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07x10 - The Forecast

Posted: 08/31/21 15:05
by bunniefuu







Oh. (SIGHS) Melanie. I'm sorry.
I must have overslept.

They're coming before work.

I told your service,
but you never called me back.

There's no time for a shower.

I'll make the bed.

I thought you were having
the carpets cleaned?


I did.

I find it hard to believe I have to
replace it to sell this place.

Couldn't you rent a couple of pieces?

It's so lonely.

It's better.

They can imagine their own things in it.

Have you ever sold an apartment?

I've sold a lot uglier things than this.

Can you go?

Don't want you crossing paths.


Good luck.




Yes, I'll accept the charges.



Yes, Mom, you woke me.

I don't know. I'm not
due at the office yet.

Los Angeles is three hours earlier.
It's simple subtraction.

I want to talk to him, too.

Well, hello, sweetie.

Do you know how much I miss you?

What did you and Grandma Gail
do this morning?




Room service, please.

I'd like a glass of skim milk,

a grapefruit, and a pot of coffee.

And some French toast.


You wanted to see me?

Come in. Have a seat.

Can I offer you something?
A pad and pen perhaps?

You know, I could have you k*lled

for drinking anything
but a Coke around here.

To whom it may concern?

Our benevolent overlords
at McCann have invited

select presidents of select subsidiaries

to a godless retreat in the Bahamas.

So, you have to make a speech.

That's what I thought,
I figured it'll be like a toast, you know?

I'm good at that.

Apparently, Caroline
looked at the fine print

and they're expecting
some sort of written statement

on the future of this company.

Twenty-five hundred words.


By Monday. Plenty of time.

Harry's writing a manifesto
on the computer.

Chaough's doing performance reviews.

And they need to finish with a nice
Gettysburg Address-type speech

- that tells them where we'll be next year.

CAROLINE: Mr. Sterling, there's a call
for you on line three.

Gettysburg Address. Got it.

I'd do it myself, but
one of us is very busy.

You're going to the Bahamas.

I'm sorry. How are you doing?

Never been better.

Well, you've looked better.
You want me to get my barber in here?

Anything else?

Here are the specs.

Just reasonable hopes and dreams.

Doesn't have to be science fiction.

- CAROLINE: Roger?

You must be Dee.

What a pleasure to meet you
in the flesh. (CHUCKLES)

Top of the morning. How was your trip?

So far so good.

How about that sun?


Have you been to California before?

Listen, I've got to run an errand.
I'll be back.

First appointment is at noon.

Did we have a cancellation?

You're interviewing people
who already have jobs.

They have to sneak out.
It's lunch or breakfast.

Well, I thought we could rank
the candidates in advance.

Come on, I did it, you did it.

No need to do it together.

Santa Monica or Sunset?

Sunset to Highland to Cahuenga.

Why don't you show me around?

How is the Beverly Wilshire?
Have you seen Warren Beatty?

Not yet.

More money, bigger accounts, more awards,

international business...

and a space station?

Gas station.

I'm sorry, am I interrupting?

Do you have my thesaurus?


Listen, you need to sign off
on the Peter Pan cookie.

- He's very busy.
- Stay out of this.

We can't take it out without
you signing off on it and you know it.

Let's go.

You need me to set it up?

No, just broad strokes.

Peter Pan's best friend is Tinker Bell.

That's why his delicious cookie
is named after her.

We have "Dear John" letters
in children's handwriting

with kid voice-over explaining
why they've left the competitors

for the unique taste of
Tinker Bell Cookies,

made with real Peter Pan Peanut Butter.

Each letter has a little joke
about the competition.

(HIGH VOICE) "Dear Nilla Wafers,
it's so plain it's over. Susie."

"Dear Oreos, don't split
apart, I love another."

"Dear Chips Ahoy, I hope..."

Okay, I get it.

And then a cartoon touch of the wand
on the cookie. A sparkle.

"Peter Pan Peanut Butter lovers

"love Tinker Bell Cookies
more than all others."

Jesus, love again?

We use it all the time.

(SIGHS) Kids won't get it
and adults won't hear it.

