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03x14 - The Wicked Stepbrother (Part 2)

Posted: 09/01/21 05:43
by bunniefuu
(bell rings)

♪ When I wake up in the morning
and the alarm gives out a warning ♪

♪ I don't think I'll ever
make it on time ♪

♪ By the time I grab my books
and I give myself a look ♪

♪ I'm at the corner just in time
to see the bus fly by ♪

♪ It's all right ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm saved by the bell ♪

♪ If the teacher pops a test
I know I'm in a mess ♪

♪ And my dog ate
all my homework last night ♪

♪ Ridin' low in my chair,
she won't know that I'm there ♪

♪ If I can hand it in tomorrow
it will be all right ♪

♪ It's all right ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm saved by the bell... ♪

♪ It's all right,
'cause I'm saved by the-- ♪

♪ It's all right, 'cause I'm saved
by the-- ♪

♪ It's all right,
'cause I'm saved by the bell ♪

You may not know this,
but we're in big trouble.

It all began when
Jessie's wicked stepbrother Eric

moved to California.

He blackmailed Slater
and me with some tapes.

I bribed Lisa
into going out with him,

so we could get a picture of Eric
driving Mrs. Belding's new car.

Eric let Lisa drive the car

and when Screech
took a flash shot,

it blinded her
and she crashed into a brick wall.

Well, the bolt snapped
on the bumper--

I'm estimating about 40 bucks.

How much for the fender?

Let me put it this way,
if you have a rich uncle,

now is the time for him to die.


Hey, Screech,
is the oil line leaking?

Not anymore.

This doesn't look good, Zack.
Between the fender,

the bumper, and the hose,
we're looking at at least $600.

Maybe we could
sell Screech to Exxon.

Forget it, they'd never
buy a geek that doesn't squeak.

The only way we'll get $600
is to win the lottery.

Hey, Screech,
you've just given me a great idea.

Oh no, Zack, the last time
you had a great idea

I wound up naked
in a jar full of jelly beans.

Slater lent Eric
Mrs. Belding's new car,

and then when Zack and Screech
took a picture of me driving,

the flash blinded me and I crashed,
it was so exciting.

- What?
- Eric said not to worry,

because Zack and Slater
would get what they deserve.

Zack and Slater
have some explaining to do.

Hi, sis, how you doin'?

It's Ms. Sis to you,
and smile when you say that.

What's bothering her?

She's just having a bumpy ride
through the wonder years.

Listen, I've got front-row tickets
to the MC Hammer concert,

- you wanna come?
- MC Hammer tickets.

You really wanna take me?

Lady, you got yourself a date.

Oh great, but this time
let's take a cab.

Okay, get rich quick.

Buy a ticket to Bayside's
official secret math lottery.

- The lucky winner will get $600--
- All right, all right. Yeah.

The winner will be announced
in Mr. Sachs' algebra class

- this afternoon, so be there.
- Yeah.

- All right.
- What are the odds of winning?

Ollie, this could be
your lucky day.

Count me in, then I'll have
good looks and money.

All right. Okay, they're only $1,
get 'em while they're hot.

- Hot, hot, hot, here we go.
- All right.

Here's the-- all right.

- You got a ticket? All right.
- Slater: Serious cash.

- Here's serious cash.
- Check this out.

- Whoa.
- Wow.

Looks like we almost
have enough to fix the car.

- Yeah, it's great.
- How are we gonna pay the winner?

Screech, congratulations.
You're gonna win the lottery.

- Congratulations, man.
- I am? Wow!

Now I can afford to buy
that Jacuzzi for my turtle t*nk.

- Tickets, get your tickets.
- Tickets right over here.

Zack: Get a ticket.
Pass the ticket right here.

You got a ticket?
Okay, you got a ticket.

- Oo-ooh.
- Yes.

Check this out.
You want a ticket, brother?

And how many do you want?

Exactly what
are you doing, Slater?

your reputation, Mama.

Do you want the whole school
to hear you call me your Curly Conan?

Shh! Slater, I thought
you took care of that.

Hey, I did.
Just not well.

