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07x11 - Time & Life

Posted: 08/31/21 15:06
by bunniefuu
(theme music playing)

("Cherry Brandy" playing.)

Oh, my God.
You have to taste it.

Shouldn't we wait for Don?

Chateau Margaux '53.

Considered by some
the best there is.

So, you were talking
about Ziploc.

Was I?

Yes. You were saying that
we might be in the running.

No, I said I was still deciding.

I see. So you would
like to know why

the agency that has
over-performed on Handi-Wrap,

Oven Cleaner, Bathroom Cleaner,

and corporate image cleaner,
is worthy of more business?

Well, I don't know about
Bathroom Cleaner.

"Germ k*ller"? It makes
people think of shit.

You didn't express that.

I expressed ambivalence

and you went the wrong way.


Yes, of course. So would you
like us to redo the work?

As I said, Pete,
I haven't decided.

Please, Ken, don't get up.
I apologize.

I couldn't get a cab.

I should let you try
Ken's incredible wine.

But first, I think you should
know that Ken prefers

the "bright and shiny"
bathroom strategy

because he says "germ k*ller"
makes people think of poop.


Don't have second thoughts, Ken.
You picked the right strategy.



Should we order?

Woman on phone:
Good evening, Mr. Draper.

You have three phone calls.

One at 7:00
from Tricia Reynolds

and two from Diana Baur
at 9:00 and 9:30.

Diana Baur?
What's the message?

I'm sorry, what was the message?

Actually, I see here.

I wasn't supposed to give
you her second message.

Or her first.

My goodness. Why don't
they just throw these out?

Do you know who spoke with her?

Yes, and I'll report this.
I work with birdbrains.

No, it's fine.
I just...

Did she leave a number?

No. I'm sorry.


Will you let everyone know I'll
pick up my own calls tonight?

Yes, of course.

And again, I apologize,
Mr. Draper.

Good night.


Do you read the mail
or do you just open it?

Shirley opened the mail.
I'll get her.

No, go get whoever is responsible
for paying our lease.

Dawn Chambers.


Get in here!


Don't do that.

You're gonna have to fire Dawn.

She didn't pay the lease.

I'll take care of this.

(elevator bell dings)

- (intercom buzzes)
- I have Trudy Campbell.

Well, hello, Trudy.
How are you?

Frankly, not good at all.

What did I do?

No, it's Tammy.

She was on the wait list
at Greenwich Country Day

and they promised her admission,
but they didn't keep their word.

What was she doing on
the wait list at all?

My father's entire family
went to that school.

They know who are you, Peter.

And they know who I am.

And they know
that we're divorced.

Greenwich, Connecticut,
is built on divorced money.

Don't yell at me.

I've arranged for a meeting
with the headmaster

and I'd like for you
to accompany me to show

that we're in this together,
if nothing else.

Yes, of course.


Just once, I'd like some notice.

I didn't want
to involve you at all.


You got me this time, Kirby.

You're all fired.

Hold on.

Someone at McCann-Erickson
gave notice in writing.

I was never informed.

We were never informed.

Well, it's obviously a mistake.

Get Jim Hobart... no, Ferg
Donnelly on the horn.

Just a minute.

Ladies, this is how
rumors get started.

So this stays in this room
till things get sorted out.

Back to work.

I'll get Ferg.

(organ playing)

So now I just want you to play.

Just pretend we're not here.

(turns organ off)

I'm giving you
my permission to play

with all these great toys.

Do what you would do
if we weren't watching.

That's what you'd do?

What's wrong with them?

You said you didn't want actors.

Well, real kids are shy.

And you have to talk
to them like people.

They all have their own toy.

If we want enthusiasm,
we should just have one toy.

Like a battle royale.

Just throw one in there and the
last kid standing gets the gig.

It would work.

You hate kids.

You know what? I want to see
how far you can throw that.

- (kids laughing)
- Take it easy.

Rog, I'm on my way to lunch.
What can I do for you?

It'll just take a second.

Someone over there accidentally
gave notice on our lease

and I need you to fix it.


Well, actually...

Actually what?

You really need
to talk to Jim about it.

About what? What the
hell is going on, Ferg?

Roger, calm down.

I think you'll see
it's all good news.

Go ahead.

Well, we're gonna move
your whole office

into our building
at the end of the month.


We don't mind paying people,

but it seems ridiculous
to rent two floors

of the Time Life Building when we
have plenty of space over here.

Hold on, are we
losing the office

or the agency?

