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15x17 - T-Minus 6

Posted: 08/31/21 11:18
by bunniefuu


Well, the heat is still not working,
but the stove is just fine.

Yeah, I can smell that.

I've got eggs, poached, English muffins,
rashers, juice, coffee.

-You're catering to my every need.

All the ones I can think of.
I'll try and come up with some more.


You know, my mom used to bring
me breakfast in bed...

...every Saturday morning
when I was a kid.

We had no money really,
barely scraped by...

...but the one luxury,
I could always expect.

That sounds nice.


Me what?.

What was it like when you were a kid?.
You never talk about that.

Well, I was barely living
before I met you.


What about your parents?.
Do you have brothers and sisters?.

I don't know anything about you.

Aliens dropped me from a space ship
just outside Perth... a fully formed adult in 2OO7.

I'm 2 in Earth years.

But I really love this planet.


Raised by my mother, only child.

Tell me more.

-Oh, come on.



Now, why does every conversation
with you have to end in sex?.

-Oh, that sounds like a complaint.

I mean--


No. Ha, ha.

-How do I look?.
-You look fine.

Turtleneck's not too severe?.

No. What are you--?. You're nervous.

I hear the director is really tough.

I wanna be sure when she looks at me,
she sees a mom.

Yes, she does, baby. Oh, excuse me.

You'd think
with all the money we're spending...

-...we'd get sushi or something.

Chicago Connection Adoption Agency.

For 1O,OOO bucks, you get cold coffee,
a stale bagel and a baby.


Now, come on.
That was a little funny, hmm?. Come on.

Knee and shoulder pain.
Drove into Lake Michigan.

-I've never had a moving violation.

-lt wasn't his fault.
-Were you driving?.

No, he was,
but we were only following directions.

Someone told you
to drive through the lake?.

-Who's Kathy?.

Our GPS system.

-Your GPS said to drive into the water?.
-Not exactly.

It just turned out that way.

Multicultural adoptions have been
on the rise in the last 1 O years.

Shorter wait times and reduced fees
have all played a key role.

Reduced fees?.

Why wait a year for a white baby?.
Pick up a six-pack of black kids...

-...on the way home from work.
-You think this is funny, huh?.

The devaluing of black children?.

Calm down, it was a joke.

I mean, why are you guys here?.

-It's obvious that you're not serious.
MlCHELLE: What's your problem?.

ELlSE: You're feeling stress from this--
BANFlELD: You making a joke of this.

They're blowing off steam.

Need to shut up,
pay attention to what's going on.

You need to get that stick up
out of your ass.

Okay. Let's get out of here.

ELlSE: --we encourage
an open adoption philosophy... which birth parents
and adoptive parents....

I feel bad for the kid
who ends up with you.

The GPS system said go straight.

Kathy has this kind of authority.

But Kathy was telling you
to drive off an embankment.

We asked for an alternate route.
She kept saying go straight.

You knowingly crashed into the lake
because a computer voice told you to?.

She's got satellite data.

You don't think anything's
wrong with that?.

Of course there is. Kathy's broken.

Okay, ha, ha.
I'll be back to sew up that cut.

I'm sure they can get her
back to baseline if they--


Okay. All right, I'll be there.
See you then. Thanks.

That your mom?.

Yeah, she got a little loopy
on the plane.

-Altitude could drop her sats.
-That's what I thought.

They'll buff her up
in the nursing home.

It'll be fine.
I'm gonna head over after my shift.

How long has it been
since you've seen your mom?.


I don't know. It's, uh, a while.


I better get that.

Frank, Keflex
for the cellulitic mime in 3...

...and duct-tape girl
needs a note for her parole officer.

Forgot how much I love it here.

You can't discharge a patient
without a med-reconciliation form.

A what?.

New requirement
from the commission.

We have to be sure
all meds are current in our records.

I see.

And we stopped using Keflex years ago.

-You know, with all the MRSA around.

expl*si*n in an apartment building
on Dearborn.

-Six coming in, five minutes out.
-Gates, Sam, outside.

Somebody find Morris.
We need another attending here.

-Uh, hello?.
-Oh, thought you might lay low...

-...sit out your first one.
-Not my first one.

I mean you've been out of the loop.

Spent five years running
a refugee hospital in Darfur.

More loop than
anyone should see in a lifetime.

All right.
Do what you feel comfortable with.

All right, get Brenner down here.

