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04x05 - That's My Dog

Posted: 09/02/21 07:55
by bunniefuu
( Moaning )

( Screaming )

Oh, whoa.



Oh, I know.

You went a little "showgirls" on me there.

Not that I'm complaining.

Happy anniversary, baby.

( Giggling )

Same time next year?

You kidding?

I got needs.

I better wake up in the morning with you all over me.

I hope you don't think I'm waiting 'til morning.

Let's go shower.

Give me a minute.

This feels too nice.

Just don't cook yourself.

( Heavy breathing )

( Glass breaking )

( Screaming )


Annie, are you okay?




Oh my god, Annie, oh my god!

I'm really gonna miss you.

This is the first time we've been apart for any real length of time.

Not that long.

Keith, three months is a long time.

David, we were split up for like, what, eight months.

We weathered that.

Oh god, you're gonna get hit on by really hot guys in every city.

Come on, it's been okay for both of us to have an occasional random f*ck here, what's gonna be so different?

You're gonna meet some cooler, smarter, hotter guy who's a lot easier to get along with than I am.

I could do that here.

Yeah, thanks, that makes me feel a lot better.

And besides, we're gonna be able to buy a f*cking house with the money I'm making.

With a pool and a hot tub and a steam shower.

And room for kids.

Yeah, all of which you'll be sharing with the cooler, smarter, hotter guy you're gonna meet on tour.

Don't you know I ain't looking?

I am settled down, I found what I want.

Besides, this'll be good for us.

How will this be good for us?

It'll show you, you don't have to worry.

C'mon, David, what does it take?

Don't be so insecure.

I love you.

I'm not insecure.

If you want me not to do anything while I'm gone, just ask me.


Yeah, as long as you don't do anything either.

Just be safe.

Of course I'm gonna be safe.

I'm safe with everybody, but you.

Yeah, but be extra safe.

Even with blow jobs you have to use a condom.

( Laughing )

Excuse me, but...

Did you use a condom with that plumber?

No, but that was different.

We hadn't made up the rules yet.

And no sex with anybody more than once.

We'll see about that.



( Buzzer )

There's my car.

How do I look?

So f*cking hot it's ridiculous.

Aww, I'm gonna miss you.

I feel like I'm gonna cry.

So... cry.

Call me every night.

Okay. Starting tonight.

Alright, I will.

( Buzzer )

Alright, bitch, calm down!

Bush just lies and no one cares.

Nate, you got f*cking oatmeal on my print!

I don't believe this.

Hey, not in front of Maya, okay?


This is really important to me.

Yes, Nate, they're for Claire's crit.

Mom, don't say "crit".

It sounds weird coming from you.

What, you trying to be like a model or something?

No, I'm not selling anything.

Isn't that what you should be doing, trying to figure out how to sell out to the highest bidder as fast as you can, before your life just totally blows up in your face, because it will.

It just doesn't stop, does it?

It gets better...

But it never goes away, no.

Maybe you should try to meet someone new.

Mom, I don't want to meet...

What, date?

I don't want to be with anybody right now, I can't.

Even if it's just sex, then.

Sex can be very healing.

Mom, it's okay for us to be celibate if we want to.

Thank you, Claire.

Then maybe you should get a job.

Look, I've been trying, alright?

It's not that easy these days.

And besides, who's supposed to take care of Maya?

Us, her family.

I think it's best if I look after my daughter right now.

Thank you.

Don't you think what's best for Maya is to have a healthy father?

Mom, all I do is think about what's best for Maya, okay?

A bereavement group?


I was a professional grief counselor for three years, I know what a load of crap this is.

When you lose someone it actually helps to spend time with others who are going through the same experience.


If it's so great, why didn't you go when dad died?

I did.

You didn't tell us that.

I went once a week for several months.

Why didn't you tell us?

One of us could have gone with you.

I felt like it would have been wrong to burden my children.

Maybe I could have used it too.

Why is this family so repressed?

I can tell you from experience, Nate, you're not simply gonna wake up one morning and find it's all over, you have to grieve.

Look, I know that, I have grieved.

I've done big grieving, okay?

I just feel like I'm... Stuck in this quicksand and there's something bigger than me that's holding me back.

It just doesn't make sense.

Something as stupid as that.

