the strength to deal with it.

Clearly, I don't either.

Have you signed up for next week's class?

I haven't yet, no.

Oh, Ruth, you must. You're the only version of my mother I can talk to. I'll try and make it.

It's all good, right?

Yeah, it is.

Well, I have errands to run, and Maggie's waiting.

Both: Bye.

( Chuckles )

( Traffic humming )

( Whimpers )

Lila was the most active person I ever met in my life.

I mean, I try to stay busy with bridge and the angels.

I'm a big angel fan.

I can see that. But Lila, she was a runaway train!

It's so hard to believe that she won't be outside messing around with her flowers when I get home.

Are you sure she never married or had any children?

Oh, she was going to, but her Beau died very young.

After that she ran a resort up in Ojai all on her own.

There were families that came there every year, and then their kids would come and their kids would come and they all kept up with her.

No one in the neighborhood got more Christmas cards or visits than Lila.

Sounds like a good life. It was.

Today would have been her 95th birthday.



Well, today is his birthday too.

Oh, how old are you?

I'm 40. Oh, you don't look that old.

Thank you.

Are you doing something special? Not today, but my wife and daughter are gonna take me up to Big Sur next weekend.

Oh. Big Sur.

It's so beautiful up there.

So stunning!

I suppose I'll be gone soon too.

Oh... I will.

That's okay.

It happens.

Couldn't you say, "Roger, my partner and I" plan to spend the morning together, I can't pick up your cat at the vet"? David, let it go.

Why can't he get one of his Abercrombie & Fitch party boys to do something like this?

You're a bodyguard, and I'd like to get to work at some point today.

Do you like your new plasma TV?

( Sighs ) I do.

Then let it go.

( Doorbell rings ) That cat stinks.

Keith Charles!

And you must be David! Yes.

Sissy Pasquese.

Come on in. Roger's making Kir Royales.

Sister? I don't know.

The kids are almost ready. Kids? Ex-wife?

I don't know! How could you not know?

David, we're married, Roger's gay, and I'm fine with it.

But we keep it quiet, because we're very private people.

Thank you.

That's all I needed. Honey, guess who's here.

( Machinery humming ) ( Phone ringing )

Hello. Woman: Mr. Diaz?

Yes, who is this?

Agnes, I work for the Campbells.

Julio came home with Lucas after school.

Oh. Yeah?

Well, he kind of needs to be picked up.

Oh, okay, my wife Vanessa should be there in a little bit, I think.

No, we called her like 10 times, and she's not answering her phone or something, and the Campbells left for arrowhead like an hour ago.

I'm sorry. I'll be right over.

( Purring ) And I told Roger 10 years ago, "Roger, I want out of this g*dd*mn L.A.

It's a plague. I want to go home."

( Jazz music playing ) I haven't been back here since, except for two-day trip, three-day trips, right?

I miss her when she's gone.

I'm an Aspen girl, what can I say?

So, what brings you to town?

A pedunculated fibroid.

Shit for me, huh?

And Tate and Enzo need haircuts.

So, Roger tells me you two are thinking of adopting.

Looks like that's not happening anymore.

Because you bit Roger?


It got complicated.

Shit for you guys, huh?

Keith, you think you could run the kids by laissez-faire while I take sissy to the doctor?

Uh, we actually have an errand that we need to run at some point.

It's on the way. We'll take them.

Roger: Thanks.

Honey, the cat still reeks.

Roger: I know, I know.

Jackie: People do things for other people. That's okay.

Well, I don't want him to do it just for me.

Why the hell not? Because I want him to want to have our baby, not to do me the favor of letting me have mine.

Don't be weirder about this than you absolutely have to be.

But he should want to have this as much as I do.

He has Maya already. No, it's not the same thing.

Then maybe he's afraid of losing another one.

You know? And anyway, let's say he is doing it just for you. Is that so terrible?

We had Sylvia for all the perfect both-of-us reasons, and I had Josh for Mark, because he couldn't imagine life without a boy.

I was happy with one.

Can you not tell anyone about the pregnancy?

f*ck you. No, I want to wait this time until I know everything is gonna be all right.

Brenda, stop.

I swear, sometimes you're like Eeyore.

Check it out.

Oh, that's a good one.

