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04x26 - Graduation

Posted: 09/02/21 09:00
by bunniefuu
[bell rings]

♪ When I wake up in the morning
and the alarm gives out a warning ♪

♪ I don't think I'll ever
make it on time ♪

♪ By the time I grab my books
and I give myself a look ♪

♪ I'm at the corner just in time
to see the bus fly by ♪

♪ It's all right ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm saved by the bell ♪

♪ If the teacher pops a test
I know I'm in a mess ♪

♪ And my dog ate
all my homework last night ♪

♪ Ridin' low on my chair,
she won't know that I'm there ♪

♪ If I can hand it in tomorrow
it will be all right ♪

♪ It's all right ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm saved by the bell... ♪

♪ It's all right,
'cause I'm saved by the-- ♪

♪ It's all right, 'cause I'm saved
by the-- ♪

♪ It's all right,
'cause I'm saved by the bell ♪

All right.
Free at last.

Our last final is over!

We'll never take another
test at Bayside again.

It's kind of sad, isn't it?


That last exam was really hard.

Yeah. How'd you fill in
the first blank?

With my name. I'm
sure I got it right.

I hope I get an "A."

It would give me the highest
grade-point average in our class.

I'm dying to be valedictorian.

What an honor.

Stop clucking, chick.
It's in the bucket.

We came to this
trendy teen hangout

to remind you about
ballet rehearsals.

The dance class
is doing "Swan Pond."

Oh, yeah? And who are you,
the nerd who croaks?

No. Sylvester
beat me out for that.

Be prepared, be
limber, and be on time.

We'll be there, boys.

You know, I'm going to
miss those nerds.

Where you going?

Belding wants to see me.
Probably has a goodbye gift.

I've spent more time in
his office than he has.

[knock knock]

Come in.

Guess who?

Hello, Zack.
The reason I--

I know, sir. We've spent so
many hours here together,

now it's finally
time to say goodbye.

Zack, I really--

Please, let's be men.

Shake hands and walk away.

It's not that easy, Zack.

You're not graduating.


Remember that theater arts course
you took your sophomore year?

I took it so I could sit
next to Jeannie Palmer.

When she transferred to Valley,
I dropped the course.

That left you one credit
short of graduating.

Not graduating?

You've got to do something.

There's nothing I can do.

You can't make up that
credit. Classes are over.

You're just going to have
to go to summer school.

Summer school?

Those two words
don't go together.

I'm going to miss
running into the guys.

Button it.

What's wrong with him?

He's a credit short.
He can't graduate.


He's a credit short!
He can't graduate!

That's terrible.

Can't you make up the credit?

How? All the classes
are over.

It's a shame you're
not in our dance class.

Our big production is
Friday. It's our final exam.

We got to go rehearse.
We're sorry.

Real sorry.

Man, this is a drag.

Graduation won't be the same
without you, Preppie.

Who says I won't be there?

You did.

I've got to get into that show
and get credit for it.

How will you do that?

By giving the greatest
performance of my life.

[knock on door]
Come in.

I decided to get ready
for summer school.

Maybe could you help me
pick a course.

I admire your attitude.

I'd be happy to give you
my expert advice.

Oh, you're too kind.

[knock on door]

Who could that be?

Got me. Come in.

Ooh... ahh...


Big Pete!
What happened to you?

I pulled a muscle
during rehearsal.

Find someone to take
my place in "Swan Pond."

Oh! It hurts.
Call Mom.

Oh, I'm sorry, Pete.


You go take care of that leg.


This is bad news.

Big Pete had a starring role.

What a shame.

Everybody worked so hard.

That's a problem.

What are you going to do?

O.K. The big dork
fell for it.

Good nerd.

Here's the letterman's
jacket we promised you,

and thanks again for
dropping out of the show.

No problem.

I got extra credit
for my Spanish cooking class.

Where am I going to find
someone to fill in for big Pete?

Tough one, sir.

If we can get back
to that one little credit

I need to graduate--

Zack, wait. I'm getting
a crazy idea here.

Do you, by any chance,
have any dancing experience?

Man! Who told you?
It was Slater, wasn't it?

I'm going to k*ll him.

Slater didn't tell me anything.

What are you talking about?

Can I trust you,
Mr. B?

