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04x22 - Best Summer of My Life

Posted: 09/02/21 08:57
by bunniefuu
[bell rings]

♪ When I wake up in the morning
and the alarm gives out a warning ♪

♪ I don't think I'll ever
make it on time ♪

♪ By the time I grab my books
and I give myself a look ♪

♪ I'm at the corner just in time
to see the bus fly by ♪

♪ It's all right ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm saved by the bell ♪

♪ If the teacher pops a test
I know I'm in a mess ♪

♪ And my dog ate
all my homework last night ♪

♪ Ridin' low on my chair,
she won't know that I'm there ♪

♪ If I can hand it in tomorrow
it will be all right ♪

♪ It's all right ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm saved by the bell... ♪

♪ It's all right,
'cause I'm saved by the-- ♪

♪ It's all right, 'cause I'm saved
by the-- ♪

♪ It's all right,
'cause I'm saved by the bell ♪


You know, it's such a
drag being home sick,

especially the first
week of school.

Ha ha ha! Not!

Believe it or not, my mom
wanted me to stay home.


She said I wore myself out so
bad during the summer working

that I needed to rest.

Who am I to argue?

It gives me time
to catch up on my reading.

[telephone rings]



Oh, yes, Mom.

She's at work.

Worry, worry, worry.


Yeah, you were right, Mom.

I needed a day off to rest.

O.K. See you later.

Oh! Mom, by the way,

uh... we're out of oreos.

Thanks, Mom.


Anyway, it was
a really great summer--

the best summer of my life.

We spent most of it
at the beach.

Lisa's parents landed the whole
g*ng summer jobs at the beach club.

Give me the ball.

You take the ball,

and you put it in your
left hand like so, O.K.?

You take your right arm

and bring it back,
nice and smooth...

Nice and smooth.

Could you run into the sand cafe
and get me and Kelly sodas?

Certainly. Cream soda, club soda,
diet cola, cherry cola, ginger ale?

Just a couple of waters.

Spring, tonic, sparkling--

regular water!

Cool, cold, or warm?

Get out of here!

Oh, oh...

Girls, here we are.


Here's your tip.

Oh, you are very generous.

I've got a tip for you
two lovely ladies --

I'm free tonight.

Oh, excuse me.

Let me help you with that.

It's a new service of the club.

Can you do me next?

Why wait?
I have two hands.

Oh, boy.

Zack, are you asleep?

Zack, are you asleep?

Wake up!


Oh, good.
You're awake.

What are you doing here?

I came to cheer you up.

Thanks. Bye.

Don't you want to hear about the
surprise algebra test we had today?

A surprise test the first week?

Yeah. You got a zero.

You're not cheering me up.

Forget about algebra. I
brought over some pictures.

Oh, yeah?

Wow! My birthday party
at the beach club.

Hey, look. There's
one of me and Lisa.

Looks like she's trying to crack
open a coconut on your head.

Yeah. She wants
that picture blown up...

Or was it me
she wanted blown up?

It was a great summer, huh?

I think I had too much fun.

I've never had
so much fun in my life.

I bet I never will again.


Come on, stop crying.

You'll get my magazines all wet.

That's all right, Zack.
It's the swimsuit issue.

Screech, sometimes you're a
little too weird, even for me.

Me, weird?

Ha! Go on!

Think of all the goofy
things you did this summer.

For example, look
at this picture.

Hot dogs, right this
way! Get your hot dogs!

Half the price at the Sand
Cafe and twice the taste.

I got it!

Hey, Screech,
you O.K.?

I'm fine, Kelly.

Football's a tough game.


Powers, what are you doing?

You're supposed to be Uncle Sam.

This is what
my Uncle Sam looks like.

Got you, dork.

From now on, leave
my brother alone,

or you'll have to answer to me.

Hey, Slater, what
are you doing here?

Belding sent me over
to get Screech

and to make sure
you're really sick.

Don't come any closer,
or you'll catch it.

Catch what?

Screech's dorkitis.

I told you, Screech,
I'm not really sick.

I needed a day to rest.

Belding wants
a note from your mom.

I can't imagine why he
wouldn't believe you're sick.

Belding should take some
time off from work himself,

like until I graduate.

Get back to school before he
personally comes to get you.

Belding in my house?

I'll head him off in the halls.


Let me try that again.


So what have you
been doing all day?

Watching a little tube,
listening to tunes,

thinking about the summer--

the beach,

the girls.

The girls.

The girls.

Can I help you?

I'm looking for someone.

Oh, aren't we all?

Sometimes we get lucky and find
that someone we're looking for.

That's so profound.

I'm looking for Leon Carosi.

What do you want to
see that jerk for?

Because that jerk's my father.


I was just kidding.

Guess what? You're on
"Totally Hidden Video."

I feel stupid.

I faked the whole drowning.

You know those notes?

You mean, you're
my secret admirer?

Well, how come you just
didn't tell me how you felt?

What if you didn't like me?

You kidding?
Besides being cute,

you're the first girl without
dentures to hit on me all summer.

Would you like to go
to the luau with me?

Yes, definitely,

but first, will you
finish rescuing me?


