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06x09 - Dream Weaver

Posted: 09/02/21 08:17
by bunniefuu
Mom, wait!


It's Nia!

Come back, I need you! Please, wait!



- And, go!
- Okay.

She should be queen.

- Uh, Meghan Markle.
- [KELLY] Yep.

- Um...
- Thank you.

Okay. Pizza, moon, amore.

- Dean Martin?
- [KELLY] Yes.

- Easy.


- Tom Hanks?
- Yes, babe!

- God, you're so good at this.
- What in the world?

Cheating. This is cheating.

- Time. Time.

- And they win again.
- Come on!


Really competitive.

If I didn't know better, I'd
say you guys were psychic.

Well, we are starting
to finish each other's...


- Cute.
- Well, whatever it is,

living together certainly suits you.

- Aw, thanks. We think so, too.
- Mmm-hmm.

All right. J'onn, Nia, you're up.

- You okay?
- [NIA] Yeah.

It's just, um, with Brainy
taking Zor-El back to Argo,

I guess I haven't
been sleeping that well.

Well, maybe Lena could team
up with me when she gets here.

No, she's still back east, looking

for information about
her birth mother.

I really hope whatever she
finds brings her some peace.

[ALEX] Right?

She's really had a rough go
with the Luthor side of the family.

That is putting it mildly.

So, Kelly, how's the
social work job going?

Oh, I love it. But it
can be pretty intense.

I actually have a new case tomorrow,

with a -year-old alien
orphan with EMP powers.

His only family is
a brother in prison.

That is heartbreaking.

Well, if anybody can
help him, it's you, babe,

because empathy is your superpower.

Aw, that's really cute.

Can you two please be
just a little more adorkable?

- I don't think so.
- All right. Come on, Nia.

Let's show these crazy kids
how to do it.

[ANDREA] What do the
Super Friends do for fun?

I mean, do they even have fun?
I want you three to find out.

Andrea, it's not like there's a
Super Friends hotline we can call.

Well, then do whatever you have to.

Stalk them. Project a big "S"
in the night sky.

Jump off a bridge, so one
of them has to catch you.

Then interview them on your way down.

I don't care how you do it,
just do it.

I... I can't speak for Supergirl,

but I'm sure
she's too busy saving people

with real emergencies
to do a celebrity puff piece.

And I heard that they don't
even like giving interviews.

Well, are you forgetting
our exclusive with Dreamer?

And how about
your tete-a-tete with Supergirl

during my press tour
for Obsidian Platinum, hmm?

I had assured her
that our conversations

were off the record.

Well, then get her on the record.

Every time we have
a Super Friend interview,

CatCo Media tracker skyrockets.

We're at number three.
We need to be number one.


Did she fall asleep?

- Hey. Nia.
- Huh.

Andrea, I am so sorry.

Sleep on your own time, not mine.

Go home. You're taking
a mental health day.

Now, you two, you have hours

to get me an interview
with a Super Friend.

Ideally, Supergirl.

Fail and you'll find yourself

writing classified ads and obits.

Back in London, I once dressed
up as a pizza delivery guy

to bluff my way

into Downing Street to
interview the prime minister.

- Did it work?
- No.

All I got were a dozen pizzas
with extra cheese.

Supergirl, I need your help.

- I'm on my way.
- On your way where?

To go pound the pavement.


Thanks for coming.

I've been monitoring the NCPD scanners

about a series of truck robberies.

Nothing seemed out
of the ordinary until now.

Was this a Metalomite?

They can bend any metal
just by using their minds.

If there's one on the loose, we'll
have to take care of it together.

Yeah. That's not from a Metalomite.

- A residue that turns things invisible?
- It's an Obscuran.

Since when do Obscurans
and Metalomites work together?

Maybe what they're stealing is
enough to put away their differences.

So far, they've stolen computer
boards, motor oil, steel casing.

And from this truck?

- Ammonium nitrate.
- They're building a b*mb.

Ms. Hochschild? I'm Kelly Olsen.

The new caseworker for Joey Davis.

Oh, yes, please come in.

Thank you.

Oh, thank goodness you're here.

I've just been
at my wit's end with him.

I hear Joey's having
behavioral issues.

- What's going on?
- Well, he's picking fights.

He's disobeying me and
my staff, misusing his powers.

Not only is it unsettling
for the other children,

but I'm just worried
someone might get hurt.

Did his file mention
that two days ago,

he knocked out power
to the entire block?

