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03x06 - Lady Vic

Posted: 09/02/21 08:02
by bunniefuu
Phil, we're on the clock.

If I want to hold my woman's hand,

I'm gonna hold her g*dd*mn hand.

And if Sergeant walks in?

Then he'll see us.

And I'll resign.

Here you are, honey.

One earl grey.

I know it's not a ring, but...

We're going to make it there one day.

On our honeymoon.

We'll get out of this
freezing shit hole.

All I want to do is drink Pina
Coladas on a beach with you.

Well, that's not all...

I am a lucky man.

Yes, you are.

Happy anniversary.

You think it's the chill?

Sounds like the starter.

Pop the hood.


Drop your knife!

Drop your knife!

Don't touch anything.

Don't worry, I would
never burn down your home.

It's so quaint.

I said don't touch anything.


You're back.

With company...

Kory's sister.

Her homicidal sister.

In our house.


I see you've prepared a welcome gift.

Have him washed immediately
and returned to my chamber.

Uh, yeah. What?

Tamaran is a very different planet.

Clearly the strapping
one is my man servant,

here to attend to my needs.

Sure. I can attend to your needs.

That's not what she's talking about.

No, no, we don't do that here.

Conner is not your chew toy.

He's one of us.

A Titan.

But is the green one not yours?

I'll need someone to draw me a bath.

- Where would that be?
- No one's gonna draw you a bath.

Upstairs. Pick a room.

Wherever black fire goes,
chaos always follows.

Sleep with one eye open.

That was a warning shot.

Drop the vase.

If you wish.



You're not running?

Maybe I want to get caught.


Security here's a joke.

It's my way of keeping
my dad on his toes.

Wanna grab a drink?

To being young and more fun.

Being young and more fun.

Here we go.

Stronger than it looks.

Mmm, kinda like me.

Hey, can I ask you something?


What's with the Selina Kyle shit?

You could get hurt.

You wouldn't get it.

When you look at me, what do you see?


You see Commissioner Gordon's daughter.

It's not what I was gonna say.

Why not? It's all anybody ever sees.

The perfect daughter.

That the test scores, the pedigree.

I might even take after
my dad one day. Who knows?

Doesn't sound so bad.

Yeah, well, I want to be more than that.

I want to do good in
the world. Actual good.

All he ever does is fill out
incident reports and dodge red tape.

Fire up the bat signal
when things get dicey.

Why don't you join me and Bruce?

You're halfway there.
He could teach you.

Batman, Robin and...

Robin girl.

How about Batgirl?

Robin Girl has a nicer ring to it.

That's sweet, but...
it's not really my thing.

You guys work for my dad.

You follow rules.

I like to break them.

So what do you say, d*ck Grayson?

You ready to break some rules?

In the past two weeks,

a series of high-tech robberies

have swept across Gotham's
museums and galleries.

Several of the city's
most prized works of art,

artifacts and world-famous jewels

have vanished under cover of night.

And now last night, the
prized Millennium necklace

has been stolen from
Gotham's Metropolitan Museum.

It arrived just a week ago on loan
from a private collection in Vienna.

Commissioner Gordon
stated he was perplexed

as to how so many sophisticated
security systems can be...

What you gonna do with all this?

...for any information they might have

pertaining to the robberies.

Maybe we should give it back.



Let's try it on.

Let's see if you wanna give it back now.

Show me.

It's heavy.

It really suits you.

Here. Want it tighter?


Oh, my God.

What did I do?


Oh, f*ck.

Dude, that looks horrible.

Five inches over and we'd
be burying another body.

Barbara's responsible for this?

One of her sn*pers is. Yeah.

On her orders, I'm sure.

Maybe I should go and
have a word with her.

I think there's been
enough bloodshed for today.

That was way too close, man.

I almost had him.

You're not listening, d*ck!

You scared us.

Going out on your own, getting shot.

It's not okay.

I didn't want to put you guys at risk.

- Oh, bullshit, Grayson.
- Excuse me?

Dude, Hank blew up!

Dawn left us forever,
and Jason went dark.

This family is dying and you go
out alone and get yourself shot?

Do you even hear the words
coming out of your mouth?



Take ten.

- Thanks.
- Where are you going?

I'm going to go find him.

You lost a lot of blood.

You need to take it easy.

I'm all right.

d*ck, before you go upstairs
there's something I need to tell you.

Does it involve catching
Red Hood and Scarecrow?

- No.
- Then I'll hear about it later.


Can you hand me a knife?

Are you sure?

Didn't my sister tell you I'm dangerous?

Pretty sure I can take you.

Let's test that theory.

Nice throw.

Let's eat.

Let's just put the
shit out on the streets.

Who the f*ck cares if
it's a perfect dose.

I care. You should, too.