What's your story, Zack?

Eric's threatening
to tell Belding I'm not Jewish.

- You're not Jewish, Zack.
- I know that,

but I converted
for the Dodger game.

Was wrecking Belding's car
part of your religious experience?

Don't worry, we're running a lottery
to buy new parts,

then Slater's gonna
fix the car in the auto shop.

It's cool, Belding won't
be back for two days.

♪ Shoo-ba-do-bop-bop,
whoa, whoa, whoa whoa, whoa ♪

Hey, g*ng,
guess who's back early?

Relax, it's cool.

Mr. Belding,
what are you doing here?

The conference was a bore
and I missed my wife.

- Oh.
- Surprised?

Surprised doesn't cover it, sir.

Shocked is more like it.

- Good luck, boys.
- Hey, Jess--

So, Slater, where's the car?
I can't wait to play this new CD.

Hey, what you got there?
Let me see.

- "Bo Jackson Sings the Blues."
- Oo-ooh.

- That's one of my favorites too, sir.
- Yeah.

Hey, Bo knows blues.

Let's go to the car and we'll
listen to it on my new CD player.

No, no, no, sir, sir.
Now is not a good time.

- Why not?
- You see, it's not ready, sir.

We weren't expecting you
until tomorrow.

Is something wrong, Slater?

Actually, sir, there are just
a few little pieces missing.

Yeah, yeah.

You see, sir, the car--
the car is Japanese

and the CD player-- it's German,

- Zack: when you--
- In plain English, what he's saying,

in order to make them compatible

we had to order
a "Gaheinadorfenflagen."

Yeah, that's right!
To hook up with the--

with the "Yamasushi...


Both: Speakaleaker."

But don't worry about that, sir.
That way we'll avoid static

in the "Dinglehoffen-Farben."

- It sounds complicated.
- The hardest part is saying it,

- right, Slater?
- Oh, right. Don't worry, sir.

We'll have it ready before
you can say "fahrvergnugen."


Okay, quiet down. Here's how
we're gonna pick the winner,

Mr. Sachs will pull an algebra question
from the box as he does every week.

The person with
the last five numbers of the answer

will win $600.

- Good morning, class.
- All right.

Wait a minute, there's gotta be
some sort of mistake.

I know most of you
don't belong in this class.

Sir, your fame is spreading.
Everybody wants to be

a part of your incredible
"stump the teacher" exercise.

Well, that's very flattering, class,

- shall we get on with it?
- Hey, yeah! Come on.

- They love algebra, sir.
- Let's see who can stump me today.

Bet you don't know how
we're gonna pull this one off.

(bell ringing)

Fire drill, fire drill.
Remain calm.

Everybody vacate this room.
This door only. Remain calm.

Heh heh heh.


- A equals five--
- (class cheering)

Thank you.

- Nine--
- (class cheering)

I've never seen
such math enthusiasm.

- Four--
- (class cheering)

This is unbelievable.

It's algebra fever, sir.
Go on, we can't wait.

Oh, all right.
Let's see, seven--

- (scattered cheers)
- Seven, yes.

Seven, rats, I guess
I'm still just another pretty face.

The last number is... two.

I won!

- I won!
- What?

- He means you're wonderful, sir.
- Oh, thank you.

I like you too, Screech.
Thank you very much.

We need the money
to fix Belding's car.

But I've never won
anything like this before.

The closest I ever came
was winning third place

at the Wile E. Coyote
look-alike contest.

Screech, just give me the money
or I'm gonna flush you home.

All right, see?

Well, well,
isn't this interesting?

- What are you doing here?
- It's a bathroom, take a guess.

The way I see it,
every kid in this school

might be interested in knowing
that you rigged the lottery.

- Yeah, so, what's your point?
- I could forget about the whole thing,

if this time you lent me your car
to drive my girl to the concert.

Listen, she's not your girl, punk.

The only reason Lisa went out
with you is because I bribed her.

- Get out of here, she likes me.
- Oh, yeah?

Ask her where she got front-row
tickets to the MC Hammer concert.

