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04x12 - Untitled

Posted: 09/02/21 08:00
by bunniefuu


Damn it.

If it hasn't worked for the last 45 minutes, it's not gonna work now.

That g*dd*mn night guard must be drunk and deaf.

I'll try my phone again.

We've already tried our phones.

We don't get reception up here, alright?

Just wait for the rescue teams.



Don't do that, you could make it worse!

We have to do something.

Okay, let's all try to pry this door open one more time.

Give it everything we got.

Were gonna drop 10 floors, and we're all gonna die!

We could use a little more Bruce Willis attitude, mister.

Lemme out, lemme out!

No way, you're being so obnoxious.

Get up there, we'll give you a boost.

I'll take the stairs, I'll get some help...

God, we're all gonna die...

Stop it, stop it, stop it!

Somebody grab my hand.

No, she should go first!


Oh, my god.

Ken, get in here.

No, no, no!

Oh, my god!

Aahh, no!

( Screaming )

( expl*si*n ) ( Glass breaking )

Oh, my god!

What happened?!

Go find out what happened!

Let's both go.

I think we should stay together.

I'm too scared.

George, the glass put on your slippers.

( Sirens )


What did you do?





I'm awake.

You were whimpering and paddling with your feet.

What were you dreaming about?

I don't remember.

( Alarm clock )

Yeah, it's at the Bellandi Gallery downtown, where Jimmy was, you got my postcard, right?

Okay, well call me if you do need directions.

Alright, I'll see you tomorrow.

Oh, bring cool people.

Oh hi, Edie, it's Claire.

Listen, tomorrow is my show.

I know you probably won't be there but...

I wish you would be there.

Okay, shit, never mind.

I broke up with Russell.


Why do you think?

He's a big drama queen, everything's so heavy and negative, he's such a f*cking victim.

Yeah, really.

He got in my face about your show.

Oh, god, he's unbelievable.

I was like, "whoever's idea it was and I don't f*cking care, Claire ran with it".

I was like, "adapt, dude".

Thank you for defending my honor.

Hey, I brought you a present.

Happy fame.

Oh, my god, is that cocaine?

This is so disco!

Let's do a few lines.

Oh shit, I want to but I have to go to my gallery and meet some huge movie star.


What movie star?

I don't know, some like celebrity woman wants to buy my stuff.

You're getting way too cool for me.

f*ck you.

No, it's a fish tail.

It's a fish tail!


I'm calling the lawyer again.

Where's the phone?

You're too clever, he already told you.

Yeah, I know he already said that Barb has no right to custody, but I just saw this article on the net...

You're the father, Barb's the aunt, Maya's staying right here where she is.

You're not taking this seriously.

Yes, I am, but it doesn't do us any good to live in this constant state of panic.

Well, that's easy for you to say, Maya's not yours.

Yes, can you reach Mr. Sutcliffe for me, please.

Nate Fisher.

It's an emergency.

This isn't about Maya, it's about your emotions and how you deal with them.

Will you stop using the therapy voice, it drives me nuts.

How would you know?

You've never tried therapy.

I don't need therapy.

It's not my fault there's a disaster every time I blink.

What's with this book?

It's macabre.

Let's get rid of it or put it away.

Michaela gave it to me to give to David.

I keep forgetting about it.

I really wish you'd consider it...

Look, everything is under control!

Of course it is.

Number three.

Excuse me?

That's him, number three.


David, it's almost 11.

Are you going to get up?



I'm still replaying that f*cking look he gave me.

Do you want to talk about it?

No, I don't want to talk about it.

I've told you about it 900 times, I've told my therapist about it 900 times, I want to f*cking move on and leave it behind me.

So do it.

You can.

No, I can't.

I'm f*cking stuck.

If you could do anything, what would you do?

I'd tell him what I think of him and what he did to me, that evil, evil f*ck.

Well, you can do that.

I know, I said it all to the therapy pillow.

No, you can visit him in jail.


Maybe he'll see you, maybe he won't, but you can try.

Are you serious?

Yes, I am.

I think it would be extremely self-destructive to put myself in that situation!

