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02x09 - Someone Else's Eyes

Posted: 08/31/21 17:09
by bunniefuu
( Male ) Man, I don't know what's wrong with me.

I got like, no f*cking appetite lately.

That's a sign of depression.


Oh, yeah, I been reading up on it.

Ever since my wife's hysterectomy, she's been real down in the dumps.

Loss of appetite, loss of sex drive, feelings of hopelessness and despair, no energy.

All of which she has.

I only got the loss of appetite thing.

You know what is depressing?

My wife's cooking.

What the f*ck is that?

It looks like cat shit.

I think it is cat shit.

She's just f*cking useless in a kitchen, she always has been.

At least your wife still fucks you.

Thank god.

If she didn't do that, I'd have to k*ll her.

Oh, shit!

( Clanking sound )

Aw, f*ck.

f*ck me.

Aw, this is f*cked.

f*cking f*ck.

It's kinda beautiful, isn't it?

Yeah, it's way beautiful.

( Brenda ) You add the sunset factor, it'll be perfect.

There's like horse shit everywhere.


So, don't you think it'll mess up your white dress?

Yeah, like I'm going to wear a white dress.

Besides, if we exchange vows surrounded by horse shit, it'll be kind of fitting.

Meaning you think us getting married is a shitty idea?

Meaning we're going into this open-eyed, shit and all.

And hopefully my mother will step in some of it.

Or even better, fall face first into it.

And then it really will be the happiest day of my life.

Are you sure you want to marry me?

We can still call it off.

Of course I want to marry you.

But I could die, Bren.

I could die at any day, I could die any moment.

Yeah, and I couldn't?

Yeah, we're all gonna die, I know.

But the chances of it actually happening are significantly higher for me.

That's just a f*cking fact.

And the last thing I want is for you to marry me because you feel sorry for me.

You really think I'd do that?


I just feel like you've made enough sacrifices in your life without having to...

I'm marrying you because I love you, because you're the first man that I thought I could actually stand to spend the rest of my life with, or the rest of your life if it's tragically cut short, or whatever.

You're not some car I want to trade in because it has faulty transmission.

Jesus, do you really think I'm that shallow?

Of course not.

All we have is this moment, right here, right now.

The future's just a f*cking concept that we use to avoid being alive today.

So, be... here... now.

So, why do we need to get married at all, then?

So, we can rack up all that free shit from all my mother's wealthy friends, that's why.

Hey, I know this really cool rabbi...

To possibly do our wedding.

A rabbi?


Why would you even go there?

Well, you are half Jewish.

Yeah, I'm also half catholic.

So, you want to invite the pope?

It's a marriage, it's a sacred occasion.

You'd rather have just some f*cking civil servant there?

Well, personally, I think the two of us should be enough to make it sacred.

Hey, did you sleep okay?


I finally dozed off around five.

Keith, go back to bed.

I'm not gonna sleep anymore, believe me.

Maybe you should talk to your doctor about medication.

Yeah, dr*gs, that's the answer.

You're right, choosing to suffer when you don't have to, that's much more constructive, idiot.

f*ck you.

Is there anymore coffee?

I really don't think you should be drinking caffeine when your sleep is so erratic.

Suit yourself.


Taylor left her gummi-vitamins.

Big surprise, she hated those.

Yeah, well, I should run these over to Karla.

Okay, no, Karla can get her more vitamins.

And they could probably use a little space right now.

Yeah, well, I need to make sure Karla's staying clean.

You need to take care of yourself right now, okay?

That's what you're for.

Oh, I see.

So, basically, I just exist to serve you.

Well, yeah.

You're gonna make me late for work.

That's your problem.

There are two chicken salad sandwiches in here, they're for your lunch.

And don't eat them before noon, because you'll have to wait until I get home from work to eat again.

What are these things supposed to be?

Have a nice day.

Are we really supposed to believe Britney Spears is a virgin?

Why exactly are we supposed to care?

I'd like for you to do me a favor and check on Nikolai when you get home.

Uh, I won't be home until late.

Parker and I have plans.

I thought you and Parker had a falling out.

We made up.

I figured it was better to have a total loser for a friend than to have no friends at all.

Well, what are you doing with her?

Um, we're going to the Getty.

Do you think I'm an idiot?

No, of course not.

Okay, it's not like I'm lying to like cover up my drug habit.

I'm lying to get out of having to empty the bedpan of some man you're sleeping with.

I don't feel like I should have to do that.

Oh, for god's sake, that's not what I'm asking you to do.


