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03x12 - Twilight

Posted: 09/01/21 06:04
by bunniefuu
Mr. Williman's last statement may be offensive.

It may contain expletives or...

Matter of a dark nature.

When Mr. Williman expires, you may hear what is known as a "death rattle," or a snort or a cough of some sort.

Some fellas bleed from the nose...

It's not common, but it happens.

Or he may just appear to fall off to sleep with his eyes either open or closed, it can go either way.

Now, I'm sorry if this is troublesome to you folks, but if, when this is all over, you tell me, "officer paddock, it happened just like you said it would," then I figure I did my job.

We don't want any surprises.

Any questions?

There's no explanation.

( Laughing )

There's no excuse.

I can't lay here and tell you there is one.

But if anybody thinks the state of Texas is teaching anybody anything by putting this poison into me, they're even dumber and crueler than I am.

And you're all gonna cry in the same wet hell that I'm going to for doing this.

You're gonna eat shit and vomit blood, forever.

Because this isn't right.

You're all pigs.

You're all f*cking pigs slipping out of god's ass.

And I would cut all your throats if I could, I hate this m*therf*cking...

( groaning )

( Brenda on answering machine ) Hey, Nate, it's Brenda again.

If you're there, pick up.

You must be at work, okay, well...

If you want me to stop calling, Nate, could you just tell me?

Otherwise, I'll keep trying.

I'm really worried...

( Female on radio ) At 89.9, the greater palm Springs area at 89.3.

Oxnard, Ventura, Carpinteria at 89.1, lemon grove at 89.9...

But we don't want to get the paper every day.

No, I know, it's not about the money, it's...


We don't care how free you make the paper, we don't want all that paper in the apartment.

Yes, that sounds like a great deal of savings...

We're not interested.

Is there coffee for me too?

What the...?

What was that?

I can't stand listening to you deal with those telemarketers, trying to be so g*dd*mn nice about everything.

It's like nails on a chalkboard.

She was just trying to do her job.

And you're trying to do yours.

And I'm trying to do mine.

This coffee tastes like shit.



Can you hear the tone in your voice?

David, please, don't start with me about that again.

No, I'm serious!

There is no tone in my voice.

Yes, there is, it's the same tone that you used down in San Diego.

I am sick of talking about that...

It's the same tone you use whenever you want me to know...

David, when are you gonna get it through your thick f*cking skull that you are the one who f*cked up in San Diego!

You shouldn't have been involved in my family business!

I stuck up for you!

I don't need anybody sticking up for me!

You always want to turn shit around and make it about me, because you can't face the fact that you were out of line!

Being on your side is out of line?

When I don't want you on it, yeah!

See, this is the difference between you and me, Keith.

I want you on my side.

I need you on my side.

And it's the one thing that I never ever have!

That is not true.

Yes, it is, because everything I do is too weak or too nice, you...

You don't really like me.

You're not for me.

I look at you, Keith, and all I think about is how I can help you be whatever it is you want to be between now and the day that you die.

You look at me and all you see are problems!

That's not true!

I'm so f*cking sick of it!

God, why should I stand for this?

Why should this constant abuse be what I call "love"?

David, David...

Don't touch me!

Now remember, nothing to eat or drink after midnight tonight.

And have you arranged for a ride?

I was just gonna take a cab, I thought...

You know?

We prefer it if a family member takes you home.

Hmm, nobody in my family would want to do that, I don't think.

Are you sure?


Do you have a friend who could help you?


Well, we really don't want you to drive yourself.

This has been the longest month of my whole life.

I can imagine.

Oh yeah? Get this.

I lost my job to go to my father's execution.

Isn't that the most pathetic thing you've ever heard in your whole life?

My stupid boss told me I shouldn't even go, and I did.

Where did you work?

This used car dealership over on Olympic.

It's okay, I'll get another job, but it's just so dumb.

You did the right thing.

Yeah, and now I'm out of a f*ckin' job.

Thank you, right thing.

Work can be difficult when you're going through something like this.

You don't know.

And on top of that, I'm out, like $700 because I had to pay to ship his body back from Texas.

Ms. Williman, will you be wanting a service for your father?

Or, if you prefer, we could just...

No, I want a service for my dad.

I talked to father Jack about that.

I thought he'd talked to you.

No, he didn't.

He told me he did.

Yeah, he did, Rico.

He talked to David.

I forgot to tell you.

He called yesterday from Saint Bart's.

That's my church.

I'm sorry, I didn't know.

I don't want the fact that he k*lled a bunch of women to be the only story anybody ever tells about him, you know?

I mean, he was a kid once.