Why? It works.

- I'm Exhibit One.
- Exhibit A.

Something's submitted
as primary evidence

in support of a proposition or argument.


I exhibited the f*ck out
of it, so let's step it up.

There's a greater plan
at work, padawan learner.

Mysteries to be revealed.

There's no plan without my okay.

And I say let's go and f*ck up d*ck.

I get you.

You know, you're excited to
see what the next step is.

But before that, I want
you to come with me.

There's something I
want to show you that...

might shed some light on things.

I used to come here during
lunch when I was a med student.

There's nothing like pairing an egg
salad sandwich with a Craniotomy.

Cool. Can we go now?

Now, hang a second, there's
been a shift in dynamics,

and I blame myself for
not being more transparent.

About what?

Exhibit B, or as a lesser
man may say number two.

You are expendable.

Gotham is an open city now.

So I brought in this lovely specimen

to help me with a few errands

that are near and dear to my heart.

If you are unhappy, there are others

who are more than willing
to take up the cause.


Good talk.

- What are you doing?
- The dishes.

Is that your role here?

We all do the dishes,

and the cooking, and the
laundry, and everything else.

This is a disgrace. We are queens.

Twenty four hours ago,
you were a prisoner.

I think this is a major step up.

Freedom means nothing if you
choose to live like a servant.

Okay, let's get something straight.

These people are my friends.

You will treat them and
this place with respect.

No more knives.

And if I catch

even a whisper of a
scheme out of your mouth,

I will drop you down
the hole I found you in.

Are we clear...


There's been a development in...


- Didn't know we had a guest.
- Yeah.

That's the thing I wanted
to talk to you about.


Pleasure's yours.

- Blackfire. You're...
- Yes.

The person who k*lled your boyfriend

and your parents.

In our kitchen.

It's a long story.

What were you saying?

Listen, there was an attack.

Thomas and Martha
Wayne Memorial Hospital.

The surgical team was k*lled,

and a piece of medical
equipment went missing.

They found a drug inhaler
at the crime scene.

Let's go.

You just got shot.

Bruce got shot all the
time. Didn't stop him.

Look how well that went.

Then I guess I'll
just have to do better.

Let's go.

I understand now.

The tiny green one
isn't your man servant.

Clearly, he

satisfies your urges.

Gar texted the name of the machine.

A short wave positron multiplier.

The kid who they were operating on

needed it for his procedure.

Is he still angry at me?


Oh, it's fear disguised as anger.

He's just worried about you.
He doesn't want you get hurt.

Well, it's part of the job.

Yeah, well, most people
are scared by that.

You're just not like most people.

I have Bruce Wayne to thank for that.

And now Crane is doing
the same thing with Jason.

Question is, what kind of twisted plan

does he have for that machine?

Obviously he's not
looking to save sick kids.

And who is this new accomplice?

Witness I spoke to said
the k*ller was a woman.

Blond hair, bad attitude.

The only person she
spared was the patient.

You d*ck Grayson? Kory Anders?

How did you know?

You're not allowed access.

On whose orders?

Barbara Gordon's.

So that partnership seems
to be off to a great start.

g*nsh*t wound and a cock block,

and we're not even at lunch yet.

We don't need her to track
down who's working with Crane.

It wouldn't hurt.

Look, I don't know all the gory details

between you and
Barbara. I don't want to.

I've got my own problems.

But Crane, Jason, and
now this new k*ller.

We cannot track them down

with one hand tied behind our back.

You and Barbara...

Fix it.

Yeah. I'll take care of it.

You gonna sh**t me again?

This is more your range.

How bad?

Looks worse than it
is, went clean through.

- Are you hurt?
- A little.


You know, I had 'em
both, Crane and Red Hood.

Don't put this on me.

You went off book. Way off book.

All this would be over if
you had just stayed out of it.

Thanks to you,

I've got a high-value
prisoner on the loose,

and the BOP gunning for my resignation.

So before you start...

Okay, just...

We both made some mistakes yesterday.

- Are you apologizing?
- I'm explaining.

I had a strong hunch about Crane.

I didn't tell you because the whole plan

would have fallen apart if
he suspected GCPD involvement.

Well, your strong hunch
led to Crane going AWOL

with a known t*rror1st.

So, maybe trust your
intuition a little less.

I came here because we need
to start working together.

Right, because history shows

that we've worked great together.

Oh, come on, Barb, we got
to be on the same side here,

- because if we're not, this whole city...
- I know!

I get it.

Same team.

I spotted surveillance
at the hospital yesterday.

You got anything on it?

The k*ller disabled the OR video feed.

We were only able to recover the audio,

which is useless.

So, unless you have any other ideas...

I have one idea.

- Don't say it.
- Oracle.

