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15x19 - Old Times

Posted: 08/31/21 11:20
by bunniefuu
Let me go, you bastards!
Let me go!

Let me go!

OK, what have we got?

She's not going
to tell Banfield.

Anybody could have missed it.

You wouldn't have.

No, you shut up!

I wasn't the one out
with that bitch all night!

I have no idea how long I'm
going to be stuck in this place.

You're going to have to
reschedule my entire day.

Just a sec!

I'll be with you
in a second!


I found a baby.
I think it's dying.

You found it?

In front of
my apartment.

In the vestibule
by the mailboxes.

It's inside,
but it's still cold.

I need an infant warmer,
IV access and a rectal temp.

I'll try an antecubital vein.

CBC, chem panel and accucheck.

And a blood culture, too.
How old do you think?

Can't be more than a couple of weeks.
Looks kind of dry.

Umbilical stump is still on,
but it's clean.

Somebody tied it
off with a string.

Tenting. Dehydrated.

He. You got a boy.

Fontanelle's sunken.
How's that IV Coming?

Got it.

I'm drawing the bloods.

Send the lytes critical.

What fluids you want?

Probably about six pounds.

50cc saline bolus.

Temp is 35.7.

All right.
Was there a note, anything?

Ma'am, was there...

Where did she go?


The girl who brought him in.

She was here a minute ago.

He's seizing.

All right.
0.25 milligrams Ativan.

Sleep OK?


K's down to 4.8.

Take a deep breath.



Lungs are clearing.

Yeah, I'm actually
starting to feel...

You were lucky.

Skip dialysis this week?

Staying away from the salt,
weighing yourself?

Yes, of course.

Your morning labs
come back OK,

we can discharge you
this afternoon.

Maggie will go over

the dietary
restrictions with you.

Make sure you stick
to the programme.

I really don't...

Pay attention to your fluid
intake, all right, Doctor?

That was brisk.

I really don't need

to go over the dietary
restrictions again.

No! Put that down!

Who are you?

You eat anything?

Not since last night.

Who paged me back
down here again?

That was me. How are his lungs?
-Drying out.

I was gonna order
a follow-up chest X-ray.

Do it now. Sats?

Ninety-two. Somebody want
to tell me what's going on?

Co-ags, clot in the blood bank, electrolytes.
What's going on?

I'm Dr Kurtag from
the transplant team.

UNOS called.

There's a chance they may
have found you a kidney.


I'm Carol Hathaway.
Who's who?

Chris Zafares,
OSHU Portland. Lungs.

Jon Pares,

St Luke's Boise.

Mila Ratkovich,

Salt Lake City medical.

Neela Rasgotra, Chicago.

What's the hold-up?

16-year-old kid riding his
bike home from the movies,

drunk driver hit him.

Grandma said yes
to organ donation

and then changed her mind.


We took her in to say goodbye,
she squeezed his hand.

She got a spinal cord reflex.

The kid squeeze back?

So, what now?

Well, I've ordered
a CBF study.

Doug Ross,
attending physician.


How long's that
gonna take?

An hour, maybe two.

And the grandmother's got consent?

No mom or dad to ask?

Dad's gone, the grandma's
trying to find the mother.

I've been talking
to the grandmother.

You give her some time, she's
gonna do the right thing.

-So sit tight, have some coffee,

watch some TV.
We'll get back to you

as soon as we can.

Still no mom?

The number the grandmother
gave me is disconnected.

Busy downstairs?

Yeah, I gotta get back.

Grandmother's alone,
she's frightened.

She could use
some support.

I asked her if I could
call anyone else for her,

and she said, "No, just
please find my daughter."

Well, let's hope we didn't bring all
these people out here for nothing.



I've got to go.

Did you run the test?

We'll get the results back soon,

but I don't want you
to get your hopes up.

I've heard of people
that have been in a coma

for a very long time and
then they suddenly wake up.

We don't think Billy
is in a coma.

He squeezed my hand.
I know.

But it was probably just
a spinal cord reflex.

The test that
we ran earlier indicates

there is no brainstem activity.

He squeezed my hand.

I'll come and find you when the
new test results come in, OK?

There were five kids
riding their bikes home

and the car only hit Billy.