I can't believe you'd even suggest it to me.

Two hours, great!

Let me know when you're on the ground and I'll come meet you.

Me, too.


My daughter's on her way to Hawaii for a conference and she has a layover this afternoon.

Would you like to meet her for lunch?



Oh, yes!

This is so exciting!

What kind of conference?

I don't know anything about her.

What does she do?

Pharmaceutical rep.

You're proud of her, I can tell.

She's the apple of your eye.

I know you're doing this for me, too, George.

Thank you.

You'll like her.

I can't wait!

I'm not the person who's supposed to be here, we've been divorced for ages.

He must have a new wife or a girlfriend.

You were his emergency contact.

He worked at the same place for 25 years, I'm sure he just forgot to change the form.

Maybe he still loved you.

He's a very nice guy, but you know...

I've moved on.

Well, I'm sorry, but there are decisions about the funeral that have to be made.

Yes, well, I don't want to make them!

Now there must be someone else who can deal with this.

'Cause I can't believe it!

How can you get k*lled by an elevator?

Well, there were three other people trapped inside.

And he tried to get them out and the elevator tore him in half.

( Vomiting )

I hit a new low.

I made the bereaved vomit.

Don't tell me we have to send this guy somewhere else, I just embalmed him.

No, no, we worked it out.

I think it's weird we don't sew him together.

Once he's in the casket, dressed, with a little padding, can't even tell the difference.

Here, it's a present from Michaela.

What a sweet kid.

Little morbid, but sweet.

So unlike her mother, that crazy bitch from hell.

What's that?

( Male ) It's Roger Pasquese, does that ring a bell?


Yeah, it does.

How are you, Keith?

I'm fine, a little surprised.

How are you?

I'm well, thank you.

Enjoying the day, carpe diem.

Yeah, that's great.

What's up?

I'm taking a break from angry ugly white men.

Let's take it easy now, huh?

Okay, seriously.

I have a business proposition for you and I'd like for us to meet.

What do you say, you come to my house and we talk?

Probably not.

Nothing against you.

It just doesn't seem like a very good idea.

But thanks, anyway.

You know, certain papers have yet to be signed.

Our lawsuit might rear its ugly head again.

Roger, we had an agreement.

I don't think a blow job is legal or binding.

How about tomorrow afternoon?

I'll think about it.

Well, you see Nicole, Claire has a plurality of influences at work here.

They're portraits, an ancient, classical form, and they're photographs, which are essentially modern.

And then they're torn to bits.

A nod to the dadaists, and the cubists as well.

Then the pieces are reassembled for a deconstructed mix of detachment and tenderness which seems to me to be very new millennium.

Anything you'd like to add, Claire?

Um, well...

What you said is part of it.

Of course, it's more involved than that...

I totally get it.

It reminds me of paper dolls and bad relationships and lies people tell about stupid things.



Is this all you have?

As a matter of fact, she's working hard on a whole new series.

It looks very promising.

Cool, when can I see it?


Very soon.

I have to figure out some stuff.

We used to come to this place when I was a girl.

Sarah and I would eat thousand island dressing all by itself.

What a treat!

I like this place.

The menu never changes and this building has stood through all the mudslides, fires, earthquakes.

Yes, it's comforting.




Oh, sweetie, it's great to see you.

This is wonderful.

With managed care the way that it is, most of these samples that I haul around end up going to patients who can't afford to pay for prescriptions, so everybody at the doctor's office is glad to see Maggie.

So, what's new in antibiotics?

A course of this will knock out just about anything.

But you have to take the whole seven days.

Huh, any side effects?

Minimal, maybe a little nausea, so take it with food.

Thanks, hon.

Are you sick?


I just want to be prepared.

Of course these things won't touch anything viral.

Did you know that you can order potassium iodide off the Internet now?

Oh, that's great.

That is so much more convenient.

What's potassium iodide?


If you take it in time, it blocks the thyroid's uptake of airborne radioactive iodine from a nuclear accident.

Let's not worry today, dad.

We're okay today.

Of course we are.

Okay, I'd like to talk about this morning.

What about it?

