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06x04 - To Have And To Hold

Posted: 08/31/21 14:46
by bunniefuu
So you haven't
officially told anyone

you're looking to change
your life?


Why put Doyle Dane
into hysterics

when all I want to do
is have what NASA calls

an "exploratory mission"
with your agency?

Still, Timmy, Don has
some anxiety about--

well, obviously about Raymond.

Heinz Baked Beans has given us

national recognition
and Raymond's a friend.

I'm not used to telling people
what my account is worth.

Not just in billings,

but in the prestige
that comes with ketchup.

Don knows that
or he wouldn't be here.

He's not that polite.

Just relax.

If you do the work
and I like it,

I guarantee that Raymond
will fall in line.

I have that power.

And if you don't like our work?

Raymond never has to know.

I don't know if that
solves my problem.

Look, I understand your risk.

Or we could have met
in your office again.

In fact, we can have
the presentation here, too.

No, we'll get a hotel.

I am supposed to be meeting
someone in about 20 minutes

and she likes me
to wait for her.

Well, take your time.

And remember,

I don't need much of an
excuse to come to Manhattan.

When I say a small team,
I mean Stan.

Just the three of us.

We bill it under Project K.

Nice place.

Well, it's available to you.

You know, if you ever have to
spend the night in the city.

I live here, Pete.

It's been 7:00
for 20 minutes.

I'm starving.

I'm sorry I'm late,
but I have a job.

You know what, Dawn?
You have another job,

which is being
my maid of honor.

Well, I can't lose
that one, can I?

Well, I have some bad news.

Al called me

and he said both the caterer
and your date fell through.

What happened?

Al doesn't think
he's ready to settle down.

And he didn't want you to spend
the night defending yourself.

You tell Al to keep looking

because I'm never gonna meet
someone at that office.

Al and I met at church.

Church is impossible.

You can't stand out
in that crowd of harlots.

You stand out.

You must run into
somebody downtown.

I get on the train
and it's just us...

and then it gets thinner
and thinner until about 72nd.

Sometimes it's just me
and this old shoeshine--

and he won't even look at me.

Bea Carter says her son
Anthony ran into you.

But that's what
you don't understand.

We were walking
through the plaza

and we passed each other
and we just nodded.

Someone told me he said that,

but he didn't talk to me.

And I didn't talk
to him, either.

Well, I'll keep looking.

That might be too much blush.

If you look a little rusty,
it's 'cause I'm a little rusty.

I need all the help I can get.

The makeup's
not the important part.

Mary Kay always says it's really
about making yourself feel better,

and that starts with
doing something for you.

Well, that'll be a first.

- Kate!
- Shh, I just put the baby down.

- You have not changed.
- Well, you have.

How did you suddenly
get younger than me?

Because she's in
the beauty business.

What do you think?

- How much did she spend?
- It's free.

This is my old stuff.
I'm a sales director now.

- How are your boys?
- Good.

- Did you see Kevin?
- She looked in.

Why don't we let him sleep
while we eat dinner?

I made a pork roast.

And I made reservations
at Le Cirque for two.

Well, I want to catch up.
And, more importantly,

Kate has a job interview tomorrow
and I don't want her tying one on.

- Who are you meeting with?
- The competition.

Can we take a raincheck?


She hasn't changed.

Why are you getting on
the elevator going up?

Because the door opened
and you were standing there.

I pressed down.

Where have you been?

I missed you.

Working all the time.
Don't tell anyone.

Like who?

Arnie's on call
Thursday or Friday.

I'll leave a penny under the
mat when he's flown the coop.

I have to go.

Can you be more specific?


Good night.

Dennis must be doing well.

- That's from the company.
- My goodness.

What do you have to do
to get this?

Just have a lot of my recruits
sell a lot of Mary Kay.

How much?
Those are diamonds.

Just has to be the most.

They know what they're doing.

I know.
They do.

But there's no way
for me to move up there.

So is that why
you're going to Avon?