If you can't trust your
principal, who can you trust?

Good point.

Mr. Belding, I've been taking
dance lessons for 10 years.

I've kept it a secret for,
well, you know, image reasons.

Aha! Listen, would you be
willing to put your image aside

for the good of your school?

Whoa! You don't mean me...

dancing in front of everybody?

Zack, if you take Pete's
place in Swan Pond,

I will guarantee you that one
credit you need to graduate.

Sir, you drive a hard bargain.

What do you say?

You've got me, sir.

Terrific! I'm going
to rehearsal

and tell Mr. Lazaar
I've found him a dancer!


Would the valedictorian mind
writing something in our yearbooks?

Sure, but I'm not
valedictorian yet.

I'm waiting to hear.

You're a shoo-in.

It's in the bag, sister.


Sorry, it's chilly in
this fancy underwear.

Gather, people!

Tout suite, now.

I have news.

What kind?

Big Pete has been stricken
with an injury.

But never fear, Mr. Belding
has come to our rescue

and found us
a very talented dancer.

Uh... entrez.


Psst... quiet. My
graduation depends on it.

Oh, Zack...

Why don't you show the class
what a grand jeté looks like?

How grand do you want it?

Surprise me.






Well, Mr. Belding,
what do you think?

It's great!

What is it?

It's the Bayside "B."

I made it for the
valedictorian to wear.

Jessie tried it on.
It looks great on her.

Lisa, I don't know how
to tell you this,

but another student
beat Jessie out --

someone you know very well.


Mr. Belding, you
wanted to see me?

Yes, Screech.

I wanted to let you know--

could you take
those glasses off?

Sorry, Mr. B. I just came
from the science lab.

These are my new
cable-ready satellite eyeglasses.

Screech, I am proud to announce

that you are this year's
senior class valedictorian.


Congratulations, Screech.

It was close, but when
the grades were in,

you beat Jessie
by 1/10 of a point.

Wow! I-- it was
between me and Jessie?

Yeah, congratulations

I'm sorry. I can't
accept the honor.

Well, why not?

Why not?

Well, because...

I cheated in biology.

I had a frog up my sleeve

and he gave me all the answers.

You had a frog--

Look, I don't want
the dumb honor.

Find yourself
another valedictorian.


- What?
- I don't know.

Screech! Hey!

You never cheat.

Now, what's going on?

Lisa, if I become valedictorian,
that means Jessie won't.

She'd be crushed.

It's nice that
you're thinking of Jessie,

but it's a once
in a lifetime honor.

You earned it.

Jessie's the perfect person
to speak on graduation day.

I'm just a geek with
a squeaky voice!

What makes you think Jessie
will accept being valedictorian,

knowing you really won?

That's why you've got to
promise not to tell anyone.

Promise, Lisa.

O.K... I promise.

On your new summer wardrobe?

I promise.

You promise?

I promise!

Hey, Lisa, you ready
for ballet class?

The question is, is Zack ready?

Uh, guys, I'm afraid
I've got some bad news.

The ballet is going
to be canceled.


The nerds came down
with the flu.

Can't you do something,
Mr. Lazaar?

Without a full cast,

the show cannot go on.

You'll be graded on
previous work and attendance.

What about me,
Mr. Belding?

Without a performance,
you still have an "incomplete."

That means I can't graduate!

I'm sorry, Zack.

Boy, what a lousy day
this has turned out to be.

Not totally, Jessie.

I've got great news.

You're this
year's valedictorian.

I am?

I can't believe it!

I mean, I can believe it --
I'm valedictorian?

I'm going to call my mother!

I'm sorry, Zack.

I wish there was a way
we could still put on the show

so you could be in it.

Maybe there is.

Mr. Belding,
Mr. Lazaar,

if I found replacements
for the nerds,

could we still
put on the ballet?

It's late to recast.

The show must go on, right?

Well, right!

Ha ha ha!

Gosh, I love show business!


Whoo! Whoo! Yeah!

Thank you for coming to our
final dance production of the year.

Now the Bayside ballet
proudly presents

the enchanting "Swan Pond."

Maestro, are you ready?

Ready, Mr. Belding.

Bawk! Bawk! Bawk! Bawk!


When Screech came out
as a ballerina, I almost died.