Well, besides the fact that your attitude to therapy is totally medieval.

You have really big emotions, Nate, and they're not that easy to live with.

You know?

Sometimes you dump them all on me and it's not fair.

Well, maybe if I got a little support for what I'm going through that's not how I would feel to you...

You have got to be kidding, right?

All I do is support you.

It's like a full-time job.

What are you looking at?

I can't compete with a dead woman.

Brian and I just adored him.

He took us hiking, camping...


I love camping!

We'll have to go, too.

He taught us campfire songs...

Campfire songs?


Yeah, a couple.


♫ Above the plain of gold and green ♫

♫ a young boy's head is plainly seen ♫

♫ a-hoo-ya, hoo-ya, hoo-ya-ya ♫

♫ swiftly flowing river

♫ a-hoo-ya, hoo-ya, hoo-ya-ya ♫

♫ swiftly flowing river it was kid heaven.


If you ladies will excuse me.

Well, thank god he shaved for you.

He used to have a big scraggly beard.

A beard?

I can't picture it.

Well, yes, I can.


He looked like he just walked out of the Bible.

So how's he been?


No problems?

You can tell me.

What do you mean?

Ruth, I want you to have all my numbers.

If you need me, call.

Anywhere, anytime.

Well, thank you.

He trusts me.

Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?

If it isn't too personal.

Are those whiskers your own?

No one else has claimed them.

Do you think I should?

I can't tell you what to do.

What do you mean?

You love to tell me what to do.

This is different.

Maybe if I see him and tell him how I feel, I can finally get my balls back.

You have balls.

Yeah, yeah.

Look, if you decide to go, I'll go with you.

No, I have to handle this alone.

I'm going.

I just said...

I know what you said.

The same thing you said when I was on the road.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," but you weren't.

You weren't honest with me.

I wasn't honest with myself.

I did the best I could.

I know.

But, I still don't know when to believe you and I'm not taking any chances.

Oh, come on, guys.

Look at this mess.

You're supposed to be helping me out here.

And you're sitting too close to that television.

Get away from it.

Garbageman, c'mon!

Come help mommy out.

Yes, very good.

Thank you.

Would you turn off the light and go to sleep?

I can't.

Yes, you can, if you quit suckin' weed and lie down.

I have to make sure I invited everybody on my list.

I'm not tired, I'm all buzzy.

Did you get into that blow without me?

No, look, it's my first exhibition, there's all this stress.


One night.

Some pictures.

A party.

I think you can deal.

( Giggling )

Hey, Bren!

Shhh, Maya's still asleep.

Check this out, this is what Lisa wore.

Well, yeah.

No, no, no, when she died.

She bought this shirt a week before she died.

Oh, Nate.

No, I know it.

Don't do this to yourself.

She showed it to me.

She asked me if I liked the color.

This is the shirt.

And this is the beach where she disappeared.

So, how can Michaela have sent me this picture of Lisa at this beach when Lisa never made it to Santa Cruz?

I don't know.

There's probably a simple explanation.

Then I want to f*cking hear it.

I'm going up there.

Oh, god, this is never going to end.

Don't you f*cking realize what's going on here?

There was somebody there with her.

Somebody took this picture.

Okay, look.

Why don't you call the little girl and just ask her?

I'm going up there.

I can't just call.

The way they feel about me.

Do you really think they're going to give her the phone and say, "here, Michaela, re's uncle Nate".

Yeah, how do you think they're going to feel about you when you just turn up out of nowhere, sounding like a crazy man?

Oh, thanks for the support.

This is exactly what I'm f*cking talking about.

Oh, come on, this is ridiculous.

You're driving up there all because of some random snapshot...

I don't need your permission.

No, you don't.

Yeah, I don't.

So I'm gonna Maya to my mother's house.


Well, because she's never spent the night...

Here without me...

Nate, if you don't think that I can take care of Maya, there's not really a whole lot of point to the three of us living together.

Okay, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I have to do this.

Every day it seems harder to breathe.

Is that my imagination?


The air is poisoned, George.

It's a scientific fact.

They took blood samples from a remote village of Indians in Bolivia.