It's been over a week.

You said she could only live
like that a month.

Well, they'll find another heart.

-I heard it can take a year sometimes.
-Yeah, but she's on the top of the list.

Can I stay here today
instead of going to school?.


-What do you think?.
-No. Ha-ha-ha.

No. No. Ha, ha.

Now, how's your, um--?.
How's your foster family?.

Elaine's okay. She's the mom.

Stan's, heh...

...a little weird.

He's weird?.

He's like all flirty and silly.

Makes dumb jokes
and walks around without clothes on.

-He does what?.
-He's a freak.

He acts more like a kid
than an adult sometimes.

It creeps us all out.


I've gotta go down to the ER now,

I want you to wait here with your mom
until it's time for school, okay?.




Twelve-year-old, minor burns, radial
deformity. GCS is 1 5, vitals are good.

-Curtain 3, lV, morphine, x-ray.
SAM: Got it.

SAM: We'll see her as soon as we can.

Annie Dixon, 37, complaining of
abdominal pain and headache.

Tachy and hypotensive, sats 92.

Trauma One's open.
I'm Doctor Banfield.

My kids.

NORMAN: They're doing okay.
They're more scared than anything.

This is Norman, the good Samaritan.

-They're 3A, I'm 4B.
-Heard the expl*si*n, got the kids out.

I live alone. She likes to cook for me.

Hypoxic 8-year-old
with a crush injury to the leg.

Curtain 3, find Dawn to help you.

-Breena, honey?.
NORMAN: In good hands.

Ortho to the cast room.
Picked up five beds.

This is Norman. He needs access,
fluids and pain meds.

T ake Mrs. Dixon.
She's sicker than me.

-No, I got her.

Uh, you help Gates.

Maybe you can benefit from having
an experienced resident in the room...

-...just in case.
-Just in case what?.

Got your back, Johnny.

First you can't trust a GPS,
then it's your parents.

-Then it's the government.
-It's a slippery slope.

-You're losing me.
-We're not ashamed of it.

If more people were like us,
the world would be a better place.

But there'd definitely be a lot more
cars at the bottom of Lake Michigan.


What are you, some kind of rebel,
breaking the rules?.

Some defiant bad boy...

...riding around in a leather jacket
on his unlicensed, un-carbureted hog?.

-Uh, Tildie.
-That's Doctor Morris.

-ls that what you are?.
-Knees done. I'll go check on their x-rays.

We pay our taxes, we don't jaywalk,
I change our air filter every six months.

What's wrong with that?.

Nothing, but being a little free-spirited
can be healthy at times.

-Might save your life.
-We're free-spirited.

You ever go skinny-dipping, hmm?.
Built a bonfire on the beach?.

Question authority of any kind?.

-Who'd you vote for?.
-We were afraid of change.

Okay, well, it's obviously time
for you two to live a little.


See this?.

-Cut it off.

-That's against the law.

you're missing the whole point.

Sometimes you just gotta
cut the tag off.



Archie, I've got a kid
with an open radial fracture.

-Another in danger of losing her airway.
-Be right there.

Lots of mattresses around here, guys.
Go to town.

Peter Parker gets bit by the spider
and becomes Spider-Man.

-Kind of what happened to me.
CARTER: You were bit by a spider?.

No, ha, ha. Since that ambulance
blew up last year...'s like I'm fearless.
I got a whole other sense.

-I can feel when someone is in distress.

Like Superman always knew
Lois Lane was in trouble?.

Whatever it is,
it's a gift to use for good.

Tachy to 1 1 0, sats 99.

Get some Silvadene down here.

You mean Aquacel.
That's what we use now.

It's better.
Big improvement. You'll like it.


A little fluid on Morrison's.

-You have any pain?.

And that's the strange part.
I never get hurt.

Fire, car crashes, storms. If someone's
in danger, I just go and I'm fine.

Fluid on the ultrasound
could be blood.

-Need a special x-ray called a CAT scan.
-Hurry up, I wanna go see her kids.

-PO contrast, send him down.
-We don't use contrast for belly CTs.

-Oh, no?.
GATES: Mm-mm.

-Not since we got the 64-slice scanner.
-Ooh, how long have you had that?.

I don't know. Couple years.
I'm gonna go get the Aquacel.


-Whoa, must have ruptured her TM.
BANFlELD: From the blast.

Ear drum's the first thing to go.