Is that what this
routine's all been about?

This is Red Hood and Scarecrow.

We can use Oracle's voice recognition

to tap into Gotham's phone network.

Oracle has been mothballed for a reason.

I'm the only one with access,

and I'm not revisiting that monster.

Not for you. Not ever.

All right.

This is exactly why
I'm against vigilantes.

They think they're above the law.

Kidnapping prisoners,
using them as bait.

Okay, fair enough.

How can I help?

You really want to help?

Go home.


Why is a piece of medical equipment

behind a massive government firewall?

'Cause it's not just a
piece of medical equipment,

it's a shortwave positron multiplier.

- Which is what?
- I don't know,

but it sounds super-impressive.

We need to figure out
what Crane wants with it.


Something to add?

Yes, sister.

Look at the way you're going about this.

This is clearly an
expensive piece of machinery.

He may be trying to sell
it on the black market.

Not likely. Crane
isn't motivated by cash.

Then find out what the rats are up to

on the ground level, the
sources on the street.

Or maybe you're

more comfortable taking
orders from others...

rather than taking the
initiative yourself.


- We're in.
- The inventor.

Doctor Christine Vo.

Map says she's deep in Gotham.

Worst taste in music ever.

I see some things never change.

You stay in the car.

Why did you even bring me to your home

if you don't want my help?

Just because I didn't let you die

doesn't mean you're part of the team.

Then what are you even doing with me?

I have no f*cking idea, Blackfire.

I can't leave you alone at Wayne Manor.

I can't send you back to Tamaran,

you blew up my spaceship.

And I can't k*ll you.

So that leaves us here.

Stay in the car, you watch her.


Anybody home?

I thought your idea was good...

about getting intel from
the people on the street.

Why are you sitting next to me?

I could use the company.

I don't like labs. Bad memories.

Hmm. Ditto.

So, what's Tamaran like?

Not like Earth.

There's no open skies, no flowing water.

The very air burns your skin.

I miss that burn.

Why would you miss that?

We made life prosper
from nothing but dust.

Kory never appreciated
Tamaran when she had it.

Have you heard stories of Krypton?

Wait. How did you know?

I can see the strength of Krypton

running in your blood.

And something else.

I'm, uh, half-Kryptonian

and half-human.

Hmm. Neither here nor there.

I have empathy for that struggle.

I was an alien, even
on my own home planet.

That must have been lonely.

It was.

All I ever wanted was the
power that Koriand'r wielded.


Every royal is born with it except me.

The cursed child.

I was treated as less than a worm.

Now I know...

it wasn't power I coveted.

It was acceptance.

The Titans took me in.

Maybe they could take you in too.

We're a family.

A family that doesn't share blood?

They've got my back. No matter what.

We care for each other,

and when they're happy, I'm happy.

Even my sister?

Yeah, even Kory.

It's just...

you have to earn your
way into this family.

Are you okay?

The same b*mb used on Hank.


Thirty-one beats. What do we do?

Make a deactivator.

No one's gonna die this time.


% chance of failure.

- Eighty?
- You'll be fine, okay?

That's Superboy over there.




Thank you.

We got it.

Do you have any idea what Dr. Bell was

talking about in there?

Uh, that stuff about

still being in love with her ex-husband?

No, the machine Crane stole.

Oh, the SPM, yeah.

Can you elaborate?

Sure. The shortwave positron multiplier

is used to cure kids with RPPD.

It could multiply almost
any chemical compound

with pulses of high-energy positrons

resulting in oxidative reactions

in the pentose phosphate pathway.

Okay, so what does Crane want with it?

That's a good question.

Well, if only

we had a criminal
mastermind who could tell us.

Or half of one.

Right. Well,

if I were an evil genius,

I guess I could alter the machine

to multiply other chemicals.

Whatever I wanted more
of, I could have, and fast.

So whatever Crane was doing
before he went into Arkham,

he's back at it again.

But up to what? What's
he trying to make?

Don't ask me. I'm not
the mastermind... f*ck!

Ugh. Get in the car.

Okay. How much further
to the evidence room?

Twenty-five meters.

Twenty-five meters. Do
I go left or straight?


Does Barbara know you're in there?

We're at a bit of an impasse.

Once we get the audio tapes
from the hospital, I'll...

I'll let her know.

Are you okay?

If you want to talk about
something, I'm all ears.

Or not.

d*ck, I got to ask.

Back at the cabin...

What about it?

Were you going to k*ll Jason?

What makes you say that?

Batman went off on his
own and k*lled the Joker.

- You went off on your own and...
- Gar,

Gotham got to Bruce.

And it gets to me too.

No. I don't want to have to k*ll Jason.

I just...

I just don't understand.

Why'd he go bad?

He had a tough life.