You know,
Joey's not usually like this.

He's usually such a sweet, kind boy.

I mean, can you think of anything
that might be upsetting him?

I blame his brother Orlando.

- In Van Kull Prison.
- Yeah.

- Joey gets monthly visitation with him?
- Mmm-hmm.

This all started
after Joey last saw him.

I mean, if you ask me, he's bad news.

I think it would be best if the
state just stopped the visits.

[GIRL] Marta, give it back.

Oh! There, be careful.

- Sorry.
- It's okay.

Girls, I've told you a thousand
times. No running in the house.

Marta took my bread roll.

According to the rules, each
child is expected to respect

the personal property
of their housemates.

It was mine.

This is a matter of justice.

- Okay.
- Okay.

Ah, the children wear
power-dampening cuffs?

Oh, that's a necessary precaution.

I mean, with ten alien
children under my care,

their abilities have to be controlled.

When Joey gets angry,
he can overpower his.

I'll help you with Marta later, Esme.

So, Joey is in his room.

- Come, it's this way.
- Okay.

You know, when
something's bothering me,

talking about it always seems to help.

It must be hard living here,

with your brother Orlando away.

- What do you know about him?
- I know he's in prison.

And by the look on your face,
when I said his name,

you must care about him an awful lot.

You don't know how I feel.

You could tell me.

I have a big brother, too.

His name is Jimmy.

And when we were kids, he
would do all kinds of crazy things.

Like... he would climb up
on a roof and jump off of it.

One time, he took
our dad's car for a ride.

My brother is
the bravest person I know,

and I still worry about him.

Because that's what you do
for people you love.

There's something wrong
with my brother.

Why do you say that?

Last time I saw him, he had
dark circles under his eyes.

We get them
if we use our powers a lot.

We get sick if we use them too much.

You think your brother's
using his powers in prison?

For his job.

I don't know what you call it,
but he gets to go out to do it.

He's in a work-release program.

He told me not to worry,
but I can't help it.

He took care of me
after our mom and dad died.

He only robbed that store to get money

for a place for us to live.

He says we'll be together
again when he gets out.

But what if his job
makes him really sick?

What if he dies?

I am going to do all that I can
to help you and Orlando.

You know, a good friend of mine
knows the warden at the prison.

She might be able to help.

- I don't wanna get him in trouble.
- It's gonna be okay.

I promise.

According to the manifest,
that truck was carrying

over , pounds of ammonium nitrate.

That much expl*sive could
level a -story building.

Well, we can use the residue
that we found

to track the Obscuran
energy signature,

and hopefully, the bombmakers.


Are you okay?

The alien orphan Joey
that I was telling you about?


I'm worried.
The poor kid's been acting out

because he believes
his brother is overusing

his EMP powers at his work-release
program at the Van Kull Prison.

You mean the Second Chances program?

I did an article on that
when it first started.

That's why I'm here.

Joey says that if his brother
Orlando uses his powers too much,

he could die.

When I interviewed the warden,
the program seemed amazing.

They contracted
with a clothing manufacturer

to give jobs to incarcerated workers.

From what I saw,
they were treated really well.

So, if Orlando's making clothing,

then why would he need
to use his EMP powers?

Is it because he's being forced to?

Or maybe he's using them
for some self-serving purpose?

Either way, something bad
is happening to Orlando,

and it's affecting Joey.

I need to find out.

Can you help me get in
to talk to the warden?

Yeah, of course.

- Can you guys handle the truck robberies?
- [J'ONN J'ONZZ] Sure.

If we discover something, we'll call.

Mom, I am going to reach you.

Mom. Mom!

It's Nia!


I've got this. You don't
have to wake yourself up.

- Don't be scared.
- Who are you? What do you want?

My name is Nyxly.

Wait, I've seen you before.

You were in my dreams.

Not exactly in them.

I crashed them, and not
on purpose. I'm stuck here.

I'm so grateful I found you.
I need your help.

And you need mine.

What do you mean
you crashed my dreams?

An evil man took my powers and
banished me from my dimension.

In my weakened state, I couldn't

cross the barrier
into your real world,

and I got trapped here.

Only Naltorians are supposed to
be able to enter the dream realm

in physical form.

Technically, not only Naltorians.

I'm from the th Dimension.

- You're an imp.
- An imp stripped of my powers.

Well, mostly.

I still have some small
remnant of magic left,

enough to sense you.

It took me ages to find you,

but I knew that you were my
only chance of getting out of here.

