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03x11 - Death Works Overtime

Posted: 09/01/21 06:03
by bunniefuu

C'mon, c'mon.

( Female ) Okay, okay!

Everything under the tray, too, bitch.

That's all of it, here, take it!

That's it?

That's all I have!

Now you take it.

Now get the f*ck outta here before I call the police!


It's Nate again.

Did I wake you up?

( Female ) No, are you kidding?

Look, have you heard anything?

I mean, is she there?

No, did you call the police?

Yeah, yeah, they filed a missing person's report.

Good, good.

I didn't even know they could do that if it hasn't been 24 hours.

Well, I did the same thing up here.

They said not to bother calling the highway patrol, 'cause once they put it into their computer system, everyone has it statewide.

But I say f*ck it, let's just keep calling.

Has she er just like taken off?

I mean, has she ever done something like this before?

No, she'd go off for a day or two, where nobody would know where she was, just to clear out the cobwebs, but not since she had the baby.

Yeah, yeah, her vision quests, I know.

She used to do that in Seattle, but she'd always tell somebody about it.

Nate, if you're wondering whether or not I think she might have left you, I truly seriously doubt it.

Not without Maya.

Wait, you think she might have left me?

No, I don't.

Listen, we'll just keep checking with the police, and the highway patrol and she'll turn up.


Yeah, she'll turn up.

( Helicopter overhead )

( Dog barking )

( Car alarms )

( Phone ringing )


( Nate ) David.


Did you feel that?

Feel what?


No, I guess I missed it.

Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot you're in San Diego.

Actually, I'm not, I came back early.

What's going on?

Lisa still hasn't shown up at her sister's.

No one's heard from her?


She hasn't called you?


Have you tried her on her cell phone?

Yeah, like 30 f*cking times.

David, I'm really starting to freak out over here.

I'll be right over.

Give me half an hour, I'm on my way.

( Dance music )


( Ruth ) I'm sure she's fine, Nate.


Then why hasn't she answered any one of the 30 or 40 messages I've left for her on her voice mail?

Maybe the battery on her cell phone ran out.

Of whatever it is batteries run out of.

It's been almost 18 hours since I spoke to her last.

Well, you said yourself she does this kind of thing from time to time?

Yeah, but she would've told me about it.

She wouldn't just take off like this.

Nate, Lisa strikes me as very capable of taking care of herself.


Anyone else feel that earthquake?

I did.

Why all the doom and gloom?

Lisa is missing!

She's not missing.

We just don't quite know where she is.

Holy shit.

( Phone ringing )


Yes, this is the Fisher and Diaz funeral home.

Of course.

We could take care of all your arrangements for you.


Alright, we'll see you then.


We've got a family coming in at 10:30.

We've already had two intakes today.


Look, if this is too much for you I can get Rico to come in early and Arthur can help, and we'll cover for you.

Thanks, I just...

I think maybe trying to work will be better than for me just sitting around waiting for the phone to ring.

You do whatever it is you need to do, Nate.

I'll take Maya for the day.

Thank you.

I'd better get dressed.

( Phone ringing )


( David ) Rico, where are you?

Uh, I'm at a doctor's office, waiting for Vanessa.

Well, we have three intakes this morning I need you here.

Well, I've got both kids right now.

I'll be there as soon as Vanessa's done with her appointment.

Alright, fine.

Hey, don't be giving me attitude here, David, okay?

Vanessa is sick.

I'm sorry.

Just get here as soon as you can.

You know, you don't have to be here.

I mean, if your job is more important.

Yes, I do, she's my wife.

And she's my sister.

I can take care of her too.

Maybe she needs a little time away from you, did you ever think of that?

Is mommy sick?

No, honey, mommy's not sick.

Mommy's just fine.

Five milligrams of ativan to take the edge off the 40 mils of Celexa.

20 mils of Trazedone to help me sleep at night, and sometimes I take a little Ambien, too...

Five mils.

Buspar, 10 mils a day.

Oh, yeah, 300 milligrams of Wellbutrin to help me with all the compulsive eating.

'Cause I've been putting on a shitload of weight.

Who prescribed all this medication?

My doctor.

Well, not all of it.

The Trazedone, the ativan and the Ambien I got on my own.