Can I get you something?
Some coffee?

No. Thank you.

Why is he seizing?
What do you think?


Oh, um, electrolytes?
Glucose was 88.

Add an ammonia level, serum
ketones, and lactate level.

What are you thinking?

Inborn errors of metabolism.
Pretty rare.

Yeah, well, we don't know
if we don't look.

Ativan's on board.

OK, good.
We still need an etiology.

Is that a statement or a question?

Ceftriaxone, 150 milligrams.

Set up
for a cath DUA and an LP.

Labs are back.

Sodium is 115.

Daria, why so low?

Uh, dehydration?

Or maybe the mom was
watering down the formula.

Watering it down?
Trying to make it stretch further.

I've seen it before.
Formula's expensive.

Hypertonic saline.

What about the risk of central
pontine myelinolysis?

He seized.
We have to correct his sodium.

Yeah, but if you fix
it too quickly,

He could sustain
permanent brain damage.

That's why we're not going
to do it too quickly.

10cc bolus
of three percent saline.


She's hanging in there.

It's amazing, isn't it?

No heart, but she's still alive.

So they told you?

That another heart
might be coming?

They're not going
to screw it up again.

Now that was a one
in a million thing.

You know, having someone
that you really care about,

who you really
love, who's sick...

that's a lot like
running a marathon.

You just got to take one step
at a time, one day at a time.

But if you keep running
and having faith

that it'll happen,
then one day, eventually,

you'll finish the race.

-Repeat sodium is 122.

Hemogram and the rest
of the lytes are normal.

We're definitely headed
in the right direction.

Keep normal saline going
at 10cc's per hour.

Do you really think it was
just that, just the fluids?

Looks likely.

Maybe he's hungry.


No, no, no, no.

I try to keep the relationship

with the babies
strictly professional.




Oh, for God's sake...

Get family services down here
and call the PICU.

They're going to have to
watch him overnight,

follow his electrolytes.

Did the girl
ever show up again?

What girl?

The one who
brought him in.

No, I haven't
seen her.

The police
are gonna want

to talk to her -
family services, too.

I'll look
around outside.


Hey, I think
he likes you.

It's just the grasp reflex.

Sure it is.

Cappuccino machine's broken,
so no lattes.

No lattes
in Seattle?

That some sort
of cruel joke?

So, you're almost done with
your surgical residency, huh?


You gonna stay at County?

You guys are from
Chicago, right?


We have one kidney
heading to Tacoma,

Another was supposed
to go to Spokane,

but the guy got the flu.

UNOS kicked out
a match in Chicago.


Thought maybe
you wouldn't mind

hauling an extra cooler
back on the plane

with your heart.

Did the grandmother
sign off?

Not yet.
The CBF just came back.

We're gonna go talk to her now.

Now, the CBF allows us

to measure the blood flow
in the brain by

injecting radioactive isotopes

into the bloodstream.

Now, this is
a normal brain.

That's the radioactivity.

Now, this is a dead brain...

which is,
essentially, silent.

That's your
grandson's brain.

There's no blood flow,

no corneal or jaw reflex,

no gag reflex.

He failed the apnea test
and now, the CBF.

Nora, Billy's gone.

She needs to see him.

I'm sorry?

His mother needs
to see him.

Did-did you reach her?

I tried the numbers
you gave me.

Maybe there's another number I could try.
I don't know.

Does she live
in Seattle?

I don't know what
she would want me to do.

If there's an address, I could
send someone out

to try and find her.

His mother needs to be here.

How you doing?


Yeah, well, don't eat.

Thirsty, too.

We'll get you some ice chips
to suck on. Half a cup.

Where are we?

There's been
a delay.

What kind of delay?

No idea.

Kidney's coming
from the west coast.

But they say
it's gonna happen?

They say
there's been a delay.

Soon as your
kidney's in the air,

we'll haul you
up to pre-op.

So...may not happen?

What, you were
doing something

more important today?

No, it's just...

If it takes a little
longer, all the better

to finish drying
out your lungs.

We've got two
days on a kidney

once it's out of the donor.

After I see your next set
of labs, I may want

to hold off a day anyway.

We can't browbeat her
into donating.

