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02x13 - Running Zack

Posted: 09/01/21 05:32
by bunniefuu
(bell rings)

♪ When I wake up in the morning
and the alarm gives out a warning ♪

♪ I don't think I'll ever
make it on time ♪

♪ By the time I grab my books
and I give myself a look ♪

♪ I'm at the corner just in time
to see the bus fly by ♪

♪ It's all right ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm saved by the bell ♪

♪ If the teacher pops a test
I know I'm in a mess ♪

♪ And my dog ate
all my homework last night ♪

♪ Ridin' low on my chair,
she won't know that I'm there ♪

♪ If I can hand it in tomorrow
it will be all right ♪

♪ It's all right ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm saved by the bell... ♪

♪ It's all right,
'cause I'm saved by the-- ♪

♪ It's all right, 'cause I'm saved
by the-- ♪

♪ It's all right,
'cause I'm saved by the bell ♪

Zack! Zack! Zack!


Zack, you were so awesome
at the track meet.

Oh... Kelly,

come on, you're making me blush.

Do it again.

Zack, I haven't seen
you run that fast

since the time you stole
Cindy Zefferelli's bathing suit.

Oh, Kel, come on!
That was before us, Kelly.

Lisa, you were great
in the 100-yard dash.

Oh, thanks, but I owe
my victory to Screech.

You do?

Oh yes, I pretended
you were chasing me.

I gotta hand it to you, Preppie,
I've never seen anyone

run the mile like you.

Hey, you guys,
if we do this well on Friday,

we'll beat Valley
and win the championship.

Let's celebrate.
Burgers and shakes all around.

Oh, I can't stay.

I've got to finish my family tree
presentation for class, tomorrow.

Well, what did you find out?

My great-great-great-great-

- was a sl*ve in the Old South.
- Oh, no, that's terrible.

I know, but fortunately he escaped,

and went back,
and helped other slaves escape.

He must have been
a very brave man.

My great-grandfather was brave too.
He was a bullfighter.

- Zack: That's cool.
- Nah, bullfighting is barbaric.

No it isn't,
bullfighting's a sport.

It would only be a sport
if the bull had a sword, too.

- What were your ancestors, Jessie?
- My ancestors?

Well, they're dead.

Yeah, all of them.
They died hundreds of years ago.

That's so sad.

Zack, what about your ancestors?

My ancestors?
Adam and Eve.

I didn't know Adam and Eve's
last name was Morris.

Look at the picture
of this Indian.

Looks like my Aunt Hannah,

except, she had thicker sideburns.

You know, I remember
my mom telling me stories

about a distant Indian relative.

Oh, my mom tells me stories
about four-eyed monsters

hiding in my closet.

She should see a doctor, Zack.
They're not there.

You know, I bet this Indian
could be my ancestor.

It's perfect for
my family tree presentation.

And you can help me
be an Indian.

- How?
- That's a good start!

...and after Abraham Turtle
escaped from sl*very,

he became a conductor
in the Underground Railroad.

They had subways
during the Civil w*r?

Under the cloak of darkness,
he helped sneak other slaves,

or "passengers" as they were
secretly called, to freedom,

along this route
from Atlanta to New York.

My family calls this Underground
Railroad the original "Soul Train."

Thank you.

Teacher: Good.

Discovering pride in our background

is part of what
our assignment is all about,

I think Abraham
would be proud of you today,

- you're getting an A.
- Thanks!

Jessie, let's hear from you next.


My ancestors were seafaring people.

They sailed around the world on
ships. They were shippers, okay?

Thank you. I'm finished.

Jessie? Perhaps you could
tell us a bit more.

Well, they shipped tea, spices,
people, lumber, that kind of thing.


My ancestors shipped
black people. Slaves, okay?

They were sl*ve-traders.

Lisa, can you ever forgive me?
I'm so ashamed.

Jessie, you had
nothing to do with it.

Oh just say it. You hate me. Unleash
those centuries of repressed anger.

