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07x05 - The Runaways

Posted: 08/31/21 15:00
by bunniefuu
Good morning.

Plans for the weekend?

- California?
- Next weekend.

I want you to know
I haven't forgotten

your request
regarding Handi-Wrap.

I spoke to Lou and he's very happy
to have you on the business.

And, of course, you can assume
from our conversation that I am, too.

Thank you.

I hope you understand
I mean on the team.

That's exactly what I asked for.

Stop humming!
You're not happy!

Do you want me
to introduce you?

I'm not interested in her.

She belongs to it
and it belongs to her.

- What is "it"?
- What, am I Cassandra?

That machine came for us.
And one by one...

- Good morning.
- Morning.

Morning, lovely.

What's wrong?

Do you know anything about this?

Where did you get this?

I found it on the Xerox machine.

And I thought,
"Wow, Shirley's gonna be

in a lot of trouble
for leaving it there."

- It's sensational stuff.
- I didn't leave it there.

But I appreciate its return.

It's got to be pretty recent.

He's got one about
Eisenhower's funeral.

I'm sure he'd prefer
you hadn't seen this.

Hmm, that's not
what Dr. Freud would say.

No one has seen this.

"Scout's Honor."

Mr. Ginsberg?

This thing's on the fritz.


Meredith, honey,
I don't want that spelled out,

l just want it spelled right.

Mr. Draper.

I was just talking to you.

There's a Stephanie Horton
calling collect.

Would you like
to accept the charges?

She says she's your niece.

Yes, absolutely.

Hello, Stephanie.
It's Don.

I wasn't sure
if you'd remember me.

Come on.
How are you?

How are you... Don?

About the same.

Is everything okay?


I suppose it probably sounds
like an emergency, but it's not.

I thought of you because, well--

it's not an emergency.

You're making it sound
like an emergency, sweetheart.

I'm pregnant.

I'm expecting.

And I'm running out
of bread and...

I hate that this is why I'm talking
to you after all this time.

I'm glad you called me.

That's what I'm here for.

I mean, you're my...

What'd you call yourself?
My niece.

I don't know why I said that.

No, that's what you are.

I like that.

Are you still in Berkeley?

I'm in LA.
That's where I ended up.

It's gonna be fine.
Do you have a pen?

How far along are you?

I think around seven months.

But my mom says I came early.

My wife, her name
is Megan Draper, lives in LA.

Can you get to Laurel Canyon?

I've got a car.
You got married again?


She's gonna take care of you.

I want you to stay there.
I'm coming out tonight.

I don't know.

I want to see you.
It's not up for debate.

Thank you, d*ck.

You may find the time
by dialing

Meridian 7-1-2-1-2.

I'm sorry, can I speak
to Megan, please?

- Hello.
- Listen, I'm coming out tonight.

Oh, okay.
ls everything okay?

Not really.

You're gonna get a visit
from Stephanie Horton.

She's Anna Draper's niece.

She's expecting
and she's alone

and she needs money
and I should see her.

Poor thing.

I'll cancel my party
and you can catch up.

What Pam?

You said you weren't
coming this weekend,

so I'm having the party
for my acting class.

- Tonight?
- Tomorrow night.

But I don't need to have it.

Or you can come.
Stephanie can come.

Don't worry about it.
We'll stay out of your way.

You don't have to pick me up.
I'll be in by 10:00.

I'm so sorry, Don.
We'll make her feel at home.

Who's there with you?

Amy from Delaware.

Could you get rid of her?
I'd rather keep this a family matter.


I'm sorry this is the reason,
but I'm glad I get to see you.

Me, too. Bye.


Burger Chef's mascot
Little Chef is a flop

because he's, what,
another chef?

He doesn't eat the burgers,
he cooks them.

But what if you replaced him
with a fresh recruit?

A saucy little ret*rd named Scout.

He can't work
at a hamburger stand.

He can take anything
but an order.

Hey, Don.

Stan, once the smoke clears,

I need you to rush some things out
for Handi-Wrap.