She didn't give you
any more info on Mom?


Who's in there with her?


You OK?

I'm just tired.

Why don't you go home?

You've been on
since last night.

I can finish this.

No, I'm gonna
stick around.

How were the girls
this morning?


Spelling test.

You know, I'm a
very good speller.


Why don't you grab
yourself some coffee?

Stay awake.


I'm gonna try and
intercept the neighbour. Oh.

Find out more about the family situation.

So you guys are from
Chicago, huh?


I used to work there.


No kidding.

I did my residency there.


You a surgeon?

No, paediatrics.

Emergency paediatrics.

Is Kerry Weaver
still kicking around?

No, she, uh, left
a couple of years ago.

Peter Benton?

Susan Lewis?

Was, um, Abby Lockhart around
when you were there?


How about Gregg Pratt?


You're in surgery, right?


How about Anspaugh?

Yep, he's still there.



you say hello to him for me.
Tell him Doug Ross said hi.

-Sure. Bye.

I didn't even hear the murmur.

Well, they can be transient,
tough to pick up.

An IV drug user
with a fever?

I should've been
thinking endocarditis

as soon as I
saw the chart.

We've all missed
one of those.

That's what
Laverne said.

Laverne is a wise woman.

You should listen to her.

Look, just don't say
anything to Banfield, OK?

I already questioned her
clinical judgment once today.

Evaluations are
coming out this week.

84-year-old woman, bedridden
with multiple sclerosis,

Presents with fever
and vomiting for two days.

BP 102/64, heart rate's 120.

I tried to get a line in,
but I couldn't.

Uh, she really can't hold
her head up very much anymore.


Hey, Frank, what
do you got open?

Uh, curtain two.


Can she hear me,
understand me?

Oh, yes, she understands.

But she doesn't speak very much.

But, uh, she's sharp
as a tack, doc.

I'm Dr Gates.

Uh, you've
been vomiting?

Her name's Marjorie.

OK, ready?
On three, guys.

One, two, three.

So, Marjorie, you've been
vomiting for a few days?


What medications is she taking?

Oh, I got a list here.

Oh, here. Baclofen

for muscle spasm,
Clonazepam for tremors,

Ditropan for bladder and
Zoloft for depression.


Here, sweetheart.

Can you open
your mouth?


All right, now
take a deep breath,

will you please?

Good, Marjorie.

Very good.


Let's do ten
of IV Reglan,

a gram of rectal Tylenol,
CBC, chem panel, UA...

And what am I
leaving out, Daria?

Oh, um...chest X-ray.

Portable chest, right.

Yeah. I thought you were NPO.

What the hell are you doing?

I'm working.

What are you doing?

I'm waiting.

Nice socks.

My feet got cold.

You look ridiculous, Carter.

I didn't know you
were on staff here.


Renal failure?

It's a long story.
Are you on my transplant team?

No, I'm, uh,
I'm general surgery.

I just, I saw
a "J Carter" on the board,

figured I'd check it out.


Kurtag, right?

Yeah, I just met him today.

Is he any good?

Oh, he's terrific.

He trained with Tullius
at the Brigham.

Uh, bit of a prick though.

Yeah, I kind of
picked up on that already.

So I thought you were
still in Africa.

I thought you were still
in private practice

out in suburbia-ville.

Yeah, well,
Reese is 13 now.

He's 13?

Oh, my God.

How does
that happen?

What about you?
You got kids?


You're married though, right?

In theory.


Don't be.

It's just another long story.

I, uh, I guess
I should get back.

Yeah? OK.

It's really good to see you.


Hey, did they tell you
what time you're going up? No.

No, we're in a bit
of a holding pattern,

waiting for the
kidney to arrive.

All right.

I've got a hernia.

I'll check back in
on you though.

That would be great.

What's up?

Transpo team from Salt Lake
is losing their patient.

I spoke to the neighbour.

Billy's mom split
six, seven years ago.


Neighbour does not think
grandma's seen her since.

Talk to Nora about it?

No. She wants
to talk to you.


I'm Doug Ross.

I'm Susan Knefsey.

I'm gonna go find
a cup of coffee.

You want anything?

Nice to meet you.

It was nice
to meet you.