That's the wrong way
to look at it.

We're bringing you home.

This is my home.

Are you dissolving us?

I'm gonna set a meeting
with Jim for tomorrow.

Look, this was supposed to be the
last thing done, not the first.

Were you planning this
all along?

Would you stop it?
It's going to be great.


What do I do?

(typewriter clacking)

Can I help you?

Really pulled one over on us.


What are you doing here?

Roger, you can't just tell Don.

- Tell Don what?
- Do you need ice?

We're not to be disturbed.

- Go ahead.
- No.

McCann's moving us
to their building.

We lost our lease.

Everything must go.

So we're moving?

I'd love a new view.

No, Pete, I don't think
that's all there is to it.

We're being swallowed up.

We have 30 days.

SC&P has conflicts.
That's why we exist.

Don't you understand?
We don't exist.

Our rent is too high.

- Anybody else?
- Yes, please.

That's it?
Have a drink?

Well, I'm not going.

You want to give up
the rest of your money?

We all have four-year
contracts and a noncompete.

I did not agree to this.

Yes, you did.

The minute we sold them the
company, we all agreed to it.

After all that, Jim Cutler wins.

All that cash and no McCann.

I hate that guy.

I like it over there.

Because you're a sheep.

Knock it off.

We've got a meeting
with Jim Hobart tomorrow

to discuss the details.
Let's try and be dignified.

Keep it in this room
until we have orders.

That explains
the forecast they wanted.

I'm sorry.

They waited so long,
I thought we were safe.

Betsy Wheeler.

Okay, Betsy,
I'm glad that's you.

Peggy, may I speak with you?

- Maybe later.
- It's very important.

I'll be right back.

- (sighs)
- What's wrong?

I'm telling you this because...

I don't know,
because no one else will.

And you really need to know.

We're being absorbed by McCann.


Are they letting me go?

No, they'll need you
for a while.

Maybe forever.

All I know is having
a leg up on the rats

who fly off this ship
is going to help you.

I would want it.


Are you going?

I have to.

I've never worked anywhere else.

You'll do great.

You should get back to work.

For your ears only.

Hello. It's me.

I love a call from you
in the middle of the day.

I just wanted
to hear your voice.

Even better.
What do you want me to say?

I got some bad news at work.


I don't care how bad it is.
It's not that bad.

You don't know that.

We can talk about it
tomorrow when I'm there.

I didn't know you were coming.

Lisa, get me on
the redeye to New York.

Now you know.

(knocks on door)

Melanie called. She has two two
bedrooms to show you tonight.

And it's five minutes till
the Mohawk status meeting.

Cancel everything.

What's wrong?

It's personal, honey.

(phone ringing)

Don Draper's office.

I'll see if he's available.

It's Lou Avery calling
from California.

(sighs) Shit.

I better take it.

Do you mind?

- Hello, Lou.
- Don.

I think we need
to have a conversation.

Look, we just found out.

I told Dee not to say
anything, but good you know.

I'm moving next week.

When did they tell you?

A couple weeks ago.

I thought about it for 10
seconds, then I thought,

"So what if it's Tokyo?
It's my lifelong dream."

They have an office in Tokyo?

They only have an office
in Tokyo.

What are you talking about?

Tatsunoko Productions.

They're making "Scout's Honor"
into a cartoon.

What did you think
I was talking about?

It doesn't matter.

They made "Speed Racer," Don.

I got a $15,000 advance.

Obviously, my mind's made up.


I wish I could see
the look on your face.

I bet you're not laughing
anymore, are you?

No, Lou, I'm not.

Well, sayonara, my friend.

Enjoy the rest
of your miserable life.



(exhales sharply)


If we're trying to keep
the office calm,

closing those curtains
is a bad idea.

So spill it.
Have you heard something?

Yes, I did.
Lou's moving to Tokyo.

I'm not even going to
tell you why

because it would
give him pleasure.

The point is Sterling
Cooper West is empty.

Of course it's empty. It's the
first drop out of the teapot.

What I'm saying is
it's available.

We can run a business
out of there.

We have no business.

I was looking at
McCann's rosters

and there's going to be
a lot of clients

they can't hold on to...

Take Sunkist for example.

It's 10 million in billings
and growing.

Coca-Cola owns Minute Maid,
so Sunkist is gone.

Burger Chef, it's four million

and they just dumped
McCann for us.

They keep telling me
their future's in California.

Exactly. What's our
square footage out there?


An old girlfriend measured it.