He had a life, I've seen the pictures.

And he wasn't such a bad dad.

I mean my brother kinda got the shit beat out of him a lot, but he never beat me.

If you'll excuse me one moment, Ms. Williman, I'll go find the other Mr. Fisher and we'll figure this whole thing out.

Thank you.

I bet if my dad wasn't a m*rder*r, you'd be saying all kinds of sweet things to me right now, like, how hard this must be for me, and shit like that.

No, I know how hard it is for you, I'm sorry, I just...

I've been having a hard time myself lately.

Show me what the choices are for the box while we wait.


They're little people.

They fall into the pipe over here, then they go down and down through the pipe, and then they break apart into a bunch of pieces over here and then they disappear...

And then slowly, very slowly they get put back together and come out the other side.

So, show me the boxes.

Uh, yeah, uh...

There are a lot of affordable choices in here, so don't worry, you don't have to spend a lot.

That's good, 'cause I don't have a lot.

Like, almost nothing.

Um, I talked to David.

Everything's been taken care of.

I've made stuffed cabbage rolls.

If anybody wants some for dinner, they're in the sky-blue Tupperware.


( Claire ) Thanks.

It's such a beautiful day, today.

I know.

( Honking )

Oh dear.

( David ) What?

It's one of Lisa's Dr. Peppers.

Lisa doesn't drink Dr. Pepper.

Maybe not in front of you.

Just put it back in the fridge.

Someone will drink it.

I can't leave Maya.

We'll come and get Maya in a few weeks, after everything's cooled down.

God, why did I ever get myself into this?

You wanted love.

And he made you believe that he could give it to you.

That's what Nate does, you've always known that.

He's toxic.

Yeah, I should've brought Maya with me, though.

Maya's on her own journey, Lisa.

This is about you.

( Rock music )

It would be wonderful if someone could take her to the park.

Well, I think that's it.

If any of you need me, I've left the number by the phone.

So, what are you guys doing tomorrow?

Same old shit. Same old crap.

I'm busy.

Me too, why?


Where's mom going?

George's. George's.

Oh yeah.

"The original title of this famous poem was he do the police in different voices."

The waste land.

That is a much better title.

Dum da dum ba...

Well, we're still a genius.

Even with one wrong.

I knew that already.


No more questions.

Do you...

Move this fast with everybody?


But then, I've never met anybody like you before, George.

I don't want you to get away.

I'm not going anywhere.

I guess I do feel like the stars are moving a little faster lately.

You know, like in those movies where they speed things up?

And the stars stream across the sky in stripes, they're moving so fast.



But what?

My daughter-in-law has been missing for over two weeks.

My granddaughter may be without a mother for the rest of her life.

I'm just...

Very aware of how important it is to enjoy what life gives you when it gives it to you.

Who knows, George?

You may be my last chance to finding love.

And you may be my last chance to be happy.

You've been happy before.

Not like this.

( Soft music )

( Phone )

Russell, stop calling me, or I'm gonna change my number.

You actually hit him?

No, of course not, I just...

I swatted him away, kind of.

See, I don't see why you two stay together if it's always that bad.

Because it's not always that bad.

Yeah, but even if it's that bad for just a little while.

I mean, you know, me and Vanessa, we've got the kids to think about...

So, gay couples have no reason to stay together?

No, all I'm saying is, I don't see how anybody stays together without kids, that's all.

It was a compliment.

It doesn't sound like a compliment.

Something chunky.

A clot, I don't know.

All gone.

Hello, comrades.

Hi, Arthur.

So, this is the gentleman who m*rder*d all those women.


Only to be m*rder*d himself by the state of Texas.

So, you're against capital punishment, Arthur?


Not only does it fail to deter other criminals, Rico, but mistakes are often made.

Innocent people die.

And innocent people die because of guys like him all the time.

What did he do anyway?

Well, he made one woman eat broken glass...

No, don't tell me.

It's bad enough things like that happen.

Why talk about them?

( Arthur ) I agree.

But Rico...

Look, if someone did something like that to Vanessa, or even to you, I'd have no trouble flipping the switch.

And what about the value of human life?

He cashed in the value of his human life a long time ago.

Okay, he's a freaking Dorito.

Crunch him, they'll make more.



Maya just went down for her morning nap.

I'm gonna head out for a quick run.

Who's watching her?


Who's this?

It's Mr. Williman.


With the daughter?

So, what the f*ck are you doing?

He came in here already embalmed, didn't he?

Yeah, well, he looked like a tangerine, alright?

I thought this was a better color for him.

I agree.

( Doorbell )

Oh, god, now what?



Your father's service is tomorrow, right?