What makes you think I can help?

On occasion,
Naltorian women have been known

to manifest their dreams
in the real world.

That's nothing to mess with.

It's dangerous to interfere
with the laws of the universe.

I get it. But sometimes, you
have to take a chance, Nia.

I would never ask you
to take a risk alone.

If you help me, I will go to
great lengths to help you.

I don't know what you're talking
about. I don't need any help.

I don't mean to pry, but I
have seen your dreams, Nia.

You miss your mother.

You need to see her, and I
know exactly how that feels.

I desperately miss
my brother and my father.

I have to get home to see them.

We can help each other, Nia. If
you get me out of this dream realm,

I will have enough power to
bring your mother back to life.

Bringing someone back
from the dead, that's...

a serious infraction of universal law.

I know imps are powerful, but I
didn't know they could do that.

We can. With some limits.

I can only bring your mother
back to life for exactly one day.

- Really?
- In a snap.

You and I have such similar needs,

to be reunited with our families.

It's destiny that we help each other.

- What do you say?
- I... I...



Thank you. Hi, Warden.

Thank you so much for seeing us.

Always a pleasure to see
CatCo's star reporter and her friend.

What can I do for you today?

We're here about the prison's
Second Chances program.

There's nothing I enjoy
talking about more.

We're literally changing lives.

Thanks in no small part
to you, Miss Danvers.

Since your article came out,

donors and corporate sponsors
have been beating down our door.

That's great. Most people just see

prison as a place to punish people.

They see the crime and not the person.

Not us. We respect our workers.

We teach them new skills,
which helps them reenter society

as valuable and productive members.

Which is why I was worried
when I heard from Kelly.

Uh, she has a young client
who has a brother in the program.

- There might be a problem.
- Yeah, he's worried his brother is

being injured overusing
his EMP powers on the job.

We don't know if he's
a victim or an instigator.

I can't imagine a scenario
where either one of those is true.

So, there have been no
incidents involving EMP powers?

All aliens are continuously
monitored on the work site,

and if anyone had used their
powers, I would know about it.

- What's the worker's name?
- Orlando Davis.

Well, I promise you,
I'll check into it.

And if there's anything to the
boy's concerns, I'll take care of it.

Could we see Orlando? I
would love to tell Joey that we did.

I'm sorry.

All visits need to be requested
two weeks in advance.

In your next article,
you could shed some light

on all the bureaucratic
red tape around here.


[KELLY] You sure this is gonna work?

You do remember I'm Supergirl?


Kara Danvers and Kelly
Olsen to see Orlando Davis.



Jeez. One moment.


Sorry. What was that name again?

Uh, you know what?
Actually, we made a mistake.

Uh, thanks, but we're gonna
come back another time.


What's wrong?

Orlando is already
on his way to his job.

[OFFICER] Orlando Davis.

Oh, there's Orlando.

[OFFICER] Keep it moving.

I said look alive, Orlando.

[KELLY] For someone having
all of the opportunities

the warden touted,
he doesn't look very happy.

No, he doesn't.

Good thing I can fly.


I tracked the Obscuran
energy signature to this spot.

Chances are
the Metalomite is there, too.

And a Toradine and a Dynamorph.

That van just pulled
those incarcerated aliens

from a work-release site.

One of them is the brother of the
orphan Kelly was telling us about.

Why would they be here?

[ORLANDO] It's crazy
doing this in daylight.

[OFFICER] It's what the boss wants.

Anyone tries to stop us,
you boys can stop them.

No. No, you can make us steal,
but we don't hurt people.

You do as you're told,
or the one getting hurt is you.

They're being forced
to steal against their will.

They're building a dirty nuke.

- It's Supergirl!
- Pull out, now!

- [PRISONER ] Let's move.
- [PRISONER ] Hold up.

- Hurry, hurry.
- Start the van!



All right. Hit it!

The whereabouts of the five alien
workers are unknown at this time

but we believe that while
they were making their escape,

they kidnapped
Van Kull officer Larry Chapman.

That officer held them at gunpoint.

We need to find them.

Well, it's obvious someone
who's infiltrated the prison program

is using Orlando and the other
workers for their alien powers.


So, we have a Metalomite
who can warp metal,

a Toradine who creates force fields,

an Obscuran
who has cloaking abilities,

and a Dynamorph
who can unleash energy blasts.

And Orlando is a Zeltarian
who can produce EMPs.