It's not up for debate.
Do you have another line?

"One Tink and you're hooked."

What's wrong with that?

I was worried.

How will they know "Tink" is Tinker Bell?

Because you're going to tell them
five times in 60 seconds.

Are we still going to be ready?

Yeah. That's why we had this meeting.

Jim McCloud is gonna be here any minute.
Where's Lou?

He called. He's running late.

He called? From where?

Don't be mad at him.

He's working on something very big.


Between us...


The cartoon studio?

Yes. They're very interested
in this comic he created.

It's like Gomer Pyle,

but he's a monkey.

How long has this been going on?

Since he was in the army.
I think he misses it.

- That's not what I meant.

Hello. How are you?
You must be Mr. McCloud.

Yes. Yes, I am.

And you are?

I'm Joan Harris.

I'm an account executive and a partner.

Mr. Avery is stuck in traffic,
but I suppose we can begin.

I'm sorry.

Dee, would you offer
Mr. McCloud some coffee?


Hope I didn't keep you waiting.

I was catching up with Jim here.

Jim McCloud, Joan Harris.

It's a pleasure to meet you.

Pleasure's mine.

Jim, come on in. Take a load off.

Dee, can you get me a Sanka?

Who are you?

Richard Burghoff.

I'm looking for my optometrist.

Why didn't you say so?

A woman like you wants to talk to me,

I'm a little nearsighted, I'm not blind.

Have dinner with me.

I don't know.

I want to see if I can get the job.

LOU: Joan, are you coming or not?

I have to go.


Why am I signing these now?

Because you sign it again
when they cash it.

That's how they know it's you.

But anyone who steals this
could copy my signature too.

They have it worked out, Sally.

Why are you snapping at me?
This trip was your idea.

I'm going to miss you.

You should really talk to them
about Colonial Williamsburg.

You're driving right by it.

It's 12 states in 12 days.
They can't stop everywhere.

Well, when I did the
trip, it was six states.

Weren't they still colonies?

We got into a little bit of trouble

and I want you to know
that's to be expected.

Trouble? Really?

You know, staying up all night.

We would try and break all the light bulbs

in the hallway at every hotel.

We're not going to do that.


There are going to be boys everywhere

and you're going to be away from home.


I hope you have the good sense

to not act like you've
been let out of a cage.

I'm sorry, Mother,

but this conversation is a little late.

And so am l.

Everything is a joke to you.

- How'd it go?
- About how I expected.

They loved the lobby,
but the emptiness is a problem.

There's other ways to sell things.

I'm using everything I have,

but this requires too much imagination.

That's the best opportunity in the world.

Who's your best prospect?

It was a young stockbroker from New Jersey

with a 4-year-old and one on the way.

Why don't you tell them somebody lived here

who made a million dollars
inventing the Frisbee.

And they had to move in a hurry
to a castle in France. Taxes.

A little glamour, a little hope.

I'm not a magician.

I have to show it to people
with their eyes open.

And you know what it looks like?

It looks like a sad person lives here.

And what happened to him?

He got divorced,
spilled wine on the carpeting,

and didn't care enough to
replace it, even for himself.

Don't blame your failure on me.

This place reeks of failure.

It is an $85,000 fixer-upper.

A lot of wonderful things happened here.

Well, you wouldn't know it.

I have a good feeling about things.

See you tomorrow.

You know I have a very early flight.

- You are not going anywhere.

I'm serious.

Joan, I've been in prison for five years.

- You're acting like it.

Here's the plan.

First, I'm gonna kiss you.

I know the rest of this...

Then you're gonna cancel your flight.

Then I'm gonna drive you
up to Malibu for lobster

in one of those tourist traps

where everyone's getting engaged.

Then on up to the Biltmore in Santa Barbara

where I'll sit on a lounge chair,

and watch you get in and out of the pool.

Richard, that sounds wonderful.

But I have someplace to be.

And I'm sure you do as well.

- I told you, I'm retired.
- Yes.

And you were a millionaire developer.

You must think I just fell off a truck.


Are you a movie producer as well?

- No.

But the rest of it is the truth, honey.

What is the rest of it?

