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06x12 - The Quality of Mercy

Posted: 08/31/21 14:54
by bunniefuu
I was waiting up.

I didn't want to wake you.



I don't know what's going on...

but you have to pull back on the throttle a little, honey.

Don, turn off the range.

Sorry, I forgot about them.

It's fine.

I want to make you a real breakfast. You look terrible.

So do you.

Just stay home today. Can you do that for me?

Please try and sleep it off.

You want to quit in front of Kenny? He hasn't fired a shot.

Whatever you fellas want.

Kenny, you need to discharge that w*apon...

before Ray turns us into the Bataan Death March.

You see that tree over there?

Pretend it's Ralph Nader and let's go get a drink.


Oh, shit.

In recent years, crime in this country...

has grown nine times as fast as population.

At the current rate, the crimes of v*olence in America will double by 1972.

We cannot accept that kind of future for America.

We owe it to the decent and law-abiding citizens ofAmerica...

to take the offensive against the criminal forces...

that thr*aten their peace and their security...

and to rebuild respect for law across this country.

I pledge to you, the wave of crime...

is not going to be the wave of the future in America.

I suppose I'm supposed to believe that you didn't know that she wasn't me...

when you took her to the boathouse and you had your way.

I'm talking to you.

Don't you dare ignore me.

A lot of people laugh at the idea of a girl playing the tuba.

- Hello? - It's me.

Your girl said you were home.

I am.

If you're too sick to talk, it can wait.

I can talk.

It concerns Sally.

What about her?

She's not coming this weekend either.

Oh. That's too bad.

Although you should tell her if she does come...

I'm gonna be working all weekend.

Why would I tell her that?

It could have been being held hostage by that burglar...

or the fight she had with her friend after Model UN...

but she says she's not going again.

What do you want me to do about it?

I don't know that it's a good thing or a bad thing...

but she wants to go away to a boarding school.

I'll pay for all of it.

She has to get in, of course.

How much does that cost?

Eleanor, Henry's daughter, went there and I think she'll interview well.

She has good manners with everyone but me.

She'll get in.

I don't know, Don. It is Miss Porter's.

Jackie Kennedy went there.

You mean Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis.

What kind of medicine are you taking for this cold?

Formula 44.

Yeah, I bet.

Jackie did well twice.

So did you.

- I'm going to go. - Betts...

will you tell her that Megan-

That we both miss her?

Of course.

Cranberry, Cran-Apple...

Grape-Berry, that would be Cranprune.

Don't let the name fool you.

They're all delicious, my friend.

Is that the line?

They are one dried and one fresh fruit for a new generation.

You want to use Vaughn Meader? I thought they buried that guy with JFK.

No, there was this old salt who took us around the plant.

He had a heavy accent and a red shirt.

Ted called him Rose Kennedy.

During all this levity, did you mention that Cranprune sounds like a glass of diarrhea?

When we agreed to take the blends, we agreed to take the names.

It's got less pucker than the Cranberry, but it's heavier than the Cran-Apple.

That means Cran-Apple is light.


- And Cranberry is- - Sour?

- Bitter? - Makes your teeth feel weird?

It's tart. That's all they keep saying about the berries.

Yes, they do.

You know, I hate to say this again, but I got to take a leak.

Great idea. Peggy.

You want to get some chowdah?

Thought you had to pee.

No, I just wanted to see if I could get him to respond to an idea that wasn't hers.

You look better.


I can barely hear you.

Oh, hello, Harry.


Listen, I wouldn't bother you at home.

Obviously I'm on the Coast, but I've got good news.

You finally found a hooker who will take traveler's checks?

Why did I tell you that?

I got a packet at the desk and then a phone call from Sunkist.

I told you to drop that.

Well, Jeffrey, the fat one...

he finally got a look at the media plan and suddenly they're interested in TV.

They've called a meeting with Sanford, who I think is a decider.

Don't do that.

Don, they're talking about two and a half times the print budget.

We can't.

- Why not? - Because we have a conflict.

Ted has Ocean Spray.

You should have told them we withdrew.

AdiĆ³s, Harry.

I really didn't want you to work today.

Harry is such a pain in the ass.

Let's get out of here.

That was really, really scary.

It was disturbing.


Oh, hello.

That was quite a film.

