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01x05 - The Homecoming

Posted: 08/31/21 16:05
by bunniefuu

Hey, Leslie, I've got an idea.

Now, the big weekend
is coming up.

Let's go into San Francisco
and see Pearl Jam.

Uh, bad idea.

We tried going out, remember?

Roommates shouldn't date.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, what is
that, the 11th commandment?

Thou shall not date the
babe next door.

I am sorry, Zack, but that's
just the way I feel.

Fine. OK, fine.

Fine, I am never going
to ask you out again.


Unless, of course, you
want to go skiing?

I love to ski.

Lake Tahoe is only
four hours away.

We can go for the weekend.

Zack, I'm not about to go away
for a weekend with you.

I'm not going to try anything.

You can trust me.

No, I can't.

That's true.

But you can trust yourself.

No, I can't.

Now, what if we make it
a group trip, huh?

What do you say?

If other people go, so will I.

Then it's a date.

A group date.

Ah, ha ha.
Just think of it.

I'm going away with Leslie.

Now all I need to do is find a
group, and then ditch them.

♪ I'm standing
at the edge of tomorrow, ♪

♪ and it's all up to
me how far I go ♪

♪ I'm standing at the
edge of tomorrow ♪

♪ I've never seen
such a view before, ♪

♪ a new world before my eyes ♪

♪ So much for me to explore ♪

♪ It's where my future lies ♪

♪ Today, I'm standing at
the edge of tomorrow ♪

♪ From here, the future
looks bright for me ♪

♪ And it's all up to
me how far I go ♪

♪ It's my time to break away ♪

♪ I'm standing at the edge
of tomorrow today ♪


Hi, Mike. Hello, X97.


That's my mouse.

Screech volunteered to watch it while
I'm away at a sensitivity training seminar.

Sensitivity training.

That's so enlightened. So '90s.

No, it's not.

I've got to do it for my
psychology degree.

I'm supposed to learn to
open up, express my feelings,

get in touch with
my feminine side.

With my luck, I'd get in touch
with my feminine side,

and it'd dump me for a
better looking guy.

Oh, X97 is so cute.

- Have you had her long?
- Six months.

I'm using her to study the
relationship between behavior and diet.

Oh, you mean she's not a pet?

No, X97 is a research subject.

That's why you shouldn't take
her out of the cage like this

and pet her like this
and get her all excited so

she does something like that.

Ah, I need a towel.

She's right on schedule.

I've got to make a note of this.

- Hey, Mike.
- Hey, Zack.

Ah, Kelly, how would you
like to get away next weekend

for a fun-filled
fabulous ski vacation?

- Oh, I'd love to.
- Huh?

But I can't.

I'm working all weekend at the
student health center.

Oh, can't you get out of it?

Zack, when you work in
the medical profession,

I mean, you have
certain responsibilities.

I have a commitment to
the sick and injured.

Kelly, you put cotton
balls into jars.

And tongue depressors.

Alex, how would you like to
go skiing this weekend?

Oh, Zack, I don't ski very well,

and I really don't want
to embarrass myself.

Besides, I'm up for the part of
the big toe in Gulliver's Travels.

Screech, buddy.

I can count on
you, can't I? Huh?

You had a blast last time
we went skiing, right?

Oh, it was great.

So I got pneumonia, sprained my
ankle, and caused that little avalanche.

It only took 12 hours to
find you and Slater.

When do we leave?

Uh, July.

Hey, Slater, we're going
skiing this weekend.

I can count on you,
right, buddy?

- Sounds great.
- Oh, you're a life saver.

Listen, I'm bringing Leslie.

So do you think you
can find a date?

Can I find a date?

Can Lassie find little Timmy
in a mine shaft?

Anyone sitting here, Theresa?

I guess you are, AC.

[speaking spanish]

Excuse me?

I just said, it's
a beautiful day.

- Oh.
- [speaking spanish]


Boy, you really don't speak
Spanish, do you?

Oh, no, no, I took French
in high school.

You know, the language of love.

But Espanol is much
more romantic.

[speaking spanish]


See what I mean?

Oh, yeah.

Good afternoon.

Today, we're going
to continue discussing

the reporting of
news without bias.