What I'm saying is there's
business in California.

If we can work out
of a bassinet,

we can make McCann money that
they'd have to throw away.

"We"? I don't want
to go back to California.

That's good. You don't have to.
Stay here, they'd like that.

Anyone else want to stay here?

Are we really playing this game?

Dow Chemical.

McCann fired Ken. And I mean
fired him out of a cannon.

He ain't going near that place.

- How much is that?
- Seven.

But Ken doesn't like us either.

But he loves feeling the tip of
your nose in the seat of his pants.

I'll take care of Ken.

What about Avon?

I'm sorry,
but it's not a conflict.

But I have the relationship.

No, that would be
stealing a client.

Avon has to go to McCann and
you have to help them keep it.

We're going to hand deliver
all of the clients they want.

We're meeting with Jim Hobart
tomorrow and we can't cancel.

You think we can secure
three accounts in 24 hours?

We've done it before.

(door shuts)

I'm sorry it's so hot in here.

I'm sorry about the intrusion,

but this is the only place where
we know we won't be seen.

Well, I'm comfortable here.

The question is,
how does it look out there?

Considering most firms
are Ivy League only

and you don't even
have a degree,

the landscape
looks very promising.

Who wants me?

Well, I can list
a bunch of initials

or I could tell you
what I really think.

You're the expert.

What's the best offer?


I don't want to go there.
That's why I called you.

I understand that.

Look, I'm foregoing
a commission here

because I'm a career builder.

I want to help you find a
job over and over again.

And sooner or later,

you're going to have to go
through a place like McCann.

Big company.
Big products.

National influence.

You shouldn't stay longer
than three years,

but that's where you should go.

But what else is out there?


For a lot less money
with a lot less cachet.

But you go to McCann
and by 1973,

you'll be looking at
four times the salary.

So that's it?

You could've just called
me and told me this.

I want you to consider
it seriously

before we take meetings.

Because word always gets out
and McCann is vindictive.

You're really selling it.

It's a huge opportunity.

(people shouting)

Come in.
Glad you could make it.

- I feel like a spy.
- You look like one.

We have caviar.

Your favorite red.
Chateau Margaux '53.

I'll have a snort.

Look, ahem,

they're dissolving the agency.

All the business
is moving to McCann.

They finally got you.

They ate you up.

We know it was hard enough to convince
you to stay when McCann bought us.

I can't imagine how you
feel about things now.

Yeah, I'm not going.

So we are proposing

that we retain our independence
in our California office

with a few select clients
who've insisted on it.

Who else is going?

Burger Chef and Sunkist so far.

It's strictly for conflicts.

And, well, conflicts.

Tell your superiors
nothing is going to change.

I know I always
come at you g*ns blazing,

but to them, I'm still the
new guy and Ed's son-in-law.

I can't suggest
a move this bold.

Boldness is always rewarded,
am I right, Pete?

I don't want to make Ken do
anything he doesn't want to do.

Now he obviously thinks it's
less bold to change agencies.

You're wrong.
Dow would be thrilled

to finally have all their accounts
at McManus, John & Adams.

Kenny, you know that
we know this account

inside and out
and we have Don Draper.

That's why you stayed anyway.

That's true.

We've done this before.

You know we can.

You know,
I've fantasized that one day

I'd be in this situation
with you, Roger.

And, Pete, well,

you're not exactly
an innocent bystander.

I've toyed with you long enough.


Sorry about that.


How do I describe California in a
way that doesn't make them jealous?

Tell them my ex-wife
lives there.

(chuckles) Mine, too, so what?

I know you're attached
to California.

I don't know what it means to you,
but it doesn't mean anything to me.

It does mean something to me.

I always feel bad
about taking your spot

when I saw what happened to you.

It should have been
you out there, not me.

You were very persuasive.

I was misguided.

I met someone.

She's not too young and she's
gorgeous and a little bit deep.

Where'd you find
a girl like that?

I knew her in college.

She's divorced, too,
but no kids.

I bumped into her
on Third Avenue

and we couldn't remember
why it didn't work out.



I hope you understand, she can't leave
New York and I can't leave her.

Stop it. You're helping
us by staying here.

Roger called.
Dow's a no.

Let me talk to Ken.

I suggested that and Roger
said it's quite final.

(sighs) Well, let's comb
through the small accounts.

See if we can cobble
a couple million together.

I'll go get the files.

Do you want more coffee?

I want to get on with this.
I have someplace to be, Trudy.