It was terrifying, wasn't it?

Well, we were, um-

You know we're doing the St. Joseph's spot based on it...

and Peggy and I had an argument about whether there was a Japanese in the end.

You know, when Mia Farrow walks in and sees the baby...

and the devil worshippers are there.

There was.

I know.

So you'd both already seen it?

Yeah. But obviously she remembered it better.

She wants a Japanese in the ad.

They always have a camera.

We're going to grab a bite. Have you eaten?

I should get going. I have a date.

Yes, well, don't let us keep you.

So, Don, I see you're feeling better.

I had to get him out of the house.

We can still go eat.

I am supposed to throw around a football. I should go.

After you.

Oh, my God.

I would never live in an apartment that old.

There's so many buildings like that in Montreal. It's creepy.


What? I'm gonna have nightmares.

You know who's not gonna sleep?

Why are you so interested in this?

You're not interested?

Honestly, I'm more troubled by the idea...

of using Rosemary's Baby for a children's aspirin ad.

Why were they going to the movies at 5:00?

They didn't think anybody would be there.

You've been on a soap too long.

I don't know. I guess.

What time is it in California?

Three hours earlier.

I need to make a phone call.


What happened?

Come in.

What the hell happened?

I'm fine. Well, obviously not.

I thought you were in Detroit.

I was.

I told them that Cynthia was pregnant...

and they took me out to celebrate and they shot me.

- What? - It's not funny.

Chevy is k*lling me.

I hate Detroit.

I hate cars. I hate g*ns.

I don't even want to look at a steak anymore.

The only way to get through this is to keep reminding yourself it's a great account.

I'm gonna be a father. I'm gonna have a family.

Pull yourself together. Anyone here would trade places with you in a second.

Did I tell you that on the way to the hospital, they tried to stop for lunch?

They're fat yahoos in cheap suits. I'm done.

Are you entertaining this idea?

You'll be laughed out of this building and then out of advertising in general.

It'd be a difficult transition.

Chevy won't like it, but I think they're feeling pretty guilty right now.

Well, if it's in your power...

and you're willing to give up what goes with it...

I would gladly take your place.

What about your family?

Trudy and I are separated.

I only see Tammy every other weekend. She won't know the difference.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Yes, it's unfortunate.

I don't know what to say.

Say you'll back me up and I'll be there for you.

Congratulations on the baby.

Thank you.

Is he ready?

- Morning. - Morning.

- Morning. - Hello.

We have what we think is some pretty spectacular news.

Crane called from Los Angeles.

Sunkist finally looked at the media plan...

and enthusiastically embraced a television campaign...

to the tune of eight million dollars.

Great Caesar's ghost.

They don't care that we're a month into Ocean Spray?

Harry said we'd resign.

Apparently they were excited by the spike in color TVs.

Don told them that was the secret- color.

- When did you tell them that? - When we were out there.

But they wouldn't leave Harry alone.

You upset, Ted? It's almost three times the business.

No, I just-

Well, I'm dreading making the call.

Well, I'll call Ocean Spray.

And the rest of our clients?

Someone has to let them know to look out for a knife in their back.

You want to turn it down?

Absolutely not. Don't be an idiot, Ted.

Stay out of this, Jim.

Forget about giving someone your word, which obviously doesn't mean anything to you.

How does it look?

The right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing.

You're right.

We should work more together. We have to. That's the message from this.

Then it's agreed that we have a more coherent approach to new business.

That means no more surprises, Don.

You're right. I apologize.

But it's a great account.

Can we celebrate now?

I think Peggy should be on it.

She has, you know, juice experience now.

That makes sense.

What are you doing?

Getting ready to do a little hunting.

What's going on? Mr. Cooper wants to see you.

Let's find out.

That's a.22. It's not good for anything but squirrels, you know.

Would you ever leave New York, Annie Oakley?

Hello, Pete.

Hello, Bob.

Kenny, how are you feeling?

Better than I am right now. Have a seat.

Well, shiver me timbers.

I'd laugh, but it hurts like a son of a bitch.

For obvious reasons, Ken is withdrawing from handling Chevy.

You sure you want to do this?

I'm positive.

Kenny, you know, I once had a client cup my wife's breast.

Lee Garner, Jr. made me hold his balls.