But it's my friend, she's an R.N.

And she knows about this stuff.

Your doctor, is he a psychiatrist?

He's an internist.

I see.

Well, first of all, we need to get you off a lot of this medication.

Some of what you're taking could be counteracting or even aggravating your symptoms.


I feel like I'm in a hole.

And I just feel like the hole just keeps getting deeper and deeper.

I'm not surprised.

But we're going to try to fix that.

Anti-depressants aren't magic b*ll*ts, Vanessa.


David told me about...


Please make yourself comfortable.

I'll be right with you.

Yes, and?

According to statistics compiled by the U.S. Census bureau, women are three times less likely to die from misadventure as men.

I find statistics to be comforting in times of stress and uncertainty.


Listen, Arthur, I've got an intake right now.

I was wondering, may I join you?

You know me.

I'm always hungry for new learning experiences.

Sure, why not?

We had been robbed before.

Three times in 10 years.

Dorothy, she wanted for us to retire, but I just kept putting it off.

Maybe next year, maybe the year after that.

And now she is taken away from me.

How can she not be here?

One minute she's there, the next, she's gone like she was never there.

Well, at least she's no longer suffering.

She had cancer, right?


She was shot in a hold-up!

I am so sorry.

What kind of interment were you interested in?

We have a plot at forest lawn.

I see.

Would you like to look at our line of caskets?

I don't have much money.

I'm sure we can find something to accommodate your budget.





He was electrocuted.

I don't want my children to see him like that.

Well, we have an excellent restorative artist on staff.

No, I don't want my children to see him dead.

( Doorbell )

If you'll excuse me for just a moment.



What do you mean, "missing"?

She was supposed to be on her way to her sister's up in Santa Cruz.

And she never got there.

Aw, man.

I still have a couple contacts with the sheriff's department.

Do you want me to make some calls?


Nate's already talked to them, they've filed a missing person's report.

If you think you can find anything else out, yeah, sure, why not?

We need to talk...

About us.

I know and we will, but not right now.

I have a woman waiting for me in the pastoral room.


I'll make some calls.

I'll get back to you if I hear anything.


This is so "day of the locust."

Oh, no locusts here.

Cockroaches maybe.

But no locusts.

Here we are.

Now, that there is a sleeper sofa.

They come in very handy when you have overnight guests.

You know, like family, that sort of thing.

You do have family, don't you?

No, actually, they're all k*lled, in a flood.

Oh, honey, I'm sorry.

Don't be.

Listen, I'll be honest with you.

We do have the occasional break-in every once in a while.

If I were you, I would sleep with a can of pepper spray under my pillow.

You know, just in case.

Smells like cats.

Oh, we don't allow pets.

We used to, but not anymore.

How much?

$175.00 per week, payable every Monday, and a two-week security deposit.

I'll take it.

What are you doing here?

I made this for you.


Claire, I just want you to know that what happened between Olivier and me was totally f*cked up.

What happened between you and me wasn't f*cked up at all.

It was the opposite of f*cked up.

Okay, what did happen between you and Olivier?

It doesn't matter.

It matters to me, did you f*ck him?

What we did or didn't do isn't important!

What's important is that I love you.

Did he f*ck you?

I was drunk!

And stoned.

And he was playing this head trip on me.

I mean, you know what he's like.

What, you like give each other blowjobs or something?

Claire, I love you.

Oh, Jesus, Russell!

You gave each other blow jobs?

I didn't say that.

What, did you jerk each other off, then?

I didn't say that, either.

Well, what are you saying?

That I love you, okay?

I mean, why can't you hear that?

I mean, when are you gonna get over your wounded pride for one second and realize what we have is too good for you to throw away?

Oh, for me to throw away?

That's funny, you're funny.

And that's hideous, I don't want I Claire...

Maybe you can sell it to your f*cking boyfriend for another $500.00.

I'm sure you were worth it.

I don't want to live without you.

I can't.

Well, you're gonna have to.

I'm not gonna give up.

That's your f*cking problem.

( Phone ringing )


( Margaret ) Brenda.

Hi, mom.

I heard you freaked out on Billy.

You really shouldn't do that, he's on medication, and you know how sensitive he is.

Is there any other reason you called?