Miss Alvarez?

Excuse me, but we've been talking
about this issue for several days,

and we still haven't discussed
the hidden bias in the media.

OK, let's discuss it.

You've got a copy of the paper.

Show me the hidden bias.

Well, on the front page, we
see civil w*r in Europe.

And here, on page 14,

a story about the
fighting in Nicaragua

right next to the
ads for spray on hair.

What does that tell
you, Mr. Slater?

Uh, that desperate bald
men will buy anything?

True, but that wasn't
what I meant.

There's a legitimate argument
that our media is Eurocentric.

You know, that whole
Eurocentric thing,

man, it's really
been bugging me too.

Do you have plans for lunch?

Watch your step.
X97 got loose.

- What's an X97?
- A mouse.


You mean there's a disgusting
disease-ridden rodent in here?

I sure hope so,
because if she's gone,

Rogers is
going to k*ll me.

Oh, how could you
let this happen?

That rodent is about
to be mouse pate.

- Alex, don't.
- Alex, stop!

I didn't mean to read
your diary.

You read my diary?

First, the mouse dies, then
the big blond rat.

Wait, I think I just saw
something scoot out the door.

X97, come back.

Death to all vermin.

I'm living in a Tom
and Jerry cartoon.

No, no, no.

Swish, Zack, I can't tell you how
excited I am about this weekend.

Yeah, and I can't tell you how
excited I get hearing you're excited.

So is everyone going?

Um, no, only Slater.

So it's just me and the
testosterone twins?

I don't think so.

No, no, no, don't worry.

Don't worry, he's bringing a
date from his journalism class,

so, unlike most of his dates, we
know this one can read and write.

You know, Mexican
Americans are usually ignored

in history books,
newspaper, television.

That's why we need an independent
Chicano studies department.

So, do you ski?

Look, I like to have fun too,

but this issue is really
important, don't you think?

Yeah, I guess.

I just think of myself
as an American.

Well, so do I, but knowing
where you come from

doesn't make you
less of an American.

It makes you more of a person.

Hey, I think I know
myself pretty well.


So, uh, tell me what's
your real name?

Slater, Albert Clifford Slater.

Slater's an Anglo name.

You're Latino.

Well, then I guess somebody in
my family must have changed it.

There's a meeting tonight of
the United Student's Coalition

for an Independent Chicano
Studies Department.

Wow, I hope your first order of
business is to shorten the name.

Look, why don't you come.

It might do you some good to
be among your own people.

I don't know, Theresa.

Come on, don't you think it's time
you stopped denying your roots?

Chill, I'll find someone
to go skiing with us.

I'm telling you, I am not
going to blow this weekend.

Can't you talk Theresa
into going?

She's not the ski bunny type.

OK, OK, well, we can cruise
some aerobics classes tonight.

I mean, you could
flex a couple of times,

and you'll have more bunnies
than an Energizer commercial, huh?

I'd love to but I can't.

Theresa invited me to this
Chicano Studies meeting.

- I figured I'd check it out.
- I don't get it.

If Theresa's not going skiing,

then why would you want to go
to a boring meeting?

Well, maybe it's not
so boring to me.

Come on, Slater,
Chicano Studies?

Why do you care about that?

Because I'm Chicano,

in case you never noticed.

Gee, I always thought
he was Italian.

[speaking spanish]?

What's your name?

[speaking spanish]?

What's your telephone number?
Very good.

Hey, I'm getting the
hang of this, huh?

[speaking spanish].

I have pigs in my suitcase.

That's not good, is it?

No, but if anyone to make
it work, you can.

Screech, you smell like cheese.

I should hope so.

I'm trying to attract a mouse.

I have 12 different kinds
of cheese in my pants.

That's scary.

No, what's scary is I'm
kind of enjoying it.

[speaking spanish].


Hey, Slater, I found a girl
to go skiing with us.

Blonde hair with blue eyes,
just your type.

What do you mean my type?

I've dated girls with dark hair
and dark eyes before.

I mean, why do you think
that only blonde haired,

blue eyed people are beautiful?

I resent that.

You know, I'm an equal
opportunity babe hound.