You didn't have to dance
around the stage

with a dozen eggs
in your pantyhose.

Mr. Lazaar said it's
the first ballet

the audience didn't walk out on.

We all got A's.

We've got to do this again

Hey, guys, there isn't going
to be another sometime.

I mean, this is our last
night together at Bayside.

Hey, that's right.

Tomorrow we graduate.


Oh, gosh, I'm going
to miss these halls!

What is wrong with you guys?

We're finally getting
out of high school.

You won't miss Bayside?


Won't you miss us?

Lisa, you and Jessie
will be in New York.

I'll pop down from Yale.

We'll meet every weekend.

I'll be at Cal without a pal!

I'll see you tomorrow
when we break out of this joint!

I can't believe Bayside
doesn't mean more to him.

Yeah, well, I'm
going to miss it.

This is the first school I've
stayed in for more than six months.

Thanks to you guys,
it's been like a home.

And you'll always be my mama.

And you'll always be my papa...

You big pig.

Goodbye, locker.

Goodbye, school.

Goodbye, Lisa.

Goodbye, Screech.


Oh... I'm so happy,
I'm so sad.

I don't know what I am.

That's too tough
to figure out now.

Let's go, Screech.

Lisa, I thought
you didn't like him.

Why did you kiss him?

I'm going to miss him.
He's a real decent guy.

He once got dressed
and then took a shower.

He may be decent, but
he's still a dorky guy.

Well, if it wasn't
for that dorky guy,

you wouldn't be valedictorian.


What do you mean?

Forget it.
I promised not to tell.

No, Lisa, I have to know!

How did he make me

All right.

Screech's average
was higher than yours,

but he told Mr. Belding
to let you be valedictorian

because it meant so much to you.

This might be a much better
world if it had more little dorky guys,

don't you think?

In conclusion, a personal note.

You seniors have given me
more memories

than any others
in all my years at Bayside.

Now I would like
to present the winner

of Bayside's highest honor --

this year's valedictorian...

Jessica Spano!

Mr. Belding...

distinguished faculty...

fellow students...

We have learned many
important lessons here at Bayside,

but I learned
two more lessons last night

that I will carry
with me forever --

humility and generosity.

I learned another student
had better grades,

but begged Mr. Belding
to make me valedictorian

because it's been my dream.


Well, that student deserves
to stand here today.


Now, let's hear from
our real valedictorian...

Screech Powers.

I would--oh!

It's O.K.
No, no, it's O.K.

You'll have to excuse me.
I'm kind of nervous.

My knees are knocking so hard,
I almost answered them.

Look, I'm nothing special.

I did what I did
because it felt good,

but no one's made me
feel as good

as my best friend Zack.

I've learned so much
because of him,

maybe because I did
all his homework.

But I love him.

Come up, Zack.

You're better with words
than I am.

You know, it's funny.


I thought the last day of high school
would be the happiest day of my life,

until I realized
what I'd be leaving--

my friends.

That's what Bayside means to me.

Not just girlfriends,

though I'll miss all,
mmm... 86 of you.

No. I'm talking about
those people

who are always there
when you need them.

Like when your parents
ground you

for borrowing the car and
not bringing all of it home,

or a girl
you'd die to go out with...

tells you to drop dead.

Or better yet,

when you're a credit short
of graduating

and your friends
stand up for you,

no matter how ridiculous
you make them look.

I'm lucky.

I have the greatest friends.

You know, I may even let
Screech do my homework in college.

Good luck.

[Pomp and Circumstance plays]

Wanda Wilcox.

Ollie Creeply. It's
been a pleasure.

Margo Mason.

Pete Stonebreaker.

Way to go, Pete.


Sylvester Solomon.


Lisa Turtle.

Looking sharp.

Thank you.

Jessica Spano.

I'm very proud of you, Jessie.

Thank you,
Mr. Belding.

Kelly Kapowski.

Aw, Kelly...

- here.
- Thank you.

Samuel "Screech" Powers.



It's O.K.


A.C. Slater.

Way to go, champ.

- Hey!
- Hey!

Pretty good, Mr. B.

And finally, Zack Morris.

You know, son,

you've got something
very special inside of you.

I hope I'm around to see it
when you let it all out.


How about that?

I actually graduated
high school!


Way to go, guys.