I guess we've been
dancing around this all night.

I'm divorced.


You think I would be doing this
if I was married?

Have you ever been married?


Boy, did he blow it.

He did.


Twenty-two years.

I stayed in it for the kids.

And when my youngest graduated,

I saw her heading off to
Europe and I thought,


"that looks good."

I mean, hell, I built something.
I built a lot of things.

But I also put off a lot of things.

And now I'm free. As a bird.

I need to work.

So you have mouths to feed?


I just finally got the
job I've always wanted.

So you're just an executive
on a trip out of town.

I'll send you flowers.


Good morning, Meredith.

Mr. Sterling came by
for your prognostication.

I told him you were at the library.

Not a bad idea.

And can you dig up the press release
from when we started SCDP?

That would be December '63.


Good morning, Don.

No. I'll get it.


Meredith got me two of these.
I only need one.


When are you casting St. Joseph's?

Two weeks. Did you meet someone
we should see?

No, just organizing my schedule.


You ever feel like there's less to
actually do, but more to think about?

Not really.

Maybe I'm a bad manager.

Maybe I'm too...

What do they call it? Hands-on.

So, going to this casting
session. What's next?

sh**t the ad?


What's the future going to bring?

I mean, it's good as it is, but is there
a scenario in which it's better?

You're incredible.

You know, Roger asked me to do that first.


How'd you get out of it?

I thought about it a
little and then I realized

you're so much better
at painting a picture.

So, you did have thoughts.


We'll have an oil company.
You know, maybe Goodyear Tires.

We know so much about cars.

That's your dream?

No, I mean,

obviously I'd like to one day...

I don't know.


I'd really love to

land a pharmaceutical.

Bigger accounts?

That's your greatest desire?

That's why I'm doing
the performance reviews.


You know, before McCann,
all I ever thought of

was will we be in business next year?

Or will I be here at all?

Now, it could be anything.



WOMAN: I have a Richard Burghoff
on the line.

I'll take it.


Well, your story checks out.


It's nice to hear from you.

How are things in paradise?

I don't know. I'm in town.

What? You're in New York?

Tell me where we're eating.

The Oak Room, 7:30.

Should I pick you up at work or at home?

I'll see you there.

Well, good. You can make an entrance.

- There you are.
- There you are.

We have a peanut butter cookie problem.

PEGGY: Don, don't listen to him.

Pete, what are you doing?

The client hated the layout.

Exactly, that's the problem.

And then Mathis and Ed
turned on each other.

There was some kind of
"I told you so" exchange,

which was already unbearably inappropriate.

And then Mathis said...

A four-letter word that starts with

Have you ever heard such a thing?

He was frustrated. He can't fire my men.

I can fire you!

Hold on.

Nobody's getting fired.
You have to send those idiots back in.

Absolutely not!

If you send someone new, it looks
like we're starting over.

It was a crime of passion.
They've heard the word before.


I want new work fast.

Problem solved.


May I help you?

Is Sally home? I'm a friend of hers.


There's a young man here to see you.

What's your name, ma'am?

It's Loretta.

Is Mrs. Draper home?

You mean Mrs. Francis.

What are you doing here?

I was in the neighborhood.

You know, Betty's home.

I don't care. I just wanted to see you.

See? You survived finals.

How's your summer?

I'm going on a teen tour.

Then, maybe be a lifeguard again.

Do you have something to do right now?


- I got it.
- I got it.

Hey, I'll be out in a second.

I have to use the restroom.

This is Paula. This is Sally.

Hey there. Could you get me
a map to the powder room?

Uh, first door on the left.

BETTY: Hello.

You have a lovely home.

Sally, I didn't know you had guests.

We just dropped by.

We were on our way to Playland

and thought maybe you'd want to come.

Aren't you going to introduce me?

I'm Glen Bishop. We lived
up the street in Ossining.


My goodness. How old are you?


So, you two have stayed in touch?

- Yeah.
- We've been pen pals.

What have you been doing with yourself?

(LAUGHS) You look so different.

You look exactly the same.

Good, you found my backpack.

Yes, it was in the storage room.