I promised Joey I'd help,

and all I did was
put his brother in danger.

They were threatened. I should
have been able to save them.

The only people to blame
are those behind all this.

Well, whoever they are,
if they're dead set

on getting their hands
on a dirty b*mb,

then they're bound to target
other sources of uranium.

Well, we can't let that happen,

or they'd have enough material

- to make bombs.
- Contaminate the whole city.

We can start by following all
five alien energy signatures.

Right now, there's no trace of them.

They must be shielded somehow.

I don't know,
I'll look for ways around it.

While you do that, I'm
gonna head back to the prison.

Warden Kote needs to know the truth.

I should have run Joey's
concerns about Orlando

through the proper channels.

I only made things worse for everyone.

It was because of you
wanting to help Joey

that we found out about Orlando
and the others being exploited,

which then led us to
finding out about the b*mb.

The system is stacked against them,

and I don't know why I thought
I could do anything about it.

The Kelly Olsen that I know
and that I love, she never gives up.

When we rescued Kara
from the Phantom Zone,

do you remember when you asked me

if I was sure if I wanted to go?

Yeah, I remember.

I was afraid that I wouldn't
be able to help.

So, my Fear Vision, I was att*cked

by Phantom versions
of you and the others.

Telling me that I would never...

be able to compete with
everyone's powers and intellect.

That I was weak.

Maybe it was right.

I don't believe that.

You have to say that,
you're my girlfriend.

No, I don't.

So... tell me
how the Fear Vision ended.

[SIGHS] I, um...

I realized that even if I couldn't
fight your Phantom selves,

maybe I could protect you instead.

So, I found a piece of shrapnel.

It reminded me of
Jimmy's Guardian shield.


And I used it to get between all
of you and the Prime Phantom.

And, yeah, it worked.
I brought you back.

Well, of course you did.

Because you are strong,
and you are smart,

and you are powerful.

Hey, we all have doubts,

but it's when you thought
that you could protect me,

you took a risk.

And it's only when we take risks

that we can really find out

who we're meant to be.

And Joey...

is very lucky to have you
in his corner,

because you are a protector.

And you'll always be there for him.

Come here.

I don't believe it.

I'm sorry, but there is corruption

in the Second Chances program.

The idea that anyone would
abuse the workers like that,

it's unconscionable.

That is why we have to figure out

who could have
infiltrated the program.

And I'm telling you
that that's impossible.

I personally put strict
safeguards in place.

Look, I know this is hard,
but this is so much more

than just a series of truck robberies.

Whoever's orchestrating this
is building a dirty b*mb.

- Where did you hear that?
- Supergirl told me.

That's why you needed
to know the truth.

I want to give you the chance
to go on the record.

You can't write this story.

Without proof,
they'll shut my program down.

Don't let the actions of a
small group of criminals

ruin the good we're doing.

- Warden, I...
- Kara, I promise you

that I will do a full
internal investigation

once the alien escapees
have been captured,

and once Officer Chapman
is found safe.

I don't understand why
you can't just see the truth.

You just need to drop this!

I'm sorry. This is just
a very tense situation

involving dangerous alien criminals.

You can do a story
after this all turns out

to just be a misunderstanding.

Wait. Wait. Mom!

Mom, I need you!



[NYXLY] Nia. You're back.

Thank goodness.

I'm sorry our conversation got
interrupted by that vicious owl.

We were just about to make a deal.

Thanks. But no thanks.

- I don't understand.
- Nyxly... I don't know you.

But I do know that imps on
the whole are not to be trusted.

How would you like to be
judged by your species, Nia?

- Aren't you a hero on Earth?
- Yes, but...

I can grant your dearest wish, Nia.

And you can end this cycle
of tormented dreams,

and finally see your mum for hours.

- Don't you want that?
- Of course I do.

Then let's help each other!


That monstrous bird.

Get out of here! Shoo!

[OWL] The wise understand
by themselves, Nia.

Fools follow the words of others.

Don't listen to that stupid owl.

Owls will bring to light
what is in the dark.

- They're symbols of truth.
- Nonsense.

That is a ferocious bird
of prey who's looking at us

like a pair
of tiny little tasty sparrows.

She's trying
to divide and conquer us, Nia,

so that she can devour us
for breakfast.

I don't think owls are that devious.

My mother revered them.

[OWL] Wisdom lies
not in seeing things,

but in seeing through them.

Oh, shut up, you ghoul.



I have been around the
universe, and that creature is evil.