Well, I'm not resigning Chevy.

I just can't be on the ground there anymore.

Pete and I have already discussed it...

and I will stay on the business in New York.

They'll want that.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't reluctant.

But I know Ken would do the same for me.

Crocodile tears. How quaint.

Look, I know everyone's worried...

but Bob's going to be a big help with the transition.

Anything I can do.

In all deference to the weeks Bob spent trying to develop ties with Chevy...

I think it's best if I bring in my own team.

That's a dumb idea.

Any continuity preserves the belief that service has not changed.

It's nothing about Bob in particular...

but isn't it better to create the belief that service has improved?

Pete, you're going to need to know where the land mines are buried.

I'd listen to the cyclops, Pete.

I think maybe I'm keeping you from discussing this freely.

I understand Pete's objections, but I will do whatever is decided.

Pete, there's nothing to discuss. I like Bob, Chevy likes Bob.

And if you don't like Bob, we can find someone who does.

Of course.

By the way, thank you, all of you, for having this trust in me.

Is there a problem?

I don't want to work with you.

I don't want to stay in a hotel with you. You're sick.

Why would you say that?

So you didn't profess your love to me?

Only my admiration, which is waning quickly.

This is not about my own interests. I care about Chevy.

You should watch what you say to people.

Is that right?

Congratulations. Can you believe this guy?


So what?

Can I have one?

Are you anxious?

I expect you to sail through this interview.

Geez, I wasn't nervous about it a minute ago.

I hope it doesn't ruin it that I'm excited for you.

When I was in 10th grade, my friend Annie left-

To go to Rosemary Hall. I know, you told me.

Did I tell you she hated her mother?

Good for her.

Is it about getting away from boys?

If I say yes, will you stop asking?

I'm proposing some reasons because you aren't being very forthcoming.

Sally, I can turn this car around.

I want to be a grown-up, but I know how important my education is.


Well, congratulations.

You log a few months on that, you can work anywhere.

I'm not looking anymore.

So what is this? That old joke- "Hell, I'm telling everyone"?

No, I'm calling on behalf of a young account man...

whom we love, but can't promote because Draper doesn't like him.

So you're looking for an account man?

You know you can't work here.

I'll be frank.

I got to get this kid out of here, and he's not going to call you himself.

I'd love to present some concrete options to him when I push him out the door.

I just need leads. He doesn't have to land anything.

He must be pretty good if he's in your way.

He's eager to please.

Handsome. His name is Bob Benson.

He has a blue blood connection to Brown Brothers Harriman.

Beloit, Wharton. I'll send over his personnel file.

And I'll send over a bill. Make it an even grand. Cash.

No, no, no, no.

- What's going on in there? - Someone's having a good time.

You do realize this is the best picture these people will ever take?

We were thinking about putting this old man in a wig...

because he looks so much like Ruth Gordon.

- Fill me in. - That's a great idea.

The conceit is that it's shot from the baby's point of view.

No, no, let's do the ad for him.

Joan, come here.

Can I do it from here?


So, Don, you are the camera and the baby.

We might have the end of the bassinet right at the front of the frame.

Maybe see some kicking toes under a blanket.

Should I get down a little lower?

No, that's fine.

Okay, it's dark.

Fish-eye lens, you're the baby.

Just, "Whaa! Whaa!" You do that.

Whaa! Whaa! Whaa!

So there's a crowd. Eight or nine people.

It's the whole coven. And there's a crazy little old lady.

What you need is a mustard plaster.

And then there's this wrinkled old man.

You need a compress.

And then a Jewish neighbor lady.

How about a bowl of chicken soup?

Anyway, there's one more of those, maybe.

Then they all start crowding in on you.

And the Japanese takes a picture and the flash turns it white.

Then you see the beautiful, radiant young mother.

You don't need anyone's help but St. Joseph's.

Usually with things like this, it depends on you knowing the movie.

But I think this works on its own.

I told you it was good.

That's a lot of people.

You need to feel the conspiracy.

You want me to come to casting?

Sure, but I'm just gonna watch. It was all her.

Casting's on the West Side. You should go.

That's a lot of people.

I didn't want to dampen the enthusiasm, but the approved budget is $15,000.

There's at least $35,000 in residuals alone here.

