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03x10 - Balance of Might

Posted: 09/01/21 19:03
by bunniefuu
But, how? Mr. Saya, how did you...

Akol, don't worry about that.
I've taken care of everything.

- And we can work?
- Yes.

A good friend of mine has
arranged jobs for each of you.

Use the skills that you were taught.

Do what you're told,

and you'll all accomplish
great things in America.

Thank you, Mr. Saya.

Thank you for...
for giving us this chance.

I didn't give you anything.

You earned it.

I'm gonna miss you guys.

We are going to New York City!

Akol Salih?


Do I know you?

No, but I know you.

You and Jaden and Winny
are from the Sudan.

You've lived in this refugee
camp for most of your lives.

And you are in grave danger.

I think you should go.

Mr. Saya will be back soon.

Mr. Saya is a liar.

The men he works for are
terrible people

who do terrible things.

They want to hurt you
and everyone in this camp.

Who are you?

Look at the jobs Mr. Saya's
friend gives you.

Look at what he asks you to do.

You'll see I'm telling
the truth, and when you do,

call this number.

Megan Butani? Who is she?

A journalist.

She's going to save your lives.

Make a choice. You can't have both.

I don't want either, Meg,
I hate coffee,

and I really gotta get to work.

What if I told you one
of these coffees costs $18?

Then I'd tell you there
better be $16 in change

in one of those cups.

I know! But people are buying it.

And that is why
I'm writing the article.

All good?

Yeah, just some guy
who keeps calling me.

Some guy keeps calling you?

A source.

A refugee from the Sudan
wants me to tell his story.

I'm gonna refer him to a friend.

'Cause... who needs
a Pulitzer anyway?

I told you,

I don't want to be the
immigrant reporter

who only does immigrant stories.

Do you even know what his story is?

He won't say on the phone.

His last message said him
and his brother and sister

are refugees at Camp Iko?

Camp Iko?

- In Kenya?
- Yeah.

I mean, the whole thing seems sketchy.

He keeps saying he wants to meet.

Maybe we should hear him out.
I'll... I'll take you.

Why are you being weird?

I thought you were going to work.

Camp Iko might be related
to an ongoing FBI case.

Which case?

It's about those tattoos, isn't it?

The ones you can't tell me about?

You're not even supposed
to know those tattoos exist.

I just think we should
go and hear him out.

Fine. I'll call him back.

But you still owe me a taste test.

Hey, it's me, um...

I'm just leaving you another message.

I'm leaving.

Take all the time that you need.

- When you're ready, we can...
- No.

I am leaving you.

I should be the one staying at a hotel.

Not you.

So, please... just... just come home.

I love you.


How are you?


I missed you.

How was Morocco?

It was, interesting.

It was hot. Where's Hank?

My father had to fly
to Zurich unexpectedly.

You didn't think to tell me that?

Yeah, like I said, it was unexpected.

I'm your dad's VP of Operations.

What the hell am I even doing here

if he's not going to
the Relief Fund luncheon?

Don't worry about him. He didn't
get much sleep on the plane.

Yeah, I can see that.

I will be filling in
for my father at the luncheon.

And I'll need a date.

All right, when should I pick you up?

You're more than welcome
to tag along with me and Tom.

Sorry, what... What is this luncheon?

It's a couple hundred socialites

getting day drunk... hopefully
opening their wallets.

And don't forget
the shameless selfpromotion

and press coverage.

Tom, I assume you'll want
a new suit for the pictures.

So, I had our London tailor
sent up to our room.


I think I might give it a miss
this time, if you don't mind.

I'm feeling a big jetlagged myself.

Well, we won't stay long.

I just have to kiss some cheeks
and pose for some photos.

Yeah, sorry, I... I can't.

Why not?

The crowd... and the cameras.

The flashes can be...

The flashes can be what?


Isn't that right TJ? For your PTSD?

I keep forgetting your
guy here is shellshocked.

It's very sad.


No, I... I didn't realize
it was so pronounced.

I apologize if I've been insensitive.

Excuse me, I should get ready.


Are you getting my messages?