Please. My kids. My kids.

-We'll get them as soon as we can.
-How's it going with the hero?.

Fluid on the FAST,
we're taking him to CT.

-How's Doctor Carter doing?.
-He's cool. A little rusty.

Only a little while. Mom's been
trying to pay the electric company.

-Sats 89, 1 OO percent nonrebreather.
MORRlS: Hooked up the gas grill for heat?.

-T old her it wasn't safe.
-Hemopneumo on the left.

-What's that?.
-Bleeding in her lung.

We have to drain it.
Chest tube, 2O-french.

I'm gonna check on Clay, okay?.

I'm calling for Stan Griswold. I'm the
doctor on Joanie Lipson, Lucy's mom.

-We were talking today--
CLAY: Breena all right?.

Wanted to make sure everything
was all right with her.

Can you call me please at County
as soon as you get this?. Thank you.

Is his arm gonna be okay?.

Gave him a nerve block.
Can't feel a thing.

You're gonna need surgery
on that wrist.

For real?.

-You weren't home when this happened?.
-I was on the roof. Got a pigeon coop.

That's a good time to have a hobby.

I'll go check on Mom and be back.

Archie, Ortho knows about this guy?.

Yeah, but bug them again.
They're slow.

Seven-oh and an intubation tray.

Gonna put a tube down
to help you breathe.

ANNlE: No. Let me see my kids.
-We'll take it out as soon as we can.

-Someone find her son.
-Strike anyone as strange...

...that she can hardly breathe,
but her sats are 1 OO?.

Grady, put her on 1 OO percent O2.
Sam, good call.

-[LAUGHlNG] I eat fire, I wrestle lions.
-Sinus tach with PVCs.

Carter, get your patient on
a 1 OO percent O2.

-He has carbon monoxide--
-Carbon monoxide poisoning.

-Confabulating, hallucinations, fits.
-Send for carbon monoxide level?.

-I'm doing it right now.
-You feel better if Dr. Morris took over?.

GATES: Lift your leg.

Been out a long time.
I know how that is.

BANFlELD: This patient is sick. He needs--
-I know what he needs.

All right,
I want you to be comfortable.

GATES: Wiggle your toes.
-I'm comfortable.

-They wont.
CARTER: What won't?.

I can't move my legs.


Subluxation fracture of T-1 O.

-Oh, my God, you're pretty.
-Hey, you have to keep this on.

Norman Chapman. C-H-A-P-M-A-N.

He has no sensation in his feet.

NORMAN: They're gonna regenerate.
CARTER: Attending is John Carter.

Carter. Well, I'm new, sort of.

Systolic only 92.

Spinal shock, blood loss or both.
Pack him up, get him to the OR.

-To the hyperbaric chamber.

-Gotta get oxygen to his brain.
-Neurosurge needs to get in there.

I'd rather be paralyzed
than brain damaged. You?.

-His crit's dropping. He'll bleed out.
DAWN: OR's ready.

Okay. Tell them we'll be there
after the decompression.

Load with Solumedrol
before we take him in.

-Solumedrol is no longer--
-I know the debate.

With respect, whether a patient needs
surgery needs to be left to the surgeon.

Neela, with equal due respect,
I remember what it was like to be you.

-T o be me?.
CARTER: When you're a surgical intern... feel like
surgeons are the only real doctors.

-That approach can be a little narrow.
-I am not an intern.

Protecting his brain is
our highest priority, doctor.

You'll thank me later.

Marisol, can you get
Lucien on the phone now?.

-How long's it been stuck here?.
-It's hasn't moved in five minutes.

-Frank, call Maintenance.
-Already did.

Eager to tell us they'll get to it
when they get to it.

It's an old infrastructure.
Try to be patient.


Shoulder films on your GPS drone.

-You okay?.

Just ran all the way down from
Radiology on account of the elevators.


Mary Taggart, end-stage emphysema,
decompensated on a flight.

Hey, I'm sorry. The home wouldn't take
her without getting checked out first.

MORRlS: Who's this?.
GATES: Sam's mother.

DUMAR: She's tachypnic in the 3Os
and has a left hemiparesis.

-That's her baseline. She had a stroke.
-All right, I'll take this. Exam 2.

Ready for the Thora-Seal.

Another unit, type specific,
FFP and platelets.

Let Surgery know
we have a potential customer.

Okay, duly noted.

