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06x07 - Man With A Plan

Posted: 08/31/21 14:49
by bunniefuu
( theme music playing )

( elevator bell dings )

Sylvia: I don't care, Arnold.
I don't care, just go.

When you get to Minnesota,
tell them what a big deal you are!

Tell them how you don't
listen to anyone

'cause you've got it all
figured out!

this is our future."

"Sylvia, anything you want.
Sylvia... "

Guess what, Arnie,
I don't want it.

You have nothing to say?

You're not taking care of me!

You're taking care of you!

Good, leave!

( door opens )

Don't forget to take some money!_

( coins falling )


First day of school.
You nervous?

What do you think?

It seems silly to ask, but do
you know where you're going?

I'll just follow you.

- Hello, everyone.
- Hey!

Stan, Ginsberg, Ted Chaough.

This is Margie. Margie, Peggy.
Margie, Ted.

It's nice to put
faces with names.

I saw you taking your
little tour the other week

and you looked pretty tall.

But now I see
you're about my height.

I hope you can still
look up to me.

- That was quick.
- Pleasure, Margie.

I've heard a lot about you.
We're all very excited.

Nice knowing you.

John Mathis.

You're in the second office
from reception.

Your secretary will be Connie.

You know my name,
but I don't know yours.

Excuse me, Joan.

Are all the creatives
in one office?

- It's temporary.
- Well, it's going to be very crowded.

But that may change soon.

I know where all
the bodies are buried.

- I need a copy of that.
- They're just notes.

I need a copy
for Mr. Chaough.

He's not going
to change anything,

but he's going to be angry
if I don't know what it is.

Good morning, Moira.

- Joan.
- Good morning.

- Well, hello there.
- Hello.

I'm sorry they didn't
have your office ready yet.

I'll make do.

You know what, Moira?

I'll take care of Miss Olson.

Hopefully you can read
my handwriting.

We're putting you
in Harry's old office.

- Oh.
- But you don't have to share it.

As long as I don't
have to share Phyllis.

- ( gasps )
- Are you okay?

I don't know.

It could be moving boxes
or it could be I slept funny.

Are you still in there?

Yes, everything keeps
changing out here,

but everything's
the same in there.

Except you're a partner.

And you're the copy chief. _

How's your little boy?

He's the man in my life.

- How's yours?
- Oh, he's good.

We bought a building
together to live in.

We bought a building
to live in together.

I'm glad you're here.

Well, I'm glad you're here.

"In addition to the dynamic
press reception

and renewed interest
from Wall Street,

the union of these two agencies
has already brought us victory.

Our congratulations
to Mr. Chaough

and Mr. Gleason for their recent
victory at the Clio Awards

for the one-minute television
commercial 'Little Headaches'

on behalf of St. Joseph's
Children's 'Aspirine.'"

( applause )

"In closing..."

Well, that's
a beautiful message

to read to our employees,

but perhaps it's best to wait

until we've made all
of the personnel changes.

And you need an ending.

We have a lot
of writers out there.

I'm sorry.
Someone commandeered Clara.

I need a seat.

Don took the last one.

That means you were
here after Don.

Can you see if there's
another chair?

Or you could have my seat.

Yes, thank you.

Moira, take my chair.

Now that we've dispensed
with the gallantry,

Jim Cutler and I have,
we believe, harvested

the gold dusting of the Clios

by arranging for
an advanced introduction

to Fleischmann's Margarine.

They want to be Ted
and Don's first love child.

That's new business.

Isn't there a section of this
meeting called good news?

I never would have taken you
for such a stickler.

Fleischmann's? Groovy.
We'll get right on it.

Regarding ongoing business,

the following is a list of current
accounts in ascending order.

That means smallest to largest,

Chevrolet being excluded
for a separate meeting.

Topaz Pantyhose.

Ken Cosgrove and Burt Peterson.

- And they're thrilled.
- Leica Camera.

Roger and I might
have to go to Germany.

But that's only because
we invited ourselves.

The New York State Thruway.

I just got off the phone

with Henry Lammott
at Mohawk Airlines...

Mohawk's on the next page.

This is related to the Thruway.

Henry Lammott
considers it a conflict,

car travel and air travel
being mortal enemies.

So when Burt Peterson gets ahold
of them, we should resign.

Did you tell Lammott
that was a stretch?