- Jessie, you're being silly,
- More, I can take it!

Thank you, Jessie,
you can sit down now.

Oh see, now you hate me too!
I can see it in your voice.

My gosh, I'm losing it.

Calm down, Jessie.

We can all find things in our past
that are unpleasant.

We can also learn from the mistakes
of Jessie's forefathers.

Jessie had four fathers?

That's four allowances.

All right. Zack Morris,
let's hear from you next.

All right, Screech is going to
assist me. Ready, Screech?

Ready, Kimosabe.

After digging through
old family papers and pictures...

I learned that
I'm part American-Indian.

I come from a long line of fierce
warriors and great hunters.

Me mean!

They roamed the wide open plains
in search of their daily food.

Me hungry!

Whoa, Tonto, me got a question.

What's the name of your tribe?

- The Cherokee.
- And where were they located?

They lived in the valley,
but way far out--

past the freeway--

Burbank, I think.

- (bell rings)
- All right class, you're dismissed,

we'll continue on Friday.
Zack, wait!

Yes, Miss Wentworth?

What you did was disrespectful to
the class and to your ancestors.

I'm sorry. See, this picture
is all I could find.

I'd like you to go and see
a friend of mine, after school.

He'll help you get your research
together by Friday.

But I have practice after school,

and the track championship
is on Friday.

If you don't pass this class,

the only place you'll be running
is to summer school.

- Chief Henry?
- Yeah.

Hi, I'm Zack Morris
from Miss Wentworth's class.

The kid who thinks
he's part Indian.

With that blond hair, you must be
from some Malibu surfing tribe.

Hang 10, dude.

You're supposed to be an Indian,
why are you wearing a Dodger hat?

Because a Raider
helmet's too hot.

Where's that picture
you were gonna give me?

It's right here.

Oh, he's an Indian all right.

Come on, sit down. Let's rap.

I hate to rush you Chief Henry,
but I really have to go.

Oh, I'm sorry.
The bathroom is down the hall.

No, see, I have to
finish this project,

so I can train for a track meet.

I thought you wanted
to know all about this man.

Not all about him. Just enough
for a three-minute speech.

I think I've got some stuff
you can take home to read.

Oh great. Thanks!

Hey, this headbands pretty cool.

Did you learn to weave
on the reservation?


Great Arts and Crafts department.

Come here for a minute.

Here you go, these are good.

I love these.

And these are my favorites.

You did say
a three-minute speech, right?


Call me if you need any more.

Mr. Belding, there's no way
I can get through all this stuff

in three days and be ready
for the track meet on Friday.

You've got to be ready!

We haven't beaten Valley
since I've been principal.

Well, if there was some way
I could get an extension.

Look, I'm sure that Miss Wentworth
will be a little more reasonable,

after I flex some principal muscle.

(knocking on door)


- Come in.
- Mr. Belding-- Zack?

Miss Wentworth.

I think that Zack
should get an extension

on his family tree project.

I don't!

Well, I'm glad
you see it my way--

you don't?!

Mr. Belding,
Zack has to learn responsibility.

If he doesn't finish his project
by Friday, he gets an F.

Aw, gee, Miss Wentworth,
that's not fair.

He's had over 30 days,
and it's still not done.

Is that true, Zack?

but only if you count weekends.

You see, it's a technicality.

See, Zack is Bayside's
only hope to win.

The better win for Zack
is a solid education.

I'm sorry,
no project, no track meet.

Hi, guys.
How's it going?

How was practice?

Not good. Coach Neely
was really mad you didn't show up.

He threw the shot-put at Belding.

Zack, if you don't finish
this assignment,

we could lose
the championship to Valley.

I'm trying my best.

Why doesn't that
make me feel better?

Come on, let's let him work.

I'm gonna stay and help.

Okay, let's go.

Lisa, let me buy you a soda
to make up for my ancestors.

No thanks, I'm not thirsty.

- I am.
- Who cares? You weren't a sl*ve.