There's women
above me at Mary Kay,

It's just working
out of Spokane,

there's only so far I can go.

Well, Joanie's a partner
and I don't know if anyone

would want all that
extra responsibility.

You should visit more often.

Turns out
someone's proud of me.

I'm a monster.

Believe it or not,
"My daughter is a partner

at a Madison Avenue
advertising firm"

is something I enjoy saying.

It does sound pretty good.

Well, so much for keeping
my wits about me.

I should be getting
back to the Waldorf.

Well, I wish you
the best of luck tomorrow.

But if worse come to worse,

you're appreciated somewhere.

What are the "Life" magazine
closing dates for Birds Eye?

Ken, it's Monday.

I got a perfect cup of coffee
and a Danish on the way.

You want to start with "Good morning?
How was your weekend?"

I spent it with my in-laws
listening to Ed complain

about how much the world
hates Dow Chemical.

And I know that every gripe he has
is directed at me and this company.

Is it possible that this has turned
Ken Cosgrove into a neurotic?

If he wants people
to stop hating him,

he should stop dropping
napalm on children.

I know you just came
here to complain,

but I actually think
that I can help you.

God, that's really true.

I just came in here
to complain.

How hard would it be to meet
with Ed, just you and me?

If I have a good reason?

I'm sorry, Mr. Cosgrove,
but it's the last one.

- Did you find your keys?
- I did.

Can you get Pierre
Cossette on the line?

I have an idea.
Let's see what happens.

Harry has great ideas.

I saw this thing on a spy show.

It's a clock
with a tiny camera in it.

All we have to do
is get it in there.

If you can get in,
you don't need a clock.

I would guess
it's a military account.

And I would guess
they picked Stan

because he has no conscience.

So Project K stands for what?

Project k*ll Machine!

That's not what it stands for.

So what does
it stand for, Bobby?

I don't know what it is.

Are you saying that because
you do know what it is?


- Stan come through?
- Stan who?

I know one thing-- he's not in
a room with tinfoil on the windows.

How are things, Don?

There's nothing in here.

'Cause you're gonna
fill it with work.

- If you don't fall asleep.
- Mmm.

I'm telling you,
it clears the cobwebs.

I think a hot dog and a
hamburger are too similar.

Plus, a hot dog
cries out for mustard.

No, I think a hot dog
cries out for ketchup.

A squiggly line.


I think we should order lunch.


My goodness. Someone's having
a party and didn't invite us.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Is Clara's birthday today?

It's tomorrow
and it's $2 a head.

And, actually, I don't know
what I'm going to get.

- Do you want to come?
- I can't.

Mr. Draper
always needs me.

Could you punch me out
when you leave?


How long are you
going to be gone?

Well, if you punch me out...


I heard Mr. Draper's
in there.


- Did you get the pages?
- No.

Are you two rehearsing already?

Call me when you see them.

Arlene, are you sad
it's not you?

You know Mel is my husband.

I could have him write you
into a hospital bed

or a grave.

I'm sorry.

What's going on?

Well, you're going to have
a love scene with Rod.

And between you, me, and
soon a national audience,

it's more of a love affair.

Oh, my goodness.

That's so exciting.

Thank you for telling me.

Oh, I did more than tell you.

Mel's been on the fence,

but I think he really
believes in you.

Now, don't embarrass me.

You've done this
before, haven't you?

Um, well, of course.

Does a high school play count?


It's gonna be exciting at first

and then it'll be
part of the job.

It's pretty exciting.

The hard part is how "James
Garner" there will deal with it.

Some people think it's better to
wait till after it's happened

or not tell them at all, but I
think it's best to be up front.

Well, obviously
he's not going to like it.

Would you be upset if he did?

I don't know.

Why don't Mel and I take
you two out to dinner?

You know, to make
him comfortable.

And, honestly, all of us
should be better acquainted.

I mean, Mel has
big plans for you.

I'm gonna leave
you alone with these.

- Did you send Scarlett somewhere?
- No, Meredith.