Grade-two liver lac,
pulmonary contusions.

Stay ahead of the blood loss
so she can avoid the OR.

Sounds like a good plan.
How is her carbon monoxide level?.

29 percent.
Not stable enough for hyperbaric.

Exactly. Neither is Carter's patient.

So can you please explain to me
why he won't listen to reason?.


4OO cc's out of the chest tube.

Get the rapid infuser. Sometimes reason
doesn't get you anywhere.

-Excuse me?.
-We have four kids...

...who could be orphaned
despite all reasonable efforts.

Part of the deal. Doesn't mean
we can start abandoning protocol.

Carter was in the field.

Without the technology,
you only listen to your gut.

Systolic's down to 82.

Can't say I blame him.
Looks like reason's having a bad day.


He's hypoventilating.
You don't want to tube him?.

No, he'll wake up in the chamber.

Why did you roll over on this?.

Something about reason
having a bad day.

This robs him of any
chance of walking.

-You're being dramatic.
-Ask any neurosurgeon.

-We're making a mistake.
-Neurosurgeons are biased.

And by the way, so are we.

We see every case through the haze of
our own experience, our own expertise.

Sometimes a fresh set of eyes
is a valuable thing.

This is crap.

-Hey. You okay?.
-No, I'm having a horrible day.

We're blowing this case,
which nobody--

-Frank, any messages for me?.
FRANK: Nothing.


-You were saying?.
-Oh, never mind.

-I'm sorry, I'm listening.
NEELA: No, it's all right.

LUCY: Hi, Neela.

-Hi, Simon.

-Time to go.
-Okay, I'll walk her out.

Okay, I'll see you later.


When can I live with my mom again?.

That depends on a lot of stuff.

I don't like living there.
I don't feel comfortable.

-It's not gonna be for much longer.

Hey, Lucy, how's she doing today?.

The same.

Mrs. Griswold, can I have a word?.

-Oh, it's Dr. Brenner, right?.

Well, I gotta get her to school...

...drop off my little one at her grandma's
and then be at work by 1 1.

I'm, uh, curious, how it's going?.

-Excuse me?.
-At home with Lucy.

Did she say something?.

She seems a little uncomfortable
with Stan.

-I tried ringing, but--
-Everyone's uncomfortable with Stan.

He's my husband and I love him,
but he's weird. Okay?.

Weird is not a qualification
for being a foster parent.

We got two of our own
and three foster kids in our apartment.

He's great with them.

It's me he's not so great with.

Laid off in October, he still won't
get off his ass and find a job.

Look, I really gotta get going.


You know, she was fine at first.

And then she started having trouble
breathing and not making sense.

I wouldn't even recognize her.

It's been a really long time.

It's hard to believe how easy
it could be just to shut stuff off.

Looks like your mom has
right-middle lobe pneumonia.

IV antibiotics?.

Y eah, but her sats aren't
too bad though.

-What's that mean?.
-We could probably buff her up.

She'll be back in the home
in a few hours.

That's good.

She's gonna be
more comfortable there.


KELLY: Gotta change my flight.
Can I use the phone at the desk?.

Use the Break Room.
You remember where that is.



Looks like the O2 is working.

Yeah, she'll be coming around.

-I don't even know what to say to her.
-I'm sure you'll figure it out.

Yeah I just hope
it's not something like, um:

""Why did you have
to be such a crappy mom?. ""

Or ""Why couldn't you just stay in
Dallas and die?. ""

Oh, I'm guessing you'll come up
with something better.


Where is my--?.

What's going on?.

What's going on?.

Hi, Mom.

It's me, Sammy.

-You're in Chicago.

At the hospital where I work.

You're a nurse.

Yeah. Sammy.



Sammy. Sammy?.

I'm sorry that it's been so long.

Do l--?. Do I know you?.

Have we met before?.




-Thanks for waiting.
-We can do this inside.

Eh, I need my nicotine fix anyway.
The baby's sleeping.

I gotta take the trash out.

BRENNER: I left a message for you
on your answering machine.

I don't know how to work that thing.
My wife's the one who checks it.

Right, well, I was just, uh, wondering
how it's all going with Lucy.

She's a good kid. Been through a lot.

Well, she, um....
She says she feels uncomfortable here.

That's natural, right?.

I mean, new place, new people,
and she is a little bit of an odd duck.

They're my favorites.
Not the most adaptable, but in the end--

She says you make her feel, uh,

What's that supposed to mean?.