That's what Bruce looked for.

Someone with anger.

Someone he could make into a w*apon.

But Crane's manipulating him.

Look, I have to believe that

this dude we fought
alongside, my friend...

That he's not all bad.

What if is this is not his fault?

What if it is?

We don't know.

Okay, where am I at, now?

Above the storage room.

Oh, okay.


Gotham Gazette, Chanel Five GNN,
all down our throats about Crane.

What should I tell them?


No comment.

Holy shit.


- It's me.
- Bruce?

I'll be where it all
started. Come quickly.

And, Barbara. Don't tell d*ck.

I want the drug.

We're not finished yet.

All-All we have is a skinny batch.

You give me that, then. All of it.

We've been taking orders from Crane.

We thought he was the boss.

Who's the boss again?

We have audio from the
murders, but no visual.

Bruce and I used to do this
together, part of my training.

Join me.

My God.

My God!

The k*ller was feet
north east of the surgeon.

Knife throw.

What? A -foot,
precision-targeted throw?

Was that an assassin?

Sliced across the back.

Our k*ller has the
ability to k*ll quickly,

but likes to savor the victim's pain.

Sounds personal.

Okay, take a seven-inch blade,

and do a horizontal
slash from West to East.

Okay, one more time.

Sixteen-inch blade, reverse quick flash.

I think it's closer to...

Yeah, that's it.

Severed the Achilles tendon.

Now, pivot, knees bent, slice. Go

Good work.

Our k*ller's between ' and ' .

Trained in sword fighting
using a -inch wakizashi blade.

And she's right handed.

I know who the k*ller is.

So, there's two keypads, on
either side of the hallway.

Both codes have to be
entered simultaneously.

It's a very intricate security system.

One requiring two people.

Yeah, I have been thinking.

I think we, uh... We make sense.

You think we make sense.


That's what every girl wants to hear.

Tell me that you've run
the numbers and I'll swoon.

Oh, shit, you gotta be kidding me.

It's him again.

f*ck Batman.

Don't go home now.

You said "two keypads"?



Two, one.

I'll be taking that.


Come on, we need to go.

Pick up. Pick up.

d*ck, take a hint.


Barbara, it's me.

Where are you?

I'll be where it all started.

And, Barbara.

Don't tell d*ck.

Oh, shit.

Drop your w*apon.

How movin'. The commissioner
who overcame all the odds.

Drop it.

The Joker should have put
you out of your misery.

This was worth the wait.


Best laid plans...


Check the Bat-Computer for homicides.

Wait, you don't think Blackfire
has actually k*lled people, do you?

I don't know.

Of course, she does.

Do you have any idea how long
we've been looking for you?

I was on the wrong side of
tracks, where you should have been.

I went to some bars, cracked some skulls

and found out from the rats of Gotham

that Crane is in bed with the mob.

But, there is one unhappy mobster.

That's our lead.


Talk to those who don't belong

and they'll tell you everything.

Conner, give us the room.

I can't trust one word that
comes out of your mouth.

You're a liar. Have
been since we were kids.

And that's worked just
great for you, hasn't it?

What the f*ck is that supposed to mean?

Face it. In order for
you to be the good sister,

I have to be the bad one.

You're not mad that I left.

You're mad I came back.

- You okay?
- Yeah.

For six years, Lady
Vic leaves you alone,

and now, all of a sudden,
she wants your pound of flesh?

This is about you and I working
together again in Gotham.

Or it's just about Gotham being Gotham.

Don't have anything to do with us.

But why now? I mean, Crane has
Red Hood for his dirty work.

Well, maybe Red Hood's lost his luster

and she's Crane's new toy.

And while she does his bidding,

she just decides to
come after you for kicks?

We'll see.

Your official escort duties
have concluded, thank you.

She wanted you dead, Barbara.

Just let me quickly
check your apartment.


It suits you.

Want it tighter?

I have been thinking about us.

I think we make sense.

All clear.

Maybe, it was just a one and done.

I guess that's it. I think you're good.

You okay?

Yeah, I'm good.

I should probably go.


It's late.

It is.


Well, then, I'll see you tomorrow.

Mmm-hmm, good night.

Lock up.


Good night.

Well, is the bitch dead?

The bitch still has moves.

I had to skedaddle.

Well, as long as you deliver the goods,

then you will get a another
shot at Barbara Gordon.

Flash photography.

I'll add another skill to the resume.


That's all.

Trust me. This is gonna be the
greatest high you've ever had.

No fear. No limits.

f*ck you, Crane.

Man, your shifted started an
hour ago, where the hell are you?

Priorities. My girls
parents are out of town.

I'll be there in a second.

Seriously? I could have plans.

Yeah, but you don't.


Hey, hold on. You okay? You okay?

Call .