- I need it by 4:00.
- Mmm.

I'm really, truly busy.

What the hell is that?

Turns out Lou thinks
he's Mort Drucker.

- Mort Walker.
- How'd you get this?

It wasn't our fault.
Why is Scout always up to no good?

He peeled a bag of grapefruits.

Thought they were potatoes.

I'm gonna get rid of this.

He left it on the Xerox.
He obviously wanted us to have a copy.

You're just gonna force me
to draw my own.

I've got a plane to catch.
Get to work.

Don's still part of the faculty.

Naw, he's gonna stroke
to 'em later.

Why don't you let Loretta do that?

She can handle the homework.
I'll handle the silver.

What'd you land on?

Rumaki, Crab Louie
on toast points,

and little franks
in barbecue sauce.

You know they've got
four more houses to visit after us?

I wanted to go first
to put everyone at ease.

They get so tongue-tied
around us.

They can only pretend so long
we're just regular neighbors.

Could you stock the bar?

Hi. Did you have
any trouble finding us?


I'm Megan, by the way.

I'm Stephanie.

You are so beautiful.

I know, I'm a Madonna.

But you are truly magnetic.

What do you do?

Don didn't tell you?
I'm an actress.

Uh, welcome.

I'm grateful.

For some reason,
I'm not crying, man.

Well, why don't I fix you
something to eat

and then you can take
a shower if you want?

- Is it that bad?
- No!

I don't know.

I think you'd want to relax.

Don didn't say much about
your situation other than the obvious.

Your place is out of sight.

I'm at a flop in MacArthur Park,

but I'm headed up to Oakland
with a little help.

I have some friends there
and one of them's old man's a doctor.

So, assume it's no trouble at all.

What's your pleasure?
Grilled cheese? Spaghetti?

Do you have any meat?
I've been dreaming about it.


Now you go into the bedroom
back there.

I changed the sheets.
There are towels.

You can lie down, run a bath,
whatever you want.

Make yourself at home.

Thank you.
I'm pretty beat.

You know I want her.

You can't have her.

Why can't I have her?

Because Scout's on 'er.

Nice of you to join us.

Don, why don't you take the mound,
throw out the first pitch?


Stan has some
very preliminary work.


Should I move over there
or do you want to come over here?

I don't know, Stan.
Can you be smug from over there?

Lou, I don't know
what you think you heard.

I heard everything!

From your first fart
to your last dying breath.

You think it's funny?

I apologize deeply.

What happened?

Let me ask you, Peggy.

- You ever heard of Underdog?
- The cartoon?

Sweet Polly Purebred.

Saturday morning.

It makes hundreds of thousands
of dollars a year.

Mostly for its creator Chet Stover
of Dancer Fitzgerald.

- Did you know him there?
- He was nothing special.

"Scout's Honor"
is 100 times better.

I can tell you right now,
it's a winner.

You know who had a ridiculous dream
and people laughed at him?



Oh, I did not mean that
the way it sounded.

I mean, if you're telling us
that this is your dream,

I apologize for being
one of those naysaying idiots.

I hate people like that.

Bob Dylan.

Is he hip enough for you?

He was 20 years old
when he wrote "Blowin' in the Wind"

and he's a genius.

Look at where he is,
look at where you are.

You know what?

You're a bunch
of flag-burning snots.

You've got a thing to learn
about patriotism and loyalty.

The very fabric of "Scout's Honor"
is a joke to you.

We're gonna have
this meeting later.

So order dinner
because I want finished work.

And if any of you don't like it,

you can thank
your hilarious friends here.

Last flight's at 9:00.
Put me on that.

- I'll cancel my plans.
- Just mine, not yours.

I don't know if it's vandals
or just kids being kids.

What is it?

Someone broke all the streetlights
on Peck Avenue.

And you want Henry
to get them fixed?

No. Mike was just saying
it's a national disease.

The wildness of the kids.

I just don't expect it
in Westchester.

I know all everyone wants
to talk about is Vietnam,

but things are
falling apart here, too.