It's a $250,000 media budget.

Mohawk is an airline.

Except, Ted, the client
is New York State

and they gave us
their media buy up front.

- And you already spent it.
- Why didn't you tell us that?

Why didn't you tell us you lost Vicks
for yourself and Clearasil for us?

Why didn't you tell us
Frank Gleason was dying?

Frank's going to be fine.

I know Henry Lammott.

Pete and I will fly up there.

And Ted.

Of course.

What kind of plane do you have?

A Mohawk plane.

Ted's a pilot.

I'll take us up there.

We can land
right outside his office.

- Even better.
- I'm sorry to interrupt.

Mr. Campbell, there's an
urgent phone call for you.

However we're going,

I recommend we go up tomorrow.

What's the next client?

Um, Koss Headphones.

Jim: Burt Peterson
and Ken Cosgrove.

They sent Burt Peterson
a case of champagne.


Mr. Campbell,
I didn't want to trouble you,

but she was...

she's right here.
You want to talk to her?

What happened exactly?

Well, she was banging
on the door pretty hard,

saying she needed
to see your father.

I thought somebody
was gonna call a cop.

May I speak with her?

Bill, you've been so decent,
I hate to ask you another favor,

but could you get her
a G and T with two ice cubes?

- Gin and tonic?
- Yes, if you don't mind.

I don't know what's going on,

but I found this address
on my nightstand

in some woman's handwriting

and I assumed your father
was up to his old tricks.

Mother, he passed away.

You'd like that.

He hasn't been home
for over a week

and his golf clubs
are still at the house.

( ice cracks )

Mother, you sound confused.

What are you implying?

I want you to relax,
watch the television,

and I will call Bud
to come and get you.

He's going to send
that girl Trudy.

Bud's wife is Judy, not Trudy.

Now I suppose I'm crazy
for mixing those up.

Tell Billy you're fine
on your own.

I am.

( sighs )

Hello there.

Nice to see you, Peggy.


We're a long way
from Sterling Cooper.

Looks like the worm has turned.

Well, it's nice to have
the old team back together.

- ( phone ringing )
- Do you want me to get that?


Oh, I was expecting
a secretary.

There isn't one
on the line, is there?

Hold on.

I've got to take this.

Well, we'll have plenty
of time to catch up

on those flights to Detroit.

He's still a cold fish.


Come over here now.

I can't.

I have too much
going on in the office.

I need you

and nothing else will do.



12:30 at
the Sherry-Netherland.

Call me with a room number.

Come on in, Burt.

Have a seat.

What is this, a bed?

Yeah, you might want
to lie down

because here we are again.

Well, I haven't
forgotten anything.

Not a damn thing.

A lot of times in life
you get to do something

and you don't realize
until it's over

how much you enjoyed it.

And you swear that the
next time it comes around,

you're gonna remember that.

You're right.

And I think I can
work with you, too.


No, Burt, I'm letting
you go again.

What the hell?
You... you can't do that.

Probably doesn't make a difference at
this point, but no one fought for you.

Well, we'll see what the folks
at Chevy have to say about this.

Remember Ken Cosgrove?

Like a six-foot version
of Alan Ladd?

He's touring
the plant right now.

You bastard.

I've got four million
in billings.

- What have you got?
- I was thinking you would feel that way.

That you had more clients
and that gives you a voice.

I was imagining you talking
over me in meetings.

Now I don't have that problem.

My clients will leave with me.

( chuckles ) No one will ever
say you weren't funny, Burt.

Well, I'll tell you one thing,

I'm expecting some kind
of severance.

Who knows?
We're really hurting.

We're having to cut back.
Well, obviously.

God, you're a real prick,
you know that?

Damn it, Burt,
you stole my good-bye.

Oh, hello.
You must be Burt Peterson.

I'm Bob Benson.
I'm supposed to report to you.

Well, as a first order
of business,

I recommend that you stick
your head between your legs

and kiss your ass good-bye.

What did you say to me?

Come see me.


I need you

and nothing else will do.

You worked on the Daisy?

No, I worked on the KKK spot.

You probably heard about it.
It was too hot to run.

- That's very impressive.
- Thank you.

I mean, you made it 15 minutes
before you brought it up.

( chuckles )

I just spoke with Dawn.

Black or white?

She wouldn't tell me anything.

She's an excellent secretary.