Because if this is it, I'm hanging up.


Well, we're disposing of your father's ashes tomorrow, and I thought you might want to be there.

I really don't want to be around Billy right now.

Darling, we owe it to your father.

Dad's dead, he doesn't care.

Well, I care, okay?

I'd like to at least pretend that we all love each other and that your father and I created something worthwhile.

I mean, just for a f*cking hour however long it takes to dump his ashes.

Is that too much to ask?

Have you decided where?

No, not yet.

We're all meeting here around 11:30 and with any luck at all the whole ordeal will be done by two.

Fine, I'll be there.

Okay, bye.

Give yourself the grade you think you deserve.

What, is that like paying me to keep my mouth shut?

I'm letting every student give themselves their own grade.

Who am I to judge anyone's work?

Oh god, you're ridiculous.

You constantly contradict yourself so nothing you say ever means anything.

Is meaning what you're really after, Claire?

Because your work this semester would suggest otherwise.

Your technique is excellent.

But that's all it is, technique.

Your work is safe, limited.

'Cause you hold yourself back from life.

Well, call me crazy, but I think an artist has a responsibility to do more than just give in to every emotional impulse, because some impulses are wrong, and some impulses violate the regulations of this school.

I checked.

Exactly how many schools have you taught at, Olivier?

You sit in such judgment of the world.

How do you expect to ever be a part of it?

I don't want to be a part of your world.

Where you get to be a totally manipulative loser who fucks his students.

What do you want to be, Claire, huh?

An uptight puritan who's not even in her own body, or a brilliant artist with blood and a heart and a c**t?!

God, you're such a f*cking phony.

You know, at first, you actually inspired me.

It took me like half a semester to realize that you were just like using us to work through your own personal shit.

I mean, when are you gonna get over the fact that you never became Picasso and now it's too f*cking late?!

And when are you going to get over the fact that if you take a chance you might fall flat on your face.

But that's the best thing that can ever happen to you, as an artist and as a human being?

Are we done?

Absolutely, get out of my office.

Who do you think you are, the pope?

Just because I f*cked your boyfriend?

What a baby.

You need some real pain, is what you need.

f*ck you.

f*ck yourself.

Russell will always be a better artist than you.

He's braver, more willing to take chances.

Well, he's certainly more ambitious, that seems pretty obvious.

Well, if it hadn't been me, it would've been somebody else, trust me.

I'll take an "a".



Yeah, I know I've already...

I've been call...

Well, my wife is still missing and I can't seem to get anyone to take me seriously!


No, I have called both the sheriff's department and the highway patrol.

Yes, I spoke with officer Polk.

Yes, go ahead.

Thank you.

Yes, I know, thank you.

No, I will call back in a few hours.

Any news?


I'm gonna take Maya to the park.


Nate, dear, everything is gonna be fine, you'll see.

I made some apple crumble, why don't you have a piece?

( Sighing )

Here's the gentleman who passed away at the health club.

What should I do with him?

Uh, put him in the reefer.

I believe that the refrigerator is already full.

Then you'll just have to leave him out, won't you?

( Arthur ) But that would be a code violation.

We'll just have to run the risk.

As long as you both understand that...

You're not responsible, Arthur, we are.

Perhaps I could just try and make a little room for...

Just stop f*cking whining and get the hell out of here already, okay?!


You alright?

Not especially.

There anything you'd like to talk about?

Do you really want to know, or are you just being polite?

I asked, didn't I?

My wife is clinically depressed.

On top of that, my sister-in-law, who, let's just say I have problems with on a good day, is at my house, taking care of her, right now.

I don't even want to think about that.

And on top of that, these electrocution burns are a serious bitch.

( Door closing )

Has anybody heard from Lisa yet?

Not yet, no.

I'm sure it's only a matter of time.

A matter of time before what?

Before she calls and tells us she's had a little car trouble or...

I don't know, that she's okay.

No one in this family ever talks about what's really going on.

What on earth is that supposed to mean?

Mom, we have to face things.

We have to deal with the possibility that something bad has probably happened.

We do not!

You may not believe this, Claire, but I have a lot more life experience than you, and at times like this, it's important that we keep a positive attitude.

Why must you always be so negative?