Excuse me, could you
clear this table?

Yeah, in a minute.

I don't mean you.

I mean our whole society.

Never mind, you just
don't get it.

Moving a little slow
aren't you, buddy?

What's that supposed to mean?

You think I'm slow just
because I'm Mexican?

No, look that's not
what I meant.

Take it easy, Slater.

Actually, this table's
clean enough.

What, what?
Clean enough for a Mexican?

I think I'm going to bring
my lunch tomorrow.

What is up with you?
That guy didn't mean anything.

He said I was slow.

You know, like all
Mexicans are slow.

He wasn't talking
about Mexicans.

By the way, can you finish
clearing this table?

Why should I clean your table?

Because you're a busboy!

I'm not a busboy.
I'm an oppressed minority.

Alex, it's a mouse.

A harmless little mouse.

It's a rat.

A big, fat rat just
waiting to sink

it's a big, fat, rat
teeth into to me.

Well, there's no way that it's
getting in here tonight.

Look, X97 got loose
three days ago.

I mean, by now she's
met a cute little boy mouse,

made a little mouse family,
with a little mouse house,

and little
mouse curtains.

You really need to lay
off the Disney movies.

Where's my mouse.

I don't know, sir, but

rest easy, I have
cheese in my pants.

I want my mouse!

I can hear it!
The mouse is in here!

I can't get out!

[banging on door]

Hang on X97!

I'm coming!

- Where's my mouse?
- Under the bed!

k*ll it!


Don't k*ll it.

Save it. Eat it. Do
anything you want.

Just get it out of here.

I don't see anything.

Look, Alex was just
hearing things.

X97 is gone, Mike.

She's gone?

I'm really sorry, sir.

I know how important she
was to your research.

Don't worry, pal, I can be
your research subject.

Of course, you'll have
to get a bigger cage,

but I'm perfectly comfortable
sleeping on shredded newspaper.

You don't understand.

She wasn't just a
research subject.

She was a friend.

A warm, cuddly, little buddy.

Boy, that sensitivity training
really worked.

The chancellor has once
again refused to meet with us

to discuss an independent
Chicano Studies department.

How much longer can
we be ignored?

How much longer can we sit
back and do nothing?

How much longer is this
meeting going to last?

We've got to do something to
force the chancellor to listen to us.


Word up my brothers!

That was last week's protest.

Why don't we do something
that they used to do in the '60s?

Stage a sit-in.

That's a great idea.

Yeah, we'll take over the
chancellor's office.

Hey, he won't be able
to ignore us then.

OK, it's settled.

We'll stage our sit-in
tomorrow night.

All right.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Tomorrow night?

But we're going to Lake Tahoe.

Forget about Tahoe.

I'm going to the sit-in.

Well, I guess that means
the ski trip is off.

Sorry, Zack.


- Slater?
- What?

What are you, crazy?

You want to go to a sit-in?

Fine, we'll sit in a
hot tub in Tahoe.

It's nice to see that you've
get your priorities straight.

Oh yeah?
What about you?

You made a commitment.

What? Are you going to
bail on me at the last minute?

- I have no choice.
- Yes, you do.

All you get to do is talk to Theresa,
have her change it to another night.

I'm not going to ask her to
cancel something this important

for some silly ski trip.

Oh, Slater.

Look, you guys have been
friends for years.

It's time to talk it out.


Fine, you could
tell Pancho Villa

I'll never forgive him for ruining
my big chance with Leslie.

Uh, Pancho,

Zack says he's sorry this
weekend didn't work out.

You tell Mr. White Bread if his
biggest problem is a canceled ski trip,

then he ought to open his eyes and
see what's going on in the real world.

Uh, Mr. White Bread,

uh, Slater thinks you should get out
more and maybe see an eye doctor.

Yeah, well you tell
him he broke a promise,

and I'll
never trust him again.

He's a tad disappointed, but he's
willing to give you another chance.

- Tell him he's a jerk.
- You're not perfect.

Tell him he's a jerk.

Nobody's perfect.

- Oh yeah?
- Yeah.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

This is great!
We're arguing!

Hey, we're a family again!

All right, you got something
to say, Preppy?