I know.

Um, I wanted to...

Talk to you about flowers.

Oh, well, we'll take care of that.

It's part of the package.

But, I mean, what kind of flowers do you like, or do you think we should have?

I only ask because, you know, you're a man.


We have a florist who does all the arrangements.

It'll be a nice selection, a variety.

Nothing pink, don't worry.


Um, did you...

Wanna go get some coffee or something?

I haven't eaten anything yet today.

Thank you, but I'm...

I'm kinda busy.

Is your wife around?

No, she's not.

Look, I think you should probably go.

I was just about to go out for a run.

I'm sorry.

You don't have to be sorry.

It's okay.

I don't know where else to go.

I don't have a job, I just sit around all day and stare at the walls...

It's okay.

Look, I'll see you tomorrow.

It'll look great, don't worry about it.

Nothing pink.

Right, nothing pink.


Get the cordless.

I know, I know what you mean.

But then one day it isn't charged up, and you need it.

This one has more torque.

How much torque does a guy like me really need, though?

This one feels good in your hand.

Here, try it.

See what I mean?

I do.

George, I wonder if we shouldn't just get married.

Are you serious?

I am.

Because I've been thinking the same thing.

You have?


Because George, I don't mind telling you, I'm lonely.

And I've been lonely for a long time.

And I don't know exactly how you feel about this, b...

Ruth, I think...

I think it's a wonderful idea.

You really do?


I don't want to come to places like this alone anymore.

Neither do I.

That's what life is, isn't it?

Coming to places like this.


It's awful!

I know!

So, let's get married, what the hay.

I want to, that's what I'm saying.

Me too.

I've been married before.

You should know that.

Well, of course, you have two grown children.

More than once.

How many times?


I'm sorry, I should've told you before...

No, I'm glad you didn't.

Get the cordless.

I'll help you make sure it stays charged.

It's a deal.

Excuse me.

You didn't happen to see a dog down on the beach, did you?

No, I'm sorry.

Gosh darn it.

( Lisa ) You lost your dog?

( Williman ) Not me, my wife.

What does he look like?

He's a chocolate lab.

You want to see his picture?

No, I didn't see him.

Sorry, good luck.

What are you doing here?

I've been calling and calling.

I wanted to know that you were okay.

Yeah, well, I'm not!

There's not a whole lot you or I can do about it, is there?

So, thanks anyway.

Nate, I'm trying to be your friend.

I'm sorry, were you there the night that you kissed me, or was that somebody else?

Do you know how that makes me feel, do you have any idea?

My wife's gone...

I know, listen, Nate.

I can't imagine what you must be going through...

You have no f*cking concept of what I've been going through!

I haven't slept in days.

I've been up to f*cking Gaviota State Beach five times this week.

I've been driving up and down f*cking p-c-h putting up flyers on g*dd*mn telephone Poles.

Then let me help you.

Why the f*ck would you want to help me?

Because I care about you, Nate.

And I can't just turn it off.

Sure you can, you've done it before.

I'm sorry.

Just give her to me.

I couldn't get her to...

Just, thanks.

Do you think you could give me a ride?

I have to go get an abortion.

Oh, sure.

It's so good you've kept up with this chorus of yours.

It must be a wonderful outlet for you.

It is, it's, uh...


Well, there are times when you're in the midst of all these voices being carried along, and all you have to do is get to the end of the song.

For a few minutes, it's that simple, just get to the end of the song.

That's kind of a relief.

From the rest of life.


I think Lisa's dead.

I do too.

I hate to say it, but I do.

I just feel like she's gone.

For a while, I could imagine all kinds of things...

Her showing up...

I know.

She was part of our family.

Maya's my niece.

And she was such a sweet person.

Why should something like that happen to her?

Why is life like that?

Thanks for the tea.



I've been seeing someone.


Yeah, we've noticed.

It's going pretty well.

That's good, he seems like a nice enough guy.

He is, I've...

And I've been thinking maybe I could think about...

Even settling down with him, don't you think?

It would be time, maybe to try that again?

Well, that depends on what you mean by "settling down".


Getting married.

Don't you think I deserve to be happy?!

Of course.

But you've only known the guy for, what, a couple of weeks?

Why do you have to rush into it so fast?

Because when I'm with him, life is full of possibilities.

And I haven't felt that way in so long I had forgotten what it feels like, and I don't want to forget that again.

It's your decision.

I just don't want to see you get hurt...

That's all.

( Claire ) Sushi.

Like what?

Like spicy tuna or yellowtail.

I don't like it when it gets too baroque.

Like, the frozen spider roll of the ten thousand secrets.