I'm sure he can catch up.

So, before we inundate ourselves
with Fleischmann's unique benefits

and previous work,
I want to, I don't know,

have a little rap session
about margarine in general.

You mean like in terms
of the prospect?

Just whatever's on your mind.

- ( whispers )
- My grandmother.





It's not butter.
It's cheap.

It has no smell.

Yeah, man.
Keep going.

People hate it.

Hold on a second.
Who hates margarine?

You said there were
no wrong answers.

- I didn't say that.
- I don't hate it.

It was invented
for Napoleon III

because armies need to move
and it never spoiled.

That's fantastic.

How did you know that?

I don't know, I just did.

Let's get down
10 uses for margarine.

French army is number one.

And of course I was upset

because I was waiting
for Mitchell to call.

Then Arnie tells me
to cut the apron strings.

All of France is on fire.

I don't even know
if the phones are working.

There's no room for me to worry
about anyone but Arnold,

not even our son.

You can talk about your kid,

but I don't want to hear
about your husband.

I can talk about
whatever I want.

Can you help me look
for my shoes while you do it?

You want me to look
for your shoes?

I want you to crawl on your hands
and knees until you find them.

( scoffs )

They're right over there.

Do it.

I want you to get undressed,

then get back into bed.

Come over here.

( key jangles )

Don't go anywhere.

I'm hearing a lot about bread.

It spreads easy
because it's soft.

Really melts into the...

What did he just say?

There you are.

Sorry about that.
I got held up.

Let's not push too hard today.

- What'd I miss?
- We got some good ideas,

and I think we're ready for
a more traditional approach...

research, et cetera...
later in the week.

Peggy, you set the meeting.

What was that?

What? You called
the meeting to a close.

You also had it without me.

If the meeting's at 1:00,
the meeting's at 1:00.

Don, five minutes,
10 minutes...

I've been working in creative
my whole life, it's fine.

40 minutes?
Come on.

I've got better things to do,

but obviously you did, too.

( ringing )


Are you still in bed?

Are you on your way?

You're going to wait there

and you're not going to know
when I'm coming back.

What's gotten into you?

Don't answer the phone again.

( ringing )

( intercom buzzes )

- Yes?
- Moira: Mr. Draper is here to see you.

Send him in.

- Am I bothering you?
- What is that?

An olive branch.

I was just thinking
that it's probably best

if we talk about
margarine by ourselves.

Sorry, I don't know
what you drink.

Whatever there is.

Of course, everything
is packed away.

I would have opened that first.

Might have clients coming in.

I have something better
for the clients.

I have this bar cart
wheeled in.

How is that better?

You should see the girl
who wheels it in.

It's quite a presentation.

If you don't want to drink,
you don't have to drink.

So, you want to show me
your notes from the meeting?

It took 40 minutes to figure out
no one knows shit about margarine.

( chuckles )

May I?

Is this gonna be Detroit again?

You're gonna lie down
on the couch while I pace?

I'll lie down after
we have our next one.

Let's get something
on paper first.

- Where is she?
- Well, she spent 25 minutes

looking for a dish for the nuts and
then she went into the bathroom.

- Good luck.
- Where are you going?

She's using the ladies' room.
She's been doing it for years.

- No, take her home.
- My home?

- That's not an option.
- That is the only option.

Do you have any idea
what's going on in my office?

We're in the middle
of a merger,

in case you didn't get
past the sports section.

I'm supposed to suddenly
care after you went

to White Weld to underwrite
your public offering?

I caught a shovelful
for that, Pete.

I got to pretend to my partners
that you don't believe in nepotism.

I apologize that you didn't
get on that sinking ship.

You just ride out this merger,

and in six months
I'm your first call.

You don't understand. I went
to a meeting this morning

- and there was no chair for me.
- You're as high-strung as her.

First you don't have a chair,
then you don't have any clients.

- Mother, it's time to go.
- Don't do that yet.

Just get
your thoughts together.

- You have a long drive home.
- She has an apartment.

Even the cleaning woman quit.

Mother's cut all ties. The whole
place smells like a rabbit warren.

Judy and I have taken our turn.
Now it's yours.

No, that is not going to work.
( toilet flushes )

( sighs ) Judy is
finished with her.

They got in a dispute about
Earl Grey or Major Grey

and Mother snapped her with a
tea towel across the face.