Uh, your daughter...
what's her name?

Billy's mother.



You have
other children?

When was the last time
you saw her?

What was Billy like?

He's wonderful.


funny, handsome...

He loves music.

Especially the kind
that I can't stand,

and he plays it really loud.



Lots of friends.

There's always kids
coming in and out of the house.

Big heart.

He really cares
about people.

Even the little kids.

I mean, it's really unusual,
you know?

Sounds like
a great kid.





What parts do they...use?

Well, uh, Carol, you...?

Pancreas, kidneys, liver,


corneas to help
the blind see again.

Bones, tendons, cartilage,

ligaments to help
people walk.

He can change lives
for the better.

Five lives, maybe ten.

Maybe dozens.

Billy's heart could possibly

save someone else's life
before dark.

It's not gonna make up
for what you lost, but...

it is something.

Guys, you want to hold up
here, just for a second?

Can I...?


Mr Manning?

Oh. Call me Paul, please.

OK, Paul, the
results are back,

and, um, your wife has a
urinary tract infection

that's spread
to her kidneys.

We need to admit her to the
hospital for IV Antibiotics.

Oh, well, can't it
be done at home?

Home treatment is not
as effective.

But she'd prefer it at home.

I understand, but, you know,
a kidney infection can be

life-threatening in a woman
of your wife's age.

Um, I think she's trying
to get our attention.

Oh, uh...

She's thirsty.
All right.

Daria, can you get
some water, please?

No, no, no water.
Water'll choke her.

Here, I got something here
that I know will work better.

A little peach juice.

Here, we're gonna have some
peach juice, darling, OK?

Here we go.

Here we go, darling.

There you go.

Easy, easy, easy.

She just doesn't want to be
in another hospital.

OK. We'll see
what we can do.

We'll be back.

Easy, girl, easy.

You're really gonna let him take her home?
That's what she wants.

She has a treatable

She's 84, she's frail,
she's disabled...

Maybe this infection
is a blessing.

You're gonna send her home to die
from a treatable infection?

500 Levaquin
for Mrs Manning in curtain two.

You got it. Look, they know
what they're asking.

If she wants
to die at home,

who are we to say
she shouldn't?

Hey, hold the elevator, please.

How's the child doing? Stabilised,
but we're gonna have to keep him

for a couple of days,
make sure he's OK.

Woman who dropped him off give
you an address, anything?

No, mm-mm. She told
one of the desk clerks

she was late for work
and then left.

We'll begin a search for
the parents or family.

I contacted the police,
and they don't have

any reports of missing babies.

If no-one shows up before,
uh, you discharge him,

then they'll take him
to the ERC and...

get foster proceedings started.

He's a cutie.

Mm, yeah.

I'm gonna need to appoint
someone from the hospital staff

to be his protective
custodian while he's in here.

You up for it?



Good. I'll get
the paperwork.

Where's our plane?

What happened
to our plane,

the plane that came
in from Chicago?

The G-5?
They had to leave.


How much time do we have?
Eight hours.

Eight hours until this heart
needs to be beating in a chest,

or we might as well chop it up
and use it in shepherd's pie.

Hi. Uh, we need a plane.

Excuse me?

I-I need a plane,
now, to Chicago.

Do you have an aircraft
reserved with us?

No. Our plane left,
and we need another.

Something about
their service hours.

Oh. Well, I don't have
anything available right now.

I could make
a few calls,

see if I can get a
flight crew to come in.

How long will that take?
I could get a crew here

In three hours, maybe four.
No, we don't have four hours.

You see this?
There's a heart in here, a human heart.

In there?
Yeah, and there's

a woman in Chicago dying
who needs this heart.

I don't know if they'll do it.

They're supposed
to be going to Cleveland.

You like reggae music?





You OK?

Well, they gave me Kyexelate
to lower my potassium.


Oh, that is just cruel.


I'm dying of thirst.
I'm starving, too.

What else you got, a burger
hidden in your scrubs there?

No, just...
an energy bar.

That's just wrong.


Peanut butter.

Oh, God.

Mm, mm, mm.

So, where is everybody?


Your people,
your family.

My folks, uh, are
in the Bahamas for winter.

They know what's
going on?