Well, it's just I can't
find her or Mr. Crane

and there's someone to see him.

I'm dying for you to meet Ken.

How are you?


Have Scarlett see me
when you find her.

Oh, good.
You're home on time.

I am. It's only because
I have a lot of work

and I don't want to do
it in a windowless room.

So why don't you have a seat?

I'm gonna get you a drink.

And then I'm gonna
stuff you with coq au vin.

I know you're very busy,

but I want us to have,
I don't know--

I want us to be able to talk
about things other than work.

Megan, what happened?

Just once I'd like
to be that wife

that lays a trap and has her
husband walk right into it.

Okay, first of all, Arlene,

you know, she plays
Penelope Aldridge.

She basically owns
"Berkshire Falls."

She's married to Mel
the head writer

and they want to have
dinner with us.

Does it get worse?

Well, my storyline
is getting more developed

and that means

I'm gonna have
a series of love scenes.

- With whom?
- With Rod Holly.

He plays Rafe Jackson.
He's Arlene's nephew.

Megan, I don't care.

What's a "love scene"
consist of?

It's just kissing and hugging.

It's TV. We can't
really do anything.

What am I supposed to say?

That you trust me.

And that you know
it's part of my job.

And maybe that it was bound to
happen if things went well.

Keep going. I'm dying to
hear what I say next.

Should I have
hidden it from you?

I don't know, Megan.
I need to think about it.

Look, I know
I wouldn't like it,

but I'd look
on the bright side.

Okay, I guess if I
wasn't your husband,

I would be happy for you.

It does mean they like you.

Do you like me?

Honey, I can tolerate this,
but I can't encourage it.

You're perfect.

And, honestly, Ed, it's not just Ken
who's been losing sleep about this.

I mean, last week when half of
Colombia got into your lobby--

It was 15 people.

Look, you've been in
the news every other day

and a couple of articles
placed in business journals

are not going
to make that stop.

They acted like they
were storming the Bastille.

This is their country, too.

What exactly is your point?


A one-hour prime-time TV
special sponsored by Dow,

starring Joe Namath and 15
or so of his best friends

putting on a show drawing from
America's most beloved musicals.

"Broadway Joe
on Broadway."

Joe Namath sings?

Don't you want to watch
it just to find out?

And who are his "friends"?

I have access to the
greatest talent available.

There'll be sex appeal. Joey
Heatherton, for example.

Pipes, Julie Andrews.
And punch.

How about John Wayne in a
sketch version of "Camelot"?

We're mostly
household products.

Women don't like football.

Have you ever asked them
about Joe Namath?

Forget demographics.

How would you like Dow to be
responsible for making people smile?

And is there anything
that makes people smile

more than Broadway
and football?

"Yankee Doodle Dandy" and
the Notre Dame fight song

playing at the same time.

♪ I'm a Yankee
Doodle Dandy... ♪

♪ Yankee Doddle, do or die... ♪

Okay, okay.

Kenny, did you tell them
I went to Notre Dame?

No, I told them
about Joey Heatherton.

So it's tailor-made
for us?

What's our commitment?

Well, you'd be a corner tenant.

There's six minutes
of commercials in the hour,

you'd get three and then
two 10-second billboards

at the beginning
and end of the show.

"Brought to you
by Dow Chemical,

family products
for the American family."

Just imagine
Joe Namath in a straw hat.

I'm sorry
to bother you, Scarlett,

but is Mr. Crane in?

No, he's in a meeting.

Is there something
I can help you with?

Well, if he's expecting
any special guests,

you should let us know because he had someone
come yesterday and you weren't here.

I must have been
in the ladies' room.

No, and it's strange because
you didn't leave until 6:47.

Oh, Joan, it's Clara's
birthday today

and I tried to go at lunch,
but I got stuck at my desk.

So I left Mr. Crane
on his own

while I attended
to this company business.

We got her a Givenchy
scarf from Gimbels.

I have the card here
for you to sign.

