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03x12 - The Last Weekend

Posted: 09/01/21 05:41
by bunniefuu
(bell rings)

♪ When I wake up in the morning
and the alarm gives out a warning ♪

♪ I don't think I'll ever
make it on time ♪

♪ By the time I grab my books
and I give myself a look ♪

♪ I'm at the corner just in time
to see the bus fly by ♪

♪ It's all right ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm saved by the bell ♪

♪ If the teacher pops a test
I know I'm in a mess ♪

♪ And my dog ate
all my homework last night ♪

♪ Ridin' low in my chair,
she won't know that I'm there ♪

♪ If I can hand it in tomorrow
it will be all right ♪

♪ It's all right ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm saved by the bell... ♪

♪ It's all right,
'cause I'm saved by the-- ♪

♪ It's all right, 'cause I'm saved
by the-- ♪

♪ It's all right,
'cause I'm saved by the bell ♪

Each year, for our
end-of-the-season luau,

everybody makes sand sculptures.

I love sand sculptures.

I hate them,
but the members love them.

So this year, I want you
to make sure they're not too boring.

- We could do a theme.
- Yeah, let's sculpt

bodacious bikini babes, huh?

Okay, we can shove
an apple in your mouth

and have a roast pig
at the luau.

Now, after the sand thingies
we all go to the luau

and all the members come
with all their hungry families.

- And all their big fat tips for us.
- Zack: That's right.

No hawking the members
for end-of-the-year tips.

- I pay you enough.
- Zack: Yeah, right.

As per the employee handbook,
if any member

is foolish enough to tip you,
the club is entitled to 10%.

What? Oh, come on,
you can't do that.

It's immoral. It's illegal.
It's-- it's--

- It's mean and nasty.
- I can do anything I want.

I'm the boss.

Come on, Daddy.
Where's that generous,

caring, big papa bear I love?

Okay, you can keep the 10%.

Consider it a bonus.

- Oh, yeah.
- Great.

Thanks, Papa bear.

Not in front of the help.

Morris, you are
in big trouble, bucko!

Hi, Ms. Carosi,
is something wrong?

I know it was you
who sold Mrs. King

the mayonnaise suntan lotion!

Yes, well, I heard
it was good for the skin.

Wrong! As we speak,

that poor woman is being att*cked
by a flock of hungry seagulls.

Well, at least
she'll have a good tan.

That's it. If you think
my father has a temper,

you ain't seen nothing yet.

Of all the irresponsible,

disrespectful, unprofessional...


- adorable...
- Lovable.


- I love taking breaks with you.
- Mm-hmm.

Mayonnaise suntan lotion?

I don't know.
It sounded like one of your scams.

It is frightening
how well you know me.

- I've had lots of time to study.
- Mm-hmm.

It has been a great summer.

I just can't believe you're
gonna leave in two days.

- Zack, I--
- Shh.

Let's not waste time talking.

Morris, get your lips
off my daughter!

- Daddy!
- Stacy, I'm surprised at you.

I thought you had taste.

Daddy, Zack's a great guy
if you'd just get to know him.

I know enough. I never
want to see you with him again.

Break's over.
Get back to work!



- Slow day, huh?
- Yeah, I know.

Nobody's drowning.

Well, I hope the next guy
I save is real cute.

If I see one, I'll toss him in.

Yoo-hoo, AC?

Oh no, not again.

- Just think tip.
- Right.

Hello, Mrs. Robinson.

Oh, please, tell me
you're leaving your husband

- so you can run away with me.
- (giggling)

Oh, no. Mr. Robinson
and I are leaving early.

- Oh.
- But before I go,

could you do that thing
for me again.

Oh, anything for you,
Mrs. Robinson.

Oh, oh!

Oh, my goodness.
Thank you, AC. Oh.

Here's your tip.
Have a wonderful year, sweetie.

Thank you.

Whoa! 50 bucks.

Well, that's nothing.
I got 75 from her husband.

Hey, watch it!

Hey, there's a note
on it for you.

"Dear Slater, I've been
watching you all summer.

I think you're
a hunk-o-rama."

A secret admirer, how romantic.

Yeah, but who?

Help, help! My friend's getting beat up
behind the snack stand. Hurry!

Don't worry kid, I'll save him.


So, hot stuff, live around here?

- Excuse me?
- Hey, I'm a guy, you're a girl,

- it's only natural.
- How old are you?

A mature 11.

Oh, gotta jet.
Call me, babe.

Don't worry if my mom answers.
I let her stay with me.

Hey, there was no fight.
Where is that kid?