10,000 to go.

Agnes: But Jason is only in town for tonight, Charese.

You have to be there, all right?

You have to! He just got done with basic, and he's going, like, in two days!

Then get off work.

I'm trying!

I'm leaving as soon as I can.

Don't get a tone with me when you can't even get your butt out of pizza hut.

Oh, hey, Mr. Diaz. No, I said the 110.

Come on, let's go home. The 110 to the 710.

Stop for a second and listen to me.

I'm giving you the directions. For crying out loud!

Woman on machine: Next new message:

Today at 2:54 P.M. ( Rock music playing on radio )

Claire, it's Billy.

Uh, sorry about this morning. ( Chuckles )

Give me a call.

( Beeps )

Woman on machine: Next new message:

Today at 2:58 P.M.

Billy: Claire, hey, it's me.

Are you still at amoeba? Because if you are, I really need to hear some Brian Eno today, or I'm going to tear my eyes out.

Oh, shut up.

Woman: Next new message:

Today at 3:01... Oh.

Please, get a life for one minute, please!

( Sighs )

Do you guys have wives besides being gay?


We're a married couple, essentially.

Well, when our dad married our mom, he was completely h*m* in his orientation.

Only he was in such denial about it because of the social pressure, it was like he didn't even know he was gay. That happens.

Well, it wasn't until he became a success in his chosen field that his ego felt, you know, strong enough to face the truth.

Do you ever have sex with chicks?

I don't. So, you do?

I've had sex with a few women.

Have you had sex with our dad? You are kind of his type.

Do you guys have orgies? Okay, that's enough.

No more talking until we get to the salon.

They have orgies.

He was waiting with that girl... I'm sorry.

For more than an hour! They were gonna be there until 4:00.

They left early, and she called you. My phone didn't ring.

Oh, bullshit. Don't pretend you don't know that shit happens.

I don't have to pretend anything. The way it is is bad enough.

If we were still together... oh, this wouldn't happen? Bullshit!

It would happen less! Really? What a good point.

I know it's all my fault, Vanessa.

Whenever anything goes wrong with the boys from now until the end of time it will be because I went out and f*cked some whore, okay? I know, I know, I know!

Look. What?

You wanna hang out for a while? You wanna stay for dinner?

I was supposed to go to this, um...

But you know, I can call and change it.

No, you're not doing me any favors.

Oh, god, I didn't say I was doing you any favors. Shit.

( Dance music playing ) Enzo: I'm feeling pretty secure now, but I went through a phase last year where, you know, I was so shy around chicks that I thought maybe I was gay, too.

I think it's pretty normal to go through a phase like that.

Yeah it is, but then we had some group sessions with our therapists and dad, and it turned out what I was really afraid of was not being gay.

I mean, if I wasn't gay, would dad still love me?

So, that cleared it up.

I'm not gay, and I have a girlfriend in Aspen.

Oh, what's her name? Alison. She's bi.

Keith, does this look completely deviant?

No! Looks good.

( David sighs ) We're almost done.

Thank you.

My mom has a friend back home named Vernon, but she doesn't feel like he'd be a good sexual partner for her.

I have to say I kind of agree.

You know what? I think I'm gonna stay here and get a haircut while you take these two back home.

If that's okay. Sure.

I'll come back and pick you up after I drop the kids off.


So how is he doing? Not great.

He's been asking to go down to the b*mb shelter again.

I don't think it's a good idea.

I told him I would ask you.

No, I don't want to risk going through all that again.

We should board that place up and forget it's there.

Maybe it would be good for him to have somewhere... No.

( Man speaking on TV )

Did you have a nice time out in the world?

I did. It was a very nice day, thank you.

Happy birthday. Happy birthday.


The day I turned 40 you were in Europe.

I spent the whole day wondering if you'd call.


Don't apologize, you did what you had to do.

You little fucker.

So much crazy shit has happened since these pictures were taken.

So much.

The idea of 40 more years...

Oh, but the next 40 fly by much faster.

It will be over before you know it.

Time flies when you're having fun, huh?

No, huh-uh.

Time flies when you're pretending to have fun.

Time flies when you're pretending to love Brenda and that baby she wants so much.

Time flies when you're pretending to know what people mean when they say...