I have everything I need.


If you want anything, Jane...

I have everything that I need.


So, Reade called, he's gonna be late.

- He's looking into a tattoo.
- Which one?

Well, oddly enough...

Why was he looking into that alone?

I was... just about to get to that.

We can do all the questions
first if we want,

- and then I can...
- We're good, just go.

Yeah, so, remember
the Semaphore Signal tattoo?

It's the one with the three figures

holding the spears and shields?

Black, red and green.
The colors of the Kenyan flag.

Right, so we knew that
the spears and shields

decoded to the letters IKO,

which seemed to be pointing us
to... Camp Iko.

The refugee camp.

Yeah, except we couldn't find anything.

200,000 refugees live in that camp.

And anything that seemed like anything

- kept coming up a dead end.
- Until now.

A Sudanese refugee from
the camp just called Meg.

- Meg who?
- Reade's girlfriend.

She's a journalist.

- They live together.
- Why?

Not everybody waits until marriage

- to move in with their partners.
- No, I mean,

why did a Sudanese refugee
from Camp Iko call her?

That's what Reade went to find out.

Akol Salih, arrived in New York
with his siblings.

Winny and Jaden last month.

Where's Reade now?

He and Meg are getting coffee
with them near Union Square.

Why would Roman steer these
refugees to Meg and not us?

I don't like this, something feels off.

We saw the Statue
of Liberty as we arrived.

It was... beyond words.

I must say that
your words are pretty good.

Your English is much better
than mine was when I got here.

I fear my brother's
and sister's is worse.

I read everything in the camp library.

It helped me improve.

Is that how you got my name?

From an old article
I wrote or something?

No, a man gave me this.

Describe this man.

- Ed...
- No, please.

Describe him, was he a white man?

Beard? Kind of tall? Really intense?

Yes! That's him!

Are you friends?

No, we're not. Excuse me.

I have to make a phone call.

Babe, do you have a signal?

Well, I did a minute ago.

So did I.

No... they found us.

FBI! Ladies and gentlemen,
I need you to get up

and make your way to the exits.

Stay calm and make your
way towards the exit!

- Let's go, move!
- What's happening?

We're under attack.

Guys go that way, to that exit.

So, what else do we know
about Akol and his siblings?

We know they got
preferential treatment.

Refugees lucky enough to get resettled

have a wait time of three years

while they undergo extreme vetting.

Jaden, Akol, and Winny's paperwork

got approved in only six months.

Well, who sponsored their application?

A nongovernmental organization

that works in Camp Iko
called One World Alliance.

But it only exists on paper.

The board members,
the Executive Director,

John Saya.

We need to call the police.

We can't call anyone right now.
We have no signal.

Emergency lines always stay open!

Not if they're jammed.

Akol, did you know
any of the men with g*ns?

Only one. His name is Derek.

He's a friend of Mr. Saya's.

He wants to make it look
like we hurt people.

What do you mean, hurt people?
And who is Mr. Saya?

John Saya's a private military
contractor turned N.G.O. advisor

who sponsors refugees.

Yeah, even as I say it,
it doesn't even makes any sense.

But his N.G.O. received
several contracts

to work in refugee camps worldwide.

- Who gave him the contracts?
- The host countries.

Most don't have the resources
for daytoday operations

so they outsource.

Contractors see dollar signs
and they come running.

There's a ton of money in
the refugee and aid industry.

It really shouldn't be an industry.

Well, it is, and it is worth billions.

All right, come on, come on.

Come on, come on, come on, come on.

Okay, barricade the door.

Don't let anyone in here
unless it's me, all right?

Wait, wait, where are you going?

To find a landline and call for help.

There are three guys
with g*ns out there.

I know, but I'm not
the target, they are.

Just stay here and keep them safe.

I'll be back, all right? I love you.

I love you, too.

So, nobody's checking up on
the contractors in these camps?

They tried to, but these
camps are the size of cities

with none of the infrastructure.

Is that Reade?

Um... no, it's...
I should take this.

- Hey.
- Hey?

That's all I get?