That was no kid,
that was the next Zack Morris.

Jessie, did you come up with
any ideas for a sand sculpture?

Yeah, Lisa and I are
going to do a sandcastle.

Hey, I've got an idea.
Why don't we get

all the members together
and build one giant sandcastle?

- Yeah, that'd be great.
- Yeah, we'll just take this one

- and expand it, huh?
- (phone rings)

Malibu Sands Beach Club.

- Hi, Daddy.
- Hi, Daddy?

Didn't I tell you,
stay away from him?

I'm not a little kid anymore.
You can't tell me

- who to be friends with.
- Oh, yes I can.

I'm your father, and as long
as you're under my roof,

you'll do as I say.
You're grounded!

You can't ground me.

I'm moving out.
Jessie, may I stay with you guys?

- It's Lisa's house--
- Great! I'll be there tonight!

- Go ahead. Won't bother me.
- Fine!


Okay, everybody, listen up.

Gather around.

Okay, you all know what part
of the castle to work on,

so if you have any questions,
just ask me or Stacy. All right?

Zack, do you think the Brady Bunch
with ever get back together?

I meant questions
about the sandcastle, dork.

Come on, everybody,
let's make this the best castle

- in Malibu Sands history.
- All: Yeah!

(clears throat)

Hi, Billy. How ya doing?
What's up?

Would you go with me
to my Little League banquet?

Oh, that's so sweet.

You're looking at
"Little Slugger of the Year."

Billy, you're really cute
and I'm very flattered,

but I can't go out with you.
You're just a little boy.

A little boy?

Oh, Billy, wait.
I didn't mean--

Don't worry, Kelly,
he'll get over it...

after many years of therapy.

What the heck!

"Dear Slater,
I want to meet you,

but I don't know how.
I love you.

Your secret admirer."

Oh, come on!
Who loves me?

Well, I do,
but only as a friend.

- Hello, Stacy.
- Hello, Father.

Did we get the coconuts
for the luau, yet?

- No, sir. They'll be here at 4:00.
- Thank you.

Well, Mr. Carosi, what do you
think of our new sandcastle?

- It's different, right?
- Is this your idea, Morris?

No, not entirely.

Your very talented and beautiful
daughter helped too, sir.

I don't like it.

Zack: It's beautiful
tonight, isn't it?

It is?
Oh, yeah, it's nice.

You all right?

Yeah, I'm fine.

I don't know.
You seem so... distracted.

I mean, when we were
having dinner,

you didn't notice that a chandelier
fell in your soup.

Get out of here.
That didn't happen.

Ah... so you were noticing.

I'm sorry.

I just hate
fighting with my dad.

I only have one more
day with him.

What about me?

I only have one more
day with you.

I'm sorry.

Come on.

(soft music playing)

to the Moonlight Ballroom.

- May I have this dance?
- That would be nice.

Stacy, this isn't working.

Your body is here --

which I like --

but your mind,
your mind is with your father.

Why don't you just
make up with him?

Why should I back down
when I'm right?

Whose side are you on, anyway?

Yours. Yours of course.
I just--

I just want you to be happy.

Yeah, well, when you
figure out how, let me know.

Mr. Carosi, good morning.
What can I get for you?

You can get lost. I sat at this
booth so you wouldn't wait on me.

I switched with Screech so I could.
What would you like for breakfast?

You out of my life, my daughter
back home, and sausage well done.

Mr. Carosi,
I think we need to talk.

I have nothing
to say to you, Morris.

It's your fault
Stacy won't talk to me.

As different as we both are
we do have one thing in common.

The only thing we have in common
is that neither one of us is Elvis.

- No, we both love Stacy.
- Please, I haven't eaten yet.

I'm serious, sir.
You should talk to her.

I'd like to, but she's
the one that ran away.

If she doesn't come around,
I guess I won't talk to her until next--

next summer.

Mr. Carosi, I can see--

Forget the breakfast!
The food here stinks!

You're fired!

Heads up! Carosi's on the Warpath
and he's taking it out on everyone.

So what ever you do,
don't mention Stacy.

Hi, sir. Nice weather.
How's the family?


Buenos días, Señor Carosi.
How's boss today?

Boss lousy today.

- Roberto.
- Sí?

How many times have I told you,
meat on the left,

- potatoes on the right?
- Sí. Sorry, sir.

- That's better, boss?
- Better. Don't let it happen again.

(dishes clattering)

Roberto-- Ah!

- Why are these knifes wet?
- Because they just washed them.


How long have
you owned this place?