You have absolutely no idea how easy you have it.

Please tell me you're not gonna start talking about your legless grandmother again.

I pity you, Claire.

You are under the mistaken impression that life owes you something.

Well, you are in for some very harsh surprises.

( Sighing )

Sorry I'm late, traffic was unbelievable.

Are they here yet?

Yeah, they're waiting in the Wisteria room.

Dave, I've got something I need to ask you.



What's with the red face?

Oh, um, Keith and I were fooling around and, well, he hadn't shaved.

You big whore.

Is it really bad?

Nah, well, yeah, actually, it's bright red.

It's red as a baboon's ass.

Oh, my god, I look like a burn victim.


What I wanted to ask was if you'd be best man at my wedding.

Of course I will.


Alright, you ready to roll?


Good lord.

So, dad already took care of everything?

It's all specified in the pre-need contract.

For the viewing, he's chosen a parliament casket, followed by cremation and interment at cedar grove, in the remaining chamber of a prayer-level double crypt.

With mom?

Harriet Mitchell Garrison?

That's her.


So, um, there's nothing for us to do?

All you have to do is show up.


Oh, my god.

I feel so awful.

I can't remember the last time that I saw him.

Honey, it's okay.

He knew we loved him.

( Whispering ) I can give you the number of a great dermatologist.

What up, uncle Keith?

Hey, you forgot these at my house.

I hate these nasty old things.

Hey, they're good for you.

I like the Flintstones.

Shouldn't you be in school?

Mama's sick.

I'm staying home today to take care of her.


Don't come too close to me, I got the flu.

Oh, you got the flu.

Have you been to see the doctor?

I ain't paying nobody's doctor $100 just to tell me to stay in bed.

f*ck that shit.

You don't have a temperature.

Are you sure?

Maybe you should stick a thermometer up my ass.

Go play in your room.

No, no, honey, Taylor, you stay here, mama needs you.



Okay, you got a choice to make.

You can either let me check you into a drug rehab...

I already told you, I already went to rehab in Oakland!

I am clean.

Motherfuck, Keith!

I'll call down to the station, we'll search this house.

And if we find anything, you face charges.

You got that?

It's your choice.

You sound just like daddy, you know that?

You know that?

You done gone and f*cking turned into daddy.

What you gonna do next, Keith, slap me so hard I can't hear out of one ear for the next day and a half?

You remember that?

It's your choice, Karla.



You need help, I can get you help.

I'll find you the best help there is, I swear to you, I will.

I said okay.

Okay, but it has to be outpatient, I'm not leaving Taylor again, so...

No major facial damage, that's a plus.

I'm going to have to do some major pluggings up top of the head, though.

It's a good thing he's not bald.

Why is that?

Uh, it'd be a little hard to wig him, since everybody remembered him with his head all nice and shiny, you know?


( Nikolai ) Hello!


Oh, for Christ sake.

Look, I gotta swing by Appleby and pick up the parliament.

You probably need some help with that.

Not really.

Yes, really.

( Laughing )

( Nikolai ) Hello!

Anyone, please, I'm so bored.

It's not my problem, pal.

He's got to be driving you crazy.

Not at all.

Actually, our relationship has reached a whole new level.

Oh, how so?


It's not just about the sex anymore.

There's more intimacy.

He's letting his guard down, he's allowing me to see him at his most vulnerable.

Well, that's great, cupcake.

Clarify one thing for me:

He is bedridden, right?

( Nikolai ) Hello?

Who is there?


Can you help me?

That depends on what you want.

I ate already my lunch, and I am starving.

I cannot walk.

Ah, she is my favorite, this one.

Such a bitch.

She would be a wildcat in love, I think.

She's the kind that leave scratching marks all over your body.

Yeah, but she's like...


Doesn't matter.

Besides, I think she's Latin.

They are always hot-blooded.

What kind of sandwich this is?


It is not too good, needs salt.

Yeah, well, if you don't like it, I'll eat it.

No, I will eat.

It was supposed to be mine anyway.

What happened to your face?

That's none of your f*cking business, pal.



I don't understand.

I'm his wife, he should be buried with me.

Well, unfortunately, he stipulated in his pre-need contract that he was to be buried with his former wife.

That's got to be a mistake.

He must have made those arrangements before he married me.

This is dated October of '98.

I never even knew he had done this.

Neither did his daughters.

Oh god, I'm sure they just love it, though.

They've always hated me.

Thought their daddy was too good for me.

And apparently so did he.

I'm sure that's not true.