Are you hungry?
How about a nice tossed green salad?

How about cooling it?

I can't help it, I feel guilty.
There must be something I can do.

Hey, tell her to wear
a miniskirt to school tomorrow.

Mind your own business, bull-k*ller.

That's bullfighter, sl*ve-trader.

All right, Jessie, there is one
thing you can do for me,

I have not been
to the mall in weeks.

I will take you there.
I'll carry you on my back.

There's a picture --
"Driving Miss Dizzy."

Look at this, my ancestor's picture
is in this old history book.

Yeah, it says in here
he was a famous chef.

Not a chef, you idiot.
A chief!

(knocking on door)

- Come on in, Running Zack.
- Running Zack?

It's your new name.
You run, you're Zack, it works!

Why didn't you tell me
my ancestor was a famous chief?

You weren't ready to listen.

I know, but I'm ready now.

Darn, I was gonna go to the beach.

Please, Chief Henry,
it would mean a lot to me.

All right, sit down.

You're not gonna find
any of these stories in a book.

You see, your

was a warrior
in the Nez Percé tribe,

under the mighty Chief Joseph.

- He was a brave man.
- What was his name?

Whispering Wind.

And like the wind, his presence
was strongly felt, but seldom heard.

Now like you, Running Zack,
your people ran too.

Oh, not for trophies.

They ran to preserve
their way of life,

which became harder and harder

when more of them were getting
k*lled in battle with the white man.

This is such a big country.

Why couldn't the white man
and the Indians get along?

Why can't the lion
get along with the zebra?

Why can't the Arabs
get along with the Israelis?

And why can't I get along
with my ex-wife?

Come here, Running Zack.

This is a symbol of your tribe.

- Did you make this?
- Last night.

I knew you'd be back.
This is for you.

For me?


I guess you've got enough
for your report now.

Yeah, I do, but I'd like
to hear some more.

Come on along.

I'll tell you how Whispering Wind
helped save your people.

Buona sera.
That means good afternoon.

I am the great-grandson
of Luigi Powerelli,

the dashing debonair
Italian lover and spy.

Women the worldwide
found him irresistible.

I will demonstrate his charm.

- Buongiorno, baby.
- Arrivederci, Dorky.

The Powerelli technique
became legendary.

Women could not
control themselves.


Signorina, I love you madly.

Get lost.

I'll leave a trail of breadcrumbs
so you can find me, eh?

Mille grazie, Screech.

And thank you,
my little pizza pie.

Oh, Screech, obviously you are
a pepperoni off the old block.

- What is my grade?
- You?! A!


Zack Morris, you're up next.


Zack promised me he'd be ready.

And I believed him.

Great! There goes the track meet.

All right, class.
Let Zack make his presentation.

My name is Running Zack.

I am a direct descendant
of the Nez Percé tribe

who once lived peacefully
in Oregon's Wallowa Valley.

My people were
forced off their land

so settlers could mine for gold.

After fighting to keep their home,

the tribe,
lead by Great Chief Joseph,

tried retreating
to safety in the mountains,

but the Army pursued them.

Rather than watch his people die,

Chief Joseph surrendered.

He said, "I am tired of fighting.

Our chiefs are k*lled,
our children are freezing,

my people have no food.

My heart is sad.

From where the sun now stands

I will fight no more forever."

Miss Wentworth:
Very good, Zack.

Very good.

Before this project,
I knew nothing about my heritage.

I didn't even care.

Now I know and I'm proud.

- Congratulations.
- (class clapping)

(bell rings)

All right, class dismissed.
Thank you.

Well? How did he do?

Very well.
He even dressed the part.

Zack has my blessing
to go kick some Valley--

rear end!

Yes! Yes!

We are finally gonna cream Valley!

Zack, I love you!

I mean, I like you.

I mean, job well done, son.
Keep up the good work.

Thanks, Mr. Belding.

Zack, we've gotta hurry,
the pep rally starts in 10 minutes.