You saw how she att*cked me.

Don't let her mess with your mind.

Please, let's get us out of here

and get you reunited with your mum.

I don't know.

You can trust me.


Ugh! Leave us alone!

[WILLIAM] What are you working on?

I'm trying to find out
as much as I can

about Warden Kote at Van Kull Prison.

Your friend doesn't still
work for the CIA, do they?

Yeah. Why?

You're looking for a
deep dive on the warden?

Would you mind asking?

Sure. Happy to help.

Oh, good. Then help
me understand this.

I gave you two an assignment.

Get me an interview
with one of the Super Friends.

Now, two of them were at the
same place at the same time,

and where were you?

- Not there.
- Andrea, we can actually...

No, no, no. I don't want
to hear your excuses.

Not only did you miss a golden
opportunity to get me what I want,

but CatCo was scooped
by every other news outlet.

I can't bring myself to look at
our media tracker ratings after this.

Who cares about the ratings?


I, uh...

You keep saying you want CatCo to be

the most trusted source
of news in National City.

Yes. Of course I do.

Our readers need hard-hitting
and truthful reporting

- now more than ever.
- Then let us do our job,

instead of making us chase
the Super Friends around.

They aren't the story.

For any of us to do our jobs,
CatCo needs eyeballs,

and the Super Friends
can get them for us.

The more we have,
the better our ratings,

the better our bottom line.

And that's the reality.

I suggest you remember that.

Now, back to work.



Joey... Joey, stop this.

Joey, I'm warning you.


- [JOEY] It hurts.
- What are you doing?

I'm suppressing his powers.

He's in pain.

No, he is fine.


What on earth are you doing here?

I came to check on Joey,
and I am glad I did.

He is obviously terrified
about his brother,

and this is how you treat him?

You may not agree with my methods,

but it is my job
to keep this place in order,

and to teach those kids that
actions have consequences.

I wonder how your bosses would
feel about your teaching methods

if they ever saw the security videos.

Do you think anyone has time

to look at what goes on in here?

If you're not gonna
protect these children...

I will.

Listen, Ms. Olsen.

I have been working in this system

longer than you've been alive.

So, go ahead. I wish you all the best.

So, from what I see, there is
no way the warden could afford

a luxury beach house, luxury cars,

and first-class travel
on his prison salary.

No, but he could by having a secret
offshore account in the Caymans.

My buddy in the CIA
just sent me these.


I mean, he's been depositing large
sums of money on a regular basis.

Well, I guess what they say is true.

- Follow the money.
- I'm sorry, Kara.

When you wrote your article
on the work-release program,

I remember how highly
you thought of him

and what he was trying to accomplish.

Yeah, I was a fool
for believing in him.

It's not your fault he's corrupt.

Power can bring out
the best in some people,

and the worst in others.

Look, there's very little oversight
for private, for-profit prisons.

I'm sure that made it
easier for the warden

to become vulnerable
to outside influences.

The question is,
who's doing the influencing?

The prison contracted
Summerlin Industries

for the work-release program.

I traced it through
two dozen different

subsidiaries and tax ID numbers.

- Yeah, no doubt, shell companies.
- Mmm.

The trail dead-ends with an LLC

registered in Panama under
the name Cypress Holdings.

I know that name.

Yes. I was looking
into Cypress Holdings

while you were away with Cat Grant.

I had good reason
to suspect it had ties

to Mob boss
Bruno Mannheim's Intergang,

but never could prove a direct link.

That's it. Cypress Holdings
is a front for Intergang.

William, you're brilliant.
I gotta go. Thank you.


Kara Danvers,
she came to see me again.

It is only a matter of time
before the truth comes out.

Maybe you should bring those

workers back and we
can make up a story

- and go back to the way it was.
- It's too late.

Nobody said anything
about a dirty b*mb.

It's what Mr. Mannheim wants.

We're going after the
uranium again tonight.

When the job's done,

you don't have to worry
about the truth getting out.

The alien workers will be dead.

You were right, Kara. I searched
all known Intergang hideouts.

Picked up an energy signature.

They must be using it to conceal
Orlando and the other aliens.

That's their van.


After tonight, your services
will no longer be needed.

I'll deactivate your power-dampening
cuffs, and you'll be free.

You're just gonna let us go?

You have my word.

Okay, time to move out.

No one's going anywhere.

You heard the man.

It's okay. You're safe now.

We know that you've been
forced to use your powers to steal,

that you didn't kidnap
Officer Chapman.

