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02x06 - In Place of Anger

Posted: 08/31/21 17:06
by bunniefuu
( Male announcer ) I know you're all tired of sittin' down, so, c'mon up on the floor all you bad boys...

( Loud chattering )

Over there!

I just saw a fin.

In the most polluted port in America?

Nothing could live here.


That makes me sad.

It looks so beautiful at night.

Yeah, well, so is Burbank.

You're gorgeous, you know that?

Shut up.

So, why haven't you ever talked to me before?

I was intimidated.

You're very intimidating.

And full of shit.

Of course they pick a g*dd*mn boat this year so, nobody can leave before Parkinson's jerk-off speech about what a f*cking great company this is, right?


Like anything that self-important f*ck says can change the fact that we'll be filing for bankruptcy by the end of the year.

You're new here, aren't you?

Yeah, about six months.

Well, I'd start sending out my resume now, unless you're one of Parkinson's f*cking inner circle, if you are, well, then...

f*ck me, right?

Do you want to go and get another drink?



Oh, excuse me.

I guess I'm the assh*le for telling the f*cking truth!

Oh shit!

That's not fair.

You suck!


God, you scared me.

You're up early.

You slept like a f*cking baby.

Yeah, me too.

After the night we had?

The sheer exhaustion factor alone.

Yeah, I gotta say, it was worth the wait.

So, does this mean the ebb is over?

For now.

You want a coffee?


Wow, this is kinda racy.

Hey, hey, no!

Is that your novel?

I'm don't know what it is yet.

When do I get to read it?

When it's ready.

If it's ever ready.

Well, now who's "Christina" is that like your fictional alter-ego?

Your Holden Caulfield?

She's more like my Humbert Humbert.

My Constance Chatterly?

She's like Hermione in the Harry Potter books.

What would you rather have, some overly educated gasbag like Trevor?

Or a semi-literate f*ck machine like me, c'mon?

That's a no-brainer.

No pun intended.

Hey, I have something for you.

I know it's small, but it is a diamond.

You think I care about diamonds?

Will you marry me, Brenda Chenowith?

Haven't we done this already?


I love you.


Something else?

I thought we could announce it to my family at dinner tonight.

Oh, Nate...

I was gonna ask mom to make dinner.

Look, we have to do this some time.

And what about your family?

Are you kidding?

They're way too consumed in their own divorce drama to even notice.

Let's just not tell them and say that we did.

What about Billy?

I haven't really talked to him for a while.

Hey, why don't I make you pancakes from scratch like a good little wife-to-be before I f*ck your brains out and send you off to the office?

How about we skip the pancakes?

Shit, you're already dressed!

Am I holding you up?

No, not really.

Well, maybe a little.

You've got the best shower.

Mine's just this weird bolt sticking out of the wall that sends out mist.

It takes like five minutes just to get wet.

Hey, how come I always stay here?

It's time for you to stay at my place.

After that great recommendation?

It's nice.

M.G.M. Built it back in the 30s to house starlets.

Great parquet floors and unbelievable molding, but some idiot did an 80s retro-fit and ripped out all the good fixtures.

I'll be happy to stay at your house, fixtures aside.

You know, I never thought you'd call me back after that second date.


Because I never think the good guys are gonna call back.

Who said I'm a good guy?

It's been three weeks, that's usually a sign.

Check with me in three months, I'll tell you how you're doing.

Ah, good morning, sit, sit.

Have some breakfast.

Most important meal of the day.

Good morning, dear.


How would you like your eggs?


Surprise me.

Now, this is good, yes?

All together for breakfast.

Well, I see it's good neighbor day at the Fisher house.

David, was that a new friend I saw leaving this morning?

Mom, please, I'd rather not discuss...

What does he do?

He's a public defender.

You should have asked him in for breakfast.

We'd all like to meet him.

Yes, bring him next time.

I would like to meet him.

Where's Nate?

We have an intake in 15 minutes.

He called from the car, there was an accident on the 10 and he told me to ask everyone to be here for dinner tonight, he has something important to tell us.

A big family dinner.

Will be fun, yeah?