Let's face it, buddy boy, there's two kinds of people in the world...

There's you and there's everybody else, and never the twain shall meat.

( Phone ringing ) ( Sighs )

Take it.

I got time.

Hey. Brenda: Hey.

What are you doing?

Still at work. Is everything okay?

Yeah, everything is fine.

How's the baby? Well, I haven't lost it since this morning, if that's what you're asking.

That's not what I meant.

Could you stop by whole foods on the way home and pick up some chocolate silk for Maya?

Yeah, sure. And can you call me from there in case I've forgotten anything?


Look, I'm not gonna come home to some big fight, am I?


All right.

Bye. Bye.

Man on TV: It's not the size of the animal that makes it deadly, it's the size of its mouth.

The bigger the mouth...

( dance music playing ) And then we go to the vet, and then back to the house, and then all over Beverly Hills, and then finally we come here.

It's like his job came and found my day and ate it.

Well, I learned when I was a kid...

Don't go to work with dad, it's never fun.

But saying no is the hardest thing in the world.

At least for me. Me too.

Just wait a second. What's the matter?

I don't think I should do this.

All right. I mean, you seem really nice...

That's not a problem. But Keith and I are doing this whole surrogacy thing, it's really confusing, and hard, and plus I got like abducted last year... okay, David, you don't have to explain.

Just stay in here a second.

Get your shit together.

Surprise! ( Laughing )

Happy birthday!

Happy birthday.

Hey, thank you - give daddy a kiss.

"Oh lordy, Nate's 40." Is that your idea?

This is Jackie from work.

Oh, family dinner Jackie. Yes.

Hi, nice to meet you. Nice to meet you.

Nate: So the Big Sur thing was just a ruse, huh?

Why, are you disappointed? No no no, not at all.

You need a beer. Yeah, a beer would be great.

Mazel tov, by the way, on the baby.

Oh, thank you, thank you. Yeah, that's great.

Thank you very much. Yeah.

Thank you, god, for this food.

Amen. Amen.

That's it?

"Thank you, god, for this food. Amen"?


Whatever happened to "bless us, O lord, and these thy gifts which we are about to receive"?

We shortened it up. Didn't we? Mm-hmm.

Are we sure it's right? Yeah, we are.

Want some Fritos?

Breakfast in bed.

No, thank you, papito.

I'm good.

( Quiet music playing ) Ruth, would you like a refill for that? Thank you very much.

Todd: We're right in the boondocks, okay?

Pretty soon I had started turning into social events during the week, and I'd be cranking along, and she'd be like, "it's kind of just us, Todd, it's just the club." Next thing I know she's f*cking this guy with nut cancer.

Jesus! Yeah, she's f*cking Lance Armstrong.

No! She's f*cking Lance Armstrong?!

No no, of course not, but in essence, yeah, she's f*cking Lance Armstrong. Oh.

Here's the keeper, though. This divorce is the best thing that ever happened to me. I've had more ass in the last year than I've had in my life.

( Laughs ) I hate you.

Moral of the story... 40 is only the beginning.

It's just the f*cking beginning.

Here's how, man. Cheers.

I used to mountain bike in Griffith park, and I saw this guy once who had totally endo'd, you know? Uh-huh.

And he was laying 12 f*cking feet from his bike.

His ball sack was completely ripped open.

It was like, uh, two pink eggs kind of vibrating in this totally shredded mess.

It was insane. ( Knocks )

f*ck. Jesus, Billy.

What the f*ck, man? No, I was just thinking about the guy with nut cancer.

Yeah, I got you. Oh, yeah.

Happy birthday. Sorry we're late.

He had to get a haircut.

What, for this? Yeah, that's what I thought.

Well, it looks good, I guess. Thanks.

So how long have you two f*ckers known about this?

Couple of weeks.

Yeah, what else aren't you telling me?


What? I think it's cake time.

Hey, did you meet him, man? Meet who?

Lance Armstrong. Dude, I was speaking metaphorically.

Oh, god, where did you guys get this amazing cake?

This Cuban place in Atwater.

Porto's. It's in Glendale.

Light from a cake is such a great light.

We should just live in cake light.

Yeah, okay, here we go.