- Good morning.
- Peter Campbell.

Sorry to keep you waiting.

Well, I assume you know why
we're here, Mr. MacDonald.

We feel there's been a mistake
regarding our daughter Tammy.

It's a Campbell family tradition

to receive the inimitable education
of Greenwich Country Day.

But you didn't go here.

No, but a Campbell has been in
attendance since it was a barn.

(both chuckle)

I'm sorry,
but our decision is final.

Now, Trudy explained to me that you
said it's a question of space.

And I say Tammy would
make it worth your while.

She wouldn't feel extra at all.

It's not a question of space.

Your little girl scored very
low on her draw-a-man test.

Well, that's news to us.

And I find it hard to believe.

Your ex-wife and I
discussed this.

Children have to draw a man

and their development is assessed
based on the volume of details.

Eyes, nose, ears, 10 fingers,
10 toes, et cetera.

Your daughter had only a head,
mustache, and necktie.

- Mustache?
- She didn't understand what you wanted.

And I've been told anything
beyond a stick figure

is considered
advanced for her age.

Albert Einstein didn't speak
until he was four years old.

This is not about
your little girl.

The real problem
is that your former wife

failed to submit applications
to other schools.

That was careless and arrogant.

- What?
- How dare you?

I think we've said
all there is to say.

We're not leaving until
you apologize to Trudy.

Peter, it doesn't matter.


Would you like to step outside?

Are you sure you wouldn't rather
get me while I'm sleeping?

Like a real Campbell?

Are you kidding me?

No MacDonald will ever mix
with a Campbell.

- (scoffs)
- What are you talking about?

It's some stupid story.
It's 300 years old.

He's obviously nuts.

You should know that his clan took
advantage of the gift of hospitality

and m*rder*d my ancestors
while they slept.

The king ordered it.

Just be grateful you can remarry
and get rid of that name.


Come on, Trudy.

Another sucker punch
from the Campbell's.


I'm sorry, sweetheart,
the auditions are finished.

I already auditioned.
I'm waiting for my mother.

Where is she?

She had to pick up my brother.

He has another audition.

Look, Phil, it's a very
simple transaction.

We've been doing it for years.

Shirley, will you watch her?

I have every right to be upset

because I'm an important buyer and
you're acting like an assh*le.

Maybe we should go downstairs.

I'll see if Marsha's
back from lunch.

Do you know your phone number?

Did I get the part?

We haven't decided.


Her purse is gone. They must be at
the park. You should ice that hand.

No, this was a bad idea.
I really should get going.

It was a wonderful idea. Tammy
would love to see you by surprise.

Why did you only apply
to one school?

I had a back up,


I shouldn't tell you this.

You can tell me.

Well, the head of admissions
was a little fresh with me.

What school?

Peter, you can't punch everyone.

Maybe I should've
never left the city.

The city's become a toilet.

Well, it's difficult out here.

I don't have a lot of friends.

I don't believe that.

It's the husbands.

I don't want to hear this.

Every time I want
to do something...

Go into town,
any social event...

They won't leave me alone.

Then I think, "Who am I kidding?"

In 10 years, everyone
will leave me alone."

That is not true.

You're ageless.

I'm feeling sorry for myself.

This has been an ordeal.

I'll solve the school
problem in 30 days.

All it requires is a check.

- Tell Tammy I love her.
- You never take no for an answer.

- Actually, can I use your phone?
- Yes, of course.

- Where's Pete?
- He may be meeting us there.

Good, I made it.

- You need anything?
- Not now.

I just talked Secor
Laxatives into joining us.

- Go ahead.
- Where they difficult to move?

All I had to do
was not make that joke.

- Shall we?
- (elevator bell dings)


Hello, Susie's office.
How many I help you?

(sighs) Okay.

We got three boys, three girls.

- Top picks.
- She has a lisp.

Lisps are cute.

We could pluck that eyebrow.

You know what? I don't care.
You decide.

I know you don't mean that.


You can't tell anyone.

- You can't even tell Elaine.
- That won't be a problem.

- Why?
- What is it?

McCann's taking over the agency.

We're moving over there.

- Jesus, to McCann?
- Shh.

- (stapler clicks)
- (screams)

- What happened?
- I stapled my thumb.

Oh, it's okay.

I know it hurts.
It happens all the time.

Oh, great.
Go get some ice.

- You get ice, I'll pull out the staple.
- No.

Oh, here she is.

It was an accident.

- What is going on?
- I'll get the first aid kit.