( Laughing )

Everybody had gotten off, and the lights were on, and you could see what a dumpy little boat it actually was, and...

And he just wasn't there.

I know it's hard to believe right now, but time...

I got dumped at a party, in college once, the kappa sig luau by...

Some guy whose name I don't even remember.

The sun was coming up and I just sat there staring at this stupid pig carcass in my stupid Hawaiian print sun dress.

Mrs. Collins, have you thought about...

Matthew and I had been married for almost 20 years, can you believe that?

I met him when I was barely 20.

And now, he's dead and...

I'm just that much closer to it.

I'm sorry, we don't allow smoking inside.

Please, put that out.

It's against California state law.

We could be fined.



How long will it take?

It depends on the kind of service you were thinking of.

Length of visitation, should you choose an open casket...

My husband was dredged up from long beach harbor with a propeller sliced half way down his body.

Closed casket then.

How much?

I can't spend a lot of money.

We're probably looking at around $7,000.

That seems like a lot.

It's about average, maybe a little less.

We'll take care of everything, and make it as easy on you as possible.


I need to think about this.

Of course.

Let us know what you decide.

I can show myself out.

Shopping around for the best deal.

Isn't that her right?

She's wasting our time.

Oh dear, when did you get so dried out?

You must be thirsty.

The flowers are lovely, Sarah, thank you.

I just cut them on my morning walk through the canyon.

Don't worry, you didn't put me out one bit.

This kitchen is exactly the same.

Yes, it is.

You look well.

So, do you.

I only just got your messages.

I was in Madrid.

I wanted to stay through Christmas, but I ran out of money.

The reason I was calling was because, well...

What I've wanted to say was I...

I forgive you.

You're the only family, apart from the children, that I have left.

I didn't want more time to go by with our not talking.

We're sisters, we shouldn't be estranged.

I took this course called the plan...

You did the plan?

You're sh1tting me.

That is so great, Ruth!

You of all people!

What's that supposed to mean?

No, it's very brave.

I know it couldn't have been easy for you.

I did it myself, back in the 70s, when it was still called transitional focus, before Ernst Vollhoffer was busted for tax evasion and sold it to the Canadians.

That's when it became the plan.


I met Vollhoffer at a party once and he came on to me, but I had just dropped acid for the first time, and I thought he was some Mayan death priest, who wanted to cut out my heart and...

Throw it into a pit.

So, I blew him off.

( Laughing )

Catherine Collins has decided to go with the Unger mortuary.

Well, I guess that's that.

Unger is a Kroehner home, Nate.

Yeah, so?

So, Kroehner charges about double what we do.

That's the third funeral Kroehner has stolen from us, since Mitzi Huntley came to visit.

They're after us again.

Oh, look, now, you're just being dramatic.

This from a man who basically lives in denial.

Hey, look.

Stan told me at lunch last week that Kroehner stock had taken a nose-dive.

Why would they be wasting their time with small potatoes like us?

Uh, maybe because you told Mitzi to shove her gesture of good faith up her ass?

I told you guys that Kroehner wasn't gonna let up, but nobody listens to me.

Not now, Federico.

We needed that funeral.

How else are we supposed to pay for the fine from the d-c-a?

That's $1,800 we don't have right now.

Hey, I asked you to check the proof...

No license number on a billboard opposite a retirement home makes us look like amateurs.

We cannot afford to be vulnerable.

David, I'm not comfortable starting on this woman's perm until I have a photo.


Yeah, well, any idea when that's supposed to arrive?

I have an inspector coming out to my house this afternoon...

It came this morning and I put it in her file, which you would know, if you bothered to look!

I'm calling Catherine Collins and I'm going to lowball Unger.

Even if we cut our profits in half, we can still show Kroehner we're willing to fight.

Hi, mom.


Who are you?

I'm your aunt Sarah.

Oh, Claire!

The goddess is clearly manifesting through you, it's very obvious.


I thought you were dead.

Oh, the skin.

Like milk!

Treasure it while it lasts.

Ruth, you told your daughter I was dead?

Shame on you.

I never told her any such thing!

Claire, why would you lie about that?