But you never came back and you
had Dawn punch your time card.

No, Dawn and I
were working together.

But we were all over the place.

But mostly in accounting.

Thank you for clearing that up.


Have you spoken
to Scarlett this morning?

We're missing the big hole punch and I
think you were the last one to see her.

The hole punch
is in the creative lounge.

Dawn, Scarlett
told me everything.

Scarlett, you're fired.

Joan, please.
It won't happen again.

Not here it won't.
Go get your things.

Dawn, could you get Stan in here

- before the partners meeting?
- I'll deal with you later.

Girls do it all the time.

Just go before you really
embarrass yourself.

I hope you realize this means
now you're on Ed's radar.

So will I be invited
to Sunday dinner?

Something like that.

I don't know where you're going, but
I want you to bring back champagne.

Oh, Harry, I'm not coming back.

What are you talking about?

Joan, you owe
Scarlett an apology.

Harry, please don't
involve yourself in this.

I'm tired of your
petty dictatorship.

So whatever capital crime or treason
she committed, she's in my department.

I didn't realize you were
that attached to Scarlett.

- We're not attached.
- We are attached!

I have something
more important to do.

I would hope you do, too.

Scarlett, do whatever
you think is best.

You are to do
whatever I think is best.

Let's go.
Back to work.

Everything's fine.

I understand
the confidentiality,

but I need to know
how to bill Project K.


Meredith, why
don't you step out?

I don't know what she said because I'm
not privy to these conversations,

but I would like the chance
to defend myself.

- Mr. Crane, I haven't--
- No, please.

Let him go on.

Well, it's this simple-- Scarlett works
for me and Joan tried to fire her.

She left work early and had
Dawn punch her time card.

It's pay for a minimum
of five hours of work

that she didn't do
that we are paying for.

Well, it's either me or her.

- Joan?
- Scarlett.

I think you mean,
"If she goes, I go."

"Broadway Joe
on Broadway."

Is there anybody in here
who thought of that?

- I did.
- What the hell is that?

It's $150,000 worth
of incremental business

I generated while solving a problem.
For what?

So I can stand outside that glass
and watch you all in here?

- What did Dawn do?
- Well, I'm almost positive--

Just keep talking to her
because she's a partner.

You know what?

I'm sorry my accomplishments
happened in broad daylight

and I can't be given
the same rewards.

What is that supposed to mean?

You know damn well.

The next time this group
is called to order,

I expect to be sitting
at this table.

I've actually earned it.

Don't worry, dear.
That's not going to happen.

Joan, I don't want to put myself
in the same camp as Harry,

but I might remind you
and everyone

the Commission on Human Rights
is continuing to investigate

our industry regarding
the employment of Negroes.

She's a good secretary.

Of course.

What about Scarlett?

I think this humiliation
will suffice.

Can we continue
with the billings?


Where were we?

"Meredith, why don't you
step out?"



I'm sorry,
but I couldn't leave.

I don't care as long as you
brought those bridal magazines.

What is wrong with you?

I had a day today that
pushed your stupid wedding

to the bottom of the list.

- Did you get fired?
- No.

I don't think so.

Who can tell at that place?

What happened?

One of the girls
asked me to punch out

her time card
and we got caught.

I told you, those girls
aren't your friends.

Yes, they are. She got
in more trouble than me.

Why do you think she asked you?

You can't say no
'cause you're too scared.

All they see is,
"Yes, sir."

Everybody's scared there.

Women crying
in the ladies' room.

Men crying in the elevator.

It sounds like New Year's Eve
when they empty the garbage,

there are so many bottles.

And I told you about that poor man
hanging himself in his office.

Oh, they got it so bad,

they must all
be jealous of you.

What am I gonna do? Throw a
brick through their window?

I want to keep my job,

so I'm gonna keep my head down.

Well, I couldn't do it.

Well, you don't have to.

You're getting married.

And dinner.

I should have brought Dennis.

You're not even
listening to me.