- She stapled her finger.
- Susie Q, let mommy see.

- Very sorry.
- We're going to the emergency room.

It's not that bad.

You shouldn't let a child
play with dangerous things.

You shouldn't have abandoned her
in a midtown office building.

It's nobody's fault.

I had to go pick up my son

because your audition
ran two hours late.

So you just left an eight
year old at a job interview?

This is her favorite thing.
She loves it.

- And I bet you love cashing her checks.
- Peggy.

You do what you want
with your children,

I do what I want with mine.

How the hell did that
turn into that?

(inaudible) her.

I know you got other things
on your mind, but...

Let's just get back to work.

(sighs) Sure.

I'm sorry to have
kept you waiting,

but you're 20 minutes early.

We just wanted
to get everything ready.

For what?

Gentlemen, would you
please have a seat?

You see that? We could use
some manners around here.

I don't know about that,

but we are here to discuss everything
we can add to McCann-Erickson.

- So are we.
- Go on.

Our agencies compliment
each other in so many ways.

But as we considered this union,

we were alarmed
at how much business

we would all be giving up
due to conflicts.

There will be casualties.

Sunkist Orange Juice,
Burger Chef, Secor Laxatives,

and Tinker Bell Cookies
cannot come along.

$18 million in billings.

But what if we could
service those clients

from the modest offices
of SC&P West?

The best part is we'd
still be available to you

in any capacity you wish.


It's a gold rush out there.

In fact, we've made several...

Don. Don.

Don, stop.
This isn't necessary.

Jim, would you let him finish?

- Can you give us a minute?
- Yes, absolutely.

- Do you want this?
- No.

This is $275,000 in profit.

All cost covered that you don't
have to lift a finger to earn.

Don, sit down.

I'm sick about the way
this was handled.

It made the whole thing
look very capricious.

I assure you, it wasn't.

And you have to believe me when I say
we're rolling out the red carpet.

We're very excited about this.

- You can understand our attachment to our clients.
- And our name.

I don't think you
understand what's happened.

It's done.

You passed the test.

You are getting five of the most
coveted jobs in advertising.

And all the resources
that go with it.

Travel, adventure.

An international presence.

I shouldn't have to
sell you on this.

You are dying and going
to advertising heaven.


Ortho Pharmaceutical.



Stop struggling.

You won.

Take the rest of the day off.

Pop some champagne.

"I Followed My Heart" playing

I feel like I should
make a toast.


Well, we didn't drink to Cooper.

Glad he missed it.

Well, I have to go.

Kevin can wait.
We should get dinner.

I have plans.

Come back after.

Actually, I'll drop you off.
I should call Trudy.

She had quite a day as well.

We went down swinging.

Don't be a baby.
I'll see you tomorrow.

I'm going to get another round.

This is my last one.

I have a date.

You never worked at a place
this size, have you?

It's got a lot of advantages.

You never saw
the old Sterling Cooper.

- It was mammoth.
- Not like this.

You're happy about it.

That's okay, I understand.

I'm relieved.

I'm ready to let someone
else drive for a while.

I'd like to make a toast
to Lou Avery.

The Japs are going to
eat him alive.

(both chuckle)

What a disaster.

Come on, Joan.

I need you to be the voice
of the bright side.

Hobart listed off accounts
for everyone but me.

Put you on Ortho Pharmaceutical.


And I wouldn't count
on anything he said.

I don't know.

For the first time, I feel like
whatever happens is supposed to happen.

That's nice.

That's what you should've said.

Well, we both know

they're never going to take
me seriously over there.

They don't know
who they're dealing with.

I can't do any work.


Look, I've hunted
for a job before,

and I may not have to,
but I appreciate the warning.

No, I keep thinking
about that woman.

Her kid got hurt.
She felt guilty.

I know what she felt.

I understand the entire
psychological situation.

She shouldn't have talked
to me that way.

She shouldn't have kids.

That's not for you to say.

Ah, Jesus, I can't
even agree with you.

I don't hate kids.

Look, you got to a certain
point in your life

and it didn't happen.

I understand
you're angry about it,

but you've got
a lot of other things.

- Don't do that.
- I mean it.

You couldn't have done
all you've done otherwise.

I guess that's the secret
to your spectacular career?

The fact that
you don't have kids?

Not that I know of.

That's funny to you.

Because it wouldn't matter if you did.
You can walk away.

I would never do that.

But you may not even know.
That's what you said.