Whenever you talked about her, it just sounded like she was dead.

I just assumed.

Well, I've made a miraculous recovery.


Tell me exactly what you were feeling when you made this.

Boredom. Liar.

There's anger, and yearning.


Resentment of the status quo, some jealousy of it as well.

Not the most original perspective, but it's authentic.

Ooh, I love this.

The technique!

Very precise, very adult.

The death of romance in a regimented, artificial world.


Actually, I found it in the garbage, my dad threw it out after a funeral.

I thought it looked cool, so, I kept it.

You're an artist, Claire.

Oh, please.

I'm not saying you're any good.


But if you focus and live fully, you could become something.

If you're lucky, and don't self-destruct.


You've got an eye.

You see through the veil.


It's a blessing and a curse.


You need something red in your relationship corner.

Like a red velvet pillow, something bordello-y.

You're resisting the carnal, that's your mother rubbing off on you.

And put a plant in your knowledge corner, if you want to grow into your potential.

What is that, like feng-shui?

You're kidding, right?

You can drop the generic apathy crap, that's just laziness.

You're more than that and you know it.

Hey, baby!

Sorry, I'm late.

Rico, we are f*cked.

It's definitely mold.

I told you so.

See, this is why Julio's cold don't get any better!

My guess is you got structural damage in your chimney and water's leaking in somewhere.

When the rain starts, it'll get worse.

Okay, what can we do?

Well, I gotta rip this all out and see what's going on inside.

Maybe we can patch things up, maybe it'll be bigger than that.

How much is it all gonna cost?

Well, you've got serious water damage.

It could be anywhere from three to, I don't know, maybe seven grand if your roof is involved.

( Speaking Spanish )

Excuse me one second.

We can get Ramon to fix it.

Fix it?

He didn't even spot it.

You heard the man, there's serious water damage, any idiot would know that.

Hey, hey, don't call my cousin an idiot.

Oh, okay, no, I'll call you an idiot because you were too cheap to get a real inspector the first time around.

Oh, I'm an idiot?

Well, maybe it wasn't the smartest idea to go to your sister and buy this piece-of-shit house behind my back.

Now, you think about that!

g*dd*mn it.

( Male on phone ) What happened?

I just got snapped running a red light.

We are living in a m*therf*cking police state, I tell you what.

Any calls while I was at lunch?

The Unger mortuary called to say, the funeral we poached from Fisher and sons has gone back to them.

You're kidding.

We undercut them by almost $500.

Well, now, they've undercut us by nearly a grand.

Oh my god, I love this.

They're cute, but they're such bad businessmen.

They won't last.

Hey, what have I got tomorrow?

Your trainer at nine, then back to back performance reviews from one to five.

Cancel everything except the trainer.


I think I need to spend a little quality time with the fabulous Fisher boys.

Ruth, do you have any tarragon?

All the spices are in that cabinet.

Well, now I know what to get you for Christmas.

Dean and DeLuca have these fantastic spices in test tubes.

Very mad scientist, you'll love them.

What are you making?

I'm not sure yet.

I'm making chicken Kiev.

I bought all the ingredients to make chicken Kiev.

So, we'll make chicken Kiev.


Have tarragon, will travel!

Tarragon is not listed in the ingredients.

Following instructions, where's the creativity in that?

Cooking is alchemy, not a science.

It is if you want it to turn out right!

Is there anything I can do to help?




This vodka is from Poland.

You will like it.

Ruthie, why don't you join us?

Thank you, Nikolai, but I'll wait 'til dinner is served to have a glass of wine.

Okay, suit yourself.


( Singing in Russian )

Where are you learning to speak the Russian?

It's a long story.

Let's just say there was a man involved.

Of course there was.

Claire, when you're finished mixing the herbs in, you want to form the butter into little logs, eight of them.


No, not at all, it's deliciously sensual.

Wash your hands first, Claire.

Ruth, you wild woman!

Nikolai is adorable and hot.

The sex must be spectacular.

Good for you.

Oh, my god!


You're all grown up, but your face is still 12 years old.

David, you remember your aunt Sarah.

Uh, yes.