She should be locked up.

Maybe we can get
the paperwork started.

In the meantime,
buy Trudy a catcher's mask

and be happy that you get
to go to work every day.

I know why he's late
for everything.

Because we've put up with it.

I mean, honestly, is Peter
any busier than you are?

Mother, I'm Peter.

Do you want to go
to the Colony?

That's a splendid idea.

No, I have some soup.

Just take me home.

You're spending the night here.
You can have the bed.

I never sleep.

And you should be well rested.

Could you freshen this?

So Blue Bonnet
is the girl in pigtails?

Mary Ann.

"Gilligan's Island"
always works.

Every brand is represented.

So Fleischmann's is
the Marilyn Monroe redhead?

I don't know who's Ginger.

Probably Parkay.

Then you've got
Thurston Howell...

Imperial with the crown.

I think the one that's wide
open is the Professor.

Facts and figures,
health benefits.

Some kind of formula.

They're all made differently,

even if it's just location.

No, I find it interesting

that you've broken this down
into a formula.

There's a lot of bridges
to Manhattan.

You don't have any tricks for
when you're stuck other than...

Are we stuck already?

Let's take the competition
to a broader level.

Let's say there are more margarines
than characters on your TV show.

They all have
something in common.

They all want off the island.

No, they're all not butter.

- No one prefers margarine.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.

I have to eat something.

Doesn't ice count?

I'd settle for some more toast.


( sighs )

It's morning.

We know because we see
the rooster crow.

A farmer's wife sets pancakes
on the kitchen table.

She puts a pat
of margarine on top.

Then sets the dish down next
to the yellowest fried eggs,

a loaf of homemade bread,

and a beading pitcher
of heavy cream.

Syrup pours.

A smile comes over
their Dorothea Lange faces.

Two things... cows

because she's a dairy
farmer's wife,

and I want bacon.

It's not up for debate.

( knocking )


( knocks )
Joan: Just a minute.

I said just a minute.

I thought you said come in.

I got everyone's paperwork.
I just wanted to drop them off.

You look a little wan.

I think I have food poisoning.

Do you want some ice water?

Oh! God...

Do you have your appendix?

- It's the other side.
- You can't stay here.

And I can't leave, either.

Just walk with me and I'll
bother you all the way out.

No one will know.

So I get the laxative
people into the booth

and I record three
or four spots at one time.

Who talked Topaz
into television?

I did, but then
Margie took it over.

The client still
calls me Peggy.

Everybody, everybody.

I'm taking a survey.

It's Eugene McCarthy
versus Bobby Kennedy.

How many for Kennedy?

Show of hands.

But Humphrey
has all the delegates.

I'm voting for Nixon.

Oh, I knew it, Mathis.

What's wrong with you?

Don't you have any hope?

I'm for Bobby.

Well, I... Ted?

You okay?

Why don't you call it a day?

Come on.

- What about him?
- Let him sleep it off.

Ted, come on.

I'm fine.

( man coughing )

( woman talking over PA )

Drink that.

- Is that urine?
- It's the pipes.

The babysitter's
agreed to stay,

but no word from your
mother, so I'm not leaving.

She's probably still
in the Catskills.

Remember Rip Van Winkle?

You like that story?

I know it.
I could tell it to you.

No, you should go.

Who knows what 20 years
will do to this place.

I have no place to go.

What's gonna happen to Kevin?

He'll either end up
with my mother

or Greg's parents.

It's just food poisoning.

( groans )

No, that's not what it is.

Come on.
Let's go.

I've got you.

Excuse me,
Nurse... Finnegan.

I see how busy you are, but
can I trouble you a moment?

Doctors will see you
the moment they can.

No, it's not about that.

It's just, well,
I'm such a fool

and I suppose I was
trying to be a gentleman,

- but my friend here, she...
- Don't.

We don't need to see a doctor.

I'm sure it's something that would be
covered by your medical expertise.

What are you talking about?

She's a little embarrassed,

but she drank furniture polish.

Honey, why'd you do that?

She wasn't wearing her glasses.

You do need to see a doctor.
Why didn't you tell me that?

I'm sorry. I really
never know what to do.

I thought I'd just
leave it up to you.

Okay, sweetheart.

Take her to bed four.

( woman speaking over PA )

She'll be fine.

( lock clicking )

You look perfect.

Well, I had three hours
to get ready.