I mean, after everything
we've been through,

I was hoping for
at least a "what's up".

- What's up?
- I got your message.

Hey, Clem, it's Jane.

18 years ago, I gave up
my daughter for adoption.

I thought if anyone could track
her down, it would be you.

I gotta say I was surprised
to learn you had a daughter.

Though it sounds like you were, too.

I did some digging, I found something.

Six months ago, Avery was in Berlin.

- After that, the trail kinda...
- Clem...

I'm sorry, I should have
called you sooner, but...

Avery's dead.

Where are you?

New York.

Cab driver's gonna need
something more specific.

- Wait, you're here?
- I got in last night.

I thought we'd have better luck
finding Avery together, but...

- I'm sorry you came all this way.
- I'm not.

Where are you? I'm coming to you.

No, okay? I can't, I'm sorry.

We can't get a hold of Reade.

There's a fire alarm going off
at his location and sh*ts fired.

It's five minutes away, so let's move.

Keep going, keep going!

You okay? Is anyone injured?

- No... no. Are you okay?
- I'm fine.

What part of "stay here"
didn't you understand?

We heard g*nshots.

And then I thought that you were...

Look, I just need to find
you guys a hiding spot, okay?

Follow me and stay close.



- You again.
- This is my job.

It's mine, too.

I was here first.

If by first you mean second.

What, you didn't think it was odd

that there were no guards to stop you?

I took out four guards.

Yeah, four out of ten...
You're welcome.

You, too, Larry.

I see you're still rubbing
the locals the wrong way.

You know this guy?

Yeah, I've rescued him
three times already.

One more and the next one's free.

I'll split him with you, 50/50.

You want the top half or the bottom?

All right, fine, split's
gotta be three ways, though.

I got a guy outside,
he can drive us outta here.

Your guy ain't
interested in no threeway.

Dwire, what the hell, man?
She's one of us, you dumb son...

There sure as hell ain't no "us."


Come on, guys.

Everyone okay?

Yeah, you get a sh**t?

One. How many are there?

Three, I put one down back there.

That still leaves one active.

Where the hell is he?

The FBI just showed up
and took the refugees.

Do we cancel the op?

No, we move it up.

Activate Bravo squad.

The attack happens today.

Akol, this is Special Agent Weller.

Why don't we start by telling him

what you told Megan
and I at the coffee shop.

Per our Sixth Amendment rights,

we request to have counsel present.

Akol, you don't need to...

You, your brother, and your
sister aren't in any trouble.

But you are very new to this country.

Now, three gunmen
just tried to k*ll you.

So, we need to know why.

Per our Sixth Amendment rights,

we request to have counsel present.


They want a lawyer.

Akol had his Sixth Amendment rights

written on Meg's business card.

Roman must've coached
him on what to say.

- No, I did.
- What? When?

On the way here.

I... I am not trying to be difficult.

But they are new to this country
and in FBI custody,

and they have the right to an attorney.

They were just att*cked.
I know, so was I.

But given their status,
they need to be very careful.

I... I understand
you're trying to help.

So are we.

The people who just att*cked
Akol and his siblings,

they could do it again.

Or they could be planning
for something bigger.

We are just trying to do our job.

And I am trying to protect my source.

- He called us.
- No, he called me.

She's right. I've been there before.

Sitting in that room,
at that table, afraid.

Not knowing what was happening,
what my rights were.

I wish I had had someone
looking out for me.

With that said,
someone wants them dead.

So, if you are really trying
to protect your sources,

convince them to cooperate
before it's too late.

Yeah, almost ready.

Just because you look amazing,

doesn't mean you're off the hook.

You walk out when
I tell you I have PTSD,

and I'm the one on the hook?

No, you didn't tell me. Victor did.

And I walked out because
you're lying to me.

No, I'm not.

We met at a charity function.

A huge crowd with lots of cameras.

I didn't see you shaking
in the corner then.

Different situations can...
You're still lying to me.

I can see it in your eyes,
and don't tell me that's PTSD.

I was crawling out of my skin
the night we met.