Falling in the shower.

It was my fault.

No, no, of course not.

It was an accident.

No, I dragged her out to the hot tub, made her drink Tequila, got her all dizzy.

It was our anniversary.

Mr. Thornton, I think your wife was very much in love and did all those things because she enjoyed doing them with you.

Why did this happen?

Out of nowhere, for no reason?

I was a good husband.

I loved her, I took care of her.

Now why is god punishing me?

I don't think god punishes people like that, Mr. Thornton.

No, of course not.

( Sobbing )

Hello, Ruth.

Hello, Becky.


Yes, it's hard to get them long enough for George.

He's such a large man.

Nothing wrong with that.

No, no, I'm not complaining.

How are things with Hakim?

He got back together with his wife.

Oh, no...

Yeah, I guess I was just a pretty toy to him.


I'm so sorry.

I'm not.

I left a bag of burning dog shit on his front porch as a little parting gift.

Movin' on.

You know, George has a son.

He got a job?

I believe he's independently wealthy.

What's his name?


He's about 40, rather boyish.

Does he have a mustache?

I like a mustache.

No, but I believe he's capable of growing one.

Why is he still single?

He's a very complex man.

I like a man who can keep me guessing.

Maybe I'll have you both over to dinner.

I'll call you.

Shall we start?


They remind me of Katy Grannan's earlier work.

Yes, they certainly do.

I like them.

They're really simple, unpretentious, pretty.

Like Claire herself.

I wonder though...

If they're a little too staged.


Are they staged, Claire?

Well, yeah.

It's kind of hard to take a candid self-portrait.

Not just staged, but...


Maybe they're a little stiff.


That's what I like about them.

This girl who's like dead, and beyond everything, beyond hunger, beyond sex, beyond boredom.

And really, it's so beautiful to be in that state.

Like, nothing can reach her.

Nothing can get to her.

See, I wouldn't say dead, I would say empty.

Yeah, definitely empty.

Was that your intention, Claire?


I was trying to capture the stillness I sometimes feel.


Not emptiness?




Okay, what are you doing in this picture?


Being still.

What are you looking at?

What are you thinking?


Okay, see, I thought you were actually thinking something deep.

Okay, let me ask you this...

And feel free to roll your eyes, but do you really want to perpetuate the idea of woman as a vacant vessel?

Is this more lesbian stuff?

Yes, I have to meet my quota so I get my toaster oven.

Okay, I'm not trying to perpetuate anything.

I don't have an agenda.

I sh**t from a more instinctual place.

An empty place?

I'm not empty!

No, of course not.

So maybe with your next work we can see something that actually is inside you.

( Doorbell )

May I help you?

Oh, I'm just looking for Rico.


Rico Rico.

( Cell phone )


Hey, it's me.

God, I'm glad you called.

I hated the way we left things this morning.

How did we leave things?



I was just calling to remind you to pay the cable bill.

I left it on my desk.


So how's it going?

Oh, it's great.

We got our own Sushi chef.

I'm eating yellowtail, it is out of this f*cking world.

I'm drinking lukewarm coffee and driving a body back to the funeral home.

I'm having an awful day.


I told you.

The way you left this morning, it just seemed so...


Honey, forget about it.

You're just feeling needy right now.


When do you ever call me "honey"?

Because you don't want them to know you're talking to a guy?

Jesus, why don't you just call me "Darlene"?

I gotta go, they're starting the movie.

What movie?

Some Japanese horror flick they want Celeste to do the remake of.

I love you!

Gotta go.


What are you doing here?

What are you doing here?!

Well, obviously you weren't gonna come to see me.

Come on, Maria's watching Nicole today.

Let's go to magic mountain.

( Laughing )

Are you stoned?


I don't have to work today.

You can't come in here stoned!

You can't come in here at all!

C'mon, you don't like me anymore?

Of course I like you, it's just...

I want you to take me to dinner.

I got a new dress.

It's very short.

No, Sophia, no, Sophia, no!

You got the wrong idea.

I spent all day alone yesterday.

I was so sad, I cried like three times.

I miss you.

You're important to me, Rico.

You make my life better.


Whoa, Sophia...

I'm sorry if I did something wrong, but...

You didn't do anything wrong, it's just...

I can't help it that I like you.