♫ Happy birthday to you

♫ happy birthday to you

♫ happy birthday, dear Nate ♫

♫ happy birthday to you.

( Cheering )

Come on, make a wish.

Speech speech speech!

No. Aw, come on, man.

Look, I'm sorry. Seriously, I don't know what to say you know, that wouldn't sound lame.

I have something to say, if that's all right.


It is the most difficult thing in the world to watch your children grow up and move on.

And when you left home, my firstborn, I was very sad. Here we go.

This is not about you!

These past five years with you have been a gift, Nate.

That's all I wanted to say. Happy birthday.

Thank you, mom.

Well, I can't think of anything to say to add to that, so, uh...

( Sighs )

Can I tell 'em?

You're pregnant?

Uh... yeah.

Tom: Fantastic!

Congratulations, my man. Thank you.

That's great. Congratulations.

( Glass shattering ) What the f*ck?

Wait, where's Maya? I've got her.

Keith: Sounds like something fell.

( Caws )

How did it get in? Through the window.

So blue.

It's a good omen. Sci-Fi channel says it's a bad omen.

It's not an omen. It's a bird. Amen.

No, omen, it's pronounced omen. Thanks.

Birds don't usually fly at night. It's probably sick.

Do you think it has avian flu?

Obviously, we don't know. Just open the window, close the door, and it'll find its own way out.

But he'll poop all over everything in the meantime. Ruth!

Well, seriously, what kind of plan is that, to let a sick bird run wild in the house pooping?

You know what, mom? I think George is right. I am just gonna...

Open the window.

( Cawing ) I'm gonna open this door.

Somebody close that door.

Hey, Nate, grab the beer, okay? Yeah, I'll grab the beer, Tom.

Thank you. David: It's a beautiful bird.

God, it's f*cking cerulean.

So let's just close this door and see what happens.

( Cawing )


Thanks for letting me stay. Sure.

I haven't put the boys to bed for awhile.

I miss that.

Yeah, they miss it too.

( Rock music playing faintly )

What are you doing?

I gotta get the f*ck out of here.


I just do. We'll cruise Mulholland. We'll go to the lookout.

No, I don't want to go.

It's my brother's birthday. There's a bird in the kitchen.

Isn't being with other people ever too much for you to deal with?

Yeah, like right now.

( Cawing )

( Feathers ruffling )

Look, there it is.

David: Shoo it out the window. Keith: Wait a second.

Don't touch it. David, shut up.

Good job.

You're not coming? No, I already told you that.

Here. You keep the car.

You can't walk home. Well, if it's too far, I'll take a cab.

Stop it! Just relax and stay, please.

I want you to stay.


All right.

But just for a little while, okay? Fine.

f*cking... f*ck!

Shit! God!

f*ck! Shit!

It's just a bird. What is your problem?

I'm just kinda freaked out by things that are moving around that I can't control.

It's not a problem.

Did you stop taking your medication?

Yeah, but that's a good thing.

Why? Because, Claire, okay, I'm sick of feeling like I'm living every moment inside a giant xeroxed f*cking cotton ball.

I gotta go outside. No, don't go.

I'm just going outside. Will you f*cking listen when I talk?

Hey, what's going on? I'm just going outside.

Billy: Jesus Christ. What the f*ck is going on?

Nothing. Everything is fine.

He didn't just hit you, did he? No.

Would you please stop being such a freak?

By the way, the bird is in the bedroom now.

Yeah, well, how did the bird get in the bedroom?

It flew in the door. Stop f*cking up.

She used to be the wife on that big fat husband show.

Which one? "More for me."

Are you sure this is the same Victoria Adams?

Oh, yeah yeah, that show was a huge hit for seven years, and then when they finally shut down, she opened that knitting store. She never mentions it.

Well, then I bet she still does that winking thing, right?

She does do that winking thing.

Well, that was her thing on the show, yeah.

Hey, are you okay? Brenda: Oh, yeah.

"Max the poet, and he's the dog."

What are you reading? We are reading a book about a dog who is also a poet.

Excuse me. Keith: You are? Great.

David: Yeah, doggie doggie doggie.

He's a dog. Maya: Yep yep.

By the way, just for the record, I don't know what sissy Pasquese means when she says "private," but those kids of hers know way too much about everything.