And the only reason I forced
myself there was to get rid

of some of the money
my dead best friend left me

so I could stop carrying it
like a weight around my neck.

And the only reason I wasn't
shaking in the corner...

was you.

You keep me steady like
no one I've ever met.

So, what aren't you telling me, Tom?

That I love you.

You don't believe me?

Look me in the eye
and tell me I'm lying.

You love me?


You know what it feels like
to be let down again and again

by the people who are
supposed to care about you?

- Yes.
- You suck it up, Tom.

You suck it up for the people
you love, and you show up.

- I did.
- You don't get to say no

because you don't feel like it,

because it's not convenient for you.

I'm not, I'm right here.

Is Akol talking yet?

Yeah, thanks to Meg.

She has everyone set up
in the conference room.

He said he'd tell us everything
as long as she was with him.

Is Reade losing his mind?


How are you and Weller?

Not good.

I still love him, but...

I just don't know if I'll
ever be able to forgive him.

You gonna run away again?



'Cause he's not the only one
who would miss you.

Don't go back to that hotel room.

Stay at my place.

I promise I won't make
you talk about your feelings.

I hate feelings, we can just drink.

The hotel is fine... really.

But if you change your mind,
the minibar's always open.

Tell your buddy Dwire

this is seriously
going to affect his cut.

Yeah, well... Dwire's not my buddy.

I just use him sometimes
'cause he's cheap and available.

Think I'm starting to see why.

Such high standards you have.

So what's your story?

You running an op in Paris alone?

- Nobody watching your back?
- You're right.

Maybe I should just hire someone

to sh**t me and steal all my money.

All right, what's the plan?

Well, first of all, we gotta
get out of these zipties.

And into something more comfortable?

I like the way you think.

Are you gonna flirt or are you
gonna help me break these?

Why can't I do both?

All right, count of three?

One, two, three!

All right.

One, two, three.

Well, see ya.

Hey, you got a name?

What, for the next time
we get ziptied together?

How 'bout the next time
I need a partner?

It looks like I need
a new one, and, I don't know,

something tells me
we'd make a good team.


Clem. And, I wasn't
the only one flirting.

You just do it different.
It's more subtle.

Maybe I just don't like you as much.

We met Mr. Saya in Camp Iko

after it was att*cked by a militia.

He taught us how to protect ourselves

and other skills to help us
get jobs when we left camp.

And then he sponsored you
and got you jobs here?

Yes, delivery jobs
with his friend Derek,

who owns a courier service.

The man who tried to k*ll you?

You said that you think Derek

wants to make it look
like you hurt people.

Why do you think that?

Because of what happened
to Osman in Germany.

Osman Baris? The church bomber?

Osman was not a bomber.

That's just what the news said!

We grew up with him.
He would never hurt anyone.

The news said Osman tried
to escape in a van.

And when he couldn't,
he blew himself up,

along with two accomplices.

I don't believe it.

Mr. Saya sent all of them to Germany.

Just like he sent you here.

So, you think Saya
and Derek did the bombings

and then made it look like
your friends did it?

That's why I called you.

I think they want to do the same to us.

What makes you think that?

Because of these.

The circled items on Akol's receipts

are the exact same things used
in the German church b*mb,

right down to the shrapnel.

Akol said Derek made
him drive the van around

and purchase all of those items.

To build a paper trail,
get him on CCTV camera

in the attack vehicle.

He also said he followed Derek

and saw him meeting
with Saya, yesterday.

Well, there's no record
of Saya leaving Kenya.

So, if he's here, he's using
forged travel documents.

Why risk coming here himself?

Because he's 89 Delta.

Look, Saya's Military
Occupational Skill

is expl*sive Ordinance Specialist.

He's the b*mb maker.

So now we know his M.O.

One b*mb for the target,
one b*mb for the scapegoats.

But why is Saya planning
these att*cks at all?

To drum up public fear.

It closes borders and
slows relocation efforts.

And it keeps refugees in the camps.

Right, but it's not like there's
been a shortage of refugees.

The camps are already
an endless revenue stream.

What if it's not about revenue?

What if Roman's pointing us
to something bigger?