The rumaki is exquisite.

Thank you.

Well, I don't know
that those things are unrelated.

I mean, first the kids
start off protesting

and the next thing you know
every authority is up for grabs.

I mean, if they learned
how to support their country,

sacrifice in hard times,
we'd have the morale to win the w*r.

Mike, you have plans
for summer?

Even Nixon wants to bring
the w*r to an end.

I'm surprised, Henry.

Don't be, Mike.
I agree with Nixon.

I think it's too costly.

It has to be clone
on the right terms,

but I think we should get out
while the getting's good.

Since when?

I've always supported
the president, honey.

I think that maybe everyone
should fill up here.

I don't know
if my lamb turned out.

I'm sure it's delicious.

Let me check the Sterno.

Well, I think I worked
every side of the strategy.

Don, you've been the boss.

The briefcase and the hat,
that's a rookie maneuver.

You got someplace to be?

I'm afraid I do.

How's it going to look for them
if I let you go?

Well, you could let everybody go.

Is that what you would do?

No, I'd let you go, Lou.

Well, I'm afraid
it's too late for that.

I'm gonna do you the courtesy
of reading these

so that you can continue to work on them
instead of coming up with new things,

because I'm gonna
tuck you in tonight.

About your cartoon.

Here we go.

This is an office made out of people
who have problems with authority.

You know you have to have
a thick skin, but don't help them.

I'm not taking management advice
from Don Draper.


I can't get out of here tonight.

Oh, I'm sorry.

- Is she there yet?
- She's taking a bath.

How is she?

She's pretty far along.

So beautiful.

Well, don't bother her.
Tell her I'll see her in the morning.

Don't worry.
I made her a steak.

Thank you.

Okay, I'll see you
tomorrow morning.


Damn, that smells good.

Don's stuck in New York.
He's flying in tomorrow morning.

Was that him?

Yeah, he's frustrated.
I told him not to worry.

Wait, do you want to eat outside?

I do that all the time.

I love that you're wearing
Anna's ring.

Oh, yes.
It's beautiful.

I'm sorry I never met her.

She's around.
Believe me, you've met her.

She's happy it's in the family.

Well, maybe you'll have
someone there to give it to.

Oh, no.
It's yours now.

You'll probably have
someone of your own.

We'll see.
I don't know.

Don's kids are plenty for me.

I haven't eaten meat in a year.

I don't think this is a good idea.

I can make spaghetti.

It's probably hard
with you here and him there.

Are you with someone?

Not right now.
He was a musician.

They're the worst.

Dropped out of school.
Followed him down here.

Started flush at the beach,

ended up downtown panhandling.

And then he got busted
dealing grass

and we celebrated
before he went away.

He'll be out in a month.

So will this little guy.

- Does he know?
- No.

I'm afraid he'd m*rder someone
just to stay in jail.

- I won't tell Don.
- Oh, I don't care.

I know all of his secrets.

But you don't know him
very well.

You're right.
You're right.

It's just I'm looking at you

and seeing how, well,
disorganized this all is.

And I don't think
he'd stand for that.

I don't think he'd trust you
to make your own plans.

I don't know what I'm doing here.
This was a dumb idea.

No, no, I mean, he wants to help,
I'm sure, in his way.

We both do.

I'm going to give you."

would $1,000
get you far enough?

That's very generous.

This comes with no strings.

Thank you.

I really think it's better this way.

You're right.
I'm gonna take off.

You haven't eaten anything yet.

I guess I got what I came for.

There's no rush.

Nothing ever happened
between us, you know.

Of course not.

You're his niece.
I know that.

The children are asleep.

- What about your headache?
- Keep your voice down.

I did not appreciate
going stag

to four people's homes
whom I barely know.

I'm sorry.
I wasn't feeling well.

You didn't have to go.

Hey, Emily Post, why were you
talking about the w*r?

I didn't bring it up.

But maybe I should more
because I didn't know where you stood.