So, this thing's all signed and sealed and paid for, huh?

There's no recourse for me.

Well, actually...

It hasn't been paid in full.



You know he did leave everything to me and I hope you don't think I'm going to be paying for such a blatant slap in my face.

What the hell is mom doing in Belize?

She's on some sort of cruise for the recently separated.

Or maybe it's for people who want to quit smoking.

What a freak.

I'm fine with water.

Have you spoken to dad?

Yeah, right.

So, what's with you living with her?

Well, it sure beats the hospital.

You know, Bren, I still go in three times a week to see Doctor Hanover.

She's great.


Yeah, she's a total genius.


Helped me look at a lot of my shit.

That's good.


So, how's Nate?


Not so great.

He was recently diagnosed with this brain condition, and he's...

Had a couple of seizures, actually, and he could have a stroke.


That sucks.


Well, now I know why you're marrying him.

f*ck you.

Wow, that hit a nerve, must be true.

No, I'm just so little surprised at how randomly cruel you can be.

I guess I'd forgotten what a kick you get out of that.

Yeah, see, this is what you do.

You invalidate anything I say that might challenge your authority.

You learned it from mom.

The same way that you learned how to explain everything to me like I'm an idiot from dad, I guess.

No, I learned that from you.

Apparently you're still angry at me for committing you.

No, that was the best thing that could've happened to me.

Then why wouldn't you see me, or take my calls, or e-mail?

Because doctor Hanover suggested I might be able to do more constructive work if I cut things off with you for a while.

Because you...

You have contributed a lot to my pathology.

You have a medical condition.

It's not just about pharmaceuticals.

I never developed any functional way to deal with the world, because you kept me from it.



They've done a real number on you.

You were always there.

Looking out for me, protecting me, being strong for me.

I never learned how to take care of myself.

I mean, shit, Brenda, I've never even had a real girlfriend.

I never let you have a girlfriend?

Oh, that's good, that's really...

You f*cking assh*le!

Okay, I thought we could have a rational discussion...

How dare you blame me for that, Billy!

I'm not saying that you did it on purpose.

But I do think we need to disengage from each other, because our relationship is really toxic.


I don't know how long it needs to last.

Probably a very long time.



I have somewhere I have to be.

But thank you for the grub.



You look nice.


Where you going?

Um, to meet a friend.

Billy Chenowith?

Um, yeah.

Claire, I really don't think you should be seeing him.

Okay, I'll just file that under "couldn't possibly matter less".

He can be dangerous.

I can take care of myself, Nate.

Oh, okay.

Well, you armed?

You know, in case he pulls a knife on you?

How much time have you spent with him?

How much time have you spent with him?

Enough to know he isn't a drooling psychopath.

He's got a disease.

He went through a period where he went off his medication because he was like f*cked up and in denial about it.

It's under control now.

Sound familiar?

It was very slow at work today.

It is because I wasn't there.

You and Robbie are lazy.

That is not true.

Why, just today I re-organized the ribbons, I cleaned the inside of the cash register, and I spent a couple of hours looking at the books.

That is not your job.

No, and it's apparently not yours, either.

I've never seen a messier, more incoherent bookkeeping system.

I thought my husband was bad.

I don't want you messing with my books.

This is my personal finances, none of your business.

May I remind you that I've been taking care of all your medical bills?

I will pay back.

You're going to be in big trouble if you get audited.



( Dog barking )

So, listen, I really wanted to thank you.

For what?

For being the only person who kept in touch with me when I was in the home for the tragically inappropriate.

Are you kidding me?

Your e-mails were like, totally brilliant.

I saved them all.

It was like the only thing that kept me going.


I know I would never have given me a second chance, after the way I treated you the first time we met.

So, no word from Gabe at all?


Which is fine.

Like, seriously, good riddance.

I mean, it was so obvious he was never gonna take charge of his life, you know?

Well, it's hard, few people ever do.

Yeah, but most people are able to avoid becoming drug-addict criminals.

Most people.


What are you doing tomorrow?

I'm not sure, why?

Well, I need some help with this project and, uh...

There's not really anybody else I can ask.




And we're back with our exclusive visit with one of the year's happiest and sexiest couples.

David and Keith Fisher Charles.

So guys, tell me, how do you do it?

Well, Leeza, it takes a lot of work.

( David ) It's not that much work.

He's right, we've done all the work.

I think people don't appreciate how important that really is.

No, they really don't.

Now, you've kids, how many?


And we're talking about a third.