Well, if he is, we don't
know what that is yet.

And Derek is still out there,

which means Saya knows we're onto him.

But as long as we keep
the refugees safe,

his attack can't move forward...
There'd be nobody to pin it on.

We still have to figure out
what the target is.

Akol gave us a list of places
they delivered items to.

Hotels, airports, malls.

I've been digging into Saya

through his One World Alliance N.G.O.

He fasttracked another group
of refugees.

Three men from a camp in Thailand.

- Where did they land?
- Here in New York,

two days after Akol and his siblings.

Saya's got a backup team.

And if we don't find them,

they're about to be
k*lled in the attack.

Along with God knows
how many more people.

You got a minute?


I'm trying to locate
the second group of refugees,

but the computer's doing
most of the heavy lifting.

- What's up?
- It's about Jane's daughter.

Yeah, um...

I would love to be left out of that.

She's mourning the loss of
someone she never even met.

I couldn't find much about her online

except a couple of photos.

So, I was hoping you could
dig a little deeper.

Just find something to give her
some sort of closure.

That's a terrible idea.

I don't know what else to do.

I don't think there's
anything you can do.

I know this isn't what
you wanna hear, but...

I think you should leave Jane alone.

Not forever. Just for now.

What is it?

We found the second group of refugees.

I have got more questions for Akol.

You can't just throw me out.

I'm not throwing you out.

You are literally throwing me out.

Patterson found something.

We're gonna be discussing details

that I can't share with
a journalist, so...

agents are waiting for you. What,
in case I refuse to leave?

No, in case someone tries
to sh**t at you again.

Okay? I've assigned you
a protective detail

to keep you safe as a precaution.

At home.

Akol said that he would call me
as soon as he is done here.

You can't stop me from talking to him.

I want you to tell his story,
so tell it... from home.

Well, all right, then.

I'm just trying to do my job.

- You were great today.
- So were you.

Taking control, darting around...

Well, I wasn't darting.
I was being tactical.

You wanna get tactical later?

Yes, you know I do,
but again, at home.

- Bye.
- Bye.

Sorry, heh.

That was a work kiss, it's cool.

Bye, Tasha. Let's get together again

when no one is trying to k*ll anyone.

Yes, sounds good.

Meg seems to be doing okay.

I thought she'd be a little shaken up.

Actually, I think it
might have fired her up.

She's very passionate. One of
the reasons why I love her.


I think that's the first time
I've heard you say the "L" word.

It's, kinda weird.

It'd be weird if I didn't say
it, Tasha, we live together.

Yeah, just, just one more minute!

That's the fourth time they've knocked.

Yeah, I should probably get down there

and give my father's speech.

Okay, well, I'll be the guy
hiding from all the cameras

and people... shaking in the corner.

No, we can't go down there
together looking like this.

This is... This is not the story

that I want them
to write about this event.

- I think you look beautiful.
- Yeah? Well...

You look like you just had sex
in the green room, um...

Okay, you're off the hook.

- You sure?
- Yeah.

No, I'm good, I'll just,

I'll just throw my hair
in a bun and head down.

I mean, I can do these
things on autopilot.

Just go find Vic.

He hates our Relief Fund events, too,

and he'll be hiding at the bar.

Go find Vic? Thought you
said I was off the hook.

Just try not get into too much trouble.

He likes to party.

What's the story with you two anyway?

Me and Vic?

We've just...

I mean, we've known
each other for a long time.

He started from the bottom,
worked his way up.

Earned my father's trust,
and now he's like a son.

And a brother?

Well, I don't know
if I would go that far.

But he's very protective of me.

And... threatened by you.

But I'd like you to be
friends, if only because

he's not an enemy that you wanna have.

So keep him close
or... keep him closer.

Good advice.

When Saya framed Osman

for the German church bombing,

police found all kinds of
evidence in his apartment.

Planted evidence.

So we're looking for an apartment.

- No, I found the apartment.
- How?

Well, people think you can't get
a credit card without a Social.

But fun tip, you can get

a gas station credit card
with almost zero personal...