We're gonna take you back to
the prison and explain everything.

Let's get you out of here.

We're getting out of here,
but not with you.


we just want to help.

Like we haven't heard that before.

Let us pass!

He's collapsing the building!
I've got it.

You want to take us back...

to explain, to make it all okay?

You don't get it.

The system doesn't care. It
never has. And it never will.

You're right. I don't know
what will happen.

But I do know that if you
decide to go on the run...

that system will
never stop hunting you.

You will never know a moment's
peace, and neither will Joey.

What do you know about my brother?

That you have shared hardships,

that you love and need each other.

I begged Social Services for help...

but they didn't listen.

And who's gonna rent a place
to a guy making minimum wage?

So, I tried to rob a store.

When you're desperate,
you'll do anything.

In prison,
I believed what they said...

that the work-release program
would be the answer

to Joey and me being together again.

It turned out to be another lie.

Face it, okay?

No one wants to help people like me.

People like them.

I'm an alien on this planet, too.

I've seen how hard life can be

for the people that the
system isn't designed for,

how that system can fail
those less fortunate.

But I promise you,
if you come with me,

I will do everything in my power

to make sure your voices are heard.



don't let us down.

I won't.

Tonight Van Kull Prison Warden
Wyatt Kote and others were arrested

in connection with an alleged plot

to use aliens in the prison's
work-release program

to commit crimes for the
notorious Intergang Mob syndicate.

Here with me to discuss it
is Supergirl.

Thank you for joining us.

If these allegations are true,

how could something like this happen?

Well, clearly, the system is broken

when those in power are allowed

to abuse that power entrusted to them.

I'm angry that criminals
were allowed to infiltrate

a worthwhile program
like Second Chances,

but I'm glad that it will
continue with new oversight.

And what do you think should
be done with the alien workers?

They should be shown leniency.

Now, that's the kind of
reporting I'd like to see.

Great job, William.

Kara, you should take a page
out of William's book.

Okay. Everybody, back to work.

[WILLIAM] Just so you know,
Supergirl came to me at the scene.

- It was dumb luck I was the one.
- I'm glad you were there.

Well, Andrea is happy.

Yeah, but she still doesn't get it.

I mean, this is so much more
than an interview with Supergirl.

This is about telling the public

the truth about issues that matter.

Well, we shined a light on what
was happening at the prison,

we exposed the abuse, and we
stopped an Intergang crime spree.

What about the abuse that's
happening in other places?

We will root them out
and report on them, too.

When? In between our stories about

the Super Friends' favorite hobbies?

Okay, don't hate me for saying this,

but I think Andrea has a point.

When Supergirl speaks, people listen.

If an interview with her could
make people hear the message...

I'm all for it.

I don't know how that security video

ended up in my supervisor's inbox.

It's obviously a fake.

I mean, somebody must have
hacked my computer.

Is she really gone for good?

Yes. You all deserve to be protected

by someone who cares about you.

And I have one more surprise for you.


Come here.

What are you doing here?

The judge pardoned me,
said it was unfair

what they did to me and the others.

Which means I'm out.
I'm never going back.

[MOUTHING] Thank you.


You did all of this, didn't you?

Sorry, Esme, I, um... I don't
know what you're talking about.

Don't worry, I'll keep your secret.

This house needed a guardian
angel. And now, we have you.

- Hey.
- Hi.

Rough day?

It definitely started that way.

- Thank you.
- Of course.

But for the first time...

in a long time...

I felt completely exhilarated.

I felt empowered.

And today, I saw
I made a real difference.

I told you, the Kelly Olsen
that I love never gives up.

I know what I need to do, Alex.

This community needs someone
who is willing to fight for them,

even when the system isn't listening.


It's time to pick up
where Jimmy left off.

I want to be the new Guardian.

I have something for you.



What is this?



Open it.

The moment I saw you use
that shield during Crisis,

I had a hunch
that this might be coming.

So, I reached out to James.

And he sent this for you.

I don't think there is anyone
better fit to be the next Guardian.

I don't know what to say...

except I love you.

Yeah, we'll see how you feel
after we start your training.




- To Guardian.
- To Guardian.

- Mom.
- You came back.

Do you really just want to
go back to the th Dimension?

As soon as I get out of here
and replenish my powers,

I'll go straight home.

And if I help you,

we have a deal.

And you bring my mom back
for hours.

Imps never break their deals.

Are you in?


I'm in.