I shouldn't have to brief you

because you shouldn't be
talking about those things.

I'm not a dinner companion.
I'm their elected representative.

- You ran unopposed.
- We'll see if that lasts.

From now on, keep your conversation
to how much you hate

getting toast crumbs in the butter
and leave the thinking to me!


I'm sorry.
It just caught me off-guard.

Well, you embarrassed yourself
way more than me.

You know what?

I decided I can see that Monday.

Good night.



ls she okay?


Oh, hi.

- Who are you?
- I'm Amy.

- We met on the phone.
- ls Megan here?

Oh, Don.

Amy, do you mind?

I'll just use the ladies'.

I'm sorry, but she left.

You told her I wanted to see her?

I really tried to get her to stay.

But the money already came up
and I gave her $1,000.

She must have been

She said she'd call you
from Oakland.

You should have called me.
At least let me talk to her.

She's an adult, Don.

Do you want to go
to the market with us?

You know, I'm gonna have
company tonight.

Maybe it'll cheer you up.

We'll go.

- Is everything okay?
- Yes.

- We should go.
- Anything for you, Don?

I know what he likes.


We're back.

- Let me see.
- She's fine.

Couple of black eyes.

Can I go lie down?

I want to know
what really happened.

They were sword fighting
with golf clubs.

- We're idiots, okay?
- You are.

You can't be trusted on your own.
That's your face, young lady.

That's right, it's my face.

- Why am I even here?
- Girls! Girls! Please.

Sally, you can understand

how your mother and I are both
worried about your nose.

Yeah, I know, because where would
Mom be without her perfect nose?

She wouldn't find
a man like you.

She'd be nothing.

It was a perfect nose.

And I gave it to you!

You're lucky Henry
is important enough

to get Dr. Kramer
to fix it this weekend.

I suppose you'd rather do it
in a barn in Farmington.

It's a nose job,
not an abortion.

- I'm going to break your arm next.
- Betty!

Don't worry about me
finding a man.

I already have you
to keep me in line.

You're going to your room and you're
going to wait there until morning.

Good, I prefer it.


Just a minute.

It's for Megan again.


It's Green Matt's.


The main door was open
and you didn't check the peephole?

It's a bad neighborhood.

What are you doing here?

I wanted to tell you--

May I?


I was just in the office
and there's something going on.

- What?
- The computer.

It's Saturday.
Take the day off.

That's right,
so why were Lou and Cutler

having a secret meeting
in that air-conditioned lair?

- I don't know.
- But I do.

They're h*m*.


Anything else to report?

Peggy, it's serious.

That machine makes men
do unnatural things.

What did you see?

- Who are you?
-This is Julio.

- Hello.
- Hey.

I'd like to say Peggy's mentioned you
at work, but she hasn't.

Julio lives upstairs.

Interesting arrangement.
Very modern.

I live with my mama.

I live with my pop,
which is why I can't work at home.

Can I please work here?
I can't go back to the office.

Not right now.
I'll stay out of your way.


Can I use your typewriter?

It's too loud.

"You've Made Me
So Very Happy" playing

♪ You've treated me so kind ♪

♪ I'm about to lose my mind ♪

♪ You make me
so very happy ♪

♪ I'm so glad you ♪

♪ Came into my life... ♪

I wouldn't have invited them both
if I had known.

I swear, I thought
she was his daughter.

Don't you kind of want
to see what happens?

I'm doing fine.

I don't think you are doing fine.

Maybe I'm not in the mood.

Oh, sorry.

This is why I never
invite musicians.


What a merry band
of players we are.

So you're an actress, too?

I will be if someone will let me.

"Petite Fleur" playing

Come on.

Come on in.

Want another drink?

Is that Harry?

Don. Megan.

I'm sorry.

Miranda here invited me to a party.
I didn't know this was it.

Hi, Miranda.

This place is out of sight.

I've been trying to help
Miranda find an agent.

You're so helpful.

Harry, what do you say
we go get a drink?

- Do you mind?
- No, of course not.

As long as Harry drives.