Oh, you must be in school.

Yeah, just finished my freshman
year up at Purchase.

That's supposed to be very good.

I'm actually going back to school myself
this fall.

Very cool.

Can I have some actual money
to take to Playland?

What? Of course. Go get my pocketbook.

Can't you?

Hey. Sorry for running past you.

My mother hates that.
Just really had to go.

That's quite all right.

Can I offer you all something to drink?

- Iced tea?
- No.

- I'd take a beer if you got one.
- Of course.

Hold on. I thought we were going
to Playland. Are you coming?

I'd love to go with you,
but I don't have any money.


You talk to your parents this way?

Do you have any grass?

We can get it there.

Don't stay too late. You have to pack.

Nice meeting you.

Enjoy the rest of your summer.



I feel like I should say
a more formal goodbye.

Nonsense. You're welcome here anytime.

No. It's just that

I'm shipping out next week.

What do you mean?

I'm reporting.

He joined the army.

Are you kidding?


- Are you f*cking stupid?
- Sally!

I don't expect you to understand.

- You hate the w*r.
- Not anymore.

What about Kent State? You were crying.

You were gonna join the movement.

What about a bunch of n*gro kids dying

while we just sit at home getting stoned?

- It's immoral.
- Was this your idea?

We just met.

You're gonna die. For what?

Don't listen to Jane Fonda here.

It's a very brave thing to do.

SALLY: You know what?

Have fun at Playland.

Just remember those kids are the same age

as the ones you're going to be
murdering in Vietnam.

Sally, come on.

I'm sorry.


- I expected it.

Well, you've obviously grown
into a fine young man.

Thank you, ma'am.

Please don't let this mar your afternoon.

We'll see you when you get back.

Sally, too.


Fourscore and seven years ago.

We know where we've been,
we know where we are.

Let's assume that it's good.


But it's got to get better.

It's supposed to get better.


MEREDITH: Mr. Mathis needs to see you.
I told him you were busy.

Send him in. (CLEARS THROAT)

Hello, Don.

Just wanted to thank you
for fighting for me.

Who told you that?

Should we open it?

I'm set.

I appreciate your confidence in me.

What do you want?

I want you to come to the meeting.


You have to make this right yourself.

How? I mean, do I apologize to them?

Do I apologize to Ed?

Do I slam my hand in the
door over and over?

I once interrupted the client

during a presentation for
Lucky Strike, our biggest account.

- What did you say?
- I wasn't supposed to talk at all.


I knew if I apologized, they'd never
wanna work with me again.


Do I really have to explain that?

Not if you don't want to.

So the next meeting, I walked in,
shook Lee Garner's hand and said,

"I can't believe you have the balls

"to come back after you
embarrassed yourself like that."


Okay. I think I understand.

I don't know.

Bring in a bar of soap.

Tell them it's there in case
you need to wash your mouth.

Something like that.

Thank you, Don.


This was a big deal. Four golf courses.

Some with estates planned on the perimeter.

- Palos Verdes.
- Is that nice?

Yes, dear.

And all of a sudden,

some hippies come out of the wall yelling

about low-income housing, k*lling birds.

Must be real radicals

to prefer low-income housing
to a golf course.

Come on, whose side are you on?

I just root for the underdog.

Well, let's see how softhearted you are.

How about a nightcap?

That sounds nice.

Where did you tell him you were?


Tell me the truth. Are you married?


Please don't lie to me.

I have a little boy.


His name is Kevin and he's four.

Four? That's a very little boy.

Does that make a difference?


Can I get the check?

Yes, I'm fine. Um...

When do you expect him back?

But I'm going out of town tomorrow

and I want to say goodbye.


Just tell him I'm sorry

and I want to say goodbye.

He has to call me.

I'm sorry. I didn't want to make you cry.



(LAUGHING) What are you doing?

I want your hands free.

Do you mind if I make a phone call?

I should tell somebody
I'm going to be late.

- Can I offer you a brandy?
- Gin and tonic.

May I have an outside line, please?

Look at this. Ice.

That's a good hotel.

Well, I'm not gonna ask now,
as a matter of fact...