Yeah, I don't need that.

Me neither.

What else do you like?

I don't know.

( Chorus singing )

♫ beautiful dreamer, wake unto me ♫

♫ starlight and dewdrops are waiting for thee ♫

♫ sounds of the rude world heard in the day ♫

♫ lulled by the moonlight have all passed away ♫ hey, David.


Do you wanna...

Get something?

Lunch or a drink or something?

Yes, please, god, thank you, yes.

Susan, Denise, Pam, Claire.

I'll see you later.

I'll be here.

Ms. Fisher?

Good afternoon.

I'm Dr. Simpson.


Before we begin the procedure, I'm gonna do an ultrasound.

You'll feel a little pressure.

It won't be too uncomfortable.

( Sighing )

I see you chose twilight.

I don't know...


Oh, yeah.

That's twilight.

You're not really gone, but you're not really here.

That sounds good.

You're going to be okay.

Am I?


I'm going to take good care of you.

Don't worry.

It's okay.

Are you her ride?


Here's some instructions.

No baths, no tampons.

Just Motrin, pads, and some rest.

You'll feel better by tomorrow.


Mary, Hailey, Bethany, Rosa.

So, what do you think?


I think it's a wonderful book, George, you should be proud.

University of Maryland press.

It's my Alma mater.

And it really is a whole different way of seeing things.

Isn't it?

I mean, to me, the state of California has always been here.

But to you, obviously, it's...

Just stopping by.


I'm inking we should slow down on the marriage plans, George.

I don't want anything else to change, but...

Would that be okay with you?

I know I must seem confused.

It's only because I am.

Ruth, I'm here if you want me.

I don't have any other prospects and I don't want any.

So, there's no rush.

Thank you.

Why isn't there a picture of you on the back?

I didn't want one.

It's about rocks, not me.

It just feels like it oughta be the end.

I'm so tired of having the same fight over and over again, you know what I mean?

I hear what you're saying.

I'm so bored with this kind of unhappiness.

I think I'm ready for some new unhappiness.

There are all kinds of things I could say, but...

Go ahead, say them.

No, I...


Say it.


I want you to know...

More than anything, David...

That I take you and your situation with Keith really seriously.

And if you can be happy with Keith, I want you to be.

Do you know what I'm saying?

I do.

Thank you.

( Soft music )


How are you feeling?

A little bit better.

It just feels like really bad cramps.

Do you need another pad?


Another Motrin?

No, thanks.

So, what do you think of my new house?

It's kinda gross, isn't it?

No, it's cool.

And it's kinda gross.

I know, see, I know.

I used to wonder when I'd get there, you know?

To the grown-up place?

I almost got there with Nate...

And then here I am.

You're still in love with my brother, aren't you?



Well, only in the way that I always will be.

But not in the way of thinking about him, like

"oh god, when am I gonna see Nate again," or anything like that.

You know what I mean?

Yeah, I do.

I am worried about him though.

I know.

It's so f*cked up, Lisa being...

Whatever she is.

You know what was weird about Lisa?


Well, I think she really liked me.

I'm sure she did.

She was f*cked up, too, don't get me wrong.

But it was a different kind of f*cked-up from our family, you know?

It was, like, a mostly friendly kind of f*cked-up.

You miss her?

I guess, yeah.

Sorry if that's...

No, it's totally right, it's totally right.

Well, I am going to make some pasta.

I was just going to do it with olive oil.

Nothing too aggressive.

You want some?

No, I don't think I could ever eat again.

♫ Beautiful blue skies

♫ and also...

♫ blue, the pretty color of the ocean ♫


'It's Nate.

Tell me when you want me to stop and I'll stop.

I don't want you to stop.

I want you inside me.

No, no, wait.

I like it like this.

Yeah. Yeah?


( Moaning )


Oh, yeah!

You're f*cking me...

Oh, f*ck me!

Shh, just don't wake the baby.

I don't care, you're f*ckin' me so good.

Just f*ck me!

f*ck me 'til I can't remember my name!

Just f*ck me!

f*ck me.

f*ck me, f*ck me, f*ck me, f*ck me!

f*ck me, f*ck me...!

"Who will separate us from the love of Christ?

"Will hardship, or distress, "or persecution, "or famine, or peril of the sword?

"No, in all these things we are more than conquerors

"through him who loves us.

"For I am convinced that neither death, nor life...

"Nor anything else in all creation can spare us from the love of god."

Carl Williman was a part of god's good creation...

Susceptible to sin, yes...

But worthy of grace.

May his soul, and the souls of those whose lives he took, find peace in the infinitely complicated and eternal life of god.