Yeah, we're talking about a third.

I think the key is to do everything together.

From PTA meetings to the white party in palm Springs, togetherness is the key.

We're a partnership, we're a team.

How long have I been asleep?

About an hour, I think.


I'm never gonna get back to sleep tonight.

Why didn't you wake me up?

Because you're totally sleep deprived, you should take it where you can get it.

Are you staying here tonight?

I was planning on it.

Would you rather I didn't?

Maybe, I don't know, maybe we're moving a little too fast.

Okay, I can go home.

I mean, it's just that, you know, we've spent the last six nights together.

Yeah, sure, no problem.

Call me tomorrow.


It's what our father wanted!

No, it's what you want!

Because you've never liked me.

Well, you got that right.

You hated that you couldn't control your father when he was alive, and now, you're trying to do it when he's dead.

It was his decision!

There is a significant unpaid balance on the account...

We'll pay for it!

If you take one cent from them, you'll be hearing from my attorney.

I really don't think that's necessary.

Oh, no?

I gave the last six years of my life to that man.

And contrary to what these stupid b*tches think, I really did love him, and I will not be humiliated like this.

Yeah, well, if you do not follow our father's instructions exactly, you will be hearing from our attorney.

Who used to work for Disney.

Bring it on, ferret face.

Oh, f*ck you, you gold-digging slut!

How dare you...

There are naked pictures of you on the Internet!

My son showed them to me!

Shut up, all of you, shut the f*ck up!

Jesus Christ, a man died.

Your husband, your father.

He lived a life, and now he's dead.

Show some respect.

And if you really loved him, and I believe you did, you'll give him what he wanted.

If you don't, then you never really loved him.

It's as simple as that.

Thank you.

And if I so much as get a phone call from anybody's lawyer, we'll give the body back and the three of you can tear him to pieces like f*cking jackals if you want to.

It's not your decision!

Oh, god.

Oh, my god.

Hey, I'm right here, okay?

It's okay.

What happened to me, Keith?

I used to be okay.

I used to able to live without all this sadness, without all this, never having any hope...

You're here, aren't you?

And my baby, she's so precious.

I am such a bad mother.

Hey, look at me, no, you're not.

I've seen worse, believe me, I have.

None of it's her fault, none of it her fault.

She doesn't deserve this.

Look, just put it all behind you, okay?

Just put it all behind you.


Nate, hi.

What are you doing here?

Oh, I'm just...

Remember when I told you about that movie producer who was looking for a vegan chef?

Well, I finally caved in and took the job.


Yep, finally sold out.

So, you live here now.

Well, the palisades.

Well, since when?

Since, um, right after Christmas.

I didn't want to bother you.

I mean, you have a whole new life and all.

Lisa, come on, we're friends.


You know what?

There's a great juice bar here, let's get caught up, okay?


"Of all the lies we're fed, "on which we gorge in our comfort-addicted world, "none is more insidious than the lie of romance.

"The seductive but infantile notion

"that somewhere there exists someone to compliment us

"in every way, "someone who will make us complete.

"Of course, this illusion keeps us from ever being complete

"in and of ourselves.

"And eventually encourages us to despise our shortcomings, "our flaws.

"Everything in which our humanity lies.

"Our humanity, without which, of course, we are nothing."

It's strange, I mean, she's a strict vegan, but she drinks like a fish and she does a lot of blow.

But she's nice to me.

And I needed to make some real money for a change.


So, what's new with you?

Not much.

Same old, same old, you know?

How's Brenda?

Uh, she's great.

We're, uh...

We're, uh...

We're engaged.

You're kidding?

Yeah, I know.

What about you, are you seeing anybody?

No, not really.

Oh, by the way, I'm pregnant.

Uh, wow, that's great.

Yep, five months.

She's a kicker.

Don't worry.

I don't expect anything from you.

I don't expect anything at all.

Lisa, I don't know, how...

Don't you remember when you came to Seattle last August?

And you f*cked me?

And then you left the next day, like it didn't mean a g*dd*mn thing?

Well, it obviously meant something to you, because you were crying like a f*cking baby that night.

That's not the reason I was crying...

You were crying because you knew you were home, because you missed me, because you knew that you and I should be together, and then you f*cked me.

Lisa, that is not the reason...

And then you chickened out the next day and I saw you for exactly who you are.

A f*cking coward who was never going to own up to the way he really felt about me.

Lisa, Lisa, how could you not tell me about this?

Because we already went through this once before.

But this time I'm gonna do it.

I'm gonna have it without you.