Why must you always be in such deep denial?

I am not in denial!

Mom, I'm just trying to prepare for the worst.

So, that when it actually happens, it's not so awful.

Well, don't!

Lisa is going to turn up and she's going to be fine and there will be a logical explanation for all of this!

Yeah, you're right.

And they're gonna put an end to world hunger and people will stop k*lling each other and the oil companies are gonna stop running everything and apologize for global warming.

I'm sure it's just a matter of time.

( Vomiting )

( Keith ) Okay, when you talked to her, she said she was at the ocean.

Did she say where?


She just said it looked nice.

How long had she been gone?

Um, I don't know, two, maybe three hours?

Long enough to switch to highway one at San Luis Obispo?

Yeah, maybe.

I don't know, but probably not.

She's not the world's fastest driver.

Why wouldn't she just stay on the 101?

Because she wanted to drive through Big Sur.

She loves Big Sur.

Did you contact the credit card company?

To see where she may have stopped to get gas, right?

Or lunch, or a motel room, any purchases that might indicate that the card's been stolen.

I should do that right now.

( Phone ringing )


Hey Nate, it's me, Brenda.

Listen, I just wanted to call and apologize for last night.

I was really out of line...

Look, Brenda, I can't talk to you right now, okay?

I've got a lot more important shit to deal with.


Yeah, f*ckin', come on!

I'm already on hold.

I guess I'm gonna get going.

I'm gonna stay here.


I'll call you tomorrow?

Or sooner if you hear anything.

Everyone's feeling a little bit shaky.

Okay, so, we know that she stopped for gas in Santa Barbara.

But that was yesterday.

Do you think she'd have reason to use the card again sometime between then and now, right?

Unless she had a lot of cash on her.

She didn't have a lot of cash on her.

At least I don't think she did.

Listen, I can't talk about this anymore.

What's going on with you and Keith?

Nothing much.

You guys seemed a little tense tonight.

You think we were tense?


I guess we are.

I don't know.

We had this big fight down in San Diego in front of his mom and dad.

I butted in.

Maybe I shouldn't have.

Now, I don't know where we are.

We love each other.

At least I think we do.

Lately, though, I just feel numb when we're together.

Better when we're not.

It's not like we don't want the same things, we do.

I think.

Maybe we don't want the same things maybe we're just pretending that we do.

Maybe we're just not meant to be together.

( TV chatter )

( Door opening )

Hey, sweetie.

Hi, my love.


Where the f*ck have you been?


Do you know how worried I've been?

How worried we've all been?

Lisa, I filed a f*cking missing person's report on you!

Oh my god, I'm so sorry.

Why the f*ck didn't you at least call me?

I must've left a hundred f*cking messages for you on your cell phone!

God, I must have turned it off after I called you.

Jesus Christ, Lisa!

Jesus Christ!

Don't ever f*cking do that again.

( Sobbing )

Hey, come here.

Oh yeah.


Did she call?

No, look, can you watch Maya for me?

Just for a little while.

I need to go get some air.


Here you go.






You what?



Yes, I'm on my way.

They found her car.

It's totally cool.

The streets are kind of old-timey, and there's an Anthropologie and a Nike goddess and everything is as clean as Disneyland, even the bathrooms.

What are you guys talking about?

About the new shopping mall over by the farmer's market.

The grove.

I don't know why we haven't been there yet.

Hey, there's a dance lesson tonight.

You feel up to it?

I don't know.

But maybe?

Well, if we're gonna cancel, we should let them know, otherwise they're gonna charge us anyway.

Can we decide later?

Yeah, just call me at work after lunch.

Okay, I will.


Oh, Rico, I need the credit card.

Yeah, what for?

I'm taking her shopping.

A little shopping is good for depression.

You want to go shopping.

Yeah, I think it'll be fun.

We're just gonna get her a new pair of shoes.

And maybe some lunch at the farmer's market.


Yeah, of course.


Thank you, baby.

Well, where did he want his ashes spread?

He told me to surprise him.

Maybe we should take him out to Catalina.

I'm pretty sure you need a permit for that.

So, I put him in my backpack and no one's the wiser.

Are you two not speaking to one another?

Because if that's what's going on here, it's really starting to annoy me.

I'm speaking.