Happy Fourth of July.

Happy Fourth of July.

[fireworks exploding]

We had a great time in Palm
Desert at Jessie's father's wedding.

All right, Kelly, just
keep your head down,

your eye on the ball,

and just follow through.

Slow. Easy.


I made it!

We still make a good team.

You know, I never thought
I'd be dating a princess.

And I never expected to date
a real American cheesecake.

Uh, that's beefcake.

Um, Christina,

would you be my date at
Jessie's father's wedding?

It would be an honor,

my lordship.

Gee, cut it out.

Here we go.
Almost dropped you.

Here. Here's a towel.

There you go.

Thank you.

Uh, man, it's getting cold.

I know.


Did we just kiss?

It's what it felt like to me.

Uh, Kelly, I didn't plan--

I know.
Me neither.

I better go.

See you.

This summer wasn't too shabby.

Dude, it was awesome.

I made $500 in tips.

You did?

Did I tell you about the Zack
Morris investment program?

Forget it. Whatever
you're selling, I'm not buying.

What do you got there?

Some pictures
Screech brought over.

You know, Preppie,

I could use a little
rest and relaxation myself.

Why don't you toss me
a pillow, comrade.



Why not?



Sit back, relax,
and think about the time

we were on the Malibu
Sands volleyball team.

1... 2... 3... win!


Got it!
Got it!

Set it up!
Set it up!

I got it!

Come on! Teamwork!

Get it!
Get it!

I don't want it!

It's all in the wrist.

Go! Go!

Go! Go! Go! Go!

Hey, Chad,

I changed my mind.

I'd love to go out with you.


Nah, forget it.
I don't date dweebs.

It's match point.
Let's do it.

Here we go.
Let's do it.

Come on, Zack, this
one's for the car.

You were great, Slater.

But not so tough
when you raced Lisa.

Contestants, line up
for the obstacle course!

All right, we have Lisa
Turtle for the members' team.

And A.C. Slater
for the staff team.

Yeah! Yeah!

Are you guys ready?

- Absolutely.
- You bet.

All right.

You're history, honey.

Eat my dust, Slater.

Can I get you something to
rinse that sand out of your mouth?

I lost.

I lost bad.

I lost to a girl.


This summer was enough to
wear out even the biggest jocks.

[knock knock]



Hi, Lisa.

Don't tell me.
Belding sent you.

When Screech came back alone,

Belding sent me to find Slater.

I feel like Lassie looking
for little lost Timmy.

You found me, Lassie.

Pull up some rug
and beg for a chip.

Don't mind if I do.

Who were you gossiping
about -- boy or girl?

Lisa, guys don't gossip.
They discuss.

We were discussing
how great our summer was.

I guess I dozed off.
Still haven't recovered.

The reason you're so tired is
all the running around we did.

I wore down six pairs
of high heels into flats.

[telephone rings]

I bet you that's Belding
checking up on me.


Oh, Kelly, Jessie.

No, no, no.

I'm fine. I thought
you were Belding.

Yeah. What's going on?

You're kidding?

Belding won't let anyone
else off the campus

until you two get back.

Doesn't bother me.
I'm already out.

I'll think about it.

Hey, Slater said
he'd think about it.

She said, "once a pig,
always a pig."

That's my mama.

We're just talking
about the summer.

It was the greatest.

O.K. Yeah, I'll
see you tomorrow. Bye.

Not big on chitchat,
is she? What happened?

Well, she had to jet --
cheerleading practice.

The girls had as much fun
as we did this summer.

Oh, yeah.

[doorbell rings]

Jessie, put the bat down.

No. If that's a robber,
this bat will scare him.

You're not going to
need the bat, honey.

Just nag him to death
like you do everyone.


How's my hair?

Really pretty.

Will someone answer the door?

Ohh... why, Lisa,

what are you doing
in that cold, muddy water?

I'll go get you a towel.


Jessie, look at, uh, Carosi.

Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?

On 3.

1... 2... 3!


Mr. Carosi, I didn't
think the game was over.

- Sorry.
- Sorry.

Like every great summer, all
good things come to an end.

Attention, please, everyone!

As we close another summer
at Malibu Sands,

I'm reminded of our first year.

I made 30% profit that summer.

Dad, get on with it.

I want to thank the staff.

You kids did a great job.

You're all welcome
back here next year.

Now, everybody, enjoy the luau.

Morris, I'd like
a word with you.

Yes, Mr. Carosi.

You heard me talking
about the kids coming back?

That especially means you.

Thank you, sir.

You're all right, Zack.

You're not so bad yourself,

papa bear.

Oh, I almost forgot.


What's this?

Tips for all those
breakfasts I stiffed you on.

You earned it.

Well, I think
someone's waiting for you.


You're really
going to leave, huh?

Yeah. Dad's taking me to
the airport in a few minutes.

I can't believe you're not
going to be here tomorrow.

Me neither.

What am I going to
do without you?

Well, I'll be back
for Thanksgiving,

and maybe you can
come east for Christmas.

Let's write -- every day?

- I love you.
- I love you.

Have to go.




You need a friend?

It wouldn't hurt.

How about five friends?