She ran the Thai refugees' names
through the credit bureaus,

and she found gas station cards
and a billing address.

We sent a team.

There's no sign of the refugees.

But the whole place is
littered with planted evidence.

Our agents are sending me photos
as they go through it, so...

All right, laptops,
bombmaking materials,

screws, nails, ball bearings...

Saya's making the case
against them a slam dunk.

Yeah, why dig deeper

when all the answers are
right in front of you?

So if the evidence
has already been planted,

that means the refugees
aren't coming back.

No, they're in a van
waiting to be blown up.

This attack is happening right now.

Hang on, look at this.

A floor plan off one of the laptops.

- The Sloan Hotel.
- That's gotta be the target.

Call NYPD, evacuate the hotel.
Let's move.

Hang tight, guys.

I'll be right back.

The FBI's at the apartment.

They're catching up
faster than expected.

Doesn't matter. Package was dropped.

First b*mb goes off in 17 minutes.

As soon as it does, I turn the van

and everything in
a 200foot radius to dust.

This is an emergency evacuation.

Proceed to the nearest exit.

Patterson, we're at the hotel.
Where's the b*mb squad?

En route now. I
had all the rooms unlocked.

The NYPD's clearing the top
floors, working their way down.

I'm ripping through CCTV footage,

looking for any suspicious deliveries.

Any sign of our targets
or the second refugee group?

Not yet. The hotel's sold out
for the tech conference.

Vendors in white vans have
been showing up all day.

Okay, let's split up.

We got one b*mb in the van
and one in the hotel.

- Okay, I've got the hotel.
- I got the hotel.

Okay, guess we get the van.

This is an emergency evacuation.

So many white delivery vans.

Where are you, where are you?

We're almost at the conference room.

- What are we looking for?
- I don't know yet.

Wait, I've got it.

I just found footage
of one of the refugees

rolling in a black suitcase
earlier today.

He dropped it in the lobby,
so check the luggage room.

We're on our way!

Excuse me, coming through.

What does the suitcase look like?

It's big and black.

It's a hardtop
with wheels and a handle.

This is not very helpful.

Okay, we're gonna
have to check 'em all.

Wait, it's got a...

pink airport tag on it.

A lost luggage sticker.

Reade, I tracked
the van using traffic cams.

White panel van. No rear windows.

It's parked on the street
around the block.

On our way.


Okay, Patterson, we found the b*mb.

The shrapnel is not inside it.

It's surrounding it.

Okay, we're gonna have to dig it out.

Okay, just remember

that Saya is a pro trying
to look like an amateur.

So it won't be a hightech
device, which means

it's probably extremely unstable.

Okay, what exactly
do you want us to do?

Just try not to disturb
the body of the b*mb.

Okay, whoawhoa, stopstopstopstop.

The components on this side
are coming loose.

Okay. I'll hold the b*mb together.


You move some of that shrapnel,

so we can lift it out.


Here we go.

Do you have it out yet?

Yeah, it's crude.

Digital face, batteries, wires...

I don't see a det cord anywhere.
It must be hidden inside.

Damn it! We're gonna need a robot.

b*mb Squad's two minutes out.

- Okay, well, we have 46 seconds.
- Okay...

Then all we can do is minimize
casualties, give me a sec.

Patterson, the b*mb is in my hands.

Is this room secure enough that
we can detonate it in here?

Nope, that's a loadbearing wall.

The whole building
will come down...

Not the mechanical room,
not the laundry room...


Can you get it to the kitchen?!

Yes! If you tell us where it is!

Head through the lobby and take
a left at the stairs.

Stop! Stop! Get out of here!

I got the van.

I got Saya!

Take your next left,

and then right, then
straight down the hall.

There should be an industrial
freezer in the kitchen.

It should act like a b*mb
containment chamber.

Just, you know, colder.

Saya's got the detonator.

It's okay!
It's okay, we're here to help.

They're locked inside with the b*mb.

Back! I need you to get back!

Go! I got 'em! The refugees are secure!

So's the detonator.

Are you guys gonna make it?

We've got 15 seconds!


Jane, we got three seconds!