I'm sorry.
I need a drink

and this place
is a soda fountain.

I feel like I'm in high school
right down to the clientele.


We're sitting here waiting
for a phone to ring.

This actually is high school.

So what do you do to have fun?

I don't look in a guidebook.

This wasn't in
a guidebook, okay?

My friend told me about it.

Is she a nun or just the
right age for this place?

Apparently there are
quite a few men here

who go for a certain type.


Joanie, don't judge me.
I'm in New York.

Good evening, ladies.

If there's anything you need,
I'll be over there.

Catherine's got a lot
of tables, so don't hesitate.

I'm Leo.

I'm Kate.
And this is Joan.

Actually, I don't think
our phone is working.

- Can you test it?
- I'll see what I can do.

How many girls come in here and
complain that their phones are broken?

He's cute.
Reminds me of Scotty.

Well, don't marry him.

That was the worst
six months of my life.

You always did
everything first.

But you did everything smart.

Well, tonight we're just
a couple of young secretaries.

Answer it.


How did you do that?

I didn't do anything.
He likes you.



Just a minute.
Let me ask my girlfriend.

He wants us to meet him
after his shift.

Well, tell him
you know a place.

But I don't.
Do you?

- Should I invite him to my room?
- No.

We were just trying
to think of a place.

Tell him to think of a place.

Do you know of a place?

Oh, good.

- Hang up.
- Till then.

Okay, now I need a drink.

Do you honestly believe
a few jokes

on the "Smothers Brothers"
are really upsetting people?

I think it's the sponsors
and the network

don't want to have
a conversation about the w*r.

I'd like to have an evening without
a conversation about the w*r.

Darling, you
shouldn't smoke so much.

The weight you lose
isn't worth the wrinkles.

See, I think the sponsors
are for the w*r.

They don't want to have
any dissent.

Don, you're a writer.
You know this is censorship.

I am a writer
and I'm against the w*r,

but when you buy a commercial,

you're hoping that the consumer

is in a good mood when
they hear your message.

So if you agree on
a wholesome variety show

and all of a sudden
it's filled with satire--

the most threatening
humor there is--

you're worried about people
hating what you're selling.

Megan, let's talk about you

and how you found this man.

I could cast
you, you know that.

Yes, I'm sure he is a man
who plays many roles.

Luckily you don't have
to worry about censorship

with the show
because it's so tame.

Of course it's for
daytime entertainment.

It's for housewives.

It has to be
a little titillating.

We have our own standards.

Although they've been
very liberal with us.

But, you know,

when we do things on the show,

it's all very tasteful.

Well, it's not real life.

Why don't you let me
get the check?

We go back to our pad,
smoke some grass,

and... see
what happens.

Sounds like fun.

I don't know.
It's late.

It's not.

Look, if you don't
smoke grass, that's fine.

It's not everything
we had in mind.

I'm not sure if I understand.

We like Megan.

And we like you.

And we'd like to be friends.

Us, too.

Well, then...

I guess it's not impossible
under the right circumstances

for us to become
better acquainted.

Hey, it may not work.
It's a chemistry experiment.

I have a big day tomorrow.
You both know that.

That's work.
This is play.

I have to get up very early.

That's what
black coffee is for.

I make it delicious.


maybe another time.

Arlene, we've heard
"no" before.

I guess there's no reason
to skip dessert.


This is the best seat.

St. Marks between
2nd and 3rd, please.

Have you been to
the Electric Circus?

- All the time.
- We're from out of town.

Let's see who kisses better.

I'm not playing this game.

Because she'll lose.

What the hell was that?

What? They like you
and they like me.

They'd like us to be friends.

They were so out in the open.

It was a good strategy.
I kept thinking

he was going to ask me for a
job directing commercials.

Maybe he was waiting
for tomorrow morning

- when we were basking in the afterglow.
- Don't.

Just a pile of arms and legs.

I don't know whether
to laugh or be sick

because now I think

that's the reason
they gave me the scene.