I'm sure you couldn't forget her if you tried.

David, have some vodka.


This is so surreal.

"The engagement dinner"

I feel like I'm in a training movie from the 50s about how normal people behave.

My family is anything, but normal.

Compared to mine, they're the f*cking cleavers.

Just relax, enjoy yourself, alright?

You look gorgeous, everybody loves you...

Not your mother.

All you have to do is sit back and be the center of attention.

Alright, c'mon.

So, Linda, what do you do?

It's Brenda.

Forgive me, I'm drunk.

It's all Nikolai's fault, plying me with vodka since the moment he arrived.

I'm a massage therapist.


She's an amazing massage therapist and she's writing a novel.

You are?

I'm writing something, we'll see what it turns into.

Have you ever read "Charlotte light and dark"?


Well, she's Charlotte.

I didn't know that.

What is this?

Charlotte light and who?

It's this book about this girl who's being analyzed and she's like way smarter then the people analyzing her and so, she's constantly f*cking with them, and it's hilarious.

Well, well, Nate, you continue to be drawn to strong, complex women.



Mom, this dinner is delicious.

I think it's a little sour, myself.

Oh, no, it's one of the best things you've ever made.

More vodka? Oh, please.

I had a lover who was Russian.

He once told me that vodka was to Russians what therapy is to Americans.

Something habit-forming and expensive that totally destroys your ability to lead an authentic life.

Sorry, both my parents are shrinks.

Ah, and that was very painful for you.

But if it weren't for that, you probably wouldn't be writing your novel, right?

Speaking of creativity, is everyone aware of the budding artist in the family?

You haven't seen Claire's work?!

Shame on you!

She needs feedback, even if it's just so she can learn to ignore it.

Claire, I know so many creative people from all over the world.

You must come stay with me in Topanga canyon and meet some of them.



( Clearing throat )

Now is a...

Good a time as any, I guess.

The reason that I wanted us all to get together for dinner tonight is that Brenda and I...

Have decided to get married!

( Nikolai ) Good, a marriage.

This calls for a toast!

( Sarah ) Absolutely.

Here you go, something to toast with.

To romantic love, both the inspiration and utter folly of it.

Thank you, that's really kind.

So Linda, I never would've taken you as the type to get married.

Show us the ring!

Don't blink, you might miss the diamond.

Here you go.

No, it's beautiful.

It's lovely, Ruth, did you see?

Yes, very nice.

I'll go put on some coffee.

Is there anymore of that vodka left?

Ruthie, what's wrong?

Your son is going to marry, this is a beautiful thing.

It's been a long day, that's all, I'm fine.

Just look at this mess!

Don't worry.

I going to help you clean up.

Thank you.

God, there's so much emotion to navigate where family is concerned.

Vicodin, anyone?

No, thanks, I'm fine.

Okay, what's the deal with me going to Topanga canyon?

Mom like, totally freaked.

No one ever told you?

Oh, my!

Well, it seems I'm a terrible influence.

David and I went to stay with aunt Sarah one weekend and I kind of lost my virginity.

How old were you?


How old was she?

I'm not sure, 20-something.

She was 32.

Oh, my god, that's totally f*cked up.

Your mother has never forgiven me and she never will, no matter what she says.

Granted, there was an awful moment when David was lost, but he was found completely unharmed in the canyon the next morning.

Damn, I miss out on all the best stuff in this family.

Well, that was a disaster.

Your mother hates me more than ever now.

My mother does not hate you...

Oh, c'mon, Nate.

Well, who cares if she does?

I'm just glad it's over.

Onto the next.

We've a whole lifetime of tense and uncomfortable family gatherings to look forward to.

( Phone ringing )


( Ben ) Hey, where've you been?


We had kind of a family dinner.

My brother's getting married are you drunk?

Yes, my mother's boyfriend kept pouring vodka.

I'm gonna have such a f*cking headache tomorrow.

Your mom's boyfriend was there?

So, how come you didn't invite me?

Because I knew it would be excruciating, and I wanted to spare you?

I wish you were here...

Or me there.


So, we could have hot sex and then fall asleep together.

You could always come over here.