Look, I got a really narrow tolerance
for the way people treat kids.

That's a personal foible of mine.

What the hell's a foible?.

Are you crossing the line with her?.

You come here for this?.

My wife and I love these kids.
All of them.

-You're gonna accuse me of some cra--?.
BRENNER: Shut up!

Shut up. Just stop talking.

I don't know
what's wrong with you...

...if you're nuts
or just got the wrong idea somehow.


-You walk around naked.

Or is she lying?. Is she lying?.

She came home early one day,
I got out of the shower in my towel.

I'm not some pervert, man.
I'm not some freak.

What, you think I get off on kids?.

Is that what you think?.

I'm sorry.

-Look, we don't have a lot of dough.
BRENNER: I'm sorry.

And maybe I look like a loser to you.

But I don't need some rich doctor
coming here...

...accusing me of terrible things
that I would never, never do.

-They spiked your soda?.
-lt was like a diuretic or something.

And nailed up a stuffed animal
by your desk?.

It's hazing. It'll stop eventually.

Think this has to do
with what happened?.

Same difference. Either way,
I'm gonna ride it out.

-lf this goes on too long--
-I gotta stop it.

-This time I'll deal with it.

-I can take care of myself, Archie, really.
-I know.

I gotta admit,
I do like that you worry about me.

Here's my partner to pick me up.

Archie, this is my new partner,
Ed Bernstein.

-Archie Morris.
-Nice to meet you.

-You're looking out for her.
-She looks out for herself.

I'll be right back.
I left my phone inside.

You're the doctor friend, huh?.

The outfit gives me away
every time, ha.



-How long you been on the job?.
-Been in HGS almost 1 5 years.

You can show her the ropes.
You know, back her up.

Cops take care of each other, doc.
You know that.

-Let's get out of here.
BERNSTElN: Sure thing.

CLAUDlA: See you later, Archie.

Thanks for the coffee.


BURT: Oh, no, no. It's still blinking.
-Come on, Burt. Live a little.


-Come on, come on, come on.

-Burt, watch out!



Brenner called, said he's not feeling well,
gave his pass-ons to Gates.

I just love how this place runs itself.


TlLDlE: It's okay, Burt.
-I got hit by a moped, Tildie.

-But it was exciting. Risky. Daring.
-I'll take them to 3, call Ortho.

-Please do.
TlLDlE: He'll be all right, won't he?.

Yes, but you two really have to get
control of yourselves.

You're the one who said
to tear the mattress tag.

Tear the what?.

No, it was a metaphor for living fully,
taking chances.

A metaphor?.

Why didn't you tell me
she was so altered?.

Well, she's not always like this,
you know.

When she's home and everything's okay,
she's pretty clear...

...but the plane really tipped her over.

All right, she can stay here tonight
and we'll move her tomorrow.

You can stay with me if you want.

Uh, actually, I can't. But I'll check in
with you when I get to Tokyo.

What?. You're going?.

Sammy, I have to, l--

You said you were gonna stay until we
got her settled into the nursing home.

I can't, Sammy.


Look, this is-- This is hard and l--


I know it's probably more than
she deserves.

Thank you.


-FFP's in.
-Order more from the blood bank.

BANFlELD: Clear.

-I heard you could use a little help.
-No, we're good.

-You sure?.
BANFlELD: Clear.


DAWN: Still in V-tach.
-Resuming compressions.

Another, type specific.
Liver lac opened.

-She needs the OR.
-Well, good idea.

But she goes into v-tach
every time we try to move her.

James, understand what's going on?.

Is she gonna die?.

BANFlELD: What are you doing?.
-Find the source of the bleeding.

-She's got a shot.
-Gonna do an ex-lap right here?.

No, he's not.

Surgeons come once a week.
Rest of the time, on our own.

-Ten blade.
JAMES: I don't understand.

-You're gonna cut her open?.
-Gonna pack off the liver...

...try and control this bleeding
and buy us a bit of time.

Tell me about your mom.
Tell me something she likes.

-The beach. She likes swimming.
-Hold her hand.

And pretend that's where you are.

-Thirteen units up.
-Lucky 1 3.

Switch out, get sterile.
Gonna need an assistant.

You heard him. Come on.

GATES: You think we should tell
Surgery we're doing this, at least?.


Hey, how is Mrs. D
and the kids doing?.