"Stranger on the Shore" playing.

It's been a long day.

You're right.

I didn't mean to judge her.

But you did and you don't
understand it at all.

I had a mother.
And she wasn't great.

And I don't know that she wanted
me, so I understand something.

But you don't understand
your mother.

Well, maybe I don't want to.

Maybe she was very young.

And followed her heart
and got in trouble.

And no one should
have to make a mistake

just like a man does
and not be able to move on.

She should be able to live the rest
of her life just like a man does.

You're right.

I know.

Maybe you do what you
thought was the best thing.


What did you do?


I'm here.



He's with a family somewhere.

I don't know,

but it's not
because I don't care.

I don't know because you're
not supposed to know.

Or you can't go on
with your life.

I'm sorry.
I didn't know that.

Well, ahem,

you don't know lots of
things about lots of people.

That's the point.

No, it's not.

I'm fine.

I have work to do.

You know, I made a deal with
God that if this worked out,

I would give up smoking.

Message received.

You're a young man with an
incredible future ahead of you.

("I Love So Much
About You" playing.)

No more Sterling Cooper

and no more Sterlings.

Margaret is the only daughter
of an only son of an only son.

All that's left is
a mausoleum at Greenwood.

What's in a name?

Every copywriter
thinks they're Shakespeare.

It's something to aspire to.

I always envied that.

The way you're always reaching.

I always envied
you didn't have to.

In another lifetime,
I'd have been your chauffeur.

Then you would've been
screwing my grandmother.

- Do you have somewhere to be?
- I'm afraid so.

Tell her to join us.

She wouldn't like it.

You wouldn't like it.

Now I've got to meet her.

You have.

It's Marie.

Marie Calvet.

You're serious?

Guess I should've
asked your permission.

Just warn me
before you tell Megan.

- I want to leave the country.
- She knows.

Then why didn't you tell me?

I wanted to make sure
it wasn't going away.

She's crazy, you know?

When I married my secretary,

you were hard on me.

And then you went
and did the same thing.

You know what?

For the second time today,
I surrender.

- I'm happy for you.
- Thank you.

You are okay.

(siren wailing)


(TV playing)

Can I help you?

I'm sorry. I must have
the wrong apartment.

Kenneth, do you know this guy?

I've never seen him before.
I swear.

No, I was looking for Diana Baur.
She used to live here.

Oh. Well, we just moved in.

Do you know how to reach her?

She left her furniture. The
manager told us to sell it.

Sorry to bother you.

You want another drink?

Good morning.

What did Caroline say?

They're making lists.

Somebody's not going.

The last thing they need
is another office manager.

Or another black girl.

I'm Roger Sterling's
second secretary.

Caroline's going to
elbow me out the window.

What are you talking about?

My goodness, Meredith.

We should put a bell on you.

Good morning.

What is going on?

There are rumors flying
like bats around here.

What have you heard?

Nothing from you.

Are we going to McCann
and am I going with you?

Meredith, sweetheart...

Don't "sweetheart" me.

In a month, you're not
going to have an office

and you're not going to
have an apartment.

Do you want to lose me, too?

I was going to tell you today.

You are coming with me
if you want to go.

Now, can I get
some Alka-Seltzer?

It is not a normal day.

Everyone's living in a fright.

You're right.

Get Mr. Sterling
on the line.

(phone ringing)


- This is Peggy.
- It's me.

Where are you?

Locked in my office.

Bourbon with my breakfast.

Did you figure out
what you're going to do?

I'm going to McCann.


And you can too if you want.

You think I should?

Everything's going to be fine.


I'm so dumb, I believe you.

Stay on the phone, will you?



Can I have your attention,

Some of you
may have heard already,

but we're proud to announce
that Sterling Cooper & Partners

will be moving
to McCann-Erickson.


Now our president,
Roger Sterling,

would like to say a word.

We know this news
may come as a surprise,

but McCann has assured us the transition
will be as smooth as possible.

(murmuring louder)

They've already
set aside room for us.

(murmuring continues)

This is good news.

We didn't do this.

Hold on.

This is the beginning
of something...

not the end.

("Money Burns A Hole
In My Pocket" playing)

Sync & corrections by wilson0804

♪ Money ♪

♪ Burns a hole
in my pocket ♪

♪ How I wish I had
millions of dollars ♪

♪ And nothing to do ♪

♪ But just buy ♪

♪ Pretty presents for you ♪

♪ Money ♪

♪ Burns a hole
in my pocket ♪