I'm too drunk, I shouldn't drive.

Or I could come over there.

I'm too drunk, I shouldn't drive.

( Laughing )

Take some aspirin before you go to bed and vitamin C, drink lots of water.

I'll talk to you tomorrow.

Okay, bye.

Hey, mom.

Here, let me help you.

You ready?

You should've used your grandmother's ring.

God knows your brother isn't going to use it, and who knows if Claire will ever settle down.

That ring was for you!

I didn't even know about it...

You are the first born and probably the only opportunity for grandchildren that I will ever live to see.

Mom, you never even told me about it!

You know, I think what this is really about is, you don't like Brenda.

That's not true.

I just don't want you to get hurt.

Is she pregnant?

No, she's not.

But she is the woman I love, mom.

You may not think she is the best person for me, but I do and I need you to accept that.

We're glad you came back to Fisher and sons.

You gave me the best price, that's the only reason I'm here.

That other place wanted me to sign some waiver before I could see the body.

Do you want me to do that as well?

Mrs. Collins, I really don't think you want to put yourself through that.

Your husband's body experienced severe trauma it's beyond restoration.


No, I don't want him restored.

What's the point?

Perhaps we should choose a casket.

You think it's a day like any other, but what you don't realize is that anything can happen, and then it does.

It happens.

And there's so much left...


And it was all just wasted time.

I just want somebody to help me understand.

Just to help.

Can you help me?

The first line of C.S. Lewis's "A Grief Observed" is, "no one ever told me grief felt so like fear."

I'll get you a copy, I think it'll help.

It's gonna be okay.

No, it's not.



What's wrong?

Doesn't it ever get you down?

Sure, all the time.

I keep thinking it's gonna get easier, but it just doesn't.

No, it doesn't.

It just gets more familiar.

( Door opening )

Hello, anybody home?


Wow, don't you two look sharp, just as sharp as a couple of little tacks.

Ms. Huntley.

What can we do for you?

Well, for one thing, you can call me Mitzi, stop being so goddamned formal!

Now, how come y'all have not thanked me for this snazzy casket wall?

Or maybe I should thank you for selling our beautiful and highly profitable caskets.

Seeing as you've bought up, absorbed and shut down every other competitor.

What the f*ck do you want?

What the f*ck do I want?

I want you boys to come the f*ck with me on little f*cking trip what do you f*cking say, huh?

Well, what kind of a f*cking trip?

Well, see, now, that's a secret.

We're very busy.

Well, I suggest you get un-busy.

I understand Fisher and sons neglected to place their license number on a recently printed advertisement.

We've already been fined for that, so, you can just turn around and...

No, no, I'm not talking about the billboard.

I'm talking about the two-column-incher in the funeral pages of "the L.A. times".

It's run, uh-oh, three weeks in a row now.

So, that is three fines that you can avoid if you just...

Drop the attitude and come with me.

Federico, hi, it's David.

Nate and I are tied up for the rest of the day, so, we need you to pick up the Collins body from the Unger mortuary.

Federico, I just need you to do this.


Ooh, you bad boy.

That wasn't very nice of you, stealing a funeral from us.

Which you stole from us first.

Oh, please.

This whole self-righteous chip-on-the-shoulder thing it kinda worked for Russell Crowe in "gladiator", but honey, you don't have the special effects to back it up.

You get a big kick out of yourself, don't you?

And you're a big stick in the mud, aren't you?

Lighten up.

The whole purpose of this trip is to have fun.

Just ask Bobo.

I said, now, what's Mitzi doing hiding all the way in back?

Hi, darling, you know the fishers.


Good to see you guys again!

Well, I need to mingle, I'm not being a very good hostess.

She's quite a little spitfire, isn't she?

So, when did you all become members?


Nothing beats flying out to palm Springs twice a month for a little golf.

You know, I met Merv Griffin last time?

Helluva guy.

We're never selling to Kroehner.

Oh, well, then you're idiots.

No offense.

It must've been fun having a sister growing up.

Fun is not the word I would choose.

God, I can't believe I never even met her before...

It's for the best.