You go ahead, Kelly.
I just want to call somebody first.

- Okay, I'll meet you there.
- All right.

Lisa, why don't I carry
your books to the pep rally?

Get away from me, Jessie.

At least, use my book bag.

In fact, take it.
Free me of this burden.

Yes, hello.

I'd like to speak to Chief Henry.
Tell him it's Running Zack.

(flute playing)

Are we gonna beat Valley tomorrow?

Now welcome the captain
of the track team --

AC Slater!

Thank you Mr. B.
Now let's hear a big cheer,

for Bayside's fastest feet
in the 100-yard dash,

Lisa "Flo-Jo" Turtle!

Lisa is the quickest girl
on two feet.

With her on our side,
we can't be beat.

Go, Lisa!

Thanks everyone,
we're gonna win tomorrow,

and if my race is close,

I have a little trick
I borrowed from Flo-Jo

to reach the tape quicker.

(crowd laughs)

Okay, thank you, Lisa.

Now here's Jessie Spano,
my favorite quick chick!

Thank you, my favorite pig.

This year is our best chance ever
to beat Valley.

We have a great team,

but here's a guy
who can put us over the top,

our new star in the mile --
Zack Morris!

Wow! Zack's so fast,
I didn't even see him come in.

That's because
he didn't show up, ya twink.

Let's hope he shows up
at the finish line tomorrow.

The rally is too important to Zack,

something must be wrong.

Zack, I've been looking
all over for you,

why didn't you come
to the rally?

Kelly, he's gone.

A friend of ours
passed away today.

Chief Henry died this morning.

Zack, I'm so sorry.

Is there anything I can do for you?

I don't know. No one close to me
has ever died before.

It's hard sometimes, Zack.

But it helps to remember
the good things he gave us.

I just wish I could've said goodbye.

Me too.

I gotta get outta here.

Zack, go home and get some rest.

I'll see you
at the track meet tomorrow.

I'm sorry.

I can't run tomorrow.

Hey, Sleeping Zack, wake up!


Chief Henry, you're alive?!

No, I'm still dead.

You know what?

Life is a lot less stressful
when you're dead.

Why did you have to die?

Well, they don't give you
much choice up there.

Am I dead, too?

No, you're alive.

I'm just here in your dream.

Hey, I never got to tell you how
my class presentation went today.

I was watching.
You got an A.

Are you ready for
the big meet tomorrow?

I hear Valley's
shaking in their Nikes.

I'm not running.

Ever since you died,
it doesn't seem to matter.

Sounds like
you've got a problem.

(wristwatch beeping)

I gotta go.

I'm being fitted for wings.

Bye, Running Zack.

Goodbye, Chief. And thanks
for all you've done for me.

Rest well tonight.
And remember,

the answer to your problem
is in your hands.

My hands?
What about my hands?

Please, Lisa,
the guilt won't go away.

At least let me repave
your parents driveway.

- I can do it in a weekend.
- Jessie, stop already.

Lisa, I can't live with
what my ancestors did to you.

All right! You wanna
make it up to me?

I'll tell you what you can do,
you can buy me a car.

- Buy you a car? That's crazy.
- And so are you.

Now if you don't leave me alone,
I'm gonna kick your butt.

Are you guys fired up
to beat Valley?

All right, look, I know,
we're short one man,

but you are the best track team
that Bayside has ever had.

I want you to go out there,
and do your best,

and Valley will regret
that they showed up today.

- (cheering)
- Thank you, thank you.

- Zack, you made it.
- Hi, Mr. Belding.

- Zack, what are you doing here?
- I'm here to run the mile.

I'm still on the team,
aren't I, sir?

- Are you sure you're all right?
- Much better now, sir.

I'm glad, son.
Boy do we need you.

All right, everybody,
let's go beat Valley!

Like, for sure!

Zack, what made you
change your mind about running?

I got some good advice
from an old friend.

Beat Valley.

This one's for you.

(instrumental theme music plays)