I'll try and get an update for you.

Hang in there, Norman.

-When you're an attending, you'll get it.
-Get what?.

How the subtle administrative political
nuances become a big part of your job.

I don't get how you let that trump
the care of a patient.

The right course of action
was frankly a little unclear.

He has a spinal fracture and paralysis.
Seems clear he needs the OR.

-We'll see.
-You never take my opinion seriously.

-Not true.
-You don't view me as an equal.

I have 1 5 years of experience on you,
so no, I don't.

-Then how's that ever gonna change?.

You might wanna call Neurosurge.
He's moving his toes.

-What you did in there--
-Had a really good chance of working.

It did, so spare me.

It was smart and gutsy.

Thought she was gonna make it.

-Almost doesn't really count, does it?.
SAM: Guy in the hyperbaric chamber... moving his legs.

Mm-hm. Neurosurgery is up there now.

Would you tell her I'm upstairs,
if she's looking for me?. Thank you.

You know, this has been
one incredibly weird day.


I read in the paper that Mars is
transitioning from Capricorn to Aquarius.

-That must be it.

Blast injuries can force air
from the lungs into blood.

An embolus is likely lodged in his spinal
cord, causing transient paralysis.

-Chamber shrank the embolus?.
-lt forced it into solution.

-lt was carried to the lungs.
-You think the spinal fracture is stable... cord injury?.
-T oo soon to know.

We need to look.
Call me when you get to the unit.

-Y es. Y es, yes. Am I done?.

-Do you wanna come out of there?.
NORMAN: Yes. Please.

Man, this is like the pod
from the Planet of the Apes.

The original one.

You're a very lucky man,
Mr. Chapman.

That's what
I've been trying to tell you, ha, ha.

I am indestructible.

Hey, how is Mrs. D
and the kids doing?.

The kids are stable.
They've all been admitted.

But Mrs. Dixon had very serious injuries
to her liver and spleen.

-And she died.
NORMAN: What?.

We did everything
that we possibly could.

-We couldn't control the bleeding.
-No, no. I don't believe it.

Mrs. D can't be dead.
That doesn't make any sense.

You saved those children.
Don't forget that.

We have to take you to the OR now,
make sure you're not bleeding internally.

Oh, my God. This last year was like I've
been under a magic spell or something.

I guess I got kind of hooked on it.

-But I guess it's pretty much over now.
-What's over?.

The era where everything works out.

Make sure to tap
the pseudo-tumor girl.

Brenner was supposed to
and never got to it.

-What happened to him anyway?.
-Went home sick.

-Seemed fine this morning.
-Hello, everybody.

You here already?.
I don't get off till 7.

I know, but my hand's feeling
a little worse for wear.

-I thought someone could take a look.
-Let me see.

Please, ignore my advice.

You were doing fine without me.

Just don't rely too much
on the GPS system, okay?.

BURT: Okay.
-No more running with scissors?.

MORRlS: I think not.
-No more sex in the--?.

Definitely not.


Well, it was fun while it lasted.

Wow, I feel like
I just drowned their puppy.

That's what you get for telling them
to tear the tags off.

Grady, set my husband up
in Curtain 2.

-We might have to do a hand series.
GRADY: Sure thing.

Here. After you're done,
get the other stuff. I'm leaving soon.

-Right this way, Mr. Banfield.
-Russell's fine, I'm not an old man.

-So, uh, how's it going with the cop?.
-Good. Very good.

In fact, I kind of want things
to move forward, but I'm not sure how.

You know what I just did for the old lady
as a romantic gesture?.

Adjoining burial sites.
She cried and cried.

I'll keep that in mind, Frank.

How does, uh,
Claudia feel about things?.

I'm not sure. I can't tell.
That's what's making me nervous.

You know, I don't like
to get into all this personal stuff... people drag around here.

But I'm gonna offer you a bit of wisdom
I heard on the street.

Sometimes you just gotta
cut the mattress tag.

Mattress tag?.

I'm telling you, Dan and Rose's
Shared Plots and Cremation Urns.

I got the number in my phone.

Well, I suppose I could tell you that
I cut myself with a scalpel...

...or that I slipped in the snow
or make up some other stupid excuse...

...but why bother?.

-A shunt.
-Y eah. It's for dialysis.

I had it revised yesterday,
but it seems to be oozing a bit.

I'd call that more than a bit.

