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04x25 - The Time Capsule

Posted: 09/02/21 09:00
by bunniefuu
[bell rings]

♪ When I wake up in the morning
and the alarm gives out a warning ♪

♪ I don't think I'll ever
make it on time ♪

♪ By the time I grab my books
and I give myself a look ♪

♪ I'm at the corner just in time
to see the bus fly by ♪

♪ It's all right ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm saved by the bell ♪

♪ If the teacher pops a test
I know I'm in a mess ♪

♪ And my dog ate
all my homework last night ♪

♪ Ridin' low on my chair,
she won't know that I'm there ♪

♪ If I can hand it in tomorrow
it will be all right ♪

♪ It's all right ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm saved by the bell... ♪

♪ It's all right,
'cause I'm saved by the-- ♪

♪ It's all right, 'cause I'm saved
by the-- ♪

♪ It's all right,
'cause I'm saved by the bell ♪

We've gotta see you,
Mr. Building.

It's Belding, Josh.

Just making sure you still
remembered in your old age.

Very funny.

We found this metal cylinder
buried under the football field.

It looks like a b*mb.
Will it blow us up?

It won't explode, Duddy.

Yeah. It's a dud,
like you.

What is it?

It's a time capsule, Robin.

It was buried
by the class of 1993.

I was going to open it
before graduation, but--

what the heck --

I'll do it right now.

Wow. Do you think they
left messages for us?

I hope they left us a chick.


This class was really special.

Wouldn't you know they'd
do something different?

Look. They left
a videotape.

I was really close to that g*ng.

We were real buds.

Hi, class of 2003.

This tape is for you.

We taped our life at Bayside,

and, Mr. B, we have
a surprise for you.

See? They loved me.

Look in the third drawer
of your file cabinet

under the "Triple Z" file.


They were such kidders.


The class of 1993 had a special
relationship with our principal.

Mirror, mirror on the wall,

who's the buffest
principal of all?

You are, you stud muffin, you.

Mr. Belding, can
we switch sticks?

Mine doesn't feel right.

- Sure, Kelly.
- Never mind.

All right, Kelly!

- Hi, Mrs. Belding.
- My wife's here?

Gee whiz, I'm sorry.

I just had to dunk you.

Who is this turkey?

Nice shot. Come on,
let's go, let's go.

What's your name, fireballer?

Well, I'm--

I'm Lisa Turtle.

My days at Bayside were spent
looking fashionable

and avoiding Screech.

O.K., Screech,



Hurry up! Sounds
like it's going to pour!



are you O.K.?

Screech, answer me!



There's one of these
in every school.

He always wanted to marry me

and came close once
in a school project.

Do you boys take these girls

to be your school wives?

You bet.

I guess.


That's what Mrs. Belding
said when we got married.


- I do.
- I don't.

He was everywhere.

Lisa, a wedding surprise
for you.

Wow. Is this
from you, Max?

[alarm rings]

Time to get up, darling.

The morning sunrise
is no match for you.

Let's work out.

Someone save me!

Hold me, honey.
I'll protect you.

Oh, Lisa, Lisa, Lisa.

Lisa no en casa.

I love it when you speak German.

What do you want?

I was fired today.


I don't think I have the
strength to go on living.


He constantly bugged me,

but when I was in trouble,

he always came to my rescue.

[music plays]

Hey, there is no doubt about it.

We have a winner.

It is Screech and Lisa!

All right.

That's a good night from us
here at "Dance Party."

Till next time,
this is Casey Kasem saying,

keep your feet on the ground
and keep reaching for the stars.

Come on, everybody,
let's do the sprain.

Those kids really looked out
for one another.

Kind of like us.

The only thing you
look out for girls.


You're a macho pig.

Don't judge him, Robin.

One time he looked out for
Mrs. Goldfarb's schnauzer.

You dork.
He means people.

Some things never change.

That was a great class.

Better than us?

Well, uh, better is such
a hard word to define.

I would say... different.

My mom says I'm different.

Duddy, you're different
and hard to define.

They look cool.
Wish I had met them.

They were cool, all right.

They always tried to
fool me but never did.

Yeah. Sure.

Are you on the level?

I've seen it all.