- Say it.
- I will.

Why did you have to pick this
weekend to be a Chicano?

Man, you still don't
get it, do you?

Get what?
Get what?

We've been friends
for five years,

and not once has this
Chicano thing come up.

Then all of a sudden you meet
a girl and you go--

Look, this isn't about a girl!

It's about me.

Till two days ago, I didn't even
know my real name was Sanchez.

My dad changed it 25 years ago
to get into the military academy.

Can you believe it?

He felt he had to hide his
heritage to be accepted.

I don't want to do that.

Listen man, no one's
asking you to.

I mean, if you want a be a
Chicano, be a Chicano.

Just be one in Lake Tahoe.

I don't have time for this.
I've got to go to a sit-in.

Oh, so that's it? You're just
going to leave me hanging?

You're unbelievable!

Haven't you ever cared about
anything other than yourself?

I have something to
tell you, but before I do,

I just want you to remember
your sensitivity training.


I found little X-ey.

That's great!

I'm-- I'm feeling joy.

I'm feeling relief.

I'm feeling gratitude.

Actually, I found her
three days ago.

I wasn't going to give
her back to you.

I'm feeling rage, lots
and lots of rage.

You said X97 was a
research subject.

I've heard such terrible things
about animal research and testing,

that I thought you
were going to hurt her.

I'd never heard my little X-ey

I know that now.

Look, I'm really sorry
I didn't trust you.

I'll bet you're glad
to see your daddy.

Aren't you my little shoes?

Whoops, I must have grabbed
the wrong box.


Though I have a hunch where
little X-ey might be.

Can I have your attention,

I just spoke with
Chancellor Williams,

and I have been instructed to inform
you that the police are on their way.

If you fail to vacate this
office within five minutes,

you'll be arrested.

Well, you tell the Chancellor
that we've called the media,

and they're going to
be here any minute.

Excuse me, Theresa, there are five points
I think you should make to the press.

Thanks, but I think
I can handle it.

Oh, I'm sorry.
I'm being too pushy, aren't I?

I realize that could be
offensive to a person of color

coming from a person of
very little color.

Listen, you OK?

Yeah, I'm fine.

AC, I'm really glad you're here.

[speaking spanish]

Hm, man, I definitely
gotta learn Spanish.

Zack, I was hoping
you'd join us.

I'm not joining you.

I just need to talk to Slater.

I don't have time for any
more lectures, Preppy.

And neither do you.

- We're about to be arrested.
- Arrested?

Well, this is getting
out of hand.

That's right, so you better get
out of here while you still have time.

All right, I just got off the
phone with the Chancellor.

Just a minute.

Excuse me, but can
I say something?

Why do you have to
arrest anybody?

I mean, these people have
something to say.

You may not agree with them,
and I may not agree with them,

but at least-- at least they
have the right to be heard.


Now, come on.
This is still America.

People are supposed to be able
to express their beliefs

without the fear of persecution.

Are you finished?


Good, because I was going
to say that the Chancellor

has decided to meet with you
at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow morning.

Nice speech anyway.

- We did it. We did it.
- Yeah!



The TV cameras are
about to leave.

I'm gonna go and chain myself
to the bike rack.

Anybody wanna come?


AC, are you coming?

Go ahead.
I'll be down in a minute.



Took a lot of guts
to pull this off.

I liked your speech.

Even if it was a little late.

Oh, yeah?

I was afraid I might have
made a fool of myself.

You did, but that's
why I liked it.

You know, I've been thinking
about what you asked me,

if I ever cared about
anything but myself.

Well, there is
something I care about,

our friendship.

Yeah, I guess I have been a
little hard to live with this last week.

Hey, this was obviously
important to you,

and if something
is important to you,

I should respect that.

Sorry about, well, everything.

I hope we can still be amigos.

That means friends.

Hey, even I know that one.

Hey, this could be
a great TV movie,

and Theresa, I know
just who could play you.

Take me with my people.

Alex, this isn't an audition.

We're talking jail here.

And after regular jail, you're
going to overacting jail.

Tell him he's a jerk.

- You're not perfect.
- Tell him he's a jerk.

Nobody's perfect.

Isn't this great?