Tell me you're in the kitchen.

- Hey.
- Are you okay?

Yeah... you?

Thanks for not sh**ting me
and stealing my money.

Well, the night's not over yet.

There's a lot of money on that bed.

That's just in six months.

Imagine what a couple years
would look like.

What's with the storm cloud?


I... I just, um...

I missed being a part of a team.

A team or one particular?

Stop running, stop being alone.

Start being here, right here.

You're allowed to be happy, Jane.


Can't blame a guy for tryin'.

Port Authority
just arrested Derek at JFK.

He and Saya both lawyered up,
they're not talking.

Any idea why Roman picked
Meg in the first place?

Wish I knew.

Any time he's gotten this personal,

it's been to expose one of our secrets.

And why did Roman wanna help
the refugees in the first place?

How does that connect
to the bigger picture?

Well, there is a connection.
It's just not illegal.

So, several of Crawford's companies

hold contracts inside refugee camps.

And he's made huge donations to
all of them, including Camp Iko.

Something tells me he's after
more than just a tax break.

But what it? What's his endgame?

Come on, man, I thought you
were getting the bill.

Night's young, TJ, night's young.

Most people buy the expensive
stuff 'cause they don't realize

the expensive stuff is
made for American tourists.

This here, it's the real deal.

People just get distracted
with fancy things.

I see.

We're not talking about vodka.

You pissed I told her about the PTSD?

Wasn't exactly yours to tell.

Guess Blake was pretty lucky

that you happened to be in
Barcelona when she got mugged.

Right place, right time?

Excuse me.


Wire the money to his lawyer

and don't ever call me
on this number again.

Everything all right?


Just a little setback
in New York is all.

Why'd you set me up in Morocco?

No idea what you're talking about.

You gave me Crawford's coin,
the one that's gonna help

close a $30 billion deal,
and then you hired

a couple of guys to steal it from me.

So you could tell Crawford I lost it

and look like a hero
when you got it back.

I feel like you kinda just
answered your own question.

It was a good plan.

You just hired the wrong guys.

I mean, if you wanna do
something right, you gotta...

do it yourself.

So, what do you wanna do?

- Just forgive and forget?
- Not really.

Me neither.

You should have k*lled me.

I still might.


See you tomorrow.

Not if I see you first.

Run his prints.

I wanna know who Tom Jakeman really is.

Just like that?

I wish I could stay.

Then stay.

I can't.

You're a great guy.

But I already have a great guy.

Then where is he?

You really love him?

I really do.


I'm gonna miss you.

It's madness.

Refugees are the most
highly vetted immigrants

entering the United States.

You gonna let me read it

or are you gonna keep
dishing out spoilers?

Saya makes them look dangerous.

Makes it seem like
the vetting doesn't work,

which means the refugees
go back to the camps.

Which means more money
for people like him.

Sorry... Just skip to the end.

They're letting Akol stay.

They're letting them all stay.

You should have heard the joy
in his voice, it was...

Beyond words.

I could make this story into
a whole investigative series.

Of course, I'll have to sideline
my exposé on expensive coffee.

Well, there goes your Pulitzer.

What's wrong?

It's my editor.

She wants to put my story
on the front page.

That... that's amazing.
That's great, right?

It's a lot of attention.

Babe, no...

No one knows anything.

It'll be okay.

I don't know why I'm here.

You don't need a reason.

I got your text. What's up?

Remember when I told you
it was a terrible idea

to go digging into Avery

and that you should leave
Jane alone and do nothing?

Yeah, rings a vague bell.

Well, I did not listen
to my own advice.

I took the dates you were in Berlin,

and I wanted to widen the scope,

just out of curiosity.


That's the hotel where I met Avery.

Yeah, this is you and Avery
on the day you met.

And this... is on the day before.

She's meeting with someone.

And if I had to guess,

there is a stack of cash
in that envelope.

Can you get a different angle?

I was about to do that
when you walked in.

Let me see if I can
pull up the time code

and get into another camera.

My God, is that...

It's Roman.

Wait, does that mean...

It means that he set me up.