- What does St. Joseph's say? - They haven't seen the new budget.

So who's paying for casting?

We are.

But Ted seems confident they'll be good for it.

So he wants to spring it on them at the pre-pro meeting...

after we're 10 grand out of pocket?

I don't know, Don. I don't tell him what to do.

And Diplomacy Club. I don't know if she told you in the interview...

but Henry thinks she can be an ambassador one day.

It's heartwarming to see such a proud mother.

Well, Sally going away is going to be difficult...

but, of course, I wanted it for myself way back when.

And in this day and age, it's overwhelming to raise a young girl...

let alone be one.

Beautifully put.

Now, Sally, during your overnight and tomorrow in class...

I want you to keep in mind, and I'm sure your mother would agree...

this is as much for you to find out about us...

as it is for us to find out about you.

Carla, could you fetch Millicent Turner from study hall?

You have fun.

- I'll be back in the morning around- - 2:30 would be perfect.

Thank you again.

Mr. Campbell, your mother is here to see you.

What are you doing here, Mother?

Josephine, you have my phone number.

This doesn't concern her.

I'm here for my passport.

I'm planning a voyage. And I spoke to Manolo.

I forbade you to see him.

Well, he's very upset about the way you're treating his friend Bob Benson.

That Spanish fly.

Why are you still in contact with him?

- I ran into him. - Where?

I don't remember.

Tell Manolo that I almost threw you down the steps when you brought up his friend.

Peter, I am still your mother.

I don't have your passport.

I'm sure it's expired like everything else you own. Josephine!

You're endangering your position.

So this used to be the living room.

And, of course, you have to walk through my room to get to her room...

but we switch over at Christmas.

I'd rather have my own room too.

Oh, hello.

You must be Sally.

I'm Mandy. Move over.

Sally's family lives in Rye and Manhattan.

Let me guess, dad's remarried, mom's fat and sad.

No, they're both remarried, but my dad's wife is my age.

Well, I'd like to feel sorry for you, but things are about to get worse.

Hmm. Don't you like it here?

You're not allowed to talk anymore.

Our opinion is crucial to your acceptance.

And I can't believe no one told you that you were supposed to look after us.

You didn't bring a bottle or some cigarettes at least?

I probably have some money.

You think we need money?

You should call your mother. Tell her that you're useless.

I can get you anything you want.

She keeps talking.

Now what do we want?

How was casting?

It was interrupted by a phone call from St. Joseph's.

Did you send over a budget?

Yes, but relax. I talked to them.

I played the bad guy. They'll be fine.

No, they won't be.

They called me at casting to stop it.

Now I have to turn a no into a yes.

You were gonna have to do that anyway.

I couldn't even tell Peggy.

Did you tell her how expensive it was?

It's great work and you know it.

St. Joseph's has been doing the same ad for 20 years.

They're bread and butter. Why did you pick them to push?

They kept asking me for their "plop plop fizz fizz."

And all of a sudden she comes up with this.

She can smell the CLIO, Don.

Remember your first big ad?

She has her heart set on it.

It's okay, Ted. I get it.

You're right. They're coming in tomorrow. Just back me up on this?

Of course.

I've got to go over that budget.

Yeah, she stayed skinny, but her breath smelled like vomit all the time.

I think it's time for you girls to go to bed.

You hemmed your skirt.

My friend Sandy used a stapler.

Then by the time she went home, her legs were all scratched.

Stand still. Sally, you there?


That was pretty fast.


I'm Mandy and this is Millicent.

Hold on, do you have a rope for him?

Millicent, go get him.

Go around the front.

Nice digs. I'm Glen, by the way.

Did you have trouble finding us?

Rolo's driven by before.

Then I just looked for Snoopy.

Do you want a cigarette?

No, but I wouldn't mind a drink.

Rolo brought something to smoke.

How you been? How are your folks?

Can we drink it straight?

I know how to make a Tom Collins.

- She's too much. - She's okay.

I don't think anyone saw us, but we should keep it quiet.

I'm Rolo, by the way. Nice digs.

What about the proctor?

The housemother's a booze fiend.

I'll save some for her.

I want to get stoned.

I need a surface.

Here's looking up your old address.


Look at the two of us, burning the midnight oil.

Something wrong? Did the messenger find you okay?