Alto Los Zarzos.

Even they were contaminated.

There are chemicals in the rain.

I keep thinking any minute something terrible will happen.

It's already happening.

Yes, I know, but...

Our days are numbered.

It's only a matter of time.

But I truly believe if we prepare...

Don't be naive, George.

You weren't brought up that way.

There's no hope.

Stop saying that!

Even if it's true, I can't give up.


No, I won't.

Are you alright?



Could you...

Could you sit with me?


The way he died, oh god.

God, it's awful.

I can't stop thinking about it.

If there was anyone who deserved to go in their sleep, it was Ken.

It's the way that Ken lived that's important.

We weren't close anymore.

He was your husband once.

15 years ago.

Honestly, when I got the call, I had to think, "Ken, Ken who"?

Then I remembered, every minute we spent together, I remember everything.

I'm going to Bury him with the rest of my family.

That's the way it should be, don't you think?

Yes, yes, I do.

Even if I marry again...

When I'm dead I want Ken there, too.

Family's family.

Divorce doesn't change that.

Not divorce, not death, not anything.

When people...

Get in your heart?

They stay for good.

Maggie, this is Ruth.

I'm very sorry to bother you in Waikiki, but please call me back.

I'm worried about your father.

Mr. Fisher.

Could I see a valid passport, a visa, alien registration card or valid California driver's license?

You may take in one handkerchief, an unopened pack of tissue, $30 in coin and one-dollar bills only.

You may not take in cameras, cell phones unless approved prior to entering the visiting room.

I don't have anything.

Are you wearing implants or prosthetic devices?


Please proceed down the hall to the next officer, he'll direct you to the metal detector.

( Buzzer )

Sir, please proceed down the hall.

God, what if a lot of people come?

They're all going to be looking at me.

Isn't that what you want?

I don't know, I haven't done much coke.

I don't want it to make me more nervous than I already am.

No, it'll help.

This shit's not cut with meth, it's pretty smooth.

It makes you feel really important for about 20 minutes.


I'll hang onto it if you want.

I thought it was a present.

It is, but since it's your special night, I could be like the keeper of it.






I just want to look.

Whatever, I'll meet you back here in a half hour for a little.


You know, the boys aren't here, they're at a birthday party.

But if you call, you could probably stop over.

It's you I came to see.

Well, I gotta go soon.



I apologize.

This is all my fault.

All my fault.

What I gave Sophia, the time and the attention...


The intimacy.

I had no right.

It all belonged to you and the kids.

Even if you hadn't slept with her, it was adultery.

Being close to somebody else when you're the most important person in my life, yes, that was adultery.

I betrayed my marriage.

I was so wrong and I'm so sorry from the bottom of my heart.

You finally said it.

Thank you.

So, I'll come back home and we'll go back to being ourselves again, okay?

We can't go back.

Everything is changed.

I never expected this, and I feel really sad, but it feels right.


You know that we got together so young.

Being on my own is good for me now.

And I think that maybe it's good for you, too.


No, no, it is definitely not good.

Don't you love me anymore?

Of course I love you.

It's just not like before.

Oh, Jesus.

I'm not trying to hurt you, Rico, I swear to god.

I want a divorce.

You don't mean it.

You don't mean it.

( Door slams )

Who are you?

David Fisher.

Remember me?

Yeah, I think so.

How ya doing?

How do you think I am?

I don't know.

You look pretty good compared to everybody else I see.

I hope you're happy here behind bars where you belong.

Nobody belongs here, man.

You ever been through detox?

It's like dying.

Every f*cking minute you die.


Did you bring me something?

No, I hate you.

Oh, god here we go.

You soaked me with gasoline, you beat me and stuck a g*n in my mouth.

Well, yeah, you drove me all over hell with a dead chick farting in the back of your Van, what was I supposed to do?

You scared me shitless.

Now I walk around all the time feeling like everybody's gonna humiliate and m*rder me.

Well, they are.

So I did you a favor.

Now you'll be a little more careful, won't you?

Stop your f*cking games for once, you g*dd*mn...

It's your game.

You come here and you visit me and you don't bring anything, you just want to shit on me and break me down, like everybody else.