Congratulations, you know, on the whole getting married thing.

She must be out of her f*cking mind.

Lisa, just give me...


( Moaning )

( Knocking )

Hey, come on in.

Alright, let me show you.

You can put your purse down if you like.

Here it is.

This is your focus...

And this is your zoom.

That's pretty much it.

So, here you go.

You'll get a feel for it.

Okay, what do you want me to do?

Just, you know, follow your instincts.

Relax, don't think about yourself at all.

I know that's like impossible for a 17-year-old.


What you don't know is, you're going to be 18 for the rest of your life.

I've tried to do self-portraits before, but they always turn out so contrived, like I'm trying to be some version of myself.

So f*cking juvenile.

And I really want to see it, you know?

I want to, I need to see what I've done.

And I think it really is impossible for somebody to see themselves.

You need someone else's eyes.

I need somebody else to see me.

Somebody who isn't Brenda.

She sees things a little too darkly.

I mean, I don't need any help going there.

Besides, I've looked through her eyes enough for one lifetime, you know?

What are you seeing?

I'm on your scar, really close up.

What's it look like?

The surface of the moon.


That's the thing about narcissus.

It's not that he's so f*cking in love with himself, because he isn't at all, he f*cking hates himself.

It's that without that reflection looking back at him...

He doesn't exist.

( Crying )

Billy, are you okay?


Yeah, don't be freaked out, this is good.

This is exactly what I needed to happen.

I'm f*cking crying.

Oh, god, I'm sorry, this is intense.

I'm sorry, you can go, it's okay, I'll be alright, I swear.


I told you he's not here.

Where is Nikolai?

He's not in today.

Can I help you?

Where is he?

He's at home.

No, there is no one at his house.

Who are you?

I am a friend of his.

I have something for him.

I need to know where he is.

He's in the hospital.

He was robbed and beaten up and the police are investigating.

( Speaking Russian )

You tell...

You tell Nikolai that Yuri says he is sorry and hopes he will be better very soon.

I take these for my mother.

Way to go, buddy boy.

Nice to know you're not sh**ting blanks, right?

What the f*ck am I going to do?

You don't have to do anything, that's the beauty part.

I have to tell Brenda.

No, you don't.

I can't keep something like this from her.

We're getting married.

Not if you tell her, you're not.

You really think she'd stay with you, hmm?

My guess is she's just looking for a way out, anyway.

You know, ever since she found out about the...


You think she meant everything she said about sticking with you?

Yeah, oh, yeah.

Nothing turns the women on more than a potentially fatal brain condition.

Try coughing up blood, I bet you'll be getting laid left and right.

You know, buddy-boy?

Sometimes you can be a f*cking moron.

I can't.

Sure you can, you can get away with anything.

There's shit about me you still don't know, things you'll never know.

And let me tell you, you're better off for it.

No, I should tell her, she deserves that.

You want to die alone?

Go right ahead.

Oh, my god, it was like, hallucinatory, and I'm sorry, but it was so, you know...

Like I could just, I could feel every inch of my skin, like I could just feel that I was so g*dd*mn alive.

You know how guys who've been to w*r talk about it?

Like that.

Like I was right in the f*cking center of life!

Wow, for a random f*ck, he sounds pretty great.

But it wasn't him, I don't even remember him.

God, what was it?

I've had spontaneous, anonymous sex before.

Maybe it's just the thrill of breaking the rules.

You are engaged.

You keep harping on about that, it's not it.

It's not about me and Nate, it's not it at all.

It's about...

It's about me not being outside myself, for once.

Not watching, not analyzing every g*dd*mn moment as it happens.

Not holding back.

Just becoming, becoming pure sensation, becoming energy, just becoming nature.

Sounds pretty great.

Yeah, oh, my god.

It was such a f*cking rush.

And then I came home and I wrote like 12 pages without stopping.


What if I'm losing my shit?

What if this is the beginning of some serious mental illness?

You know, chances are, I am genetically predisposed.

f*ck it, that's just me being paranoid.

That's just me being afraid to be out of control.

As if anybody's ever in control.

I can give you the name of my therapist if you want to talk to somebody.

Uh, no thanks.

I will never talk to a therapist.

Therapists f*cked up my life.

I don't need a f*cking therapist.

Want another beer?


I come to this country with nothing.

My wife was already dead for many years, and my son...

My son is dead too, and, so...

I come to America, why not?

I working cleaning toilets at the studio.

Riding bus.

Growing potato in the box in...

The roof.