Well, I- we--

should I bring Miranda along?

Do you want to?

Sorry, honey.

We'll get you a ride.

She better not catch you in here.

But then I'm not
gonna get to see you.

That's the way Betty likes it.

Are they gonna get divorced?

What? No.

They're the Dynamic Duo.

That's never going to happen.

The other night, they were
really screaming at each other.

I saw Henry take
a pillow to the den.

I'm gonna hitch
back to school tonight.

Can I come with you?

You want to run away?

I have a stomach ache
all the time.

You're not gonna piss,
are you?

I don't do that anymore.

I'm sorry.

They'll never let you out.

You're too little.

- Michael.
- I'm sorry.

The kid left an hour ago.

It's interesting because
first you were dead,

then all this activity
started in your eyelids.

Time to go.

There's this pressure in my head

like there's a hydrogen b*mb
that's gonna go off.

And then I realize
it's that hum in the office.

It's getting to me.

I caught myself looking
at Stan's shoulders

and getting,
you know, excited.

- Really?
- That's the computer's plan.

Turn us all h*m*.

Peggy, we got to reproduce.

If there was a way to do it
without having sex, I'd do it.

Stop it!

You have to leave.

Great. What am I doing?
It's building up.

Well, maybe you should see
a doctor or something.

'Cause I want you?

No, because you're not right.

Did you notice the radio
doesn't work in there anymore?

That's not my imagination.

It's just a computer!

No, you're right.

I'm gonna go.

You don't have to report
this information.

Good night.

"How Much
Can a Man Take?" playing

This is so much better.

Do you not want to talk?

Because you seemed
so happy to see me.

I was. I am.

Good. 'Cause I was
happy to see you.

You know what, Don?
lam put in a strange position.

But I want you to know
I respect you.

Agencies change.

For the better, maybe.

But guys like us, we've got
to look out for each other.

I'm not gonna tell your wife.

That's not what I meant.

You wouldn't do that.

We go back along way,
don't we?

We do.

Well, I'm going to make sure

that you're still important.

I don't know how.
It's gonna take some thought.

It's going to take
some major brain power.

In fact, you might
have to figure it out.

I think the solution here
is not to get rid of you.

You should be in LA.

Your wife's out here.
Ted Chaough is useless.


Ted Chaough.
Broken man.

What solution?

Oh, this is the final solution.

Cutler and Lou
are pursuing Commander.

- Commander who?
- No, Commander cigarettes.

Philip Morris.

I think they're pretty sure
that they can land it

and you'll have to go.

How long has this been going on?
ls there work?

Don't make me sorry
I told you.

I hope you know how much
I appreciate this.

So far, just phone calls.

But I turned in
the media plan yesterday.

Can we get another round?


Everybody just left.

Not everybody.



How was the night on the town
with Harry Crane?


You know what would
make you feel better?


I'm tired.

But you just got here.

I'm going to bed.

There goes the fun.

I'm supposed to tuck you in.

And what does your friend say?

I don't want you to be
in a bad mood.

Stop playing around.
You're stoned.

Don't you like Amy?

Leave him alone.

This is the best place
to be right now, Don.

Right here.

Kiss her.
I know you want to.

I don't want anything
right now.

Don't lie.

- Hey.
- I can't find the coffee.

I'll get it.

Good morning.


Oh, yes, hi.
He made it.

It's Stephanie.


Where are you?

I'm back in Oakland.

I felt bad about missing you,
but I didn't want to break my word.

You did. You told me
you were gonna be here.

I know, but I kind of promised Anna
I'd let you live your life.

That is not what she meant.

Like it or not,
I'm worried about you.

I want you to call me
when the baby comes.

I want to take care
of anything you need.

I'm so grateful.

And that Megan's really solid.

Thank her for me again.

You have my number.


- I'm sorry.
- She sounds okay.

I have to get back.

Harry told me some things
I shouldn't have been told.

- What is wrong with him?
- No, I'm glad.

But I have to get back.


But you're still coming back
next weekend, right?