Why are you on dialysis?.


Bad luck, really.

Some years ago, I lost function
in my left kidney after an incident here.

I, uh....

I got stabbed by a patient
and a med student was k*lled.

And then when I was in Africa,
I developed amyloidosis...

...secondary to schistosomiasis,
which took care of the other one.

Wow. That is bad luck.

For a while, I kind of had this idea
that it would all magically disappear...

...but a week in a Nairobi hospital
cured me of that. So I need a kidney.

And I came back to the States
to get on the list.


I'll, uh, keep my fingers crossed.

Actually, as it turns out,
you and I have the same blood type...

...and minor antigens group.


In fact, the truth is that I wanted to
work here so that I could to meet you...

...and try to convince you to donate one
of your kidneys to me.

What do you say?.

I' m just kidding. I have no idea what
your blood type you are.


-Oh, so serious, Cate.

You gonna wanna do a resection
or a primary repair?.

I don't know. Depends on what we find
when we get in there.


Neela, you know the main reason
that you and I fight... that you're one of
the only people around here...

...that I actually find worthy
of arguing with.

I don't like these new brushes.

Which is another way of saying
that I respect you...

...and look forward to
working together as colleagues.

The committee's announcing
appointments at the end of the week.

I think you're gonna be very happy.

Lucien, I've, um,
withdrawn my application.

I'm not staying at County.


This morning at the agency,
I was acting crazy.

-You and me both.

-You were just defending my honor.
-Still.... Heh.

When was the last time I hit a guy?.


Do you think our erratic behavior
was some sort of sign?.

Sign of what?.

That maybe adoption
isn't the right thing for us.

-I don't know.
-Hmm. Me either.


Being there,
thinking about being a father again...

...what that would mean,
it was harder than I thought.


Still, it doesn't mean
that we shouldn't do it.

It doesn't?.

Let's just sit with it a while.
See how we feel down the line.



Can I get you anything?.

Oh. We're still waiting on your x-ray.

Soup. I need soup.




NEELA: Simon.

Baby, I've missed you.

NEELA: Are you drunk?.
-Yeah. Well, no, just a little.

Where have you been?.
I've been calling.

Yeah, well, I had the ringer
on my phone turned down, so--

Well, I bet my day
was worse than yours.

Wanna play the
who's-more-miserable game?.

Oh, that sounds fun.

NEELA: I went out on a limb
against the ER, all by myself...

...and Dubenko wouldn't back me up.

I mean, I knew I was right,
I absolutely knew it.

But you know what?.

Turns out I wasn't.

Neela, just let it go.

-That's it?.

You were wrong. There's no point
in getting upset about it.

-Well, how can you say that?.
-Okay, how about--?.

How about you take
your aggression out on me?.

What--?. Simon. Please.

Why do you do this every time--


--I try to talk about
something that matters?.

Okay. You sh**t away.
What do you wanna talk about?.

I don't know.

I don't know, stuff. You. The things
you think about, the things you want.

Talk about the real stuff. The hard stuff.
That's what being together is.

I had a bad day too, Neela.
I did something stupid.

I did something really stupid,
really messed up...

...but I don't have a neurotic urge to
come here and burden you--

Bore you with some
ridiculous little tale of woe!


-Do you need to get that?.
-I don't know. I mean no.

You go ahead.


Ray. Yeah, hi.


Sorry I left the, uh, frostbite guy... Curtain 3.

There's a homeless shelter that's
supposed to come by and talk to him.

It's okay.

-When's your shift over?.
-Uh, T-minus-six.

CARTER: Hours or minutes?.

But I'm gonna stay
until my mom gets a bed.

It's hard seeing your parents age.


Seems like yesterday
she was a tough broad.

And now she's a terrified old lady.

How do you get from there to here?.

That's the million-dollar question.

It's nice to have you back.


Brought you something to eat.

Why won't they let me go?.
I don't know anything.

We gotta get you healthy first.

They're lying to you.
I don't belong here.

You're confused.

Things'll be clearer soon.
You just gotta eat something.

I don't know that I can trust you.

Can l?.

Can I trust you?.

Are you scared?.

I understand.


You know, when I was really little,
I used to have trouble sleeping.

My mom used to sing to me
to calm me down.



It's okay.



I wish I had a daughter like you.

WARREN: See you next time, Dr. Carter.
-See you then.

Good job today, like you never left.

Yeah, almost.