I don't know if the shoes go.

They do.

Where are we going?

We're not going anywhere.

Are you kidding me?

Why would you think
you're going anywhere?

You are for me.

You exist in this room
for my pleasure.

Are we going to eat?

Don't ask any more questions.

Take off your dress.

Take off everything for me.

Like that?

( thunder rumbling )

I think you look
worse than I do.

Well, I slept on
the floor of my office.

They didn't give you a couch?

I couldn't find it.
Draper knocked me out.

Not literally.

I'm sure there's
a lot of work to do.

It's got nothing
to do with work.

He seems more interested in me
than he is in the work.

But you're not
very interesting.

He doesn't know that.

What's he like?

He's mysterious.

But I can't tell
if he's putting it on.

He doesn't talk
for long stretches,

and then he's
incredibly eloquent.

He's very successful.

You didn't think
he was charmless, did you?

You learned to work with me.

And look at you.

If I wait patiently
by the river,

the body of my enemy
will float by.

( sighs )
Such a waste of energy.

Give him the early rounds.
He'll tire himself out.

Go home, shower,

walk back in there
like you own half the place.

I'll be back at dinnertime.

Because you live here.

No, I don't.

There's a hamper
full of laundry

and a razor in the sink.

Is Trudy finished with you?

This is our pied-à-terre.

Does your father
bring prostitutes here

or is it just for yours?

I want to be taken home.

Your apartment's
been overrun with vermin.

They're spraying all day.


I didn't remember that.
I want to get my things.

It's raining very hard out
and it's, well...

it's St. Patrick's Day.

- It's May.
- No, it's not.

And who knows what's out there?

I'll have the cook make
your favorite for dinner.

( door closes )

- Morning.
- You look fresh.

Where's my secretary?

Or is this how
they do it at CGC,

just let yourself in?

I didn't want to wait out there

because this whole visit
is confidential.

You want to quit already?

When you told me
about the merger,

I hoped he would
rub off on you,

not the other way around.

He's getting
everything he wants

and obviously
you're on his side.

Why did you do it at all
if there are sides?

You could have just tried
to hire me back.

You never even
asked me to lunch.

Yes, Peggy, we risked
our entire company

just so I could have you in
this office complaining again.

Well, he can't drink like you.

And you must know that
because nobody can.

- Peggy, he's a grown man.
- So are you.

Move forward.

( door closes )

You're going to be fine.
With Burt Peterson gone,

Kenny in Detroit, everything's
going to fall in your in-box.

What about Cutler?

What about every time
there's a change around here,

I get knocked down
to a worse office?

( knocks ) Come in, Scarlett.

Mr. Campbell,
I'm sorry to interrupt,

but you're needed on the phone.

What now, Clara?

Is she injured?

No, but there's been a fire.

( sighs ) Call Henry at Mohawk.
See if he can meet tomorrow.

I have no idea how long
this will take.


( door closes )

( rain pattering )

I don't know what it is.

I just don't want
to think about anything.

Who told you
you were allowed to think?

So, what do I do now?

You fall asleep
the minute I close that door.

I'm flying upstate,

and when I come back,
I want you ready for me.

I can do that
standing on my head.

And I'm taking this.

Come on.

I'm taking it.

Something's come up.
Do you have a minute for Clara?

Pete Campbell's secretary.


Mr. Campbell had an emergency
and Mr. Draper is out,

so I wanted to make sure you
knew that we were rescheduling

this afternoon's
meeting with Mohawk.

Absolutely not.

What the hell
is going on around here?

( knocks ) Ready to go?

I am, but apparently Pete
Campbell wants to move it.

We can't cancel
the meeting to show a client

how important he is.
When can he go?

It doesn't matter. We should
go up there right away.

It's raining pretty hard.
We can wait a couple hours.

Don't worry about that. Once we're above
the clouds, it's sunny as summer.

( plane rattling )

How long have you
been doing this?

Not now.

There we go.

You can relax now.
We're leveled off.

I am relaxed.

( rattles )

Sometimes when you're flying,

you think you're right side up,
but you're really upside down.


Got to watch your instruments.

You don't want to take in
the wonder of God's majesty?

I like to read on planes.
I don't like to talk.

But you're gonna talk
to Henry Lammott.

I mean, you're the one
that knows him.

Does it matter?