They couldn't make it back,
even if they wanted to.

Come on, man,
fire up the jet,

They could be back here
before you leave post-op.

No more jet.

The recession, man.

Haven't you heard?

Tell me about it.

My mortgage was
just reset.

So, uh...

How long were
you in Africa?

Four years.

Yeah? Is that where
you met your ex?

Mm-hmm. Kem.

She's not my ex yet.

Would you like to see
a picture of her?



You married a sister?

She's half Congolese.

She was raised in France.


Hey, she's gorgeous, man.

You gonna let this get away?

Not my choice, really.

She know what's going on?

That you're here waiting for a transplant?

She's in Paris.

Her mom's sick.
It's a whole...

< Dr Carter!

Excuse me.
Is everything OK?

We are moving you.

Where's Kurtag?

Could you grab that bag?

Heads up.

Let's go.

Wish me
luck, huh?



They found a heart?

< You should call her.


Your wife.

She'd want to know.
Maybe come.

Now, uh...

I don't know.

Being on your deathbed, and all,

she could swoop in,
be by your side.

Very romantic.

I know your surgeon.

You know what, uh,

Reese is going to a bulls game
with a friend's family.

I'll stick around
for a little bit,

make sure Kurtag gets
all the sponges out.

You don't have to do that.
Eh, I'll just be at home

on the sofa watching
Sportscenter anyway.

They take her in


You mind if I stick around?

That would be nice.

Was that it?


Somebody order a kidney?

Hey, we'd just about
given up on you. Get lost?

Stopped, got my nails
done in Boise.

Figured, "What's the hurry?"

Flight was good?

You like reggae?

Take care, huh?

Does anybody know
when he's coming?

How about a rough estimate?

More than a minute,
less than a hockey season.

More than an hour,

less than the life-span
of a giant redwood tree?


Sorry. I'm hungry,
thirsty, I'm tired,

I'm cold, my arm
just fell asleep.

Stop being a baby.
Plus, I feel like

I'm hanging out of this thing.
Could someone cover up

my crotch, please?
He's here.

We have a visitor.

I don't remember being asked
if Dr Benton could scrub in for this.

I'm a friend
of the patient.

He asked if I would observe.

Uh-huh. Put him under.
Let's do this.

Whoa, whoa.
What about the checklist?

Excuse me?

Safe surgery checklist?

I've had ten cases
today, Doctor.

All the more reason to take
the necessary precautions.

It'll only take a minute.

One minute.

John Carter here for a right
cadaveric renal allograft?


Does the patient have
a known allergy?


Does anaesthesia anticipate
a difficult airway?

Is the risk of bleeding

greater than 500cc's?

I sure as hell hope not.
Let's go, put him under.

Whoa, whoa, whoa,
everybody slow down.

Now let's just take our time,
and introduce the room.

What's next, we all hold hands

and sing "Kum Ba Yah?"

Sheila Lane, scrub nurse.

Paula Cheney,
circulating nurse.

Kay Schumaker, anaesthesiologist.

Randall Okerman,

chief surgical resident.

Ethan Dean,
surgical intern.

Peter Benton,
observing general surgeon.

Any concerns
from the surgical team?

Only that
you're wasting my time.

Any nursing concerns?

We don't have
any reperfusion solution.

We won't be needing it.
I'll have some sent up.

Were any antibiotics given
within the last 60 minutes?

Just starting them now.

Ten blade.
Hold on, hold on, hold on.

If you run the antibiotics prior
to incision, you cut the risk

of infection by half.

Dr Benton, you're a guest here,
and I don't like guests.

As a friend
of the patient,

you're welcome to sit,
observe and shut up.

Ten blade.

That sucks.

Not much atrial puff.
The pulmonary artery's
a little short as well.

We can still use it, right?

It's been
seven-and-a-half hours.

We're already
at the limits

of ischaemic time.
Pulse ox is 97.

Fixing this is only going
to prolong the delay.

We don't have a choice.
Sure we do. Leave her on ecmo,

wait for another heart.

What about using the pericardium
as the buttress?

You can use it to graft
to the native atrium.

We're really on the edge here.
Even with prolonged ischaemia,

she's still got a better chance
of surviving with this heart.