Let's just do this so I can go.

Okay, whatever, but I am not going all the way out to Catalina in some goddamned boat just because you were there once when you were 12.

What about the beach in Malibu?

No, that's where everyone throws their ashes.


I don't want him co-mingling with total strangers.

Okay, we drive him up into Angeles national forest and plant a tree.

Plant a tree?

Oh, you must be kidding.

Then I say we drive him to Malibu.

No, I'm not going all the way out to Malibu, besides, the traffic will k*ll us on the way back.

This is giving me such a goddamned headache.


f*ck it.


Now, he'll be in Westwood for all eternity.

( Knocking )


( David ) We need your help, Claire.

Well, I'm kind of right in the middle of something right now.

Well, hurry it up.


What am I supposed to do?

Just give these to people and make sure they're here to see Mrs. Su.

You need help for that?


And smile.

Not too much.

Compassionate, but not happy.

That should be no problem.

Mrs. Su?

Mr. Tully.

Oh, uh, he's in there.

What's up with you?

Nothing's up with me.

Am I not allowed to be in a bad mood?

If that's what you want.

My boyfriend had sex with another guy and we broke up, okay?

Are you happy?

Claire, I'm so sorry.

What is it with you people?

You can't figure out what you are on your own, so, you've got to string along girls like me to, what, ease the transition?

Mrs. Su, or Mr. Tully?

Mrs. Su, please.

Right through here.

Well, it's probably best you found out about Russell now, before it went any further.

Oh, yeah.

The timing of all this is just so f*cking perfect it's not even funny.

What do you mean?

With what's going on with Lisa.

And like how terrible things always happen at the same time.

Like when celebrities die in sets of three.

Mrs. Su?


Right this way.

You don't think Lisa might have?

What, offed herself?

No way.

I don't know, things seemed pretty tense between her and Nate for a while there, and she always had that, you ow, weird look in her eye.

Like it really wouldn't take that much to send her over the edge.

There's no way that Lisa would do anything like that.

Not with the baby.

How we doing?

So far so good.

But we've only got about half an hour, an hour tops to get the Sus' out of the pastoral room so we can get Mr. Monroe in there.

Goodness, we're not gonna make it.

Of course we will, Arthur.

We don't have a choice.

You must be here for Edward Tully?

No, I'm here for Dorothy Su.

Am I in the wrong place?

Over there.

I parked on the street right in front, I'm not gonna get a ticket there, am I?

You should be fine.

Thank you.

But he could get a ticket.

It'll take him too long to move his car!

When we're in the weeds the way we are today, Arthur, you just gotta move 'em in and move 'em out.

No, you don't understand.

This is my wife's car.

She didn't just leave it here and disappear off the face of the f*ckin' earth.

Look, there's her cell phone and her wallet.

They're both still in the glove compartment.

And there's her overnight bag, but her backpack is missing.

And you checked the trunk.

Yeah, I checked the trunk, it's not in there.

And also Lisa doesn't drink Dr. Pepper, okay?

She doesn't drink soda at all.

She thinks it's toxic.

Hey, I'm sorry, Mr...


Mr. Fisher, we've got a missing persons report on file.

A missing backpack and a can of Dr. Pepper does not qualify as evidence of foul play.

D without any evidence of foul play, we can't treat this as anything more than it appears to be:

A missing persons case.

I'm not gonna pretend that there's nothing to worry about here.

Quite possibly there is.

Yeah, my wife is f*cking missing!

I understand that, sir.

And I can see that you are genuinely distressed.

But at this point, there isn't a whole lot I can do.

Look, if it were me, I'd stick around the area in case she finds her way back to pick up her car.

There's a motel just up the way.

I would make sure to move it by this time tomorrow though, unless you want it towed to the impound lot.

♫ Strumming my pain with his fingers ♫

♫ singing my life with his words ♫

♫ k*lling me softly with his song... ♫ My god, how long is she gonna go on like this?

With any luck she'll throw herself over the railing.

Okay, tell Roberta flack I couldn't take it anymore.

Brenda, we have to talk.

No, we don't.

We do.

What is there to say, Billy?


I'm in love with you.

Oh, Jesus, don't!

No, I need to say it.

I need to say it.