I'm gonna need more than this kid Bob Benson's personnel record.

Might as well be written in steam.

What do you mean?

I don't even know if the name is real.

I don't know where he went to college, but it wasn't Beloit.

I tried a buddy at Wharton...

he said maybe he's just telling people Wharton...

so he's gonna check the whole University of Pennsylvania.

But it's tough when I don't know if he's really 28 years old.

The most interesting is the Brown Brothers Harriman job.

You told me that.

I got that from him.

Well, I have a friend there.

Turns out they all remember Bobby.

He's from West Virginia.

Parents are brother and sister or something.

He was a manservant for three years to a senior vice president.

He took him to Europe on the Queen Elizabeth.

Are you kidding me?

He had three references...

two nonworking numbers at K&E and a live one at Cunningham.

They said he just disappeared one day...

with an electric pencil sharpener and the Christmas card list.

So what does that mean?

Mostly that his only job opportunity...

was someplace dumb enough not to ask any questions...

and so far, that's just you guys.

I'd offer to return the money, but I would file this under valuable information.

Yes, of course.

I've never seen anything like this before.

I have.

He's a heart patient. He hardly ever gets out of that apartment.

Well, we call that a DR number these days.

A DR number.

You can do that in bed, you know.

That's right. The Detective division is on the third floor.

On, no, sir. All divisions- Homicide, Robbery, Burglary. Oh, what's that?

Yeah, I guess.

Since seventh grade.

The Ro is from Ronnie and the Lo is from Lowell.

So they just started calling me Rolo.

And 'cause he rolls a lot of joints.

Should I roll another?

Your friend bogarted the last one and she didn't get any.

I'm really drunk.

You think Millicent's okay?

She always freaks out.

What if she runs screaming down the hallway...

and she thinks her hair is on fire and she's screaming...

"Boy on the floor! Boy on the floor"?

Do you two know each other?

I think so, but who knows? I was reincarnated.

I came back as a fish.

You should read my diary.

Come on.

Nice shot.

I've got good hands.

Do you play basketball?

I've been with lots of girls. I know what I'm doing.

What kind of music do you like?

I don't want to talk anymore.

What's going on, Sally? You called us.

You made us drive all the way over here.

Suddenly you don't want to fool around? Are you frigid?

Glen. Glen, come out.

Hey, come on. You've got to relax.

What do you want?

He won't leave me alone.

What the hell, Rolo? I told you she's like my sister.

I think you're full of shit, man.

You just wanted the good one.

What is going on?

He tried to force me.

What? Damn it, Rolo.

She's a lying little tease.

That's bullshit.

Keep it down.

Get off me, Bishop.

Are you suicidal? I'm your ride home.

He'll be fine. I got to go. I don't want to hitch.

Are you all right?

Nice meeting you.

You too.

I'm sorry.

Keep in touch.

How do you know him?

We grew up together.

You like trouble, don't you?

Good morning.

Are you joining us?

Ted wanted more firepower.

I thought I'd pitch in.

I don't understand what happened.

Residuals. Can't let them sneak up on you.

It'll be fine.

We always win this one.

Well, I see everything's in order, including our cookies from Ferrara's.

Byron, you remember Peggy Olson.

- Mr. Poole, nice to see you again. - Byron.

And Don Draper, of course, our other creative director.

Yes, and I'm sorry about the phone call, but, well, it was a bit of a surprise.

But you're here and we are going to set you at ease.

Now Ted and Peggy will take you through the creative process...

that resulted in this ingenious spot.

I know what it is. I bought it the day I heard it. I just paid a lot less for it.

Well, as a concept becomes more developed, expenses can mount.

We want to do this right.

The cost is still a fraction of the business we believe it will generate.

Ted, with all due respect, it's not your job to promise sales.

It's your job to deliver work for the budget agreed to.

It turned out to be more people than we thought.

That's why we sent the budget over.

We didn't want there to be any surprises.

But this is worth the money.

But this is a surprise.

We agreed to 15,000 and it's 50.

You said specifically that you wanted something contemporary...

with a sense of humor...

something that wouldn't make young parents feel like old people.

This does that and more.

That's not a reason.

Well, it should be.

We have enough of a history that you should trust my judgment.

No, I want a reason. I'm entitled.