Well, I won't let you.

Apologize to me.

For defending myself?

f*ck you.

You have a family, right?

You have people looking out for you?

Yeah, but...

All I have is you, David, and you hate me.

You made a special trip up here to tell me that you hate me.

I think I'm the one that deserves a g*dd*mn apology.

You really are sick.

I'm not the one who sits in jail when he doesn't have to.

Well, at least you know how I feel.

And you know how I feel.

Look, you can come visit me again if you want to.

No, I won't be back.



Well, maybe when I get paroled you can come and take me out to lunch.

Probably not, I'm pretty busy.

I don't think you can be an artist without experiencing major suffering.

And you have to be super-aware of the suffering around you.

And yeah, I've been influenced by Dada and Cubism, but I also feel like I've added detachment and tenderness, for the new millennium.

This is f*cking fantastic, everybody loves my shit.

There's somebody in here!

Have you talked to Jimmy?

No, every time I see him, somebody grabs me and wants to talk about the pictures.

You should at least get him high.

Here, you do it.

How do you think it's going?


My show, whore.


Fine, whore.

Well, what are people saying?

I don't know, I'm just hanging out with my friends.

Come on, I wanna know what they're saying.

Don't do it all, save some for me.

Everyone is very impressed with Claire's pictures.

You must be very proud.

I certainly am.

I'm proud of all my children.

Nate and I back together again.

That must seem very sudden.

I married my husband almost right after we met.

Sudden is something I understand now.

It's not always best.

But, sometimes it is.

Brenda, I'm glad Nate is with someone and I hope the three of you are very happy.

Thank you.

He says, you're studying psychology.

Yes, I am going to be a cognitive therapist.

What does it mean when a person starts talking to himself out of nowhere?

None of your pieces have names.

How come?

I couldn't think of any.

Come on, don't bullshit me, I'm actually interested.

Well, I feel like when you give something a name, people take your word for it.

Which is okay for some things, but not these.

I didn't want to tell anybody what to see.

It's like music that's called opus 15 or three-part invention in "a minor".

What's that about?

I want you to really look at it and deal with it on your own.

You know, it's like life.

It's kinda scary.

No guide.

Don't know where I'll end up.

You know what?

I have no f*cking idea what these pictures mean.

I know.

Isn't it great?

Roger, you don't need a bodyguard.

Yes, I do.

Look, I have enemies.

There are f*ckers out there that would do anything to get me.


I just want to feel safe.

And I will pay you a shitload of money.

Well, I couldn't work for you exclusively, it would have to be a freelance, when-i-can situation.

I'm sure we can figure something out.

We'll draw up a contract.

First, I need something in writing that says you're going to drop our lawsuit.


Oh, alright.

Is that one of the people you're afraid of?


That's Steve.

He stays in the guest house sometimes.


I'll give it serious consideration.

I wasn't sure you'd be here.

Of course I'm here.

You were my student, my assistant, you think that means nothing to me?

It's my responsibility and my pleasure to support you, Claire.


Besides, you're competition, now.

Though I thought it would be Russell first in this position.

Well, you were wrong.

Because it's me.

And so it all begins.

With the first success, corruption.

It's corrupt to feel like I finally did something right?

Actually, yes, it is.

You'll see.

But so what?

Who wants to be a Saint, right?

Not me.

No, no one does and the work suffers.

I toast you with this shitty wine.

Hello there.

Well, you look recovered.

I feel fabulous.

Everyone should drop an organ, after the first shock, it's positively liberating.

So, is this the fruit of Nate's loins?

Maya, this is Margaret.


Don't take this personally, but I don't think she likes you.

She hardly knows you're here.

Margaret can't help trying to make us feel bad about ourselves.

You know, Brenda, it's unethical to use an innocent child to express your resentment.


Do you do commissions?

Uh, yes.

Well, I want you to photograph Olivier and me and do that thing you do, only mix all our pieces together.

That will be a portrait.

Kudos, darling, you're brilliant.


Thank you.

Excuse me.



Thank you, look, there's somebody who may want to buy something, I'll be back in one minute.