You're the best thing that ever happened to me.

I guess I should go.

Maybe I can get off early tonight.

Uh, sorry.

No, no, you're not interrupting anything.

Sophia Morales, this is Nate Fisher.

Nice to meet you.

You too.

Do you need anything?

I was just gonna play some doom.

( Whispering ) Um, pick me up at seven?

Okay, okay.

( Door closing )

It's not what you think.

Rico, I don't care.

( Video game sounds )

( Female on radio ) ...studios in Los Angeles, this is market place.

( Male on radio ) patrolling for Petro.

More than on any other land.

No wonder about 40...

Hey, I can't believe someone finally stopped.

What's wrong?

I ran out of gas.

I know, so lame.


It's happened to all of us at least once.

Yeah, it's just I'm supposed to help my grandma today.

She broke her hip and she can't make it up stairs, so, I told her I'd move her bed downstairs into the den and I know she's just sitting there waiting for me.

I'm sorry, it's just one of those days.

Believe me, I know what that's like.

Any chance you could give me a lift to the next gas station?

I wouldn't even ask, I just...

I don't know what else to do.

Sure, get in.

Wow, thank you so much.

I'm Jake. ( Engine starting )


David, you just saved my life.

This is so much fun!

I haven't been on a campus in years.


Oh, let's wrap him up and take him home.

Now what?

You're being wildly inappropriate, as usual, and, as usual, I'm feeling irritated and resentful.

Well, that's your shit.

Oh, is Richard Braun teaching here?

Yeah, my cognitive psych class.

You don't believe in all that cognitive crap, do you?

You have to dig through the past.

Just knowing where behavior comes from doesn't change the behavior.

It doesn't change anything, except...

You know where the behavior comes from.

You know, Ricky Braun has the most unusually shiny penis.

I went on this retreat with him and when he'd get out of the hot tub, the water would just bead up on his schlong.

Do you suppose he kept it oiled?

I don't know, mom, and I don't care.

He's a good teacher.

He's an exhibitionist and an idiot.

Then maybe you should teach the class.


No, thank you, darling, I'm not that desperate.

This happens to be an excellent program.

It doesn't matter where you're doing your training, sweetheart.

You're gonna be a terrific therapist.

You really have this uncanny understanding of interpersonal dynamics, which you've always had.

You just have a problem applying the principles to your own life, which is so often the case.

I was wondering when the insult would come.

C'mon, we're exactly the same.

Who's a bigger train wreck than I?

So, how's it going with Olivier?

He's a very passionate man.

He's a lot of fun if you don't take him too seriously.

And he is completely supportive of my decision to have vaginal rejuvenation surgery.

Oh, mom.

Darling, I've had a couple of children.

You, especially, took your toll.

I mean, c'mon.

No one wants to f*ck a glass of water, if you know what I'm saying.

Speaking of children, are you still interested in having one?

I think so.

You think so.

And is Joe the man you want to have them with?

I think he is, yeah.

You think he is?

How's the sex?

It's fine.

It's creative.

It's interesting.

Oh, dear god.

You have to dump him.

Mom, last month when I brought him to dinner, you said he was the one!

I know, but I didn't realize at the time that the sex between the two of you was this cerebral exercise.

That's not good.

Sex is something you should feel, not something you should think.

Yeah, well, I have to think, to keep from behaving in a compulsive and destructive manner, thanks to my early exposure to compulsive and destructive sexual energy, thank you very much.

I thought you just said that pouring over the past is not important.

Change the behavior.

I have changed the behavior.

Well, then what are you complaining about?

This is probably the healthiest relationship that I have ever been in.

I'm not gonna dump him.

As a matter of fact, we're talking about moving in together.

Ha, now that's the Brenda I know.

( Laughing )

I hate your new hair.

I could feel the gentle rocking of the train as we started to move.

And he was so handsome, sitting there against the window, smiling at me.

When I woke up I could hardly believe I was this old lady in bed all by myself.

What's odd is I had completely forgotten about that trip.

It was so long ago.

I have so many memories of my time with Walter that I can't even remember them all!

Memories are nice, aren't they, Ellen?


Their ATM is down.


I've got no cash so I tried to use my credit card to get a gas can and a couple gallons of gas, but of course I'm way over my limit so he wouldn't take it.