Harris residence.

Hello, Maureen. It's Joan.

I wanted to see if you could
stay a few hours longer.

I don't know.

It's already a quarter to 10:00.

Well, what did we say, 11:00?
How about 1:00?

I don't know. I kind of
have someplace to be.

Any chance in persuading you
to stay until midnight?

Okay. You know,
he had trouble going to sleep.

He said he was afraid
of a cow or something.

It's a horse. ls everything okay now?

I don't know. I haven't heard anything.

I'll check on him.

Wonderful. Thanks so much.

You need to go?

No. We have all the time we need.

Or until midnight.

I wasn't going to spend the night

under any circumstances.

It's the kind of woman I am.

A woman with a little kid.

Would you rather I was married?

Honey, give me a little bit of credit
for the fact that, well,

I could have been a cad

and waited until after to tell you...

I don't like this.

YOU don't like what?

I love kids.

But I raised mine already and I'm...

I know it sounds selfish.

I mean, I'm done with that part of my life.

You're being presumptuous.

I know what this is and so do you.

Or you wouldn't have lied.

I can't believe this.

You're such a disappointment.

This is not how I saw things.

I have a plan, which is no plans.

You can't go to the pyramids.
You can't go anywhere.

You're right.

Nice meeting you.



MEREDITH: Miss Olson would like to see you
when you have a moment.

Send her in.

Ted told me I have to fill out
my own performance review.

I guess he respects your opinion.

I'm tired of this.

I'd start with that.

I'm serious.

I want to have my performance reviewed.

I've had quite a year.


What do you see for the future?

Well, um, is that on there?

No, I'm just curious.

I'd like to be the first
woman creative director at this agency.

That's funny to you?

No, I'm impressed that you know exactly.

What else is there?

That's what I'm asking.

Let's say you get that.

What's next?

Land something huge.

And then?

Have a big idea.

Create a catchphrase.

So you want fame?


What else?

I don't know.

Yes, you do.

Create something

of lasting value.


In advertising?

This is supposed to be about my job,
not the meaning of life.

So you think those things are unrelated?

I didn't know you'd be in a mood.

Do you want me to do this or not?

Why don't you just write down
all of your dreams

so I can shit on them?



Where the hell were you?

Good morning to you, too. I was at class.

Why didn't mention that last night?

Didn't Gail give you my schedule?

You and Gail are quite a team.

She really needed a vacation.

I think you need a vacation.

You know what?

You're ruining my life.

KEVIN: Bye-bye.

Bye-bye, sweetie.


Anyway, I think you'll be impressed.

If nothing else, by the speed with which
they turned this around.

Well, nice to see you again.

I can't believe you two
have the balls to walk back into this place

after the way you embarrassed yourselves.



Did you go to the World's Fair?

That's what I think it's
going to look like.

What was your favorite part?

Oh, good. You're here.

- Can I help you?
- Get out.

What's going on?

I tried your little saying
and I'm off the business.

What are you talking about?

I made yourjoke and it failed miserably.

- The soap thing?
- No!

The one where I told
them they were assholes.

You could've thought of
something yourself, you know.

I did. It was apologize,

but you don't understand that

because guys like you don't have to do it.

Guys like me know how to do it.

Roger tells that Lucky Strike story, too.

But he says that Lee Garner Jr.
Was in love with you.

That you always had to be at the meetings

so he could think about jacking you off.

You have a foul mouth.

Take responsibility for your failure.

That account was handed to you
and you made nothing of it

because you have no character.

You don't have any character.

You're just handsome.
Stop kidding yourself.

Everybody has problems.

Some people can deal with them
and some people can't.

Look at yourself.

Because the next thing you're going to have
to move past is losing this job.

You're fired.

I guess I kind of assumed that
when lwalked in here.

I just knew I shouldn't apologize.

- Is everything all right?
- Can you shut the door for me?


WOMAN: There's a Jim McCloud
here to see you.

He's waiting in the lounge.

What are you doing here?

Well, thank you so much.

I'm a heel, okay?

No, it's my fault.

I thought about it
and I'm sending my son away.