Sarah has no boundaries and she's completely self-involved, she would have only disappointed you.



You know that I think if you work hard, you can be good at whatever you put your mind to.

Yeah, sure, mom.

How long is my house gonna be like this?

This is a big job, you gotta be patient.


Where was patient when you told us to buy a house full of mold?

I'm not a licensed house inspector, you knew that.

Besides you should call that realtor and sue her ass for non-disclosure.

Oh, shit!

I gotta head down to long beach before rush hour.

No, no, no!

C'mon, baby.

You gotta stay here, you have to deal with this.

I gotta pick up a body, okay, that's what pays the mortgage.

Well, let David go do it, what are you, his lapdog?

Shut up!

Okay, just shut up, can you do that for once?

Whoa, Rico, calm down, man.

She's just stressed with the mess and the two kids who wouldn't be?

Cut her some slack, primo.

Thank you.

I'm out of here.

He can be a real pain.

Yeah, you don't have to tell me that.

Don't you worry, V.

We'll get this fixed just as soon as we can, okay?

The house was built in '59 for frank Sinatra.

If these walls could talk, huh?

Ooh, I don't even want to know what happened on that coffee table.


See what you boys are missing this is the life!

Oh, don't hurt yourself, Bobo.

Listen, would you be a dear, darling, and fix us up another batch of frozen margaritas?

Thank you, lovely.

She's single.

I'm engaged.

Yeah, well, I'm married.

There are swim suits and towels and such in the cabana out by the pool.


Pepper used to be captain of the U.S.C. swim team.

Now, he's trying to make it as an actor.

Oof, god, they're a dime a dozen, aren't they?

Why are we here?

To have fun.

My god, boy!

I don't even think you know what that is.

Listen to me.

I understand exactly how exhausting and depressing running a small business like yours can be.

Your only job today is to forget about all that.



We should at least try to have a good time.

( Knocking )

What's up?

I was just leaving you some laundry.


You got room for me in there for me, boys?

I want you to know, Matt Gilardi never got to come here.

Is that supposed to make us feel better about how he harassed us?

And how you're continuing to harass us?

Oh, please.

You boys have got to get over this victim mentality.


Ah, finally, the sales pitch.

That's considerably more money than we've ever offered you.

You know this was our father's business, it's not something we can just walk away from.

David, nobody's asking you to leave.

We like things just the way they are.

We like our lives just the way they are.

Honey, it may be tomorrow or it may be 10 years from now, but y'all are going under, it is just evolution.

Kroehner's got the size, the resources, the market share, the lobbyists in Washington, what've y'all got?

Your pride, woo hoo.

The car's leaving for the airport in five minutes, y'all better hurry.

Should we have taken that offer?


Why are we doing this?

Fighting so hard?

Maybe she's right, maybe this is a losing battle.

Don't tell me you got seduced by a hot tub.

So, she dangled a big fat check in front of us.

So, the f*ck what?


We can't give up, David, alright, we can't, we just can't!

Your medication?

Have you told Brenda yet?

Yeah, like a week ago.

How'd she take it?

You know Brenda, she pretends to be stronger than all of us.

Hey, you.

I didn't think you were coming.

You know me, I can't sleep without you.

You're the only thing in my life that works.

( Doorbell )

Oh, shit!

My client.

Nate, I gotta get this.

( Laughing )

Oh, god, I love you so much.

I just love you.

( Screaming )

( Knocking )

I enjoyed the sermon.

So, do you have to work today?

Um, not really.


I thought you had to prepare for a hearing tomorrow.

I'm thinking about blowing that off.

The guy's like, totally guilty and I'd rather spend the day with you.



I didn't know you were here.

That's a big ass lie.

I saw you staring in church.

Who's this?

This is Taylor.

Taylor, this is my friend, Ben.

Hi. Hey.

So, how are you?

Do you want to go over and say hi?

Nah, we'll be late for the movie.

You guys not talking now?

We had an argument, it's nothing.


C'mon, we gotta go.

I miss you.

Me too.

Bye. Bye.

Who's she?

Her uncle's an old friend of mine.

Roll onto your back, nice and slow.

Sorry, happens to me all the time.