The thing we liked best about
school was fooling Mr. Belding.


It's ringing.
Ready with the buckets.

Hello, Mr. Testaverde?
This is Mr. Belding.

You can hardly hear me?

That's because the pipes
broke this morning.

I can't stop the water, Joe!

The water's rising!

We're postponing all midterms
until we got this mess under control.

Don't bother coming in today.

All right? All right.

O.K., cut out the noise.

All right, everybody.

The Lisa Special Sale
is about to begin.

O.K., what am I bid
for this lovely lingerie

worn by Lisa
while dreaming of Screech?

- My entire life's savings.
- Sold.

Hey, Belding is coming.

Closing them.

Hi, Mr. Belding.

Hello, Morris.

He's onto us.
We're dead.

Hi, Screech.

Hello, goodbye, let's do lunch.



Let the sale resume.

Hi. I'm Screech Powers,

and I was one of Bayside's
hunks in the nineties.

Cool guy. He's radical,
gnarly, and buff.

Yeah. He looks like the
geek you were cloned from.

I would do anything for Zack --

and he made sure that I did.

I've been offered
a transfer to Hawaii.

My son will be going with me.

My pineapple bra
is k*lling me...

Which means...
let's hula down!

[Tahitian drumbeat plays]






Mona lala, Lisa.

What's that mean?

You make my blood bubble
like hot lava.

Well, mona lala lala --

go sit on a volcano.

Screech, did you get
the pictures?

Yeah. What are
they for, anyway?

- Hi.
- Hi.

You seem lost.
Are you new here?

[squeaky voice]
Yes, I'm new all over.

I'm Jessie.
What's your name?

My name?
Uh, Barbara.

Barbara Bush.

Well, Barbara, we better change.

You can't play soccer in that.

You need a uniform.

I don't have one.

I'll get you one.
What size do you wear?

Oh, I don't know.

You look like a petite.

Thank you.

I'll be right back.

O.K., Barbara,
I found one.


Barbara... Bush?

What a weird little girl.

Jessie, don't worry.
Everything's going to be O.K.

It's just geometry
makes me feel so stupid.

I'm so depressed.

Well, whenever I'm depressed,
I sing a song.

Great idea.
Let's have fun.

- Who are you?
- Who am I?

Oh, I'm-- I'm Sinead O'Connor.


That's a famous name.

You have a hit song.

I do? I mean,
that's the other O'Connor.

She's my niece.
She learned from me.

You taught her
everything she knows?

That I did. She can clean
toilets with the best of them.

Zack, I have a surprise for you.

You do?

Remember in our project
I told you about another child?

It was a girl.

A girl?
That's great.

Da da.

Girls of Bayside,
if anyone's interested,

I'm still single.

You can reach me
at 1-800-Screech.

No one is that desperate.

I'm Jessie Spano.
I was student body president.

Sometimes, to get elected,
you have to do things

you swore you never would.

Like, I don't care what he said.

Are you guys in favor
of MTV during study hall?

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

If I'm elected,
we're not going to study.

We're going to party.

The caterpillar emerges
from her cocoon...

And takes a look
at her new body.

Now she's a butterfly,

now she has wings,

and now she can fly.

Slater and I had a very
interesting relationship.

Slater, since we both work,

we should share the
household chores.

You cook, I'll eat.

Haven't you ever heard
of the Women's Movement?

Sure. Put on something cute
and move it into the kitchen.


We didn't agree on anything,

but one time I wish I had.

Jessie, those pills
are dangerous.

Yeah? Well,
so's geometry.

You told me you were going
to stop taking them.

I need them to stay
awake and study, O.K.?

It's not O.K.
I'm worried.

Give me the pills.

Mind your own business!

Even when I did something
stupid, I could count on Zack.

[knock on door]



Hey, wake up.

We got to go to the Max.

Come on, Jessie.

Come on.


what time is it?

I have to take my geometry test.

You already took the test.

I did?

We got to go.

Where are we going?

Where are we going?
You're singing tonight.

- I'm singing?
- Yeah.


Come on.

What am I going to wear?

Jessie, remember? Lisa's
bringing your costume.

I got to wash my hair.

No. There's no time.

No time!

There's never any time!