I think it's nice they've been given some perspective.

Yeah, in exchange for a childhood.

Whatever we do, we're not gonna put our kids through that.

Parents can have a few secrets. It's not a bad thing.

I'm serious. Fine. We'll have secrets.

You got it.


"Paris, the city of dreams, the city of lights, the city of love."

( Moaning )

Shh shh shh. You're gonna wake the boys.

No, they sleep through it now.


( Rock music playing )

Is this the line to pee?


So the bird's in there now?

Yeah. How'd it get in there?

I don't know.

What did you say to Billy? He was really upset.

I didn't say anything to Billy. He had some thing with Claire, he got mad and he walked out. Well, what happened?

You know, I don't know what happened, Brenda.

I guess what usually happens. Your brother went f*cking mental.

Hey, you might want to wait a few seconds before you go in there.

( Laughs )


Why did you f*cking invite that guy?

I thought he was your friend. He's not.

You know, it really... excuse me.

I hate that you're always jumping to conclusions about Billy.

You will never believe that he's getting better. No, I won't.

I hate that he's with Claire and in our f*cking house.

Yeah, well, at least he knows how to keep a secret.

Look, I know that you told Jackie, so what's the big f*cking deal?

There is a very big difference between me telling my supervisor, and you telling our entire family, who are now looking at me wondering when I'm gonna lose this baby. Jesus Christ!

This morning I wasn't excited enough, now I'm too excited. No, that wasn't excitement.

That was macho, aggressive male bullshit. What the f*ck is this?

It makes me wonder if we should be together. We just got married.

Yeah, well, if it's not right, it's not right.

You might want to light a match in there. It wasn't me.

You're freaked out right now because you're pregnant. You see that, don't you?

Yeah, with a baby that you don't even want.

Bullshit! You don't respect me enough to wait until we know that everything's all right before you tell the whole world. Shut the f*ck up!

I need to pee.

Jackie and Tom: Nate!


Tequila sh*ts in the kitchen.

( Man yelling )

Get in here!

So you stopped taking it?

Just like that? Yeah.

And you feel...?

I feel a little tingly.

That's about it.

What do they got you on these days?

Well, they just switched me from lithium to tofranil, in between the shock treatments.

What are those like?

Honestly... I don't know.

I go in. They put me on a bed. They give me some oxygen.

They say, "you're gonna feel a little prick in your hand." That always makes me laugh.

And then the next thing I know I wake up with the worst headache I've ever had in my life.

Do you think it's helping?

I think that...

As Émile Coué used to say, "every day in every way, I am getting better and better."

But not everyone agrees.

Yeah, it's hard to get your shit together with someone watching all the time.

Yeah, it is.

But when no one's watching, then where are you?

Where the f*ck are you then?

♫ Daddy sang bass

♫ mama sang tenor

♫ me and little brother would join right in there ♫

♫ singin' seemed to help a troubled soul... ♫

I'm gonna take off.

Okay. Why don't you give these to Claire?

Yeah, sure. Thanks.

Happy birthday.

I mean, it's nice to see you.


Brenda: "Louie's wearing the green hat."

Who's that? Maya: Louis.

Louis. That's right.



You must be looking forward to this routine.

Yeah, I think it's gonna be wonderful.

Oh, come on.

Who's got on the blue coat?

Who's that? Bear.

The bear, the bear. The bear.

For so many years, David was always the one saying, "come on, let's have kids."

And I was the one on the fence, but now that it's actually gonna happen, I'm finally realizing that I'm gonna be disappointed if it doesn't work out.

Oh, it'll work out.

It's like I'm already missing this kid that we don't even have yet.

I mean, don't get me wrong, David's excited too.

Oh, yeah, you know, Nate too.

It's a team effort.

I'll let you guys have your moment.

Say "good night, uncle Keith."

Good night, uncle Keith. Good night.

Are you sleepy, little one?

Could you turn the light off? Oh, yeah, sure.

And close the door, thanks.

Okay, little one, I think that's enough for tonight.

Mm, raspberry.

Everything tastes like beer right now.

Hey. Hey.


George told me that Billy told him to tell you to give you these.

Billy left?

That's what George said.

I'm sorry. You want some cake?

No. Come on, have some.