Mr. Carosi, we need you out in
the dining room for the staff picture.

Forget it, Morris. I'm needed in here.
This place is falling apart.

Well, Stacy
will be very disappointed.

- She really wants you in it.
- Oh, Stacy, huh?

Well, all right.
As long as it's quick.

- I'll be out in a minute.
- Okay.

So, did you tell Stacy
about the picture?

Oh yeah, and your idea worked great.
As soon as I told her

Carosi wanted her in it,
she started fixing her hair.

All right, great.
All right everybody, picture time.

Come on.

- Hi.
- Hello.

Zack: Uh... no, no.
This isn't right.

Slater, why don't you move
to the other side of Mr. Carosi?

Kelly, why don't you
move down in front?

Jessie, why don't you
trade places with Stacy?

- How do you focus this thing?
- Excuse me.

Let me see it, Preppie.
Let me see it. Step aside.

It's my camera, I'll do it.

Do you have any film in there?


So, I heard you
wanted me in the picture.

Me? Zack said
you wanted me in it.

Zack? I think
we've been set up, Dad.

Ha! Little con artist probably got us
together so we'd start talking.

- We are talking.
- Huh-- oh, yeah.

He's so sweet. All he cared about
was getting us back together.

Honey, I'm...
(clears throat)

I'm sorry.

It was wrong of me
to tell you who to go out with.

I'm sorry I ran away.
That doesn't solve anything.

- Come here, honey bunny.
- Okay, Papa bear.

- Zack: Hold that pose.
- Huh?

Pretty sneaky, Morris.

All right, get back to work.

Okay, but first let's do
that group picture for real.

- All: Yeah!
- Slater: All right.

Zack: All right,
it's going.

Thanks, Zack.

(horn playing)


- Interesting enough for you, Dad?
- We are impressed.

Help! Help!

Save me!

- Somebody's drowning!
- Hey, it's a chick.

Kelly, I got this one.

- I hope she's not a member.
- Don't worry, Mr. Carosi.

Slater's the best
lifeguard on the beach.

Zack: He'll save her --
'cause she's cute.

- What the--
- I feel stupid!

I faked the whole drowning.

You know those notes?

You mean
you're my secret admirer?

Well, how come you
just didn't tell me how you felt?

- What if you didn't like me?
- What, are you kidding?

Besides being cute,

you're the first girl without dentures
to hit on me all summer.

Would you like to go
to the luau with me tonight?

Yes, definitely.

But first, will you
finish rescuing me?


(crowd cheering)

(rock music playing)

Lisa, I want to thank your parents
for the wonderful tip.

It would have been a lot more,
but I saw a blouse on sale at the mall.

How come she gets a tip
and I don't?

Oh, I'm sorry, Screech.
I almost forget.

- Here.
- A coconut?

Wow! These make
great key chains.

Whatever you say.

Aloha, dudes.
Meet Cynthia.

She's the chick
I rescued this afternoon.

It's just too bad it took all summer
for you guys to get together.

No, it's okay. She just moved
to town and she's going to Bayside.

Come on, babe,
let's get a burger.

Chick? Babe? Are you
gonna take that from him?

With dimples like those,
he can say whatever he wants.

I'll see you guys later.

Is this sand taken?

Why would you want
to sit with a little kid?

Because you're
a cool little kid,

and just because I'm older
doesn't mean we can't be friends.

What do you say?

Well, okay, but...

can I call you when I'm 17?

You'd better.

Attention, please, everyone!

As we close another summer
at Malibu Sands

I'm reminded of our first year.

- I made 30% profit that summer.
- Dad, get on with it.

I want to thank the staff.
You kids did a great job

and you're all welcome
back here next year.

Now everybody enjoy the luau.

- Morris, I'd like a word with you.
- Yes, Mr. Carosi?

You heard me talking about the kids
coming back next summer,

working here?
That especially means you.

- Thank you, sir.
- You're all right, Zack.

You're not so bad
yourself... Papa bear.

Almost forgot.

- What's this?
- Tips for all those breakfasts

I stiffed you on.

You earned it.

I think someone's
waiting for you.


you're really
going to leave, huh?

Yeah. Dad's taking me
to the airport in a few minutes.

Can't believe you're not
going to be here tomorrow.

Me neither.

What am I going
to do without you?

Well, I'll be back
for Thanksgiving

and maybe you can
come east for Christmas.

Let's write... every day.

- I love you.
- I love you.

I have to go.

Later, dude.


You need a friend?

It wouldn't hurt.

How about five friends?

theme music playing)