I begged him, please, and he laughs in my face.

How humiliating is that?

I'm sorry.


I must have been like, a serious assh*le in a previous life.

I don't think it works that way.

Things just happen.

At least I stole a pack of gum.

You stole that?

I figured he deserved it.

You want a piece?

( Laughing )

Now you're my accomplice.


What's wrong?

My poor grandma's still waiting for me.

I'd call her, but she's deaf.

She never hears the phone.

Why don't you let me buy the gas can and gas, okay?

No way.

Really, it's no big deal.

I'm going to.

Only if you take me to an ATM so I can pay you back.


An apple, some sharp cheddar and a hunk of crusty bread.

And somehow, it all tastes just a little bit better when you cut it with your grandfather's pocket knife.

I've been thinking we should invite Kyle over for dinner.


So he can meet my friend, Becky, who's quite adorable in her own way and...

Quite single.

Ruth, what are you doing?

I'm trying to arrange a dinner.

I can make my vegetable lasagne, you like that.

And Becky said she would...

You're meddling.

I don't think it's meddling to simply introduce two people.

When one of them happens to be my son who leaves boxes of shit on our doorstep, oh yes, that's meddling.

But don't you want to help him?

I only agreed to meet with him because I wanted you to see first-hand what a mess he is.

If I'd had any idea...



Just leave it alone, Ruth, okay?

You deal with your messed-up children and I'll deal with mine.

I don't care for that tone, George.

I'm very disappointed in you, Ruth.


When you lose somebody you love, you truly have lost a part of yourself.

Because you've shared a lifetime with this person it's only natural to have moments when you're feeling completely lost...

What if you haven't?

Well, if you don't feel lost...

No, I didn't get to share a lifetime with her.

I'm sorry, I've been listening to your stories and they're...

They're really upsetting to me because I don't have that.

I don't have a lifetime of memories.

We were just getting started,

just working things through.

And, uh, now I have a...

Have a two-year-old daughter who doesn't have a mother...

And so she has to get everything from me because I'm all there is.

And I don't know what to do with that.

Most of the time I just...

I just feel numb,

And then sometimes I feel just...

Just terrified.

Then sometimes I just feel so angry, but then I don't want to be this bitter guy, so, I try to deal with it because I don't want my daughter to have to live with that poison.

I try and be thankful.

I try so hard to be thankful.

And I am thankful, I'm thankful I have a beautiful child that Lisa gave me.

And some days, some days I just feel like I'm going crazy, like I'm literally losing my mind...

( fire alarm )

That's the fire alarm.

Probably just a false alarm, but just to be safe we're gonna walk down the hallway and out into the parking lot.

Is everyone ready?

Thanks for the gas, man.

This is one incredibly shitty day for me, but you are like the coolest guy I ever met, David.

Now we just gotta hit that ATM.

They're usually all over.

You want some water?

No thanks.

Are you gay?

Uh... yes.

I thought so.

You look gay.


No, I mean you could be.

I was hoping you were gay.

I mean, I figure you have a boyfriend, you're too cute not to.

But what if I could be your guy on the side, who understands you and loves you unconditionally and pretty much lives just to please you.

Do you want me to take my pants off?

( Music )


Do you want some water or not?

No, thanks, I'm fine.

Dude, where'd you go?

I'm a little preoccupied.

I'm having one of those days too.

Well, hey, say no more.

I smell smoke.

Does anyone else smell smoke?

Okay, everyone, false alarm.

We can all go back in.

( Chattering )

♫ it's my life

♫ don't you forget so did you grow up in L.A.?

Yeah, one of the rare natives.

What about you?

I was born in St. George, Bermuda.


Not as exciting as it sounds.

It was a naval air station.

Your dad was in the Navy?

At first and then he worked for a food service company that supplied the Navy.

I used to fantasize about running away and joining the Navy.

Mostly I just pictured myself walking down the gangway in my sailor uniform, like gene Kelly in "on the town".


Never mind.

The Navy sucks.

When I was little, as soon as I'd make friends, my dad would have to move.

So I was always the new kid.

Yeah, I know how that feels.

I was never the new kid.

I was just the odd kid.

I think there's one in there.



Oh, cool.

♫ Don't you forget...


Okay, this is the deal.