- He's kidding, isn't he, Slater?
- Nope.

Hi, Eric, sit down.

- I don't know if I'm staying.
- Good.

Lisa, where'd you get
the MC Hammer tickets?

- Why?
- They're so hard to get,

I just wondered
how you got them.

I got them from Zack.

You mean you bought
them from Zack.

Not exactly.

What does that mean?

Well, he-- he gave them to me.

You mean he bribed you with them
to go on a date with me.

- It's not what you think.
- Is it true? Yes or no?

Yes, but you don't understand--

I understand all right.

When you told me you liked me
that was a lie too.

Lisa, I never want
to see you again.

Eric, wait, listen to me.

Is this true, Lisa?

(sobbing) Yes.

But when I took the tickets
I didn't like him.

And now I don't like me.

All right,
you future mechanics...

today we're gonna get down
and get dirty.

I love getting dirty,
it's macho.

Usually we don't get a car
till the end of the year,

but we takes what we can get
when we gets it.

Mr. Screech,
please undress the car.

I'd rather not, we haven't
been formally introduced.

Oh, excuse me.

Mr. Powers, this is the car;

Car, Mr. Powers.
Now you're properly introduced.

- Strip it.
- I can't, we've just met.

- I'll do it.
- All right, thanks, Eric.

Looks like Mr. El Cheapo Beldo

went and got us a great junker.

This baby's only got about--

$500 worth of damage on it.

It's $610.

- And how do you know that?
- Just a shot in the dark.

Okay. Pop the hood,
let's take apart the carburetor.

Mr. Sonski, in New York
we took apart the whole car.

Did the owners know?

Or was it a surprise
when they left the restaurant?

That's a joke, kid.

I think we could learn more
if we took apart the whole car.

Aw, don't do that.
Please don't do that.

Why not?

'Cause it hasn't done
anything to you.

You know, Screech,
you could drive a crazy man nuts.

Now get to work, men and ladies.

You'll have
to go through me first.

By tomorrow this baby
will be as good as new.

Better than new, Preppie.

- I don't think so.
- Oh, man.

How did this happen?


What's that noise?

(moaning continues)

- It's coming from under here.
- Hey.

- Both: Hey, Screech.
- What are you doing in there?

Well, there's not room
to do much.

- Who did this, Screech?
- Jessie's sweet little brother.

- Oh, man.
- We are in big trouble.

So am I, I've had to go
to the bathroom for two hours.

Slater, do you think
you can fix this?

I don't know, Preppie, I've never
put a whole car together before.

You should have been here
when we took it apart.

Wait a minute,
you helped take it apart?

- You--
- Wha--

Guys, honest,
I tried to stop them.

It's dark in here.


(knocking on door)

Can I come in?

You're already in.

I really wanna talk to you.

It's a free country, talk.

- Lisa is really upset.
- So am I.

For some strange reason
she really likes you.

She likes me so much that she
helped Slater and Zack set me up.

She had nothing to do
with that, besides--

- you started the whole thing.
- And I finished it too.

What are you talking about?

I had the shop class
take apart Belding's car.

That Mr. Sonski's a pretty cool guy,
he even gave me an A.

- You did what?
- They'll never get it back together

by tomorrow. And that'll
teach them to mess with me.

They could be expelled.
Don't you care about who you hurt?

Nope, just as long as it's not me.

You are a selfish, inconsiderate
excuse for a human being.

- If I was a guy, I'd punch you out.
- Too bad you're just a chick.

Just a chick?

Just a chick?!

- I can't believe you just did that.
- You want more?

I was excited about you coming here.
I never had a brother,

and I thought we could have fun,
be close and do things together.

I tried to make us
like a real family,

but you wouldn't even
give it a chance.

And you know what?

I don't want a brother anymore.

Look, guys, I'm sorry,
it's no use, okay?

- I can't put the car back together.
- But we were counting on you.

You're our only hope.

I don't need this pressure.

I'm the captain of the wrestling team
and the football team.

I've got great dimples, good teeth,
and the biggest muscles in school.