I don't have time to study!

I'll never get into Stanford!

I'll let everyone down!
I'm so confused!

Jessie, hey, just calm down.

It's O.K.

Right. Everything
will be O.K.

I just need one of these.

Pills? You really
are taking dr*gs?

I need them, Zack!
I have to sing!

Jessie, you can't sing tonight!

Yes, I can!

♪ I'm so excited ♪

♪ I'm so excited ♪

I'm so...


Jessie, Jessie, come on.

Jessie, hey, don't be scared.

Listen, we'll get through this.

Hey, come on...

Remember that time when
we snuck out to see "E.T."?

Riding home on our bikes?

It was so dark,

and we were scared.

Come on.

So, what do you guys think?

You've really aged,
Mr. Belding.

That's not what I meant.

I wish Screech was around now.

We'd get all the girls.

That A.C. Slater's
pretty cool.

Yeah. Let's see
more of him.

Hi. I'm A.C. Slater.

I've lived all over the world,

but going to high school at
Bayside was the best trip for me.

When I got here,

Zack was itching
to get rid of me,

and I was just itching.


Hey, this is study hall,
not "Soul Train!"

But I got even with the Preppie.

What happened?

I don't want to talk about it.

Were you in an accident?

Fall down a flight of stairs?

Well, then what?

You swear
you won't tell anybody?

Yeah, sure.

Kelly beat me up.

She beat you up?

You're on the wrestling team.

I know.
It's humiliating.

I should have been
able to take her.

What happened?

Kelly asked me over last night.

It was going great.

Then she got this
terrible headache.

Suddenly, she turned on me.

What did she do?

I don't remember.

I woke up in
some emergency room.

I'm telling you, Zack --

please be careful.

She told me she likes
you more than me.


But the two things
I loved best at Bayside...

He always loved me.

Were wrestling and Jessie Spano.

Aah! Aah!

All right, hand him over.

Don't talk about his dog.

Now let's see how you do
with someone your own size, huh?

Whoo! Whoo! Yeah!

[birds chirping]

Well, see you tomorrow.

Good night.

Good night.



Thank you for helping me.

I'll never wash
these lips again.

I'm Kelly Kapowski.

My biggest honor was
being elected homecoming queen.

I never thought I'd get a zit.

Of course it looked much worse
in my mind than it really was.

Hear ye, hear ye.
Your attention, please.

The homecoming finalists
have arrived.

Zack had a secret formula
to get rid of it.

When it didn't work,

was my face red.

Now for our homecoming queen,

the girl who has school
spirit written all over her face,

Kelly Kapowski!

Hi. Thanks, everybody,
for making me your queen

even though I look like this.

What I loved most
about high school

were the good times
with friends.

Especially the guys.

They knew how to have fun.

♪ Ba-ba-ba
ba-Barbara Ann ♪

♪ Ba-ba-ba
ba-Barbara Ann ♪

♪ Ba-ba-ba
ba-Barbara Ann ♪

♪ Barbara Ann ♪

♪ Oh, take my hand ♪

♪ Barbara Ann ♪

♪ You got me rockin'
and a-rollin' ♪

♪ Rockin' and a-reelin',
Barbara Ann ♪

♪ Ba-ba-ba
ba-Barbara Ann ♪

♪ You got me
rockin' and a-rollin' ♪

♪ Rockin' and a-reelin',
Barbara Ann ♪

♪ Ba-ba-ba
ba-Barbara Ann ♪

Well, g*ng, I guess that's all.

There's just one more thing.

I hate it when
he does that to me.

Each of us has a message
for the class of 2003.

Take care of our planet so the
kids of 2103 can enjoy it, too.

Peace and love.

Bayside was the first
real home I ever had.

Be good to it,
or I'll come get you.

All my fashion secrets

are taped to the back of
my old locker, number 144.

In the meantime, keep
on rockin', Bayside.

Class of 2003, let me leave
you with one wise thought.

Be kind to geeks,
dweebs, and nerds.

10 years from now, they'll
be the ones with all the money.

No matter what, keep on smiling.

When life hands you a
lemon, make some lemonade.

High school is
the best time of your life.

Love it, live it, enjoy it.

If you have any time left,
do some homework.