I'm sure they've tried that

with plenty of people
who haven't gotten scenes.

Don, I have to go
back to work with them.

It'll be better than ever.
How long have they been married?

18 years.

I'm busy.

Come up for air.

Oh, hey.

Would you mind?

This is my friend.

I'm Johnny.

Joan. Pleased to meet you.

Johnny and Joan.

Bonnie and Clyde.

- Do you want a drink?
- I have one.

♪ Bonnie and Clyde... ♪

What'd I say?

What did he say?

He said I'd want you.

♪ Bonnie and Clyde... ♪

♪ Bonnie and Clyde... ♪

Well, w*r or no w*r,

Nixon doesn't think he's
running against Johnson.

He thinks he's running against
the ghost of Kennedy.

So does Johnson.

I don't know where Helen is.

How are you both this morning?

Frankly, we're a little

Well, if that has anything to do with me, I apologize.
That was not my intention.

How are Jennifer,
Bea, and the twins?

It's Nathan and Steven, right?


They're well, thank you.

That display
yesterday of--

well, of initiative

really caught our attention.

This is a check for $23,500.

That's the full commission
on "Broadway Joe."

Well, thank you.

That's a lot of money.

So, anything else to say?

I'm puzzled. What do you
make a year, Mr. Crane?

22. So what about
the partnership?

You want some of the spoils.
Well, there you go.

We have to get bigger
before we get bigger.

What a load of crap.

- You know, Joan's not even in yet.
- Leave her out of this.

Bert, you know
how important I am

to this company.
You were me.

I was different than you,
Mr. Crane, in every way.

- So you don't want the money?
- No, I've earned the money.

But I've also earned
a partnership.

I really hope some other firm
doesn't figure that out first.

That was the most
impressive thing he's done.

Should we fire him
before he cashes that check?

- Aren't you gonna be late?
- Aren't you?

I love you.

Wish me luck.

Good luck.

I'm really waking
you this time.


Honey, wake up.

Now you two layabouts
have to bathe him.

I have an appointment.

Mom, I'm still going to work.

Do you need to throw up?

Mother, can you
give us a minute?

Why did I do that?

You had some fun.

I just wanted to try it.

Now you'll go home and you'll find
everything right where it belongs.

I'm really not you, am I?

Why would you want to be?

Are you kidding?

Look what you did.

You came out here,

you staked this out
on your own.

I always had Dennis
to fall back on.

Even when I went to Mary Kay.

You didn't.

And I never will.

How'd that happen?

The whole reason
I even talked to Avon

is because I wanted...

I don't know,

what you have.

It's not what you think.

You're an executive.

It's a title.

And money.

I've been working there
for 15 years

and they still treat
me like a secretary.

What's it have to do with them?

You're there, Joan.

And from where I'm sitting,
it's damn impressive.

I don't care
how they make you feel,

it's right in front
of you for the taking.

I'll be back in an hour.

There you go.


Okay, I'll draw the bath.

It's clean, it's simple,

and it's tantalizingly

What's missing?
One thing.

"Pass the Heinz."

You mean the Heinz Ketchup.

It's Heinz.
It only means one thing.

It feels like half an ad.

The greatest thing
you have working for you

is not the photo you take
or the picture you paint.

It's the imagination
of the consumer.

They have no budget.
They have no time limit.

And if you can get
into that space,

your ad can run all day.

Well, Pete,
you said I'd say it.

It's pretty bold work.

I think I still
want to see our bottle.

I thought that
at first, too, but--

We will test it both ways.

It's a testament to ketchup

that there can be no confusion.

Let me chew on it, fellas.

You're going to be thinking
of ketchup all day

and you didn't even see it.

Thank you.

We'll be in touch.

Well, hello.


Ted, you want to come in?

I hope you left us something.

Good to see you.

It's a bake-off?
Since when?

- Come on, Don.
- Go wait by the elevator.


So, what's the difference
between ketchup and catsup?