Isn't that enough
for my friends? What's up?

- I'm sorry, Slater, just chill out.
- Shh.

Maybe if we play the CD real loud
Mr. Belding won't notice that

the windshield, the drive shaft,
and the doors are missing.

I'm just trying to lighten
the emotional load here.

There's a better way to do that.

Oh yeah, sure,
beat on the little guy.

Blame the geek.

It wasn't even my fault,
Eric started it.

Oh, not really, Screech.
I started it by cutting school.

I could have stopped it, but beating Eric
was more important to me.

And I should have let Jessie work out
her own problems with her brother.

And I shouldn't have
drunk all that water

before he put me in the tires.

Well, guys,
what are we gonna do?

We've gotta take the heat.
There's nothing left but tell the truth.

- Tell him, Zack.
- I guess you didn't hear about

the hurricane that hit
Los Angeles last night.

Yeah, it landed right on top
of the auto shop.

Your car, sir,
is in 1,000 pieces,

- but we found them all.
- Yeah.

- You guys are such kidders.
- Wait till you see the car.

- So how's the CD player?
- Oh, it's in, sir.

- Is it easy to get to?
- Yes, especially if the door's missing.

You're just trying
to make me nervous.

Mr. Belding, we really
have to tell you something.

Tell me later.
I can't wait.

Unison: We can.

Well, this is a surprise.

Oh boy, we're dead.

Don't be too hard on us, sir.


You did a great job, Slater.

- I did?
- Yeah!

- Yeah, I did.
- PA system: Mr. Belding,

there's an emergency
in the cafeteria.

There's either mice on the loose,
or the meatloaf has legs.

I'll play these CDs later.
Thanks, boys.

Wait a minute.

If I didn't fix it
and you didn't fix it,

then who did?

I did.

- You? Why?
- I like putting cars together.

- You didn't have to do this.
- I know.

Where'd you get that black eye?

You've got
a tough girlfriend, Slater.

Jessie hit you?

Yeah, whatever you do,
don't call her a chick.

I could have told you that.

Look, guys,
I don't fit in around here,

so I'm moving back to New York.

- You're kidding?
- Would I lie?

- Both: Would you lie...
- Slater: ...come on.

- These are for you.
- Our tapes.

I thought you said
you had 20 of these?

So I lied.

Shalom, Zack.
See you, Curly Conan.

Don't say that out loud.

Take care of my sister.

You got it.

- (knocking on door)
- Come in.

I heard you fixed Belding's car.

Who squealed?

- What are you doing?
- Giving you your room back.

I'm going to New York
to live with my aunt.

She doesn't have
a good right cross.

- I'm sorry I hit you.
- Me too, it hurt.

Now that I'm leaving it should
make all your friends happy.

Don't be so sure about that.

- Guys.
- Hey, hon.

- Zack: How you doing?
- Slater: What's up, Eric?

You can all beat me up now?

No, Eric, I called New York
and they don't want you back.

I think you should stay.

All you California guys talk like
you've been in the sun too long.

Why do you want me to stay?

Well, 'cause you
make it interesting.

You keep me on my toes.

I know you don't have
any friends out here,

I could introduce you
to some pretty cool guys.

Do you play chess?

What about you?


The truth is,
that if Zack hadn't bribed me,

I would have never
gone out with you.

But I'm glad I did,

because I really got a chance
to get to know you.

Eric, please don't go.

I'd really miss you.

That was beautiful.

- It's okay, Screech. It's okay.
- (sniffs)

Thanks, guys.
Give me a minute alone with Eric.

All right.

Look, Eric,

when our parents got married,

I thought we'd all just
magically love each other.

What, like "The Brady Bunch"?


But you had to leave everything,

your house, your friends,
your school.

I don't know what would happen
if I had to move to New York.

Every mugger would leave town.
They'd be afraid of your right cross.

What I'm saying is,

would you give it
another chance?

You really mean it?

I do.

You know,
I never wanted a sister,

but it might not be so bad.


I'll hang around for a while.

How about a hug for your sister?

Now get out of my room.

theme music playing)