What the f*ck?

Are you blowing me off?


You haven't said shit to me since I got here, I mean, what the f*ck?

I think it's pretty f*cking rude.


Maybe you didn't realize this, but I'm a little f*cking busy right now, I'm in the middle of my f*cking show.

Maybe you don't remember, but I'm the one who f*cking got you this f*cking show.


Well, f*ck you, then.

f*ck you all.

Hi, Michaela.

Hi, uncle Nate.

I gave the book to David.

Thank you.

He liked it a lot.

There was a picture in it.

I know.

Where'd the picture come from?

Do you know who took it?

Why'd you put it in the book?

You should talk to my dad.

He's in the office.

God, you freak, when are you gonna let it go?

When you admit, in public, that I am part of your work.

You're not!

I created these pieces, they are mine and people love them.

I love you.

You love?

You f*cked a man and lied about it.

You f*cked a woman!

Not when I was with you!

No, you just went and had an abortion without me!

Don't you dare go there.

Don't you f*cking dare!

Is there a problem, guys?

You are so deeply irrelevant.

Are you f*cking him now?

You f*cked Jimmy to get a gallery, what can Billy Chenowith do for you?

You assh*le, I f*cking hate you.

This has to stop now.

It's time to leave.

Just leave.

This needs to stop.


Are you alright?

Take me home.

Are you crazy?

If I was you, fella, I'd move on down the road before Barb finds out you're here.

Hoyt, I'll ask you one more time and then I'm calling the police.

Whoa, whoa.

Did you take that picture?

She's a Kimmel, we tend to point cameras at each other.

Somebody obviously took it, maybe it was me.

No, I remember this, this was a couple of years ago.

We had a picnic.

You're a f*cking liar.

You were with there with Lisa on the beach the day she died.


Yes, you were.

And this proves it.

You sonofab*tch, what did you do to her?

Nothing, god, nothing!

This was a place that we used to go.

I'd drive south and I'd meet her there.


Maybe, a few times.



We had a thing.

It was on and off...

But it was intense.

You know Lisa...

She was intense.

When was this?

When we were married?


I don't believe you.

She told me what it was like to be your wife.

What the f*ck is wrong with you?

Why did you put her through all that?


You think she just spent her whole life waiting for you?

People loved Lisa.

And she loved us back.

You know, she might have k*lled herself because of you.

Oh yeah, did you ever think about that?

Listen, let's take a walk, okay?

This is a big misunderstanding.

No, no, no!

Lisa would never k*ll herself!

I know that.

She might leave me, but she would never leave Maya.

So you tell me what happened on that beach right now.

Right the f*ck now!

I wanted some time by ourselves.

Lisa said she wasn't into it.

You know, clean slate, never again.

Okay, fine.

I couldn't let her tell Barb.

I did not get angry with her.

I played the guitar, I sang her a song.

I sang her a song...

And we...

Went our separate ways.

( Crying )

( g*nsh*t )


( Police radio chatter )



Have you been here all night?

I had to put things in order and I guess I fell asleep.

Didn't mean to worry you.

No harm done.

Come on, let's go back to the house.

I can't do that.

Yes, you can, dear, it's where we live.

No, Ruth.

This is where I live now.

Let's get married and have a baby.

Will you?


( Thunder )

Oh, good.

My bougainvillea needs this.

You were brave to face him.

Not really.

There was a guard.

Doesn't matter.

I'm proud of you.

I thought it would set me free.

But it didn't change anything, except now I know he really is insane.

You're missing the point.

There is no point.

That's the point.

Isn't it?

Oh, don't give me that phony existential bullshit.

I expect better from you.

The point's right in front of your face.

Well, I'm sorry, but I don't see it.

You're not even grateful, are you?


For the worst f*cking experience of my life?

You hang onto your pain like it means something, like it's worth something.

Well, let me tell you, it's not worth shit.

Let it go.

Infinite possibilities and all he can do is whine.

Well, what am I supposed to do?

What do you think?

You can do anything, you lucky bastard, you're alive.

What's a little pain compared to that?

It can't be so simple.

What if it is?