Well, catsup has more tomatoes,

comes in a bigger bottle,

is cheaper, but tastes
just like ketchup.

Now, we know that's not true,

but that's what
your competitors are saying.

Over and over.

And they're selling their
watered-down, flavorless sauce

by pretending that they're you.

Makes you angry, doesn't it?

Me, too.

But I always say

if you don't like
what they're saying,

change the conversation.

The only ketchup."

Imagine this 40 feet tall

in Times Square.

Ketchup versus catsup--

end of conversation.

- Good morning.
- Good afternoon.

Thank you.

Joan, may I have a word?

I'm sorry I was not
more forthright with you.

I think it would only be
fair if you docked my pay

to cover the hours
Scarlett did not work.

Fair to whom?

I don't know.
Fair to the company?

This is the key
to the supply closet

and this is the key
to the time cards.

You will be responsible
for monitoring both.



- Thank you.
- Don't thank me.

You don't understand
that this is punishment.

Well, I don't care
if everybody hates me here

as long as you don't.

We'll see.

So there's two of us.

We're both
the same size agency.

You're not afraid of
a little heads-up baseball.

I only did it because no one
else was supposed to know.

I think everything
should be done in secret.

Lock me in that Project K room,
I'll work on anything, Don.

I miss it already.

Mind if we join
the Lonely Hearts Club?

Who says we're not celebrating?

J. Walter Thompson.
They bought it in the room.

Are you kidding me?
We paid for that room.

What do you know?

The biggest agency
in the world.

Oh, I'm glad you're here.

See, I just got off
the phone with Raymond Geiger

and he said that you
were at the Roosevelt

giving a presentation
to the ketchup brand manager.

But I said that was impossible
because how could that happen

at my firm without me knowing?

Because no one
was supposed to know.

Let me get a rye rocks
and an Old Spanish.

I'm sorry, Ken.
Damn it.

I'll call him.
I'll work it out.

Don't bother.

He doesn't even want
to give us 90 days.

There's nothing better than
being known for your loyalty.

You hear that, Ted?

Vinegars, sauces,
and beans is available.

Help yourself.
It's a gold mine.

They'd love that.

There's a pie and they
slice it into pieces

and they throw the tiniest
piece into the yard

and let all the small
agencies fight over it.

Speak for yourself.

It was worth the risk.

I think I see a friend.

Please, Rafe,
you have a family.

I have a family
that ignores me,

that treats me like
I've never been there.

But you, you make me
feel new again.

I work for you.

And for her.

She's good to me.

Stop fighting.

I don't know how much
longer I can take this.

This is your bed
you share with her.

I can't.

Rafe, we can't.

Corinne, don't deny this,
what's between us.

Don't deny me when
I know you feel it too.

I do.


You like to watch, do you?

Oh, Rafe.

And we're clear.

Everyone to
the conservatory set.

- Very nice, everyone.
- You did great.

Thank you.

Megan, your agent's here.

That was steamy.

So I should go change
and we can go.

I'll keep you company.

What are you doing here?

Because you didn't
want me to see that?

No, and I don't understand why
you'd do that to yourself.

It's a hell of a lot better than
letting my imagination run wild.

The first time you come
to set is for this?

I've been here for months. What did
you think was going to happen?

I didn't expect you
to enjoy it.

It's acting, Don.

Were you gonna brush your teeth
at least before you came home?

I'm sick of tiptoeing around you every
time something good happens to me.

This is my job.
No, my career.

You kiss people for money.
You know who does that?

You couldn't stop it, so I guess
ruining it was enough for you.

Would you rather
have not known?

You never watch the show. It'd
be like it never happened.

Why don't you have dinner
with Arlene and Mel tonight?

They're much more

That's been out there all day.

Was it going to be
out there all night?


- Take that off.
- Why?

It doesn't mean
anything to you.

It does to you.

It does.

So what do you do
when I leave here?

Get on your knees
and pray for absolution?

I pray for you.

For me to come back?


For you to find peace.