No matter what I say,

you're the guy who flew us
up here in his own plane.

I guess that's true.

I don't know if Joanie's awake.

I really don't need to see her.

You can just give
Kevin my gift.

Oh. Oh.

( chuckles ) Hello.

I really wasn't planning
on dropping in.

I just wanted to see
if you were feeling better.

The hospital wouldn't tell me anything
because I'm not immediate family.

He's two years old.
He'll play with the bow.

- ( laughs )
- Sit down. Have a snack.

No, that's all. Don't want to be
away from the office too long.

Although I left
my overcoat on my chair,

so they know I'm there.

Well, it's nice meeting you.

He's adorable.

He's too young.

I can tell you from experience

that younger men are not
intimidated by powerful women.

- He's not interested.
- He saved your life.

It was just a cyst on my ovary.

I would have been fine.
He's worrying about his job.

Well, why wouldn't he?

It doesn't take away
what he did.

Honestly, Joan, every good deed

is not part of a plan.

She left the teakettle on.
It was mostly smoke.

Can you get Henry Lammott
on the phone?

I will, but Mr. Lammott
already called for you.

Don and Ted thought
it was best not to wait.

They went without me?

Yes. Apparently it
went very well.

Damn it, Clara.
They went without me.

Therefore, it did not
go very well.

You do understand that your
employment here is tied to me?

And if things
happen without me,

they'll eventually
happen without you.

Don't feel bad that you were
taking care of your mother.

My mother can go to hell.

Ted Chaough can fly her there.

Do you want me to get
Mr. Lammott on the phone?

Can you give me a minute?

( door closes )

I'm here.

Where are you going?

I think it's time to go home.

Not yet.

I think this is over.

It's over when I say it's over.

I had a dream that you
crashed in that plane.

But I'm back.

I dreamt I went to your funeral

and Megan cried on my shoulder.

- Stop it.
- And then I went back to Arnold

and I made love to him
and I said,

"I've been away,
but I'm home."

It means you missed me.


It means it's time
to really go home.

This is over,

and not just this.

It's easy to give up something
when you're satisfied.

It's easy to give up something

when you're ashamed.


Let's go.

Burt Peterson's gone.
That leaves me,

Jim Torkelson,
and Lawrence Harris.

You've got Roger, Pete,
Ken, and Bob Benson.

But you've got your creatives
Peggy, Cecil, and Beanie.

We lost Margie, Koch,
and Steve Hagan.

I don't know who Peggy
counts for, but we need Bob.

Bob's got to go.
Last hired, first fired.

Very well.

But before I cross him off,
let me remind you

that Bob has been very
involved in Ken's accounts,

and with Ken servicing Detroit,

I don't know how long it'll
take Lawrence to catch up.

Fine, Lawrence is gone.
Are we done here?

The secretarial staff?

( elevator humming )

( elevator bell dings )

And instead of being afraid,

I realized I should just ask
for a couple of weeks off.

They write people out
all the time.

Or I could sh**t in advance

and maybe we could go
to Honolulu again.

This time without business.

I just thought it would
be fun to go on a trip,

the two of us for a bit
without the kids.

( voice fades out )


They shot
that poor Kennedy boy.

That was years ago, Mother.

I just saw it
on the television.

( sighs )
It's 6:00 AM.

You'll be late for school.

Please just let me sleep.

I don't understand
what's going on.

They're sh**ting everybody.

Senator Kennedy then going off

into the kitchen area to retire
to his room for the evening,

or at least
for the next hour or so,

the crowd spreading around
him, shaking hands,

clapping him on the back.

Then some sh*ts ring out.

"CBS News" cameraman
James Wilson filming this.

And the next picture you see
is that of Senator Kennedy

lying on the floor,
the crowd around him screaming,

unbelieving that such
a thing could happen.

( people shouting )

( "Reach Out of
the Darkness" playing )

- ( sighs )
- ( crying )

♪ I think it's so groovy now ♪

♪ That people are finally
getting together... ♪

Reporter: A score of
hands beneath his back,

beneath his head,
trying to talk to him.

At this time it was understood that
Senator Kennedy was conscious,

although it was not understood
if he said anything at all.

Senator Kennedy now
at Good Samaritan Hospital

in Los Angeles alive, we are
understood, his heart beating.

♪ Reach out of the darkness ♪

♪ And you may... ♪