You know the raft of shit I caught when this budget came in?

Mr. Plough called me.

Uh, I hate to interrupt.

I think, Byron, I know what you want to hear.

And it has nothing to do with the sh**ting days or the cast...

because you've had a long and fruitful, creative relationship together.

I think, and correct me if I'm wrong...

that when you say you want a reason...

you want to know why we would push you like this.

It would help.

Well, the truth is that I don't think Ted wants to say.

'Cause it's, well...

it's a little bit personal.

In fact, it's very personal.

I'm not sure I know what you mean.

Yes, you do.

Are you okay, Ted?

I, uh-

It's okay.

Tell him, Ted.

You don't want to say anything?

All right. I'll tell him.

It's hard for Ted to say...

but this was Frank Gleason's last idea.



I'm afraid we've gotten a little sentimental.

Damn. You should have told me that.

I guess I was- I don't know. I, uh-

The factor didn't seem relevant except to us. I, um...

didn't want to lean on that.

Frank was a hell of a guy. Best I can do is 25.

I don't care if you make these characters out of cardboard...

or turn them into cartoons, you got to reduce the cast.

That's all you get.

I understand.

I'll show you out.

You should come to Piping Rock this Sunday.

Get in a few holes before all the grass dies.

We'll see.

Was that really necessary?

Leave us alone.

What was that?

That was the best I could do.

Do you want me to tell him the truth?

What are you talking about?

You're not thinking with your head.

That was your solution? Try and embarrass me?

You're embarrassing yourself.

I know your little girl has beautiful eyes...

but that doesn't mean you give her everything.

That has nothing to do with it.

Come on, we've all been there. I mean, not with Peggy, but-

Don't say that about her.

Ted, you're kidding yourself.

Everybody sees it. Just ask your secretary.

Your judgment is impaired.

You're not thinking with your head.

Good morning, Bob.

How you doing, boss?

I thought for certain you would have brought me a coffee today.

You want me to go get one?

I've always wondered how you were so expertly servile.

But now I know. It used to be your profession.

What do you want?

Well, for one thing, I wanted you to stop smiling.

You got it.

I've been awake all night wondering what you do when you're found out.

This must have happened before.

I don't know what you're talking about.

- Who hired you? - You did.


I met with Ken. You walked in, complimented my tie and walked out.

It was the best day of my life.

Well, your fraud is irrefutable.

Can I have a day's head start?

Can you give me that at least after all I've done for you?

You've done more for me than I've done for you.


You don't respond well to gratitude.

So you're just going to run? I don't believe you.

It terrifies me what you could do in a day.

No, Bob, you're going to get the benefit of the fact...

that I've been here before.

I don't know how people like you do it.

You're certainly better at it than I am at whatever I do.

But I would like to think that I have learned not to tangle with your kind of animal.

I don't understand.

Where you are and who you are is not my concern.

I surrender.

So what does that mean to me?

I want you to graciously accept my apologies.

Work alongside me, but not too closely.

Again, I don't understand.

Yes, you do.

I'm off-limits.

And please, can you find a way to get your friend out of my mother's life?

You know she's demented.

Manolo doesn't like women.

Make sure.



So you got what you wanted and now you think you can be rude.


I'm not going to tell you what Mrs. Beresford said to me...

when you were saying good-bye.

She talked to you?

She said you were curious and bright...

and received glowing reports from all concerned.


She said a girl like you coming from this family will have plenty of choices...

and she hopes you choose them.


Now get me a cigarette and give me some details.

You want one, don't you?

Go ahead.

I'd rather have you do it in front of me than behind my back.

I'm sure your father has given you a beer.

My father has never given me anything.

Did you tell him that I need to see him?

He went home.


Right after I told him you needed to see him.

I know what you did, I just don't know why you did it.

Calm down.

You want to offer me a drink? Pretend like you're helping a little more?

Close the door.

Oh, of course. You deserve privacy.

Look, there's still enough money for the ad. We'll make it work.

Stop hiding behind the ad.

I know what you did.

I saved both of you. How do you think it looks?

You hate that he is a good man.

He's not that virtuous.

He's just in love with you.

Well, you k*lled him.

You k*lled the ad.

You k*lled everything. You can stop now.

I'm just looking out for the agency.

You're a monster.