It's nothing I haven't seen before.

So, don't be embarrassed.

Who said I'm embarrassed?




Feels good.

Like that?

Yeah. Yeah?



Oh, god.



Yeah, yeah, faster.



Ah, ahhh!

( Moaning )

So, thanks.

Can I make another appointment for next week?

I don't think that's such a good idea.



I don't think I can see you again.


Thanks again.

Take care.

I know your brother doesn't want me to, but I have to see him.

I really don't think you should put yourself through that before the service.

There's been no restoration, and seeing him like this could make it that much worse.

I spent over half my life with that man, I slept with him every night for 20 years.

Please, just let me see him.

I have to see him once more.

I want to see him.


( Laughing )

Look at you now, you f*cking pig!

I'm glad you're dead!

I'm f*cking glad!

And I hope it hurt like hell!

He can't hit me anymore, can he?

Thank you.

I could really love you, David Fisher.

Not quite the response I was hoping for.

But I can't say I'm entirely surprised.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

I'm really sorry.

I like you a lot, Ben...


But I'm in love with someone else.

I see.

And when exactly were you planning on telling me this?

It's not that I haven't enjoyed being with you, you're a great guy, you're a catch.

And he's not even available, I just...

I don't want to lie to you.

I just thought it would be a good idea for me to get involved with someone else.

You know, healthy.

Great, next you'll be saying you just want to be friends.


Well, now I know why you never wanted to introduce me to your family.

Organic herbs and spices from the farmers market.

Is Claire here?

No, I don't know where she is.

Well, if I want to avoid traffic, I'm gonna have to miss her, damn.

Tell her this is for her knowledge corner.

She'll know what to do.

I'm sure she'll appreciate that.

Okay, Ruth, what the hell is going on?

What's going on?

You waltz in here after 20 years...

Insulting my cooking, getting drunk with my boyfriend, filling my daughter's head with all kinds of ideas and reminding my sons of traumatic events in their lives.

Jesus Christ!

The boy was gonna lose his virginity sooner or later.

And Fiona is a great woman, very compassionate...

He was molested!

He was a horny 15-year-old who couldn't believe his good luck!

Of course, I shouldn't be surprised that you won't take any responsibility, you never have!

Okay, that's what this is about.

When mother died, someone had to step up.

Someone had to take care of nanny.

But you just did as you pleased...

You never let anybody help you!

God forbid anything should interfere with you feeling sorry for yourself!

If that's what you need to believe to justify your own selfishness...

What do you want me to say, Ruth?!

I want you to apologize!


I apologize!

Does that make it any better?

No, because you had more fun than I did!


The only man I ever loved died...

When I was 21.

The children I so desperately wanted were impossible, because my ovaries are dry as stone.

And I'm a terrible artist, but I surround myself with people who have talent that I will never realize.

It's all hard, Ruth.

We just made different choices.

I'm sorry, I didn't know about the ovaries.

It's fine.

I'm sorry about Nathaniel.

Thank you.

I got your flowers...

A couple of months later.

I was in Peru.

( Crying )

Let me finish mopping.



How's the writing?

Good, really good.

Somebody had a good day.

Just this woman who was...

Screaming at the mangled body of her dead husband who used to beat her.

Can you imagine hating someone that much and staying with them for 20 years?

What makes you think people stay together because it makes them happy?

Promise me, if things ever start to go nutso, or you ever hate me, that we'll deal with it, we won't just cover it up?

Don't worry, I'll be long gone before you could hate me.

I don't think I could ever hate you.

Besides, we know what we're doing here.


So, what did you do today?

Not much, a client.

What do you think you're doing?

Releasing your cock from the prison of your pants.

Do you think that's wise?

Do you want me to stop?

( Knocking )

It's just me.

Are you busy?

Uh, I was just chatting with this friend of mine online.

I found some things I thought you might want.

What things?

Just some things I've collected over the years.

These all mine?


No way.

Oh, my god, it's blue pajama man!

I totally forgot about him.

I kept everything you ever did.


Where's Nate?

Oh, he had left home already.

What about dad?

He was probably working.

My god.