We leave her on the ecmo,
she's gonna die.

4-0 proline on an SH needle.

Dr Rasgotra, take us
through the steps.

Donor left atrium
to the native atrial cuff.

Arterial and venous anastomoses
are complete.

Releasing the clamps.
Suture lines look good, no leaks.

5-0 PDS for the ureter.

Shouldn't we be
pinking up by now?

What happened to sitting quietly
in the corner, Dr Benton?

No, seriously.
Shouldn't it be?

Sometimes it takes a minute.

I don't have
a parenchymal pulse.


We've got an arterial thrombosis.
Re-clamp and take down the sutures.

Satinsky, please.
Where's the clot?

Renal artery's
obstructing the blood flow.

Gonna have to take it out
and start all over again.

Problem solved.

Flush with heparin, saline
and reperfusion solution.

Reperfusion solution?

We've got it.
We're all set.

Oh, well, it's a good thing we just
had some laying around, huh?

How long did it take
to get the reperfusion

solution up from the pharmacy?

15 minutes.

What happens
if you don't have

the reperfusion solution?

You've made your point, doctor.

I disagree, doctor.

I think that this is an excellent
teaching opportunity, though.

You would have had
15 minutes of warm ischaemia.

The organ would have taken
a major blow,

and there's a good chance

we would have ended up with
a non-functioning kidney.

Wouldn't you agree, doctor?

If we're all done teaching here,

perhaps some of you would like

to assist me in getting this
kidney back

into the patient's body.

Where do you get a copy
of that checklist?

Now, people!

How long?

Nine hours and 14 minutes.
I've got the airway.

Get the trans-oesophageal
echo ready... Cut.

Anastamoses are irrigated.

Temp's up to 34.

OK, moment of truth.
Remove the cross clamp.

No oozing at the graft sites.

We've got fibrillation, people.

Paddles to Dr Rasgotra.

Charged to ten.


Still fib.

Going again. Clear!

Go again.

Come on, Joanie, sweetheart,
you can do it.



Where'd you go
this morning?

We were looking
all over for you.

Is he OK?

Yeah, we're gonna keep him
in the hospital

for a few days, but, uh,
he's fine. Um, what's your name?

Your name.

Family services needs
to get a report to the police.

They need to get the address
of the apartment building

where you found him,

see if we can find somebody
who knows anything about him.

I tried, you know,
to take care of him.

I tried really hard.

You did a good job.

Bringing him here
was the right thing to do.

I thought I was gonna
be able to handle it,

but after he was born,
it was just so hard,

and I couldn't deal with it.

You're the mother?

Derrick said he was gonna stay
with me and take care of us,

but he split
a few months ago.

My parents don't want me around.
They hate me.

I just thought
that if I...

So he's really OK?


Look, do you want to hold him?


I just wanted to make sure
he's gonna be all right.

No, please, stay.

Look, you don't have
to decide anything right now.

The weeks after childbirth
are stressful, traumatic.

You may be experiencing
postpartum depression.

We can help you with that.

There are
support groups.

Look, you're just overwhelmed
but that'll pass.

You just have
to give it time!

Please, wait!

He'll have
a good home, OK?

Make sure he has
a good home.

It's been too long,
hasn't it?

These things take time.

Would you like to see her?

Here, press for Fentanyl.

You're still here?

I don't want
to miss all the fun.

What about Reese?

He's at home with cleo.


You and Cleo still...


So, how did it go?


Oh, that is a beautiful sight.

800cc of liquid gold.

Hey, um...

Is my personal belonging bag

around here someplace?

Yeah, it's right here.

There's a cell phone
in there.

Would you dial
a number for me?



There's a speed dial
toggle to the left there.

John, I know how
to use a cell phone.

It's under K.



Did I wake you?

I have some really good news.

She's just there.

Oh, go on.

It's OK.


Hi, Mom.

Carol Hathaway.


Oh, that's fantastic.

No, no, I appreciate it.

See you in the morning.




That was Cindy.

Chicago called them.

The heart worked.

Went to a 36-year-old woman
with a daughter.


And the kidney, too.

Went to some doctor.


Not bad
for a day's work, huh?

Not bad.

I love you.

I love you.