Bank, they don't want to give me money to start my business, so, I have to go somewhere else, what choice do I have?

How much money do you owe them?


I don't know, it keeps changing.


Nikolai, you should call the police.

Yeah, police.

This is no different than Moscow.

No difference at all.

Keith, are you okay?


What's wrong?

Is it because of the sh**ting...

No, it is not because of the sh**ting!

Damn, David, you're like a f*ckin' broken record about that.

What is it then?

What difference does it make?

Am I not allowed to feel shitty every now and then?

I just want to help.

Is it because Taylor isn't living here anymore?

No, you know what?

I'm glad Taylor's not living here anymore.

I didn't ask for the responsibility of taking care of a child, I don't want it.

I'm glad, I have my life back!

I'm sick and tired of taking care of everybody else's f*cking problems!


Oh, god.

I'm sorry.

I don't mean to take it out on you.

You can.

I mean, we all need to vent.

That's just part of it, right?


You can tell me to shut the f*ck up.

I don't mind, really.

I do miss her.

Me, too.

You want to have sex?


I want to do it on the floor.

Okay, let me just put these groceries away.



How was your day?

It was okay.




I got a lot of writing done.

That's good.

Did you eat?

Uh, no, no, I didn't.

Do you want me to fix you something?

No, no, I'm not hungry.

What's this?

Oh, some book everyone's raving about.

You met him?

No, that belongs to my mom.

( Sighing )

Dear friends, it was our lord Jesus himself who said, "come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, "and I will give you rest.

"Let us pray, then, for our brother Dwight Garrison, that he may rest from his labors."

Nate, are you okay?

You don't look well.

Yeah, yeah, I just...

Didn't sleep a lot last night.

You're taking care of yourself, right?

You're taking your medication, not letting yourself get too stressed out?

I'm doing my best.

Mrs. Garrison, is there anything we can do?

I just wanted to thank you.

The service is lovely.

I'm pleased you approve.

And I also want to apologize for the way I behaved yesterday.

I was...

I was just...

I'm just so f*cking angry.

He shouldn't have died.

He was still young.

We only had six years together.

Only six years.

That's more than some people have.

It's not enough.

I know, I know.

I know, it's never enough.

( Nate ) I know.


I went to cedar grove, the crypt next to Dwight and his wife's was empty, so, I bought it.


Yeah, I still want to buried with him, or next to him, if that's all I can get.

That's lovely.

And I don't want those b*tches anywhere near him, so I bought the one on the other side.

I'd like to come in on Monday and make all the arrangements in advance, you know, like he did.

Of course, any time after nine.

Thank you.

Yes, I do have telemarketing experience.

Can you tell me where you're located?

I can't come this morning, I have a previous appointment, how about if I come around 2:30?

Okay, okay, thank you so much.

What's your name?

Thank you, Martha.

Hey, honey, you done?

Thanks, baby, you did real good.

I'll take this to the doctor's office on my way to my job interview.

And we'll need to do this about twice a week, okay?

Okay, am I sick?

No, no, of course not, you're not sick.

I just want to make sure you don't get sick, okay?


You're such a good girl, you know that?

Mama loves you very, very much.

I love you too, mama.


I thought you were working 'til midnight.

Yeah, well, they switched my schedule around.


What do you got in the bag?

Oh, these are just some things I thought I'd keep over here...

If that's okay.


I have acid reflux and I'm supposed to take it every night, so, I got an extra prescription filled, just so I don't miss it when I stay over.

That's my night guard...

So, I don't grind my teeth.

Buckwheat pillow.

It's hypo-allergenic.

Earplugs for when you snore.

Are you moving in?

Of course not.

Because I don't remember discussing you moving in.

I'm not moving in.

Jesus, are you paranoid or what?

'Cause living together, I'm not sure we're ready for that.

Okay, it's just stuff, Keith, I still have my own place.

Would you like me to go there now?

No, I made dinner.

"Oz" is on.

Okay, does the term "mixed messages" mean anything to you?

Oh, come on.

I'm just f*cking with you, fool.

I think you should move in.


Yeah, what are we waiting for?

Just as long as you don't think you're bringing any of that ugly-ass furniture with you.

( Knocking )



Whatcha doing?

Just making a list of things I have to do on Monday.

Well, you were right about Billy.

What happened?


Nothing happened, I just...

He's just on this completely different wavelength, and it's not a wavelength I want to be anywhere near.

Well, I'm glad to hear that.

Well, goodnight.


( Computer ) You've got mail.