We walk in there, you get as much cash as you can with your ATM card.

If you try anything, I mean if you even breathe in a way that I don't like, I will sh**t you in the spine.


( Beeping )

Not 300, 500.

I don't think you can withdraw 500...

Yeah, you can, do it.

I don't even have 500 in my account.

How much?

Maybe four.

Do four.

Let's go.

( Coughing )

Nice try.

Wow, I really hit you hard, didn't I?


I'm sorry, bro.

It just, it felt so f*cking good!

God, I didn't even know I was gonna do that.

I just f*cking, I just did it!

Look, you got your money, just leave me alone.

Aw, don't be angry, David.

Come on, get in the Van.

I'm not going anywhere with you.

Oh, hey, you're not gonna dump me after our first fight, are you?

We're best friends forever.

Now get in the Van before I kick your m*therf*cking ass.

Let's go, cowboy.


That way.


Wipe your face.


Do you want me to take you back to your car?

I don't have a car.

Where I picked you up.

( Laughing )

That wasn't my car, I don't have a car.

Where would I get a car?


Where am I taking you?

Well, it's definitely party time.

There are these guys I know in long beach that deal meth.

Have fun all tweak-end long, you know.

Oh, no, no, we'll do it old school tonight.

MacArthur park.

Head on down to the crack gallery.


You can just take the Van...

No, I'm drinking, you have to drive.

Friends don't let friends drive drunk.

How do I get there?

Just head towards downtown.

No, what are you doing?!

I'm getting on the freeway.

Stay off the f*cking freeway!

Just go, get onto Alvarado.

Okay, calm down!

I don't like the freeway.

I had an accident on the freeway.

My father was k*lled.

Right after we moved here.

I'm sorry.

On the way to the dodger game.

We were just talking and then bam!

Plowed into the back of this truck.

I'm really sorry.

When the car finally stopped moving, he just...

Wasn't there anymore.

What happened?

He went through the windshield.

He never wore his seat belt.

It was his little "f*ck you" to the world.

I lost my father in a car accident too.

He was hit by a bus.

How old were you?

It was just three years ago.

Oh, f*ck you, that's not the same!

I was 10 years old.

( Sniffling )

( Farting noise )

Jesus, man, you fart?



Yeah, you did!

Holy f*cking Christ!

It was the body.


The body, it's releasing gas.

At the f*ck is that?!

I just said, it's a body.

I'm a funeral director.

I was taking it home when I picked you up.

Oh, f*ck, f*ck!

Get it out of here!

Stop the f*cking Van!

Stop the f*cking Van!

Jesus, it's a chick.

Hey, you wanna f*ck her?

I was kidding!

Oh shit, you should see your face!

What do you want?

I to get her the f*ck out of my Van.

Jesus, that is a person, that's somebody's wife!

Well, if she was always farting like that he must be happy to be rid of her.

Oh god, that is disgusting.

Uh, let's go.

I said let's go!

( Engine starting )

Man, you got any Lysol?

I still smell her farts.


Pull in there.

Get in the back.

Lay down.

On your stomach!

What, you think we're gonna make out?


Gimme your hands.

( Grunting )

Is that too tight?


Tough shit, I don't want you going anywhere.

I like you.

( Door slamming )

( Heavy breathing )

( Grunting )

( Store bell )

( Footsteps approaching )

Uh, bitch.

( Cell phone ringing )

That was so great.

Your f*cking cell phone!

You are so lame.

Oh my god!

You poor thing.

You thought you were so f*cking rescued.

All gone.

Cops go bye-bye.

Now say you're sorry for running away from me.

( Sobbing )

Say you're f*cking sorry, p*ssy!

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!

I'm sorry, I'm sorry!


Are you really a mortician?

Funeral director.

Man, that is so sick.

There's nothing sick about it.

What's sick was leaving that woman in the middle of the road like that.

Imagine the guy who finds her.

"Hey, what do we got here?

"A bag of gold?


It's some dead c**t!"

Oh, c'mon, that's funny!

It's not funny.

What if that was someone you cared about?

Like who?

Like someone in your family?

Why are you doing this to me?

How can you be this way?

Because your father died?

You idiot.

I made all that up, my father's not dead, he's doing time somewhere in Washington state.

Then why?