I know I can't have you.

I know it's wrong to want you like this.

But that doesn't make it any less true.

And what am I supposed to do with that?


Nothing, I have to...

Let it go.

And maybe saying the words will help.

I want to let go.

You have to believe that.

( Margaret ) ♫ strumming my pain...

I just have a feeling about this.

And everything is going to be alright.

I've always been right about my feelings.

Mom, they found her car.

There are 100 explanations for that, she could've run out of gas.

She has a triple-a card, she has a cell phone.

She would have called.

I told you, maybe the battery went dead.

I just want you to be prepared...

I am sick of hearing that!

I will not be prepared!

And neither should anyone else!

I refuse to believe that anything is wrong!

I have to trust my feelings.

Right now they're all I have.

Just where do you think you're going?

To relax in my study with a nice cup of tea, my succulent compart.

You may have some tea later after you find those rats!

What the hell is all of this?


Ah, the TV...

A refrigerator?

Oh, okay, the delivery guys couldn't get the refrigerator through the kitchen door, so, they said you're gonna have to take out those old cabinets out first.

Oh, my god.

Oh, my god.


Uh, Julio, c'mon.

Get your brother.

C'mon, papa.

Let's go in the other room, okay?

Where's Vanessa?

She's asleep.

We have a dance lesson tonight.

Well, you can wake her up if you want to.

But if I were you, I would let her sleep.

You told me you were taking her shopping for a new pair of shoes.

Uh, don't start with me, Rico.

We cannot afford this shit!

Oh, bullshit, Rico.

You are a partner, okay, you have the money.

And she wanted them.

She never gets anything new.

She never gets anything for herself.

We have a rule, Angelica, okay?

If we're gonna spend more than $100.00 on the credit card we check in with each other first.

She knew you'd be pissed.

That's right, I am pissed!

She takes care of your kids every single day and works a full time job on top of that.

Look at this place.

No wonder she's depressed!

So, she bought a new TV and a new refrigerator.

They were both on sale.

Give her a f*cking break, Rico!

She deserves it!

( Door slamming )

( Doorbell )

May I help you?

Yes, thank you.

I was here earlier today.

For Dorothy Su's funeral.

And I think I may have left my reading glasses.

I think I was sitting here.

No, maybe it was over here.

Oh, here they are.

I misplace them all the time.

Well, thank you.

You're welcome.

I feel terrible.

Although, to be perfectly honest, I really didn't know Mrs. Su.

I used to see her every morning, though.

That's where I get my newspaper.

( Sobbing )

I'm sorry, did I say something wrong?


My daughter-in-law is missing and I thought I had a feeling things would turn out alright, but now they've found her car and I still have a feeling.

Only now it's a feeling that something terrible has happened.

( Sobbing )

I'm so sorry.

I've just cried all over your jacket and you're a complete stranger.

Not anymore, I'm not.

You could have called me, I would've been more than happy to bring some stuff over.

No, thanks, this way is easier.

So, how's everybody holding up?

About as well as can be expected.

I talked to my buddy in the sheriff's department, he said they put her on the statewide teletype system.

Thank you...

For doing that.

I didn't do anything, I just made a phone call.


Thank you for being there...



How are you doing?




You want to stay for a little while?


I just don't think that would be such a good idea right now.

Okay, then.

Call me if you hear anything, or need anything?

Yeah, I will.

( Latin music )

( Knocking )

We thought maybe you could use some company.

( Sobbing )

( Car radio ) ♫ ... soul in sight

♫ only you, only you

♫ so we walk along

♫ though I knew that there was something wrong ♫

♫ and a feeling hit me oh so strong about you ♫

♫ then you gazed up at me ♫

♫ and the answer was plain to see ♫

♫ 'cause I saw the light in your eyes ♫

♫ in your eyes

♫ though we had our fling ♫

♫ I just never would suspect a thing ♫

♫ 'til that little bell began to ring ♫

♫ in my head, in my head ♫

♫ but I tried to run ♫

♫ though, I knew it couldn't help me learn ♫

♫ 'cause I couldn't ever love no one ♫

♫ so I sing

♫ but my feelings for you ♫

♫ were just something I never knew ♫

♫ 'til I saw the light in your eyes ♫