Of course.

Hello, everyone.

Bye, everyone.

I'm making coffee.

I'm gonna split.

Great party.

I'm gonna shower.

"Abendlich Strahlt
der Sonne Auge" playing

How'd it go?

She doesn't need an operation.

It's not even broken.

Come on.
Let's go inside.

I'm comfortable here right now.

I just drove to White Plains
and back up to Farmington.

I don't want to sit
in the kitchen like the help.

"The help"?

I'm going to assume
you're not referring to me.

What's gotten into you?

You come in and ask me to move
just because you feel like moving.

I'm comfortable in here
or I wouldn't be sitting in here!

Knock it off.

I'm tired of everyone
telling me to shut up.

I'm not stupid.

I speak Italian.

I'm sorry I embarrassed you.

You're sorry you forgot to inform me
what I am supposed to think.

Guess what.
I think all by myself.

You're so smart.
Why don't you run for office?

You know what, Henry?

I don't know what I'm going to do,
but that's a good idea.

Good morning, Michael.

How are you?

Can't you tell?
I'm myself again.

Oh, good.
Glad to hear that.

But I do want to say
in the clearness of day,

I have feelings for you.

Well, I'm flattered.

And that happens
when you work with people,

but it's not real.

I realized it was the waves of data.

They were filling me up.
I had to find the release.

I removed the pressure.

Now it just flows through me
without affecting me at all.

It has an outlet.
Open it.

You don't have
to thank me for that.

It's obviously something
you did on your own.

What is that?

It's my nipple.
It's the valve.

It's weird-- they'll sew it up,
but they won't take it off.

I had to do that myself.

Anyway, I'm grateful,
so I wanted to show it.

Michael, sit down.

I want you to wait here.

Did Mr. Ginsberg find you?

"Savoy" playing

Jim, Lou.
Sorry to interrupt.

You must be Les.
Don Draper.


This is Stephen and Tony.

We weren't expecting you, Don.

I know that and I apologize.

I just wanted to say
something that I think

these gentlemen from Philip Morris
are too polite to say.

We know who you are

and we're only talking
about a presentation right now.

But we do have a problem
working with the man

who cut our throat
in "The New York Times."

Well, if you were
to give us a shot,

I'm prepared
to leave the agency.

Don, thanks for saying that
so that we don't have to.

Just know the man
that wrote that letter

was trying to save his business,
not destroy yours.

Like Lou, I have over 10 years
of tobacco experience.

Since my first day
on Lucky Strike,

the government
was building a scaffold

for your whole industry.

And I found a way to stay
that execution

in '60, '62, '64, and '65.

I'm also the only cigarette man
who sat down with the opposition.

They shared
their strategy with me

and I know how to beat it.

That may be true,

but we don't turn on our friends
as easily as you do.

I just keep thinking
what your friends

at American Tobacco would think
if you made me apologize.

Force me into your service.

They are still your competition,
aren't they?

Gentlemen, thank you
for your time.

Get out while you can!

I'm gonna ride down with him.

You're incredible.

Thank you.

You think this is going
to save you, don't you?

"Only Daddy That'll Walk
the Line" playing


♪ And I'm getting
pretty tired of it ♪

♪ You keep stepping out of line
and messing with my mind ♪

♪ If you had any sense,
you'd quit ♪

♪ 'Cause ever since you were
a little bitty teeny girl ♪

♪ You said I was the only man
in this whole world ♪

♪ Now you better do some thinking,
then you'll find ♪

♪ You got the only daddy
that'll walk the line ♪

♪ I keep working every day,
all you want to do is play ♪

♪ I'm tired of staying out all night ♪

♪ I'm coming unglued
from your funny little moods ♪

♪ Now, honey, baby,
that ain't right ♪

♪ 'Cause ever since you were
a little bitty teeny girl ♪

♪ You said I was the only man
in this whole world ♪

♪ Now you better do some thinking,
then you'll find ♪

♪ You got the only daddy
that'll walk the line. ♪