I knew her at Saint Bart's.



She was pretty f*cked up.

Seems like it.

So, I came out of the closet.

And that was good.


And, I'm in a committed relationship.

With Keith?


That's supposed to be a good thing, too, right?

That's what I've heard.

So, I don't know, shouldn’t my life be...


Truth and relationships don't make life better, David.

They make life possible.

So, you think I should stay with Keith.

I think you should do whatever brings you deeper into the reality of your life.

The reality of my life.

Yes, but not the life you think you can have.

The life you've got.



Whatcha doin'?

I am just checking things out, you know.

Keeping track.

I had a really good time last night.

I think we should...

I think we should do that again.

I'm don't think that's such a good idea.

How come?

I just don't.


( Sniffling )

Are you serious, you're gonna cry?

I can't help it.

Come on.

Have you seen what kind of f*cking world this is, huh?

You see what people do to each other, what your f*ckin' father did to people, and now you're gonna cry?

"Oh, f*ck me, f*ck me, f*ck me?"

"f*ck me?"

You don't get to cry!

( Sobbing )



Where were you last night?

I was looking for you.

To watch Maya?


I was busy, sorry.

Can I have these?

Sure, I don't care.

It's weird.


Well, Russell used to say the whole house smelled like the color wheel.


He liked it here.

Somebody should get something out of it.

Nate, maybe you could give Brenda a break.

I know she's only trying to help.

Things between me and Brenda...

It's a whole lot more complicated than you might think, okay?

Yeah, I'm sure I could never imagine.

So, what went wrong?

Well, the first one, that was Susie, and, uh, we just got married too young, that's all.

It wasn't anybody's fault.

Number two.

Gloria, yeah, that one was my fault.

I screwed around.


I know better now.

You better know better.

Number three.

She was the one I was screwing around with.


We were at Rutgers, my first job, assistant professor, and she cheated on me all the time.

How do you not see that coming?

Andrea died.

I'm sorry.

Uh, Cheryl, that one was only for nine months.

And Doris, the last one, died.

I'm so sorry.

Well, you marry six people, a few of them are gonna die.

It's the odds.

And you're really ready to try again?

With you?

Of course.


You don't want to?

No, of course I do, George, I think...


You've had all these women.

Ruth, let me tell you something.

One time...

One time I bought a house.

This was back in Massachusetts, when I was teaching at Amherst.

And the house was built over a stream.

Literally over it.

It had been a mill at one time, and then someone had taken the wheels and grinding stones out.

But it was still over the stream.

And after we moved in I wanted to put a new floor in the kitchen.


So, I tore up the old floor.

Ripped up the linoleum.

Pulled up the plywood.

And then I pulled up one of the original boards.

This 200-year-old pine board.

And there was this stream, not two feet underneath me.

I'd always known it was there.

But there it was.

You know?


There it really was.

This live...

Sparkly water.

Flowing right underneath my house.

That's how I feel about you.


Did I say something wrong?

I'm sorry.

You make me miss Nathaniel a little.

I'm sorry.

It's okay.

I miss a few of mine too.

And he was, like, "I'm paying your rent, "and I buy you all this shit, "and I expect you to be available to have dinner with me whenever I want."

And I was like, "no."

I'm glad we could be here for you.

Yeah, me too.

But you gotta treat my sister better, Rico, or she's gonna leave you like I left that motherfuckin' Anthony.

She will.

You guys are out of popcorn.

Oh, god.

( Turning TV on )

The family overruled it!

Said they'd be too high in carbohydrates.

( Shutting TV off )

We have to talk.

What is it, I had a f*ckin' day from hell.

I don't want us to be together anymore.

You're breaking up with me?

Yeah, I'm breaking up with you.

But, wait a minute...



Just give me a few days to find a place and I'll be out of your way.

And you can find somebody more...

Whatever it is you like, mean.

We should go to therapy and talk about this!

It's not a discussion, Keith!

There's nothing to talk about!

It's never been right between us, it never will be, that's fine!

We can stop wasting each other's time.

Please, don't do this...

Or what, you'll hit me?


I am so sick of being scared of you, Keith!

I hate it!

I absolutely f*cking hate it!

( Running water )



Lisa, where are you?!

I'm right here.

( Baby crying )

( Lisa ) Where are you?

I don't know.

None of this turned out the way I wanted it to, Lis.

You know that, right?

I wanted to love you.

I did love you.

And I just felt like we were beginning to...

I know we were, I know it.

I know it in my heart.

And I feel like I had this once-in-a-lifetime chance and I f*cked it up.


I'm not a chance, I'm a person.

( Sobbing )