No, I thought about what
you said. And I like you too.

And if I have to choose between
you and my son, I choose you.

That's not what I said.

That's exactly what you said.

Well, I've thought about it and I want
to be a part of your life.

And your little boy, too.

I live with my mother.

And I've been divorced twice.

I'm buying some property in New York.

Where do you live?

12th Street.

Okay, I'm not gonna
buy property down there. (CHUCKLES)

But I'm gonna get a place
in a nice neighborhood

near the park and you're gonna visit.

All of you.

We'll see.

I don't want to be rigid.

It makes you old.

Can I call you?


- LORETTAI I got it.

GLEN: Hello.

Oh, hello.

Loretta let me in on her way out.
I didn't want to surprise you.

No, that's fine.

You know, Sally's not here.

I know.

Can I get something to drink?

Of course.

What do you have in mind?

How about that beer?

- Do you want to sit down?
- No.

They have beer over there.

From what I read in the magazines,
they have all the comforts of home.

Sally's mad. My mother's mad.

But you're not.

Look, they're afraid for you.

I am too, honestly.

But you understand why I'm doing it.

Do you want me to say that I like it?

I know you do because I'm brave
and I love this country

and I want to protect
it and everyone in it.


I know something could happen to me.

But I feel safe because I know you're mine.

Glen, stop.


Because I'm married.

I'm sorry.

It's okay.

I understand.

You don't.

Well, I don't know what
I'm supposed to say.

This was gonna be the good thing
that came out of all this.

This is all I thought about.


I know you know me.

I know you know the man I can be.


please don't tell me that
you did this for me.

I couldn't live with myself.

It's so much worse.


I flunked out.

(SIGHS) Oh, no.

My stepdad knew I was doing bad.

He's gonna k*ll me. Kick me out.

After I told him,

he was so proud.

Everything was peaches and cream.

You're going to make it.

I'm positive.

Don't let me fill up on these.

The bus leaves at 8:30.
Will the food come in time?

They must have run out of stray cats.


You're so funny.

- He always says that.
- It's still funny.

What place are you most excited about?

Washington D.C. We're going
to the floor of the Senate.

To protest?

No, we're getting a tour from Senator Dodd.

We're going to find an office for Carol.

You wanna work there one day?

I want to be a senator.

That's impressive. Good for you.

I don't know what I want to be.

You'll figure it out.
What are your interests?

I guess I just want to live in New York.

I want to be a translator at the UN.

Yolanda's father is a diplomat.

I'm so tired of people
asking me what I want to do.

Well, if you're lucky enough to think
of it, you should write it down.

Because when you get older,
you're gonna forget.

Did you write down "advertising"?

I didn't know what advertising was.

But I wanted to be in New York City, too.


So, where do you live, Don?

Where do I live? The Upper East Side.

In a penthouse?

As a matter of fact, yes.

But he grew up very poor.

And now you have a penthouse.

May n


When I watch television,

the commercials are my favorite part.


So what do you want to do?

I just want to eat dinner.

Nothing like having realistic goals.


Goodbye, Mr. Draper.


Thanks for dinner.


I'll wave from the bus.

Hold on a second.

It's okay to be nervous about going away.

You can't control yourself, can you?

What are you talking about?

Sarah's 17, you know.


I'm well aware of that, Sally.

But it doesn't stop you.

And it doesn't stop Mom.

Anyone pays attention to either of you,

and they always do...

And you just ooze everywhere.

Your friend's a fast girl, Sally.
I didn't want to embarrass her.

You know what I'm gonna
write down for my dream?

I want to get on a bus
and get away from you and Mom

and hopefully be
a different person than you two.


I'm your father.

And you may not want to listen to this,

but you are like your mother and me.

You're gonna find that out.

You're a very beautiful girl.

It's up to you to be more than that.



Bobby, Gene, get back here.

It's time for bed.

I want to watch The Brady Bunch.


- (TOY g*n FIRING)
- Give me that.


Oh, um...

This will just take a minute.

It's done. I did it.

I don't know how, but they're signing.

Right now?

Asking price. Thirty-day escrow.


Now we have to find a place for you.