Hey, dude, leave her alone. I can take care of myself, thanks.

Looks like it's cake time.

I've been saving up for this.

Ooh, good.

f*ck. All right, fine, I'll have a piece.

Here you go.

( Sighs ) I'm in here.

Hey. Sorry.

No, that's okay. It's cool.

I just needed a moment.

Yeah, me, too.

Is it gone?

Yeah. Finally.

You know, mom and George, they left.

I'm getting a ride from Keith and David.





( Speaking Spanish )


Yeah, many years in Arizona, much Tequila.


Good birthday?

Yeah, it's okay.

Feel like all I can get out of this birthday is that life is really f*cking lonely.

You have this wonderful family and a baby on the way. I know.

And it's really f*cking lonely.

I just feel like all I do all day long is manage myself, try to f*cking connect with people.

But it's like no matter how much energy you pour into getting to the station on time or getting on the right tin, there's still no f*cking guarantee that anybody's gonna be there for you to pick you up when you get there.

You know what I mean?

Well, I know that if you think life's a vending machine, where you put in virtue and you get out happiness, then you're probably gonna be disappointed.

I know that.

Is that how I sound?

A little.

Brenda: Nate! Nate! Get in here!

f*ck! Tom: I don't think believe it.

Jackie: Oh my god!

Well, how the f*ck did it get in again?

Through the window. Yeah, why was the window open?

'Cause you said it was in the bedroom. Don't be such a jerk.

f*ck off.

I have to do every little f*cking thing myself.

I have tried all night long to do the right thing by this bird, but it just keeps f*cking with me.

Try not to take it personally. Shut up, David.

( Bird squawking ) Brenda: Nate!

Get out!

Tom: Jesus Christ, chill.

( Glass shatters ) Get the motherfuck out!

How many times do I have to f*cking apologize?


I'm so sorry that I'm putting you through all of this.

It's not your fault. I know that. No, you don't.

You say that you do, but I can tell by the way you look at me, you think that all of this is my fault.

You don't wanna make love to me. You don't wanna kiss me.

You don't wanna be in the same room with me! That's not true.

Oh, yes, it is!


Don't you understand?

Nobody grows up thinking this is the way they're gonna turn out to be.

If I could change just by snapping my fingers, I'd do it. I know you would, George.

I am trying...

So hard to get better.

And you are. But not fast enough for you!

You're getting better as fast as you can. I know that.

I am so lucky.

I hate that I'm the lucky one.

No one's ever lucky to have me.

Nobody's ever been lucky to have me.

( Rock music playing )

It's good, right?

Rico, wake up. ( Mumbles )

Baby, hurry up. You gotta get out of here.


I don't want the boys to see you. It'll confuse them.


All right.

I know there's beautiful snow there... David: No, that's great.

I just, you know...

Thank you.

Okay, bye.

Who was that?

Roger. What did he want?

It turns out sissy was the board chair of an adoption agency once. Yeah...

She called in a favor, and she said we could adopt through them, if we still wanted to. We kind of made a commitment to Mary.

I know, but we don't know for sure that that's really going to work out.

We always said we'd pursue both options until it made sense to stop, right?

Yeah, I guess so.

So now Roger's your hero?

A little.

So you got like almost no haircut yesterday, right?

He just took a little off the top.

Where have you been?

Nowhere. I stayed at my house.

You f*cked somebody.

It's okay.

I'm not mad.

Just tell me who it was.

Was it that divorced guy?

Billy, come on. I forgive you, Claire.

You can just admit it.

Just... just be honest with me.

Yeah, it was him.


Will you f*ck me now?

Please. No.

You know I forgive you, Claire, hmm? No.

It's okay.

Just f*ck me now.

No. No! Come on, take off your pants.

Please? Come on. Get the f*ck away from me!

But I forgive you.

( Crying )

Come on, I need to be inside you. No!

( Crying )

I'm sorry.

♫ It's the sun, it's all right ♫

♫ now here's the moon, it's all right ♫

♫ now here's the sun, it's all right ♫

♫ now here's the moon, it's all right ♫

♫ but every time you close your eyes ♫

♫ it's all right, it's all right ♫

♫ every time you close your eyes ♫

♫ every time you close your eyes. ♫