Why... I need to understand how you could do this to me, to anybody!

Don't you have any f*cking sympathy for me...

At all?

How can you be so completely disconnected from another human being?

Jesus, David.

What f*cking difference does it make?

Let's just get high and have some fun.

Man, look at your face.

See, you could use some crack.

You ever done it before?


Shit, I haven't done crack in a long time.

I think about it.

Sometimes I walk by a car, right after the engine's been turned off, and it has that smell, that crack smell.

f*ck, this is gonna be great.


Let's go find us a crack dealer.


Too freaky.

There, the little juggler.

What you want?

Couple of rocks, how much?

40 each.

40, shit, just give me one.

You bought the dr*gs right out of his mouth?

Yeah, we're close that way.

( Starting engine )

Hold on a second, let me enjoy this.

Up, up, up, up we go...


No, thank you.

C'mon, it's good stuff.


Or I could put a hole in your throat and blow the smoke in that way.


There you go.

Hold it...

Hold it in.



Nice, huh?

Wow, oh yeah...

I am so f*cking loving life right now.

Oh my god...

I've never felt like this.

How could I have never felt like this?

Can you drive?

I can do anything.

( Engine starting )

Do you want to have sex?

Are you serious?


I need to suck d*ck, man, I need someone to f*ck me.


Careful, I'm driving...


Gimme all your f*ckin' money, man, or I'll beat your f*cking face in, shit-faced m*therf*ckers!

Will he come after us?

No way.


Oh f*ck.

Oh f*ck.



Your windshield's busted.

( Laughing )

I swear to god, you are such a f*cking hero.

Are you gonna let me go now?

No, aw c'mon, now you gotta go and hurt my feelings.

Man, we're best friends for life.

You just said I saved your life.

That was just talk.

That's what you do with people like you, you say nice things to them so they'll feel better about themselves.

That guy would have k*lled you!

I don't think so.

Goddamnit, I gave you money, you got high, there's nothing else you want from me, c'mon, Jake, let's just end it.

No, no, no.

We gotta go to long beach.


I need some meth.


Yeah, well, there's definitely some downsides to crack.


Okay, look.

Just take me to long beach and you're done.



Do you even know where we are?

Not exactly.

Am I going in the right direction?

I guess.

How will I know when I get there?

If you hit the f*cking ocean you've gone too far.

I just don't know where I am.

It's a red house.

Like a barn red.

Should I start looking?

Yeah, yeah, when we get closer, yeah.


That's my dog.


That's my f*cking dog!

Wait, stop!


Roll down your window.

Hey, Charlie, hey, Charlie!

Here, boy, here, boy!

How can that be your dog?

I used to live around here.

Follow him!

Follow him!

I think he's gone.

Keep going.

Don't scare him, just get close.

That's what I'm doing.

Yeah, but don't scare him.

Now help me catch him.

I don't want to!

I don't want to sh**t you.

Get out and help me get my dog.

And I will let you go.

What about getting the meth?

Just help me get my dog and I will let you go.


I swear to f*cking god.

You're scaring him!

He's gonna get away.


Here, boy, I've got a cookie.

I've got a cookie for you!

Don't lie to my dog.

( Barking )

I got him!

Hey, Charlie, hey, boy.

Hey, Charlie.

That's not my dog.


That's not my dog, let him go.

Of course it's your dog.

I know my own dog, stupid, let him go!

Jesus, I ask you for one thing and you can't even do that!

( g*nsh*t )

Gimme your wallet.


Give it.

So they can't identify your body right away.

That's right, you f*cking f*gg*t.

You are so dead.

( Groaning )

( Coughing )

I'll help you.

We'll keep looking, I'll find your dog.

Jesus, he'd be like 30 years old now.

f*ck it.

I'm through with you, man.

It's time to end this once and for all.


( Screaming )

What, you're gonna k*ll me with a rock?


So, what'll it be?

You wanna go out in a Blaze of glory, or should I just sh**t you?

Please don't k*ll me.

Please, please, don't k*ll me...

Please don't k*ll me...

Suck it.

Put it in your mouth.

Suck it.

That's right.

You are so f*cking pathetic.

Close your eyes.

Close your f*cking eyes before I sh**t them out.

( Tires screeching )

( Music )

( Sirens )